THB BEK: OMAHA. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY i, 1912. PtH'LIRT AND PET STOCK EGGS for hatching from ice brandels rarm. lnorouKhbrcd S. C White leg horns, l.tillty Mock. KM a retting or B Per lfls. Exhibition or show Mock. U to ts 4 setting. Write for catalogue Address t. u. rirantieia. omatia. Tel. Benson ;. PEDIGREED English bull terrier; fit specimen and a ise winner. 711 East uroaawajr. Council Bluffs. MAKE YOL'R HENS LAY. TL'SK FRESH GROl'ND BONE. -THE NEBRASKA SEEP CO. Phone Douglas 1361. Kit Howard St. REAL ESTATE ABSTRACTS Or TITLE. Reed Abstract Co., oldest abstract onto In Nebraska. I Brandeia Theater. KEALE A CAMPBELL. 1714 Farnam St. BUU.Ds,HS' INFORMATION. Electric gas fixtures. Omaha Wrrer Co. Ideal Cement Co., 17tb and Cuming. Fucru?. Won A Blind. painting, gecorating. r ArT vi nilV'T knllAin turnar sl A a ter board. Arotr. Pup. Co.. IK NlrholM. CiTl 1-KOfERTY TOR SALS, 3 New Houses FIRST Six-room, large two-story house. on & 10th 6L This house Is Just com pleted. Three rooms and large front hall on first floor, finished In oak. Three large bedrooms and bath on second floor. Full cement basement and good furnace, lot aSxlJX ft. Paved street and paving paid. Cement walks In front and around the house. Price. 13.750; KM cash and balance same aa rent SECOND Five-room bungalow, on B. Bth Ave., north of Martha; I room, all on on floor, and large back and front halls. Front hall, living room and dining room finished in oak. Full basement cemented. Good furnace. House la new. Two lota, facing east lOtalW ft We have been holding this property at COOO, but have reduced it to UJO. THIRD Five-room cottage, on Xlh St. north of Ames Ave.; five rooms, all on on floor, front hall and bath. Hons Is about I years old and In good condition. .Bast front lot 601 ia ft This la a bar gain at 12,000. Eaah terms, A. P. Tukey & Son 44I-H5 Board of Trade Bids. Phone Douglas 1181, Only One Left In Beautiful . Darr Place Seven-room, strictly modern cottage, oak finish in ball, parlor and dining room; has four nice bed rooms, two on each floor; large kitchen, roomy; ce mented basement, with sink for laundry purposes, coal bins; within walking dis tance. Located in nice neighborhood of home owners. Easy terms. If Interested In something very nice ask to see this property. . . - SOOTT&IIILL, D. 15, Ind. A-UML 107-1 MoCagu Bldg. Hanscom Park Home At Sacrifice Price 1 , cash and $4 per month, buy an exceptionally well constructed s room, 1-story modern house, built of pressed brick and white pine lumber; baa quarter sawed whit ... .; mantel and grate In living room; four attractive bedrooms, stairway to floored attic; full basement with three brick partitions; located near ' xm and Paciflo tits. Owner has re- . moved from city, account of change In business, and has reduced price to this figure for quick sale. The , house could not be built (or any where near price asked for whole properly, which la only Ex rellent buy for on who appreciate good construction. Key at our of fice. GEOBGE L COMPANY, O il City Nati Hank Bldg. 'Phones I. 7tt or A-17SH. Tm Tee et r A- All lUVUbb U0-S5ot cash, new six-room all modern home, full two stories and attic; finished in oak, handy tv car and on easy pay ments. 16. SO Brand new, one of the beat ar ranged nouses Imaginable, full living room across th front, brick fire place; light dining room with very handsome buffet built In. bookcases built In; beam ceilings; complete kitchen' cabinet bult In; three very good bedrooms and large attic. Hot water heat. Now nearlng com pletion; handy to car and good location In Dundee. KitO Stucco Bungslow. strictly modern, seven rooms, well built and best of fin ish throughout, hot water beat brick flreplacei built In buffet, bookcases; panelled dining room. Built for a home, owner going south. Handy to school and cars, and high ground. 16.S00-Built last year, very substantial and completely modern borne on Cass elt., with living room arrangement; with additional sun porch and sleeping porch, both enclosed. Hardwood finish through out, and all noma decorated. Modern and complete In every way and conveniently arranged. Get our full Hat In Dundee. Glover Realty Syndicate, lH-a City Nstlonal. Doug. M. Hanscom Park Bargain, $4,700 Fin location, east front -room mod ern home; furnace heat fireplace, two lavatories, five bedrooms, full basement; lot tux feet; near car line. This can't be beat and Is bound to be sold at once. Investigate. D. V. Sholes Co., m City Nstlonal Bank Bldg. Tel. Douglas 4. Independence A-S04J. Extra Fine Location ft 8. fcth Ave.. T room mn& hah, trlrtly modern, paved mrett all paid. owmt golnf to California. Piic madt lor quick talc. lxiundiat pusaeMioo. STANLEY P. BOSTWICK, 11 B, 17th ft.. O round Floor. Bee Bldg. Modern Cottage i rooms, pawed street, all assessment paid. In first-clas repair, nice lot 1 blocks out &; U0O cash. bal. payments. GRAHAM PETERS, S3 Omaha Nat Hank. M CASH and $23 por month will tmjr you a dandy ar-room cotUnce. modem x cept beat. Only 2 years otd, arreens and atorm wtodows. ftOxli) feet eaat front toe near Amea Ave, Wiil eoosider lot aa pan payment. Hare ia your opportunity m veatiat. J.W.BASPCO., BRANDEI8 BUILDING. $o,500 For Bale- ACRES In Benson. T SO Discount of I per cent for half cash. Various fruit and vineyards, ail bear ing, good e-reorn cottage and out build ing, cistern, well and perenial springs. Phone Harney 1401. Buy Direct From Owner. Good five-room house, having gaa and complete hath; within walking distance of postoffice. Lot 45x146. and a fine piece to raise chickens. North part of city. baa Webster wU alltr fern. REAL ESTATE C1TV PKOPKKTY FOR SAI.TE Close In Snap Near 1Mb and Davenport St. It-room house, all modern, in first-class condi tion: renting HO per month and water. Income better than 1 per cent You v veai 11. investigate at once. D. V. Sholes Co. Ml City National Bank Bldg. Tel. Douglas Independence A-J04. W' ANTED Offer for home, MS Far nam street, to be removed. F. D. WEAD. 1H Farnam. Buy This Lot . in Benson East "a Lot W, Block li CS.W-BW.W down, balance tit per month. It Is well located, not far from car and school; Is oxUS; Just the place for email nous and good horn. Address K . Bee. Dundee One cf the few fine corners left. South and east front, ianre trees, both around and on the lots. Four lota Will con sider selling two. Fine location for an apartment house. Plica, tl.SO per lot. with all taxes. Including specials (paving and sewer) paid In full Benson & Carmichael H Paxton Block. NEW bungalow In north nart of dtv. F. D. WEAD. 1501 Farnam St. S1 PINKNEY 8T 13.300. Brand new. never occupied. rooms, beside bath and den. Strictly modern, oak finish, full two stories; full cement basement: sodded yard; furnace heat; ex ceptionally well built and warm. Phone owner, Harney UIO. for more Information. TWO lots In Kenwood addition at re duced price: eagy terms. Harney till . 8-ROOM hous near Omaha university, HSW: x6oo cash; balance monthly. F. D. WEAD, 1MB Farnam St. ACREAGE FOR BALK. 10 Acres in Fruit ttth and Fowler Are., 10 acres with all kinds of fruit. Kood t-room house and other out building. Immodtaia poaaeasloQ, only 4 niocka from ear. STANLEY P. BOSTWICK, a 8. Hth St., Ground Floor. Be Bldg. THREJ3 ACREH, H.3U0. House, barn, well, cistern; possession at once. F. D. WEAD, lW Farnam St REAt ESTATE FARMS A RANCH LtD FOR III! British tellable.. W1U bur for anyone British Colum bia Farm Lands on uncompleted Qrend Trunk without commission exespunff per centage of profits. Larg returns cer tain, rrang union, fie aomer streev Vancouver, or Omaha. California. DON'T WAIT I TEAH8. BUT CALIFORNIA FULL-BtARJNa ORCHARDS. MONET BACK IK NOT SATISFIED. IMI.V cash and 130.00 Per month buys five scree with full-bearing fruit trees In the I emeus maweu orcnaras at cnico. California. Payments Include Interest and taxes. Tour mwaey back If not sat iMied upon investigation. Tna orchards are the most noted and pro ductlve In the wonderful Bacramento val ley of California, it'a our confluence In this land that prompts this generous of fer. Wa've peaches, prunes, almonds. aprleote and Bartlett pears. Buyers' railroad rare, not exceeding xzimn. win be credited on purchaee price. Land ad- joins the thriving town of Chlco Otww pop,), ttexerencee: any nana oc inico, American National bank ot Baa Fran- olsca and .First National bank of nan Leandro. Head for valuable Iniormauva and fact to B1DWELL ORCHARDS, INC, Chlco. Ca. Florida. FLOBLDA THE LAND OF SUNSHINE Wi are offering M. and emrra tracts and upwards located In Columbia county nar Lake City, Florida, M miles west of Jacksonville and only M mils from 8t Augustine.' This property Is Intersected by three railroads ot national reputation, which furnish the best service at reasonable rata to all markets of the United mates. The climate la Meal. Fin farms are now being worked In our tract with exceptionally good results. Own one of our farms. Investigate eur alter, bmali cash payments and easy terms. Low rates daily. Tickets good until Jun 1. ROBT. C. DRUE8RDOW CO, (Bales Agents) MS Omaha National Bank Bldg. Omaha. Neb. Georgia. GREAT SOUTH GEORGIA Traversed by the ATLANTA, BIRMINGHAM - ATLAN- naiunuAu, Lands adapted to the widest range of crops. All the money crops ot the south Dlentlfully produced. For literature treat ing with this oomlng country, its aotl cumaie, cnurcn ana acnoui aavaniagejt ante W. H. LEAHT, DEPT. K. General passenger Agent ATLANTA. OA. laaha. TWIN FALLS. Idaho, land contract: essy payments, 40-ecre plots, fun cash; seme cleared; balance M yeara' time. George Varnum, tZl Charles But, Denver, Colo.' era. THE easiest way to find a buyer for your tonn is to insert a small want ad is tn iMm sioinea capital. Largest cir culation in the state ot iawa, j.m daily. The Capital Is read by and believed In by the standpatters of lows, wao simpiy refuse to permit any other paper in their homes. Rates. 1 cent a word a day; u ii per line per montn; count six ordinary words to the line. Address Dos Muuies Ispual. Pes Moines, la. FOR BALE By owner, ,u acres fruit and truck farm iwo miles Bioux City, la.; aood six-room bouse, all necessary build ings; fltleea-acre orchard; choice, level land. Price U2 per acre; nan caen; im provements worth ROM. Maxwell UU Pleasant St. Dee II tones, ia. Jsrstcw. ' 17.700 acres between Victors and Tem ples. R. R- runs through land, with ela tion on land. Price i). cash. Mexico land Man. Bloomlleid, Neb. sjebraaka. WILL NOT LAST. SARiY COUNTY. 15 ACRES, absolutely the very best bargain near Omaha' Situated In Sarpy eoubiy. wltbla ? miles of South Omana and ts miles of Papilllon; la valley land. mile rrom new drainage alien; n up land, gently rolang; the very best of soil; XxOJS worth of Improvements, consisting of good, well built i-room house liarge rooms), good cellar, p'enty of closets, pantry equipped with rear bins, china closets, etc; good bam for 14 head, with haymow for 40 tons; good orcnard. etc If you want the very best improved and very best farm you can get without any exception, for H06 per acre, near Omana, then take this; cash by March t bal ance long time. let me enow yew roe gooas. nng wife with von. A lern list and a few bar gains, all terms sad prices: but If you can handle the above do not overlook It as you have a chance on this bargain now. - POSSESSION GIVEN. ORIN 8. MERRILL COM PA NT. ai-at cur Kgucssi aak fiuudms-". REAL ESTATE. FARM klM'H I. A Ml FOR I.R FARM bargain near Omaha: possession given. Orin S. Merrill, UU City Nat l Bank Bhig. . 40-BL'SHEL WHEAT USD, IX to IS PER ACRE. t hsve for sale over 10.409 acres of Cheyenne county. Nebraska'a choicest farm land, where the crop yielda for 11 veers, including 1910 and 1911. average mub the best in the state. Alfalfa aiso a leading crop. Better soil, water and climate cannot be found. Write for full information today. Agents wanted vary-where- FINDINQSLAXD INVESTMENT CO. stdnsr.'Tfeb. ... . v Mtaaewsta. 400-ACRB Improved farm In Polk Co.. Minn.. 4i miles northwest Beltrami; l.w acres under cultivation. Every foot ran be plowed. Good five-room house; good barn. Flowing well; good water. Soli as good as Iowa or Illinois soil. I am the owner you pay no agent's commission. W. O. Bock, New Alblii. la Read What the Houston Post Says January 30, 1912. About Strawberries Grown on Houston Suburban Heights. First Shipment of Suburban Heights Strawberries Sell for $18 Per Crate. The first strawberries ot the. 191 season from local growers put In an appear ance) In the market raster- -day, making good Hous ton's claim ot serving this delightful dainty to her guests in the middle ot win ter. This first lot ot berries came from Mount Houston, ' a trucking section north ot the cttjv and sold at th rats of 1S per crate. Tbis land Is located ten miles from Houston, Texas, on sbell road, and sells for only $60 per acre, on terms of 10 down and $10 per month on ten acres.. Go with us next Tuesday, Feb ruary 13. R. H. Landeryou 423 Board of Trad Bldg., Omaha, Tel. D. 2161. Miscellaneous. Farmers snd land buyers ' all over th country ars reading Bee want ads every day and snapping up every bargain offered. Rates lVt cents per word If run only one time, le per .word If run two or more time consecutively. Write and mall your ad today to steal Estate depart ment of The Omaha Be. Results are sure. THE BEST , . FARM - LOCATIONS. ar In th mild, sunny southeast; price are wonderfully lew: II an acre np-buya rin rarming or grssing land; Dig profits from truck br poultry, requiring small caistal; fortunes In spples and all other fruits, pecan nuts, alfalfa, etc; live stork, hogs and dairying pay Immense returns; no droughts, bllssards. long winters or ex pensive Irrigation to be ocntrnded With in the aouilieaat alone the lines of the flout hem Hallway system. Send for land prices snd free subscription to th South ern Field. Address etias. 8. Chase, West ern Agent Room lit. Chemical Building. St Louis, Ho. RKAL ESTATE LOANS OMA.4A Property and Nebraska Land O KEKKE REAL ESTATE CO., ivll New Omaha Nat'l Bank Building. 1.1 IAN. farms and city brouerty. J. IL Dumont A Son. 14 Farnam St., Omaha. WANTED City loans Peters Trust Co. ucf CITY 1XJAN.S. Uemis-laxlberg, u llv-U Brandeia Theater. WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith A Co., I22U Farnam St Ml INKY to loan on business or resi dence properties, 11 .Otn to VjUU.w. W. U THOMAS, HO First Nat'l bank Bldg. Ilw lo 110.00 made promptly. F. IX Weed, Weed Bldg., ISth and Farnam. GxUiVIN fcV&St HEAL fcSTATK FOR KENT 30 acres cultivated land with no Im provements; south side Center St, op posite Field club; cash rent, 6. Don't bother us unless you hsve the cash. I acre garden land with a-room house and barn at 48th and Center 8ta. Good place tor a gardener. 1W per year. Harrison & Morton, si umana national Bank. o. lit REAL ESTATE WANTED I.v u an or Stanley county. S. L.. land. If yeii want to sell, .send numbers and lowest price, W. L. Frost Sloug City, la. iX)R SALE OR EXCHANGE 1 handle trades veryw her. It you want results write or tail uean, ell Bee. D Uwe. IS your land, city property or mtr- cbandise for sal or exchange Place It ahere you will get results with Deering A Meet HO Scaotoa Bldg., Houston, 'lea FOH sale or trade. . Largest and best equipped opera house and picture house in uoia city, s. u.. ntteu wun every thing up-to-date and have In eonnef lion a ball room which more than uiakea the rent for both rooms. A snap ir a live man. wui taae si.vju auid will consider Omaha property. Reason lor selling, too much other business. For further particulars writ box U, Lead City, 8. D. FOR TRADE 11W acres of timber and coal land In miles of the oil fie Mis of Western Virginia; will trsde for good Omaha commercial propert or buaineas. Address r u, Bee. WASTED TO BORHOW. WE desire to barrow tl.ow or S2.W on gilt-edged security from principal, will pay per cent interest. Address T zu. car Bee. WASTED TO BIT M-hsnd goads. Kleser. WW Center. D. HP. WANT TO BL'T-Block of merchardls in country, for cash. Box HI, Omaha. WANTED-To buy. about Fsbruary JO. team of young saarea; aao 1 or 1 young cows. Prefer cows to calve this spring. E II. Bee. AUTOMOBILE WANTED. When you answer give name, age, con dition of machine or your letter will not have attention. Address A 122. Bea WANTED TO BUT A PARTLY MOD ERN 4. or S-room cottage. I have IE cash and would Ilk to buy from on who could sU that way, and on about til or lis monthly payments. 1 am a young married man and want lo get rid of the rent paying business. North part of city preferredT Address, giving price and location. S 2S. Bee. Key to the Situation Bee Advertising, judicious and persistent us of newspaper lvtriW"" WASTED ITTATIOX9 WASHING and lron.nx done. T., H. M EAr'a.itlh.M'ED stenoglapovr wishes a rvsiUon. witn a firm; sood speller and is last on the Underwood typewriter. Ad otees. H HIT. car Be. ' Fliat-Oa. prac.lcal nuras. H MX. A-1C4. EAPI-.KlrlNCh-D tauBdress. Webstar HU. ly work. - MlriDIJC-AQKD. refined widow wanu positxa aa hotueaerper for a respectable wiaower, or will take cnarga ot a room- tng house. Address L 47. bee. . CurtAUis taunaere. Guaiwnteed. W. b(L WANTEU Evening clertcal work by ex perienced young man; university grad uate: references C Hit Bea SITVATION wanted by stenographer, 1 years esperience. O 11. care Bee. WANTrJU Position aa printer; years experience. Bruce R. Coffman, Fair bury, Neb. " PORTION WANTED With reel eatal and Insurance company by young man with salesman ability and office experi ence; ml sin consider out-of-town . po sition. J 4 Ilea. , BILLING clerk, 1 years' experience; best reference. Douglas Istt. WOMAN wants position aa dishwasher. Phone Webster SO. EXPERIENCED woman wants office or bachelor apartments to clean. Call Douglas ra. PIANIST, sight reader. Call mornings. room 110, Wellington Hotel. CASHIER, theater or restaurant thoroughly experienced, good nferencaa. W 46. Be-. WANTED By temperate- trustworthy reliable man. Janitor work in offlc. References furnished. Address C U. Bee. POSITION wanted by experlenoed man In repairing, rhauffeuring or suts deliv ery; will furnish security If necessary. Address Ml Seward St, or 1417 Dodge St F. J. Rehak. POSITION by flmt-ciaes steam fitter and gaa fitter. Seme experience In plumb ing aiso. With former employer six yeara. Am a young man, steady and reliable. No booter. Address F. K. S.. K 8. Ulh St. TWO yo'Uig termers, ages ft and 23 years, and old maid sister wsnt steady work on farm. No bad habits and good reference If required. What I your proposition? Write O 44, Bea. LADY wants dsy work. Wsbsler WW. YOI'NU man wants Voett ion aa book keeper, wholesale and branch office ex perienced. Address E 103, Be. OMAHA TUB GRA1S MARKET WEEKS UKA1N CO., grain merchants Consignments solicited. 7M Brandels. LIVE STOCK MARKET F WEST thip your stock to South Omaha Save mileage and shrinkage. Tour ontga airnta receive prompt and careful attaa- uon. Llv Stack Oasmlaaloa Mereaaata. Byers Bros. Co. Strong and responsible. WOOD BROS. S4-M Exchange Bldg. Great West. Com. Co., Omaha A Denver. W. R SMITH A SON Just handle sheep. TA'iO BROS, hsndls cattle, hogs, sheep Clay. Robinson A Co,. W. Exchange Bid. Interstate Co. Better results. Ship to ua CLIFTON Com. Co., tct Exobsnge Bldg. L. E. ROBERTS A CO., 230 Exch. Bldg. Cox A Jones Com Co.. bunch of hustlers. Farmers U 8. Com. Co . SO Exch. Bldg. Deixslt proceeds ot shipments la Stock Tsrds Nat'l Bank. Only bank at yards Martin Bros, A Co.. 103-4 Exoh. Bldg. I LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS BIQALKD bids will b received at th offlc at th undersigned until noon, Fsbruary Ktb. A. D. UIZ, for th construction of aa ad dltional building at th Tubercular hos pital, Kearney. Nebraska Plan - and specifications ar an fit at th offlc of th Secretary of Stata Commissioner public Lands and Bslldlnga. at lbs Hos pital, and the ofrte of Burd F. Millar, Architect Brandeia Theater Building. Omaha. ADDISON WAIT, Secretary nf Stute. T i-ITI. STOCkUloLDERS MEETING, i The annual meeting ot the stockholders of The Be Publishing company will be held at the company a office In th Be building, umana, men., at e wcioca p. m., Monday, March 4. wit, for the sleet Ion of a board of director for th ensuing year and for th transaction of such other business aa may properly com befor ths meeting. ' . . By order of th president rd-10t. N. P. FK1U Secretary. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEET IN1 Notice la hereby given thst th regular annual meeting of the stock k.,Mre or the South Piatt land Com pany will be held at th offlc of aald Company l wnvum, it u a m., on th sixth day of March, A. D, Ult C.,H. MORRILL, Prealdnt A. B. MINOR. Secretary. Lincoln. Neb.. February t I!t INPRY INTO MONEY TRUST Democrats Initrnct Home Com mitteet to Mais InTeitigition, SPECIAL PROBE VOTED VOWS Majwrltr Leader f Hess Mast Integrity O warded Against Interference Roll Call Mad Paklla. . WASHINGTON. Feb. A An invesUga llon of th "money trust' was ordered by th democrats of ths hous tn caucus tonight after the Henri' plan for a spe cial eommlUss had been defeated. 111 Is m. Th caucus than Instructed th stand ing committees of th how on banking and currency. Judiciary, Interstate com merce and elections to proceed wllh th Inquiry. Th democrats adopted th plan offered by Resresralatlv L'ndsrwood, the ma jority leader, a a substitute for th spe cial Urvestliiatlns oommltte asked for In th .resolution submitted by Repre sentative Henry of Texas Sharp criticism ef William I. ' Bryan for his Ispulatlons that th banking and currency committee of th nous leaned toward th financial Interests, and . th passage of a resolution expressing confi dence In that commute characterised the debate. . A roll call, enforced under a new code, was mad public after the caucus. Among those who supported th I'nderwood reso lution were Speaker Clark,' Chairman Flugerald of the appropriations commit tee. Clayton of th Judiciary committee, Adamaon of ths 'interstate ' commerce committee. Pujo of th banking and cur rency .committee and members of those committees. The Henry resolution was supported by Representatives Jams of Kentucky, Burlastnn of Texas, chairman ot th caucus; Stanley of Kentucky, Moss of Indiana. Riley of Ulrsrois and th Bryan democrats of tire house. The caucus was th. liveliest th demo crats have had In year and certainly th most spirited stnos th party has bees In control of the house. ; From th beginning there wag a fight between th Bryan and th anti-Bryan democrats. - 4 . Chairman Henry, In urging th appoint ment of a special eotomitt t Investi gate ths "money trust,- mad a vehe ment appeal for Abe adoption of his plan. Mr. Henry denied be was Inspired by Mr. Bryan to demand A special commit tee. He emphasised the Influence ot th money trust over th capital ot corpora- f l.n. nllrneAa ewt hanlra end Ma 1. fluence In national elections and la legis- j AFFAIRS ATJODTH OMAHA Total Valuation of All City Property Twenty-Rye Millions. BOOSTERS WAST TOTTED EFFORT Job a Healy Attacked ia Street and Beaten l by Gang ot Teagks Hlbera tarns Making St. Pat rick Day Plans. According to th latest 'report of City Clerk Frank Good th total valuation of all .alty property for tn- gear Wl-ll amounts to X34.K7.t67.t3. Real estate men In town maintain thst , he showing would be much belter If a get-tcsrelher spirit war adopted by th business) men of South Omaha. Th asm man also say that th facilities and opnert unities of fered by th Magie City ar not suffi ciently advertised to th world. It ts maintained that It wage earners could be furnished with Intermatloa re lating to the chsnce offered to the at borsr In Sooth Omaha, real estate value would increase and business would ex perlence a general Improvement Healy Attacked. Becaus h refused to buy a drink for a halt dosen toughs. John Heary, an sm ploy of th beef cooling department at Cudahya packing house, residing at Thlrty-seoond and C streets, was at tacked last night In front ot Mlk Dig- gin' saloon. MS Q street, and beaten un mercifully about th head and face. In a halt stupe fled condition Healy mad hi way horn to Thirty-eeeond and Q street, where be was found by th police, who took him to the pollc station, Dr. A. H. Koeolg who wss summoned to attend Healy found the Injured man's head and far a mass of out snd bruises. Captain John Dworak. who with Otfkar Joseph Potsch Investigated th matter, believes that Healy knows th nimss ot hi assailants, but Is afraid to reveal th Information to th polios. St. Patrtekw Day Plans. Larg and extensive ar th prepara tions now under way for th proper cele bration ef St Patrick's dsy by the South Omaha division of th Ancient Order of Hibernians. The program of celebration contemplate a parade that will include all th Irish societies ot th city and aa entertainment tn th tvenlng whan Rev. Fsther Mather of th Sallna, Kan., will deliver th oration ot th day. St Patrick's day this year rails en Sunday and the Ancient Order of Hiber nians look forward to a magnificent demonstration In honor of th patroa saint ot th Green Isle. At a meeting held Tuesday night Presi dent J. J. O Donnell stated that th ar rangements for th celebration were al most completed. Ia order to Increase the membership ot the organisation a com mittee composed of Messrs P. J, Trainer, Ed Starr and Jerry Hurley wis appointed to take chart of th campaign. M Water far Fire, Becaass of a lack of water supply th fir department was unable to control th fir that destroyed th home ot Frank Smith, 1111 North Thirty-sixth street, last night at I 'clock. Two ether houses which adjoin th Smith residence war saved from th Qams by th hard work of the flramea, ho formed a bucket brtgsd and carried water from wall located two blocks away from the fir. , Th hous which was destroyed was valued at tl,o and Is owned by Jama McAuley of Albright Smith and hi fam ily were absent when the fir oocurred and the firemen ar of the oWnlon that th bias originated from a defer thr rttsv When th department arrived oa th seen It was found that water mala war located a distance ot six blocks from th plan and all efforts to save th building' war useless. Th locality la rather thickly populated and th reel dents' have been clamoring for fir pro tection for years. ' ttstbaeblld to Faew Charge. Jaks Rothschild, 1717 Q street, secre tary of the South Omaha Liquor Deal ers association, wilt have to face charge befor th Fir and Pollc board for operating bis saloon on last Sunday. Ac cording to Mayor P. J. Trainor, who I ex-offlcio chairman of the board, a com plaint will be filed against Rothschild soms Urn today by Chief of Polio Joha Brtggs. Taste rosy In th mayor's offlo Cap tain of Pollc Henry Eisteider told of his visit to the saloon on Sunday a Uttl after Midday. He said that th saloon was full of men when b and Captain Jamas Bheahan entered th place. Hs says h counted thlrty-nln glissss on th counter. Th mayor at first was led to believe that th saloon was open tn order to allow llrht to plumbers wh were said to be work wllhla th pi so. Captain FJste.. denies that any such work was going on. Women Bold to Jary. Blrdl Price, th n egress arrested for maintaining a disorderly hous at Mil M street, wss ordered held for th grand Jury today. The Price woman Is one ot a number who are alleged to conduct a boot legging joint la th recant raid Tuesday night beer and liquor wao found In every nook and cranny ot th building. Masrta City Oseatlp. Phone Bell South SS-lnd. F-1SM for a esse of Jetter Gold Top. Prompt delivery to any part of the city. William Jetter. The "old folks' concert company" will make lta first public appearance in a play tonight at th First Presbytsrlaa ohurch. Twenty-third and i street a Rev. A. B. Spear of Omaha Is filling the pulpit of th I'nited Preebyiwiaa church every night Ihls week. Next week Rev. A. C. Douglas. D. D., ef Omaha will occupy th pulpit every night St. Martin's church ebotr will be enter tained Friday evening by Messrs. H. n. Cerrilhere and Walter Nltech St th home of th latter, let North Twenty second street All members of th choir ar Invited. Joseph F. Murphy. Joseph A. Koplets and L. C. Gibson, appointed last week to prepare bylaws and rules for th new South Omaha Real Estate exchange, met last night at th office of J. IL ILopieta. Twenty-fourth and M streets. A aeries of religious meetings win be conducted at the Swedish Bsptlst church. Twenty-second between J snd K streets, every night from February 1 to Is. Stats Missionary P. Rvder and other prominent minister will address th meeting. All Scandinavian people are Invited to the meetings. Lem Kigr of the Greer hotel has formed s company to take over th man agement of the hotel, which will be put upon th old etmsarvatrvs basis of the Greer managernent Many of the gneata of the bouse are staid and respectsbl business men,' who wer altogether un acquainted with th loose management of Gtorg Swanbach, wb disappeared from the place last Sunday night Beeretarr F. A. fetrvker of th IJv Stock exchange ha departed for Wash ington, where he will assist at the bear ing on the feeder cattle freight rate which Is to besln befor the interstate Commerce commission at Washington next Saturday. Strykor represser ta th exchange men, who are fighting In In crease, on feeder cattle rales from If to 14 per eent At pi teem the railroads nave been oroereo to temporarily sus pend the schedule Increases o cattle In th Missouri valley. alien. I Key to U SttuaUoa-cA Advert'Hlns. Gibbons Knocks Out CaslimaE in Fourth NEW YORK. Feb. fc-Mlks Gibbons ot St Paul tonight knocked out Young Cash man, a local welterweight In the fourth round of a bout at the Empire Athletic club. Th fight was to have been a tea-round affair. Th knockout came after on minute's boxing la th fourth round, and was caused by a right swing to th Jaw. Prevlonsly the westerner bed sent O sh aven to the canvas for a count of sight with a left lo the face. Cash mad was a bunching bag for Gib bon after th first round. In which he wss th aggressor. Gibbons started to work In th second and wllh hard lefts and rights to face and head brought blood freely from Ceahmen's nee. He re peated this la th third and had Cash man so badly oft that th bell alone saved him from a knockout BILL TO PREVENT MONOPOLY Martin of South Dakota Would Have Industrial Commission. MT.sfREES SAXXD BY PRESTDEHT Pre vis I en that Corporations of Over Million Dollars Capitalisation M set Beware Lteoase and SahJoot to "egaUllaa. (From a Staff CorrsepSndent WASHINGTON, D. C. Feb. S.-(Specla! Telegram.) Representative Martin of South Dakota today Introduced a Mil designed for th regulation of corpora tions The bill require that all cor porations having a capltatliattea of 11.- st0S or mora engaging tn Interstate snd foreign commerce after January t WI, must first obtain a Iteans from tn In dustrial commission created by th act An Industrial commlaaloa of five mem bers Is created tn the Department ot Corn mere and Labor, with equal dignity and power regard trig th control of Industrial corporations aa that bald and exercised by the Inters tats Commerce eommlsstoa regarding com men camera, The commissioners ar to be appointed by th president wllh th advlc and consent ot th senate, and not more I has thro commissioners can be appointed from th same political party. Their Isrra ot offlc Is to be six years, on essnmlaaloaer vacating sack year, and th salary ot th commissioners Is to be fla.00 per annum. They ars given fuH power ot Investigation, le subpoena witnesses and compel testimony, and In all respects te consider and determine question within their Jurisdiction, with In aame foro andarffact aa now sxer clssd by th Interstate Comroero com mission la matters of transportation. Although within - th Department of Commerce and Labor for matters of eon vsnleoce and to avoid duplication of work now authorised to be done by th bureau ef corporations, the Industrial commission is. ncvarth!, to be aa Independent body and will make Its re ports direct to congress - Pit Against Monopoly. Before a corporation can seialn a iicone to engage in Internets and for eign commerce It must show to th satis faction ot th eommlsstoa that It Is not sver capitalised and that It la not aa unlawful treat ar combination la viola tion ot the anti-monopoly law. ' If, after obtaining license, th corpora tion shall violate the provisions of th anti-trust laws ot th United States, this will work a forfsltur of lis right to n gags la Inlsrstats commerce, which for feiture must be enforced by th federal oourta. ' 1 Ths commission Is given authority to suspend th license of any corporation If upon Investigation and hearing ft shsll find that th corporation baa become un reasonably capitalised or la operating la violation ef th anti-monopoly laws It Is mad a saisdemeanor for corpora. Uona to engage In Interstate commerce either without a license or during lb suspension of lleenee, and for such often th corporation snd Ha officers may be fined not to exceed 110.000 and Imprisoned not to exceed one year, in cats of con tinuing violation, each day shall be deemed a separala offense. Annual report ar required ot sack corporation engaging In Interstate com mere, covering such matters pertaining to their operation, capitalisation and business methods aa the Industrial com mission may require. W cetera era at Waahlaatoa. Senator Brown this morning presented C. D. Ayr, wtfs and daughter ot Cen tral City, and Isaac pollard, daughter and granddaughter of Nehawka, the lat ter guests of Mrs. W. T. Thompson, wlfs of SoUsiter Thompson of th treasury, to President Taft It L. Hargreave and wife ot Lincoln are In Washington, guesm of Cotter Btida ' Jamas Scout ot Kearney Is la Washing ton, en rente te Virginia, where he Is In terested tn some real sstata, farming General J. C. Cowln ot Omaha arrived la Washington today on matters la th supreme court Representative Burke this morning took Mayor S. S. Stephens and 8. K. Grtgsbury to the White House snd Introduced them to th president. Colonel Beth Bullock of South Dakota wss among these who called en President Taft today. Representative Stephens today Intre latroduosd a bill providing for th dis posal ot th unallotted bind en th Omaha Indian reservation. This Is a duplicate of a bill introduced la th sea ate by Senator Brown. ktra Sloan, wlfs ot th eon areas mas from th Fourth district and their youngest son. William, arrive la Wash ington tonvarrow te remain throughout the session with Mr: Sloan. They have taken apartments at th Hots! Dswsy. LIBERAL NUMBER OF HOGS BE1NC SENT TO MARKET CINCINNATI, a. Fekv 1 -(Special Telegram.) Price Cnrrost says the num ber ef bog marketed has been Issamid but Is liberal and contlaues much la xeen ot the movement a year ago. Total wss tern packing reached M0 nogs, compared with 7 th preceding week, and (TMM hogs two weeks ago. For the us iss ponding Mm last year the number was MMM and two year ag was asMo. From November t th total number was s,71s.s against ?.H.ot year ago aa Increase ot tat,!) bogs. Quality has been well maintained and I generally good. Prominent place compare as follows from November 1 is February 7: Ml-lfc . 146.0 . Lies ' , n.u . Ko.eue Chicago - Kansas oty South jOmahe. St Louis SL Joseph ...-.. Indianapolis .. . . MJ.'ao Milwaukee ....... ... 44S.O0 Cincinnati S7.4 IHrnm ttiL Ttiejei I i ViB ltia-ii X.e4&.0ts) tHkvS setae Mice mass THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE. ARE SUFFERING HERE NOW Many Statements that King' with . Sincerity Are Being Hade. SITTIATIOS 15 CTUES SERIOUS Fred TMves Talks latereeilasdr s Subject Affeentlsurr Pabllo sad Gives Details of Strange Experience. On sensational statement ntter an other la being mad la connection with "Tona Vita." th new tonic that M ac complishing such remarkable results la Omaha. Mr. Fred Daves ot Florence. .Neb., and well known In Omaha, had this te say recently: "My wife has not been a well woman for a long time. Her wool sytere seemed run down and debilitated. She could not sleep at night and would feel la th morning as fatigued aa she did upon going to bed st night. She seldom had a good appetite. Sometimes ah would almost fore herself to eat, and ss a re sult, would suffer misery for hours after ward. Her- nervous system seemed alt disordered and her stomach bothered her continually. I bad procured for her every remedy I ever heard of and many phy sicians treated her, without permanent results "I heard ot Tona Vita' and wont to Omaha and secured a treatment far her. She Improved from th first do and now she feel better than eh ha for year. Tona Vita la certainly max tag a new woman ef her. Ba eaa now oat and sleep like she hasn't In years. Her whole system has been built up and sas feels twenty years youniren TM k certainly a wonderful tonic. 'Tona Vita" Is now being Introduced In Omaha by epeclgllst who can be ound each day between! th hour of S a at. and p. m. at Brandels Drug depart ment. Sixteenth and Douglas streets, south aide, main floor. ' "A tired, dragging feeling of the body, a sluggiah mind snd dull memory. depress! oa of spirits, nervousness, stom ach trouble. Weak bark, cold feet head aches and bowel troubles are among the numerous symptom of a condition from which thousands are suffering here In Omaha." said one of these epecialists yesterday afternoon. Thla nervous, de bilitated condition." continued he, "la more common la th larrs eities on ac count of the terrific strain of modern Ufa Expertenc hi taught us that M per osnt of all chronic 111 health la paused by thla condition. Stomach trouble, constipation, kidney and llvsr trouble, bad blood, nervousness, head ache, dlsHnees, and sven rheumatism. can be traced t nervous debility. " Tona Vita' will remove this condi tion. Thousands ars now using; our lonie In Omaha and la each and every case th results ar surprising. W are receiving scores ot testlmomala from those who hare been benefited by th taaJo. Those testimonials come from men and women ot unquestlonad honesty and Integrity, whe feel grateful aa a result of having found a perms Beat sum of benefit" Adv. FAT VANISHES OW POUND A DAT Ntw Methd sTO MOM FAT fOUII Two Sandrad ramaead Wo Bsppy With This Bsw Kaowledga Through a Copy of This Kemark. I able Book. "Weight, BeduotUa Without Brags1' Isat this wear lacing nvueeo aa -to St Velaet MaTB FOB TMIM rBU BOOS. . Ik . - 1 I Bead This Book at sty arxpeass. TRUE SUCCESS AT LAST TBS JOT OF T,rIsT0) la TBB TbTBBO TABB OP TBB LBA. I WAS BAB ABB I KnOW. My friends were charitable, and they called It "obesity;" others referred to mo aa being BTOI.'T, but I know It was Just plain bulky fat I waa miserable you. too, are equally mtrerabl If you ar too stout. To red nee your "Velght. you most find the cause, you must gat at the vary reason. I FOUaTO TaTB CATJSB S BBST ' WAB BAST. Befor I succeeded, I tried verylkln withln reason sad some things beend reason. It was maddening disgusting? All 1 hsd to do waa to remove the onus, and I awssr under oath that by my sim ple method, without drugs, medicine, harmful exercise or starvation diet, I re duced my weight 17 pounds In five weeks, and guarantee that I can do the asm for you. I do not use medicine of any kind or worthless stuff to rub on th body, but a etrnpte home treatment even a child can use without harm. Through this marvelous combination boms treatment. 1 succeeded, because I bad found the right war. I can now climb te the sum mit of Pike's Pesk with esse. I could not do thst until I hsd taken oft 17 pounds of my ponderous weight Nearly m women asslstanta am neces ssry tn my offices to assist me lo carry oa my enormous business, th greatest of Its kind In th world, as the woadrou anertt of thla great druglese treatment makes It la demaud tn ail parts ot the world If you are Interested la your own hsp plness and health anu figure, you will permit me to tell ou how to reduce your weight "Nature's Wsy." I I hsve printed a fcuuk for you, entitled "Weight Reduction Without Drugs, which I am giving awsy without charge, prepaid to you, so thst you may know of my successful method and be able to per manently reduce your weight any amount up to 7 pounds, without harmful exarclsa or starvation diet drugs or medicine. Send lor my book, "Weight Reduction Without Drugs." It Is yours for the ssk ine. snd 1 will be glad to sand It to von postage prepaid, aa yon can reduce your tat with my remsrksble treatment I have round that the best wsy ts know happiness ts to rive H. Sincerely your irieno. mawiwavxai suamurrvBT. snia sees, beatrai aaa Bids;, Cedar Rapid. Ia- Hhoux City, la . ....... St Paul. Minn. ...... CI ev eland, o.......... .. 174.SM in. M KO.OK let) .. snoot lev) .. -Mane us, Bear Wosaaa Sanaa owed for J wry SPOKANE. Wash- Feb. L-Dorothr Coatee, a Degrees, summoned for Jury duty In the superior court hers today, is hollered to be the first woman of bar race in the U rated Stats te have the ea porteauty of serving aa a Jury. 8 so ".IP &o:!derable property bare.