Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 09, 1912, Page 10, Image 10

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Bayer of Wheat Hire Been Com
pelled to Unload on Declines.
t '
At aaaa Time radrrtylag Sltaattba
la BallUh u While Tkm Am
Tjmu Setbacks Owt
eeaas Will skew Advmae.
, ' OMAHA. Feb. t Utti
For the last few day buyer of wbnt
have had to unload their lines SB a da
mning market, because of a very alow
and uncertaia demand oo the bulges.
Bullish foreign new loaes much of fts
effect from the fait that all, domestic
markets are not la line for export busi
ness. Cables were weak and lower and
our market was dull and sagging.
At the present time 1 :u.-re seems to be
too much corn ooomig oa the market to
make any advance bold. At Hie same
time the underlying situation Is btllllah,
and whllo there are temporary setbacks.
the final outcome abouijl show muck
juxher com prices.
Wheat ruled dull, with cdolea lower
and cash demand slow, ituyiag
only acaitered and the market ton was
eaay. Cash wheat was e lower.
Cora continues strong with no new fea
ture. Cash demand Is rather slack ai
present prices. As soon as the present
supplies hate been absorbed, further ad
anre ara assured.
Primary wheat receipts were
bushels and shipments were 27.1.0a) bush
els. against receipts last year- of 4S?,4U
bushola and shipments of 239.000 bushels.
I'nmary com receipts - were -l.ttfl.4M0
ousbeis and shipments were it.m bush
els, against receipts last year of "aouo
bushels and shipments of MMO buhel
Clearances were 71.400 bushels of corn,
4 busbela oats and wheat . and flour
e-iual to 80, H bushel.
Liverpool closed Sd lower on wheat and
Ha lower on corn.
' The following cash rales were rwoprted
-Wheat: No. I hard. 1 cars, II. (O. COrn:
No. f white. 1 car. V; 1 car, c No
4 white. 1 car, ttV-' No. I yellow. 12
csrs, Oc No. 4 yellow, 4 cars. tic: I
rare, tnte; cars. tuc; I cars. K; 1 ear,
434c No. I mixed. 1 car, t'c No. 4
mixed. I ara. 4V',c; 11 cars, (Wc; cars,
av. Oats: No. 1 white, t car, U'ac, I
car, Ho.
Osaaka rask Prleee,
WHEAT No. t hard. tl 41'rrrl Oja,; No.
hard. ., trlttl; No. 4 hard, KVrtJ
91. vi.
corn-No. t whits, eiieiau,; No.
White. IrtMllf No I color (TsmtU-
Mo. I yellow. t2ttaoi No. 4 yellow, ixli
4lo; No. I, tBijimn,; No. 4. toc; no
grwie. ,4aiV!.
(lATtj-No. J white, tmSle; standard,
sitftiUkc; No. I white, C0rHc: No. 4
J lilt. Sic; No. I yellow, oWyatilo,
, V 7IIOW, WSaUoVm. TT: No. 1
.feed. TttlStc; heavier feed, trTMo.
KTE-.So. t Mc; No. t, satflrst,
Carlst keeelrte.
. Wheat. Corn. Oats.
Chicago li . ;i m
Minneapolis .............. tat , ... ...
Omnia M if US ' 8
XU4UIB ....... El ...
toba. Is 4d: futures; eaay; Karon, Ta 114:
May. Ts T-,d; July. Ta id.
CORK Spot, firm: - Americas mixed,
new, a ad: American mixed, new kUa
dried, 4 imi: American mixed, old. Ta
futures steady; February, as Had; at area.
V art we
Feature af tka Tradlag aad Claalsuj
Me oa Board at Trade. . .
CHICAGO, reb. A-Blg receipts In the
northwest and reports of the settlement
of labor troubles In- Argentina knocked
Of the props today from under
wheat, AoconUngly eluauig prices varied
fnan the aama as last night to Wllise
down. I -
I'ndouhledly die wcekneps of wheat
would have been more pronounced but
for. the atrenglH of eoara. grain. That
.Influence had an unmistakable rallying
and sustaining power, whioa served part
of the time as an almost complete offset
to .the bearish results of newa from
Minneapolis and buenoa Ayrea, At the
first named center the arrivals of loaded
cara were almost double the total of a
fear ago. Mute men is that the Argentine
railroad strike was at an end seemed to
make certain a material enlargement of
the exports from Mouth America and
caused the bulls to worry until Borne
rather extraordinary purchasing in the
corn pit brought ahout more or lese of
a reversal of sentiment as to the whole
cereal list -Between the opening and
the close May fJuotuated from ll.'i to
JlWV with trade In the end steady at
i . a loss of Sff',0 compared with
twenty-four hours before.
buying of nearly Lua.oOO bu. of oorn
for a speculator who has recently been
prominent on lha long aide of osta had
a ulck effect In lifting prices for both
the grains mentioned. May ranged be
tween KMjvT'kO and IbHc, closing So
ret higher and steady at CM. Caan
grades were firm. No. I yellow was
tiuided at (flii'o for carlots. '
Oats advanced Hi response to the
atrength of oora. Outilda limns touched
for May were IVotl'to and USvbi'eA
Hh laat aalea M -c up at else.
prices for hog products orept np, no
general selling pressure lieliig In evl
alvnce. In consequence pork tonight was
dearer all around Mid ths rest of tba
i list advanced from to to 7S4iOc.
ieauing options closes as fallows?
Un cle Op.n. lilnh.i tow. Cloae. Tea'y.
May. ft 01 VW
I July.
Hal 7S.
May .bWi'UMH Wl1ri
1 (RH 1 a
47S .J
M 4t
1S 41)4
11 MM
11 C 14 60
14 4
1 A
14.,; KV, 1 4S-7S4 1 7Hl
w I -H m ko-2t
4l i tjs av-atr taj
Cash quotations were as follows:
FULhv-1rm; winter patents, UK
IN; winter straights, klwii spring
ftrarTei'' "rij,hu-K
RTE-No. t
BARXEr Keed or mixing. 7WM1
fair ta chance maltlnir. Jl 11 M,
rirKDB nmothy. latwtjaoK , Clover
PKOVISIONB-Meas nork. new, til ITU
Wd. 1113 Ird ln tierces), Short
fit ( loose). te.5T
Total olearanos of wheat and flour
era equal to eUM bu. Primary recelpu
were bu., com pared with avwa.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow
wheat, a ears: corn. r cars: oata. it
ars; begs, M.U04 bead.
.Bjeago tan cnoea-Wheat : No 1
aro n.owfi ojv.; no. ) Tra ascuri 01- No.
hard. II .!.; No. 1 hard, rfa av
t.U; No 1 northern. Jl.OHil.lI: No.
ring, mcifti No. 1 epntig, leoul OS,
- -" e.Ti.i.w. vcivei mail aVca
Ki dorura, Kdi-tl,S. corn" Ho. I
jm1&c: No. 1 white. fc.'fW.w.-- v i
w. 4KfiHc: No. 4. -icvtessaie- V A
yellow, fiv.fvno.
white, cc; No.
Data": No. a, Be: No. I white, l4tu.c;
Ke. I white. Hfrtt,o; No. 4 wblteTtta
lc: standard. li,SS!c
Rye: No. 1. st.o. Barter, Mctl B.
Clover seed, li.uut3.(a. Ximotby aeeo.
(il 'OnU 90
BUTTiiR-Steady; creamertea. ti⪼
)tlrles. iMilJOc
lki-iay; recelpu, .m easee: at
rarkv cases Included, rtic: ordinary S-BJc: firsta, IV.
CHEBtiB-steady: dakdee,. IT9ITHe;
Iwina. lssKe: young Ajnertcaa. i:wa
fV; long horns, lTVl"o.
ptTATOES-teadii reoelpta, 7 cars:
f tegl.48.
PuLX,TBT Eaay; turkeya, 14Aac:
Ihickana, UMrlc; springs, 14dttc
VOJUt Steady, at Ttillc
atlawee walla (irala Market.
MtSNEAPObld, Feb. 1-WHBAT-
ay, L;ol .'. July, lot; cask, N
1 hard. B-Mk: No. 1 northern. H OTWu
ICS. No. aortbara, tUawtfLu,: No. J.
C0K.V No. I yellow. witwtTe.
OAT8 No. t white. ')jass.
P iav-pio. r, am.
ruUR-Ptrt oetenta. B.Mtava)-
md satcnta, klout am etaara, lUvay
li aaoood cuara, tt,4lfHM.
t-WHKlT tasec.
as, JM. a JLaaa-
Qeotattaaa af tka Da.w
KBW TORK. Feb. I.-FIjOUR Firm:
spring patents. BrU: winter
straights. KXa .: winter patents. H3
trt tu: springs clears. K3&4e4.i: winter
extraa. No. 1, $2.xnd.a): winter extras.
No. J, t3 ..t a. Kaunas straights. Kft
CJ4.K. Kye flour, quiet: fair to good.
RTMrtM: choice to fancy. KM;
Buckwheat flour, steady at 12. Mr 2 a).
CORNMEAI-Rtaady: Jlne white and
yellow. II CSHLIV: coarse. ILMiLet: kua
dried. t3.T.
XVE-eieadv: No. X We. e. L f. Rurtala.
BAKLEV-rlrm: maiLlac. c
L f . Burfa'o
miKAT rDO market ease: No I red.
41 431, a-evator, export baais, and IT Si,
f. o. b. afloat: No. 1 nonherw Dulutli.
1124, f. o. b. sfloat. Futures market
easier early In the dav oa lower cables
and more favorable Argentina newa ad.
vanced on covering, due to Indications
of bull support, but again declined under
liquidation, closing (,c net lower. May
cloaed at I1.47S: July. ILOTS.
CORN epot market ateady; export,
73c. f. o. b. afloat Futures market nom
inal. '
OAT) Spot market firm. Futures mar
ket nominal.
HOPo kay: state, common to choice.
Ml crop, tUgUe; Pacific coast, iU erup,
HAf-Steadr: Drlme, ILK: No. L tLXra
i.a: ra x ii.jvaiAo; no. a, iscwfi-su
lHDtS-Sieady: Central America, JZc;
Bogota, atjrowc
LKATURK-FIrm: hamlnrk firsts. K4
Z7c; sernnds, Mtriec; thirds, ziqoc; re-
jeris, inc.
PKOVtsiONS-Pork. ouiet:
17 viri;.TS: family, ril OMrtdOO; short
clears, H7.404ylk.5o. Beef, steady; mess,
i3.0o-.i: s; fevlly. 114 6til4.(: beef
hams, e.T.;ti2,io. Cut meals, steady:
pickled nelllca. 14 to 14 pounds. D,
pickled hama. 111 ttajll.K. Ird. steady:
middle west, prime. W 10",r : refined.
trady; continent, 19 Mh Houlh America.
iu.; compound. s.7Mf7.w.
TAI.MJW Vluiet: prime city, khda., Ic;
country, 4tirc: special, (Sr.
BLTTKli rirm; creamery sceclala
.tic; extras, SSc: firsts. S1tO3Se; proceas
leclals, 2x; axtraa, tuo&'c, brats, Isstxf
17 We-
t iikkbk weaoy and uncnangea.
ni ,t - w . iotiiinbiui, .if aei
weetern. rathered white. Jet; 30.
Itil l.llir l'reaaeo. quiet; western
chickens. lfWIilsc; fowls, UVrVMo; tur
kevs. lt'ii fie.
Alive, firm: western chickens, moife;
fowls, UMlMtc; turkeya, U414o.
Tobacco and Copper Issues Furnixli
PrkcticallT Only Actirity.
FIRST GAKB S00H TT.nrnf 'Tfyt
Trad tag la Ceprer atawka Iaflw
eased by ravewakU MwatkJy Be
' start ( rrwd acer's aaartatl
To aw few lanes riwclwato.
t, l.eale General Market.
FT. Ull lH, Feb. te-WHKAT-Taah,
dull; track No. I red. U.ttOL; No.
bard. Il.v.til 11.
CtiRN-Kirm; track No. t, (4f4V4e; No,
I while. sTitio'c.
OAT&t-ittrong; track No. t, lnc; No.
I white, stttottso.
Clt sing prices of futures; '
WliliAT-Weak; May, U.MQfTaH; July,
ruRN-nrni: May,' (Wc; July, H9
tiATS-FIrm; May, W4o; July, 4lfa,
RVB-Unchanged, o.
Kl.til'K Juiet,; red winter patents,
Mai4.K: extra fancy and stratghta, HOD
4 v.; hard winter clears. J aiata.
BMK?l-T1mothy, IK.OurjU.!. .
H HAN Weak; sacked, east track. tl.M
il A I r irm : umorny, 9a.wam.avi prai
Tlf. lllONirlloa.
HIUVlrilt N-Pork, . unchanged; Job
bing. l.Vi.o. lArd. Unchanged; prime
ateamt le.'tiv ii. Dry salt meats,
lower; boxed, extra short I. 26; clear
rltai, t 26; sliort clears, H 75. Bacon,
lower: boxed, extra shorts, BUS: clear
ribs, 19 3T: short clears, Ik 71.
PtlL UTHT Firm: chicken, lie: Spring.
ITSc; turkeys, litto: ducks, 14c: geese. Sc.
IH'TTKri I'uu; creamery, JMgao.
KOUri-lligher, at tc
Kocelpts, ihlpments.
Flour, bhls UO
Wheat' bu. M(0 ."
Corn, bu 1C
Oat, bu u.uuo K,iW)
Kaaaaa City Orala and Peavlataaa.
KAN8AB C1TT. Feb. I.-WHB AT-Csh.
unchanged to Wi lower; No. ) hard, U.tnH
0-l.mtt; No. I, II ttlnl,: No, 1 red, (HaHk
atl.OI: No. I. Wetrll 40.
CORN-tJnchanged to a lower; No..,
mixed. 47tac; No. a, MHO. No. I whl(.
47nlc; No. I, 5c.
Closing prices Of rmurea;
W HhlAT-May, tl.44Viwl.vr1e, bid; July,
CuHN-May. elHc bid; July. itt07o,
OATA-tlnchanged: No. t whits, BVj
S4c; No. I tailed, tlHeUHc
HAV-tileady: rholco timothy. tt.OOO)
SOU; choka prairie, UtB"8UViXI.
Brri', tar; firsts. SSc;
seconds. tc; packing stock. BwMo.
mhj extras, ale, XI rata, littuAa, soc-
onds. 210.
- Reoelpta. Bhlpraanta.
Wheat bu eVun 4I.0U)
Corn, bu .lavojo 710U0
Oats, bu ,ou 11,000
Philadelphua Pradaaw Market.
Flrm No. 1 white natural, WMo.
BVTTKR Firm: western creamery sne-
clala, Stc; extra. Ho; nearby prints, extra.
KOOS unsettled, toe par eaaa lower;
Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts,
free casus, fy W per ease; current reoelpta,
tree ease, to ol per eaae; western firsts,
free case, w.w par case.
CHUiiaK-Firm: Nsw York fun r reams.
fancy, 178 Uc; fair to food. l!(rUc
Mllwaakeo Orala Mark at.
MILWAI KKE. Feb, l WH K AT No. 1
norUiera, LUV11S; No. S northern, 41 tetf
1.11: No. bard winter, tl-OHri.; May,
U Ot'S: July, 7Sc.
con N No. s yellow, c: wo. s wnita.
Mao; No. I. 46c; May. Sc; July, 7V-
tMTS-Btanaini, aiu
IIARUKIC-Maltlng. i Jtl..
NE7W TORK. Feb. k Rxnera. for tha
wuaooa ana copper snares, the stock
market waa almost stationary during ths
greater part of today session. Price of
a few active issues rose at tha opening,
but quickly fell back on bear selling.
Changes for tka day tat moat case were
Insignificant. .
The copper stocks Vera the strongest
featuree of tba market. Trading In these
Issues were Influenced by tba favorable
mommy report of tha Copper Producers"
assoclatioa. Altnougb a reductloa In
stocks oa hand had bean oxpected the
decrease of more than 8.eug,a pounds
surpassed expectations and waa made
tna oasis of a demonstration by bull
traders. Amalgamated Copper waa
marked np 2V American B melting 1 and
Ui other coppers a point or mora.
Tha tobacco (lock fluctuated violently
for a lime, owing to the announcement
of the coming retirement of June B.
Duke aa p real dent of the American To
bacco company to become head af the
ornisn American Tobacco company.
America a Tobacco broke 10 points, Lig
gett A Myers and JjortUard A, Ail ral
lied alter. i
Reduction of th Bank of England's
rata of discount from 4 to l4 per cent
had been predicted by International bank
ers here and It waa said that the official
rate of tha Bank of tier many, which now
etanda'tt S per cent, probably wlU be
ivuuceu oa jaonoay.
The Bank of England's rata had stood at 4
per win ainca last neptember, wnea It
waa raised from tha I per cent rata which
Pes veiled all summer. , Th bank In
crease In proportion of reserve to liability
from 41.1 par cent ta U.M ner earn nluaa
It In a Wrong position.
Two more ablpmeota of gold fjat of th
country were nporud today. An addi
tional SZ,M,) waa enaaaed for ima
portatloo to Part. For boutu America
ohw.sui waa oooained. Tha loaa In, sold la
expected to play an Important part In
the woek'a bank atatemenL An appre
ciable cut In tha surplus reserve at tha
end of the week I regarded aa probable.
Buying of bonds waa widely distributed
and price were held well. Total aalea.
par value, K.1U.0O United Stale bond
ere unchanged on ealL
Number of aalea and leading quotation
on slocks war aa follows:
llle., ant f -.C"T
ies uweer ... B.M eiu am aiu.
Aaarlcaa asflcultaral ... SB eta lib Ha
Aaerkea kM gaar We at ui ell
at M per cent;
i to liability that week t
laat week It waa 45. a por
Kow York keaey Marked.
call; firmer. sVtrrH per cent: ruling rata.
Z4 per eent; dosing bid. IS par ceat;
offered. I- per cent; a tea loan, ateaay;
axty oaya. nam aer cent: ninety oaya.
flttr per cent; six month. Per
to 4 per cent; sterling exchange, weak
with actual buatneas In banker Mil at
Ha fur sixty dav bills and at HsVtt
for demand: commercial Nils, rl.t'-v
8ILViv-Bar. skiac; Mexican doiiara.
rNT)S Oorernment and raiiroaa.
on bond today were aa
0. . rat at. i
0. S. a rai;
4e aseaoa
B. g. 4a rag....
ailueCkaL lis 4
'asmv. aa. aa...
..ts aas at
..Me es 1a -
..!- C a
..iaL. .
... .. T
M k... nit
a, int.. si
..lit iw. A N. aaL Is..
..Ill M K. A T.. 1st as H
.. : as gea. Ha. a
,.llHa, racUla a H,
a. T. A T. ev. ev.UeaX. R. . at M. 4w sj
aja. Toaana as..... T. C. a la....
4a 4e Ill as eak. ai a
Aneoer A Oa. aw.. M It. T. M. U. A U.
Aukawa sea. e.... Hk rv. e W
a sv. w la ex W. 1st a. Ma
se . . let at, , v. k
A. C4- let at SHtHa. radii av..-..wS
kal. A Okie Ms ee Is a
So ihs W a. u rflg. M
eo a. w. tsa i',P-a ev. isa 11 l
Bfaafc. Tr. a. 4a... aa caa Ok 1M
(aa. el Oa is llsKeasia res. ex....
(aa. Uatkar at M a.uAS.r. fglsri
C. af N. J. g ie .-IKV 4a sea. Is Mw
raaa A Okie 4)a..ivav U i. W. a ts. 11
SIS 4s 1st KM ts..... ?S
Caleaaa A A. ma... 4lg A u . s
Clllli. as.... SI ,. raa. sal. ex.... si
ies. av , ea ev. 4s sou.
anir.isa aaiatrat. u
O.R.LAF. aan . kaUaay Is. lav
ea rts. 4s Mt ea aa Is......... TV-
-om, i.. aa.. i . bins racuie a
(Jsla, MMIaaS 4s.... M a. ev. l...i ..loia
C A . r. A a tea Kj aalstAref. 4a... ST (
D. A K. a'ts..! !V. t atari M ia!
4a rat. la MVV..f. rhen.
nietllianf is nttWakeak la is 17
. a s........ ev aa ua a ax. .... M14
aaa. a. Iltlaii Ma. 4s XI a
c. aw. a. a.eeaL nn sv. SB..
4s serial B nww. Oaaual 4s..... sis,
in. van. ia m. a aaa raa. cv. ts..... IS
I tr Mai. 4w ieraBaja SJ 11
am. , a
We. .
Cattle Are Stead to Tea Higher
r. ... f , u Spots, e
Ceed Reaelpta af (keep aad Laaska,
Ceaablaed wltb bd Desaaad,
" - Mako m Caaad, Steady aad
. Active Market.
SOUTH OMAHA. Feb. K 1311
ReCeileS m , - r-at,i Un .h..n
Official Monday Hoi tSTS kUM
Official Tuesday i,m UM XI 3
Official Weoneeday.... t,. tl.n S.i7
tatimale Thursday ....i J.u Jlut kaw
Four days tbia -ea "i7-a.r a-aa Xi it.
akma days naat week.. ly au 4.: ti fc.Tla
aamedaya l a ka ago.. 16,11a tavaot- aaO
same da v i wks agu..u.via aeJH il.a,,
Same oajs 4 wka fctt.1 ,77
sn day laat year..17,441 xt.en i,XU
The following lahU -kn.a ( k- Mr-ii.l .
of cat I la boaa aiMl -1, iifuiiii 1 1 Tr. . 1 1
for (be year to date aa compared with
. 141 . tail Im nu
vie ii.tii Lti.sji ixa
""e .'.....U4.UU i7JIJ la,;
Tha followlnartahla thAai th. Mn nf
Prtcee paid for uiogs at Booth Omaha f.r
ma laei sew uay. wtia comparisons
Shipper and speculators favored quality
rather than weight, buying; cautiously
from start to finish as current trade lo
cally appears rather high a compared
with eastern market.
Midday clearanc Involved big bulk of
offering, best heavy boe making a top
of - while light muff ranged from.
downward, jcnoice butchers war
almost a popular aa the heavy lard va
rieties, and in eeverai mstancoa sola u
practical.y the aama notch, t
Reprossntativo sales:
Ne. av. aa. rr. it A v. ga. rr.
ail ... I i 41 lot 4 ai
in ... 1 n 14 jn ... s m ... s b si as ... 1 ai
u iu ... ti as ... 4 ai
a let ... 4 Si U.......J11 ... 4 44.'
71 M ... I M I ta ... 4
1 :u ... I M 1 m 4 14
.....1M ... IS 7 141 ... (14
M ... I w, ra 4 M)
a -1 ... I H 47 Ml ... t Ml
i.....ii ... 1ST a !... 4 14'
n ..X ... 4 IT XI ... 4 1
7t :u h. la u ta ... lit
T ! ... 4M al..i...JS
41. Ill ... I Si 41. Ni
Ml ... . ti ta
41 Ml M I M a) 141
. let ... 4M a ai
71..,..Jui ... ts n SM
at Ml
tte llJlA lall.)lll.l.ilsu.lWi,lJU,
laetaa Mlalag Sleek.
BOSTON. Feb. A Closing quotations on
stock today war as follow:
Aliases MaMlaad Copper
aaud. Cup I if AMiiaaok
ALL S leVNenaa 0a
Artsau Cam. li,MsMalag HIM
1 111 Q II k li.rtk Balis .
Baua Caalltlsa BvSonk l" ..
Osl. A Arlaaaa. avi)l4 Doalltoa
ai. Haua. 4i taweeia
AKarlau Ca
Aaiancaa C. A F
AsMrteas Cenaa oil
Aawrlcaa HAL. pit...
loa flaesrhlea.
Anurias laaaael
ASMrieas Lenievittve .
AaMecaa S. A A........
Aa. 41. A R. SM
Aaa. Rati raandrlas..,,
sasar aaflalaa
T- X- US' 14 14
Aaerma Tnbaoas .... 1st m U44S 11
aBanrsa weaiea ; , yju
Aaaaaaas Mlalag Os... IMS M ' 141 U
AtohlaM rJS l4la 14,14 4U
Atctiaga if ..1 - ia inn. vm mi
Atlisiw Oaaat Use. iu. mi ii
1", IR4
1M 4W4
..... ..... ia
fl (414 Tt
iu lont latt
rw , n s
lea nut uiuj in,
we tat. 14 144 .
BaillaMCS A Oala..
Bethlehesl steal
Broeklrn Kssld Tr......
Omailiaa raclfla
Uaalral Iataar . :
Cwatrsl Lenlhar ynl
tausl at New aaratr..
ll4 Hi
1 TTtij t1
r tH m
Liar 1114 im
irraai Kariaeea
litlleal lamral
lnurkaiut Mat.
Istar. MC I4
Istaraitloaal Hirlwsar,
rater-Marina f4
iBtemational rasar
latematlesal lBU
lewa caatral
Poarlm Market.
PRORM. Feb. 1-CORN-Flrm: No. t
white, tie: No. S yellow, saaytUtte; No.
4 yellow, 4JjBc; No S mixed, aiStyaTc;
no 4 mixea, sic; sample, at --to.
oats tit eadv; No. white. KVjOSM:
atandard, UtaataSe. '
Metal Market.
NEW TORK. Feb, L-MKTAL-tand-
ard copper, quiet but firm; spot, tiAWty
14 12H; February. U1MJ14 U. March,
April, May and June, tll uuwU AV lamdon
market eteady: pot. 13 7 4d; futuree.
itt at eo, Custom houaa retuma show ax-
ports of 7,xa tone eo tar this month. Lata
copper. 14H4l4Sc; electrolytic lalaljavvac;
casting. lAvliV. Tin. steady; apot.
HJ 7S4i44-S; iebniary. 4kHM.; March.
a':i-Uli: AorlL Hl.r iiri 44: May.
t4X.X4i42.l7H; June, t42.aVU4X.7a, laawlon
market easy: epot, tl aa; rut urea, till
Ms. Lead, quiet; In New Tork
and a In East St. taut Lawtdoa
lit U d. Spelter, quiet; M kteaaa la New
York and In East St. Louis.
London, f27. Antimony, dull; Cookson's, Iron, Cleveland warrants. t lOud
In London. Locally th Iron market was
eteady. No, 1 foundry aortbarn, ti&.0Laf
U.W: NO. k 114 StaaliOO: No. 1 southern
and No. 1 southern soft. H5fX46.
si ura ia. r ea a. msitaui Lead.
eteady; tt.H Spelter, firm; la,40ua.4b. .
Eva w rated Apple aad Piled F raits
API'LES Quiet and wrlca ara barely
teady In sympathy with aa eealer feel
ing up etate: fancy, lotyloc. on the spot;
choice, atr4jc: prima, SHu,o. Prune,
quiet and ausettled. Wuotatloa range
from 4S title for California. up to ev-40a.
aad sakl3c tor Oregona Aprtcots, ks-ai-ttva,
with an easier mdertona
choke, 144tihV4c; extra chofcta. Uau!Wc;
fancy. H.uiTc. Peschea, quiet . and
eteady wltb email affertngs; choice, lie)
liHrc; extra caoica, usjixc; fancy, laov
LV Raiskaa, tear rive, but 'pricea are
very eteady wttk light offering; looae
muscatels are quoted at SHeyTc; choice to
fancy, seeded, 44mtr. eeedleea, sayTc.
London layara, Cloan.H.
Mb aad Weeta,
Tl N B Nothing doing. Last salea.
bhls.; aalea. none; recaipt. IS bbia.; nla
awnta. bbav; Moeka, S.Z.4 hoax,
KOSIN-Flrm; sales. LM bbia.; racalpta,
l.B obex, shl paean is. Ml bbia; stock.
WW beas. Quota: B. D, K. Ms; F. O. H,
M f. h a: E. KM; M. fSJt. N. IAX
WO. PXr WW. R 4k ,
' Wood Maarkad.
ST. LOOE Feb, eV-WT0O1e-asafy-.
warltary aaal aiaxua macUma ksuiat;
HN-aea A AKsa d...
Okleaas O. W
tlee O. W. all
t-l.-eso A N. W
Cblcaaa. M. A L
a, c o A at, L.
aiinsi p. a 1...
tMaraaa A Xnlkan....
0kmeltAt4 Uae
i:oea rrasuota ;
nalaasre A Haaaia..,.,
Dsatar A Rla Utaa4(...
o A A 0. n
D1llienr 'aaarlUss ...
sl . .
Ha In n
Me M UAt,',,..!.!...,' ti . m ti
II1H l4 141
' t,n 1441 lain uan
SM u - K n
..e II
1st ill, im, ii
us muj mis 7
44 '
" ,
'.(.. ;w is; .Ma uav
l.P MS tl, 1314 in,
Oraatav, sat u Ka
1 ' M la ,14 m
M 4444 Ua
M 14
Kaass Cllr-gaatasra.. . .. . ....
K. '. . H4..V. .' M' 11
-1 - r
M4 llkj MH II
IAS l7t tnV 1(41
4M Ul UlkS U2
IS IU 14 111
44 11
aw 114' nu,
Aim lua U444
Lsclels Osl
Ix.un.lll4 A Naunile.,
Mlia. A . L. r
m . st . p a a a m ...
Mlaaori. K. A T
a , a. at. an :.... ...
Hlanart raellw ,
Nsllaaal (Matt ,...,...
'.Nalloaal lea
14. R R. at M. M sM.
New Tsrk Uiatral
N. T , O. A W .
Marfalt A Wuva.,...,4 LaW IMI IMj 14i
Nartk Aswlieas la tT 1714 11a
Nartk4ra Pscltls In 1114 HI '4
PacltK Mall MS at 111 a
PaaBarlvaals - IM 111 UJ Ul
Faasls's uas Ms let 14 IMw lv4a
P., C, C. A St. la ' SM kKaj lay, U
PHtasarsk teal it
fVnail taH kr U
PallsMS Palaae oar ui
Ballaar sXael Isrlas..... IS ri4 ITI4 Ku.
Haallag M.M U444 Ulle Ult
Haaablls Steal ........... TM III 11 XI
KasaMM staal M TI Tt 14
Rank lakUMt Oa. MS M B a
naos uuaaa 4J. n aav aeaj er
at h a a F. M put ... .....
Ma taMlst B. W-vsaassaoe saii4 oeeea
a L I W. sM.... 4
llaas laaglall k A i... 41 .
radna LTM 1ST 17 17
aastsars Railway I.M4 ISI r Ma
Taaaawaa Cbsear MS tt as
Taxaa A raoUla.M..... 4a a a II
T St. U A W 14 11 IS U
T., St, L. A W. SM... a
I'slaa raalrie M.M 144 IU 14144
Vale raain all 4a 41 M S2
Vsiud Sutaa Kaaltr.... (I
Vaital States kasaar...a 444 44 44
I alia Wales Suaa....... r.sM II M a
V. A Steal at. 1.444 144 W7lt 14 1
tnak Omsar Lias 44 u 41
Va-Oaeallaa Ckaaleal MS 44 M 41
T. I 1
Waaaah SN MS II 11 II
Waalars Marftaad MS Mat U M
Waatacaaaaa aMUie .- TS
Wealers Kalaa MSI 14 4
Waaallag A la SV I
1 Valley I BBS 14 lis
(lss Oaspar
Hay I
Ira 11
i.n tn
Total aale
Laxidaa Stock Market.
LONDON. Feb. I Amertcaa aeearitle
war quiet and teal ura lass during tba
first hour today. Price ranged from
440 above to o below y eater-day's New
Tork nosing.
Lnodoa ckjaing stock quotation!
aw ..II S-ULeaisville A Nask..lU
.....It 4-UMa,. kaa. A 7a. nta
I. lBr UaKea Tar Cwatral .lll
7Vrtalk A aaauralll
AKkleaa 44a as aM n
Ml0aurla A Waster. 17
Sattleav A Okie. VatwraaaarlTaala
aaalaa letne . sM Han Mlaas . 4
4 Okie nVKaeSlsa 11
Cal. Oeaal Wasaars. U aaiaara Ry ., a
m.. MIL A St. r.sM as Bf4 14
Da Basra uSaalasra Beoas ...lie
Deovar A Rla Itl'alas radlla IM
at 441 ea MB aa
Erla llU. s. Keel a
4e let sts 41 as s oil
4s M H a Wakeek - T
Oiea4 Tnak K Sa ............
Iiniiaai Oatial ....US
riiuvaav xuar, uncanaia ax a -iu per
aunoa. v
WUNET-lHtT-TH per cent.
Tha rkte of dtaoount in the opoa mar
ket for short btlla a tSUVi per cent; for
throe asonths aula, Saa a-14 per cent.
Now Tark Mlalas Staeka.
NEW TORK. Feb. 1 Closing quota
tions oa mining stocks ware:
Alias JM aunk Chief . I
Teaest stash., a sale MS
kaass It Oatarle ....
OaL A Ta a Dakar la)
leas SUvar -..J eoiaaeael la(
BLaadatUa Osa, , m Talis Ink t a
VS. kanes O C.,
ast Bat la a M..
Qlreas Oa. ,,
OraaB tea. T
Oriaal Caaasaa ....
lale Rayala Capper,
Kerr lake
La SalM Casser.,
.. a
.. a
.. IS
.. 1
.. a
., 41
1 traiscr n
II Sbanaa M.. 4
usupanar a a. a.. 14-14
4Taaaarark a
a u. a a a. A M... m
1 b pre 47
a, in uaa. ...... :
laWlaaas j
aa wwvsnae ai
Baak Clemrlaga.
OMAHA, Feb. L-Bank clearing for
today were 11.09. til. M and for th corra-
sponding day last year
' BUTTER No. 1 Mb. carton. Oc: No.
I ta SS-lb. tube, KVa; No. t, tto; packing,
' CHEESE Imported Swiss, tk); Ameri
can Swiss, Sbc; Mock Swiss, H; twins,
Dc, dsUies, loc; triplets, 10c; young
America, lie; blue label brick, Kc; Uav
bergsr, a-lb., lko; l-lb SOa
1 POULTRY broilers, 16.04 per do.;
spring. UoLlsn. 14c; 00c as, iim; dusks,
llo; geeae. lo; turkeys, c; pigeons, per
dog., tl.M, Ailv. broiler. LItc; hen.
Pta; old reoeter and tana, to; old ducks,
full feathered, llo; geeae, full feathered,
ilk;; turkeya, 14c; guinea fowl, Be each;'
pigeons, per do., I6c; homers, per do,
ILM. quau. No. L I'.o; NO. S, lac
Fimi - tfreah frosan) Pickerel, To;
ahlle. He; pik. tc; trout, lie; large crau
ples, 124J lac; ttpaalsh suackelai, 7c; eei,
lac; haddocks, lie; flounders, lie; green
catfish, lac; roe shad, ti each; shad roe,
per pair. 44c; ealmont 14c; halibut, loo;
tallow perch, to; buffalo, to; bullhead,
BEEF CUT PRICES-Rlbs: No. t riVic;
no. a, mo; no. a, inc. wnucksi , no. x,
Iu: No. 1 74e; No. I. Jo. Lows: No. 1.
uo; No. I. 14c; No. A Ilc. Rounds
No. L 10o; No i Sc: No. 1, Mic Jiataa:
No. x. ao; no. a, sc; no. a, iv.
FRIJITS Apples, cooking varieties, per
bbl, aV.TS; Jonathan and tmroer Oolden.
per bbl., ka; Ben i'avis, par bbl., sj ai;
fancy Wlneaapa, per bbl., $4.00; fancy Ml
aouri Pippin, per bbl., t.e; fancy Oaaua,
par bbl., M .00; California bllflower, par
box. tl.S: Colorado Jonathan, extra fanny.
per box. Rf: Washington Bpltsenbarg,
per box, R-M; Waahingtoa R. Beauty, par
box, t 4; Waahingtoa Stamen Wlno-
per box, li w n ananas, fancy
select, per bunco, C.ftvtEd; Jumbo, por
bunch, 41 7f4l To. Cranberries, Wisconsin
fe cv. per bbl.. tll.Otf: ner box. saia.
Date, Anchor brand, naw, (t-lb. pkgs. in
ouxea. per oox. (a. a: uromeaary brand,
new. 10 1-lb pkgs. In boxes, per box.
Pig. California, per case of 11 lloa.
pka. t'i; per case of 60 t-oa pkgs..
at.W; bulk, la St-lb and it-lb boxee. per
lb., loc; New Turkish, t-crown In SV-la.
box, par lb., lie; s-crown In UMb. boxea,
par lb., lac; T-crowa In 30-lb. boxea, per
ib.. 17a Orape Fruit. Florida, 4H-J4 slxsa.
per crate, lu.W; ao-M-44 tixee, per crata,
SS W. U rapes. Malaga grape in bbl.,
labOirdOO. Lemon, Llmonnra el acted
brand, extra taacy, aa six, per box. tsvu;
Loma Llraonelra, fancy, aW-atf si sea, per
box, KM; M0 and 420 slsea. Wo per box
lee. Oranges. California. Cam alia
brand, naval, extra fancy. lt-LtaVlM-17sDt-tM
alse, par box, 13.00; extra okoica, all
lae. per box, tMnV
vKtxifiTABLJi, cabbage. wiseonsln.
per lb., SSa Celery, California Jumbo,
par doa, lortJtl.OO. Cucumber, hot houaa,
par do., ttvi. Egg Plant, fancy, Honda,
per doa, U-40. Garlic, extra fancy, white,
par lb., loo. Lettuce, extra fane leaf,
per do., 46c. Onions, CallfomlA, white,
boiling, per lb 7o; Wtsoonsin, yellow and
red, in sacks, per lb., to; 8paalsh, par
ta. n.Ki rarsiey, fancy aoutharn. nor
do, bunch, 6ujr;ec. Petatoea, Minne
sota Early Ohio, per bu., 11. fc; Wlscon
sln white ateck. par bu, tl ; la it sack
lots, So leas. Sweet Potatoes, Kanaaa,
per bu. kak, P.0S. Rutabaga. In aaoka
par id.. 1440. tomatoes, anoriaa, oar
4-bsk crata, MM.
M 1BCELLAN isuuB Aimondk Tarra
gona, per Ih., IMtc: In sack lots, 1c lea.
Cocoanuta. per aaok. tS.oa, Filberts, per
lb., 14c; la sack lota, la lea. Peanut,
Roasted, par Ib, Sc; raw, par lb.. (Lso.
Pecans, large, per Ib, Uo; la sack lota,
lo lea. Walauta. new crop, 1SU. Cali
fornia, aer lb., 17c: I aaok lots, lo lesa.
Oder, new Nehawka, per It-gaL 44 bbl.,
13 01: per tt-gal. bbl., MM; New Tork
Matt', per UVsl. bt, IAS: par Sa-gaL
DDL, as.. Money,
' '
LONDON. FakTe aeaekrv
meat af the Baak 4 Engauad ahow the
foUowtac rhamrea: Total rssai 1 s a-
ereaava s.,s; awreauatawa amsiaa 11
111400; kasllaaa Innaaaiu 41,1; aiher
saatvtttsa Sssiiamd mjavaav. oaaar aW-
oauH Aawa.; 1 1 a'aiiat ' Maaarttiaa
Kraut, par
keg. H.l; 1
M framaa. U 74.
li-gal. keg. H.0O: ner S-aaJ.
WlsooaalD, par Vt-bbl, CIS.
Cattea Markal.
NEW TORK, Feb. E-CfJrTT0N-8pot
cloaed quiet IS point higher; middling
upland. Mate: middling gulf, lO.Kc Fu
ture opened barely eteady: March, S.t2c;
May, Merc; June, 1414c; July, HUSo; As
gust, 10 10c: September, Mitm; Octorwr,
1416c; November, MUtoi December, M.2c;
January, lAMc bid.
Futures cloaed steady; February, S 4c;
March. Hc: April, W ate: May. W.OSo;
June. W ise; July, rt.SV; August, 10.14c;
September. It.loc; Octaber. 16.80; No
vember, 14 24c; llecember, a) Sc; January,
51 . "H I Ml j t ill d IA 1 72 S fa
tfuk a 1 ati t . i .' :.-''ri 1
iria f J l l i A !) -14-
Jr-15" Ts a I I 41 S 4 4 17 t Ml
; I I m "I 4 Ml t aa i 61
I k ,C I ,r SU4Ssl7i4
s SI - I lft 41, 4 a7
Feb. 7.
Feb. i.
J I alt
1 ! Ml 1 47 1 4 971 4 Ml 4 47, 4 40
Receipt and disposition of live stock
at th Lnhin-tituck lards. South Omaha.
ye4terf5Lrr"tUUr bour tt0'u"
n 4 a tf. ouwaia nria
, m. DV jr.. ix
Wabash j.
Mmeourl Padflc... 4
imon Pacific 51
C. N. w
C. A N. W.
C, L P, M
c a J.,
a, a g..
west.. 11
O.. 14
eat., t.
west... 47
S i ..
1 I
si . ..
12 ' ..
. 4
m a
t-'.. K. i. p, eaat
-'., 14. 1. A ! weat 1
Illinois Central ....
c o. w.
Total receipts. ...lwl
l',il. Uiin 4lu.n
Omaha Packing Co 414 , 1.M .. (,
Cudahy Packing Co.... 77t , 4.K9 . VAl
Swift and Company, ....1. MB t,;i( ' 6;i
Armour A Co .l77 . ' a,54 1 Sat
ocuaanx at 4.0 ..
J. W. Murphy -l aa
MorrelL g
Sinclair ai
W. B. Vsnsant Co 11
Benton. Vanaant A L im
Hill A Son X
r-R Lewia ... 7 .....
J. B. .Root Co 114
J. li. -Bulla it
la F.. It urn ' 47
L. Wolf a "
McCreary-el Kellogg., t
Werttielmer A Uexen... H - - .....
H. F. Hamilton S ..... '
Mo. A Kan. Calf Co.... SS ..a,
Ollne Christie M
Other buyer m Ma
Total ..Xn tt.ttt ' t,Ui
CATTLE There waa a snlendid ram.
market tha morning conauierlng that It
"aa a inuiwoay ana that receipt for
this lata In the week were ao -large. ITS
oar being reported In. Th total recelpu
Ihls week foot up 17,451 heed, a gain of
almost tono head a compared with the
corresponding four day laat weak and a
slight Increase over the earn period A
year ago.
Buyer of beef steers ware out In tha
yards early In tha morning and although
this late In th week the demand a not
expected to be eery urgent, still tliey all
aeained to want the cattle. ' As a result,
wnen tna trade waa one under war
-there waa a vary fair movement of Mock
at pricea that were fully steady and In
some cases quite a little stronger. It was
puesiDie to find aalea man who were Quot
ing tha market aa much aa steady to 101-
iilgher on the more dealt able grade uf
Cows and heifer wer also In' very
good demand and they generally com-
manaea strong prljes, with aaleo in sum
instance) looking aa much aa loo hlKhsr.
The movement waa fairly active and the
bulk of the reoelpta had ciianged hands
in 1 air season in the morning.
Thar was om lluie Inquiry for dear-
able feeder, that la, catLI having both
quality and weight and anything of that
description commanded good steady
price. Oa tha other hand the market for
common kinda and for light, trashy
stocker waa a little alow, aa waa to b
expected tni late in tna week.
uuotation on cattle: Uood to chole
beat steers, MaOal.Iti; fair to good beet
3 leers,'; common to fair beef
steers. 40.umua.OO: good to choice helfera
b.oua4.ou; good to oiioico eows, t4.iutja,a;
lair to good cows and hellers, ti.4ov.oo;
common to fair cow and belters, tLautg)
1. 74, good to choice stockcr and feeder,
Mtuan.; fair to good Blockers and
feeders, Kiotja.; common to fair stock
era and leader, fi; stock hello's,
!1.4lt4.7t; veal calve, tauv'-ii; bulla,
a lb a, tc, tAaeso-al.
Ka. Av. Pr.
U..... 1174 4 M
i. ua 4 w
1.......-.1U41 4 44
I4...M.-1144 4
U......UM 4 M
a Lett 414
M... ,.MM 4 it
M.........U4 4
14 1114 4 44
14.... UK 4 71
UL... an 4 TI .
a un 4 a
4-.. ill! 1 0
...........u4 1 a
s ud ta
4 UM t a
4 um tn
... 4 14
44 4 14
... 4
M 4 IS
... 14
... 4 14
... 4 11
.... 4 li
... 4 Li
... 4 11
... 4 U
... 4 11
... 4 IS
... 4 74
... 4 !4
af a
4 M
4 a
74. ...... til M 4M
TT Ill ... 4 a
U..S-... M ... 4 M
at ... 1 m tt...
o rri ia 4S2 a...
44 114 ... ici a...
4 144 ... 4 a 17...
74......l I 44 a...
1. aa aia,
8KEEP Limited receipt of aheep and
lam be met with a demand active enough
rto permit, healthy movement 'at steady
prices, out me competitive element waa
practically abitent and elforta to oottun
stronger figures were usually unsucce
fuL Th market aa a whole remained un
changed, a better ton to the trade being
reflected only In the easier clearance.
Offering consisted hugely of -fed ewes
nd lambs, tha bum as recently, and
Quality on an averaae was not very- at
tractive. Pretty good lamb sold ar
6r lasa Indicating a quotable top of Sa-S
for aomething strictly prime in every
respect, and medium to poor classes
moved unevenly at figures that- were
nuamlned considerably below tha high
spread. Compared with last week a close
lam be are closing aboupt lououc tower,
common "varieties "showing the greater
losses. Explanation for these break re
found In th heavy receipt at all of the
leading points aa -well as burdensome
stocks of product.
tuieeo trade Dreeentea no new reatnres
of consequence, fat ewe nlllng from 13.80
downward, with wethers quotable up to
H40 or possibly 14.60. choir awe would
hardly ness M.M at nravent. a limit that
cali for-beet quality and extra good tin-
lh. comparea with last rnoay a traae,
moat kind of sheep show net decllnoa of
lit? Use
Nothing new or start ling has happened
In the feeder market during the week as
tha demand and auDDly have both been
email on all days. Nothing was purchased
.on country account. Monday and the
three days buy amount to only .J. too
uuotation on sheep and l&; Lamia.
good to choice, l.a;rt.26; lamb, fair to
good. 15 OOirtVK): yearllnss, good to choice.
I5.154J6.M; yearliqxs, fair to good, tt.764)
Alt; wethers, good to choice, H.ouni 4u,
wether, fair to good. n.nfauu; we.
good to choice, tt-atajaw; we, fair to
good. 13.4060 60.
Kenreaemallve sales:
No. A.
SW fed lamb 74
lit fed 77
60 western lambs, feeders 71
6 western lamb, feeder..., 47
K9I western uunba, . feeder...
Borlingtoa Announces Trips Cover
ing Fifteen Days' Sunning Time,
srfcetlwlre afCalea Paarlfta . aad
XwrtkwreaUera ta SpraaA Ceawel
f Hick Ceraalaatiag Seed
Are ia PrwparatBaa.
Schedule for th three seed com spe
cials that will he sent out by the Bur
lington In' the seed com campaign of the
Omaha Commercial club. Grain exchange
and tha University of Nebraska, have
been completed. Schedule of t.e Union
Pacific and North west era special will
be announced shortly.
The Burlington will have three trains.
two starting on February 2f and finishing
on March 1 and tthe other atarting on
March 4 and ending; oa March, t. A thirty
minute stop for lecture - will be made
at each town. Following -are the sched
ule Indicating the tim ot'anival:
Santacra Nebraska Train.
Monday, February JS: v
rihkley I-wp.m.
Edgar l:li p.m.
Wilbur .... t:Wa.m-1
PeWitt ... :30a.m.
Western -.lfl AO a.m. llAwrenc
Toblaa U SOarn. I Blue kail..
Strang 1 :W p.m.
Tuesday. February !7:
Upland .... 46 S-in. Rcrtrand ..1:36 p.m.
lllldrelh ...10: a.m. iHwood .
Wlcox ..H:)a.m.ll-lstU ..
Holdrege ..12:16 p.m. Karnam
Indlanola .. 8:30 a.m. , Alma' ......:lSa.m.
4:4 p.m.
i. J p.m.
.1:40 p.m.
. 4:00 p.m.
. 1:16 a.m.
Cambridge. S:45Anx
Ara pah o ..11:00 a.m.
Oxford ..iS:ltp.m.
Orleana .... l:p.m.
Hl'ngton t:S p.m.
FrankHn .. 4:30 p.m.
Kiverton .. 6:1 p.m.
' Thursday, February K:
Hardy .
Byron .
Red Coud. :( m.
Ouide Hock 40 a-m.
Superior . ll ifanL
Nelson ,,..i:.30 p.m.
Friday, March 1:
Chester ... l::anL
Reynolds .. t:4oa.m.
tMller ....-41:10a.m.
Odell 12:10 p.m.
Wymore ... 1:10 p.m.
Santera N Sliraaksi
Monday, February 2A
... t:30p.m.
.. 1 30 p.m.
... 6 0TJp.nL
Plnttsmouth f 00 m
Louisville :.M: am
Mouth Hend.. 11:30 am
Avhland 12:30 pm
Tuesday, February 27:
Uehlinc ,
,.. I am
... S.30 am
...11:11 am
..12:30 pm
. 1:15 pm
Liberty' t:p.nt
Hurchard - 3 30 p.m.
Pawnee ... 4 35 p.m.
X ail la Rock t JO p.m.
, 1:.W Pro
. 1 pm
, 1 46 pm
, 4:46 pm
, I IS pm
. I:) pm
, 4:16 pm
.. t:9t pm
Mem phi ,
Ithaca ...
Mai mo-. .
Pratrua .
Koaalle ...
Walt hill
Homes) ,
213 fed ewe
171 fed ewes ..
212 ted lamb
V fed lambs .
24 fed lam he .
474 fed lamb
3 fed lam be
3M fed awea .
, U
.... lot
I 76
6 60
5 40
t 40
t 90
t n
4 26
4 00
t 71
6 50
Av. rr.
... 114 I a
.. (71 s a
. N4 I a
MS 4 M
M4 t a
um 1 a
... ...! 4 M
1 4M
MT 4 M
,.....U 1
WIS 4 14
1041 4 M
UM 4 M
III...... 104 4 M
...OlM B
.... Mia
1 41.......... All 4 a - ..
.Jr IS, 4. 1444 4 a
,.1444 ( 4B B 47 4 a
Caftarw Market.
ture closed easy at a net decline of
to 14 points, (sales, V7! bag. February,
i:7e; March. April and May. UBc: June,
a sac: Jlv. lt.lee: Augoat. VXUc: Be pt ana
bar. 11. lac: October. It-tOe; November,
11.47c; liecamber and January, lxoto.
Spot coffee, steady: No. T Rra, MHc; No.
4 Santo. kfAke. Mild, quiet; Cordova,
16S17Sc, nominal.
trrry Caada Market.
NEW TORK. Feb. A The cotton goods
market ar firm with business showing
a broadening tenaVacy ea many Una.
Yam ara held very firm and ar being
bought steadily for th next sixty to
ninety day ahtpmant- Fancy worsted
ar being opened, but boyer ara moving
slowly oa them. Jobbers assort, aa
aotlv week thua far.
Oaf AHA. Fab. I KAT-No. i.
No. 1 tu-ar; eoaraa. C4; packing stooa.
St.4StiB.4S; alfalfa. xu.S. Straw: Wheat.
TORK, Fan. SV-eTUOAR ttaw.
rvBd. a teat. l.Mo; osBOifa-
sse fBcu, a UBt,
gal. Sf least, 4.4SC lanisa, firaa,
4.. ......
1141 IM
.......IBM 4 M
....... t7 1 a
-...iau ia
...... ij( 1 a
11a I a
mi I a .
ui( I a '
...... IBM 114
1441 I 14
lilt I 14
......UM 4 8
.......U74 I M
at 1 a
.1444 I a
...1414 I II
.mr 4
.uei 4 a
. M4 4 M
.144 4 M
.111 4 M
14 ....V74 4 M
!...-.... Ml 4 a
I MS 4 a
U Will
4. IM 4 74
I UM 4 74
....mi ( a
....1174 4 Tl
.... at 4 a
14,1 4 U
.... ea I m m tm 4 w
.... IU IN M4 4 M
.... nil 4 a 4.. t 1 a
.... 4M 4 a SM 4 M
.... SM 4 M 4 Ill 4 M
U. .......... 4M 4M. TM 114
1...... TS 4 M 4...... U IS
1. 171 4 a a... uoq I a
i......... Mia u........... mt 4 a
1.. 444 4 M 4....... 4 44
4. 111 4 a - t... hi 6 a
t..... . a 4 a , i.......iaa 4 a
law M . b. aa 1 1-
1, 1S44 4 M 1.........114" 1 is
U....-...ll'l 4 1 UM4 t a
UM 4 M 1 UM I a
l. ui 4 a 1 aa ta
i rr t a 1 n n
1.. STI 4 B........... MS TM
I.. ., ai 4 a 1 mi ta
a..., 7. 441 4 a ...-....., 114 T a
i. a t a as T a
1..... M 4 44 I.-.....' IS IS
u..;. nt 4 rs a an a
4 m i , a..... nj is
m. sa) ia s... Ta I a
. Ml ..JZ... TM 4 a
a 1 a as . sw is
HOOS Although reoelpta of hoars war
very nearly aa large aa y eater day's big
suppUea. the -packing darmand proved gen
erous and reasonably octree, reejuitmx
IB a trad that ruled steady to about a
nickel lower, flood Seringa with weight
usually aoal to th beat advantage, but
auyera on killing account ware eetdorn
very particular about the character, of
their drovee, diacrimiJaaUoa being anowa
oaly ha prtca BaArrlD.
Th aatrmataa called for over 21.404 head,
mostly 111 tie batcher aad kaaooa avwragea.
Strong weight batchers and weighty lard
stuff made BP has thara ooa-fourth of
th totai. a percactags that haa beea
roue-avljcauat la, All xwotuu xuas.
Desaaad far Cattle steady Hogh
Blgker Sheep Weak.
7, On) head; market steady: beeves, M-sOW
S.46; Texas steer, M.tf1j6 46; , western
steers. M.sjr7.10:. stockers and feeders.
tS.t64j4.lo: rows and belter, 22. 161. 70;
calve. 6.78.36. -
HOOS Receipts, 4?.30 head; market Sc
higher; light, t6.&tt.26: mixed,;
heavy, SMit.CS: rough, ff.kvtf4.10; pigs,
l4.2fNi.86: bulk of wales. M.OMid.St.
BHUEP AND LAMUtJ-Recelpts. 16,000
head; market weak; native, M. 164 si;
western. tl.40T4.6: yearlings, t4.7lnit.6o:
native lamb, M.&ljaj.fc; wstern lambs,
Kaaaaa City Live stock Market.
ceipt, .' head, including lot outhrna;
market eteady; dressed beef and export
steers. 6 SWuS.6U fair to good, t6.26tjti.76;
western steer (0.2647.60; stockers and
feeders, HVo4.76; southern steer, to 00
iyi.Su; outhrn cow. t3.266.0v; natlvs
oows. I3.004ja.16; native heifer. SI-6vH.6v;
bulls, ti.uouB.60; calvt. tl.ui7.60.
HOOS-Kroelpta, 10.0W head; market
steady: bulk of aale, t5.96iirt.30;, heavy,
t3HlS6; packers and butchers, 16.060
130; light, 16.664143.16: pigs,
bHEh.P AND LAMUS-KeoelpU, 7.000
head; market steady; iambs, t...l(.36;
yearlings, 4.76ia.6u. wethers, Ii76ii4.75:
ewea, 14.364)4.00; stockers and feeder, 12-60
St. Leal Alva stock Market.
ST. LOUIS. Feb. A-CATTLtV-Kecalpts,
,7ot head Including 600 Tex ana; market
steady: native snipping ana xpon steers,
17.6f 8.76; dressed and butcher steers,
t6.0Uo7.0; steers under LOW pounds. 13.26
titvoo; Blockers and feeder.;
cow and belter. t.'tHiW; cannera. 12.09
t4.09; bulla, 17 tWu.16: calves, 16 out) 4. 76;
Texaa and Indian steers, t6.0W.00; cow
and helfera, 3.036.(
HOOS-Heceipts, 12.000 head; market
steady; pig and light, K6vi.b)j, mixed
and butchers, la.mjo.40; good heavy, 14.30
tj 9. . . ' , .
t-liivtlr A . Lr aAiiussr itaceipu, s,auv
head: market ateady; native mutton.
CI.&64J-L60: lamba. tt.0O36.60; cull and
Duck, si.svoa.a; Btocasr, ai.aoii.iN.J
St. Jssepk Li-vo Stock Market.
celpts, 1,600 neao; market steady; steer.
t6.264i.00; cow and heifers, t3.36iio.60,
calve. K00O.7.6A
HfXiS Receipt, li.600 head; mark at
teady to weak; top, ev-al; bulk of aalea,
Head; market aieaoy; tamos, C60trti.a.
tack la Sight.
RacelpU of tlvw stock at the flva nrln.
eipai western xuau-aets yesieraay.
t-attie. nose, sheep.
South Omaha 2.0u4 S.1W0 lu.a
rt- joaepn j,nv
Kansaa City 2.M
tit. Loula 2.7ti
Chicago 7.0.
Weilnesday. February M:
Waterhury S:30am Randolph
Allen 1 .10 ara McLean .
Dlxan M:a) am ttemond .
I-aurel 11:40 am Ptalnview
Belden 12:40 pm
Thursday, February 2t:
.. 1:40 pm
2 40 pm
it) pm -..
6 00 pm
, 130 am
. 1:46 pm
0:36 am ISyracus ... 1:46 pm
IHirrbar .... M pm
Neb., City. :16 pm
Waverly ..
Bennett 11:40 am
Palmyra 12.46 pm
rViday, March 1: .
Pern 1:30 am
Nemaha ..... t:4S am
Auburn 11:00 am
Johnson ' 12:10 pm
Teeumeeh ... 1:30 pm
, Central Mebraaka
Monday,) March 4:
Ple'sn't Dale S.w am
Mllford....... 30 am
Seward W 35 am
Utlca 11:46 am
Tucaday, March 6:
Burwall ..... t ot am
Ord ....:. -.4.. 0:26 am
(Ireely Ct'r..l:66 am
Wolbach-....12:16 pm
Palmer 1:40 pm
Wednesday. March :
Broken Bow. IS am (Ravenna .
Ansley am Cslro ,
Mason City..W:60 ara Phillip ...
Litchfield .4.11:51 am luiltuer .....
Thursday, March 7:
Bterltng .... 2:S6 pm
Adams 1:30 pm
Firth 4:30 pm
Hickman .. 6 M pm ,
Benedict . 1 JO pm
ttradshaw M t:su pm
Hampton .. 4:26 pm
Aurora ... 1:26 pm
St. Paul....
Loup City.,
J 50 pm
t:66 pm
6:00 pm .
t:00 pro
, 115 pm
, 1:16 pro
, 4:10 pm
6:46 pm
Mlnden ..
Heart well
Orafton .
Oeneva .,
Exeter .,
, 1KB am
, 1:50 pm
. 1:00 pm '
. s wam tRutton-...
.10:16 am k'lay Canter 4:S0 pm
.11:20 am Fairfield ... 6:40 pm
12:30 pm ,
March I - '
.... 1:30 am IFrlend 1J5 pm
,...10:16 am (Dorchester , 2:46 pm
...11:26 am ICret ...... 1:60 pm
....12:30 pm llienton 6:00 pm
14.0IBI MB
10.WB) 7,
u.em 2,200
42.000 liuuO
16.600 12.400 25,900
Spring Vacation .
Begins Early in April
The first week In AprO will be aprlng
vacatloB for th pupil of the Omaha
Sine the opening of tha second eernester
there are (77 mora Rodents la the tchool
than tner wer cno yeer ago. Of these
200 ar high school itwlents and 477 ar In
th elementary aradja.
The fourth Jury to hear th evidence In
th case against Billy Crutch field and
Jack Broom field, proprietor of the Mid
way, baa been drawn. Tha name of th
or wer not mad public, but It at
said to be mad np of business men. Th
fourth trial will be held 'tomorrow mora-
General Frederick A. Smith, commander
of tha Ijepsu liueid of the Miianart
leave today tor Saa Frxnefcaca to visit
Mrs. Smith, who Is tlL General Smith
expects to take her to Hot 8pruura, .Ark,
for a fw 111 1 1,
Big Detroit Knight
Pulled from Train
by Practical Joker
To b president and owner of on of
th largest warehouse and storage com
panies of Detroit, to be an officer la the
National Association of Warahoua Man,
to be chairman of the Commute on ar
rangement for th national conclave of
th Knight of Pythlsa. to be, well, to be
lots of thing Ilk that, and to D ar
rested, charged with k helnooa crlma, la
a mixture that palled tha brain and ner- 1
vous ayatem of U. J. Leonard when his
train came Into Omaha early yesterday. -
H was hurried from tha depot to Cap
tain Dunn' offica at tha police station,
where h waa subjected to the third de
gree. He uprooted hi family tree and
tacked th fruit thereof at th cap
tain's feat; ha named his great -grand
mother's favorite perfume, ho spelled his
nam backward, mad tt lay down, roll
over and play dead; ho named ovary
acquaintance from the time ha tint
spelled eat until 1:31 yesterday morning;
ha told th front and middle name of hit
every relative in tact, he did every
thing to prove that ha wag not th man '
they said ha was.
Than when W. W. Koller, president of
the Omaha Expressmen's Delivery com
pany, who had been standing ontalde th
police atation giving vent to his risibili
ties, walked In and Identified Aim, Leon
ard paaaed around the cigars. H waa
more relieved than tha man who coined
that word.
Mr. Leonard Is enrout to Denver to
complete arrangements for tha national
conclave of the Knights of Pytntas to be
held there. Koller wa notified of his
coming through Omaha from Detroit and
the practical Joke grow forth 1 aturally
and aucceaafully. . ..... .
- LONDON. Feb. t. -After prolonged dis
cussion th rat of discount of th Bank
of England axs reduced today to tVi per
cant, owing to the easy monetary condi
tions here and on th continent of Eu
rope and In America and the steadily In
creasing strength of the gold reaerre.
The exceptional demand for sold" for
India haa begun to Blacken and la view
of th American gold shipments to Paris
and tha fact that the Bank of England's
control of tha money market win enable
tt to make a IH Per cent rata effective
there is considered to be no longer any
necessity for maintaining th 4 per cent '
rata Imposed by the Bank of England.
A letter from th state expei lmeut eta-'
tlon at Brokings, & D.. to Manager
Parrhah of the publicity barrean of th -
Ctommcrtnal .dub. state toar th aeed
cora aMmilaa la that Mate la aa bad as
ta Nebraska. JL E. eaunaca tt Bt. Jaaaw
Mo, say ho haa invent tgstad aeed aora
In Iowa. Kaniaa. Missouri and D Boots,
and it t aa poor as hi Nebraska. "Where
1 w gains to got seed coraT" ask both .