THE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1912. Wart A. -a V9 ... A FINAL CLEAN-UP FRIDAY a - , J All Remnants Odd Lots From the Shirt W aist Factory 't ' Our immense sales of this week have left us with 5 thousands of odd pieces and remnants of very high w quality goods from this purchase which we will sac w ,'rifice Friday. t( lack white, colored and black allow embroideries; whit and colored embroidered flouncing!; corwt covering; aleo Inser tions many worth up to 60c yard 1 (J big bargain square, at, yard ......... .i.. ... X OC ' Hundred of abort length of 27 Inch fine Swla andbatlste em ' brotdered flouncings; aome 45-lnch skirtings; alao allovers;, baby draaa length, flounce length, etc., from the ihtrt walit , factory, worth up to $1.00 yard. og QQ at, yard 43C andOaC Thousand of yard fine embroidered edging and insertions; many worth lOe yard clearing sale price, - Q . yard - OC Thouaand of remnant of all kind four big lota at' AJ each le, 5. IPf and sfcOC SPECIAL BASEMENT BARGAINS Gingham pieces, patterns that match, the 12Mc grade, in lengths up to one yard. A new lot on sale O for the first time, at, each OC ft 11 ii Fancy drea print and mill remnant; II Inch wide dree yard uJC The beat lot of mercerised black aateea of the, season J act received, on special ta- -ble. per 1 C. 1UW yard Those who bar room to rent ran make a wring here Frl ... day; regular SOc, 7li0 la. bleached, (earned heeta, at. ,Tne 7Ji0 ii unbleached beets, at,. OC. each 35c Scotch And ehambray gingham. In lengtba up to ,10 yard; th best gingham for making house dresses, aprons, boy' waists petticoat,' men' work shirt, school dresses, etc. 7 1 will launder end rlv rood wear. sL yard ' 2 C Hill lengths mercerised, poprj Una. all th desirable' plain. & colorings, very nae m n quality, at, yard.... 1UC Yard wide figured aateena for covering comforters, the II He grade, at, f" yard OC From I till a. m.' we will sell short length .vartou kind printed cotton good. at, yard ,", In th afternoon, beginning at 1:10 we will sell mercerised 2ic casheen, ' the most desirable of fine white good for under muslins; alio fin quality, so(t finished long f 1 cloth, at, yard .... DJC Imported All Wool Dress Goodi Samples. ' Bought from th XT. 8. Customs house. All the beet we Tea la plain 'and fancy serge, haarlettaa, whipcords, diagonal, pop Una, In black and colors; matched piece from-two to ten of 1?T.""7...;.:... .....25c tnd'39c Single Pieces aad Matched Pisces match up oa main at. each Short I New Spring Dress Goods at 50c Many I Yard Serges, panamaa, check floor, I and atrip suiting, - It Inch re pellant cloths, Vic toria luitlnga, etc . . . The Bewest weaves and ataple dree good. IH to I yard In ' piece;-all color and black; ult length, skirt lengtba and coat length on main- floor,, at, yard. 4. . 10c 50c yard In rr.29c A Clcan-Up Sale of Shoes V IN 0UB BASEMENT. . Crochet b Uppers, with lamba' worn soies; aiso fur trimmed felt (lippera, worth up to $1.60, at, pair 25 Woaiea s Huirtwrs ' Odd aud naa, mostly clog ityl, worth bOc, at. pair 15 Wosnea's and Cbildrea's ip pini Odd and end; also In Luis' soft sol hoes, special, at. pair 10 Mixes' aad CiUdrea' Shoes Worth up to fa, at pair 08r Boys' High Cat Boon Tana and black; good, serviceable winter shoes, at, pair 2.00 Wosaea' pair . Men' , aad Womea'a Velvet DUpper Flowered pattern, carpet soles, all sites, at, per Pr- v 257 Mm' Kobben Mostly lsrge sites, at, per pair ....25 Mew's 91.00 House Slippers Comfortable, eaiy slippers, at, Pair 507 Iafantat Shoes Soft kid skin, band turned sole, button styles, at, pair 23t Voma'i Shoes Handsome hoe, worth to IS a pair, good styles, but odd snd end and imall sit, per pair 50f Barkle Arctics Old Colony Brand, worth li lt, at. 50 Big Sales for Saturday Advance Notice of Special Bargain Events. $1.25 to $2 Kid GIotci, 75c pr J Great Special purchase of Importers' samples of French made gloves, in cluding real kid,, washable Chamois, Auto and Driving gloves, also a few long gloves all good, new shades. These gloves actually worth m Wcsens from $1.25 to $2 Main floor bargain square, Sat., at pr. . 75( ONYX SILK HOSIERY, SATURDAY, at 23c pair. Womea'a aad men's famous fine thread Onyx silk hosiery, in ail alse and all shade regularly worth 50e aad He pair. Fin&l Clearance of Broken Lots and Odd Garments Women's Sails, Coats tnd Dresses - ij Several hundred of onr correct fall and winter style garments r for women, la all sixes a wonderful selection worth up to 1 $, Saturday at $5.00 V Big Sale of Children'i Wash Dresses Vjf Hundred of wsh dresses, la sges I to 14; all new, 1111 style Baa wona sp w i, Hunm ai OtIC "" V9C 40c TUSSAH SILKS at 15c Yard. full IT lache wide every color aad shade, worth up to 40c . basement. Saturday at, yard 15 25c Spring Fabrics at 15c yard in Basement. Laxury Bilk Oxidised cheviot aad woven mercerised poplla, worth lie yard, Saturday at, yard 154 Complete Particulars of Our Big Sale" of Clocks in the Next Issue of This Paper. BR ANDEIS STORES M 717 PI Our February Clearance is a Sale of Quality Merchandise. It's a positive clearance of every item in the tor that wUl not be needed In the next season. . When you pay ua full price for any of our good you get full value ror tne money expended and when you buy at the clearance price you get the biggest kind of a bargain possible for a reputable store to give. We csutlon you to grasp the various opportunities aa they daily appear' to the public pre, for there I seldom enough of any one thing to more than last out a day'a brisk wiling. WOMEN'S SHOES AT A DOLLAR--Thrr mmbttf tmutmiim women ' of mmn& miyUm one' sewruf hmthtt thmt fermsWy toU fnm $2.60 r $5.00 tku pm, f e clot eat Friday, mt tht pair ...... . . . . . 1 Spring and Summer Style tendencies are charmingly illustrated in these advance mod els of women's dresses. ! ' We know the mere announcement that tome of the authoritative styles are now on display at this (tore will be sufficient resson for your coming Frtdsy. But when we tell you that tbey are priced at $15.00. instead of $19.60 to '$25.00, you will be greatly surprised and surely will be one of th first In the store. ... Our baytr, who i treia in tht Eattern markets, aecird thtm at a price advantage became they had terved their purpose in a prominent maker' show room about 25 different ttylee in an attortment of only fifty. They are made of' foulards, eollennea and soft taffeta of navy. brown, tan, Copenhagen blue and black ahades; In plain and striped and figured designs. The style must be seen to be properly ap preciated. And don't forget that you can get them Friday for only $15. White Goods at 61c , 8Y2C and 10c white goods in lace stripe effects suit able for curtain and,. Interior decorating purposes; all new patterns; Friday, Vie a yard. 75c Suitings at 10c White, linen finished suit ings mads especially for wom en's spring and su lamer cos tume!, full $6 Inches wide, reg ularly priced at 16c the yard, Friday, 10c i Off -Remnants at Half Priced Off In some Instance the silks, dress good and wash goods In this Frldsy Sale of Remnants are less than halt price. Patterns, weaves and coloring adapted to every need. 57A Remnants Ilk remnants In lengths varying from H to 1J yards, value from lOe to 11.10 ths yarn. Friday oaly, at aUU rrlo. , Dress Goods Hen.nants e f si-ms foods In lengths vary In from I to I yard, values from 10c to t a yard, Frldsy, MM, Wash Goods , Remnants e f wash goods la lengths vary ing from M to 19 yards, value from lte to too s yard. Friday,. maU rrUa, - fSaUrof High-Grade, Four-Coated Enameled Ware Less 1 nan Half Price For Every Item t .1 0 aa lto-quart pudding pans, 1 -quart mixing tng slates, deep soup ladles and bowls, l-qukrt bakln pint cups worta 6 each, st . pans, S-lnch pis 9c I 7",.. sns IVj-quart sauce Of 4 10 ,,, sV-quart pre serving semes; , enu i-iuari puu dlnf pan, large wash basin, wall Soap aina. IS-lnch pie plates, I and 1-plnt dippers, quart oupa and IQ Jelly cake pana, la o values..." f TUmm na '-quart asue IMl i nree pans, t-quart preiwrv lug ksttlea, 1 -quart eovered buckets. I and -q'iart pudding paua snd extre large wash Mains, worm up on to Ho each, st -'t f rv.. t snd -quart lipped; JUOl rOUr Muce pans, l-quart reserving kettles, l-quart covered urketa. s-lnch extra heavy splJers snd large alas oblong stove ' ?u. sans, wurtn up lo o seen. si.. f -quart ketUss with s ivw snaineled llda. 4-uart covered buckets and chambers with enameled covers, worth in. Il l each, at 1.1 c- 1, lMj, I snd i-quarf awr JlX seamless tea pots with enameled mvere, S -quart kettlea with enameled covers, l-quart covered buckets and l-quart water rn. pitchers, north 11.69 each, at ..fC Kmitmm and l-quart coffee Seven pollers snd 4-quart cereal cookera, worth up to ,!x.&e each, specially priced for OQ this sals t ...O" Extra Special t0 f ""''fl r grsds Colonial finest clear crystal have . alway tumblers of glass-tbe kind we euiu i vo mf ooiea, lor am Bargain Friday, the doxen . jjifC Coal Colorado Smokeless, a good auality coal, is specially priced for Friday only, with 100 S. eft H. Green Trading Stamps, at $7.00 the ton. FRIDAY & SATURDAY Are Cut Price Days in The Big Pure Food Grocery mi flour, sack. S1.SS IT lbs. graaalatea smgu fee S1JJO l-llx caa Bennett's vapiiiM baaing powder sua i stampa, for SIM Bennett a, best coffee and t staa.ja, pound .X ass I lbs. Bennett's beat coffee snd stamps for Ili Assorted leas snd f I stamps, lb, see Tea slf tings snd 1 stampa, lb. ..Is Free Demonstration ef Kliate welattse sad Pf2a CharUttt moss saade withes ggs, aa Mlauts Flaat PmSSUg. in Our Big Furs Food Ureoary FHday sod Saturday. A ttaea Beek nu with every two psckssss sold. Mil cream cheese and 1 stampa. Vlrglnls swuw'chieii'snd V stamps. iSgwisr'ojilstU's mustard 10 I cans sifted Karly June pass snd IS stampa for .'"1"I I pkga. Klbew macaroni sad IS stampa for Strawberry or raspberry lam and is stamps. Jar IS-lh. Amhar Drip syrup spsclslly priced st W 1 cans Dennett's Capitol Uvsrffreen i corn snd 10 atamps SOs bars Uennetl's Bargain laundry soap for as Oalllard's olive oil snd I stamps, bottle 46e Bnldefj pork snd beans and IS stamps, can ie Quart can Kranco-American soup, finest tuallty for .W....S0 lie can Llbbjr's llsppy Vsls aspara gua for SM !lV fcsrgs Vassal Only los 8nlders cull sauce snd 1 stamps. bottle for sss l-lb box Merlins Oloaa starch sad 3 stamps for .gas Bennett's Capitol extract and 10 stampa. bottle .....le l ib. package Bennett's Capitol oata or pancake flour, with 10 at'psw lOe Oookle SatiS) peotalHotna made cookies, for Friday snd Saturday er,lv. rvo"l is 5 Creamery Batter Special Xaaraey eseasssry swttar lree fnaa th eksrai ftesk. sweet sad ss Hcaesai a soa eartoss o gaaraakeed fall weight, special for Kiday as atsiaay, - V, 32c the: pound' Ptz bars flee trie Spark aoap for sa 1 cans extra whole tomatoes sad 1 suunpa tor FISH and MEA T Bargains for Friday 's Selling Fresh Baby Halibut lSCl Sirloin Steak . . . .12ytC 30c Iriah Mackerel 20c Lamb Chops, 3 pound 25c Hi'HUitu And v giWVi rflciiiiS 'ancy cooking apples, th Pck S5 Three. large bunches of let- 'tuce for 10g Faaoy rhubarb, bunch .." 1 bunche fancy radianea 5 $ lbs. fancy date 25 Jersey aweet potatoes, lb. 5 Our famous Redlanda or ange, per doxea 15q 20c 25 30a and 35 1 Am B: 318-320 South 16th. 5t. Stylish ur 0Af Sold from $25 to $45, on sale Saturday, at... SEE OUR ADVERTISEMENT IN FRIDAY EVENING PAPERS. T Jo (J HI Advertisers! The t)maha Bte goes into the , home and is read by women who do the buying -for the greatest nunr-., J j ber xif . Omaha homes. Most . modern equipment and the best of service ! ealiahT'r',X,. V I hi irw. ali.i i.- wv. a The man with an office now demands the most exacting care and con veniences. N -The Bee Biiilding I Cede Is known for Its ex cellent service, suffi ciency sad cleanliness. Table d'hote and a la carte. KOBBavara mesa. fleartasy's soffee saskss a meal COURTNEY'S Seveatecath aad Douglas aatrSEMEXT. American Thwater Tonotrr Kanamc vtmsaT, Tauaaaax sis untsM THE PRIKCE C1IAP Meat erVtrgials is sitnated in the heart . of the commercial district of Omaha and gives tenants ihe best offioe'service to be had. ' The elevator? are new and their service is faultless. Keen janitor attention keeps the rooms scrupulously clean, while a modern steam plant evenly heats the building in the voidest weather, offices which are elocllently ventilated. The man who wants the greatest conveniences and tho best of attention will find a few choice offices vacant in this building now." , : Boost Sta Reception Room. Private Office, two tare closets, Isrs work room with two sort), windows. Ideal office for Engineer. Architect. Doctor or other professional men. Kentsa, per month ........ fMAO BV-Tnia Is a lens narrow room. 101114. bavins a north llicrit. Ran tat, per month ... f!7.M -la 11-lxtC In slse. located on the court close to ekr llsht. thus having excellent natural Hsht. The space could be divided so as to svaks two very pleasant rooms. Price, pef month Sa7.M Is Office In the nortb-weat corner hsvtnc four large windows A fire proof vault for the protection of valuable papers la much In demand and hi afforded In this room. There la s total of 320 square , feet of floor apace snd same would be equipped with partitions to satisfy good tenant. The rental price Is, per month -940.00 Beom 401 This apace 14 close to elevator on the court of the bulldln. There I s food slsed vault with ahalviac In connection with office, price, per month ............ . 917.00 The Boo Building Co., , Bet BatiaeM Ofliee, 17tk and f arnaoi Sts Free Land Information - i Th Twentieth Century Farmr, to meet the demand of. It reader for land lnformatlOh, has gathered and compiled data on soils, cltmata and tannins' conilltiona In al parts of the country. . It 1 willing .o glvo on; thi Information free If postage la sent with inquiry. Do Ybti Want to Know, About government laid laws, location ot land office, etc How to: get Irrigation-land, 'location of projects, law gorernlnt, same, etc ' Be', section' for fruit growing, general farming, stock raising or dairying. s . ... , , Your tiuestions wiU get prompt attention. State plainly and specifi cally what you want to know. . Write. : V-' ' i ' ' . Land Information Bureau The Twentieth Century Farmer t. Omaha." Nebraska. ABtCIEMEHTS. Matin row ciraip Omasa's Owb Mative Soa ED LEE V.Wtfc.N&Y.Va zTmavaaawaA iss vavsama Frank "Dope" Waketield, Jane La, Beau and IS ethers I real racs horses In mile-a-n.1nute handicap In "Futurity Winner titur Blase Mstlss reery Week Xey. Xfai. Svery ay aa. Svwry WlcM SOS ABWABCXB VATSSBTXUiB Four rorda, Josie Heather. Jeaaea Dla noad and Clans Nelson. Dorothy Rocers and Company, Four Hollo ways. Loufh tin's Comedy Dosa, Stuart aad Keeley. Klnetseor. rpheuai Coaoert Orchestra, m... wtrht lee. as. e. Toe.-Mat, 10a, hast seatp SSe. ssaaat Sat. sad Sua. 13 0 co for All the ta i The if T7e It SVt ft ; 1 lung .To Do Tf yoa to) yomr pocketbook. sjabrwila. wateb, or some other artlda of value, ths tasng ts . do Is ta tollaw th example at, many etbar people and adver tise wltibeat delay ta th Lost aad round eotuua of The Be. That la what Boat people da when tbey lose artldea ot vain. Telephone aa and tail your loss to aU Omaha (a aUgls aftsr- .P,utlt In Th e Bee Kruc Theater MaU. Today 1:1 Nlht. M Best Soaks 10 SAM DEVERE CO. EXTRA Ut IWIIII- TTTRA Beautiful Boavwnlrs te Ladies st Pally Dime Matinee rgtwVa-sjsaV-'s . Jl-eevV" - A' - lwV"eVbeD Teaucht aad aatarSay. SSe e (10 .. alaitatT aataraay. as ts auw . MAY E0BS0N la taw VparUiBf Oeessdy 'A ariCMT QVT" mm.: wirjowTT namrjTTA 7Don't Fail to Attend the' '-y ,.' V- CEMENT . -or T" TTT W N i l AV . vJ ll y : V V ." AUDITORIUM Feti. 6, 7, 8, 9 : ;. -' 1 . - . . Admission 25