n Desperate Desmond Not Even St. Gorge Could Ever Catch UpV with Thii Dragon. Copyright .ml National New As-- ByHershfield DUMB A we fa tavitDt; VILLAIN KACVMJ t ysSZSSS'. !C" I CziTVlTi k IL t"Se . if If ,.? r. " l III. jtJi?rS. n . XWWUW.I WIO. I - I Bator tha satoahed Chines thalr great earamoalal dragon Jump and Iwlata aa bo rati dragon could bav don ' van wba Bt Oaorf a had pierced It with Ma fatal spear. Insid to counter- fait monster a tarrlbla battla la being wged hslw esu D. Desmond, villi sn, and C Eclair, bar. If tha villlan takaa aa unfair advantaca, U struggl can bar but na nding. ... Nov tha artist civs you an In tart or view of tha dracon. Bahold Claud and Daamond. Tb lattar baa declined a hand-to-hand combat and baa whlppad out bla ptatoL with which force Clauda to do hi bidding- Our haro la ( aompallad to put hi lags Into th hollow faot of tha drgon, whlla tawawad doa tha auna with tha bind tana In a mo ment 7011 will aa Desmond' plan. Tha plan waa to ran away, dracon and all. Tha Cblnaaa. who bad hoped to oaa tura Daamond. watch tha dracon callop away at m pd which non at them could aqual for a moment. From tha bind lac Daamond, with bla run. com pel Clauda to work tha for lac at tarrtfla speed, and at th leaet alca of f altering oa Claud' part tha vMlan thraatana to (hoot To aee a huge dragon ruahtng and reeling straight at you would ordinarily be enough to and you fleeing for your Ufa, er direct to tha nearest lunatic asy lum for treatment; but tha watch maa en th Chines gate ha aeen such creatures before. He gumn that some thieves ' are trying to steal a perfectly good dragon from tha city, and prepare to put a atop to their little game. And th watchman doe hi duty, if a little lata to save tha dragon Intact. A Clauds' half of the animal la outside th walla tha watchman let tb heavy gat drop and nearly severs the dragon In th middle. Clauda I now outside tha wall of tha dty and Desmond I Inside. Aa Rosamond, too, la In the dty, tha TUlaln haa again been lucky enough to win from Claud one more. "Over tha dty wall." stags Daamond. as with th captured Rosamond In hi grasp he looks down from tha battle ment upon Claude, who haa been locked out of the dty. As th wall I too high to scale and too long to walk around la any reasonable time. It look aa If Clauda I now out of It for keep. Never theless, Clauda vow to rescue hi sweet heart Tomorrow wa , shall see If h WANT ADS MAIL ORDER BCSIXGM COURTNEY'S . Omaha' Pur Food Center." . If your local dealer don't carry It we : do. Bead for catalogue free. Freight paid em H pureheea within a radlue of fifty mile. ' EOO& BUTTER. POULTRY. Highest market price paid. Write far jactation and (hipping taca BROWN PRODUCE CO, - Wholeaalirs of Fish, Orel era. Celery. UU Howard St Omaha. Nth. MORTGAGES, 6 ON GOOD FARMS ... ft... a. Art arm iPsh HBTlaaajal (rUUiLsl aw a. I w-a int J " tuxl our ou'ttml and turpmi of oa'0. Bonds for IX and an. a suits your avlngs. Make your money bring you la good Incoma Aik for partlcuiara PAYNE IN VESsljitiN 1 W. 1I(R and Famara 8te., Omaha. Web. AMTSEMEYT8 South Omaha. - Illuatrated aonc-Hlch Oaa Picture. ,y Inureatlng Illustrated Lectures. Moving Pictures and Illustrated fanca. e- Pit OO RAM CHANOBD DAILT. TUtHDAI WOHT AMATEURS ' Vaude'lle Saturday and Sunday. 1111 South llth Street I FERN THEATER Vcnczia BARBERS ATTKMION. FOR SALE-A Ihree-chalc shop In dty of 7.OU0. Bath In connection. Beat lo cation In dty. Long time lease. For price, addrets commercial national nana. Kearney. rio. Wonderland ...I I ..... ' -J .. - un aooouni i poor neaun. " w tiie beet houee movlne out file In ee Moines and residence: will aell aeperately; make terms; have enousli work oa hnad to pay for tools. Address T tit. car Omaua Be. Vinton 6. UU High Ciena Motion Picture Unt .Mi ijciure machine and film bar gains. Om. Film tsch.. teth a Doug. Sta - s Gem Theater Pleasant entertaining program changed dally. Uvely amateur performana on '.Thursday. nAniifU i. 7 ' . ' ware and furniture. Will tales land as part payment Prle ,. Addrea Bo 171. Arapahoe. Neb. '. POOL, or billiards after the show. Mew tables Marvel Hall. 13W a Uth St ; SUVEKAX. clever photo play a, set lo ee- leot music, tonight , jeth and eavea- . worth. v taw mt.-k druse and fixture at aacrl- flce: must selli Coo luoaUun. C. broa.. Pool. Neb ' ' HOT FORECtOet'RE-H room hotel, Logan, Kan. For aaey terme and de scription writ Bo 171. Red Cloud. Neb. Apollo theater H. 'avorita Theater. i'n - ' iaveawvnn. A program of strong drama arranged tonight FOR SAL -Blackamlth shop; sewer ahop In state AO. area js. Mattblaeen. Superior, Neb PARTNKR wanted with K.O capital la a wall etbllshed mllUng and grain bust- ness In good live town. Aoaroeo i y i. pee. ANNOCMC'EMOTS Mm lag Haaeee lot ' nrsDD eonmlna house, furnished com plete; new furniture. Including piano; full of roomers, awn iw 0. itn. rnone rva- t a iirvwruAV under. Wfcivgw a 1 Lm-a-vy TAKICR mbaJmer.. 1H Chtcago M. D. 1M, B-l. H1TI Vtf. IH'IPPW K 8. Uth t uviAUiwiHiuxui) U3i. A-JSM. VNDBRTAKERa. lA.,EY&IlEAi;Y, Moved to Ml Farnam. I'N1MK-TAKKH. A-tm. h. m. YOU'LL alwaya he hauov if vuur wed. ding ring comae from Brodegaard's, 111 a. in m. At tna aign or the crown. VALENTINES ' V41- HETN'S STUDIO. Uth and Howard. WINDOW glass put to, contract work. H. Winter, UU N. Uth. Webster MM. COM-F.IU IAL thturaphr. C. M. Hi'bart. lot Washlngtoa hl.l.. Doug, tin KU. CONTKNTO I1ABANA i'lliAH. Box W. prepaid. H7ti try half doaea: rt not atiiracto nvmey refunded. BBAr TON DHUO CO., lha Farnam. Omaha. M. E. Morrill, china paint 13) Brandel Th WAKTlvD Eeush mamhera of Omaha Typographical union No. ltt to vote for Frank Brown. Bee Nlghtalde Chapel, la ict bus a delegate to the Cleveland con vention of tb International Typographical vnioa. Maagard Van A Stores., Pack, move, tore end ship H. H good. D. lad. B-K ELASTIC stock inita sunoorters and bandagea; stock always new, because we 'well eo many. Truaae fitted. Everything guaranteed. W. U. Cleveland Drug Co., tha largest surgical supply bouse, 141-ll nirwr et - Neb. Seed Co.. 1 Jonea Both phone. PET your duunonda It Brodegeard'a MONEY TO LOAN-LOW rat. In eume t suil no Bee Blag. Phone Dou But tTNIO" LOAN CO. DOUGLAS priming Co. Tel. Doug. MOVING picture mechlnee and suppUee, jteorasaa rum co., 111 ramam nt. HAZKL LEAF PILE CON'ES-Beet Tanaedy for Itching, bleeding or protrud ing piles: toe, postpaid ; earnpl free. Merman m stouonneu urug t-c. umarta. , BOILER, sheet troa and taok work. Omaha Structural Steel work NORTH HUP letter Duplicating Co., lot Paxloei Blk., circular letters, any euaa tlty; oldest established company; expert 01 aiumgrapn ana rieoetyie. Twenty per cent lee than Omaha prices. HOMS FURJflTURU CO, -Twenty-fourth and L Sta., South Omaha. Vpholaterlng, piano, turn. rep. tXA Far. S H. Cola Slga Co. D. TO. iri Farnam. , AITOMOBILKS. IV lDL'Iu vATU Auto bodies, too - l uuuuwiw slipovers, painting. j-ogiaa w -nattier carriage wora Auto lampe repaired. Omaha Silver Co. .OMAHA MACHINE WORKS auto rpurt&r. ntttfv amunc ud tp- ' mchiniry desUrn)d. Cxpvrt dM work. aitrn armwlBya. tU g. Uth Bt. P. HOT. Why not m)X jrour old autumoMl anfl buy nw onoi", inayb, you aa uw , th mower in Bom othw wayin tthr Tntv h want sds wilt do tit work. Kate 14 eeou pr word it run nly en time or t cent, pr word If run two or Aoro limes cotuecuaroly. rMurphfDidlt BKPAlRI.Va. PAINTING. THIMMlNa ONE E-M-F XL complete w.th ell eaulo- mcnt: Wa. open front e-paseencer been used a demonstrator. Price. r. On five- . paaeenger iiambier, good conditio. UJ vaa aiooei i vvertano. F" MARIOH AUTuMObn.B CO.. Xrt!-g ramam St. Omaha, Neb. t DRUMMOND 7 Auto repair, top, slip asrers, Uth and narney. BCSIXRSS CHA.NCEa OUR LETTER duBlicatlnc work la an. excelled. A trial will convince rou. rVth -'i honee. Western Duplicating Co.. Be. TO gci in or out of buesineea call oa UAA O CsbT AD, it Be Wdg. Tet-IA MJ7. Bl'SIXESS CHAi'CES. J BC8IXE88 PERSONAL Miss c MILLER. Dublin stenographer. lUt City Nafl Bk. Doug. K er A-ttit hardward store for sal or trade. For addreos write to T !. care Be. Kd Rntherv. Business and Real Estate Exchange Co. Room Mi-Cague Hldg. BtlUNBm PEHMONAX v , . . Arteeiaa Welle. U It WF.BEROALL. Mll-U Clr EO. ROWB, well boring. Beneoa - Attn tore. , . Lleton L. Hell, Lawyer, MT Bran. Bldg. 0. W. Bhlelda, Attorney. Ml B. of Trad. Awalaaa aad Teate. OMAHA TENT CO. Tel. M Douglas. aad Tax lea be. THB ONLY WAT. van checked to destination. Taxi- cabs and touring ear. Tel. Douglass. Bat; Maaafaatarer. . SEMIS OMAHA BAG CO., Omaha. Neb. Ba aad Paaaae; Saaeleetuen, Wooden Bex A Package Co. 1614 N. Uth. t asps a re re aad Oeatrastai, Slereneon. carpenter, cent Both phone Chlrspadlal. DR. ROT. IMS Farnam. Dougi yr. Cigar aad Teemcea. WW Kanltary Crown Pip ' til S. loth. Ctatktag) Maaalaetarere, Wear Idaal drees shlrta M. . Smith Co. Caal Dealer. CS Johnson. eoL uth A I sard i phone. WESTERF1ELD cells REEPiER COAU FURNACE or RANOB. D. UM; A-MM. COAX, and kindling. Wagner. Wt N. ltth. Crsaamis, Dairies and Sapplle. Fairmont's Died em butter. Alwaya good. DAVID COLE CREAltERTOMPANT. Caralee aad ltee-1 Celllaga. CARTER Sheet Metal Work. Omaha. Daaetag Aeadeesle. Msckle's Dandn Acdmr. 111 Hamev. Daiiy elaoeee Mon., Thur., Sat. waning Morand'a brtvate Weaons every dev. Claeeta Mon. and Ft!., I p m. Doug. . Detective, Omaha secret ee Ice dat agency. Inc. bonded, ta t Paxton Blk. D. UI3. A-Uls. L. W. LONONBCKER. IrT Karbach Blk. JAMES ALLAN. Neville Blk. Tyler US. Trry Dressmaking college, Skh Far. 8EW1NO by day In (amhlea: good work guaranteeo. lail avenlnga. Y- ebeter ua. SNKI,L A HANGER, up-to-date dreaa- maklng; aatlsfactlon guaranteed lia twvria rmwn nsrsry mk DR. MoLERAM. stct In Plata work. Satisfaction or a tee ad Braodeia Bldg. Batiey. the dentin, city Nat'i. D. Ha. Maeh A Mach. Id floor Paxton. D. IWS, Taft a deaul room. 1I Doug. D. lu. , Dragsieta. DRUOS at cut prices: freight paid oa tl orders: catalogue free. Sherman A net onneu mug Co, oniana. Neb. vevytaim Klewtrteail. Electric lighting fix., wholesale end retail. Burgtss Grand en Co.. UU Howard. D. W Kverythla fee W eesea. CONSULT DR. BURKE. Doug. Blk, Try th BOSTON WET WASH. Have your family wash brought borne ready for crying at Tac Doug. 6071. B-4U9. Out-of-dt garments ex. i tr new. W. ado. HOME aureery for children. Web. i7. Care for by day, week or month. jBvelya Bole, expert corset 1 ere; cor sets made to measure, cleaned -and re paired: workmanship guaranteed. . &d Hew Blflf. rnoge Douglas tap.. read Mills mm Item. reasdrles. McDanald brass and bransa foundry, alu- mlnum, tin, lead casting 117 Jaokaoo. rieetste. . BENNETTS, cut flower. DougUa lit. A Donaghu, 1M7 Farnam. D. 100L A-M01 HESS A SWOBODA. 14U Farnam Bt Stewart's, Florist A Seedsmen, lit N. 11 BRANDEI8 FLOHIBT. Brandela Bldg. L. HENDERSON, nil Farnam. D. 11 BATH'SFLORISTS, Boyd Theater Bldg Ileepltsla. t W T8B MEMORIAL, Mth and Harney. Alfred a Kennedy, snoe, M First Nat Bk. Bldg. Doug. 77S. Rhodes-Montgomery Co. In. Ramge Blk. Iran mmt Wire Fencing. Anchor Feno CoTW N. IT. TeL Red 111 Laaaarte. FRENCH Hand Leunlry. Tel. H. BK Ouarantee Laundry. Fin work. D. UTt Leasees, , H. Oroaa, Lum. wreck'g. plb. tl A PattL Maaaraal Maaatactarer. Skinner' macaroni and spaghetti, Ms pkg. Nsssaesu aad Masaeleaas. J. F. Bloom A Co.. lTth and Cuming St Mvlag, itarace aad tleaalag. EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co.-Movln furniture, pecking, fireproof storag. city office. Bt S. l.th. Doug. SM, lnd. B-lli. Twin City Express, lilt Howard. Both Tel. Furniture moving. I men, tl hour. W. Bel Maata, Art aad Laagaage. Experienced violin teacher. Tel. W. IW. Optleiaaa, R. F. Wtirn, fitting A rep'g. 441 Brandela Oeleepaiay, t r t . . - AUce Johnson. K-l Brandel Tb Bldg. Kalheryn Nlcke.ae, M-t Brandela Theater. Palat aad Glass. PAINT, oil. lead and turpentine are It ?r cent cheeper new than s year ago. ak advantage at this and buy 'only strictly pur material at uaraar nro. Paint Co., 11,1, Farnam . St Phone Doug, rreo. Patfata. D. 0. Darnell, Paxton Blk. Tel Red TUT. Wll.ard Eddy, IMP city Nat Beak Bldg. Paeaegrapba. Edison phonograph Bhulti Broa, 14W Far rbeteajrapbera. Rinehert. photographer. lWh A Farnam. Prtatlag. Lew W. Raber, Printer, M BEE BLDO. ENTRANCE ON COURT. Lyngstkd Printing Co. Mth A Capital Av. Tel. Ind. KM for good printing. Rlee-Hftll Pig. Co, M S. 14. bid. A KM Let the CENTRAL PRINTING CO. da your work, 117 Douglas Tel. p. I7.A Plattag. , OMAHA SILVER CO., B4 B. Uth.' teel Taak aad Catvwrt Capaalea. NEBRASKA and Iowa Steel Tank Com pany. 14th and Nicholas D. M. teaegrasheva aad Oaart Repartee. Myrtle A. Keller, m Bran. Tha D. MO. EMMA A TsXXiER, 417 Barker bk. D. BL Teate aad A walag. OMAHA TENT CO. TeL n Deaglaa. Treaka aad Salt Caise. Frellag A Sternle, 1M Farnam t Wtaee and Liara. WIIJW Bnrtn beer. Honor, clears. aandwtchea Alex Jetea, UM Doug as. VIRGINIA DARE wine, eta large bot tle. Klein Liquor Houee. 1 N. Nth St Wig Mass f aetarer. D. B. OrtrriUi. wlTmfg.. U Freaser Blk. E IIT ATIOX A w. COOKING CLASSES (15 Lessons for $4.00) SEWING, MIIXINERY, GYMNASIUM GENERAL . . EDUCATION . .' Classes Begin Feb. 13. B0YLES COLLEGE DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ' ALL THE YEAR. Complete tuuiw In Buslne, Book keeping, stenography. Telegraphy. Civil Service or Salesmanship. The catalogue la free for th aaking. Call, write or phoae for It at eace. Addrea H. & Boyle, President, Boyle Cbiisc . Omaha. Neb. OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLBaa. "BEST IN THB WEST." . Day and evening sees toes) ail tha year. Shorthand. Typewriting, Bookkeeping, Agriculture. Civil t-ervice, Baieemai iship. E. A. Zartman, Pre, lpth and Farnam. 1 L TuKi.Nu. 1st .a th grade! rt Ket HTXP WANTKD KF.MALK Fd. all kiuda. Ol 8Drd. Clerteal aad Oflle. W Tt ARE CON8TANTLT IN TOUCH with the commerd! world. Therefore ere rn a poslttoa to plac yon la a goo position quicker than you ran CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO. HaVK City KaUeoai Bank Bide. . HELP WASTED FEMALE Factary aad Trade. WANTED TEN APPRENTICE OTUL& APPLY TO TIMEKEEPER, THIRD FLOOR. BENNETTS. . - Oirls to learn hair dressing; price vary nable. Oppenneim. Ft, oty wat l Meaeekeepeva aad Daai ran imvAKT oirl problem SOLVED The Bee will run your Do mes ne Help Wknted ad FREE until you get th desired reeulta. Bring your d to To Bee erne or telephone Tyier iwwl WANTnD A airl for general house work; good wage 1014 North Mth St. noutn umana, aoutn is. Rf.I.IAHl.E airl for housework and to take care of children ftrnoon and Sundays; small family and good pay. M 8. Mth St. WANTkmTMrt or woman for general housework; good home; steady plac and good wage. Call at once. Mr Jay I-v-njr, 149 N. Mth St, South Omaha, Nab. Tel. So. 17 COMPETENT 1rl for cook. Kll Jack- ton Bt. Harney lew. COMPETENT, reliable whit girl tor general housework, email family, one who like children and can furnish rwferenc. eM lie, van port St Call Har ney 447. TnilNll eHri wanted to halo With housework: good home and small family. Phone Webster wx WANTED A competent cook In private family, H4 So. ath. Harney 4JJS. WANTED a xlrl or middle-aged woman t help with housework and take care ef children: small family, lilt N. Uth St MleoelUaeoaa. TOT-vn women eommsT to Omaha ft ran fere are Invited to vMt tb Toung Women Christian ssocltlon building at St. Mary' Ave and 17th St, where they will be directed to sultsbls boarding place or otherwise assiatea. io tor our trvlr' guide at tha Union station. HELP WASTED MALE Ageate, baleeasea aad llelter. WE WANT Iocs aaent for th new modal Fox vtaibl typewriter. Wrtte us for our liberal proposition. Typewriter Inspection and Supply Co., Western Dis tributer. Inc., Wt, Farnam. WANTED. Travalifur furniture aalaamaa. with x perleno In elUng itenslon table ' to Asalera In Nebraska and Kansas. Must bar eetabltened trad. Large comml- ln and credit lor mail orders. Olv reference. SCHNEIDER FURNITURE CO.. NORTH MILWAUKEE, WIS. BALBB MANAGERS We bav aa at tractive proposition to offer competent me who can handle general selling sgency (or new automatic wrapping paper rlter, neenen oy an Diwcnsnta. rs C. Varnum. Henahaw hotel. Room CM. FOUR oUcltor. at snoe, L7e and com mission. i, Bee. ' . . Maya. ' BOT with wheel to learn drug buslr.ee. Unltt-Dooskal Drug C, 17th and Far- Clerleal aad Oftloe. SDC UVB OPENINGS for ' lx LIVE MEN: i ' CIOAR SALESMAN, axperlend. tl. STENOGRAPHER, to act as private sec retary. Bt. Ku. AUTOMOBILE SALES AN, expert- enced. tlJttV STENOORAPKER. beginner, but must be "live wire," K. STENOORAPKER. rellrud. 171 OFFICB BOY. pb, f CO-OPfcRATIVK nKrERBNC B CO, ldle-14 City National Bank Bldg. "CANO "-High grade poaltlona Boa FULL dree suit nd party dreesee for JOHN FELDMAN. F N. 17th. D. Ilia F set err aad Trade. Drug st or (an ape) obe. nleot.Be Bldg "VANTLTJ A maa wh understands staff work or who "an model la clay. Apply PM Old Boston store mag Mleellaaeaa. WANTED Mors modi ta raja poul try with th Old Trusty Incubator. Writ for free eataiogu. M. M. jonnaon. .iay Center, Ne- viKTin-mx IT. 0. ARMT-Able bodied unmarried mea between tha age U end a. citlsens of United State, of can apeak, rand and write the Engllah language, rw niimews ruitlng ottlear, Uth end Douglas Bt-. One ha. Neb.; W 4th 8t, Sioux City, la.; in . i n PL. Wn. Pi aa ee .a. n'.A er ante at enoe for else trie railway motoren and oendaotor; t t tie a month; n ex perleo necessary; flaa opportunity! a ilrtka Write Immediately for application blank. Aooreee i i. e. AUTO SCHOOL, OMAHA, I LAttus enure, OUARANTEE, higher qui d- al r le .u. then an three western scnooi ; t us riwvs. i- U.S. t . hie- new ItAU T STO SlV TOO thorough tralnin: positions secured, ln ternat'l Motion Picture Scheot Bee Bldg. 1 J00 RAILWAT MAIL CLERKS WANTED M month: Omaha examina tion May 1 Coaching free. Wrtte Frank lin lAMiruUb iPU B sx. swaie.-. N. T. ' . nivTGD-llM ta arena for ooettion new walttmj at top wagea. Leera the barber trade. Few weeks qualifies. No dull seasons so Mrlk. Cask every Sat urday night Aa army at graauatee oe- pendlng upon ue for help. Call er wrUa Meier Barber College. 11 8. Mth St STOP! READ! Get Into a paying profeeaioa- Learn automobile engineering m eur large training ahop. Hundred of successful graduate. Complete equipment of uto mobtiee end ehlnry Addreea National Auto Training Aaan Ol Braadew Theater Bldg. Omaha. Men. IF OUT of employment aee ua, Neville SI . UU sat H arnay St HELP W ANTED MALE M laeellaaeaaa. TELEGRAPH position guaranteed you by the Union Pacific and HUnola Cen tral railroads ft you gain your training In our school. Practice on R. R. wire. Ad drea for partlcuiara, H. B. Boyle, Pre. Boyle Col leg, Omha, Kb. WANTE Railway mail clerk 190 a month. Short hour. No I yoffs: position four for Ufa Omaha examinations May Thousand of appolntmente coming. Common education sufficient. ''Pull" un necessary. Candidate prepared free. Write for wmple Question Franklin In stitute, Dept. 211 It. Rochester, N. T. Good men are hard to get They don't wander around th streets lookinc tor sign In window When you need good help Advertise In The Bee. Be want ad ftre reed by keen, energetlo men wbo wish to better their condi tion. Rate la per word If run two or more time con ecullvely. . Telephone Tylar UU. HELP WANTED WANTED A man and wit with no children to work on a ranch. Addrea B. J. Reno, Wright W'yo. HANDKERCHIEFS, bed preda. etc. Uo do. Cany Laundry, Uth and Howard. LIVE STOCK 1UH BALK Ham aad Vehicle. FROST, wagon repair. 1401 LeAvenw'th. HORSES and cow I41S Cuming St HORSE for !. cheap. But N. list. Webster Mo. LOST AND rX)L NI PERSONS having loot some artlcl would do well to call up the otftc of th Omaha A Council Bluff Stre t Railway ooaipany to aaoertala whether they left It m me street car. Many articles each day are turned In and tha company la anxlou to restore them le tb rightful owner, tall oug laa 44. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAT COMPANY. FOUND Rosary, Wth and Farnam Bt. Apply at lit Be Bide tor mm and pay for this ad. LOST-Brlndl end white female bull dog. TeL Benson- 62. REWARD. STRAYED seer High School, halt grown Scotch Coute dog; light ooior. H- wara. TsKpbon Douglas Tia. LOST Gold watch fob. with elka' teeth. In Hanacom park or vicinity. Liberal reward tor lu ratum. Call Douglas m. LOST Black cocker spaniel pup, white breeat white fore foot. tit S. Kth St Phnne Harney tua Reward LOST-Small white dec. mala, with brown heed: It reward. BO 8. 14th. Call Red 5714. MEDICAL DR. RACE, enecldlst: nervous end all chronic dlseeaee, Ull Dewey Ave. D. Ttot MENTAL diseases cured. M Barker Blk. REMEDY for acute and chronic kid ney, liver, bladder and urinary dleorder. rneumatism, pain in oacx. joints ana bone Write or phone 4 N. Uth St Bell. Web. Kit; lnd.. B-I747. ' MONET TO LOAN . Salary aad Chat tela. MONEY FOR SALE LET US SELL YOU SOME AT THE RIGHT PRICE Money la always a nece try, but never mar so thaa at this urn or tb year, with It Increased cost of living. It sou ar wrsatitng with this phase of the money problem and need financial assist, aac we believe we can help you. we wiu negotiate a loan lor you Ml your Real Kstat Personal Property, hOt'SEti(Jl.Il tHKlDS. PIANO. WARE HOUSE! RECEIPT, BANK BOOK. AU TOMOBILE. WAGES or on your PLAIN NOTE If permanently employed. Money advanced quickly, privately and eonfl- aentiaity. touh ui wi, ma AP PRECIATED. RELIABLE CREDIT CO. Id Floor, IN Paxton Block t17 8. Mth St.. Phone Doug. MIL DIAMOND LOANS at-tw and t par cent FLATAU. M14 Dodge St TeL Red Kit g o furniture, plane and 0nPV eetate at a very Wlti , 0f interest. Nebraska Loan Co. Doug, ltd, t Be Bldg. A-lSd MONEY loaned ealarled people, women keeping bouse end others, without se curity; easy payments. Offices In 47 prin cipal citie. l oiman. bus umana at 1 Bank Bldg.. formerly N. Y. Ufe Bldg. GET IT of Mis Snow. C. L. B., at Star Loan Co. 4 Paxton Bit. W to CM, without security ; to suit you. CHATTEL LOANS Lowest rat and aaalset term See othere; then eee se and be roav'nred that we will eave you iMMy HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO, N. B. Cor. Uth A Doug. Sta D. 4230, Ind. A -SIX OFFERED FOR REKT Xf. B huls trunk D. U. A -Mil. Fees be FOR RENT Two furnished parlor room with heat and ga ta & Ud St ME PARK AVa-Comfortable. eMa. well furnished room, modern; geatlemaa prererreo. a? Be. namey DESIRABLE fumtshed room: private ramitv. siis n. awn st. Tel. v. eoeter sets. SOUTH Wth St.. 111. well furnished warm rooms tn modern, detached bouse, una per weex; no rgn. Tel. wo. 'Mf Wbfle li,le . L. mg for mar com fortabi ousrtera. Is the time to ad- " Rate le per word where tha aa ran is er i OFFERED FOR RENT Fsraiaheol Rooms. NEAT com fortabl front room with l cove; breakfast It desired. Telephone Harney I4L worn rAniv at . jm .-" . , , well furnished room, modern house. gentleman preferred, g.ea. narney i i. irWDT Upn An.u.nl.iwel electric light gas. bath. heat, telephone; In private I amity near ouaineee wmer. 6. Wth Av. ELEGANT furnished rooms at the Lynnhurst, tl7 a. ltn at. rnun u. si. vp uadvo IVC Twe ntcelv furnished south rooms, well boated, modem, good location. Rent tit Per month. Faralshed lieaeekeeplag Reeaie. uli utUTTr.1 TewuB anartmant C3.00. The Howard, t-room, private bath, XX) uu. list a no nowim. inu park AVE Suite to two fur nished or unfurnished front room for light housekeeping. Ail modern house; light heat, teiepnon. namey sew. ...... . i , ,a.k - - - - - nt fnur WD nuntn ew. room; two slngl. two boukping. fnone uoug. w. THREE nicely .urnlshed front house keeping room. wi uavenporv n "V ndern houaeksaDUlg TOOm. Harney ties. ai Mason. ut-tiJTLD ar en Well furnished. strictly modern S-room ult of house keeping room -mono uougiaa visi.- Faralsked M eases, FTJR. Hou. West Farnam diet H. t7M ITVn lUJ.iVl--.ueeF t,v . . y . .. 1 i.a & In Dtinee! de- alrably located, doe to car. Cell H, SXJ Uataralsaed ttsaaas. i modern room . parlor floor. 1M S. Uth. THREE or four light housekeeping, modern rooms; close In; reference re quired. Day phon. Doug. aSt' evenings, Harney It-VS." Hutels aad Apevrtmeata. Dewey European hotel. Uth A Farnam. NICELY FURN ISHED ROOMS fur gen- tlamen. THE Chatham, lie a. ism m OXFORD and Arcade, special wkly rat Dodge, running hot and cold water; lel ephones In every room price th sams. Aparteat aad Flat. t-ROOM flat on ghgrman At Web. s7tt6. u,.fuL.uM T oiutDI lie ki erul fur- warded; cheep freight rates; moving and storing. Expressmen's Delivery Co. TeL Douglas Mi. City offlca, St S. 17th St, Bee Bldg. t-ROOM modern flat Boargo Bldg., tut N. Mth St., South Omaha. Hall. 411 narng mag. notn pnons Diaeei n i. Five room, oak finish, very fin apart, meat "Leone." t a Mth St PAYNE A SLATER CO., Sole Agents. 4th Floor Omaha Nafl Bank. Heaaee aad Cottages. MOD. t-r. cottage. One repair. H. M44. Bit s. win rwi.ie, w ern. 137 bo. t7 S. lath, t rooms, oom- pletely moaern. . mos. nan, nanige eta. L' UOllUeS figh Hon A Co.. Ue Bldg. MOVING, pecking end storing of house bold goods end pino la our bualneae. Omaha Van A. Stoiaga Co., fireproof storage, 804 3. ltth. by the viaduct. Branch office a s. l.'tn at. iei. ir. sto. eyir Rk-XT nr aala cheap. beAUtlful new 7-room houee and barn: all modern; nice location. Telepnone r torence as. t-ROOM modern cottag. ttot Eknmet Bt. Phone Webeter Mt HOUSES FOR RBNT. tlLIS-t-room flat Sll Dougiaa St, mod ern except heat. HO OD- rooms, UU Grant St, new, mod ern, t-t room and bath, 179) Burt Bt, modern; steam beat taVW- room. Ill Madiaon Av., modern except heat Uo OS e-room flat 1127 Fanum St, mod em except heat pt ta-t rooms, ui Bo. Uth St, modern except beat. !4e.go- room, 1664 iMuidenoa St, strictly modern, good barn. liAOe-l rooms, ttW Harney Bt, modern, fin repair. Two and three-room apartment tn I -fayette, 17th Av. nd Jackson St., In cluding bath, refrigerator, vacuum clean ing, laundry, and janitor service. Rental, U,M and 117 SO per month. OEORGB A COMPANY, ta City National Bank Building. Phon D-76t or A-175d t-ROOM (teem heated apartment The Mason, tut snd Mason St, Tele pnone Llouglft ib.i. TtT r.DVlkf ne mnnern slneca n ; v i uis.nc. i r.. TC-V hw, nwwlern 131 S VTt h : fine for two famine. Douglas UM. t-ROOM modern detached house, with good yard, 4240 Farnam St. tl. t-room, modern except beating. N. X. corner ltd and Lnrlmsr Ave 1 Harrison &. Morton til Omaha Nat Bank NIX -ROOM houee, modern except beat, newly decorated, at Corby. Key td door west Douglas S7M. - SIX ROOMS and bat. Hot water beat Inquire, Bt N. 17th St FOUR-ROOM cottage, water aad ga Phon Harney C3 or B-xti. t-ROOM; steam heated, new; Sd floor. water paid: Mth ana camorme. O K FETE REAL ESTATE CO., MM Omaha Nafl Bank Bldg. Doug, er A-tUt - Houses. In Ringwalt Brandel Th. Bldg Km WOOLWORTH AV . l-r, mad., O, 41 N. Mth Ave, -r.. part mad, lit Oi S. Tth, t-r.. flat . KM 8. JSd. i and t-r, flat WJk, tM S. 23d. T-r.. mod., t Bemls-Carlberg Co.. ti-Vt Rrsndets The. HOUSE-Mlt Dewey Ave, f room, modern. Moyer Stationery Co., Mil Far nam St. Stare aad Offseea. M CAGUE BUTLDINO. Uth and Dodge. Attractive office, atnxl or en suite: hot sad cold water la nearly all rooms; rents, 7 to fit: eerric complete Apply OM AHA LOAN A BUILCINa A TN. OFFERED FOR RENT Star aad Oftloe. i STORE room, steam heated, fronting alley at 1W7 and IW Farnam St Hvt .w..i .- d !. fronts-. Tho. F. Hall. 43) Rams Bids. Both1 phone. uu-iil A 17TH 4AxSd ft and basement! um Farnam St first Door and kaat-l ment !' XI M yarns m St. garage, aiwa , 1307 Howard Bt three floor aad b-1 ment tltft. F. D. WEAP. 1WI1 rAKJAX si. Warehaaae. , j Central location, on loth Bt. with iwO-i road epur. Building haa U.0M square feet' and good basement; steam heat Vacant May L Rent H,M per year. Harrison 8r Morton OFFERED FOR BALE Faraltare. FOR SALE cheap, good oak sideboard, I commode snd other furnttur. Phon Webeter 4664. - SOW blue greas now on the snow and have nlc vsivst town next Rprlog and summer. THE NEBRASKA SEED CO., I Tel. Dougl USl. 1C1I Howard 8t Bse want ad will aell fur niture pianos, stoves, type writers, sewing machines, musical Instruments, bicy cle, etc., t a coat of ouly a few cent Don't delay; get your aa in now. FOR SALE Nsw and second-hand carom and pocket billiard table nd bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix-1 turee of all kinds; easy payment Th Brunnwlck-Balke-Collandar Co.. 7-d0l S.I 10th Bt. 1 ID SAFES. DER1GHT. Ult Fsrnam Sti SAFfcS Overstocked with aeooud-band, tales, sll si lea and makes; bargains. I American Supply Co.. 1118 Farnam Bt $5 Coal tor atove or furnace. Try It I Harmon A Weeth. Webeter tit. ' FOR SALE I .pool tables, new doth; first class condition, teed. Call Harney Ml.1 rvn BAl -vow en r iei e.i. aiifc. fixtures; ten-bole range, sll nsw; eesal register; show catee, eta F. F. snsxl,! 1 T .1 .. ., VT Uisnu eu ..ev. FR80.-L YOUNG women ooaung to Omaha sirenere eiv iu.ihv .v ..ei. . , Women's Christian aaaocla Uon building at ' Seventeenth and 8t Mary Ave., wher they will be directed to eul tbl boarding places, or otherwise assisted. Look tar our travelers' aid t th Union stotlop, , Wsi rent and repair all kinde of eew tag machine, lnd. A-1M3. Dougiaa IMS, NEBRASKA CYCLE CO, lith and Harney sta. 2-DAY BLOOD RfcY. Gladleh pharmacy. Uth and Podg. fisSAfR Treatment. Mr. Steele, i MAOT-Ui mumi,,, Ground floor.1 LIfalBEN, mek suits to bl:. le.t How'd. I t XXtiV. BaULa, salt glow arotaaUe Chicago. 8. nth St, 1st floor. D. Ten. I Thouee nog of peopi have found the horn thy were looking for among ta real eetau ad on To Bee want d pag. Tb bom you . wnt to eell cn be disposed of quickly t oost of only a fw cenu through B wast ad THE SALVATION ARMY o licit east off clothing; tn fact anything you da not need. We collect repair and sell at 1M N. Uth St, tor com of collection, to th worthy poor. Call phon Douglas tut and waxon will call. SWEDISH ""' Tlbrator aad " a 3AA raoiator treatment. Mr. Snyder. tW Bee Bldg. Red ftuo. SWEDlaH msseege far rheumatism, muscle lelnt. diseaae. Ears lea Tone eeth, only Omaha mseocnr grdot is Sweden. N Om. Nat l bank. Doug Tlt ASS OR Swdih snovement Apt - 2 IM Farnam. D. T.e. M AfiVTTTO "aetment B. Brott, Vld JxLU.NXiAA- g 16th. td floor. D. tat, BEST bracer for me Gray a Nerve Food Pill tl per box. postpaid, Bhenaaa A McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha, Keb. POCXTRF AND PET STOCK ROUP easily cured by Bob White Roup Cure, tet box. If your dealer oaa not supply you, write us direct, sanding dealer's name. BOB WHITE CO, Ml r. iwn e.. utnsai. en vieD. at. . ' r. i v u wee.es) OS lav, M per MOt screea gs. HJt per Ut, Wagner, M. K. ii. I ST0RAQE ROOM FOR RENT) OR LEASE Fourth and Fifth floor Avery Blflg 10W -11 Leavenworth St. wholesale dli trlct; close to freight house; floor ttxlla feet; offices, elevstor two switch tracks nd loading platform. l Inqulr tl. w. PerTln, Mgr. Avery Co., Offloa entranc directly opposite Union) station ! HorrsEHOLD furniture of 7-room hei loosted at ti8 So. -th St Furniture ta of good quality and practically nw. Must be sold quickly. Call at hou orl telephone Douglas 2T17. i FOR SALE Furniture, cheap, account loving dty. 1706 8. th St Harney 1640, FUMED oak library table, large hall, rack. Mom chair, china cabinet r- frixerator, porch rocker.-All new, used only six munlhs. Phono Webster lit. T y peer rt ters. , . RENT s Oliver type writer from tha Oliver Typewriter Co. Douglas Sii. "TYPEWRITERS, ALL MAKES For ale er rent; largest stock: best bargains, B. F. SWANSON CO, 1214 Farsaia St, Omsh. Call or writ FOR SALE Two cholrehlp In th' Omha Commercial college a. id on lOi Boyle college. Buslnesa offloa. Omahal Be I DAWES county alfalfa seed teeled N per cent pur and took first premium over' all western state t tb Omaha 1 nd show. 1 have a limited uppiy of horn' grown, double cleaned, plump seed for saiei in quanutle of W Ibe, or more, freight! prepaid, at t2c per lb. Send remlttanoei with order and Immediate shipment will be made. ARAH L. HUNOs7aFOB, crawrora, 11 oounty, mdiw 4