Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 09, 1912, Image 1

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    Looking Backward
This Day in Omaha
norty TwMty Tea Tim Ac
m Soitmial rags at eaeh knt
The Omaha Daily Bee
Probably &now
VOL. XLI-NQ. 203.
. ,
Kebraikaa Fear Proposed InTesti
gatioi of Money Trait Will
Prove a Farce.
Some Member of Party Controlled
by Predatory Interest.
Statement Ends with Praise for Mr.
Henry of Texas.
The National Capital
Tharsday, Febrwary lt-I.
The Senate.
In session at J p. m.
l.o rimer ejection Investigation hearings
continued with prospects ot early term
ination. Manufacturers. iiM-tadlne- Charles M.
Schwab, discussed steel tarUC before
finance committee.
Senator Reed ef If laaourl In a statement
Insisted Missouri democratic convention
should Instruct for Governor roi in ac
cordance, with resolution ot m eoaven-
It Cessaalttee Make Pewsapt anal
Tlansik Investigation He
Will Re Surprised ana
Delighted. L '
8AM BENITO. Tex.. Feb. I "I fear
the Investigation will prove a (area, If
the bank (Of commute begins t once
and makes a prompt and thorough In
vestigation I shall b both surprised and
80 declared W.' J. Bryan today la com
menting en the result of last night's
democratic caucus over th proposed In
vestigation of th so-called money trust
"Misled by Wall street," "Under th
control of the predatory Interests and
"Democrats whose sympathies) are with
th money trust" were some of th terms
used by Mr. Bryan. In bis statement.
which ends with praise for R. U Henry
of Texas, th house member whoa pro
posal to Investigate th "money trust'
by. a epecial committee was voted down
' by last Bight's caucus.
Demaerata Are I'afartaaate,
Mr. Bryan's statement says: -
"It la th mlafortun ot th party to
have some member who can be misled
by Wall street and it la still greater
mlsfortun to bav soma members who
are as completely under th control ot
tho predatory interests as any of th re
publicans. " If th banking committe begins at
one and makes a prompt and thorough
Investigation I shall be both surprised
and delighted. Congressman Henry has
- mad a splendid fight and Ms efforts
will be more appreciated It th. banking
committee is found, as I bMv it will
be, to be under th control ot Wall
street." ; "
Wants Mere Fewer tar Committee.
"WASHINGTON, Feb. l-Representativs
Fujo ot Louisiana, chairman ot th houss
committe on banking ant currency, to
which th democratic caucus last night
referred the proposed Investigation of
th "money trust," ilcc.a ' today that
he would introduce a .uUon to In-
to leara If tacxs is' a nwli) trust is th
Vnlted SWtes. , .
To attend th national conference ot
Ituosevelt boomers. Colonel John O.
Telser goes to Chicago today and the
public la duly apprised that h Is still
head and front t th Roosevelt column
In Nebraska by this statement:
"Then was no surrender ot Roosevelt
forces to th men la charge of th La
Follett organisation. All, such talk Is
pur buncombe to try and kick up a row.
Th Roosevelt men will be as numerous
on that ticket as th La Follett men.
If th La Follett men on Monday do
not recognise our half of th delegates
snd insist on a fool plurality vote that
In effect would be a three-cornered fight.
It . would mean a real thre-cornred flgta
resulting In separata delegate. There
was not a word said by Governor Aid rich
or Mr. Harrison at our conference that
could be used aa a basis for today's re
ports about any such surrender. I feel
sura, however, there will be no occasion
for a call of a Roosevelt meeting as I
believe th La Follett men are not under
the dominitlon of Mr. Corrlck ot Cosad."
Fall Press Wtgss Fatal.
PIERRE. & D Feb. 1 (Special Tel,
gram.) C. F. Hilgenbecker, en of th
pioneer residents ot this county, died at
th hospital In this dry today after lying
unconscious sine his injury from tailing
from a load of bay th first ofyh week.
The Weather
FOR NEBRASKA I'nsettled. probably
snow flurries; rising temperature.
FOR IOWA Unsettled, probably SJSOW
flurries; rising temperature.
Temperature at Omaha Yesterday.
i a. m...
s a. m...
t a. m...
a. m...
M a. m...
11 a. m..,
M m.....
1 a. m...
J p. m u
p. m 11
' 4 p. m M
k p. m 14
p. m H
7 p. m. 11
I p. m .11
Comparative Lerml Record.
Wit. WL 151. 190S
Highest yesterday 3 42 34 40
lowest yesterday I W 21 28
Mean temperature 13 31 28 34
Precipitation 00 M .as .21
'ieoveratire and precipitauoa aepar
tt:res from the normal:
Normal temperature ....................... K
ivnoleney tor th day a
Total excess since siarcn i. IS 11. 254
Normal precipitation .at inch
lJcficiency for the dsy.. .44 Inch
Total rainfall since March 1....1I i inches
lieticiejicy since Hsrch 1 13.73 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1911.. 16. 46 Inches
Excess for cor. period, IK.... 4. Inches
Heaarts trass tatiema at T P,
The House.
M. mt MM.
l.abor conditions in steal trust sub
sidiaries discussed before steel trust in-
Representative McKlnley (III.) re-elected
chairman repubucaa congiussiu
palgn committee. ,
. . t MAttiiMa committee for
mally ordered complete Investigation of
Florida Everglades land case.
Chairman Fujo announced he would in
troduce resolution venting banking com
mittee with plenary powers tor Its pro
posed "money trust invesusi
. i..k . n. a hefnr territories com
mittee government railroads, navigation
aids and ftsh protection e1Uon-..
Arguments sgalnst federal Injunctions
In labor boycott mad btfora Judiciary
1 trill atihnnenaed to testify be
fore steel' tru;t investigating committee
Moiaisy. '
Ftrsaed resolution-requiring secretary
of mar to furnish full informstion of
cost snd military value ot army Posts
recommended abandoned.
Debate on Hay army reorganization
bllL -
House Republicans
Organize for the
Next Campaign
WASHINGTON, Feb. l-Representa-
Uve William B. McKlnley ot Illinois was
re-elected chairman of th republican
conaressloaal committe today. The
other officers were ejected:
Repreeentetive Charts Burke ot South
Dakota, vie chairman; Representatlv
J, Hampton Moore ot Pennsylvania.- sec
retary, succeeding th late II. C. Louden
slsger of New Jersey; Representative
Oeorgs W. Fatrchlld of New York, treas
urer; Representatlv William J. Brown
ing of New Jersey, auditor; Henry Cas
soa ot Wisconsin, assistant secretary;
John C. Kvarsmao of Illinois, assistant
treasurer; Francis Curtis of Massachu
setts, director of the literary bureau.
Resolutions on the death ot Mr. Louaen-
slsger were adopted.
Harmony ' seemed to prevail In the
meeting. Representative Frank P. Woods
of Iowa, an insurgent, placed Chairman
McKlnley In nomination.' Mr. McKlnley
declared ba expected there would be a
republican majority ot forty-one in th
house under th re-apportionment f
Appointed to th executive committe
wsr: Representatlv Charles H. Burke,
South. Dakota; Oeorg H. Utter, Rhode
Island; Frank P. Woods, Iowa; James 1L
Davidson; Wisconsin; J. H. Hampton
Moor. Pennsylvania; John ,W. Weeks,
Massachusetts;, Jfc.Wi, Hs4gso0. North
Dakota; Richard Barthold, Missouri;
Oeorg W. Fairchlld. New York, and. J,
C. Needhara, California.
Winston Spencer Churchill it Given
Mixed Reception by People
of Belfast
Island Will Be Given Control of Its
Own Finances.
Operator Says Hines
Offered Her Bribe for
Look at Message
WASHINGTON, Feb. a-Helen Severs,
tslegraph operator at a local hotel, swore
before th Senator Lortmer -committee
today that about twe weeks ago Edward
Hines offered her money It aha would
1st him tea a message Detective Bailey
had Just sent to H. K. Kerr ot Detroit,
Mich, "He said hs would put something
In my paw it I would let him see the
message," she said. "Hs cam back and
I saw the green in tha band.
"I told him I would not be bribed to do
wrong." said Miss Severs.
Dr. J. P. Jupp of Toronto, Ont.,- was
calltd to testify that McOowan was not
In th room with detectives at the hour
they gwor he admitted having received
money tor "perjuring-' himself.
C. F. Wish, secretary of th Edward
Hines Lumber company, told, of his
dealings with young McOowan, He said
ha knew a subpoena would not bring
McOowaa from Canada to Washington
and it seemed reasonable to pay him for
his actual losses.
Denver Girl Knocks
Out Bandit With a
Hot Custard Pie
DENVER. Col, Feb. t-A masked
bandit came to grief early today when
be was bit squarely la the face with a hot
custard pi wbll be was looting the
cash drawer ta a downtown restaurant
her. Th robbery occurred about 4
Just as th robber entered th place.
Mrs. Ina Mouat, in charge of th place
at night, walked forward from th kitchen
in tb rear. In each hand sh carried a
1 steaming hot custary pie. 1
"Hold tap your bands," demanded tb
robber. .
"I wont drop the pies for any villain
Uk you." she said.
"Don't you move." th holdup man said
as be turned toward tb cash register.
The soft part of the hot pie struck him
squarely. Tb robber dashed through the
kitchen Into a back alley and disappeared.
7 p. m.
. M
... t
....... 34
Eta lion and Stat
.1 rwvr.
Cheyenne, cloody
Davenport, clear ....
Iienver, dear
le Moines, dear
Dodge City, eeiar....
Lander, cloudy
Nona PUtts. cloudy . 24
Omaha, dear 13
Pueblo, snowing
Rapid City, part dondy 1
Salt Lake City. p, cloudy 44
Santa Fa, clsar 4
Sheridan, cloudy 24
Sioux City, celar 1
Valentine, ctoody 24
Jems. High- Bain-
U A. WiXSH. Local Forecaster.
Tarring Case is on
Trial at Albert Lea
ALBERT LEA, Minn, Feb. t-Tb tflal
ot eleven men charged with having In
cited a riot and tarred and feathered Dr.
J. P. Freeman at Olennvllle, near North
wood, la, last April, opened before Judge
Kingtesy her today.
Tb defendants are Frank Donek, Fred
Holman, Walter Knutson, William Swan
son. Frank Flusak, Norman Hill, O. C.
Hanson, & T. KUpatrick, Roy Ecert.
Harry Kirkpatrlck and John Nelson. This
la tb Second trial, tb first having been
dismissed because attorney for tb de
fendants represented Dr. Freeman's wife
la a divorce proceeding.
Tb tarring of tb physician Is alleged
to have been don at sight after he bad
been engaged la aa altercation with bis
nationalist Leader Endorses All
Utterances of Minister.
Admission ta Groaads la by Ticket
and Valaalsta Are Exe?ldeeV-
Bodies at TTwaps Held
la Reserve.
BELFAST, Feb. I Religious freedom
will be secured, a representation fair to
all parties In tbe Irish Parliament wUI
b guaranteed, laws and taxes unjust
to any party will be guarded against and
Ireland will control ita own finances un.
der the terms of th horns rule bill.
These features were announced by Win
ston Spencer Churchill, first lord of the
admiralty, ,who outlined th proposed
measure for tha first time In a speech
her today.
Tha armed forces in Ireland are to be
controlled by tha Imperial government
and th Imperial government will continue
Its land purchase and pensions scheme.
Th dauses relative to religious freedom
and taxes, it Is expected, will be Inserted
to relieve th anxiety among the
Protestants of Ulster.
Th government's horn nil bill, Mr.
Churchill said, would tit into a general
scheme of parliamentary devolution lead
ing ultimately to th federation of the
empire. That was the only way to free
th Houss of Common frcm Its present
RedasMd Endorses Bill.
John Redmond, tha nationalist leader,
followed with a flva-mlnut speech, In
which hs said that he accepted every
word of Mr. Churchill's noble speech. Th
gift of th Irish Parliament would be
mad on th clear Understanding that the
power conferred would not be abused.
Otherwise It was tb baunden duty ot the
Imperial Parliament to interfere.
Mr. Churchill arrived this morning with
his wlfs at the central station and was
given a somewhat mixed reception.
A number of Orangemen who had gath
ered at the station greeted blm with
groan and boas, but they were drowned
In th hearty cheers of th large crowd
of Liberals and Nationalists, There wss
no ' dlsturbaaos and tb large foro of
polio on duty In tb station had an easy
task t sel-turm. - ' ,
Unlamlses Paswefe tose-Ms. -
In th ours ot the morning a crew
t Unionists paraded th street carrying
an effigy of Mr. Churchill to which was
attached a placard bearing th words
"Down with .Churchill! No Home Rule!"
They proceeded to th hotel where Mr.
and Mrs. Churchill are staying and sang
th natloaalanthem, after which they
dispersed without disorder.
Thar wss no marked excitement among
tb workers of th city today. A few
small crowds, however, were scattsrsd
her and there, anxious- to aes th first
lord of th admiralty and ta watch th
movements of the military. .-
Rail fell tha whoi morning. Th foot
ball ground, where th meeting Is to b
hdd is swamp and tha saturated can
vass marque In which Mr. Churchill Is
to speak has sagged threateningly several
For preserving th peace detachments
of police bav been posted sverywhsre
and th troops are held in readiness In
their quarters, -Matter
looked ugly for a moment
when Mr. and Mrs. ChurchuT started for
the plac where the meeC-Tg to bsxheld.
A great crowd which ha I gathered out-
aide th hotel appealed twined to rush
Mr. Churchill's motor car and tried to
block Its passage, but escorting cars
packed with detective succeeded ta work
ing a wsy through th groaning throng
and got th Churchill safely away.
Craaas a ad Hisses,
Mr. Churchill and John K, Redmond,
th - Nationalist leader, reached the
marque safely. Their Journey through
tbs streets wss marked by nothing more
serious than outburst ot groans and
To guard against an Invasion by ths
Unionists only ticket bolder were ad
mitted to the grounds.
Inside th marque effigies bearing tbe
labels "Carson and Londonderry Turn
coats and Traitors" swung from poles.
Bodies of- Infantry and dragoons were
stationed a short distance from the
marquee, in readiness for emergencies.
Tb polios challenged every no whs
tried to pass into the grounds. Occasional
bands ot rowdy youths marched by with
banner bearing tbe words "liu Horn
Rule I Down With Churchill!'
"An' she's gona meet me right after school!"
Arsenal Employes'
Accept New Cards
DAVENPORT, la, Feb. S.-Tb threat
ened strlks of tbe employes of the Rock
Island arsenal collapsed today when cards
were offered to a few employ and wars
accepted. Tb machinists' union, on of
tb strongest organtxatlons at the arsenal,
notified Commandant Burr that Its mem
bers would accept th cards.
It la expected that other organizations
will do likewise. Cards were Issued to
only a few of tbe mea today. Their intro
duction mill be by degrees.
Th action oa th part ot th machin
ists followed telegraphic Instructions
from their national officer.
From th Cleveland Leader.
Body of Missing- Grand Island Girl
Found in Vacant House,
City Is Excited and Fosse Are Kw
Heeling far th M srderer .
Reward far Arrest Will
Be Offered.
GRAND ISLAND, Neb., Feb. l-(Hpe-
clal Telegram.) Th disappearance ot W
year-old Qoldle Williams is no longer s
mystery. It was cleared away by the
revelation at noon today of th most
horrible crime ever perpetrated In this
county. Under several sacks of lime.
then covered by a door. In a vacant
bousa which I being remodeled, the
torn, bruised snd beaten body of the
little girl wss found. A scantling near
by, bloody, and with soms of tits girl's
hair matted to It, mutely told of the
struggle of th helpless little girl to
sav berstlf from ths demented tw de
generate man Into whose power sh had.
childlike, "placed herself by ths promise
ir sh went With him ot a pair ot skates.
Tester-daye excitement over the kidnsp-
lnB M Atllv tutlnanll 1. f , .r.nM
Th body was found shortly before 1
o'clock today, when th owner of the
house, accompanied by a workman, went
to ths pla?e to open ths window with
tha view of having ventilation dry out the
plastering. The house Is one of a number
searched yesterday, but th door' and
plastering referred to bed not been re
moved. There is no clue to th per
petrator of th crime, but nothing will
be left undone by th obmmunlty to ap-
prshsnd .h man. Money is being raised
for a liberal reward.
search tew Mnrdeiwr.
Th earch waa this noon transformed
from one for th girl and her captor to
one for th captor alone, but It baa not
abated In thoroughness or seal. Yester
day ths town was canvassed from bouse
to houss; todsy posses era making a
hunt through tha surrounding country,
looking la every farnt- houss and out
All day yesterday and last night from
the time th fir bell brought out th
dtlssns to Join In th bunt MO people
have been petroling th vicinity. It Is
believed to be certain that lynching will
follow If th murderer ta caught
estrefc Fraeea, Faille.
Finding th body only momentarily
stopped th work of looking up every
possible clue to tb stranger, th descrip
tions ot which slightly vary, agreeing,
however, as to his having a dark stubby
mustache and a pug noaa snd wearing a
gray gray cap and dark overcoat. It has
been definitely ascertained that ha was
a peddler In dry good and thread-, lines,
and It Is believed he was In th city but
a dsy. If that long, before approaching
th little glrL
, All afternoon and evening polio offl
oersar sheriff's deputies have been mak
ing automobile runs to nearoy towns
where men .answering th description In
a genera! way had been seen, none of
tbes trips blng successful.
On man was arrested and partly Iden
tifier by th little sister ot tb dead girl,
but when ths painters wha had seen the
men in company with ths dead girl snd
had talked to Mm for soms minutes were
asked they declared positively b wss not
ths man.
Th police station is constantly sur
rounded by a crowd ot men inquiring for
the latest developments. Th country hss
offered a reward of ESS, and tb slate wiU
offer 230.
Tb Inquest was held tonight At the le-
quest of the family th body will not be
ssea by anyone not directly concerned.
CaveraosWe) Offer Reward.
LINCOLN. Neb., Feb, S. (Special Tele
gram.) Governor Aldricb. on his return
to ths dt tomorrow. It wss stated at his
office, will offer a reward of 330 for the
apprehension of the murdered ot little
Goldla Williams of Grand Island.
NEW YORK. Feb. a Commercial bar
silver today advanced to IH cents an
ounce, the highest price) sloe November,
137. This is th fourth succeslv rise
In the metal thus tar this month.
RAN FRANCISCO, Feb. (.-Bankers
her explain today's rias of 1 cent la the
pries of silver as due to tb prospect of
larger demand at tb opening ot tb Chi
nes republic.
- (From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Feb. 1 (Special.) A Juror
in the district court this morning asked
ths presiding Judga to bars a Orescaps
put on th building, so ta case ot firs
be might escape from tbe tbird story,
where tbe Jury is looked bp at night. He
saya that tb ball ft la supposed to be
awake and sitting near tb door, but
experience demonstrates th Jurors bare
some trouMe getting htm at night it they
want anything. Tb court beard tb plea,
but took no action
Gompers Re-states
His Position on the
Right of Free Speech
WASHINGTON, Feb. t-'Th speeches.
I made during 1M were In support of ths
candidate and th party which promised
the labor movement relief from the sys
tem of federal Injunctions which hss
grown upon us. , They voiced my political
beliefs. I mads those speeches berauss I
believe In the right of free speech. If.
because ot the exercise ot that right, I
must go to Jail, and I woSild feel tbs
loss of my liberty keenly, I will face that
Jell sentence and will not flinch."
Samuel Oompers, president ot th Amer
ican Federation ot Labor, mads that
ststement todsy la ths supreme court of
the District of Columbia, where he Is
on trial for contempt, lie admitted that
hs had mad speeches In Indianapolis
and Baltimore, whleh attorneys prosecut
ing insist wsr contempt of court I .
At Indianapolis, h waa reported to has
said: . 1
"I sm enjoined from dbmiejinr" W1
case Iths flunks Ktov company case). I
rosy, go ta Jail for discussing it But 1
shall discus It, It I do not I ahaW ex
plode." . ...
Chinese Republicans
Suggest Changes in
Throne's Proposals
. PEKl.NO, Feb. S.-In spit of tb opti
mistic re porta- circulated In government
circles, it Is known that ths republicans
suggest modification ot nearly all of
Tuan Shi Kal's proposals.
Ths revolutionaries ara beginning. It
seems, to suspect Yuan Shi Kal's terms
ara so drawn up as to provide an easy
avenue for reversion to a monarchy after
a loan baa been arranged, order restored
and th republican forces disbanded.
I.ONDON. Feb. a. Tha sntl-forelgn
feeling Is spreading everywhere in China,
according to a news agency dispatch re
ceived her today from Tien Tsln.
A larg Japanese tore tended today
at Dalny, owing to th situation la Man
churia having become worse.
At lfu Chow th Chines troop have
completely looted th city because they
have not received their pay, but th lives
snd property of foreigners ar regarded
as safe.
Roosevelt Says He
Will Not Desert the
. . Progressive Cause
NEW TOHrf, Feb. t-"I don't believe
thst sven my bitterest enemies will ssy
thst I wsa ever a deserter," said Colonel
Roosevelt to A. P. Moore, publisher ot th
Pittsburgh Leadectoday. according to an
interview given out this afternoon by
Mr. Modra.
"Ton can say to lha progressives," Mr.
Roosevelt Is quoted by Mr. Moor as
saying, "that I will not desert tha cause
and that they will find m fighting side
by side with them to th finish."
Both Guggenheims
. Like Court' Ruling
CHICAGO, Feb. (.-Counsel on both
sides Mi th Guggenheim divorce tangle
today Insist that they have beea upheld
In a ruling ot Judge Wlndes In tb drcult
court which sustained some of th pleas
of William Ouggenheim, who Is resisting
the efforts of his former wife, Mrs. Grace
B. Guggenheim, to have set aside a di
vorce granted her la Chicago In 1ML
Counsel for Mrs. Guggenheim declared
that J t waa absurd to say that his client
had lost. A a exactly contrary position
waa taken by counsel for Mr. Guggen
heim, who Interpreted th opinion of tb
Judge as disposing ot th ess so far as
tb circuit court Is concerned.
King Frederick
is Much Better
COPENHAGEN, Feb. t-Tb reassur
ing bulletin as te the condition of Kmg
Frederick wss issued by tb physicians
ta attendance today. It says:
The king bad a quiet night Th In
flammation of tb lungs hi diminishing.
His majesty general condition is satisfactory."
Bank Wrecker Will Rest at Home
Before Trip broad.
Farmer Federal (eavlrt Meteras ta
era at Hla Conviction Haddled
I s la Wheel t hair aad
ays Kotblsa.
' 11
NI4W YORK. Teh. t-Chsrle W.
Morse, bank wrecker and Recently a
federal convict, came back tonight to tbs
scene of his former triumphs and his
conviction, crumpled up in a wheel chair,
silent and Impassive as a Isy figure.
With his whits fsced wlfs at hla sld
hs wss pushed through the curious
throngs at tha Pennsylvania station,
lifted quickly Into a Itxlcab and whisked
away to his horn at U7 W4l Fifty
eighth street to rtmsin tor a week or tn
days before starting (or Had Nalheim.
uermsny, where hs eipects to regain his
health, whleh physicians ssy prison lite
US shattered. -" 1
If Mors felt any sis Hon at hi boms
coming lie did not show It. . Not once
did he open his lips during th trip bi
the wheel chair from train to taxlceb.
He did net even raise his head, but sat
with hands limp on his chsir srm. Thus
he passed stolidly through ths crowd, a
fur-trimmed ovsroosi collar partly shield
ing his far. j
Crowd Awalta Trala,
Th train from Atlanta, where Mr,
Morse served leas than two years of bis
fifteen-year sentence, was mora ihsn an
hour lata. Reporters and photographers
by th score awaited lis coming, and as
It swept Into the station at there was
a rush to the fron) exit of th Pullman
car bearing the Morse party. Prepara
tions for his detrslnmsnt bad been care
fully made. A wheel chair was rolled
up snd Moras wss ulrkly Installed In It
Then cams a crash and a burst of
flame. Everybody Jumped, while Mores
brsnk back Into the ehslr. A photo
grapher had Uken the first flashlight ot
the returning bsiikrr, Mrs. Morse looked
anxiously at her husband as ths smoke
cleared and pressed closs to th chsir as
It wsa wheeled away. Her face was
ashen. But shs said nothing.
In th waiting room of th station a
greater crowd awaited Morse. As the
gstes swung open a battery of flashlights
was. turned loose and tha fuallad con
tinued aa ba was wheeled to bis taxi cab.
Moras blinked, but In bis face there was
nothing which ths onlooker might read.
Efforts Continued
in Behalf of Judge
Hook by ffis Friends
WASHINGTON, Feb. S.-t4rplt reports
thst President Taft had determined to ap
point (secretary Nagel to the supreme
court bench friends of Vnlted Ststee
Judge William C. Hook today continued
their efforta In his bebslf.
Representative Anthony of Kansas, took
to the White house today an analysis of
Judge Hook's opinion in the Oklahoma
Jim Crow" esse. It wss that decision
which was ssld to bavs eliminated-Judge
Hook from th president' list of possible
Some K aniens expressed the optn!n
today that Judge Hook's opinion In the
'Jim Crow" case bad been presented to the
president by those friendly to soma other
candidate. Mr. Anthony said hla analysis
would present to th president another
flew of tba case.
Many Drowned by
Floods in Portugal
LISBON. Feb. t-The number of vlc
ms ot th floods M Portugal ts not
yet known, bat It will be large. Large
numbers ot Injured are being cared for in
hospitals in th flooded districts.
Tb river Tsgus la a raging torrent
carrying seaward corpses and merchan
dise ot 'all kinds. Many barges which
wsr anchored In tbs navigable section of
Tsgus wsr sunk st tb first onslaught
of th flood current; others were swept
seaward with a great mass of debris from
tbs upper part ot th river. Including
uprooted trees and th bodies of cattle
and Hve stock. Crops through th flooded
district are ruined and all communication
by wire Is severed.
Tb chamber today voted SjOV.WS to aid
victims of ths disaster.
Grand Jury Inserts Probe Into Al
leged Holdup of Druggist!
and Saloonists.
Six Reporters Summoned to Appear
Today to Tell What They Know.
Attorney Blackburn, Who Gathered
Evidence, Before Jury an Hoar.
Cessaslsslsaer Karaaeh Who Is Ft ret
Wlrneea Called la Vgdy Basse
. Feat. re ef Prablag . Seeado
Mprh Time la Jary Iteess.
Subnoenaa for six newspaper reporters
and one saloonkeeper to appesr before
th Douglas county grand Jury today
wer I saued yesterday afternoon as a re
sult ot the grand Jury's examination ot
Harvey New branch, editor of tha World
Herald; Victor I'.osewater, editor ot Tha
Bes; and Joseph Polcar. editor of th
Dally News. These witnesses were tx
smlned regarding the "ugly rumors"
about the granting of Honor licenses to
saloonkeepers and druggists.
Examination ot tha witnesses for whom
subpoenas wer Issued yesterday will ba
begun some time this morning. They ar
Kenneth B. Cameron and lllle Green
test of th World-Herald; Anthony M.
taster ling and C. Mason Tould ot Th
Bee; Fred A. Carey and F. Eugene .i-ker.
man of the Dally News; and Jo Hoff
man, proprietor ot a saloon at Ninth and
Douglas streets.
Charles J. Ksrbach. a member tt tha
Board of Firs and Polle Commissioners, '
told th grand Jury what h know about
ths rumors regsrdlng liquor licenses jea
lerday afternoon, and waa thoroughly ex
amined regarding the board's expend
itures for supplies tor ths police and
firs departments. It was tb first tee-"
tlmony of this natur given the grand
Jury. He resumed his testimony st tha
beginning of tha afternoon sitting and re
mslned oa th stand until nearly I'
Ksrbach wss followed n'th witness
stand by Arthur Pugh, editor of th
raiainr, wno was in the jury room
about a halt hour. Both and
Pugh refused to discuss their test.niony.
Attorney Thomas W, Blackburn, who
has Uken a leading part In gathering evi
dence In the matter of he streH rail
war company Jury bribery charges, was
ths next and last witness of ths after
noon. The grand Jury adjwmcd until
this morning after havlnu devoted an,
hour Jo Illsckburn'a examination.
Rasaar Frwh Inserted.
Frob of th "ugly rumors" that saloon
keepers aad . druagtsts,. seeking liquor
licenses paid money not required by tew
In order to secure licenses and thst mors
money was paid than ever reached tit
public treasury was begun according t
schedul by th Douglas county grand
Jury yesurdsy morning.
Tha grand jury temporarily dropped Ita
Investigation of chsrges ot Jury bribing
In cases In which the street railway com
pany has been Interested.
Arthur W, Gross, former clsira agent
and attorney for the street railway com
pany, who lias been implicated In. the
Jury bribing charges, asked th grand
Jury to subpoena and imln th eleven
other petit Jurors who served with John
A. Knmmerllng In a case In which Ksm
merllng says hs and others were bribed.
Jim Alien, private detective, who ad
mitted to tbe Jury bribing investigating
committee of the Bar association that
ha took Kemmerllng 10 Council Bluffs
snd kept him In a hotel there while
search was being msda for him, was
th first witness bsfor th grand jury.
Allan aa tha (Hand.
Alias waa on tha witness stsnd a half
hour. During his examination John ' A.
Kemmerllng waited outside th grand
Jury room. When Allan's exsmlnatlon waa
finished Kemmerllng was told hs might
go boms and If the grand Jury Wanted
him during th day tt would send for him.
Th grand Jury then began its probe of
th "ugly rumors." Harvey Ncwbranch.
editor at tha World-Herald, and Joseph
Polcar, editor ot the Dolly News, wsra
placed on th witness stand tor fifteen
minutes sach. Victor Rosewater, editor
of Th Bee, waa placed on th stand and
kept there tor more than half aa bour.
He waa succeeded by Cbarles J. Karbach.
a member of th Board of Fir and Police
Commlssionsrs, whose examination bad
not been concluded when th noon recess
waa taken.
FORT WORTH, Feb. l-When the de
fense resumed Ita effort today to dear
John Beall Sneed, the Amarlllo banker,
accused ot tbs murder of Captain A. G.
Boyce, which cam after th elopement
of Boyos'a son with t-need' a wife, tb
prisoner wss accompanied to court by bis
two Utile children. This waa their firs
appearance In th court room. Their
mother ts not attending tbs trial.
Th defease Introduced photographs ef
page from Omaha, and Winnipeg hotel
registers to show thst young Boyoa and
Mrs. Hneed stopped as man and wife
In thoss cities when they eloped.
Use the tele
When you hay anything
around tho bouse) to sell, a
room to rent, a boas for sale,
when you want something,
when In need of competent
help, dm Tho Be Want Ada.
An ad will cost you only a
few cent (one cent a word If
run two or more times). Tba
result will be beyond your ex
pectations. If 70a can't com to th Boa
office use tb telephone.
Tyler 1000.