Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 09, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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Jusl2 r.IorcDaysol Shoe Bargains
- Moatday Beoraiaf; will find the priceo bark at the regular
flgarea. A KUare at the pnecat redactioas, flvesa below, shows
the wisdom of baring aboei for roorself aad children Friday aad
Satardar. ,
At $2.35 .
Growlac Girls'
6hoes. patent aad
patent tips, lac or
button sit Hi
to t $3.60 and
. 4.00 rallies.
Al $1.55 ,
Chlldrea'a Shoes,
diea B to I, pat
ent tip, lace or
button J.M
values. '
$1 -
Children' Shoes,
size H to 11,
patent tips, lace
or batton, $1.00
and 11.60 raises.
. Shoes, sites 11 H
to S, patent tips, lace or but
toa $1.60 values.
-At $2.35-
Mtasea' Shoes, slses Uttltl
dull, tan and patent tips
all $3.00 and $3.60 ralnes.
One lot of Ladles'
Shoes, la Un and
dull leather and
velvet all regu
lar $4.00 values.
At;: ) ,
One lot of Ladiea
Sheas, patent,
button-with cloth
and kid appers
all $1.00 and
$.00 values.
; At $3.93
On e big lot of
Ladiea' patent and
dull calf leather
shoes, cloth and kid
uppers $5.00 .and
$6.00 values.
Steel Xa&mato Will Quit Bniinesi if
i Underwood Bill Pastes.
Me . Telle the Cesesstttse rreteetla
Weald Net Be Heeded It It
Wen Net tee the Cheaper
- : Lake Abroad. (
WASHINGTON. Feb. t-Charles at.
Schwab, the ttl mihU of Bethle
hem, Pa., told the ssnate finance com.
mlttee today that the Underwood Mil's
rate ea Isrfer steel products would no
ef meet serious eoneeouenoe to the eteel
busJaee la the xsmlaatloa.
-Wllh the nst conditions, espeelallr
with labor u Cheap, ws ssk so protec
tion.'' Mr. Schwab . "but the labor
account ' welsh heavily acalnet us.
Tboafb ar only Ml miles from Now
Tors, tt ot a much t sat eur steel
there a does -to bring It from Hol
land. S C ' - '
"I ' consider the prsesnt tariff rate
MNMrf to prosperity ef the Meal buK-
flOJL '
Mr. Schwab aald that without acotbeuen
be would want no financial Interest
la the- atari bustnese,. and he would re
ard as wasted the faVoMCW which rs
eently bad bean (averted la ' hi buaV
"After all sty work and the Investment
ef aw fortune. I have never taken a
seanr-eot-at ..the- Indue try." said Mr.
Schwab tacuslnt bis general eteHmeat
"I haven't made sufficient profit to
feel tuatlfled In taking money out of
the industry," be said.
What Is yew salary?" sakad Senator
"Oh. t haven't any," replied the wit.
aces, lauchins. "I don't mind tolling
you why I ere H this work. I don't need
the Income. 1 ' sva no heirs, ae ehlldren
to leave anything to. I want to build ap
a sueoesaful enterprise, but t want to
any thai f the bouse Mil passes, I shall
drop It."
President Taft
Confident He Will
Be Ke-Hected
WASHINGTON, Feb. l-That Presi
dent Taft is personally confident that b
will be renominated was asserted by em
of the White House vleltor woe talked
with Mr. Taft today. The president la
reported to have said alee be was eea-
vtncod that he would defeat any Sua the
democratic party could nominate.
He Is said s have simplified hi state
teat that 'nothing but death" eeuld
keep hint out of the contest for the re.
publlcaa nominal loa.
Aocordmg to one visitor, the president
believed the business mea of the country
would support him.
WICHITA. Kan., .Tea. l-J antes J.
Hamilton, a steaotaapber la the office ef
D. X. Barns, chief dork of the Sevejth
division railway man service la this city,
was arrested tonight en a charge ef
robbing lb melt aad being la a con
spiracy to defraud the treasurer ef the
local, postofjlo and the Kansas Ctty
postal authorities.
Hamilton is said to have confessed. He
was arraigned before Commissioner
Shearman and committed to jail In de
fault of C M bond.
ills father lives In West Plains. Ms..
aad la said te be wealthy. Hamilton has
a wife and sa Infant daughter.
Democrats Select.
Their Delegates
COLUMBUS, Neb.. rb. S.-At ths mast
ing of the democratic state central com
mittee today the following were recom
mended as electors.
- At large Waldo Wlnteratesn,, Fremont;
Judge J. R. Dean, Broken Bow; First
district, 1. W. Outright. Llnooln; Second,
Sophus F. Nobis, Omaha; Third, W. R.
Beum. Tekamab; Fourth, B- W. Bailey.
Fabrburg; Fifth, F. C. Funk Fuaau filth,
J. J. MoCsrthy. Ocallala. ' ' ' "1 i l
A resolution was unamleusly' adopted
providing that the. Ova eonsUtwjnaj,
smsndmoats te be voted upon la Novsra-
be placed ea the primary ballot la
April. A majority vote en either or all
these a mead men ta will be construed
the party endorsement and they will than
ge ea the ballot and every straight party
vets hi November will be counted for
them. The amaadmenta ar the Initiative
and referendum, ohanglag compensation
of legislation, aad changing the time limit
la whlcb bill saa be Introduced, for
nonpartisan board of control of stats In
stitution; providing for biennial elections,
and giving eltiee the right te make their
ewa charters. The attendance at the
meeting was large.
Mrs. Beery St. Frailer.
TECVXSEH, Neb.. Fab. i.-(Bpclel.-After,
being la falling health for several
months, following a stroke of paralysis
aad with a final stekaees ef one week's
deration, tya. Henry M. Frailey died at
the family hoses hvthla city at JS p. bl
oa Monday, aged 77 years. Mr. and Mrs.
Frailer cams to Nebraska la IM from
Illinois aad located apoa a tana Bear
Vesta, where they Mved until ana, whoa
they snowed t Tecamesa. Bgbt child res
were bora te Mr. and Mrs. Frailey, two
dying la infancy. The hvtag children are
J. A. Fraliey ef Qaleohurg. UL; Mm.
Mary Hart butt of tbla city. Mrs. Ulbe
Fehrager , ef Scott's Muff. Charles
Frailey of Ipearteh, S. D.; Oeorg Frailey
of Vesta and W. F. Frailey ef Teeusas
The bus band alee survtvea. The funeral
was held at the hosne Wednesday after-
Mssw B. C. Leaa.
TUCO CLOUT). Nabs Feb. !-8peolaI)-Mra.
B. C. Lecget dted suddenly at her
bom, southeast ef this city. Wednesday,
of bean failure, aged 1 years. She was
Ul has than ta bears. Margaret Jans
Glttes was bora in Paaneylvanla. August
t. ISM. cxaaing wttb bar husband. K. C.
leset, to U4s county October s, 171,
aad experteaced all the trials as well
ea the pi as sin is eg plsnisr Ufa. They
resided a the saase farm until last fsl
when they snored te this city. 81
her, htm sand, three sons.
daughter saeara her loaa. Tbe funeral
earvicaa were held today trass the Meth
od etmreh. Rev. Mr. Hssimill. assisted
by Mr. Tcanpblne. effMatea.
rteM Maunabad Tea Mabafce,
BERUN, Feb. g-FMd Marshal WU
balm Voa Babake, eae af Ike beet kaewa
aad assst pepaiar siadms la Oermaay,
died today. v
Mln i ilt.
: ROCK 51'IUXOB. Wye, Feb. -Spe.
eieO-Vsetcr UadsjuM, a
S years sad, eaasasattad sasotde sa a kacal
ealoca by drtakmg carboiie acid. He
had bsea at ef work aad wi
eat. SbateVs bvtnc to Idaho Falls, Idaho,
aad Crest Tall. Meat, have baoa noti
ced, Undqurst cam be
Orore, Vtaa, ,
Prince Gives Views
on Union Pacific Bill
(From a Staff Correspondent)-',
WASHINfTON. Feb. I. - Special Tele
gram.) W A. Prince ef Orand Island,
attorney for the Valley Farmers' Protec
tive association, met the members ot the
Nebraska delegatioa this morning aad
presented to them hie Ideas en the pro-
d bill te Umlt the right-of-way of the
Unto Pacific la S test. The bill la be
fore the Judiciary committee, and It has
been arrsagod for Mr. Prince to be given
a hearing before this committee tomorrow
morning. Neither ef the senators waa
sole te attend the delegatioa meeting,
being detained by oommlttee work.
The Nebraska Feace society, la a eom-
muaieetloa received la the eenats today,
expressed Its approval af the adwootlea
of the pending arbitration ttsatlse.
Senator Brewa today recommended the
appoiatanent as postmaster at Wyaot at
A. H. Tboaipsou.
The preaMottt today nominated Oamer
A. Butler postmaster at Newcaetm, NeW,
aad Kate A. Schaaoke postmaster st Pl
ssr and Harry K. Barnee at Walay, g. D.
The fonewing South Dakota postal sav
ings banks have been ordered established
oa March: Blunt. Coode. XstaUtne, Ips
wich, Lake Prestos, Msrde, Pbtlln, Slsee-
toa. Winner. ,
Memben of Public Bodies Pay Trib
ute to Dead Solditr.
Steekmea Thraaarauaat levra Caan.
plain of Seerelty at Cattle Care
' as All Rallreade Wllaea
" ReaSejaartere Opeaed.
(From a Staff Correspondent)
DES MOINES, Fob. l-(8pctsJ Tele-
fram.) The funeral of the lats General
Weaver waa held this afternoon at the
First Methodist church and was attended
by members of the Grand Army of the
Republic sad Woman's Relief corps, old
friends from Bloom field and Colfax, aad
prominent dtlsena In all walks of life.
The services wore conducted by Dr.
Prultf, pastor of bis church at Col fas,
assisted by Rev. Orten Flfer ef this dty
and by Rev. Fetber Nugent, a close per
sonal friend.
The number of Cracker post had
draped ths casket with a silk Dag and a
handful of survivors of the Second lows
Infantry attended the ceremonies. The
sons, three eons-ln-law aad a nephew were
pallbearers. A special car bad been se
cured te bring from Celfas a large num
ber of the school children who desired to
pay tribute to the nan.
' . Seerelty af Steek Cars.
Stockmen In all parts ot ths stats srs
filing oompialnta with ths Stats Board
of Railroad Commissioners because tbey
cannot get cattle ears la which te move
their stock. According to information re
ceived at the offices of the commission
the railroads srs filling orders for cars
and moving stock as rapidly as possible.
but oan not piaos the hundreds of cars
desired for two or three weeks.
Breeders) et Dee Melaee,
About fifty members of the Iowa Aber
d sen-Angus Breeders' saeoclatlon assem
bled here today for the opening session
of their annual convention. One of the
objects ef the convention this yesr will
be to establish a sales center in Das
M sines for Asardeea-Aef ua cattle. ,
Colored Maa tar Legialalare.
At the Stnt Association of Colored
Lawyers of Iowa the candidacy of Oeorse
H. Woodson for member ef the letialsture
from Monroe county was unanimously
indorsed and be was pledged assistance
la bia snort to land ins nomination, si
elected be would be tb first colored maa
la the lewa legtaOatare.
Wlleea Meadaaartere Open.
Indications that a vigorous contest for
the Iowa delegatioa to ths national dem
ocratic eonveatioa at Baltimore will be
waged became eertasa today, when
friends ot. Wood row Wilson SBCnd bead
quart sr bare. Adherents eg Champ
Clark already nave opened headquarters.
Karl Bronsoa af Spencer Is In ehsrgs of
the WUaoa campaign.
New Member af Beard.
J. B. Ubl was today selected by the
Beard ef Supervisors te be a member ef
the boan succeeding the late Thomas
Morses. Mr. Uhi is a retired farmer,
living near Mltcbellvllla. Morgan sad
served sa ths board but a short time.
Tea Seaeroaa wttb B enseals.
Christ Ihmes of Sioux City divided up
his small sstats between direct heirs and
oertsla charities, making bequests to ths
(jercMa Lutheran church, the St. Vla-
oaai aoapttal. Heats for Otd Men sad an
orphanage. The supreme court today as-
eld ed that bs exceed sd his rights by glv
lag away to osrporsAoaa mors thaa ene
fourth ef his estates so long as be had
children, and directed that the bequests
bs csncelled.
Beard Had Right ta Settle,
The Board of Supervisors ef Lyon
county was uphold by the supreme court
today far havtng made settlement with
ths county auditor and allowing bus tN
a yesr tor extra clerk klre esck year.
The court found thnt the proceedings
were Irregular, but the board had ths
right te make the settlement It did aad
the county cannot recover.
i, Saprasse Ceert Deetaleae.
Aachak Rutk Hall, appellant, against
Hampton wmtarmuts. awm lay lor
John Ble-
brings the total up to seventy. At the
recent term of court sixteen of those in
dicted pleaded guilty. Two paid fines ef
PN and the net went to jail for terms
of from tea to thirty days.
learn Flare Crtanell Tealsbt.
IOWA CITT. Is., Feb. t-Speeiai.- j
Iowa's basket hall team meets Orinnell's
firs en the Iocs! floor Friday sight Cor
ths champloaaMp of ths state. Qrtnnell
always has beta defeated on ths Iowa
City floor and Is usually successful la
claiming a victory when Iowa goes to
Orlnnell. .
Fire Drill Prevents Panic.
MARSHALLTOWN. la, Feb. g-(8pe-
clal. Th fir drill this afternoon saved
a possible panic among hundreds of small
children of ths GUck school, when fire
broke out In the second story. The chil
dren were marched out ot the building
a tew minutes and the firemen soon
had the flames under control
levra Krai Notes. -
NBWTON For the third time within a
year Leo Krampe of Baxter la to be
placed on trial for first dearee murder.
Ha Is accused of killing Miss Matilda
Krampe. an sared and rich woman of near
Baxter, last February. At both of the
trials tbe Jury disagreed.
IOWA CITT Tm men Smith, who lata
Monday night stole a horse and busxy
from the barn of Paul Oreer near fjak-
dale and escaped to West Liberty, re
turned to Iowa City today, met Greer on
the street and presented him with hi
lost property. He then gave himself up
to Sheriff Fault declaring ne was insane
and that the aherlff had beet notify the
parole board at Deo Moines since he was
a paroled convict from Anemnea
Ex-Mayor of Lincoln
1 Dies Very Suddenly
(Fron a Staff Correspondent.)
IJNCOLN. Feb. (.-(Special Telegram.)
-Former Mayor Robert B. Graham died
suddenly this morning st his borne. Ml
South Fourteenth street. Just a wek ago
Mr. Oraham had an attack of grip, but
neither the family nor friends were
alarmed ever It. At t:6 this morning,
with only a few premonitory symptoms,
hs suddenly expired. On March 17, had
he lived, Mr. Oraham would bare been
W yaara old. -
Mr. Oraham was bora In New York
snd received bis early education la a
Baptist colleg at Burlington. la. He
came to Nebraska In ISC, settling In the
northeastern part of Lancaster county,
where he built a grist mill and also en
gaged In fsrmlng. In INI hs wss elected
member of the legislature from Lan
caster county and la the following year
wss elected county treasurer, and sloes
that data had resided In Lincoln.
la in hs wss elected mayor of Llnooln
sad did much to help In ths upbuilding
ot tas city. After retiring from this of
fice be engsged ss a contractor, laying
cement aide w si as snd doing a general
cement business, taking only an ln
dental Interest In pontics snd holding no
county. Affirmed.
Jobs c. rreaericaaoa scsinn ,
rent, appellaal. From Woodbury oounty.
Van Burea county Bavins eanx
aaalnst K. H. Rerkwell. appellant a-rom
Van Bursa county. Ainrmsa.
Ksteta of Christ lbmea asalsst I. M.
Worsley, appellant. From 'xlbury
oounty. Reversed. t
P. H. Mccarty, appellant, against rt. c,
Eggert. From Lyea oounty. Affirmed.
Torres af Death Removed.
Elder Charles Tbompsoa of Nevada, la..
president dt the Northern Union coafer-
ot Seventh Day Adventlsta, In an
ss to the delegates of tbs Iowa
conference bore today declared that bs Is
lookktg forward to the time when people
shall be taken up bodily from the earth
and transported directly te beavea with
out experiencing death.
This be bsneve t be but a few years
ta the futare. Ha stated that be will
never die ef aid age. believing that Chrtot
will return ta earth before he kt aa
Tbe membership ef tbe eksrebes ef
lews, Mlaasaots, North aad South Da
kota and Nebraska, are rsersssntod
Entombed Miners
Rescued from Shaft
sixty-two miners entombed In tbe Bunker
Hill mine a 1 o'clock yesterday by a
cava la ef the shaft, were loomed at U
o'clock today, aftsr a night of desperate
work by miners from aearby Balnea.
A tiny opening, revealing a gilmpee ef
light at the Ss) foot arret dona ths shaft.
caught tbs eyes ef tbe rescuers. A snout
was answered by a cry frees tbe atea m
tbs shaft aad a few momenta later the
reck Jam was tlueffd sufficiently at alksw
the passage ef a maa s body.
When tbe word spread that aa opening
ad been effected tbe me at
tbe tunnel shsft res te the mala Incline
and a cheer from sa) persona greeted tbe
first basrlmid miner sa be came through
the opening. One by one tb stxty-twe
psaesd through Each found his family
A dinner bad been prepared at the ansae
dining hall sad after bet reetoratfves had
been administered to tbe ssea they were
rese wttb -lobswoose" sad bet
while tbe crowd eotsMe an II cbsered
Frtstbtfml Palaa
la tb etomaok. torpid beer, tans back
and weak kldaeya are aaoa relieved by
gfeetrie BUtaca. Guaranteed. Sec :
sal by Beaten Drug Cf.
MASON CITT. la, Feb. t. -(Special Tel
egram.) A tlegras received tbla after,
aaoa trees Rexburg, Idaho, states that
ths story toed her to tbe police with
reference o L. E. La In sheeting snd
killing Charbas Edwards la February, IMS,
Is correct. Ouawtng on coned eaca drove
Lskia to make a eonfeaalea soon after
arrrving M this city. He bad fa bis pos
ses a Utile money aad a Bible. Lkkln
is being held here.
Dletrieg Camrt la tea weed.
OLBNWOOD. lav. Feb. l-KSpoclal.)-
la district court here. Judge Arthur pre
siding, tbe Jury la the esse ef William
MoMallea seal sat Harris eV -Taylor
ught ss a verdict ef (t ss) tor lb
plaintiff. TMs was a auft sgsiast a Mal
vera real cots firm bs wMch tb plain
tiff claimed that ta a partnership agree-
at la tbe purchase of two tracts ef
Wheeler county. Nebraska, land that lb
d was purchased for a he
thaa be was led te beOeve wss paid.
Tbe court Is ensnared today la hearts
ease of Lsuts Berger agalast A. Oost-
steta aad the Rappaaort Fruit company.
The at a slssgiiimsns aver a contract
for tbe puree, sos ef apples la tru.
Peat Ptarewe Seal to abrll.
KXOSAVQUA. lav. Fab. L- Special -
Poker, both "stud aad draw. H ui
tb oftkHai baa m Van Bares county.
Tb gmad Jury, which last reported, re
turned ss i causa Indictments agslnsl
many tadlrwroaia for gambling. Playing
poker Is charged ta art of tb Indict
menu. Thia latest bunch ef kidictareats
Coaaty Beard Rejeete Bin Bnneh at
' Clalnsa tar Bridges that
Were Rejected. ,
CLAT CENTER, Neb., Feb. t-(Sps-
olal.) Orr Bros, of this dty, owners and
saoprletore ot the large flouring mill,
navs dissolved partnership. 0. W. Orr
retires from ths firm snd E. W. Orr
will continue So conduct, the buataees.
Ths retiring member goes to California
for bl health and also to look a fur
large Inveetment on th Pacific coast.
Hs will reside at Riverside,. Csi.
Ths County Board of Supervisors today
rejected the elstn. of ths Wester Bridge
snd Construction company at Omaha for
abdut B.M for steel bridges erected last
yesr In Clay county and by tbs board
The Board of Supervisors also bsd nrc
sented te them the petition signed by
residents from sit pans of tbs county
requeuing them to appoint a road com
missioner sncr also to appropriate tbe
money derived from automobile tax to
th dragging of roads In tbe county, also
ta expand tho Inheritance tax fund now
IB tbe county treasury upon, sola on
road la lbs county Immediately. No no
tion was takaa.
L. E. WUliameoa, deputy county clerk.
has filed bis resignation, to Uks effect
March 1. His successor will bs Thomas
SetfklB of Trumbull. Mr. Williamson will
taks a course la dentistry In soms east
era college. Mr. Self in has bsd large
experience, having bees bookkeeper for
Haney dt Co. ot Hastings snd also for
Trimble, Black maa ft Alexander, a whole
sale firm ef Hasting.
Main's Douglas gtreet Store
BEATRICE Neb., Feb. (-(Special
Telegram. MMrs. Blanche La paler, who
wss arrested, la company with her bus
hand, some ttms sgo in Texas while en
their honeymoon trip en the charge of
uttering and passing a forged check ef
PS) oa tbe First National bank ef this
ctty, today Instituted divorce proceedings
against her husband, who cj la Jail
swatting trial m tbe district court.
Bbe charge that her arrest caused her
atueb worry and dtsgrsc aad la rssponal-
for her health being badly broken,
t tbe preltsunary bearing of Mrs.
Laps ley a tew months ago she waa re
leased, aa R waa sbowa that she waa aa
Innocent party ta the act. The cheek ea
which I epciey received th money waa
draw oa a supposed Ftnsss City Una.
LINCOLN. Feb. t (Special Telegram.)
I. N. Miller of Wymore was arraigned
kt federal court today aad pleaded not
guilty to tbe charge ef conspiring to de
fraud tbs government ef land. If
charged that In October. 1st, be coa-
pi red with Clyde Losh to defraud the
government out of kinds ta Cherry comity
by means ef snaking a fake entry.
HA8T1KOS, Neb. Feb. t - Special. )-
The executive committee and the trustees
of Hastings college st a meettag held
yesterday appointed Deaa Mania Ramp
of tbe department ef educstlea aad
philosophy acting president for the re
mainder of tbe college year.
pure buncombe te try sad kick up a row.
M COOK. Nek.. Feb. a tSpeciaL-Mr.
Charles P. Cretan and Mia Iva Draeh
of Osama, ta, were married Wednesday
afternoon la tbe Baptist parsonage by
Rev. D. L. McBrtde.
On Special Sale Friday
Beautiful new linirerie I This splendid lot offers
waists in scores of clever I your choice ' of handsome
new styles and all sizes, I new lingerie and
worth $1.75 and $2.00, spe-
Friday we will offer 100
dozen new lingerie waists,
worth $1.25 and $1.50, in all
sizes and scores of styles,
shirts In various materials, all
stsea and colors, worth I2.2S and
$1.60, special.
Friday we will offer all our plush coats at a big sacrifice; divided in 3 great lots.
These coats are made of guaranteed sealette and lined with Skinner's satin.
514.85 -- Q19.50 -- 24.75
ADVANCE NOTICE -Saturday. February 10
We will place on sale a big ' purchase of
These dresses were bought by our J. B. Orkin at an unheard of
low price. The materials are French Serge, Silk, Chiffon,
etc all the new style features and all Bizes will be.found.
mere is not a aress in tne ioi worm less man .
912.50 to 920; on Salo Saturday
1510 Douglas "ORKIN'S -- 1510 Douglas
Has r.1
Yellowstone Coal
Made a Hit!
On January 1st ws announced aa a senoine January terrain our
brand new "Yeilowstoas- (Wya) coal at It., a price tar below
Its actual value, compared with other western soala.
Oa January 17th, so sreat bad been the sals of this selsndid coal,
that a solid special train ot Tallowatoaa' eoal was rushed tbrousb
on paaeencer schedule.
. Today. Psbrusry Ith, Yellowstone Certified coal Is ths Bust aopuiar
' fuel sold la On.aha. '
Our Introduction Pries is $7.00
W contracted to aell th output ef the aiiae, aad, thanhs to the
quality aad tbe price, we are dolns It etvery toa of Yellowstone
used by an Omaha consumer seres a nice little ebons, of bis money.
For Furnaces, Stoves arj Fire Place:
Yellowstone Is treat for srates. Yellowstone I lust rlsht for sort
coal beaten. But It's best of all for furnaces. Betas a strons,
laaty. clean, clinker lees, sootlees, smobsleas coal. It Is a tin sub
stitute for hard coal In furnaces.
Yellowstone is Sold on Trial .
Our Guarantee Certificate, which le always attached to the drlref e
ticket, meene that our cosl Is sold "on trial."- it yo Ilk It, yoa
keep It; If you don't, we take It back. 'If yoa doer Us It, w so;
If you do Ilk It, yoa tain sad yea will. ,. -".--:
. ' , .
Yellowstcns is Different
Tellowstons bss ths ad ran tare srer ether klnde ef coal. It le more
durable and will hold fire loner. it I cleaner, therefore more
pleasant te as. It Is free from ellnber aad ieevee but little esti;
cllnkere and aah welsh heavily and represent waated money, rel
lowetone coal cornea from a very deep mine. In a new dlatrlct, prob
ably tbe moe rsmarksbls deposit ever dtacorwed.
Try One Ton of Yellowstone
pile ri sis is ra 1 days.
Your drucsist will refuad money J
PaZO OINTMENT falls to cure any ass
of Itchlnc Blind. Bleediac er Prtrodiaf
rMs la t Is day. Ms.
D. 252.
I am (thai J
- -
Former Omaha Woman. First Wit-
Bet is Kimmel Case.
Sb Saw Hiss la Asylaas la New
York aad H railed ta Keeoc.
ala Her relate Oat Bit
fereaeee la rbetee.
ST. LOLI8, reb. t-Th takltaf of oral
teetlroony la th case ef a defunct Nile.
Mich., bank asalnst sa insurance compear
ef New York, la which S3S.SN lasuranee
sad the identity of Oor- JL Klmmel
are In rot red becan In" the United States
district court here today before Jsdfe
Amldoa. Mr. Andrew i. Hunt, formerly
a aelshber of Krmmel m Omaha and Ar
kansas City, Kan., wss ths first witness.
Mrs. Hunt waa ths first womsa ta so
ta Che Matte wan (N. T. saayium For
tbe maane la aa effort to identify tbe
maa held there under the name of Andrew
I, White, aa Geore A. Klmmel. She
testified that ehe arrrred at Mattswaa
rsbrssry , OH; that tb prisoner waa
not KtnuMl aad that th prisoner did aet
recosTilx bar. '
Sb ssid the ear cf tbe man she saw
la ths saylunf grew close to his bead, the
maa appeared to be about years dd
snd that bl ere were f a different
color thaa KlnuaeTs. Sb told th Jurors
Klmmel at tbe time be ebaappaared la
Jsty. nst, was at Tears eld.
Mrs. Hunt deullDeJ Hictcfrapoa of
Klmmel sad tbe otoTapha of tbe
claimants, caMta attsatloa to ta li
fe renc In tbe Bbecntrapsuk
A anaa said ts be Andrew J. White, tbe
Klmmel dalraaaC waa foaad bar la a
departed aad R as
Klmmel elalamat bad sods b ChlcssT te
srld further notoriety.
PI ERRS. S. b. t SpeclsJ.)-At
tb Oraad raetfla hotel ta this city Iset
ereaias eOLiiiied tbe marrtas sf Na
Bolcoa Wetcoma ef fort Pierre. TJ years
old. aad Laura Brook f Metrlstswa,
Minn.. Md tt. Wseraane le one of th
alder settlers t Fort Pierre before tbe
setttesnent of tbe central part af tb
stata (eoera lr. aad baa beea married
sorersl ttms. Hs snd bis caOdrea of
former snsrruure d act scree aad be
llred aloB. Scsse tlsie a Wrlceme
Walla the dia
mond depart-,
meat cootalna
a brilliant ex
hibit of Jew
els ot blsher
value, thr
ar also Inex
pensive selec
tions of dla-mood-est
elry eklik
or xSP
ttoaal pur
ebaaea for tbe
ealuaa repre
aaated. IB
fact, all ef ths
p r e o I e a e i
atoaee era in
eluded la
theee aaaort
menta, maunt
sd la the lat
est styles ef
set lias- It
will bete year
sdTantace le
examine thee
artistic offer
Ins, as thy
eanaet be du
plicated eiee
w b er a aad
sift from this
satabllahment ere
kaowa to please beyoad tbetr arte,
Best Karsiy Bay taTeet.
l When
l Buvinff .
' Baking- .
I 1 .
For this is
ths baking g
a powder that '
' 'makes the g
baking better." g -
It leavens the lood f ,.
pufli It op to airy
. I lightness, nukes (t
g delighllullysppctii- g
sj log snd wholesome. ,
Remember, Cslumct
E is moderate in prtc -
highest in qtuliry.
J Ask your rroccr for
m Calnmet Doa't taks g
SJ a subautote. g
went so btorrlstfwa wttb a shipment of
horses, aad while at that place was badly
Injured by ea of th harm. Mils
Brook assisted la carina for ban while
be waa bald by bis Injartea, sad now
that be baa prsjctieally recovered tbe eat-
ne of then sreualntancs ta tb mar-
rlac which) occurred here lat evssdna.
Woman Bums Boy
With Hot Poker
JOHXSTOWW. Pa, reb. T Kdlth rord.
bimmiksspir Bar Adam Ssnets ef Masby
Ola, Pa waa eeartawttad to iail today
a aNmaraw f e-ereJed assasJt and
battery ea tbs aBe-tla that aba aaared
tb back af Sbieaf e-year-old asa with
s hot sober. Ths aisata said aba boned
tbe child b break bias ef
did aet know the Implemsat
i baatt, but
was so bet.
Perslsteat Advertistiis
Bid Return.
bi lb Baad to
Asthma Catarrh
whooping cough at our
Bwvsstiewce art . .
A slaHi. sali ss tfctos 01 naers as tea,
esisl WestUe, wukeel aeil( las isir ws
raak Vest tt sscesa M ikMv yews.
Tss sto silii ansslT eseatsue,
hk n snsu,askesnskif rarr.
Mws QIIWM. sas wees las cstl.srssrwi wtsw
a siua, Ci mm a hwaessa s n'lis
wkk yessg rkllSsi sad a tmm wstseaassaei
SeaawessMtaesisulwws WitliL
Tiy Cnsilm Seek
wm Tkieei TtMSes
fce iss lirUsiei tttrest.
TWfio SH'. -
sa ssisipsi .
Tsse Crteikss C.
ait a sauS.1.
railj sa Ksw
Baa. Srsilfl is.
-aiwrtlW WM srur
1111 It ff4SSJB ei.asiuu.rsa
1 1 C J HIT S5 S-M-aS
Mai knars.! Bsuttfyi Vaiwrnisu
Bmr.a. Sft-wt Smth. Pwiftt
Irrjsa-Blaf Bbvasaf., S.1BV twit
H arTJ talbssJ
Fim Trtml. BsMtt a fUsBtaM Cmn trwm m
M. Ekkwt. UdUtMa. m ts n Mait Sum.