Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 10, 1912, Image 1

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The Omaha Daily Bee
Cloudy, Warmer
vol. xu-m 201
Twelve Killed and Fire Injured
When Dynamite Blast is Acci
dentally Discharged.
Cons traction Camp on Canadian
Northern Scene of Accident
"other laborers are mssrsQ
Dead lien Mostly Composed of Aus
trian and Bulgarians.
Accidental Diarkara of Ob BUlt
Seta Off Reaaalader ml Eight
Haifa Jut Filled Sr
, la (barge.
FORT FRANCIS, Ont. Fab. a-Twelve
ron are known to hav bean killed wl
flv wr Injured by a pramatura ax
plosion of dynamite In a construction
camp oa Ui Canadian Northern railway,
near Fart Francis this afternoon.
Among th dead Is John Casey, form
ally of Lebanon, Fa. The others who lost
their lives were Austrian and Bulgarians
of whom little Is known. A number of
workers ar unaccounted for and some
of these may hava been killed.
The man In charge of th blasting
operations had filled eight holes with
dynamite. The occidental dlscharg of
on set off tho others and th fearful
blast which fallowed blew down Into a
cut In which many men were working
thousands of tons of rock and dirt, bury
ing th workers alive.
Th construction company la building a
qw bridge on Rainy lake and filling In
a portion of the lake with rock for a
permanent roadway. -
Tang Shao Predicts
Throne Abdication
WithinTen Days
SHANGHAI, China. Fab. t.-Taeg Sbao
Tt th representative of Premier Yuan
Bbal Kal, today declared that be was
confident that th abdication of th
throne would be an accomplished tact
before February IS.
There appear to be less confidence now
than there hitherto has been that Tuan
Fhal Kal will be selected for th presl
denry of th republic On th other hand,
the name of General U Yuen-Kerne, the
present vie" president. Is mentioned,' and
It Is possible that he may b eventually
Th draft of the proposed Magna Chart
of th nw Chines repabU bag been
completed by Dr. Wa Ting-fang, the min
ister of justice In th republics cabinet,
and now awaits th approval of th sen
ate at Nanking. Th document provide
lor a presidential term of fir years, but
th sensi probably will make th first
term only on year.
It la thought that a compromls may
be reached oa th queetloa of th future
capital of China. President Sun Yal
Sea. however, assert pool lively that
KankintwUI b selected, although he ad
mits that aa agreement, may b goad to
keep Peking provisionally aa the nominal
Desultory outpost fighting continue In
many places, but th reports as to the
casualties ar very much exaggerated oo
both sides. Tang Shao Yl declared posi
tively today that there would b no more
serious fighting.
(From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN. Neb., Feb. . (Special.) The
tat engineer's offic Is Just now th
center of a fight being waged with one
of th big bridge companies In Clay
county. Engineer Price furnished the
county with plans for three bridges,
.which have been constructed by th West
ern Bridge and Construction company.
When It came to paying for them the
county board balked becausa Engineer
Price would not approve th work. On
on of them, a beam bridge, th engineer
called attention to th fact the beam was
two feet short of the specifications called
for, and In another place bolts Instead
of rivets were used. The engineer reported
he would approve th bridge as sufficient
for th purpose It certain change were
made, but that It was up t th commis
sioners and th contractor to agre bow
much should be deducted for the skimp
ing of material.
On a forty-five-foot truss brldg En
gineer Price wrote th commissioners
that- ao changes could be mad which
would Indue him to recommend accept
ance. He recommends that th board
reras to accept th work and that com
taxpayer tak action to compel th com
pany to erect a new brldg which will
comply with th specifications.
, Engineer Price, writes th commission
ers that It Is useless for his office to
make brldg plan for th various
counties If the contractors ar not com
pelled to follow th plan and specifica
tions, and ha object to being responsible
for work when his plan ar not, fol
lowed. This, In connection with) the
action of the Richardson county board
In deciding to erect its own bridges, I
considered to be th beginning of con
certcd flf hy .LffrJnat th - ltd brldf
ALBEBrf LEA. Ulna, Feb. a-Tb trial
of th eleven men charged with tarring
and featherlrjf Dr. J. P. Freeman of
Glenvlll last April, was Interrupted to
day by the Illness of Juror Henry Schoen
rock. Th case wa adjourned until Mon
day. The evidence was completed during
th morning. Mrs. Freeman, wife of the
physician being th last witness.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 1 -South Omaha,
Neb-, and Kenosha, Wis., were among five
first das postofflces which war today
designated as postal savings depositor!
The' National Capital
Fa-Id?, February 11 3.
The Senate.
Not !n esion; metft Mondar at 2 p. m.
Lorimer commute lul aStenoCTaph-er
Shtrldana ability to record faraway con-
ven t tons.
pti nrodikcta manufacturers told fl-
n&nro committee proposed new ateel tariff
would seriously affect their buatnes.
Expositions committee orOeretl adverse
report on resolution asking Lattn-American
nations to participate In San Die
The House.
Met at noon.
Homestead Pa., steel corporation plant
conditions related to Stanley committee.
Ueorge B. Cortfivou testified before
potUofflre expenditure committee in
Lewi fraud order caee.
Democrats will caucus next week on
enemies., tariff bit), which ways and
means committee will report.
Democratic members of bankina com
mittee bean pins for proposed "money
trust' InveMtlfeatton.
Private pen n ton bills considered. -
In armr aoDiODrlatton bill debate Rep
resentative Mann advocated Increased ap
propriations for aeroplanes. Effort to in
crease the aeroplane appropriation from
176.009 to I12&.W0 was defeated.
Texas May Object to
Passage of Mexican
Troops Through State
EL PA80, Feb. f.-Some frightened
B Pasoans have been protesting to Gov
ernor Celquit against th passage of Merl
es n federal troops through Texas from
Eagle Pass to El Paso and then Into
Juares, some fearing that It might result
la a battl in Juarez. Th governor has
replied that he ha not yet given the
stat department permission to pass the
Mexicans through and 1 considering the
Th Juan garrison la now virtually
without troops, sine th soldiers were
sent south yesterday to operate against
th Vasquesta now holding th country
west of Chihuahua. Mora soldier ar ex
pected today, but they ar to be sent
south at one to attempt to restore peace
along th line of th Mexican Northwest
ern between Juares and Pearson,
Several bands estimated at from 100 to
50 men each ar In action west of
Chihuahua. Residents of Chihuahua are
hurrying to El Paso. Disinterested per
son estimate that there are many more
men la arm against th government In
Chihuahua than there ar supporting It.
Pasqual-Oroaco still decline to tak the
EAGLE PAS Tex., Feb, a-A detach
ment of cavalry today left Fort Clark,
forty-five mile north of Eagle pass,
under orders for a forced march to Eagle
Pass. Th detachment wa expected to
arrlv her befor night.
A troop train of Mexican soldier from
Baltillo on th way to the border her
to meet th United Statu troops and be
escorted by th latter to El Paso.
Story of Formation of
Secret Union of Shop
Men is Denied
KANSAS CITT. Feb. ..-That labor
leader ar secretly perfecting aa organi
sation of railroad shopmen that will In
clude all roads operating west of the
Mississippi river, aa stated by a Chicago
di patch today, wa denied her by J. H.
Spelts, third vice president of th Broth
erhood of Railway Carmen,
Albert Hlniman. vloe president of the
Boilermaker' International union, said
he had known tor some time that the
plan had been discussed, but that he had
not been officially notified of any action
"A glgsntlo organisation of all the
anion would do more to prevent strikes
on railroads thsn any other remedy,'
Mr, Hlnsman said. "Whenever th rail
road engineers, who have a single organ
isation west of th Ml salad ppt river, want
change made In their contract th dele
gates confer with delegate from the
managers' assodatloa, A strlk would
mean all th engineers In th wet would
walk out, thereby tying up all of the
McKinley Says Taf t
Will Have 780 Votes
on the First Ballot
WASHINGTON, Feb. (.-President Taft
will nave 78 vote out of th total of h9!t
on th first ballot at th Chicago con
vention, or Ml more than th majority
necessary to nomination, according to a
statement made today by Representative
William B. McKinley of Illinois, secre
tary to th president. C. 1). Hiller, and
Senator Murry Crane of Massachusetts
The three held a conference today, which
wa practically th opening of th Taft
campaign for re nomination. The figures
given out were reached after a careful
canvas of th country. It wa said.
NEW TORK, Feb. l-Albert L. Parkes,
mora than fifty years a theatrical man
ager and writer, la dead of a complication
of diseases at his horn here. He was S
years old. Mr. Parke entered th life of
the (tag In IS5t aa manager of the
Nelson sisters burlesque company.
Later he was associated with Barnura.
As manager of the famous old Woods
museum In New Tork he presented the
Cardiff giant sensation. For many years
he wa known to stage folks as "Th best
dressed man on Broadway." .
Th "Cardiff giant" was composed of
a gypsum slab, shipped from Iowa and
shaped up with reasonable anatomical
BERLIN. Feb. t-Dr. Peter Spahn, the
leader of th clerical center party, was
today elected president of th Reichstag,
defeating August Be be I. the leader of the
social democratic party, by 19C vote to
173. Phillpp Scbeidemann. a socialist, was
elected first vice president of th bouse,
defeating the conservative candidate,
Hermann Chriestaa Dietrich. Dr. Her
mann 8. Paaacn, th natloasl liberal
leader, waa chosen second Vic president
of th Belch stag.
United States Gunboat Petrel Sends
Force Ashore to Protect Amer
ican Concessions.
Decree Directed Valentine Company
to Tarn Over Property.
This Was Refused and He Appealed
to American Consul.
Freights Cai-rylag Barns ua te
Ilarbav Sidetracked mm 4 Vesoele
Waiting- few Car; For
Ign Ceaewla Protest.
PUERTO CORTKZ, Honduras, Feb. t.
( Delayed in Transit) Ther ha beea a
clash between United States and Hoadu
raa authorities over enforcement of
a government decree directing repre
sentative of W. & Valentine to
surrender to government authorities
th railroad, wharf and other prop
erties held under less by th Valentine
syndicate. Seventy-fir marines from the
United States gunboat Petrel landed and
seised th wharf and railroad. Honduren
troops war then ordered to stop all
train The governor has filed a pro
test Th population her waa greatly In
censed at th landing of th marine
Acting on th authority of oongras
which declared th Valentin contract
cancelled, President Bonllla ordered that
civil proceedings be brought against W.
& Valentine of New York, ordered de
livery to tho government of th railroad
and wharf and demanded aa accounting
for alleged damages sustained by the
Asreat Appeals to Ceaaal.
Th decree waa served on A. U, Greety,
Iocs! manager of th Valentin syndicate,
who asked time to communicate with Mr.
Valentin. Thi request wa refused.
Qreely appealed to th American consul,
who asked th oo-o Deration of th com
mander of th gunboat Petrel, now In
th harbor.
The commander of tho Petrel requested
that th enforcement of th decree be
delayed twenty-four hour jintil the
American consul could communicate with
th stat department Th governor also
refused this request and demanded that
the railroad and wharf be turned over to
him by S o'clock this morning. Th com
mander of th Petrel then landed seventy
five marine and placed them oa th
wharf and at the railroad office,
Foretaja Coasala Protest,
The British. Italian. Mexican. Oaplah
and Nanretgan t omuls m summoned
and through them th governor protested
to the American consul and the Petrel's
commander against the landing of
marines. .
President Bonllla was Informed of th
turn of event and he ordered that de
tainments of armed troops be Immedi
ately placed at La Guns, on mil south,
and Chamellcon, twenty-eight miles
south of Puerto Cortes, with Instruction
to stop all trains. When this order was
given a number of banana trains were
out and IU enforcement meant that sev
eral ahlps In the harbor would not be
able to get cargoes.
Up to th hour of sending this dlapstch
(Feb. 7) the commander of th Petrel had
received Do instruction from Washing
ton and was contemplating withdrawing
the marines.
Hawley's Favorite
. Nephew Will Get
Share of Big Estate
NEW YORK, Feb. a-Mrs. Frederick
Crandall, nee MoManus, cam over to
New Tork today from Biackwell's island
and learned tor the first time that her
husband was an heir to the 1st Edwin
Hawley and a prospective millionaire.
Sine January last she had been aa
inmate of th workhouse, sentenced thar
for "disorderly conduct and mischievous
mischief," th outcome of a tenement
house row. Th children of th pair hav
been at Chatham, N. T., awaiting their
mother's release, and It Is understood
that ah will Join them ther.
Young Crandall one wa on of th
lata railroad millionaire's favoitt neph
ews, but they quarreled In UM when Mr.
Hawley learned of Crandall' attentions
to Miss McManus, then a telegraph op
erator In th offices of th Southern
Pacific railway.
Sine Hawley died intestats Crandall
will receive a share of th estate, amount
ing it la said, to mor than tCOUO.OOQ.
Insanity Will Be
Defense of Sneed
FORT WORTH, Tex., Feb. t.-Whea th
trial of J. E. Sneed, accused of the
murder of Captain A. O. Boyce, was
resumed her today, th defense began
with testimony aimed to show that Sneed
thought his wife Insane when shs sloped
with Captain Boyce'i son.
W. A. Fuqua, banker at Amarfllo, and
partner of Sneed, testified that he ad
vised Sneed to glr up bis wife and start
over again somewher else, and that
Sneed answered:
"I would do anything reasonable, but
I hope you won't ask that or insist upon
it I can't do It She la insane."
Th cas took aa unexpected turn this
afternoon, when Sneed' attorneys an
nounced that th Question of th prison
er' sanity, beginning with th period
after hi wife's elopement, would become
an issue In the trial.
ROCHESTER. Minn.. Feb. J Two
persons were killed, on fatally Injured
aad four others seriously butt in an ex
plosion of a lighting plant la the borne
or Charles Postier near her today. The
dead are: .
VIOLET P08TIER. aged 11.
The Up-tchjv
Burglar , , .
DonglM County Grand Jury Eos Re
turned, ue im iw- intm-v ;
Enquire Into Meeting Between b
loon Keepers and Board Member.
Street Railway Officials to Tell ef i
Alleged Jury Bribing. - . ,
From th Mlnneapolla Journal.
Passes Away While Preparing to
k Li. J VAl..-f V 1
avian's jimjuicti xuucibi.
Death. f His A red Meihrr Prove t
' e- t'jrder Blast The HiTss"
Bear Lived la Oaaaka for
riftr-Ptv Years.
While preparing to attend the funeral
of his mother, Mrs. Elisabeth Lehmer,
about 1 o'clock yesterday aflernon. J. H.
Lehmer, aged U years, waa suddenly
strlrkea with heart failure) at his heme,
SHS Harney street and died a few minutes
Mr. Lehmer had been III for soma Umei
and th death of hi mother Wedneeday'
atfernoon affected him and h waa very!
weak when he began to get ready for
th funeral. Me was In his room alone
when he was stricken and fell to th
floor lust aa hi wife entered the door.
He died before medical atlentlon oould
be given him.
Joseph R. Lehmer came to Omaha nt
th ag of S year. Hs was born In
Pennsylvania and was brought to Omaha
by his parent. All hi schooling was In
Omaha and h ha been In the electrical
business In this city for a number of
year. He wa a brother of Frank Leh
mer, who died about a year ago.. Ha Is
survived by his wife. His mother. Mrs.
Elisabeth Lehmer died Wednesday aft
ernoon at th ag of N years Her funeral
waa held yesterday aftrnoon at th FIrts
Preabytsrisn church. Funeral arrange
ments hav not been made.
Cortelyou Denies .
All Charges Made
by Lewis' Attorney
WASHINGTON. Feb. t.-Goi-g & Cor
telyou told th nous committee on ex
penditures la th Postofflc department
today of hi action in Issuing fraud
order against B. Q. Lewis of 8t Louis
la 1KB snd 1M7, while he was postmaster
general. A publishing company owned by
Lewis and also th United States bank of
St Louis were affected by th orders
Frank Madden, who waa third assistant
postmaster general under Mr. Cortelyou.
la now counsel for Lewi.
Mr. Cortelyou said Madden had refused
to Issue fraud order against Lewis and
that he bad Issued them personally .
Mr. Cortelyou denied that any -extraneous
influences" had anything to do
with his action In th Lewis ease.
Reading from th record Third Assistant
Postmaster General Brttt reviewed testi
mony of MCJden In which Inference were
mad that th express companies bad
sought to break up the Lewis bank be
cause It did a mail banking business which
Interfered with the money order business
and that Senator Piatt had Mr. Cortel
you appointed to attack th bank aad de
stroy It All such Inferences Mr. Cortel
you emphatically denied.
"Ther never wa anything before me
or In my mind to cause me to issue an
order prejudicial to th Lewis company,"
said Mr. Cortelyou.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 1 President Wil
bur P. Thlrkield of Howard university
forsee a new era In the educational life
of the negro race, in th marked in
crease in the number of students who
are taking up the science at th uni
versity. In his report to the trustees
today President Thlrkield says the open
ing of the new hall of manual arts and
applied sdenee make availabl to
negro students for th first Urn
oourses In civil, mechanical aad electrical
f i
. . - ' s it.
Lord Churchill Says
British Navy. Ready
. For Eventualities
GLASGOW. Scotland. Feb. .-Winston
8pencer Churchill, the first lord of the
admiralty, in a speech here today, painted
a roseate picture of th preparedness of
the Brltlch nary to meet all eventualities.
II spok of German and British aea
rivalry, taking the view that while naval
power was neoaetary to th existence of
Greet Britain, it was a luxury for Oer
Referring to prospective naval Increase
In th two countries, h said there waa
no need tor excitement or panic. Oreat
Britain had th situation well In hand
and ther was no chance whatever of It
being overtaken In naval strength.
Viscount fialdane is
Guest of the Kaiser
BERLIN, Feb. . Th German emperor
and empress today gave a luncheon at
the imperial palace la honor ef Viscount
Hsldane, th British secretary of state
for war. Among those Invited to meet
Viscount Haldan were Dr. Ton Beth-man-Hollweg,
th imperial chancellor;
Admiral Alfred Von Ttrhlta. minister of
marina, and General Josfsh Von Heer
Ingen, minister for war.
It Is now generally admitted that one
of th alms of Viscount Haldane s visit
to Germany Is to relieve thos. tension
which bss affected Anglo-German rela
tion for soma time past Nothing defi
nite as to th nature of th discussions
between the -British ststesmsn snd his
German conferee has become known.
WASHINGTON, Feb. ,-enator Reed
of Missouri will Introduce a resolution
next Monday providing for a constitu
tional amendment to bar any men from
holding th office of president of th
United States more than two term of
four year each, th filling of aa unexpired
term to b regarded as a full term.
WINCHESTER, England. Feb. S.-Iletn-rlch
tiroes, a captain In the German
merchant marine, who waa arrested on
December S on a charge of espionage, was
sentenced today at th assise to three
years' penal servitude.
Attempt to Kidnap Marguerite Lay
Made by Stranger. ' .
Possibility aaas Man May B lea
pt Ira teg laj Both Fplsaiea Hall
v Sheriff away Rsaalag Daws
' laapeXa.
HASTINGS, Neb.; Feb. .-(8peclal Tel
egram.! It Is supposed th murderer of
Ooldle Williams wa In Hastings yester
day afternoon ' and attmpted to kidnap
Marguerite Lay, H-year-old daughter of
Mr. and Sirs. A. K. Lay. Th little girl
waa returning .from school at i o'clock
when a middle-aged man. driving a bay
team with white feet, drove up and asked
her to get In th buggy and be would alvs
her a ride. She accepted and he thee
said he Wo lid take her out to th lake,
where ah could go skating, but shs In
formed hint that she could ant skate.
In th meantime he waa driving In the
opposite direction from the lake. The
gill became suspicious and demanded to
be released and tried to attract atten
tion by her outcries, but as they were in
the outskirts of th city no relief came.
Finally she grabbed the lilies and Mopped
the teem,' but the man still held her. A
Struggle followed and the girl (truck him
hard In th face aa she jumped to th
ground and ran 'for horn. She describe
th man a below .medium height, not
fat. mustache Just started and wearing a
dark suit and a striped cap.
Many gaes)ets Foaad.
GRAND ISLAND. Neb., Feb. a-Dep-uty
Sheriff Cord reported thla afternoon
having captured a suspect la th WO
Hams murder esse, traced south from
Aurora, and having him la custody. Th
deputy communicated over the telephone
that th man la somewhat older than
th description of th stxangs peddler
Indicates. Chlf Arbogast went to Au
rora tonight accompanied by parti who
can identify th murderer. If th right
man la caught Th looal authorities do
not believe that th eaprjv la th on
so much desired. - ,
Today a man who gave hi nam aa
McAdara waa arrested at a achool houee
several mile south of th city, where he
had been frightening th children and at
tempting to untl th teacher' Bore from
It hitching post lie was unabl to glr
a good account of himself, but Is also
not th man wanted.
Th incident together with th report
from Hastings baa added somewhat to
tha excitement aaloting since Wednesday
morning. Th Individual subscription for
a reward now bring the- total to over
H,0OO. Inquiries for a dlscrtptloa of th
murderer ar coming la from all over Ne
braska and Iowa.
Girl Uevd B oasss.
OoMw Williams, th 10-rear-old girl
murdered at Grand Island Tuesday night
wa bora la Omaha and Hved here with
her paranta at Thirty-first and Maple
streets until two year ago. - Her father
wa formerly employed by th Union
Pacific ber and la well known among
railroad men.
newspaper Mea Ar Called ta te
Tell Wbat They Kaaw at th
Vietatleae ml Bight O'clock
Cloelag Law. '
Teatlmony brought out. at yesterdays ,
sittings of th Douglas county grand Jury
resulted In a decision of tha Inquisitorial
body to recall Fir and Polio Commis
sioner Charles J. Karbaca aad to all'
Folic Court Clerk John J. Mahoney to
testify regarding an alleged meeting at
th Board ef Fir and Polio Commis
sioner with Omaha salooa keeper to
discus llosna matter prior to tha'
board's hearing oa application for II-
After briefly eonatdartng evidence aa i
far given la th (treat railway Jury brib
ery cases th grand Jury decided to go
deeper Into this matter aad to call m
ployos and offldala of to company to
th at and.
Judge Sutton has requested th aawa
aaoers not to publish name at sub
poenaed witaesee until they hava ar
sen ted themselves for examination by
th grand Jury. Tha request waa mad
at th instance of th grand jury.
Frank Skruppa, Jo Hoffman aad Jhn
Sambo, saloonkeeper, were examined by
th grand jury yesterday afteraoon.
Thslr nam hava been con nested with
th rumor of a "shakedown" of nqaar
dealers seeking license, Fred A. Carey
and F. Eugene Aokermaa, reporters for
th Dally News, ale war sra mined
Carey examination waa lengthy. Ho
probably will be recalled. Hla.taotlmeay
dealt mainly with vlolatioa of th : S
o'clock dosing law aad laws against
gambling. '
Th grand Jury adjourned until thla
morning. This Boon It probably will id
Journ until Monday morning,
Indiclmeata-tka first fruits of th de
liberations of th present Douglas county
f rand jury war returned ki the fraad
Jury before Juda A. L, Sutton tat district,
oourt shortly after S yeaterday after,
noon. Two Indictment were banded be '
Robert Smith, clerk at th district oourt.
by John W. Oelgw, foreman ef the grand
Jury, after th dork had called th roll.
On of th Indictment was against
Oeorge Williams, who already Is under
street In th county JalL Ha it charged
with breaking and entering. Th nam of
th other Indicted Person ss being with
held pending arrest Th chart Is said
to be of was common felony.
At U yesterday morning th graad
jury sent word to Judge Sutton that at
desired to report some Indictment. Th
Judge sent word that he would reoeiv
the trend Jury report at noon. When
th Juror had assembled before Judg
auiton at noon Clark Smith called th '
roll. Grand Juror A. D. Klein wsa ab
sent. It wa discovered that he had net
understood that tha grand Jury wa to
report at Boon aad bad gon to hi office.
Judge Button said ha could not receive
Indictment when all th juror were not
present and Instructed Formaa Gelier ta
return with all grand Juror at S o'clock.
Further probing of matter In' connec
tion with licensing of saloon keeper by
the Board of Fire and Police Commis
sioners occupied th grand Jury all morn
ing. A Rablnowlts of th Her Oread
pharmacy, A, M. Easterllng and C.
Mason Yould. reporters for Th Bee;
Mil Orecnleaf and Kenneth B. Cam
eron, reporter for th World-Herald; T.
W. McCullough. managing editor ef Th
Be, and Fred A. Carey, a reporter tr
th Dally News, bad been examined whea
th grand Jury adjourned at noon,
John Sambo, Frank Skruppa aad Joe
Hoffman, who bad been subpoenaed for
It o'clock, and bad waited outside the
grand jury room all morning, war told
to return at I o'clock. . '
Karbaeh mm Stead.'
Charles J. Karbaeh. a member of the
Board of Fire and Police CommieadOBer.'
told the grand Jury what be know about
the rumors regarding Uquor licenses jee
terday afternoon, and wa thoroughly ex
amined regarding- the board expend
itures for supplies for the police and
fir departments. It was the flret tea-'
tlmony of thla nature gtvea the grand
jury. He reeumed bis testlmoay at the
beginning of the afternooa sitting aad re
mained on the stand until aeariy t o'esoek.
Karbaeh waa followed on th all mas
stand by Arthur Pugh. editor of the
Mediator, who waa in the. Jury room
about a bait hour. Both Karlxuk aad
Pugh refused to discuss their tesUneay.
Attorney Thome W. Blackburn, who
haa taken a leading part In gathering evi
dence In the matter ef the etre-H tall
way company jury bribery rharras, waa
th next and last witness of tne after-'
Boon. Tho grand jury adjourned an til
thla morning after baring devoted aa
hour to Blackburn' examination.
SIOUX CTTT. la.. Po a-The jury in
the Dim murder case, which retired at
S o'clock Wednesday evening, wa still
out at noon today. Th outlook for aa
agreement eems remote-- On Juror was
allowed to visit a sick daughter thla
morning. Dlrsa la accused of killing his
sweetheart ,
Xosm le Oat ef Cmml.
WASHINGTON. Feb. S-Nnme. Alaska,
on the border of the Arctic circle, la
reported entirely out of coal, according to
dispatches to revenue cutter headquar
ter. At thle time of the year It would
be impossible. It Is said, for a cutter to
reach Nome. Aa appeal has beea Beat
to Vladivostok for in Russian govern
ment's big Ice cutter. .
Use the tele
When yon hav anything
around the bona to sell, a
room to rent, a house for eel,
when Tou want tometiilni,
whoa In need ot competent
belp, dm The Boa Want Ada.
An ad will cost tou only a
few casts (on cent a word If
run two or more times). Tha
results will be beyond your ex
pectation. If you can't coma to the Be
office use th telephone.
Tyler 1000.