THE BEE: OMAHA, THUKSPAY, FEBRUARY' 8, 1912. A ! i I. WANT ADS Want ads ret-ejred at any time, but to Insure proper rlamirirailoa most be pr tented before 13 o'clock m. lor tire caing edition and before 7:30 p. a for n-rorninf and Sunday edi tioaa. Want ads rewired alter Bach boon will hare their first ImwrUoa lander the heading "Too Late to jC3aaitfr." I CASH RATES Tok WAXT ADS. RKGIL.4R CLASSIFICATION ! Om Insertion 1 H rent per word aad ' 1 cent per word for each aaboequrnt i laeettioa. Each Inarrtloa made oa I odd day 1 H mat per word. 91.50 j per line per month. Want ada for The Bee mar be left ' at aaf of the IoDowIbr drop; atorea I one la roar "corner dragnet" they are all braaeh offices for The Bee, aad your ad will be Inserted jmt aa promptly and on the tame rate as at the main office la The Bee building, bevetiteenth and Faraata Street. Jtlkach. W. C, tcth and Faraanv Bauro Drug Co.. 1M N. lath lit. Benson Pharmacy, Hereon. N-b. Berala Park Pharmacy, x1 an4 Cuming. Beranek. S. A.. led & lth tit. Blake-Brandish, Sherman Av Caughaa. C. K, tlS I.eavenworth 8L Cermak. Rirril. lint-d 8. 13th Ht. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, SU Military Art. Ceoaey Pharmacy, SOi a. IkOl r.t. Crltaey Pharmacy, Jlln and Lake BU. F.hler a On., Leavenwurth St. !. J. J Itlt N. MtH at. Fresker Drug lo.. 4 K. it. Plorenre Drug Co., Florence. Neb. llreen's Pharm'y, Park Ava. and Psdfle. Qreenough Co., Hth and Hickory. Moidman Pharm'y, Mth and J.eavensr'th. ?ohanun Drug Co., 24th and Bpeuldlag. nhnsen Pharmacy, ttM Faam at. taaeeom Park PI arm y. liwl a, th A. Hmtarlong Drug Co., list Ava. and far. Hoist, JaEa, 24 N. ltth St. Jlutt, A. L, MM Lrevenwarth it. Kin, if. a. Mth and Farnam Ht. Xnuetae Place Pharmacy, twq N. S4th. la throp Pharmacy, Slth and Hamilton. Mere Frd I,., XXI Central Bird. Monmouth PharaMcy. SM aad Aans At. Patrick Drug Co., N. Mth at. risrsina Drug Co.. 4th aad Am Ava. Schaefer" Cut Plica Mib and Chicago. Seller Drug Ca.. Ill N. ttth 8U Vechal, P. J.. aa pieroe Bt Walton Pharmacy, th and Grace St. , Walnut Hill Pharmacy. U aad Cuming. OMAHA MACHINE WORKS Autoa?snoua welding, aen'l maehln and ,.. Hn.iri. H I , .n. mabla aad n.- cial machlnary designed. E inert die work. rettem drawing u p. wn ai. w. D-ATHS AltO FTERAL HOT, CCS. UWDSIUtOn'-Mn. Sophia, aged years, i February 1, lull runaral Friday aftartuMa at I e'claek from family raaKtanaa, tttt Wabatar atraat Intarmant Form laara anatary. jmanda InrltatL , !OHKmRm-Ytflna Maria, nt DaBvar, i (ota., wMow of J, A, Itunnanar. f Vuaral from ravldwaca of John Bttbarg. TXt Caldwell RL, I . m., Tburaday, raa jruary t, . , IFRNTOM-ltta. Brktgat. aged I yaara. ) Funeral from reMdenaa. Thuraitay mornlna, la Fort Calhoun ohurrh. after 'high maaa. ahlp by rail ta Omaaa, arrtr ling at Webatar atraat depot at U tt tBoaeii. interment Holy Beaulcliar cam latary. 4, . .. jlfAHKn-lVnnla. aged M yaara. I Funoral Thunxiar morning, Kebroary I, at I . from family reaidenca. nil V. Ul nar t . to bt Phllotnena a church. Urth 'and William, at I o clock. Interment in I hi. Hary'a oemttery. ,0HI RS-Mry Ann. February a. IKt. aged at yeara and a aiontha. Funeral aervlrea will aa hf Id front the reasdeact of har granildaughter, atra Klaln F. ttralley, 1MB lxtnrnp atraat, Tburedav, February i. Wll. at I p. m. Interment Foreat Lawn cemetery. Friends invited. I T7,arHICK-Hruna. US 8. Bth it..' aged , at. died February a . Funeral arranaaawat later. CARD OF TIIASKS. Wi artek ta aiprass eur alnaera thanks to tha Btany frlenda aad neignbora Cor kladnesa ana ympathy shown ua during tha UlnM and death of eur beloved hua awad and father, and asnectally for tha beautiful floral oflertnga, Mrs, 0. K. Lavsaa and family. A-VxoraeinrxxTs afaggard Van Storage. Pack, more. kit aTlf' minr-k inn tmaorrara Aed sell ta many. Truaaaa fitted. aVeerytaiag guaranteed. w. a. Cleveland Drug t o., the largest aurgicai aapply kouae. iCMVlJ Keb. Seed Co.. 1M Jonea Both pkeaaa. GITP-your diamonds at Bfodegaard a TO LOAJ-IX)W rata, la earns ta lit. Uw Bee BMg. Ptkona Doua. BruL TNIO t(0AM CO. MONEY 1 I)OCGI-a Prlntlna Co. Tel. Doug, atl. MOVINO picture machines and auopUaa. Nebraaka Film Ca laJ Farnaaa St. ACTOMOBILK8. REBUILT STODDARD PAYTOXS 7. U 7-paaaangar I Tat . F. 7-peaeenger I.ft I. F. limousine ll1" f A. t-Dssseccer. tOt XEVCRAI. OI'HKR MAKES OF CAM AT RCUlt'EU rrllCtTJ. J. 1. tlSRlOHI COMPANT, Hit Famam St. Omaha. Keb i)RK DOORS XXtJS. Douglaa am If elf far Carriage Werka Auto lampa reaaired. Omaha Miser Ca Why not sail your aid automobile and buy a new one or. maybe, you aan use the money In some other war In either event. Bee wirtt ada will do the work Raise lit cents per word If run only One time or I rent per word If run two or mora times eonseoutlvely. Murphy Didlt' REPAIRlNtt. 1TINU, MING ONH fc-M-F at, complete with all eaala- menl; 111. epos front, e-pasnengsr been used as demonst rs tor. Price, fruy One five peaaanger Rambler, food eoedltlen, lutt. One Modal 41 Orarland. . MARION ALTUMUUIUB CO.. riot -I Famam at. Omaha, Nak. DRUMMOND Aula repel ra, tops, slip covers, Utk aad Harney. HIbI.MCJ! CHANCES AOlKCKM"E5iT WANTKD fejnough tcambera of Omaua Typaarastiieal anion o. 11 to vote for Freak Brown, Bee Murhtat!e Ctmpei. to eieot urn a aeteeate to tne viereoum r Tentlon of the Inleraatiooal Typographical salon. - WANTED Railway BuvU olerka. tad a sjioBtn. Short hours. Ne layoffs; poslUoa yeura for Ufa, Omaha eiamtnatloaa May 4. Taauaanda of aopolntnuuita coming Omasa edaeauoa sutftaleeL "Pull" ua- neeaaaary. Candidatee prepared rrea. VVnte for aanple quest Uma. Frenkila la atltuta. Dept. til M, Hoanaatar. N. T. Bl'8IXE8c) PERSOXAL4 Uaaelaa; Aeadcaaiea. Msckte's Danelna Arademy, MM Karaay. pally alaaaea Moo.. THurm., get- wreainga aeatewneea. Omaha secret servtce aet agar or, Inc.. banded. ejo- Putea Blk. D. Mil. A-UU. Moraad'a utivata Keaona ovary C lessee Mon. and Fit.. I a. m. day. Doug. mat. U W. LONON EC at CR. I!f Karbaah Blk. "JAM Fie AIXAN. Nsville Bik. Tyler lib. Deatteta. Mct.ERAH. apacialtat In plats work. Satlafactloa or oe fee ad Brendete Bdg. Bailey, the dentist. City Wat' I. D Macb aiactt. U floor Pa Hon. D. VM. "Tsfts dental roe ma, W, tkug."p. tin. DrwBBisas. DRT'OH at cut prices: freight said en fie orders; catalogue free, ahenaaa A MoCeaaell Drug Ou . Omaha. Neb. HELP WA.NTKO i-MAL Clerleal aad Office. Wl AM CONSTAATLT IN TOrCH with the commercial world. Therefore are !a a poeltioa to ptare yea la a good paenien quicker ! baa yoi can CO-OPERATIVK REFFRKNCT CO. Wtf-1 City Xatkinal Bank Bidg Faetasry aad Taadeaw Girls to learn hair dressing; prices eery reasonable. Oppsnhsim. at FL, City Net I. Heaaefeeeaeea aad Doaaeattea. THE SERVANT OIRL PROBLEM SOLVED The Bee will run your uoi Be He p Wanted ad FRKB until you get desired results Bring roar aa to ine Bee office or telephone Tyler lta the COMPETOT glri tor general work: must be a good oock; In family: good wages. M. ana. WANTED A girl for general aoufe- good wagea lt4 Ken atta au. South Omaha South lorn.' FtELXA BLK girl for housework and to take care of chlldraa afternoons and ftundays: small family aad good pay. aa S. Mth St. WA N'TPTli (ll r I or woman for general housework: good home: steady piece and good wages. Call at once. Mrs Jay Lav. any, 148 V. Mta Sl. South Omaha. Nab. Tel So. 1B. CdMPKTKVT eirl for eook. Kit Jack- aon at. Harney tea. LOST AJfD porsn LOeT-Brladle aad waits faauvia bull deg. Tel. Benson am. REWARD. LOaT-Oeid watea toe, with s.ks' testa, la Haaacom park or rmtalty. Ubaral reward for tm retura., cail Doogiea art half BTBifEn bmt 11, as Brheei. grows srotca CoUe deg: Bght eeeor. Me ware. Taeefaeno ueugiaa n BLACK Cocker atmaiel aup; white breast, aad waits fore foot. Mara to at a. Kta a. 14VB BTUCH VR &ALB ntOST. wmgoa repatra. Mat Laaraawta. MORSES aad cows Mli Camlag at. lor sale sheep. Benson alA HORStV for gala, caeaa. m S. Sat. ktEMCAL 1B. RACK, aeeciaikst: nerreug ehroala tmesis. Bit Dewey Ave. P. TSkt, Bit MENTAL die i awed. Mt Barker 1 grveryvhlaa Btawtrtaat. rteetrle llghUng fir . wheleeala and retail. nurgaaa wanqsa co.. ieu rtowere. i. ew Everytklaa fa Wtaia. CONSITLT DR. BCRKR Daii. Blk Trv the BOSTON WET WASH. Have your family wash brought home ready for drying at Tea. Doug. tan. B-atM. R. A. WUIiama, skthea altered. M A Lake Outnjfate iarnianta tx. for new. W. wax HOME nursery for chlldraa. Wee. tilt Care for by dey, week or month. BialAJkBll FkrUrUAAlsa Mtaaellaaaaaa. TOTTNO women coming to Omaha as trangera era invited te visit tha Toung Woman's Chriitiaa asaoeiatlon building at 8l Mary Ave and ITth St., where they will be directed to unable boarding pleeae or etherwiee aaalstad. Look for oar travelara' guide at the Colon station. Feed MIIU aad Staea. Feed, all kinds. Qlsncoa Mills, tal laard. Feeadrtse. McDonald brass aad broasa foundry, alu minum, tin. lead castings, law j sr. eon. MORTGAGED, 6 ON GOOD FARMS eevings bonds secured by ft rat mortgagaa and eur sapttal and surplus ef Koawa XO SAFER LNVEii'imiST Bonds lor tin, cat) aad up. aa suits your aavtngs. Make your money bring yea In good 'Income. Ask for particulars. PAYNE INVESTMENT UO. Hth and Farnam Sts., Omaha. Neb. OCH LlflTElt duDUiatlng work la un. etosHed. A trial will ounvinoa you. Botk 'Phones. Western Duplicating Co.. aa Bee To get In or aut at bueelneaa sail i OANOKSTAD, tm Bee Bidg. Tel. 1, MW, Alfred C. Kennedy, Z' First Nat. Bk. Bldf. Doug. anea, W Rnedea-Montgemsry Co. lna. Ramga Blk. MIS B. MlU.kR, puolio siaoagratihar, lt city Nat I Bk. foug. 7m ar A-UH, ' A "COTIpicTEnY and trustworthy work. In manaaer aan make Ideal eontreot with essiuelva Iarr1ta.y rights to lorm sajas company for sei;ing and Installing watsr power vacuum cleaning systems. There la ne competition with this system. It la built In ilia home at lees cost than elec trics lly operated machine and Id more sstlHfaocorv. Mold wtia live year guar' antee against breakers ar repaire. It yea are eeueble ol managing a busta of ynur oevn wa would be (lad to go further into eur b reposition wits yoa. Addreaii (leneral Rated Manager. Water Power Vacuum Clesaer, laviti Mala St.. Huftslo. N, T. MIl.l.rSKRY HI'tH'K FoK SALE. About JM trtramed. tsllnred and pattera nata or new Turk proaurium, leas ws nwiii sen si ra ouioue r low iriiw, ets Jevcellent opportunity to buy a stock upon Ne ssjnttlea submitted. Call and Utvestl. gala. Rioek Brothers Clothing Co.. wom en Mlllluery 1 eoartmenU St. Jeesph, Me. Mtlnner'a mace reel and epeghettl, HV pkg MARRIAGE LlrRNSES, . Tha following marriage licenses have been Issued: ' Name and Rtaldenea. Age MAIL ORDER Bl'SIXKSS COURTNEY'S I Omaha Furs Food Center." tl yeur local dealer doo't carry It wa do. Head for aatalogua free. Freight MM Ion a) nurchaae within a radlue of titty 'miles. . KQOd. BCTTKR. POt'l.Tltt. , Mistiest market prices paid. Writ for euotatlona and ehtpptng taga j BKOWN PHODUCK CO., Wholesalers of Flek, Oysters, Celery, hm Howard St. Omaha, Nab. AjrllHKMKNTH iFERN TILEATEli South Omaha. ' Illustrated Song High Oeae Pic lures. I Interesting Illustrated Lew urea lUHDWAKB stare for sale or trade. For address writ to T M. oare Bee. Ki Ruihery, business and Hsal Estate Eichang Co. Boem ua, Mevague aiag HAKlltlU ATTKNTtOK. FOR SALb-A thrse-chalr abos la eltv a( 1 sua Bath la sen nee tie a. Best oatkin In ally. Long time lames, ror prloe, addreea Commercial National Bank, Kearney. Neb. ON account i..' pour health, one of tua beet house moving eulflls In Pea Malnea itdenoe: win aeu aeparataiyi maaa have enough work a hand ta pay i eu. oar Osteite and reatdenos terras for tools. Address Hew. M olios pletur machine and ftlm fains. Om. Film Easa,, 14th B Doug. Bt. tack of tiartV are and furniture, Will tak land as part payment. Price Address box rri. Arapahoe, WANTED ta aall my Neb. NEW slock drugs end future at aecrt. flee; must lli tin looattoa, t. avoa, Poole. Neb. m iTtl. FORKCLiMllRE at room hotel. Ixgan. Kan. For easy terms . and de scription write Bos flu Red Cloud, Wee, Vcnczia Moving Picture and Illustrated Song. PROfiRAM CHANOETt DAILT. . Tl ESDAf NIGHT AMATEURS Vaudsvlls Saturday and Bunday. lilt South Uth Htreet. wa VTSID Buslneaa Banner, ataa woman, holding a position or In buetneea, to act aa aecretary ana uesururer, musi Invest from a t KO. aUtxll yeur own money, good incema guecesreee. Addreea H-ta, care Bee. iWonderland Vintoa .and So. Uth 81 Hlgti Clm Motion Ftcturea. Gem Theater Fleaaant entertaining program changed dally. Lively amateur per forms nos on Tkureday, - I POOL or Millardi after the show. New liable. Marvel Hall. IBB So. Uth Bt. 1 PRDORAM TONIGHT "THE TAIM Of THK W1LDKRNE8B" Ala Three Oood comaoy Baaia, . APOLLrO THEATER, t 8th and Leavenworth Sta ; FAVORITE THEATER klCHTtKNTH AND VINTON. ' Tonight: "Ihs Foster Sisters," "The Surf en's Heroism." "The Mleera Kean. A sirvng bill With selet.-t music. A-VNOlNCEilKNTa f.N DEH- TAKSR lamnalmer. Kit Chicago Bt. D, Mat, B-laii. J. A. GENTLEMAN, WKTAP.Jb.HV.lPVV " 8 Hth rit. UN (DBKTAKEHS. 121. A4M4. , trvi wv jfTiir t in.1 v cndbr- I .., m, f AKtKH. Moved to mi Farnam. A-KSi. U. Mt. I TOITLL alwaya be happy u your wed .ding ring oerceo from Brvdegaard'a, 115 a. ma Bt. At the eign ot the crown. , VALENTINES flZ'Z V4J- , HETTTB BTtTDIO, mti and Howard. j WINDOW rlam put In, contract work. H. Winter, ltil N. ITth. Webster taw. 4 OOMMKRCIAL Photographer C. tl. 1 Hobert, let Waahlngtea Bidg.. Doag. 2 M 1 EL CONTENTO HAHANA CIOAlt Boa ta. prepaid. try half doaea: It sot satisfactory money refunded- BEA TON DRUO CO.. tout Farnam. Omaha. M. E. Morrill, china paint. IS Brandei Th ' HAZtL LEAF PI La; CONES-Beat remedy for Itcaifig. bleedlog or prouud. 'irg puss; postpaid; aampie free. enerraso A McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha BOILER, sheet Iron and .Omaha Structural Steel Works. tank work. I NORTH RUP Letter Duplicating Co.. Mt ', Fextoa Blk.. circular letters, any auaa jtity: oldest established company j experts or at'iittgrsptt ana weostyie. Twsaty per cent less than Omaha ariose, MlMlk, yLiCMtiHK. CHJ i ywenty.fourtk and L Sts., aeuth Omaha. Cphe'eterlng. pUao, furn. rep. QQt Far. U. C aWa Co. li. la, MtFarnAm. H sees la a Meoaoe lew Sale, OOOD rooming, furnished complete: new furniture, including piano; run ot r ere, tied. Ut4 K. ?tn. Phone Red tL VXUKVm PKHaOJf ALB Artaataa Wslle, L. R. NE1BROAU 111-11 City Nat'l ED. ROWS, well boring. Senses Ml. Alt eras ye. TJetnn L, Hall. Lawyer, M7 Bran. BVdg. O. W. Sklelda Attorney. ET B. ot Trade. Awataaa aad Teata. OMAHA TENT CO. Tel. Douglas. Isggag aad Tea lea be. THK ONLT WAT. Baggage checked to deetlnatioB, Taxi- cabs and touring oars. Tat, uougiaa Bag; Maaataetarara, BEMIS OMAHA BAG CO.. Omaha. Keb. Boa aad Fewkasro Maaataetarara, Wooden Bent A package C. MM ft. MM Car eeters aad Cwatraetora, Bteeanaoa, carpenter, cent, Beth phone Catraaadlata, DR. ROT. 1MI Farnam. Pougla ettf. Clan aad Te THK SenlUry Crows Ptp. IV K Hth. Fleet eta. BBNNBTTS. out f lowsra. Douglas 1ST- Aa-eata, aaleeeaee aad) Solicitor. WB WANT local agent for th new model Fx visible typewriter. Write wa ror eur liberal proposition. Typewriter Inspection and Supply Co., West era Dis tributers, Inc., las Farnam. A. Iienaghua. left Farnam. D. WW. A-MM HISS A BWOBODA, 14U Farnam St. Stewart's, Flotiat Sesdsmsa. 11 M. I BRAN DEIS FTWIBT. Brandsl Bidg. L HESDERoONTltl t faraam. t. UW. BATH'S FLORlttTrl, Boyd Theater , HesBitaia. , WIIB MEMORIAL, Hth tnd Harnsr. lesarevaee. rxi. Iron and Wire Feaelaty. Ancher Fsnce Co.. Kff M, TT, Tel, Red tit Laaedrtee. FRKMCrt Hand Utunlry. Tel. M. ilea Leu eork. D. MM. MfS Laaha. . Oreaa, Lum. wreck's. lk Mesa reel Maaaiaetarere, M A Peal Meaamaat aad J. T. Blooen A C. mh aad Cuming Sta Movies, Bteragto aad Cteealeg TXFRRBSMEN'S Delivery C.-Mving furniture, packing, fireproof atorage, nty office, tit S. 17th, Doug. BK lad. B-1M. Vwin City Eipress. 1114 HowaraTBoth TsT, Furnltur moving. men, tl hour. W. ifta. ad Lsaaeass. FXrnrrtlRNCED VIOUN teacher. TL Wsk. ava. Optlelaaa, R F. Worn, fitting A rep g . 441 Brsndetl. Oeteeeekthr. Alice Johmnn, MS-t Brandei The, Bidg. Kthsryn NU ko as, dllTgrendais Theater Fatal aad Slaaa. PAINT, ell. lead and turpentine are It per earl cneaper now uien e m Tak advaataga at this tnd buy only airtetle bum material at Marker Brae, Paint Co., left Faraam St, Phoa Doug. 17S4X Fateata. D. O. Darnell, Paxtoa Blk. Tel Red Tilt. Wilier Eddy, UM City Nat, ttsnk Bidg Fheaea raphe. EdlQB phonograph, shults Bro., 140 Fay Phteeri-.phere. Rlnshart. phatographara, lath A Faraam. FrtatlaaT, r Tt rv t-!-4,. jc w vv , sMiwi, e, itutpci , Doug. au. BEE Bl-IKl. ENTRANCE ON COUHT. Lyagsta . Tel. Ave. I Printing Co... Mtk A Capltel lna. M) tor good printing. Rlea-Hail Ftg. CO., Iw S. 14. lad. A-MM TeTTh CKNIRaL FtUNTiNa Tel. D. rour work. 1417 Dougll rUtlag. oa RiA WANTED 3om Detent eook. Mrs O. W. Holmes. leM F St.. Lincoln. Neb. COMPETENT, reliable white girl for gtaerai housework, small family, on he likes children , and oan rumtan refemieee. Mt Davenport St. Call Har. ay tl I TOUNG sir! wanted to help wHS housework: good home aad maall family. Phone Webster !. WANTED Voung woman as houao keeper. Address, C 110. Bee. HELP WASTED MALE WANTED. Traveling funrttur aalsamin. with perieaa ta aslUaf extsnelea taolea te lers la Nebraska aad Xaaaaa. Muat hare oatabllshed trad. Lars osmn -stons and aredlt for mail erder. Olv rfrnoaa. SCHNEIDER FL'RNITVRX CO.. NORTH MILWAVKXS. WIS. AOBNTS-Mah bis money with our line. Perraaneat eustomera. Regular ln- eeme, n help you build profitable bual s In your territory. Hager Maaufae luring Ca., Auburn, N. T. Man or woman In Omaha and every city or town to handle eur household a. Hies, fclghly articlea. Toilet artlotea. attracts, spices, ste.: MO per cant profit. Appoint tubagent and mak moaey on their sal. On representative made m. on week. Wrk pleaaaat. Write ua. Addrae LecH Box M, Desk A17, TrlpoH. ta. SALbd MANAOKIlS Ws have aa at- tractive proposition to offer tompeteiit mea who aaa beadle general eellrag agency for new automat Is wrapping paper printer, needed by all merchants Sen 0 C. Varnum, Henahaw hotel, Room aw. . Boy. BOT with wheel to leara drag bar! teas Cnltt'Dootkal Drug to., 17th and Farnam. Cleric el aad Offlee. - i ' A J 'CK(F-H1gh grade poet t Ion M I Ft'LL drsre ulla and party dress tor aaidi also for rent- tl to li w a airnt- vri(v r HUeAiT, wr , ,nt v. . Fe story pad Trade. Drug store (snap) Job. Kpleet.Bee Blflg; WANTtD-A man who understand staff work or who can model ta aiay. Apply be Old Boston more riiog. Mleeellaaeeea. WANTED Mere eeeole to rata poul try with tha Old Trusty Incubator. Write for free Calais us. at. M. jonnsan. v. ley Cen tee, Neb. if AWTirn- riR II. A A RMT Able- bodied unmarried man Between th ages of 11 and ; eltiaena of United Statea, of good abarastar and ternperart hablta who sen weea, read aaa wnta me sneo language. For Informatloa applf ta re cruiting of floor, Uth aaa Dougiae ., nwai wur, aa. Omaha, Ne.; alt Ilk St. 1M N, lttk St., Unooln, N eb. ua um iu rears eld. wanted at once for electric railway molormaa and eeedttotorei Mo to tlx a month: no ox perlenos necessary! fin opportunity! no trlke Writ Immediately for applloatloa blank. Addreea i-m. aee. AVTO BCHOOU I OMAHA. I LA ROM SHOPS, GUARANTEE higher ual Itv srraduatM. Mora oar end actual repair work than any three western schools; 1st us PKOVEIL U.S. BXMCOT far seel aad ehroala kid ney, liver, Meade aad urinary disaraara. rheumatism, aaia - la hack. )tnt aad es wnt or aaoa aa a. twa at. Bell. Web. mi. lad.. B-C41. MOITET TO LOAX Satarp aad tTkattela, moey ; FOR SALE LET US SELL YOU SOME AT THE RIGHT PRICE Men la alwaya a access! ty. but never more o tbaa at this time or th year, with tta increased cost of living. If you ar wrestling with this phase of the moaey problem and ased financial assist ance ws believe we can help you. rre win newovieae a loan lor yen ea your Real Estate, Personal Property. HOI'SKtiOIJ) OOOD8. PIANO. WARS HOrSB RSCBIPT, BANK BOOK, AU TOMOBILE, WAOBB or on year PLAIN KOTB If permanently employed. Moaey advanced quickly, privately and confj dsntlally. TOUR CALL WILL BR A-PRnXMATRD. HEUABLE CREDIT CO. M Floor. SOS Paxtoa Block tit S Hth St., Phone Doug. 1411. DIAMOND LOANS at Vk and I per cent. at. l et. ne FLATAU. U14 Dodge Ml. OB furniture, ptAnea aad real estate at a vary low rat ef Interest. Nebraska Loan Co. Doug. 14, Bee Bidg. A-13M. Money MONET loaned aalarted Beoote. women keeping house aad ethers, without aa cunty; easy payments, otflflea In (7 prin cipal rltle. Totman. MS Omaha Nat'l Bank Bidg.. rorrnerly N. T. Ufe Bidg. ae pp , a,,- . , . , . wn, mv r,. ... . m. . m , Star Loaa Co., Mt Paaten Blk M ta 110a, wiinout necttrity: to sun you. CHATTtSI. LCANs-Loweat rates and eaeieet terms. See mherei then see u and b convmced that w will save you money HQtrSEHOLD LOAN CO., N. K. Cor. Uth A Dous. Sta D. tX, lad. A-Mlt OFFERED FOR RETT Moaae aad Ceekasjee. i-ROOM steam heated apartment. Th Mason. list and Mason Sta., ft. Tele phone Douglas K L wvjrr vaKAU sew modem ataoco home; beat district.' Red B47. TtV mam.. fl IT! tl fine ror iwe ismiiiee. 4.iee ub. n, u,u ",i r. unllfRM Frame, detached, close In. O KEEFE REAL KUTATK CO. CHOtCB LOCATION. I fine large rooms, oak finish, hot water beat. 11 South Mb St.. radoced from Mt. Mt rented at aaoa. Baa this tUflAy gut. PATNB A SLATER CO. Sole Agents, eta Ft. On. Nat'l Bk. Bidg NINE-ROOM house, modern except heat newly deorated. But Corby. Key M door west. Douglaa TIM. 6IX ROOMS and bath. Hot water heat. Inquire, 5 N. gjth St. CLOSB IM e-R cottsgs bsth . okegkb kbal r.irxA i a tu. Jtm Wool worth Ave., t-r. mod., fST 4Ht N. Hth Are, t-r.. part mod, K ' eld a Mth. 7-r, flat, ten, . . 410 B. 24th, T-r., flisr M Sit 8. Tth, -r., flat. I 3tm 8. Md. and t-r., flat. MT td. kta S. 13d. T-r., mod., M. Bemla-Carlbers Co., Bo-U Brandeta Tha FOUR-ROOM cottage, sate aad (aa. Phone Harney ESS or B-M. Stores aad Office, STORE room, steam heated, frontJnt alley at 1M aad IMS Famam St. Have merchandise antra ttces. glasa fronta Thos. F. Hall, IM KaiEge Hide. Bath phonea. M'CAGUE BIIILDINO, Mth and Dodge. Attractive offleea, single or en suits; het and sold water la nearly all rooms, rents, a ta ID: service complete. Apply OMAHA LOAN A BUILDTNQ AStcTN. 110-1U d. ITTH-aUS ft. and basement, IMS Farnam St find floor aad bass ment. flat. , 1124 Farnam Bt. garage, 06 im? Howard Bt. -three floor and base. ment, tito. F. D. wEAn, imt FARjeajt err. STORAGE ROOM FOR RENT OR LEASE Fourth and Fifth floors A very BMg., 107-11 Leavenworth St., whomsalo dis trict, close to freight hsuee: floors atalM reet: omcee, elevators, tss i-iwe savM aad loading platforms. Inquire O. W. Fori i-wrrin. bit. ja n rr ve,. Office so trance directly opposite Uatoa eta Ilea Warehoaaea, Central location, on loth St.. with rail read spur. Building haa ll.ot Mroare feet and good bssement; tam beat. Vacant May 1. Rent IMW Per year. Harrison 8r Morton OFFERED FOR BALK OFFERED FOR HE!fT . , , ., n 1 ub .KA.ed r , 'FV sabs mne, com mod and thr furniture. Fhoo rreester aoea. aaetl aad Ba, O. M BV haul trunk Tl. tit A -Mil r Wll eausr-rw.'i.r r, ---- leaving atty. ITTH B. Mth St. Harnsr W, Faraaahed Ream. FOR RENT - Two furnished parlor reom with heat and gaa u A Ed St. n:UKD oak library table, large hall rack, Morris chair, china cabinet, re- . . .11 , inirerwioT, i" ,v , . " , . , only MX jaontha Fhone Wbtr llts. MS PARK A V . Comfortable. well furnuaed reom. modern, geatlswaa preferred, Mai Harney aet. DESIRABLE furnished room; private family. Ml N. Mth St. Tel. Webster MT. Now, while people are look ing for more - enmfrtbl quarters, la th time to ad vertlee your room for rent, Kate 1 per word wher th ad run tw or mar time. NEAT comfortable front room with ai- eove; breakfaat Harney Ml. If desired. Telephone KM PARK AVE Cjro.'jrtable, clean, well furalahed room, BMdera houea, gsntlsroan preferred. MM Ha tey Mot EV&RT modern convenience; electric light, gas. bath, heat, telephone; In ? Urate fa miry peer bual ae as sealer. Mt Hth Ava ELROANT furnished Lyankurst, BT S. Mth St. at th Phon d. ert. Met ST. MART'S AVS-Tw nicely furnished south room, well heated, modern, good location. Rent M per month. ' Farmlshed Meaaekeepiea Bssms. THB MAKl'BLr-Two-room apertmeat. ttt.08, The Howard, t-room, private bath, tCdo, Ut and Mowara. 'i PAlik AVK.-8ulta to two fur. nlabad or unfurnished front room for light houeekeepisg. All modern nova: light, beat, telephone Harney MS. TWO rooms, furnished complete for housekeeping. 411 B. ltth. Had 7T7. NORTH ttth street; suit of four twe slnaie, twa neuseaesping Phon rwwrg Ult. MAN wanted with rig to lake cherg of sale of our mediolae, si tracts, sptoee, soaps, perfumes, toilet articles, stock and poultry preparations, etc, In your county. One man made M one week. Steady work guaranteed. Work beallhtal, piaaa ant. very profitable, Reterenoe required. Writs us We mean bua liiees. . sihorea Mueller Co.. Dept. 1. Tripoli, la, OMAHA SILVER CO., Ht & Mth. Stool vaak aad Cat, ceaspaaloa. NEBRASKA and Iowa Steel Tank paay 14th aad Nlahoiaa. b. Mat. Sieaognr aphere aad CeertRepectera. Myrtle A. Keller . TM Bran. Tha, D. MM KM MA A TELLER. AIT Barker bk. 6 Ms. Tents aad Awaiaara. OMAHA TENT CO. TeL ta Douglaa. - Traaaa aad Salt Cases. ' . ' Freling A Stelsl. Mot Faism St - PTtae aad Ll,ar. - - WILLOW 'Brrtrurs beer, llauof. cigar. sandwich. Alex Jtte. 1M9 Douglaa. VIRoIN'U DARK wine. c a larg bot. tie. KW Uouer Hose, ga N Mth St. Wig Mawefaetarere. . 8. Orlffllb, wig mfg.. U Fronser Bik. EDUCATIONAL riethtasr Maaataetarara. Wear Ideal dn i ahtrta, ML K Smith Ca , Coat Psalese. C S Johnson, pool, lath A ttard t phone. COAL and kindling. Wagner, eat N. Itth. aUNDUNO, M road. H. Oreaa, W. MM Creamer tea, Batsdee aad BeppUa Fairmont's ndem butter. Alw ay good DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANf! term lea aad Steel tellies . CArtTFR Sheet Metal Work. Omaha. Tarry Ti eeisnisklntr noRege, Mth A Far, (JKW ISO by day la families, good work sfuarenteed Call eveeiinga. Webetee tM. SNELL A HANOER, making; aetuf actios guar Oeanfla Ava, Faoa Haras i -date See p-te-dete d ua-Kcteed. amS Ua. Y. W. C. a; COOKING CLASSES (15 Lesaong for $4.00) SEWTNG, MILLINERY, 0YLNASIUI GENERAL EDUCATION ' Classed Begia Feb. 13. BOYLES COLLEGE DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL . ALL THE YEAR Com plat course la Bimlnao. Book keeolos:. Sreaocraarry. Telerr aohv. Civil Service ar Salesmanship. The cataloeru I tree rse u aaa a- wau. write or 'eaorte for It at once. Addreea H. B. Boyle. Free Idee t. Boyea Catmge, Omaha, Wee. OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLBQH, -BUT IN THE WEST." Day aad evening tsrtna all th year, Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping. Agriculture, Ctvtl Servioe. Baleamaaaaip. B A. Zartmaa, Pres., Uth and Farnam. XUeVrUNCb 1st te MA grad. . M44, Motion picture operators la great de mand; big pay; short hours; ws give yoa ibuwifh treinins: noeilians secured. In ternational Motion Picture School, til Bee 1 jl RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS nAKTED-M month! Omaha eaamiaa- ttooa May 4. Coaoalng rre. Writ Frank lin institute, Dept. M. ileckeeter, N. T, WANTED Men to prepare for Boaltion now walling at top wages. iera tne barber trade Few weea a eualitiaa. No dull eeeaoiis do strikes. Cash every Sat urday night. An army 01 srruuatea ue pendlng upon ua far hot. Call or writ holer Barber Col lege, II S. Mth St. STOP! READ! Oet into a paying profession. Leara automobile engineering In ur larg training ahop. Hundreds of successful graduate. Complete eautpment ot auto mobiles nd inaahinery. Address National Auto Training Aasa., CM Braadoig Theater Bid., Omaha, Neb. TKLKURAP1I posltloaa guaranteed yoa by tbe Union Pacific and ILUnota Cen tral railroads If yoa gain your tralnkig la our Khool. Practice ee R. R. wires. Ad dres tor particulars. H. B. Boylaa, Pres. Boyle CoJ.ege, Omaha, Neb. Oood men are hard te get They don't wander around the streets looking far sign la wtndowA When yoa Bead good help advertise Is Tbe Be. Bee a am ada ar read by ' hoea. energetic mee who wish to bettor thatr eoadt Ooa. Rate 1 per word it run two or more times coo eeeu lively. Telephooe Tyler ho. LOBT kXO FOUND PERSONS having lost ane article would do well to call up the office ot th Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It la the street care. - Many arudee sack day ar furred ta and th company ta anxious to restore them ta tbe rightful oaaer. Call Doug las it. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET P.AILWAT COMPANY. LOtST-Palr of xl (See. In I hound Hanscom Park car, Friday, Feb. S, t p. m. Finder leave In Hanarom park Pharmacy. Receive reward ot 17. FOUND Roeanr. Sth and Faraam Sta Apply at lit Be BMav for aa end pay tor thi ad. iOST A hiutch of key Retura t Bailee stAuea. Lo st bet seen Hat aad rift a Ujj-ney eta. Feralahod Meeeea, FUR. Hooaa. West Famam dtst. H. tTM trOR ytKNT Cheaa to right party, atcelr furalahed horn la Dundee; He ars bir iecated, eleee t car. CaB H. 6S. Vatan aaahed Bowses. i modern room, parlor floor, taw S. Mth. Hotel aad A pert assets. Dewey European hotel. Hth Farnam. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS for gen tlemen. THE CHATHAM. 1M A Utn St OXFORD and Arcade, special wkly rate Dodaa ruanlna hot and raid water: tal' phones In every room prloee th same. Asaurtaaaate aad Plata, (-ROOM flat on Sherman Ava Web. I7. MntTRicHOU OOODS backed aad for warded; cheap freight ratea; moving and storms. Exatsssmea Delivery Co. TeL Douglaa Mi. City etflce, fit A ITth St, Bee Bidg. S-ROOM modern flat. Soar Bidg. I N. Mth St.. South Omaha. Halt, Rung Bidg. Both phonea 4 Maaa aad Cettesree. MOD. S-r. cottage, fin repair. Tt Mat Hon , lna. Ringwalt. Brandei Th. Bidg. s. MTH t rooms, completely mod em. WM eie " mv, - pletely modern, 1 Thos. F, HalL M Ramge Bik. D tew. A -tea. TO own yeur owe home I a mark of thrift-It give you a credit rating. Let yea r rent pay tar a wD built sad at tractive home la Re neon. CeaMdsr thi before Tea rent again, u F. S- TRULUNOER. BENSON. NSW. ft-room bungolow, MM Temple- tea Bt, etrtctly awdern, PjU lot; lawo. hade tree, yard. Web. Houses TM: ua In all parta of the c Cretgh Son A O.. Bee 'Ji. t-R. NEAR CREIOHTON Rot water beat, reomera. IM. O'EEEFS REAL aTAT CXX MOVING, packing and storing ot bouse beut ennds end etanoa la our bual u aaa Omaha Van A Storage Co, tlretireof storage, tta a. loth, by tbe viaduct Branch omce e b tne o'- ... - -. " . rJtx w eeievumK. -..-' ' " "room house and barn; ail modern; nice tooanon. Teiepnone s rorence iiw. COMPLETELY fumlfked e-rooaa mod ern house on Central boulevard. Refer- snoea rrulred. lnulre of li-CAOi-R INVESTMENT CO IBM Dodge ft. Doug, tli fsrsllsrs, MOI RFHOI J furniture of 7 lorsiad s in So. Alb Ht Furniture I ol good quality and practically new. Mual lie cold quickly. Call at boue or telephone Deugla BIT. Typewrite a. ttr.vT sj Oliver tvoewriter front th Oliver typewriter Co. Douglaa Mil. typewriters. ALL MAKES For sal or rent; largest stock; best bargalaa R, F. SwANaorf t:u., i israte si, Omaha. Call or writ MtaceUaaeoaa. Mfts'siisiL. ill iii. i il as ' as the Omaha Commereial eoilege and one la Boyles couee. stun rises eti w Anr Kl. ... , an the mas sad have ale velvet lawn next pring and THE NEBRASKA SF.KD CO., ' Tel. Douxki 1MB. Hit Howard Bt Re want ad will call fur niture plaaea. stoves, type writer, as wing raaflhlnea, musical Inetrumenla. bicy cles etc.. at a cost of only a few cents. Don't delay; get your ad in now. - FOR SALE New and second-bana and pocket Millar ishh aim ,biit aiieva sad acoessories: bar fix- turee 01 ail smos, eeey i '-- Brunswick-Balke-coiianoer v.. eii a. lath St "tP SAFES. DKRIOHT. MM Farnam St. SA FEB Overstocked with Beoad-hnd safes, all alas and makes. bergaJsa American Supply Co.. Ill Farnam let- $5 Coal fur stove or fur lee. Try It Harmon A vvsetn. weueter re run avaiw e pvei ws, '-- -"' first olaaa condition, tao. Call Harney Ms ravrt0u.tAs, , I V , 1 .n Mmln, In (imlllt aJ trangera ar Invited te visit th Young Women Christian association building ai Seven teen tk and it, Mary'a Ave., where they will be directed to luttabte beardtng place, ar otherwise assisted. Leek for our travelers aie at toe uiuun ,i.iwii Whi rent aws repwr ' lag machines. Ind. A-la. Douglaa MM. urnniwi r' V I . W I'l 1 lata ana ttarner ete. Massage, Rittenhouee, aa Old Boston Bid Se-lrAS Wirti' ' Olarliea Pharmacy, ltth and Dodge If AnV. Treatment Mra Steels. MACMUtl -g Dodge. Ground floor. LIEBEN, meek suits to hire, 1514 How d. in t;i 4 f Hatha salt alow aromatie M-TxtXyiWUi ,,m,Bt Mm. Alien of Chicago. MS S. I7tb St, 1st floor. D. WA CITY PMOFa-tTT FOR SALM. Buy Direct From Owner. Oenat flsaeaaas hosaae. ttawW,a, l complete aata: witnta wanting t., ot poetofflce. Lot dixleV and a floe place to raise chicken North part of city. Phone Webster SUM aft i p as, Thousands of people have found the home they were looking for among tne real estate ada a The Bee want ad peg Th home you want te sell can b disposed of aulakly at coat of eniy a few ess is through Be want ad. THE SALVATION ARMY solicit cast off clothing: In fact anything you do not need. Wa collect repair and sell at Mt N. 11th St. for cost of collection, to the worthy poor. Call phon Douglaa 4ra and wagon will call. radiator treat meaU. Mrs. Snyder. tM Bee Bidg. Red MM. SWEDIjsli massage for rheumatism, muscle tolnti dlieses. m-stsn Ton- aeth. only Omaha masseur graduate In Sweden, eie cim. Nat i Han. Doug m Curtains laundered. Guaranteed. W. ittO T If 1 12 i FiV Swedish movement. ,uuj.,uu t, JM pament Apt D. Ml. MAGNETIC Ti . Brott. (M A Mth. at floor. D. ti BEST bracer for men. Gray's Nerve Food Fill tl per box. postpaid, r. Heroes A MeConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Nab. 3 rOULTRV AVD PET STOCK ROUP easily cured by Bob White Roup cure, pa Box. It yeur dealer can not aupply you, write us direct seeding dealer a name. BOB WHITE CO.. Mot N. ltth St.. Omaha. Neb. Web. EGGS for hatching from the Brandei Farm. Tborougnbred K. C. White Leg horn Utility stock, lis a eettlmv or a per Id BxhlblUon or show stock. U to M a aetting. Write for catalogue. Addrers A. D. Brandeta, Omaha. Tel. Benson CIra, REAL ESTATE BL1LDELK' INFORMATION. Electric gas fixture. Omaha Slrer Co. Ideal Cent eat Co., 17th and Cumins. Fucn. tnA Blind, ) oecoratlng. ROOFING FAINT, building paaer. nlaa. , ter board. Amar. Sua Co.. IMS Klehela. Well Built Benson Homes F, S. Trullinger Buy This Lot in Benson Bait w Let M, Bieck H down. hMaaca tit nar month. It M well located, dm far front car and school; 1 MUM; just tta place ' rot man Bouse aad good ham Aedrea ' K ta. Bee Dundee On f h few fine ruses Uet Rn,,f a and east treat large tree both around and on the lota. Four iota Will con sider selling two. Fin toc-arton for aa apartmant house. Price. M.SM per let. with ail taxsa. tnetudlno snasila IS ltslr and awr) paid la full. Benson & Carmichael , Stl Pajton Block. ! WAITED Offer tor loaa ' at S i nam street, to bo removed. r. u. wbau. mm Feraaat I South Side, Bargain MIS Spring Bt, (-room boeee. good aa bow, t bed room and bath M floor, par tor, dining; room, kitchen and be! room let floor, full cellar, brick eel and oe- elstern. barn with brick toundaUoa, kara yard, ohickeo bouse all plastered, fruit aad shade treea, cement walk aad two large lota KrsJM. aleee t ear lla ar-A u for price . Maying cjvy. Owner Birkett & Tebbens OS Be Bids. D. 4754. A-fTH NKW bungalow la aorta uert of city'. B.TM F. D. WP1AD. MM Far-am Bt. STRICTLY MODERN 5-R0OM COTTAGE SOUTH SIDE Let a shew yea a rod free-room cot tage on S. B Bt, Bear Vintoa St car; all modern, tneiudlog 'urnaoa, and KM About MB eaak; bawaea monthly. PAYNE rNYESTMENT CO., iy i MM PIMKNKT BT. Brand new. never OMUpied. braid bath and den. Strictly modern. oak ftmeh, full two Mori; full cement basement; sodded yard; lurnaoe heat; ex ceptional Iv well built aad warm. Phone owner, Hamsy tlia, lor more laforaw iion. I-ROOM hone near Omaha university" M.IM; Med ansa; belesee saeethly. F. p. WHtO, WS rarnara iw. AC AA. Atl a) FUM SALM, TKRKK ACRE), H.M House, ban, well. F. D. WEAD, 1MI Farnaaa St RKAL B8TATB PARMS A MARCH LARDS FOR IAXB) British Csdamasa. ' will bee for aasaaa Brltl ah Colum bia Farm Land oa uncompleted Oread Trunk without oommMsloa aaeeptlar per centage ef profits. Larg ret urea ear. taiB. rrana t-rawiore, at suemew sir, Vancouver, or Omaha. DON'T WATT I TEAMS. BUT CALIFORNIA FULL-BEARING ORCHARDS. MONEY BACH IF NOT SATiaFTBrj. tiM.M cash and M per month buy flv are i with full-bearlDg fruit ttoae In tbe lameu Mdwetl erabard at Chtoo, California. Payment Include latarsat aad taxes. Tour money back If Bat at i ailed upon lavesugauoa, Tha Bidwall orchard are th meet noted aad .pre duetto la tha wonderful Basra meet vai ay of CaUferala, U a our aonfWUno la thi land that prompt Una ganerou of fer. We've peach, prune, almonds, apricots aad B-rtlett peer Bayer' railroad tare, aot exceeding ptto. will be credited on purchase prlo Land ad joins tha thrtvfos; town at Cho (M,M pop.). Hefereacee: Aay beak ef Cajoa, American National hank of Baa Free oisco and First National bank of Baa Leaudro. Seed tor value a lafottBaOoa and facta to B1DWELL ORCHARDS, INC, Chlo C. CALIFORNIA LAND. For Bala ar Exchange. M acre tineaied fruit aad alfalfa Mad la the Seen imeoto rauey, M mliea aorth of Ilex amenta, oa two mala liaea ot railroad and tweaty-twa trains dally, lioed oU aad good aurkets S M, ear Bee' i PWtda. FLORIDA THE LAND OF SUNSHINE W ar offering M. M aad eVaer tracts and upwnrds located la Columbia county near Lake City. Florida, M aaa west of JaokeoovUie and only M mliea from St Augustine ThM property la tats eat ad by three railroeda st national reputation, which furnish th best eervloe ai reasonable rates te all marks la at th United Statea. The climate I Ideal- Pin farm, ar now being worked In oar tract with exceptionally good result Own one of our farms. Investigate our offer, email oaak pay menu aad easy term Lw rata dally. Tickets good aatil Jim L ROBT. C DRUKSBDOW A CO, (Sales Ageatal M Omaha National Bank Bids. Omaha. Nab. GREAT SOUTH GEORGIA Traversed by th ATlJtNTA. BIRM1NOHAM ATLAN TIC RAILROAD. Land adapted to the wideet rang ( crop All the money crepe ef the south plentifully produosd. For literature treat- -teg with tbia coming eoaatry. Me noil, oil ate, church aad school advantages, writ W. H. LEAHY. DEPT. K, , OeoeraJ Paaatnger Agwat, ATLANTA. OA kaffir corn make hem lay. M per 10; screeniiigJ. fl.M per M. Wagner. Ml N. K. PEDIGREED English bull terrier; fin peci men and a prim Inner. Til East Broadway. Council Bluffs. RENTAL SNAPS. l-e. seed., cousure. IM N. list Ptm t-r. moe-. dsartmeat MM Oarby fit of t-r.. mod., eoltag. 11 Webster t.M Also ceversl others M to tza. 17 home propertleo tor sale oa rental terms and at bargain price RCBSELL A McK TRICK CO. ta Ramge Bidg. ltth and Harney. C-ROOM modern cottage. MM Mnmutt! ISL I'bone Wehsur M MAKF. YOUR HENS LAY. USB FRESH GROUND BONE. THB NEBRASKA SEED CO. Phon Douglaa 1ML ml Howard St FOR ftALK Hou bam aad I acres of good land: also 4 young tew, tw tw .m end tmnlement at s-oed terms. Address Y H. Be REAL ESTATE ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. Reed Abstract Co.. otdest abstract afCo In Nebraska. Brandets Theater. SKALB A CAMPBELL. 1711 Faraam Su THB eselcst way to find a buyer for your farm la to insert a small want ad la the Das Motae Capital. Largest Or culatlon In the atate of Iowa, tatae daily. Tbe Capital Is read by aad believed In bv th stand patters of low who eimply refuse to permit aay ether paper ta their heme Rate. I seat a word a day; US per line per moat ; aouat six ordinary words ts th tin Addles Oa Main Capital, Dsa Mela, la. Mia 4M-ACRS Improved farm ta Ptih Co.. Minn, i atliea northwest Beltrami; L acre andar cultivatiea. Every foot ran be plowed. Oood five-room hsuee; good bam. Flowing wail: good water. Soil as good a Iowa or IlUnoi soil. I am th owner you pay as scent s J W. O. Bock, New Alain, la.