lilc bLJ: U.iUtLA, klilDAl, J; tJikl Alii if, ML The Omiia Daily Bee yOUXPED BT EDWARD ROSEWATER TICTOR ROSEWATER. EDITOR. SEE BflLDIX' FARXAM AND 17TH. Entered at Omaha poelulGce aa second clue matter. V TERliS OF, SLJiSCKlPTlGN. Stum! A)" Be, ooe (rear tiSJ 8aturdey Bee, ontj year.,... TajJIy Bee twithout' Sunday , one yser-W lellr Be an4 Sunday, one year -K DELIVERED BT CARRIER. Kvealng Bee (with gimday), per rno...Se Dally Bee (including Sunday), per mo..o Dally Be (without Sunday), per mo.toc Address all complaint or Irrea-ularttlos In delivery to otv Circulation Dept. REMITTANCES. Remit Vy dralt. express or postal order, payable to Tbe Be Publishing company. Only 1-ceot stampe received In payment of small accounts. Personal cheeks, ex cept on Omaba and easier exchange, out accepted. Omaha Tlx Bee BulMIng. South Omaha ru X 8t- CouncU Blufff-5l Scott St. Lincoln 3 Utile Lul'.dlnr. Chlcejto-IMf Marquette Building. Kuiu Cliy-R"ltn- Bunding. New Tork-M Writ Thlrtv-thlrd. Washington 75 Fourteenth SU J. w. CORRESPO.VIKJTE. Comnranlcatlone relating to new snd Wltenei matter should be addressed Osaahe Bee, Editorial bepanmenl. JANUARY CIRCULATION. 49,728 State of Kehraska, County of Dour' as, as: , Dvrtght Williams, circulation manage! of The Bee Publishing company, being duly swora. aaya that the average dally rlrataUon, less spoiled, unused and re turned copies, tor the month ol January, Mi was .;. DWIOHT WTU.1AM8. Circulation Manager. ' tobeortbed ta my presence and sworn to fester a this Mb day of February. IU1 tSaaL) ROBERT HUNTER, Notary Pusllo. wbss libera leaTlaa; ,ha eltr vesaporarllr aheeld have The Be stalled la taewa. Ad drees will ho reused a tea an re, ajaesitsd. , Judge Hook will bare, less use than ever for Jlmcrow Uwi now. So far an outward appearances f o, tiona of that Ryan money has got jtbis far from horn. ( Wtto tart tboro la nothing mt tindar tha aunt Who aver hoard of B otment abow area tarn roars aco To be acceptable, money contribu ted to tha Wtlaoa campaign ahould bo la tha torn ot roUraiaeiit pen sions., v 'A Reno Judge warna against narv rylng New York clubmen., WhyT Doesn't tha Judge want any mora business With al tha political canards al ready sprung la thla campaign, it cms thus far to be fairly tree from nature fakes. Since Mr. Bryan has bought an automobile, perhaps Majormlnaa maaoot will not bo burdened with tha load of lilt. An exchange aaya there la Tory little counterfeit money afloat now. 'And some bar noticed. paucity of tha other kind. la remembering Dickens, let Bona ot US forget that dear old, impecuni ous noaegay ot literature, air. WIU kins Micawbar. . The Houston Poet aaya some can didates are B. Z. Marks. . Tea, but tha people, who elect them are the mora WW, & Marks. ' 1 ... P. . ' Aa Omaha preacher declare there are too many churches la thla city. Etili, there are not so many churches aa there are saloons. By executing are generals at a time,' Ecuador may yet equalize tbe number of Ita shoulder strap officer! and that of tbe privates la tha ranks. Governor Wilson, In admitting that his mind was single-tracked, left It opea to surmise) by Colonel Watter- son that it was also narrow-gauged. Tba Roosevelt lion and tha La Fol letta lamb have laid down together la Nebraska, although for tha present It Is difficult to tell which Is lloa and which Is lamb. President Taft's failure to appoint Judge- Hook to tha supreme bench Will, wa fear, be a sad disappoint ment to those who protested against Judge Hook's appointment "Witt congress act oa Alaska? asks tha Chicago Record-Herald. Ap parently not, nor on anything else ot much importance It tha democratic house majority can prevent it la 1SI8 tha visible difference be tween a republican and a democrat was, la the waits and black bands respectively oa their hats. This year tha cocked hat will mark the distlne- ,1.. Oat ready for the compromise that will aand both tba Fairvlsw states man and our democraUo United States senator as delegaiee-at-large to the Baltlmora convention without opposition. The observance of Founders day by Crelghtoa university la Just a re minder that tha. public benefactions ot tha Crelgbtoas will last forever aad be appreciated even mora by fu ture generations than by tha press nt Tha democrats In congress do not agree with Mr. Bryan that tba house committee aa barking Is not lo be trusted. A few more turn-downs like this, and Mr. Bryan win think It Mcenaenrr ts vtndrrat himself by run ning for prssiatest again tea fomrU A Fine Family Eow. How the so-called Money trust must quake and tremble at tbe thought of being Investigated under conditions presaging that ordeal. Congressman Henry of Texas Insisted upon a special committee to conduct the inquiry, but Chairman Under wood, Speaker Clark and others, pre ferred to commit the work to the standing committees and the house so voted. It is recorded as a pitched battle between the Bryan and anti-Bryan forces In tbe party, with the antls winning. Tha Intimation ot Mr- Henry, and the natural inference. Is such ss to put Speaker Clark and Chairman Underwood in the unfavor able light of opposing and seeking to obstruct a free and nnbiased investi gation, an Investigation tkat will really come to sny serious revelation ot ugly facta. Tbe committee that will hava thla job In hand consists of twenty-one members, fourteen democrats and seven republicans, nnd all but four of the fourteen democrats are of simon pure southern stock. Yet Mr. Henry, and, it is said, Mr. Bryan, hesitate to entrust this work to them, evidently fearful of a whitewash. And the Bryan men cits the opinion ot others to sustain their own position. For Instance, former Congressman Charles N. Fowler .ot New Jersey wired to Mr. Henry, "It will be a crime against tha American people not to pass your resolution." Yet this "crime" was promptly com mitted. A wider breach between Bryan and Underwood and Clark may be looked for as a result of this skirmish. Con gressmen Henry denied that hewae inspired by Colonel Bryan, but the contrary belief obtains, just the same. and not vlthout'evidencs to justify It Whatever the outcome. Chairman Underwood may expect the Bryan op posite nto come dowa npon him stronger than ever In his presidential aspirations. He may expect to be classed as the right arm ot Old Money Bags, and It will be up to him ta meet tha charge. Al) of which shows how lndlseolubly compact and united are the forces of democracy. School Board Finances. Irrespective of bookkeeping tech nicalities, behind which refuge ts taken, tha disclosure ot overdrawn school board accounts will serve a good purpose In directing attention to the Bead of putting the brakes oa expenditure ol school funds. Tbs tact is that tha outlay of money by tba school board has la recent lean fcrreased altogether dis proportionately to the growth of school attendance, and the per capita of public school Instruction has reached tha top notch of the high cost of living scale. Whether this re sult has been produced more by one thing or another, It la less striking than that tha grand total of expend itures baa outrun the revenues and the legal safeguards designed to prevent thla condition has proved ineffective. ' The Bea has several times endeav ored to sound a note of caution on the. financial management ot the school board. There ta no use crying over spilled milk, but tha need of drawing tha Una .on over-expansion and new fade, and ot enforcing strict economy within the field already oc cupied ts mora urgent now than It has been for a long time. The claims of ths school children and of the teaching force ahould always be fairly considered, but without overlooking tha burden which rests on the tax payers who support the schools and have to furnish the money to toot the bills and pay off the bonded debt , ' The Zst and tha Hen. According to tbe very best author ity, this high price of eggs is sll a matter of scientific poultry raising. When people treat their hens as they deserve to be treated and get Into the mlnutla of Intensive chicken cul ture, there will be no tO-cents-s- doien-for-eggs problem, because there) will be no scarcity of eggs. For authority, all, egg consumers are respeotfalry directed to tba es teemed Farm and Fireside', the egg editor of which unhesitatingly de clares this to be the true explanation. He goes further Into the question nnd says that too much la expected ot the hen; that when aha Is feathering she cannot lay eggs abundantly. She needa a certain amount of vitality and cannot meet the drain on her vi tality to lay an egg every, day during the season that she ts putting forth her new coat of feathers. . Now, the remedy la for poultry people to read just their i schedules of hatching chicks, also opea their bounties to sll the wholesome feed the chickens can eat, never akimping them It they are expected to lay. eggs; pullets hatched la April will make good lay era la November If properly fed. As a matter of serious fact, this Is doubtless good advice. If ths abnormally high price of eggs Is due to the Incorrect way ot handling hens. It assures us that there is no Intricate fictitious problem Involved. It should be a simple thing ta feed a chicken all It wants to est It the egg market ran be so readily read justed, then by sll means, let us get at it Tha sums prineipJe at Involved here that operates ts a byre extent sll slang tha Una- When wa learn to Daks tha most of oar rasonvr waslevwr they anay aa, and learn ts cut off every channel of waste and work oa a basis of efficiency and economy, wa probably will discover that much of tbe fault we had been imputing, for example, to the hen. Is after nil our own. The Trail of the Del ease Fond. Reputable union labor men must now realise the hazard they took la raising $225,000 for tha defense of the McXamara brothers. At the time money was being contributed friendly warnings were uttered against gathering too lavish a fund. which would certainly Involve poten tial evils of a grave character. It was more than once pointed out that only such amount as would be needed to defray reasonable and legitimate fees and expenses at the trial should be donated. But such advice or suggestions only tended to irritate many of the leading union men, who allowed their sympathy to run away with their Judgment In as suming the responsibility ot ths Mc Namaraa' guilt It la embarrassing now for tha executive officers of tha Federation ot Labor, through whom this fund was transmitted to Attorney Darrow, to be' called on to explain Its disposi tion. No need to Impute dishonesty to sny federation officer to see that 8ecreary Morrison Is prompt to ex plain all disbursements, and, grant ing full credence to his word, the fact yet remains that out In Los Angeles some of this money was ob viously snd admittedly spent for un lawful purposes. Without so prodigal a fund the charges of jury bribing would not have found so easy accept ance, nor would those engaged In tbe defense fall so quickly under sus picion. After sll, some good lessons havs been learned from this astounding ease, and If so, perhaps tha price paid la money is not exorbitant EcoklnBadvward f cohipixgJ) rwoM it rite " A ffsTJL a. 1 1 . Alleged junketing and attendant Inattention to business of republican ststs house officials Is attracting at tention of democratic fault-findera. Whea the officea were filled by demo crats, who wars likewise skating around tha country, no complaint eama from thla source, which, how ever, would not palliate a real abuse. It ts not to be assumed, however, that ths people want their executive officers to become mere clerks sitting st a desk so many hours a day. To perform their duties properly they must keep In touch with the people as a whole, and familiarise them selves by personal Inspection and ob servation with tha state Institutions, snd general operation of the laws. It la only excessive neglect of pub lie business for personal pleasure or profit which should eubject aa officer to criticism st this sort . That proclamation demanding that ths commissioners to ha elected to run Omaha's city government ha men of unquestioned and recognised abil ity, "able to earn 14,600 a year," would seem to blacklist present occu pants of tba city hall with few, it any, exceptions. For thst matter. thla test would also ha fatal to a large majority ot tha men who hava been mentioning themselves so prom inently. With tha help ot tha city comp troller, our school board Onenciera hava wiped out their deficit by con vincing themselves that tha overlap represents money spent out of de linquent back taxes and penalties that have never been collected, and probably never will be collected. If business men could check against their bad debts ta hat way, they would always be oa easy street It Is understood that as a result of the Interview with Governor Aldrtch, Telaar baa asreed "to be cood." As Telaer is holding office under the state administration, the aovarsor ts able to apply tbs gaf with some effect. Lincoln Star. This would be Interesting It true, but It will hate to be demonstrated. Chairman Underwood's way ot say ing that Mr. Bryaq ahould not be al lowed to boss the house was that "the integrity ot tba house should be pre served." But Mr. Bryan la tha in tegrity at the house, If ha Is tha in tegrity ot ths party. In Investigating the Express trust, Unele Sam ahould not overlook the evidence ot those 110 per cent dividends declared last year by one certain company. Cleariaar l the DUCIealty. , Houston Pest. Is order to clear up the whole dlfO- eulty, sew let a list of eU of Oovernor Wilson's eampalsa eontrtbutlona be pub lished. Surely it would he comfortlnc to bis friends. . Ills Oveaiest Mistake. Cbacace Baosrd-Heraid. In Ms speech at the Philadelphia ban quet Mr. La Follerte mads one ot the sreat mistakes ot his Ufa. He ahould have flayed the newspaper editors of tha country In a few vitriolic words and eat down. But be kept on talking for nearly two hours. A Cinch (or the H natters. Indlanaeoue News. The susseeUen made ha the Outlook that aa election, at which eety women were allowed to vote be held to determine the woman suffrage euestloa. oturht to be rather kindly received by the as (tle ladles who aBthestaatieailyv favor a chance. At such aa election those who were set strongly la fever of eanei rlshte would probably aot take eneush murest ta the pi sells te a te the poUa at all. ntsrssrly a looks Bka a Thirty Tears Ago Plena have sesa oamptsted by Dufrene A Mendelsohn for the academy of tha Beered Heart bulldins, soon to be com menced oa a commanding site In Park place between Burt and Webster streets. Us cost will be as tire about fue.B. The contract for the portion of tbe building to be erected at osce has bean let to Shew Field on their bid SATS on agreement to finish the work of Oo tober L At tbe Land league meeting It was an nounced that ladss M. V. Gannon, of Davenport, Is., would deliver the ora tion of February Xt the double anni versary of Waahinstoa'a birthday and Qrattaa's famous bUl of rights. The water main on Farnam street busted at a point opposite Dewey a Stone's last nisbt, flooding as vara! col lars and basements. Three prairie schooners went through the city oa their way westward. They oame from Iowa hound for the Pacific slope. The party comprised thirteen per sons, and appeared to relish the pros pect ot a i.Ss mile ride. Messrs. Baldwin and Clark hava opened a splendid new buuerd parlor at list Douglas street vouched for as unques tionably the finest place la town. A large line of lace cellars snd echoes just received at Hlckmaa a Mr. C Vf. Csnfiaid, the saurpruans overall manufacturer, corner Fourteenth and Harney streets, has ordered deliv ered immediately eleven Wheeler a Wil son No. W Buuufacturtiul nuvchines. The Bar at oa lyceum at It next meet ing will debate this snomantus suaaUeas Resolved: That tbs statesmanship at the present is inferior te that ef the peat A new burglar proof vault is to Be built In the Omaha National bank. Twenty Years Ago Mayor Frank P. Ireland of Nebraska City was at the Pax ton hotel. W. Ti Hallar and Mrs. Heller ef Blair were guests at the IMlone, It waa announced at a public meeting, presided over by W. J. Broatch that ths prospects were good for raising a fund of tAM to get the national mili tary encampment of tha competitive Drill association to pitch ita . tents la Omaha. General Manager Holdrege ef tba Bur lington gsve the grand Jury the benefit of his information, aa to how far eartaia councilman "got Into the deal'' relating ta the sew depot end the Tenth street vladuoL Contractor Coots, who was crowding the work en the new dry halt said that all the rooms on tbs first floor would be ready for occupancy by Febreary It, al though his contract did aot call for com pletion before March L Rook Island train from the east brought te Omaha a babe bora ta the car some where In Iowa er Nsbraaka. as tha little fellow misht not he able to ted tbe ststs at his nativity. He was earned Jacob Eckhart, Jr., and was the son ef Mr. and Mrs, Jacob Eckhart of Friend, Neb. Mra J. 6, Forsyth, tni Poppleton are- cue, gave a high five card party In the evening ia honor ef Mr, and Mrs. Clark D. Forsyth, Whs had been recently married.' Mr. Max Rolshelmsr and family left for Chlreco, enroute-te ICImlra, N. T., Mr.' Hoi ah rimer's former home, where he had been called on business. Tea Years Ago Undergraduates of Crelghtoa were pre paring to eater a contest la dkUon and logic to be engaaad In by the Jesuit school ef the province ef ths Missouri valley. During the last four years Crelgh toa had carried tha prise, her winners being: Patrick McKenne la 189, John Smith in ISM, David Murphy In 110, and John Benuewlts In 1ML Charles A, Thrope. ths little Nebraska Jockey from Geneva, stopped la Omaha on his way back te France, which really waa his home, to rids for one of the hie- seat stables In Europe during the ensuing year. Ills wife and sister aocompanled him. Dudley Smith, formerly ot Omaha, sec retary of tha Greater American exposi tion, was at the Iter Grand, registering from Chicago. Rev. Leonard Oroh. pastor ef Grace Lutheran church, said in a sermon there that preachers were not "trimmers. but thst they usually spoke boldly what they believed to be the beat thins te say Joete D. Townee nd, daughter ot Mr. aad Mrs. H. C. Tewnsc nd, died at the Preahyuerlae heeptta of appendicitis after a brief Illness. Ths Omaha. Transvaal league adopted a resolution 'celling on the Nebraska delegation In congress to support Con gressman Cockran's resolution Inviting Oora Paul Kruegar to slats tba United states and aeootn Ita guest, ta June. What was pronounced the longest funeral procession ever seen In Omajia up te data was that which followed the body of Leayatte A. darner, assistant, general superintendent of the American 'Express company, te Ita resting piece In Prospect Hill cemetery. The Res. T. 1. Macksy officiated. Thee ware pallbearers: H. Baker of El don, la.: A. T. Payne of Kansas City, J. W, Baker ef Missouri Valley, C H. Mann ot Blous city, a. C Ketterllng and C E. Finch of Omaha, The honorary PU bearers ware W. A. Nayler, B. S, V. Cende, of Chicego. a Elliott of 8t Paul, H. IX Fisher of Flor ence, Wis.; J oh a A, Crelghton. J. J. Picker, J. R. Buchanan and J. H. Hul burt ot Omaha. People Talked About The projected cutting ef a tS.SM.oas Standard Oil melon In Indiana la the kind of trust dissolution which area a prosres aive trust buster would enjoy breaking Into. A New York man who waa thought to he dead for fourteen years I beck te life He must have heard that tba political sttuatloa offers rare oppor tunity for e dark horse. Dr. Charles, w. Eliot preoMeat emeritus of Harvard university, bea at covered tram his recent surgical operation on the Island- at Caylea that he has re sumed nip Journey by easy stales In the far seat. , A railroad reosrd tat nncoinasoe, teucth and spotless n so waa achieved bf Oeorge Caddy Harris of Pert Royal Juniata county. Pennsylvania, who baa transferred to the retired net ef. Psaaey Irani company. Basils, entered tbe enmpaaj'a earvtee Mar k baa, net a assasrtt ssark ta k A s-osslelo Reminder. KKARNET. Net., .Feb. 4,-To the Ed itor ef The Bees Louts D. Brsndela spoke here But xdtrht ea trusts. Ha contended that the efferts being made te suppress or central trusts are failures, and by inference conveyed the Idea that we ought te save a change of administration. I was forcibly reminded ef a period hi tha history of our country when the ene mies ef President Lincoln declared that the efforts being made by hi ad mlniat ra tion to aupprees a formidable rebellion were failures. But thanks te leys! peo ple everywhere, and to the Grand Army of tha Renubae, Abraham Lincoln was vindicated, the union preserved and order restored. Is It preetrmtng too much to say that the same result will occur It President Tatt Is re-elected? JOSEPH BLACK. Why the Cetalogee Ranees Win. KEARNBT, Neb., Pea T.-To the Ed itor of Tbe Be: I sse an article tat The Bee asking "why people cannot buy their goods at home Instead of sending to mall order houses for them" and giving as a reason that the clerks era addicted to discourtesy. But that U not the rea son, or anything like ths reason. One reason Is thst tba catalogue houses sell a better quality of goods for at least B per cent less, aad ths goods are fresh and full weight and aa good or better than they are represented to be, And whan a farmer has anything to sell ths local stores offer the very lowest that la poealble, and ta that way offend the seller ef produce and he sends te the catalogue house for say geod-slsed hill of good, because he thinks he has a grievance 1 have known ot merchants who have bought farm produce for one- halt the price that they sold it for. Another reason Is the catalogus houses salt for cash aad tbe good payers don't hare to pay for tbe goods that the bad payers get The town or country mer chant says In defease: "I trust you whan you are abort of money, and you should give me your business when you bav cash te pay." The country merchant does not trust out his goods, to anyone except those he thinks are as good as cash. Ha doesn't trust the real poor man at alt Men who fall to pay their star bills are not the reel poor men, hut men considered good whan the goods were sold, and I repeat and there Is nothing more true than the real poor meu who work by the day and don't always nave work. They are not the ones who ewe the stores and won't r can't pay for such xoaa can't gat trusted. . The remedy for the merchant Is this: Let thus all sell for cash the same aa the catalogue houses. Wa shall have tha psreala post sesa, for sny oonjrresaman or senator who will vote against It will commit political suicide. . . A. J. BNOWDKN. Piece le Show the Colors. 8COTT8 BLUFF, Msb., Feb. 4-To the Editor ef The Bee: All oandldates for railroad commissioner have so far dis tinguished themselves by their silence Is It possible they sre willing to trust to luck for the nomlnaUan. or are so public spirited that they expect th office to seek th man, v or la there something 4a the rising suspicion that they are ail try ing for the railroad support secretly T The publle Is becoming anxious, The spirit ef the state ta not In a mood to tolerate a figurehead, la this Important office. Railroad service and Improvement In Nebraska should be la keeping with th common weal th'a progress all along the una Now this for the candidates snd pros pective candidates for ths office men tloned: Before the primaries you must show where, you stand, snd prevs lt The people will support the candidate who proves himself absolutely no coward and positively' Independent ot the big "god of property," who put his blighting hand on independent business In 1M and has kept It there sine. Tour political afflUaUons matter little, but you must be a man. Ths people will have th privilege of voting for such a candidate, for unless you come out in the open there will be another. t am not a candidate, cannot afford to as, and elU not be. If there Is any other sltarnative for the progressive voters of th state. I sea snd will help a sood candidate that come Into the opea in such a manner that there la no doubt about his being of th right etrtpe. Let tha candidate gat out and snow bis col ors. We want to know. O. L. SHUMWAT. liittiagf the Cetlee Oesehlaus, Philadelphia Record. One way to meet the high cost of liv ing I shown by ths reduction of 3out B per cent in the consumption of cof fee due te the prices that have Vre vailed for some time. Part ot this I directly due to economy. Part of it, according to a coffee roaster, a due te the fact that with ths higher wholesale price the retailer makes seas, and ia aot nearly so eager aa he was a year sgo to coax and tempt people by va rious means to buy coffee, Of course, th hnslnss of making and sailing cof fee substitutes has been stimulated Ma testes tsraeet Brooklyn JBagte. Louis D. Brandt Is says tbe steal treat has taken Bewares more from the nub ile ta the last tea years than It was en titled to. This does act Include the II hranr rebate and ether returns In tha tana of Sifts to, the people who Per mitted thla all eared extortion. When eon grass er. a leglsUalure of a state take store than a ought ore set ms returns ia the form of a federal building, a capitol or a court hnnsa. and those blessings wc offset as credits la figuring the greed account Has Mr. Brmadsia no seed to Inter with the bones ef plutocracy? HOW EDITOItS SEE TEI5GS. Baltimore American: In an address at Richmond aspirant Wilson arced his au ditors not to let their Judgment be dis turbed by people who call names. There la reason to Believe that Woedrow meant it from the bottom of bis heart. 8t Louis Republic: Colonel Roosevelt threatens that if reporters do not quit trying to Croat-examine him he will re fuse to talk to them at all any more. Oh piffle! Th peevish one hates third term publicity shout aa much as Lillian Russell hates a marriage proposal, and when it comes to avoiding reporters be ts so coy that he falls on their necks. Chlaase Re cord-Herald: Anita Stewart th American wife ef Dom Miguel, the Portuguese pretender. Is reported to hate given several million dollars to be used for the purpose of putting Manuel back upon the throne ot Portugal. Apparently Anita has decided that th pretending la not going to be good unless there shall be something tor which to pretend. Boston Transcript: Oovernor Baldwin of Connecticut Is sure of fourteen votes for the democratic nomination at the Baltlmora convention. Tbe Connecticut democratic state committee has seen to all that. This gives Oovernor Baldwin a distinct lead among tba prominently mentioned up to date, since no other of them caa at present be so certain of so msay votes, Baltimore American: At a meeting lately of a tire protection association it was suted thai Ore In the United States cost sjQt s minute Also, that th annual Ufa lose was Ian people and that .e,W era annually injured. This showing is a disgrace to civilisation. The vast ma jority both of life and property Joes Is preventable, and tha Mg mistake of the age Is In treating such loss under th heed of accidents. SHUJ5Q STaBTCS, Hicks Did th exwonrs Jury fix th responsibility for that railroad accident? Hicks Tea, they blamed the Jeweler who sold the train dispatcher that alarm clock. Bt. Low Tlmco. "Did you hear that Mrs. Brownbtll has adopted some sort of new belief r "I'm not at ail surprised. 1 saw her plavliur bridge last nurht and when her partner led apadea oa a doubled no trumper she only smCed. Cleveland Plain Dealer. Did your cook say right out that aha wanted you aU to stay , at home that evening1 ?" "No; but she put onions In every mouth ful of food we bad to eat that day. New York Sun. Inquiring friend I should like to know your husband's attitude on th question of woman suffrage. I suppose, though, when it cornea to thai, he's up In tha air, aa tha sayina Is. Mrs. Leeder one root is. anyway: nss a kicker. Chicago Tribune. "I am told that young Baggs drinks like a fish." "That's nothing against him." "It Isn't'" ' "Of court not Fishes never drink any thing but water and only what they need ot that" Baltimore American. 00 Y0D BEMSMBEB THEM f Cincinnati Enoolter. Where ere tha songs of yesterday? Where ere the tunc we used to play? Where are the hits of other days? Where are the girls we used to praise? "Sweet Belle Mahon" and "Dear Louise" Were wout to crowd the summer breese: Old "Annie Rooney," she was true. so were "Two utu Girls in Blue." "Down Went McGtnty" made us roar; "Slide. Kelly, Slide" got an encore "White Wings" we loved among the sirs, And "Climbing Up the Golden Stairs.' "After the Ball" and "Sweet Marie" Once filled th world with harmony And old Ts-ra-ra-boom-de-y" Where are the songs ef yesterday? Aa aaeeasasetesl RarJav. Pittsburgh Diaesicb. The aaearttom of Berretary Meyer that - Aw ... k. e-wa power is saruresient to wiping off our net ' at ea stroke the inaiaaa, siaasacauaetts. Orrsroe, Iowa, Kearsnraw sad Kentucky" proves a little toe much, As eaiglsuid and ms beif aoawa er ssr. tha ratio ef six to ooe wipes out several mere battle ships that we have got and our naval strength after a thisssniil million of ex penditure la several ships less than aeta- New Tork World. The iui.IiiIiis of the vote for Roose velt by the repubUcaa city central com mit te la St, Louie shows that wane a oo srboy may lata a steam roller he oaanet he4 a ABSOLUTELY PURE Makes delicious home baked foods of maxlmnia quality at mkilmuiu cost Makes home baking a pleasure , i The only Baldng Powder nx&de from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar Ho Alum No Um Phosphmtoo 1 IEP0SITS made on or before February 10th in the SAVINGS DEPARTMENT of the UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANS will draw Interest from Feb-ruarylst. THREE FES CENT Interest is paid on savings deposits and COMPOUNDED SEMI-ANNUALLY. Funds may be with, drawn at any time without notice.' Tba combined capital and surplus 1 11,400,000.11a It Is the oldest bank In Nebraska, Established la Hit, J United States National Bank ol Omaha, Nebraska BT. T. Barlow, VreetSsert. O. B. Xsvesetiek, Asst. OaeX Q. W. Wattles, wios-yiss, R V. atoramaa. Asst. desk. V. a OaldweU. Wtes-asae. ST a ttoClue, A est, Osea, , a, a boss as. Osea, SV BL Sates, Asst. Oaeskj Open aa oWaraAra VatU ):00 r. , SCHOOLS. i Practical Courses NotFcamdfJsewhero Des Moines, Iowa A n w s - ..i B bf S. f e assess sekeel e- Vertw KSJKiX -swgaSSM reaeessy BOtW St I III S. - fruUl' isimjssb .saassssseeeies, Co3t CstrfBtsT rVadkaJ Snort rjpnrriB. Cearw newelssesswmaserrsstss a tbeose-yesr Besses, KiecuMaL Merssslssl Bvewtsc, I sua aua' sad Aeusnoelle Beeeeaiets' Cesreea ake ta the twelve week's ftteaa snd &ssTrscrtes Ka glsssrlsg. s unisnshlls snl See Intlss Oesisea. ef Ceases work, rsciodiac tss Cisssksu, Sclau&c.ClT!i Eu.uer.ue. Blecrrlcsl NsrsMl aa) Preparator C arses Berisstar ss sevsaced elsiss em. ba srssa. Bed ta sd Kernel, rnsisrr Trelalea sbd Fvsw story ssbleete Oswss will be sismlslss iasfl rsblecsi sea sire fat say grade ot ccruacale. MirsicBBtlOriioryS ealsr sse slsssis a Berk asior Bla-aBkatfW Bertnslsf sad sdvasese stsdeaw asaiasmj r aJsutted a aodl Ota r.x-swr.a-sadtaevaetloMers'Coerkss roer smct. TMs b Um seat Csm at the resr Ss sasar Ihn nelsllraOasnafasssss. V yes sre auaessss a say er the Steeeaaj ef SB sesrees Qnxmi mmmL w es weu as as iae eegaaaieg el a scassl yes. Cases. riLal CaBBBCt fT" veeswee sawasiaad is tea Bee nessCeerses. seraesd snd Trpewrtdss- rea asssls, CM sernee sad Tsiearask Cnersas. assu O. H. LONG WELL, Free, Kghavasl Park Ceflege, DES MOINES, IOWA