1? THE BEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 191- KERCURY IN THE WEST RISES Jump -from Zero to - Fifty-Four , Above in lest Than Day. SNOW SAFISLT DISAPPEARS IM lkklr Tm and Wm seetlesM'stassrrteae Re- nrtaMc Chana la Trss per tare. A change in temperature from cold to arm. ami aaid to a to moat radical la tna history of the central WMt, has taken place in Wyoming, western Ne braska ami the Black -fl llta atction of (South pakota during the last thirty hours, according to reports received at Northwestern headquarters In this city. the raporta having been aant in by tha agents In tha territory mentlooed. In tna am referred to Monday mora' ins temperature ranging around nan prevailed. Thfk asornlng reporte bowed thermometer readings of from 8 to M a bar sere. Tna Black Hiila bad tha distlnctlea of being tha wannest spot. It being M abort at Dead stood and Lead Oty. while on the plalna north tf tna Hllla and around Bella Fourche It waa K above. ' From Cupar through to Lan der at to 5t degress abov aero waa re ported, while in Nebraska from - Long Mm west temperaturea ranged from a to and rapidly growing warmer. East ef Lone Pin, aa far down aa Valentine, report Indicated from to M above, practically tha came temperaturea main taming Into South Dakota aa far M gVlnaer. ' . Alone the northern portion of tha Bur lington system the weather at the hour of fltlag l fee reports for tha Omaha head- quarters waa much warmer than Mon day, the temperaturea - running from 30 to ii degree above. On the Union Pacific through western N break a tha temperaturea war from U to above, walla from Cheyenne west Ike range waa from II to eS. - Through Wyoming tha snow Is rapidly disappearing, the stream and gulnel be coming rivers, while the low places have suddenly become lakes. The marked change In temperature la aid to hare atartadlats Monday night, when tha wind veered around Into the west and began to blow a gal. Within an hour this wind warmed up and a few hour later It became a regular Chinook. D. A. R. DELEGATES TO THE t , , CONVENTION ARE. CHOSEN t Tha Omaha representatives to the twenty-first continental concrete of the Daughter of the American Revolution, to be held m Washington, D. C, next April, were alerted Monday at tha home of Mrs. Edward Porter Pack as folia ws: Mrs. J. I. Stubbs, regent es -officio; Mrs. A. L. Fsrnald, dele ate; Mrs. Oeorge B. Darr. regent's alternate; Mia Mary Sum ner, delegate's alternate: Mr. Charles M tvilbelm. regent's alternate's alternate; Mr. C. H. Ault, delegate's alternate's al ternate. The Interest of Monday' meeting cen tered an tha talk of Mr. J. 8. Barn of Kearney oa her "Personal Recollections ef -Lincoln." Mrs. C. M. Wllhelm Presided It tha program, which Included vocal solos by Mrs. J. H. ghary. accompanied by Mr. Kdllh Wagoner and a reading of "A Man Without a Country" by Mlas Ann Hob trie. ' The assisting hostessea for tha afternoon w Mrs. aV l. Barkalow, Mr. J. w. Orlflftn. Mr. William H. Heller, Mrs. J. I. Btubbs and Mrs. Walter Williams, FIGURE OF YESTERYEAR . J .WALKS OMAHA STREETS ' tome rubbed their ayes, others gesed In rapt wonder, and still others hurried (rant to inquire who thla man waa, Ba lore.them stood a ooloalal figure, a man af tha time of Oeorge Washington, lie a-aa . prettily and choicely garbed in sletbe of tha colonial period. Ha was a man of our forefathers' times. - He was en the 'streets of Omaha Monday and ke rat may be asen walking about, for he Is s renreseatatlv of tha Dundee) Woolen Mills, which firm I located at tha north west comer of Fifteenth and Harney streets. He la so well dressed and looks as murk like a man of the stirring days at yesteryear that on. looks upon him tor several mlnufs. Hi clothes were made by the Dundee Woolen Mill, a firm that fashions men' clothing oflb pres ent day to suit tna moat exacting taste. DAHLMAN TO SUB FOR , . RINE AT CONVENTION John A.' Bine) democratic delegate to (he state eentnl committee meeting at Columbus Thursday, will probably not at tend aed Mayor Dshlmaa will "sab" for tlm. C. K. Fanning will be la attsndanca It tb .convention. HOUSE IS RANSACKED , WHILEJAMILY SLEEPS ' The ' home of Mrs. Ida ' Lyons, let; Howard street, was entered by burglars Monday night and after remarking tha oka re K In cash waa tak-o- While the burglars worked the family stent. : DIABETES MELUTUS Patient Joseph Allen. Manufacturer, LeMinaswooo, see reey. . Case Diabetes Mellltue. ItagnosM by four phrstctan. Said the patient could not recover. Condition extreme, w-isM reduced from Ke to Id lb. Could hardly think, sleep or talk. Could not attend .to busi ness. The phvsMane were string opium to keep patient ootnfortabie until tha end came. The reco.err of a w-althv ledr in Ptill- adeUMila who waa also in the lest stag f the disease caused the treatment to .e enangeo. A fine recovery resulted. This waa all five veers ago. As showing the perman- eaee ef the results obtained Allen is at til well and attending to his manufacturing business at this writing (''III.' The agent employed In both case waa Fulton's Diabetic Compound. Laabste is now a cure We diss la Ir4e of middle age and over who have recapereUv power. The Compound can be had In your city at Sherman McConnetl Drag .'., for. !h end Dodge. Cor. lh and Hirer v. (V. Pith and FSmasa. JW- No. let a Bt, Loral Hotel - We will wall literature from this office and deatr to advise with every rase not jleldlng. Ktart letters with the aee. John J. Faltva Co.. Hi Lattery St.. Ban Ft inctsco. were f J ""i ON SPECIAL SALE WEDNESDAY Two Immense Lots of Women s Skirts A Manufacturer's, Entire Spring Sample Lines of Skirts. Also Fall and Winter Skirts . From Our Own Stock. Actually Worth Up to $7.53, at $2.98. Hundreds of pretty, practical, up-to-date walking skirt to se lect from every on a good, de Irable atyki many are the new est, cleverest iprlng model; cloth are fine voiles, chiffon Panamas, novel r cloths, corduroys, etc, ACTUALLY WORTH UP. TO $7.50 On Sale on Our Second Floor at I It I '''' . . Jnst Recivfld rrom Our Nw York Buyer FIFTY NEW PLUSH COATS , , These are all new styles and made of nigh quality plush. We will gall them at special prices. .The 125.00 Plush Coats will go for $15.00 The flt.oo plush Coats will go for 812.50" New Lots of Women's LINGERIE and SILK WAISTS Bought from the Shirtwaist Factory Purchase. Several hundred fresh, new waists of tailored lawns and dainty 2?.T?. HTT. .59c and $1.0. . New groups of spring styles In women's illk waists for ti AQ dress wear or tailored euits at. ,,,.,,,,,.,, leer 5 IW Ends of Mercerized .Table Dtmask On Sale Wednesday in Linen Dept., Basement. Remnants of' beautiful heavy gfade 'imported mercer-': - ued damaftk, in lenjrths of 1V2 to 5 yards a big bargain for Wednesday only at, yard. . 25c Expert Watch and Jewelry Repairing Doaa la This Store, Watches Cleaned 50 Mainspring for 50c Special for FEBRUARY ONLV. VALENTINES Thousand of the Prettiest Val- " entlne and Valentin Pnet Carls at price from..... la V9 Also a large variety of Valen tin Noveltlee and J-'avora lur parties. Next Saturday Will Be Our Great Special Sale of WOMEN'S KID GLOVES 8ee our great window display of thousand of pairs of Glove all importer's samples of French lambskin and rest kid made to sell at 11.16 to 3.00 a pairi Saturday they . go on bargain squares t ,llr , ltC BRANDEIS STORES M mm t he Spring Quarterly Style hook of the L'adiet' Home Journal Patterns is now on tale. With a ISc pattern only 20c s This . February Clearance of ours embraces so many lines of merchandise and such reliable qualities that it is bard to select any certain items for secia! consideration. During the month every one of our 55 departments will present something" jou need at a price that will greatly enlarge the possibilities of your purse. Your greatest op portunities are at this store. ' Don't miss a single announcement. TKm Annual Ftkraary Optning ana Sal a WMUt Walk Coade is SM in mnfTmm grass t esmefy mf ktamtifal Mrict, eaa of mtock enr Fdal mnc as aeeesr casiay it mrmtmmfd for ymr pyseecrien, ooon thoogk you ate mot mom wUk to mmrckm. AUo tht SaU of Hot and HoUom SOonum aoeeees isiany saarfcMsss targabii for tko toon of hoaatifut thinf tor tha tabJ: hojootigotZ 2 Corset Specials Lot Xo. One is com posed of eitra long skirt ed model corsets, well boned and supplied with, good, strong hose supporters. A favorite corset apeclally priced for ' Wednesday only at 7Sa Lot No, Two is made up of corsets of medium weight coutll with either a low bust or girdle top. Wednesday's special price 50c Complete line of brassiere- at 60c, 75c, $1.00 nd 11.16. f .XtaW aW A Clearing Fur Sets . ' These sell a re. made, of a very superior qual ity black coney fur,- well lined and finished.' The prices are for Wed-' nesday't selling only. $7.50 Muff s,S3.50 $10 Muff, $5.00 Large collarette, to match tha above muffs are reduced to ' (5.00 'or your choice. , At these prices It wlU be money earned to purchase now and save them for neit winter's use-although there Is much cold weather to come this season In which you will need just such sets as these. . Pure Food Specials for Wednesday Tea- alftlne-a -and 1 stamps, pound is Blsmerk preserve and Iftatampe. Jar .....see e-ls. ran Jersey Vatter. le re eoo Bennett's Excelsior flour per sack Sl.so full cream cheeae and 10 stamps, pound s t pound ran Bennett's Breakfast coffee and 40 etajnpa for ....gee IT lee. gr as slated ngar U.00 Assorted teas and stan pa, lb. ee Brncknort grated pine- aiiple-siie. lei offer of three cane for ...as I lbs 1r. Jan rice f or . . . (laniard's olive oil and to stsmps, bot tle for 4se I larse r.tna ' Cottage milk and t. atatnps for gso t cans extra whole tomatoes and 14 Btanipa lor SSe CMASfMY auTTsm raotaii BaVeral hundred pounda of freshly made Kearney rreamery hutter In pound urti-ke of guaranteed full weight -on sale Wednesday at Is the pound. Wednesday Meat Bargains 10-lb. pkg. Leaf Lard, $1.00 Hamburger, 3 pounds ..25c Pot Eoast :..8lac Shoulder Steak,. 2 lbs. 15c Ht-lb. aquar ran Hap-, py vaia green aspara .gua worth lea the ran. Wed nee-lay for . ...Saoi 0-le. aa Ameer Diip Trap aseelally priced at TS . I cans Bennett's rapltol Evergreen corn. end IV, foe so neiYEQETAm.r.t euicy cooking apples, peck ..30a 1 bunches of hot-house rad ishes for 5( Fancy hot house rhubarb, bunch 5g Fancy cabbages, lb 3 Fancy yellow onions, the ' P 40 Fancy cauliflower; lb. g)s Our famous Rrdlsnds or finges, per dozen 15 20 25 30 n -35 .1 QRRINE CURES WHISKEY AND BEER HABIT ORR1NR t the standard remedy and la everywhere recosnlsed the most successful and reliable home treatment for the ' Drink Habit." It I highly praised hv thousands of women, because It baa featured their loved onee to live of sobriety and usefulness, and the weekly asses which at one tlm were apent for "Drink- are now used to purchaee tha necessaries and many comforts for heme Any wlf or mother who wants to save her husband or eon from "Drink" will he glad to know that she ran purt hae OK1UNR at our store, and If no benefit la i btalned after a trial tha money will . r.rin.iea k. .m einstly. , uk,(im; i prepared In two form: S 1, secret treatment, a powder, ab solutely tasteless and odorless, given secretly In food or drink; ORR1NK Ho. 3. In pill form. Is for thoaa who desire to tske voluntary treatment. ei.ee per sua. ash ror iree ooosiet Ulllng ail about ORRJNK. Sherman & McGonnell Drug Co.. Cor. 16th and DocLre. Cor. 16th and Harney, Cor. 24th and Farnam. 207-9 No. 16th St.. Loyal HoteL 5. etf.t (wf (itW. CfeA. f '"' I 1 OMAHA'S PlUE FOOD CENTER 1 ! i W Wednesday's SPECIALS A Plans Complete for , Sir Baden-Powell Plana are complete for the visit to Omaha on February a of Oeneral Sir Baaea-rowMi, originator or in Boy scout movement and James B. West, bead of the boy scout la America. They will apeak at a luncheon at ta Commercial club at aosa. will addre a meeting of ' boys at tha Toung Men's Christian association hi tna afternoon. wlU attend a dinner In their honor at the Rom at , and will address the general public In the Auditorium it I, All w- rarigemeat are In charge of the Omaha Boy Sceut council, of which (Uv. at. o. Mcbsughlln Is cnalnataa. s. . ,, lis, e-easssa-assssjssssssssM OLD MAN IS FINED FOR CONTEMPT OF COURT ' "You're a Har! You're a liar shrieked Ferdinand Altman. a Raaetan. K years old. m Julge 'WIHIs O. Sears' court yes terday, when Charles r. Redmond I'nlted states naturattxatlon examiner tor Iowa and Nebraska, waa In tha middle of aa argument te the court In eppoelrtoe t tha appUcsrJoa ef ftolomoa Lsvck for adnrisstoa te dttseaship. Judge tteau fined AHmsn H and ea- tenord him te one day la the county Jail after adjudging him guilty of contempt ef ewart. Jack Johnson Will Spend Week in Omaha Jack Johnson, champion heavyweight pugilist of tha world, will com to Oman February It te begin a week engage ment at the Krag theater. The fighter will glv a twenty or thlrty-mlnut ex hibition at each performance, using the training partner who will work with him In his preparatory work for tha battle with Fireman" Flynn. cans beat Imported Sardines Me S largs cans 'Volumblne" Milk SSe 1 pkss. l orn Flakes U 1 kl. ran stapes and Can Molaa- aee '. .Tee 4 lbs. UScI Jap Rice ..Mo 4 cakes "Magic Washer" Soap tea I5c tin W hile Aeparasus ... .SO Unr Kdam cneeee. eacn . .. epicea t news, isc, sec, so Cheese, per lb. S&c New i ark Cream I heese. lb. See I i cottage Cheese, per pkg. 10 Oil Mince Meat, per Jar, IS, SSe. 60a Vt Bulk, per lb. .10 -3-e4 Our own make Peanut Butter, I per jar 0s, SSe, MM g Melon Mangoes, per doaen ... .So H runs nvm, tstajhxs Bellevue Celery Sta and so rtj g plain lsttluc 10 lrge Kdam Cheese, fig Pearse's Fancy rSplos 3 per Jsr 15 Domestic Swiss Chee II Sweef Potatoes, per lb Be 'avl O ranees, doc. 10c SOe, so ' FVeah Heachea, Pineapples. Htraw- K?rnes. Head Lettuce. X'ucum- , be re. Mushroom, etc ' iu svn oomi bpt. 7 ' Irfitue-Ankola" Coffea full, rich uouy ujieuueieu navor, lb., so "I.ot us'' Japan Teas are guarao- ee iree rrom ail coloring l'-r lb. 11c per lb. LIQVOM ' "Iiua Kentucky Whiskey I eara old: full quart ai.oo1 Nw,ram Whiskey, full qt ..TS Utraint Whiskey, full qt ...0 nerry Win, pt bottle. Me, See liwy Wine, qiierts so Won Tokay, pint Sec; qts...soe Port Wine; pints too, as I' jrt W ine, quarts Ms( (wfk (eiw tvivsv. Crii'Wk (wfvv. 1STULA-Pi, Wbea CURED Alt Kacuu Uissauee cam without a sarncal operatioo. Ma Chlorotorm, Etber or other gea- erai aavaastmttic ased. CURE GUARANTEED to last a UFB-TIM B. sjaTaxAMiMATioa pica. wmn pok book on piles and rectal diseases with testimonials DB. g. R. TAJMrr. 124 Rea RuOeSag. Oi FINAL CLEAN-UP SALE OF SEASONABLE APPAREL Th women of Omaha will long re member the great clean-up sale put on Isst year by th Orkla Douglas street store, as live valu were such a had never before been offered In this city. In another part of this Issue of The Bee sa announcement Is mad at a final and greater sale of women's sad misses' tailored suite at a price which should, smt no doubt will, pack this store with eager buyers. Everybody ehould read the story told In this sdvertlsement and tnea take ventags af th opportunity It reaent Is v money. BOSSIE HAS NEW MILK . . TESTER HE IS USING . sfErui e "F. mm i w jeu.a . ' iievwwr novate lias tOUSMS a new protesting- Ha said be never had aeea Inland successful metlml for determining JbN ta his sUty-fW years. . i iOie amount of sediment la milk. The eo1r- has been tried I Ma month with good results, lie has used K to test milk n several sallies m the city. The teeter win hold one pint of mint and by straining through a prepared cloth the eedim-et la separated from tha milk. "Too can tel." aaid Mr. Beast, "exactly how much dirt M hi milk.- He will use R in Inspecting creamery stock sod testing milk cold by the dairymen. ' I thmk there la something wrong with the asaa, aaid Examiner Red mood. 1 doubt if he Is responsible and I will ask the court to remit his fine." Piles ka.ll 0 Coal is Now Being v Rushed to Omaha With warmer weather general through out th central west th railroads operat ing la and ,out of Omaha hare again gotten their trains bark on schedule. At th Union depot trains are practically oa time and all line are reported clear of th drtrta that tied them up Sunday and Monday. Oa ail of the lines freight le again mov ing and dWayed eoal Is arriving la largs quantities, preventing all caslblllty of a famine In this commodity. Rabies Threatened by croup., cougt s or sold are soon re lieved by toe Bee ef Or. King's New tU coverr. ie cents and tl OX For sale by Beaton lrug Co. a REV. ALEXANDER CORKEY HELPS PAY FOR ORGAN Dr. Alexander Corker, th noted author of Nebraska, will deliver aa address at tha Teung Men's Christian assoctstloa Ion "The Truth About the Irtoh" Thurs i dsy evening. February S. under th ausptdea of the First German Presby terian church. .Aa admission fee of JS casta will be charged. The money obtained by giving this' en tertainment will go to th church to pay fur th Installing of a pip ergs a. A philanthropist has offered at Install an organ If the church ceo tributes p the remaining amount to be paid by him. which will be about thorn, Rev. Schwarx la hopeful . that . enough - ssoeey will be obtained from the lecture to complete the organ fund. - Person trouiiica wita partial aaralysia are often very much benefited by mas saging th effected part thoroughly when applying Chamberlain' Unlment This liniment also relieves rheumatic palne. For as I by all druggists. Have Ton Tried This? txeple Preeerlptiea Bald Te Work w sate ere lor Delightful Savings in February Sales Men's Shoes, Values npi to J4J0O, atl Tremendous Bargain Every ' Department" . , I ' . 1 : ' . - ' e '. ' . - Manufaclurers' Stock of Dress Skirts AS SHOWN U SIXTEENTH STREET WINDOW ; Voiles, PanaiHii;, Serges, Fanis, in aTl the latest mod.- 1 els, big ass'prtjment for j'fjur selection; special' purchase : ' ..J c i : 7-s"vv i. - ' ments'made to siell'ct $7'.(K) npAo $12.00; all in two bijj; 1 ( lots; Wednesdajyour choic, v 95$3 95 'Your Unrestricted Ctioics of . Our Entire Stock of Men's Fancy Suits and Overcoats Values up to (35.00, at 515.00--$9.50 Every wiuter weight suit and overcoat must -go .to- male xoomJ'ur.lli' npw spring stocks. Sale will continue till all are sold. Men's Winter Weight Trousers $5.00-$6.00 $4.00-$4.50 ' $3.0O-$3.S0 values at values at values at -$3.85 '" $2.85 1 ?1.85 All $2.00-$-J.50.values, choice $1.35 . Our Entire Stock of Winter Weights for Selection. ALL WOOL FRENCH SERGES AND BATISTES 5D to 75c a yard values 25 different shades for selection; just the right weight for spring dress, 100 pieces ; 40 a,! in the lot; at, yard. .... TvC, Now Spring White Goods Specials Wodnosday Sheer Lingerie Cloth, w.orth 20c a yard, at . .'.,12H:0 Sheer Lingerie Cloth, worth 35c a yard, at -18o Wjde Wales Bedford Cord, worth'55c a yard . -39c Pure Linen Automobile Cloth, worth 59c a yard.. 39c Pure Linen Automobile Cloths-worth 75c a yard".. 45() :.v..'jUft Sheer Flaxons, worth 25c a yard Sheer Flaxons, worth 50c a vard 25c PURE SILK IMPERIAL DRESS MESS ALINES Yarn dyed fabrics of beautiful texture, 3(J inches wide a beau tiful line of colors, a silk that always looks well and wears well; $1.23 a yard values, at THOUSANDS ARE SAVING FULLY 25 BY BUYING GROCERIES AT HAYDEN'S Tea eaa to the seats. Compere tbeee prtoee with the offered fcy thr. If th gaalitj oaasts. tee. IT lea. Bast trraanlatsd garsr (10 48-lb. sa.h bet high grade Olajnond II Famfr rlour, nothing Ilk It per iark, gl.l a lha. net White or Yellow Corn meal for It la bars Heat 'Km All or Diamond C Soap for ,....aa f lha. go,4 Japan Rice. ........ . tee I I he. besCRolletl Breakfast Oatmeal for i a Jrllrron or Jell-O, pkg.- Tkve Gallon ra ta Guldsn Table Svriip. M The best Tea Sifting lb..- 11.0 Th beat Jolden Han toe Coffee, lb. ate Bstias nvm' rom aavee, ran igfi oiin. Csllfornla Muscatel Cooking Raisins, per lb, 10 California Muscat.! SeedJeas Raisins, per lb. 10 California Cooking Figs, lb te Cleaned ..'urrants. lb lae The beet l,emon. Orange or Citron Feel, per lb. toe I pkga uest Condensed Mlnv Meat .for .. .' at aunt - atTTraa m rax wt . . . ' kUTTBsvrjlB. Cheaper and belter than lots of butter. t lbs. Good Butierine .-.Boa Iba. Oood Table Butterln;... ') .tte ! lbs. Fancy Table Butterlne. The Very Beet. 1 Iba for.... The Best Creamery Butter, lb.... (n namiu KXBZsrt or - - OkAsML - - - S bunches fresh Beets. Carrots, Tur- - -nlpat'ShsUor or Radishes for., .JOe Fancy Cauliflower, lb te 2 bunrhea fresh Parsley le Fancy Cabbage, lb ,.ae Large Cu'-umbera. each Ite, 10 1 head fresh Leaf Lettuce te $8.00 Felt Mattresses tt.Jtr;c Wednesday (an opportunity seldom equstlrTd -.' v Try HAYDEN'S; First WHY NOT LOOK TEN YEARSYQUNGER? ' The MminsrllA. ehnars h.l MnlT bs ar.-ompllshad lathe res'iorlng . '.' of th features 1 properly con- -',' - VTj structed srtlfarul'teM, 1 .have f I 1: 3U made a study - of ..tlus'.claea of -eork. Call and. e ni. H fees ..., : " are reasonable and If you ilnoi V,VV . aetlsriMl I chsree vAtt uihl.. , -e J -flr.,J.W.Mto . - . sTnsnTssaMsrt tea . t v" PLATE WORK tvift;..., , JVa , M Braadela Wd(, , eC; fclfe l Aniilcuu TeHS VSMsoel Kest.rstlee et Pestsras Fneae 1 Beog. geat (a AFPOiatmeat ' a ' . e ! My ttsMor4 fltM ' Tht ban bw wH known t th tmrt : Iociots lor reu a th quick and meat rrllevivt car olMmiiu.bt for rhu ! fMOfttn and barit-ct)L it haa bm pnhtlrM hTw for ev?ni vlntra aivl huiMir4i oi ttt wyr9t no rurrd hj- t ta a- ahort. lima. "Fram irow rirasjEwt i ax ona oanti of Tartu compound n . rtirti-tai Je?d patrkar? and on wirv f "e vjiwav twi i Tsaasaar 1 1 iel inTnpwrrj. Taka thtrn two Inf rtMiyiist botuo ami put O-tm Into-a kaif pint of rood am kr. is ha he hm bottle and tmka a tmh apnonful iMforo aarto meal and at bed time" ' Raoulta aMn th drat day if voor dracintn doa aot bava Tario Com pound la atork b aill u it a few houra froai him who hoi. Ivn t ba taifltianrotl to tako- anmo pateHit nid Hm Itwtead af this, tnatot oa hartna; ortjrtnai, oa oudc. snlrd. 9; oo NTins : led, Ue Best Sport News , in The Bee