Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 10, 1912, Page 10, Image 10

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    Saturday's ' Special Sales at Brandeis Stores
Hundreds of Women'.' and Mtases'
Cloaks, Sails
and Dresses
Broken Lots and Odd Gamenti
Every One a Correct
Fall or Winter Style;
HIGH AS $20 and $25..
Hundreds of Practical Winter Coats
All good, hear? coat tor cold westber and every
on ti an up-to-date style materials ara mix
ture, novelty cloths, lined broadcloths, etc.,
worth vp to 117.60. at FIVE DOLLARS
Good, serviceable suits of corduroys,
serges, panamas, novelty cloths,
" clever styles and extremely well
1 made; new colors; worth up to $25.
Silk and wool taffetas, satins, crepe
de chines, foulards, etc; in dainty,
pretty styles for thla season. Scores of
charming frocks that bate been sellloc
op to $28.00
Your Unrestricted Choice Coats and Dresses.,
In one of our show windows we have, stacked high, 500
pieces of Tussah and Chiffon Silk in black and every con
ceivable color in new and beautiful designs, that were
boflght by ns most advantageously. '
This is another of those merchandise scoops that hare mad the Bran-
dels Stores one of the foremost store la America. J net think of betnf
. able to come Satarday and boy theae beautiful new 40c Tnaaah Bilks,
right off the bolt not remnants, and In every color and 1C.
new and beautiful patterns, per yard at A J l
' Sale of Children's Wash Dresses
A manufacturers' sample line and stock on
.band, bought at a big reduction. Dresses for
children,' ages 2 to 14 years, in plaids, stripes,
checks, plain cloths, sailor collars, Dutch
v hecks, eta, all the new features for 1912 in-'
eluded. Hundreds to select from. New spring
Choice of Any Child's Cloak $3.98
,.. .
Unrestricted choice of Our Entire Stock No .
matter what the former selling tfO ftQ
price. Many of them worth to $15. . ftfeaO
Every Yard is Perfect and Sold From the Bolt.
25c Mercerized Luiury Silk at 15c Yard.
A most desirable fabric for shirting, waisting, suiting and
pajamas, and for all purposes for which high grade mercer
ized cottons are used. Black and all desirable plain "jr.
shades, 32 inches wide; Saturday, per yard at ilJC
25c Imported Ginghams at 15c Yard.
If every woman knew the charm, durability and variety of
patterns and colors of these extra fine 32-inch Imported
Ginghams, in waist and dress lengths, they would throng
our great basement for these bargains Saturday. An op
portunity to make a saving of 10c on each yard; IP
per yard at ....IOC
25c Mercerized Oxfords at 15c Yard. .
Here Is a Tery desirable walstlng and eulUnf warranted aunproof and
soapproof; black and all the pretty new shades. Instead of IE
160 ft yard they go at per yard IOC
25c Lace Tissues at 15c Yard.
These well known tissues retail in the best stores all over the country
all So a yard. Prettiest new checks plaids, stripes and plain colon.
1 Every woman or child with ft Hale tissue drees is generally IP
well dressed. From the bolt, per yard at IOC
Li? . w
Boys9 Suits
and Overcoats
- All odd lots must be cleared away
Saturday. Read these remarkable one
day price.
Boys' $2.50 and $3.00
Suits and Overcoats. .
About 225 suits, mostly Norfolk,
fancy blue and grey mixtures; also
Russian overcoat. -
Boys' $5 and $6.50 Suits
and Overcoats at
Russian and Blouse Suits with
sailor or military collar blue
serges and fancy mixtures, double
breasted Norfolk suits; also 200
Russian Overcoats with velvet col
lars and 100 conver
tible collar, long over
coats, worth to $6.50. .
LL wegwa.. Wa
Boys' $1 and $150 Suits
and Overcoats at
122 Russian and Blouse Suits, soma
are all wool; 314 Double Breasted
and Norfolk Suits; 206 Russian
and Reefer Overcoats in tans,
blues, greys and brown mixtures,
some absolutely all
wool garments posi
tively worth to $4.50. .
U AAAAsV l U-a -.,
S&tcrday Special ia Candy Department, Pompeias Room
Nine dainty Individual candy hearts. lac
paper Solly for each heart, all packed In
handsome box, complete, 10C
Delicious, band made. Coooanut Kisses, va
nilla, chocolate) and strawberry flavors;
regulsr 0c Kiifces, per - C
pound at..' .IOC
Fompeiaa .Chocolate 'Bitter Sweets; regu
lar 4 0o chocolate, per r)Q
pound at.
Hudson's Famous New York Chocolates;
H-lb. box, Ifte each; I for 2.V, Regu
lar 1.00 boxes, each ACS
at yc
Complete assortment, regular 80c candy,
Ib'at........ .20C
36o Black Walnut Taffy,
, per lb. at
!5c Hand Dipped Chocolate
Creams, per lb. at.
j 9
Changeable Taffeta Hats
Here are the early spring hats that are
so populsr. They come In brown na
cre, red nacre and solid black, trim
med with pompom effects, velvet rib
bon trlmmtnga and loose draped -effect,
mostly medium six CJ 1 fi
sailor special at ?IU
r Long White or Black Willow. Ostrich Plumes at $8.75
' ' Another blg ahlpment of those stunning long plumes with five
ties. Tbey arte positively worth up to IIS. 00.
Clothe that are serviceable and dependable in every
way. Suite and overcoats that have real style and real
wearing quality.
$20.00, $25.00 and
$30.00 values, at
Choice of All Our Men's $10 and $12 Overcoats and Suits for $5.00
Worsted Suits ,
Medium and winter weight,
hand tailored; val- 7 r
uea up to 18, at... 419 V
Odd lots of men's overcoats
with velvet or convertible col
lars; men'a auita in worsteds
and cheviots: A A
112.50 values, at.... VWW
Hen's Blue Serge Suits
Best year-round ault you could buy strictly
hand tailored, all wool and guaranteed true blue,
In two and three button modela tor stouts,
slims, cadets, long stouts, extra alxes and regu
lar. Hegularly worth up to $30.00, at
$12.50 - $15 - $17.50
In Our China Department West Arcade
Tea Kettles, at S2.69 ------ -
Skillets at Sl.tfrj
Orlddlea at $1.69
Percolators at $2.69
Rice Boilers at $1.M9
WeHls Irons at $2.25
A handsome child's set,
fancy cup and aaucer and plate
for thla coupon and lOo Sat
urday only.
Carnations, at, dozen . .49c Violets, at, bunch.... 20c
You've Never Bought a Good Switch for So Little Money
The special shipment of 20 to 30-inch Switches JuBt received from
otrr New York Factory are so beautiful in quality, so choice in
ahadea and withal so attractive in price that we cannot help
growing enthusiastic. Our lowest previous prices are to be
discounted from 50 to $3.00. ...
$1.45 and $1.05 are the new 1 $2.45 and $2.05 will now buy
prices or 20-in. Switches, reg- 24-in. Switches, regularly
ular $1.05 and 12.46 values. 1 $3.45 and $4.95 values.
9CJ c Vh in.inch Switches are even more atrlklnitly reduced. Save from $3.00
to $3.00 on any one you choose; pay from $4.05 to $.5 for just such quality aa
were $0.95 to $12.S5.
75c Washable Hair Rolls, special at '35s?
' Manicuring, Hair Dressing and Shampooing. Appointments made by telephone.
Jive Ken Liitea to Testimony In the
- . Midway lid-lifting Case.
3. W. Thesnaa I ta lew ui Both
Side lm te Try the Case
3 ' Bet the rive wt
Z .
The fourth lory te hear the evidence
la to east against Billy CrutchBetd end
Jack Broomfleld. charged with vlolaUni
Hra-mpcamh law by keeping open after
lite prescribed hour, (sited to acre la
Bollc court yesterday, after dcUbar-
ting almost twe hour. Kens of ths
juror" would Ml how the Jury stood
after Mu discharged by Joes foster.
As usual a hitch occurred whsa en
th els. Jurors tailed te appear, but
(Or mutual consent of both aides the east
went te trial with the bob-tailed jury.
She missing maa waa Joseph W. Thomas,
floe president ef the Cora Exchang
National bank. Court Officer Glow
tslled the name of son ThoaMS, and
whsa he failed te answer. OtovsV aa
easasd that be had bsaw unable te set
isrrtee ea him. He aaid Mr. Thsmss
was eut ef town.
iTae five Jurors who heard th
geeoe ware: Charles D. Denaey. real
statt eeatart Usury a MeDonsld. -cratary
ef the Ossaha Tent and Awsinc
ejMBpanr; Alfred O. Barker, of Barker
Mrs. Flint company; Thomaa C Rich.
pluatbsr, and Chart J. Knbs, dm at
Voioa PaeUla yard oftlse. The etieeues
ia the case wss the asme a ta the
three former trials.
The )ury after deUberatjnt; aaaouaeed
tLst they could aet eeene te ea acree-
p-ent but JuAce IVster rsfussd I
est the eJeacreemen and teld them to
rr to acres. Twice later the fade re
- Md to let thesB est without they acne.
yter twins out one hour and twenty
M nates th Judfe erdend then to he
Creufht tnto the court reon, "Dl you
tvrae to sa aareeraentr ssked Jodie
;-W, did aot your Beosr." rspned Kn
eaasy. the forecnas.
"Ia there - aar poeatontty e( year
From Our Near Neighbors
! Waterloo, 1
af re. R. C Montsomerr went to Vslav
Saturday evenlnf to visit home folk.
Orey Coy went to Omsha Monday neon
oa business, returning Tuesday evenans.
H arise BIbert went to Fremont Sstur-
dVir venlD( te visit his wile ever Bua
dsy. ,
Thomaa Rice has been leadlnc aome
corn on track and ahlpplatr out te various
Mrs. Cecil Moore and her twe children
went te Omaha Saturday te de aoms
rnd Brown went to Rlehsrdsoa county
Tuesday aftemsoa to took after aome bus
iness matters.
Tempt RoMnsoa went to Lincoln tost
Saturday to remain a tew daye with uni
versity friends.
J. C. Robineoa went to Omaha Monday
and aaaln on Tuesday aiteraooa te attend
to business matters.
Mrs Samuel Rhoadse went to Omaha
Tuesday afternoon te visit her dsucnler
and family a short time.
The Comet bane ana concert company
went to lk City last Friday aliit te fill
tns ensasamant lor inat oate.
Tha rush at the eeed he uses I on In
earnest these day and from now until
too latter part of March there will not be
muca Mt-up.
strs, 1 fL Gould returned Mondsv from
her visit to the sunns at Vurllncton
Junettuo. ma, feellns aiuch unproved al
tar the trip and reel.
Mrs. Frank Lock wood, who has keen
quits seriously til the past few works.
was taken to omaha Tueeoay lor opera
tion and treatment at a hospital.
Allen Harford of Central City, who
formerly lived In this vicinity, was visit
in bar brut tier Thomas and family this
week, rctumlns home Wednesday.
Mrs. Hyder of Lincoln wss a yoest of
Miss Delia Robinson over 8ua1ay. h
and Mlae Robtneoa went to Valh-y Tues
day to the William Whtunore home.
DanM Klnler. formerly of Elk City
bat now tivin at Creeton, Nebv. came la
Monday afternoon from the west for a
visit with Jobs Broderlck and family.
H. B. VY aid run bad business la Omaha
Tuesday eve run. The seed eora
dltlona are such that Mr. Waldroa saya
there eas t be any (ues work about It
F. W. Corllas was her Wednesday af-
teraooa looklnff alter some business with
Ms farm tenant. He waa at Valley la
the morrunc u visit his eld friend, John
has recently purrhssed a complete equip
ment for the banquet ball kitchen.
Robert K. Neltsel cams In. Wednesday
mornlnf from Omaha, havlnf ' recently
cam from tha west and was vtslilns st
Murdoch a short time. Mr. Neltsel Is still
In Idaho, his headquarters being at Boise.
and hs Is more enthusiastic about ths
country than ever, if that were possible.
guest of hi brother-in-law. Editor Daa
van nussn, w im a-urn.
Mrs. Annie Htswart. a hlsh eoheol
teacher, waa In attendance at a teacher'
association la Lincoln thl weak.
Th. v nueatlon win ha ud for some
united action at th next regular lodss
meeting of the Modern nooumen 01
wu Dorwtta Arndt took part In a
sacred concert at the First ConsreS"-
tlonal church In Oman, last eunosy
evening. I
uiea slsude Klnnr of Blair and Mrs.
Lyman Peck of Fort Calhoun have been
spending several day with friends at
North bend. Neb.
-.Alter the trtsj Judge Fester waa asked
C a would srant another total ehsuld
erne be demanded by Lnnte Puutt. deputr
euanty attorney, and be i op Bod la the
rarsiattve. Mr. Plata whsa asked 1
sr th trial If he would ssk far aa
Mhsr trtsi should tats Jury fall to agree
gsid he a aa probability would.
Mlas Msr Nichols entertained th Leap
Tear club at a asnstngtoa weonesusy
ss Oertruds Inrram wss th guest
of Mr, t'hsrle Will la Omaha Saturday
and Sunday.
Mrs. Issso Noves and Pried 11a cams
out from Omaha tiaturday for a week's
visit with Mr. and Mrs. A. ueramer.
F. H. Clark left Tuesday for a ten
days' trip In Tsxsa. where he hss land
intsrests. w. K. Hock aoeompaniea ninv
Mrs. L. P. Rvsrs and Miss Lola Brers
wsnt to Omaha Wednesday. Miss Lola
will undergo an operation at th Metho
dist hospital for sou re.
Ths Junior Boys' club of th Preebv
terlan Sunday school will give a sod si
at the home of their teacher, Mr. C. U.
Mchol. Monday evening.
The Young Men'a Christian aasodstlon
boys of Fremont met ths Vslley High
school boys In a cani of basket ball la
th epera bouse Friday evening. The
score wsa a to I In favor of alley.
Th regular monthly meeting of ths
Womsn's club at the home of Mrs. H
Erwsy Friday afternoon will be a do-
niestls science meetln. Mrs. W. CJk
V humors will aivs a demonstration of
cooking with paper hag.
Mrs. William Oarner and Mrs. Finest
Smith ravs a miscellaneous shower f"r
Miss Eita Fonts, whose wedding will take
place soon, at her horns Thursday after
noon. Over h Invitations wers given
and many beautiful siita received.
Miss Effls MeLaird. a national Woman'
Chrtattin Temperance union worker, gavs
aa address In th Methodist church Sun
der morning and at a union meeting In
ths Presbyterlen church la th evening
rav on of the heat temperance ad
dressr ever heard In Valley. The mem
bers of ths union rave a reeepttou Mon
day afternoon In the parlor of th Retd
hotel and Miss MoLaird organised s
Loyal Temperance Lacloa, with Mrs. K
Uairsta as supsrinteadeat.
I Kay to the sttuioer-s A4vrUssg.
Ths tamllv ef Mont Shields, esfussttag
of Mr. Shield aad the bahy. returned
Sunday from ths western part at the
state, where tbey had visited Mrs.
Siileids people sloes Trmngsgiyiasx time.
Miss Myrtls Maynard went te Colnmbu
Sunday and from there aocompamed her
granamstnar. M ra wooa. to uraad
Island to ettft there. Mrs. Mxynard ra-
tumea aome Sunday
where she went with I
I The Wstsrtoe MssoaM mow Bs a
saselal meeting Tuesday night te take
care of extra work, aad win held another
la ilia aast Tuesday sags. The todg
Mr. and Mrs. K. C Pleros wers Omaha
visitors on Tueeoay.
M. TA Newell returned from a month
visit to us old hocaa at CotteyvUI. Kaa.
Mra. C J. RoMneon visited hr sister
Mrs. William Pruaasr la Omaha last
Sw St V. rwk ttt AshlarnL Keh.. will
preach at th Coogregallooa! church next
Dr. Denton ef Xennard was In the city
last Saturday trusting hkt stater, Mra.
Bernard Haiier.
Mr. Lsr Terhess. a former pioneer ef
this county. Is bore frees Ceilsse View
yuatkag leletatlves. -
Daa Oamke eg Cilawi. & la, Is the
era! weeks ago by a horse falling on
aim. Is aui to be about.
Miss Lena Kelmann. who hss been here
the last two weeks, returned to her
bom at W Inside. Neb.. Thursday.
R. W. Jsrk hss accented a position as
manager of an elevator at Chalco. Neb.
Ths family will move soon.
Harlan Widrerv waa taken suddenly 111
t school Wednesday with pneumonia.
HI father was sent lor ana tmmeoiatny
took him horn.
Mr. William Lultjene haa returned
from Grand Island, where shs spent
several months with her daughter,' Mra
Leo Weber was aa Omaha visitor last
John Strubl waa a Fremont visitor ea
Bd Galnee visited hi brother la Omaha,
CSarenc Miller Is visiting relatives at
Malcolm, Neb.
Floyd Newconv Is reported ea the sick
list this week.
H. W. Marshall transacted business la
Omaha ea Tuesday. .1
Fred Eehtenkamn letuiued from Chi
cago last Wednesday.
Miss Mattle Gains visited her sister
In alsnnard last Sunday.
Miss Gall Marshall spent last weak
with friends In Omaha.
Ruth McKlhbon and Fysllne Welt vis
ited la Fremont last Monday.
lira w. W. Paterana I netting I
brethsr. Dr. MeCaw. this week.
liias Rlhncha Marshall wss home from
the btale university last Bunoay.
Mrs. A. C Straus and Mis Bernrre TJa
thank were Fremont visitor oa Sunday.
am M p. nsurfe of Clearwater hi th
guest of her mother. Mrs. R. EL Roberta,
us we.
Rtanlav Dixon returned home Friday
from a week visit st Waboe and other
T r sfneUiv end John STjaneler eaefl
had a car of hogs on the South Omaha
market last wean real v.
Ed Gtasaetmaa and Airie Smith returned
from a visit with friends snd relaUvrs
Wavne. Neb- TUesdsv. Thev enjoyed
their visit very murn ana use us ouuar-
try around Wayne One.
Walter Hannr. who has been appointed
'tuty sheriff, moved te Omaha Wednes
Aionso Haaey had a oevaio stroke of
paraivsia last week, but la somewhat
Mrs. Charles Berts ef Benasa vllsted
Ftmsv with her mother, Mrs. Robert
lie and Mrs. Ranmewrdasr entertained
a party of younc people Tuesday ta honor
or their son. Bryan.
Mrs. Lena Rutbr. daughter ef Mrs. B.
F. Oarvert. bar been here the hurt week.
rutting bar mother.
Mr. A. J. Darsou I confined to the
House with a sever attack of Inflam-
Miss Shnmak Kelt BtsTtateed the C C.
dub Thursday. The next meeting win be
with Mra. a A. Fewer.
Adas Odsauldse, wa wag ipjttrad srr-
Mr. L. .A. Bate waa a visitor In
Tekamah over Sunday..
n. F. Burbank I here a rain after a
few weeks visiting at FUley.
John Tork. who broks hi leg two
month ago. Is abla to be on the streets
C. B. Keyea left oa Monday for Okla
homa te visit the family of Knight
w u Ellis retired from th dray bus
iness after continuing In that business tor
twenty-eight year.
Professor Stapleton. who I now a stu
dent ef Crelghton Medical college, was
here over H under.
Th Omaha High School Olse club
Rv an entertainment at urn oveie,
us Friday vening.
Th quarantlns has been raised at the
Henry Mundt. Jr, house. One of Mr.
Mundt's children aaa sosriei iwvsr.
Th Bell Telephone company cut their
line Into the independent of lice snd ths
Independent line I taacn over or uie
Bell company.
eh. wm Af ffne Ifethodlst FnlsCOCSj
church have arranged for a banquet to
bo given to th men et tna vicuuiy wu
the evening of February 2.
F L. Pfluc sold hi garage In spnnr
.M 1. I II ElweU snd N K. Fase.
Mr. Pflug will move to Omaha where
he will run a sarac and deal la auto
Charles Johnson, ha returned to her
home st etanton for several week's stay.
Many friends gathered at the home of
Mrs. Steen Friday snd helped her celt
brat her birthday anniversary.
George Cunningham Is serving on the
Jury this week.
J. C. Mangold of Springfield visited with
home-folks Tuesday.
P. Mangold left Sunday evening oa a
business trip to Denver.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. August Koepk.
a girl. Saturday evening.
Carpenter ar busy finishing op P. C.
Petersen new meat market.
A fair sized crowd attsnded ths mas
querads at Paulsen's hall Sunday evening.
Messrs. Tim Ohrt and C. W. Gtsndt
mads a business trip to Omaha Thursday.
Hiss Rom Witt of Elkhorn visited with
her sister, Mrs. C. W. Hlckey, over Sun
day. Miss Florence Gordon of Ashland Is
vtsiilng for a short time at the Mangold
District No. S had no school Monday.
Mia A. Miuun, was unable to get IhereSI
Fred Petersen was out hunting Monday,
but renorta most of th same fro as to
death so returned with an empty sack.
Herman Mueller hauled out the greater
part or his household furniture Tuesday
to hi farm he rented on frails raacn.
Most of th farmer east and west of
town wer kept busy Monday shoveling
snow out of the cuts, which Wer drifted
Mrs. A. B. DetweUer visited In Omaha
E. a. Rosker mad a business trip to
Omaha Saturday.
Mis Lola Anderson of Elkhorn spent
Saturday aad Sunday at aer noma.
Wiea Frieda Hohrteia was out
South Omaha Saturday to visit her par
Mr. and Mr. PhD Mueller and children
ef Omaha vuutea eunasy wits ssrs. v.
Mr. Jaha Garrett and Miss Ella Haaek
of Omaha were Millard callers Saturday
rtirnvrf Harrow and Duncaa Robertson
of Omaha were gussu of Vivian Roberta
oa Sunday.
Mm Mae Koch and daughter. Mabel.
visited Sunday with Mra. tieurg Borer
at Papilttoa.
Miss Alma Lindberg, who attends ssw-
lng school, vtsttod at aer noma in Ma
nors Sunday.
A course of inuraal training I being
glwaa at th Millard school under th
uusawcttoB) oc rro. ws-aiswe
Mas Canto stack, was hai
teg the wlatsr wttk ber
Mr. snd Mrs. Nelson are reiolclng
over th arrival of a baby girl which
came last (Saturday.
Rev. Met tier of the Trvlnrton Con
gregational enures will deliver a special
lecture Sunday evening.
Master Johnny Williams Is enjoying a
visit from his cousin. Master John rl. L.
Williams of South Dakota.
Th ladles' std of the Irvimrton Chris-
tian church will hold their meeting at
tha home of Mrs. John Hendrirkson
A lean rear dance is to be given at the
Irrlrurton Modern Woodmen of America
hall next Wednesday even! nr. AU are
expected to appear ia fancy costume.
Mr. and Mrs. Fry have been moving Into
their new horn in Irvlnston this week.
the former home of Myron Hall, who ru
moved onto th Brewster place, which he
recently purchased from Roy Brewster.
bride' sister. Mr. Clarence Johnson, at
Grand Island last Sunday. Mr. and Mra.
Francis will make their bom at Wayne.
Mra. L. & Bate ef Springfield wss th -
guest of her friend. Mis O'Brien, last
Sunday. '
Mrs. George Beach and Mrs. O shorn of
Lincoln visited their brother. Dr. Gllkor
son, last week. N i
Mrs. William Poucher and Ml Fern
Brauxhton went to Peru last week, the
latter te enter school there.
Mra. Barnes I her from Procter,
Minn., for a visit with ber parents. Mr.
and lira. J, T. Blackitoue.
Coffee should
stimulate appe
titebut to do
so, coffee growths, blend,
and roasting must be per
fection. It'g the appetizing
quality of , . .
that endears it to the thou
sands of particular coffee
drinkers who use ' A
single trial will convince
you of its quality and value.
3 So m poand
TOM BROS., Dec- Moines, la.
There ire two k!n1 of rMcea.
TOME'S sad -ViAiTj."
Tekassah. '
Mrs John Ow of Blslr waa th guest
of Tekamah friend en Wednesday.
Mis Gertrud 8c here of thl ' plane
snd Mr. P. . Francis of Wavne wers
united ta marriage at th horn of the
1 Ask Your
t K a- t A i- M -t. tr.
liiSremrjim m ryvj a 1 lowrvrjjur;
Sststsr. Gtrceria, Osm. Sadnaa Csierld,
fan ail eel 1m, Alral - '
"T ' ' ' m , . aw.vw:r ewn wr aocior.
Anytriinsi enf merit tveref
Will It Btoc, falllnsT ruir T
sill K erescrvay qswiglulff r
Will R ator thai hater?
J. V Svrs rwweawv. lwert. Wan.
Ask your etocttrr.
Ask your doctor.
Ask yswsr doctor.