Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 07, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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The food that builds real boys
Feed your growing boys and girls on Faust
Macaroni and watch them grow strong
and robust They'll be brighter at
school and more joyous at play. . . .
Don't give the children or the grown
ups either so much meat, it makes them
dull and overtaxes the digestion. Faust
Macaroni contains the food elements the
body most needs and it is easily digested.
For sale by all good grocers in 5c and
1 Oc packages. Write for our free book
of Faust Recipes
- ... ' - ST.LWB.MO. -
Burlington Agent at
Tecumseh Robbed
by Masked Men
TECUMBBH. N.b., Feb. t-8peciel
Telegram.) A. R. Allfelrer. night aa-ciu
of the Burlington, was bald up and robbed
last nichl at M: of IS hi monsy and a
old watch and lit of company mono
waa tak.a from th. drawar. Xllcelret
liad been maklnf th. rounds of tha wait
int rooms and office flzlnc tha fins,
and as ha stepped Into tha offics a man
with a baodkercpief ovar his faca stepped
In behind him. At tha point of a re
TOlver Allcelerer was compelled to stand
In tha comer, hands up. and tha thlof
want throuch hn clothes ami then de
manded tha key to the cash drawar. A
second fallow stood Just outside tha depot
looking la tha window, and he too had a
revolver. Before . leaving the robber
pulled the wires out of two telephones,
but the third phone, which was on tha
opposite aids of the office, was missed.
Altrelerer was commanded to stand tn
tha corner for a few moments longer and
tha men disappeared. Tha agent rang
an uptown restaurant over the remaining
phone and Sheriff E. U Roberts and
Night Watshman T. W. Mads soon
sponded. No clus as to the. Identity of
tha robbers baa bean found.
Attorney Brian Salt Pare tha
Coaaty Tiwasarrr te Caen
NEBRASKA CITT, Feb. (.-(Spoclat)-Ollver
O. Leidlgh. an attorney, has
brought a mandamua suit acalnst County
Treasurer Charles Johnson to compel
him to pay a warrant drawn by the
county commissioners in tats favor, out
refused by the county traanirer. who
claimed ho owed mora that that amount
of taxes and penalty. Tha ease la se;
for bearing on tha 12th.
A two-story frame house, belonging to
J. II. Davidson, on bis farm, was de
stroyed by Ore yesterday, with Its con
tents, whlls the tenant. James Julf and
family, were absent. Tha house and Us
contents wars destroyed, with no Insur
ance thereon.
Frank Dermaa and William Borsrman
of Iorton have returned from a trip to
southern Mexico, where they each pur
chased a large tract of land and will
break up and cultivate. They will both
retain their heavy land holdings In this
county, for fear they will hare to make
this their future homo.
As yet but two candidates have pro-
pared their petitions for tha oommiatlon
form of government- they being Calvin
Chapman and Horace O. Leigh. There
seams to be a dearth of candidate nndsr
this form, which wss adopted a short
time ago by tba voters of this etty.
Joseph V.Um, Former Beedewt of
Caere Coomtr. Mew la Lives.
awol Eastern.
BEATRICE. Neb, Feb. .-eieciaL rear
rangements havo been, made at the high
school to hold a seed corn test which will
bo conducted after tha stylo of the stata
experimental station. ' Ths work will be
carried oa by tha pupils of too ninth
grade, and will bo In charge of Xlas Has
Bard well.
Word was received her yesterday of
too death of Joseph Watson of Lincoln.
a former Beatrice resident, which oc
currsd a few daya ago la Liverpool, Eng.
where be had gone to purchase draft
orase. Mr. Watsom was engaged la ths
boras busluioa hers for years before lo
cating la Lincoln, and was well known
la this section of tba state.
John Oroaewald, a farmer living near
Pickreil. caught two large wolvea an a
trap Saturday Bight. Ha brought the
pelts te this dty yesterday and sold thorn.
At a mewing of ths board of education
last ovsBlae Superintendent BodweU waa
granted permission to attend the sjsv
tJooaJ" meeting at superiataodants and
principals to bo held la St. Lotas the but
of February. According to his report the
enrol truest la th Beatrice public schools
Is MM.
A daVra Calls per
of stomach, liver, kidney and bowels Is
snost surely prevented with Electric Bit
ters, ths safe regulator, fee cents- For
mi by Beatoa Drue Co.
'HASTINGS, Neb., Fab. t -(Special Tel
egram.) Ovar MO delegates and visitors
representing towns from Omaha to Den
ver assembled bare today for the second
annual convention of tha Omaha-Denver
Good Roads' association, which projected
asd improved the South Platte routs as
a part of ths transcontinental overland
highway. Resolutions committing ths
members to a program for ths promotion
of good roads were adopted and all mem
bers were urged to use their Influence
with tha states, representatives In con
gress to secure federal aid for road
making. McCook was chosen as ths place for ths
1913 convention.
It waa decided to assess tha various
towns along tha routs for aa annual
fund of U.m to pay ths current expenses
of the organisation.
Ths following officers war re sleeted:
President. J. EV Davis. Sutton: O. E.
Partaoe, tllnden, secretary: W. A. Tay
lor, Hastings, treasurer: D. M. Prime,
Oxford, and S. A. Searle of Omaha, mem
bers of ths executive board.
Omaha and Lincoln sent delegates of a
dosen or mora, who did much to Inspire
enthusiasm in plana for the good roads
Tba key to success In business Is ths
Judicious and persistent use of newspaper
Verska Churches Elect Lincoln!
Clergyman u Pre si dent j
President of Order Sara Mors) Ga4
Coatd Be Don by Better Oraraal
satlsa Phase of Work
Rev. L F. Roach of Lincoln a ss chosrn
president to succeed Rer. F. T. Route
of Omaha as bead of ths Xehraaka Fed
eration ef Churches at the afternoon
meeting bald yesterday at the First Con
gregational church. Rev. A. B. Miller of
Bros Springs waa elected vice president;
Rer. H. K. Cbapmaa of Lincoln, record
ing secretary; Rav. W. O. Jonas of Ua-
osln. treasurer. Delegates to too conven
tion of tha Nebra&k Federation at Labor
wars aelectsd ss follows: Rsv. D. E.
Jenklaa. Omaha: Rev. T. H. Hull, Have-
lock, and Rev. C. C Christopher, Bast
ings. '
Phases of W.
Study of social conditions In local com
munities with special attention to liquor
traffic, tha social evil, and pool halls.
Support of Juvenile courts ana play
support or manual training ana aomes-
tlc science in the schools.
Supervision of dance halla, picture
shows and theaters especially In relation
to the social evil. .
Participation in caucosss ana elections
and endonemant of the Initiative and
referendum and of legislative candidates
pledged to temperance and raxorm.
Opposition to secularisation of ths
Sabbath and of ths legalising of Sunday
base ball.
Work in tha Interests or a Just wage
and of the abolition of child labor.
Commendation of Omaha barbers In
their effort to make Sunday a rest day
and of all efforts for a six day working
Enactment of a new law relative to
the aelvction of juries, because "the
failure of Juries to convict In cases of
notorious offenses and ths corresponding
peril to good men from corrupt juries
constitutes a very grave menace to the
well-being of ths commonwealth."
These are tha chief phases of social
Work to which ths delegates attending
the third annual meeting of tha atats
council of tha Nebraska Church federa
tion unanimously pledged themselves In
their opening session yesterday In
ths First- Congregational church. Rav.
B. F. FallnukD, - chairman of tha social
service committee, presented th sub
jects. -
The keynotes of the meeting with ref
erence to future work wars co-operation
and concentration.
I'aaeeeeeary Charrhe.
Rev. F. T.iReuee, of tho First Congre
gational church In Omaha, la bis presi
dent's address, declared that tha primary
field of tha federation was la home
missions and that co-operation of the
churches and not competition should be
tba watch word. Hs urged th elimina
tion of unnecessary churches.
"I am against an ovarincreaso in ths
number of our churches," said, Mr.
Rouse. "In Omaha we have too many
churches now." Hs statsd that ths
theory that 83J people were enough for
one church was wrong, that that would
make M churches the approved number
for Omaha, which already has nearly 100
Protestant and Catholic combined. He
emphasised few churches and mora har
mony between them.
There la notloeable an Interpleading
of denominations," said Mr. Rouse, and
he stated that In his own congregation
Orkin's Douglas Street Store
mm s
Our Entire Stock of Women's and Misses9
In announcing this great final sale of all our suits that formerly sold
for and up to $45, we want to emphasize the fact that this is absolutely the
final and last suit sale'' of the season, and that its MAIN FEATURE
Every suit in this extraordinary offer is a late model which will be in good style for spring
wear, and all are beautifully tailored of finest all wool materials, none of which sold under $25,
and from that price up to $45. The skirts alone from the suits, in every instance, are worth
more than what the entire suit will be sold for. ;
VCe predict that every suit in our store will be sold before
closing time, and we advise you to come as early in the day as yon
possibly can, as we have only one or two of a kind in the higher
priced suits.
Just think of buying an
Orkin's Tailored Suit worth
$25, $29.75, $35, $39.50 and
fj $45--Final Clearing Sale Price
15 0 Douglas Street ORKIN'S
1510 Douglas Street
pointed out tha need for federated Chris
tlan work throughout the state In seoular
Institutions -
U P. Luddon. traveling chairman for
tha committee on Information, declared
that In some districts of Nebraska where
there wers towns with as many as
inhabitants where there wers no cburoh
services; ; tint while soma sections are
being overlooked by ths churches thsrs
Is overlapping In other places. Hs laid
stress on ths waste of time and snergy
in having mors than enough churches for
one locality.
Tba morning's session was an en
thustsstto one with over fifty delegates
from til over tha state and representing
alvenl danamlnatlOBls. Natlaeable in the
in. superintendent 01 me saav ua atteadanoa is Kav. F. P. WIsTton. ths
wss a United rrascDytenan; us
slons director, a dlvd-ln-lhe-wool . Bap
tist; tha choliister, a member at tha
Church of England; the leading soprano.
Methodist; the head of ths women's
society, a new thoughter.
We are Intsrmarrylng and intsrblend-
Ing tn our churches until tha Individual
constituencies cannot tall each other
Need t Federations.
Dr. Rouse urged the organisation of
federations In towns and cities and
founder of the Nebraska branch of ths
national federation, which waa ons of
the first stats organisations In ths coun
try'. Rev. Wlgton was for two years presi
dent and for tha last year siecutlve
secretary of ths state federation. He
recommended ths appointment of a paid
secretary to give his exclusive time to
the federation owing to ths growth of
the organisation. Another of bis recom
mendations which was adopted this
morning wss the changing of ths nams
of the federation from Nebraska Fsdsia- (
Hon of Churches to Church rede ration.
Tha Nebraska Federatlsa of Labor oo-1
operates with th church federation and ;
sent two delegates, Osorga B. Locker I
and a A. O. Smith.
CH1CAC10, Feb. 1 Conductors and
motormen of the Chicago Railways com
pany at a maaa meeting laat night voted
lo submit sn ultimatum to lha oompany
Immediately to dismiss Jamas B. Hogarth,
ths new superintendent, or face a walk
out that will affect every Una on ths
west and north aides of tha dty.
Hogarth cams from tha oast a faw
months ago nnd has Instituted many
changes which are objectionable to tba
West Palat Mas Injured.
WBST POINT, Neb, Feb. e.-Speclsl.)
Hugh Chambers, a well known young
man of West Point, met with a serious
accident while felling a tree near the city
limits, Hs was eaught by ths falling
Umbs and suffered a broken leg. a frac
tured knee and two broken ribs. His
ooodltlon Is considered vsry serious.
The Familiar Confection
WiU Make YOUR Teeth Bright-YOUR
Breath Pure-YOUR Appetite Good
YOUR Digestion Strong!
The refreshing juice of the
crushed mint leaves is an
endless pleasure for a little
price. "
of any dealer. It costs less
hat way and you will have
it when you want it
Look for
the Spear
A Klean Korner Whisk or
Broom Dusting Bag Free
to Every User of Little Polly Brooms
Around the handle of every Little Polly Broom ii wrapped
a coupon. We redeem theiecouponi with theie i weeping
day helps Klean Korner Whislc or Dusting Bag. Write
today for our "Little Polly" Booklet giving full particulars.
A broom is a necessity in every household, why not have
the best? You'll have it and save money and strength
if you get
a broom that outlasts M nary broom, and will
any ordinary broom
two to one, and sweeps
easier. Thebroom corn is
selected from the flower
of each season's crop
for feather -lightness,
toughness and uni
formity. r The handles
are several ounces
lighter than
those of
Name On Every Broom
Th nams LcttU Party Is printed krarthsrum of th kaadle oa
very broom. Look far It. Ask Tor It. Tak. a atbsr.
Von can't ret a barter broom tor jtmr mnmj, whausvar jva
S7 1 mmtm M as awl VHWinif HP VmT SOBB.
not stick to vour hands
because of the improved
finish used only on the
Little Polly. ,
Every Little Polly is
as good as the first and
seems better than the
last. Used once you
could never get along
with any other' make.
Yon mar tMnk mom that broosa
all alia. Uss on Littia Paflw
vr and jroall knew different. ,
' 1
um rviuK Broom H
V Ghr Yea Fnm
nie vast 1st eVt sesslateaV
SasataaBiM BaanaaStea. f 1
aaneXanS asaaaavat f 1
. SasailtiliiM swaaaa"-7
Hamh &Stowart Mfc.Co.
0 East Caaart A. Dws saaasass. la
John A. Rylen, The Tailor
Wuhet to inform hit many customers and friends
that he has . moved his Tailoring Establishment
from 406 South 15th street to the elgant rooms
located at 205 Paxton Block 2nd floor where he.
will be pleased to show them the newest importa
tions in spring and summer woolens which have
Just arrived.
He further wants to thank them for past favors '
and solicits a continuance of their patronage, and
promises them that the same standard of excellence
wiD be maintained.
Comic Section
Tha Sunimy Bee
With' Happy Hooligan, little 5
Nemo, the Katzenjammer Kifa j
. f