Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 06, 1912, Page 9, Image 9

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The ee'g png MaazirlP ff.e
Hubby Should Have Read the Note Himeslf
Copyright. Kit National New Association
-:- By Tad
1XCTVIUI TO ne J-AWVl-S AhO I COO.T OWlCCl etsTXaT A0 f,oo M K - 6ojw 1 1 v I
ICANTkAvKM fCT-MOCAftV I'"- CJVJY MawVD MM A UTTLE ) NfOife J ) ar Nlfl HOe0 W 1 V
I iNrHrovcNy,m.TeH. J tM6 autTT-&moncw UtMv.Tvp) mot fc I
' 1 1 1 ' -- I ' -J
A Discourager of Divorce J
Th trouble with the crusade against
divorce ha been that it began at th
wrong ni It (ought to rivet matrt
, monlal misery on people Instead of try-
Hag to prevent It.
All the preaching
against divorce ha
i baea Ineffectual be
icaus reason
I showed that no
i good could coma
I of forcing a man
i and woman who
hated each other,
and who brought
out all that waa
worst In each
other's naturae, to
Jlv together In A
marriage that
made life a purga
t o r y to them.
Common sense de
clared that It waa
batter for such
people to part and
go their separata ways In peace. It
was better for their children, better for
society, better even that a homo of dis
cord should be broken up than that It
ahould mist as a family battle ground.
Therefor It has been perfectly evi
dent to everybody, except th reformers,
that what ailed th domestic situation
waa not so much divorce as marriage,
and that Instead of more stringent di
vorce law we needed more stringent
marriage laws. Moreover, that th only
way to stop divorces waa to keep people
from wanting them.
Personally. I hsve long held to the
opinion that It should be as trouble
some and expensive, and take as long
tune, and a much Investigation Into
a I) the circumstance and characters
concerned. In order to get a marriage
license a It does to get a divorce,
and that It should be as cheap and
easy to get a divorce as It Is to get a
marriage license.
It Is consoling to learn that, at last
the lawmakers are beginning to realise
that th only sensible way to deal with
the divorce problem, and at least, to make
marriage a contract that requires as
much consideration and red tape as It
does to mske out a dg license, or to be
bound over to keep the peace.
To this ens' the Massachussrts legis
lature has passed a law that puts an
end to the thrilling elopement and the
romantic hasty marriage.
Under this new law, which went Into
effect on the first day of January, anyone
wishing to marry must file a notice of
Intention. After that he must wait full
five day before he can get a license
During these five days the parents, guar
dians or the relatives, or any previous
husband or wife of the lovers, can come
and ask Question and register objections.
Phoukt they have a Justified objection, or
should either of the twain be too young,
or otherwise unfit, no license will be
granted them to wed.
There will be no escape In New Eng
land from this law, a Maine, New
Hampshire, Varment and Rhode Island
nave passed similar marriaga law.
Would that every tat In th I'nlon
would follow the example of the New
England state and pees similar laws
It would do mora than anything else In
th world toward wiping Reno off of th
map, for It would put quietus en those
Impulsive souls who marry In haste and
repent at leisure, and cumber th divorce
courts with their domestic woes.
It Is a crime that a silly young girl,
with her head full of novels, should be
able to Mart out for a ride and com
back married to her chauffeur or groom,
or that a callow college boy, who has
had too much to drink at a frolic can be
kidnaped and married by some adven
turess while bis wit are so befuddled he
doesen't know what he's doing.
Tet these things happen every day, and
they not only spell tragedy for th In
dividual, but for th families of th no
tim of these fool marriages, which should
never have taken place, and whleh th
New England law will not prevent.
A atatlstlcan. who has mad a study
of the divorce question, says that he
finds that In almost three-fourth of
divorce cases the marriage waa an elope
ment, or else one or both of the con
tracting parties were very young. Gen
eral observation will bear out this state
ment, and It shows how Important It Is
to prevent th hssty marriage.
1'eople who are entering Into a con
tract that la to endure long aa their
uvea last, and whose consequence
stretch out to eternity, need time to
'think It over. They need the cold gray
ngnt or day in which to consider It,
as wen aa the rose scented, passion
laden atmosphere of th ball room.
They need time In which to figure out
the cost of what they are about to do,
and If they were forced to take even
the five days' deliberation on th sub
ject that the law requires In New Eng
land, many and many an llfated wedding
would never take place.
And Just think of the misery that
would be prevented by the making public
of all applications for marriage licenses!
Think of the parents who, being warned
in time, would be able to sAve their
children from committing matrimonial
suicide! Think of the bigamous mar
rlagea that would be prevented, and of
the young girls whose lives would be
saved from shipwreck by the suppression
of the secret marriage! These three
things alone would rut the divorce cal
endar In half.
The greatest need In America today Is
for uniform marriage and divorce laws.
New England has biased the trail of
matrimony by enacting a ear! marriage
law. 1-et us hops that every other state
will follow In her wake. And If you
make the marriage law right the divorce
law will take care of Itself. You won't
need It much, anyhow.
Jt J J art
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Nature's Airships
HOW tO Keep YdUIlg and Pretty Skipping Rope Exercises
"Skipping rop will give you all
the exercise yon need."
"It if much more .mating' thin
running and jumping."
"The corpulent woman it t blot
upon the landscape."
"There are many wayi of getting
very body who has seen an aeroplane
IK flight, and more particularly the mono
plane type, baa been struck by the re
semblance to either a bird or an Insect
This Is no accidental resemblance, and It
Is likely to be-
more pro-
ounced as soar
ing machines are
We are arriving
where nature has
gone before us with
her lnged type of
anlma, . There Is
aometb Mr to be
learned from a
study of the way
In which nature's
airships were developed-
8he. like
Her Imitator, man.
learned to fly last,
and aha bad the
name difficulties to
overcome that be baa had.
One of the most Interesting discoveries
that geologists ever made waa the' fact
that for millions had probaMy hundreds
of mtilleoa of year after the earth
became aa Inhabited globe there were
no flying creatures. It appears that
living beings began their career in
water, then crept out on the land, and
finally learned to fly In the air.
The ancestor of the bird was the rep- j
tile. Tbej first birds were simply flying '
reptiles, and the birds of today retain
the insignia of their reptilian ortgla.
Nature s first attempts in this direction
were curiously like our own, and almost
as timid. The first remains of Dying
creature discovered In the rocks were so
much like those of reptiles with teeth
and reptilian limbs and heads that geolo
gists, for a time, were almost at a loss
where to place them. Nature evidently
experimented for ages before she over
came the difficulties which her own lews
placed In her wsy. 8he turned limbs
into wings: she Introduced, or varied the
form of Joints and sockets; she hollowed
out bones to make them at the same time
light and strong, and she chose, finally,
the smaller types of reptiles, and made
them. In some cases, smsller yet in order
that they might rise in the air. She
altered the heart action; she Introduced
feathers, and made many other changes
which resulted In the perfected bird.
af an attacks the same problem from a
different side. He cannot make himself
smaller and lighter, and he cannot grow
wings and feathers, but. sppealinc to tbe
laws of mechanics, just aa he has done
in so many other ways, be makes a
machine that will ride In the air. For the
strengthened and more quickly acting
heart of the bird he substitutes light
and powerful engines; for wing, aero
plane and propellers; for a tail, rodders,
la every direction, however, be finds that
nature has bees before him: only he
dares what sbe did not attempt; he defies
the law of gravitation farther thsn she
did. and Ids aeroplanes are comparable In
magnitude and weight with the flying alli
gators Which nature, bowing to ber aeif-
fixed limitations, did not undertake to
produce. j
But tbe aeropiane of tociy is only a
"bird-reptile "a first attempt the me
chanical eagle and larks will arrive
Today I am going to write for the fat
Tea, f know, I sm not fat myself.
I never wss, and Heaven preserve me
from ever getting fat. for I am afraid
a fat Gaby would not be a success. o
you see I hsve thought a great deal
about it. and that Is why I sympathize
so with the women who let their lines
slip away from them and develop bil
lows Instead of curves.
There are many ways of getting thin,
but the very simplest Is not to let your
self get fat. I know that sounds ab
surd, but there is a great deal In It.
for you don't get fat all of a sudden,
and amiable friends are sure to tell you
on the very instant that you develop
half a pound of superfluous flesh.
A certain amount of flesh, even when
It begins to reach the fat slate. Is not
unattractive: but alas, the res II v cor
pulent woman Is sn affliction to herself
and a blot upon the landscape. Too see
very few comparatively young women, in
Paris, wbo allow themselves to get very
fat Tbe young matrons, as you call
them over here, whether they have
children or not and meaning, I am told
young married women, are far too vain
to let themselves grow fat or lose their
i i '
4 i
it j
The French woman eats lean s-t,
and there la far Its candy bojtht In
Parlji than in New York.
While we are not an athlrtic race,
th French woman dftes like to walk,
and If she la a good housekeeper she
attends to her own marketing; every dy.
because In France we have no Ice boxes.
getting loo stout by more vigorous ex
ercise, such aa running and jumping.
You do not need to go out of doors
to run and Jumjt; you don't lined to go
out of your own room or to step off
of a smalt rug five feet square. Just
stand in one itpot and raise the feet
quickly, pt'tHng them down In the same
place, first one foot, then the other, aa
if you were running hard, but don't set
off of the original spot on which yon
You can jump In tba same way. It
soands funny that you can stand still
and Jump, and If you do It a great
many times you will succeed In jumping
off few ounces every day. and reduce
your weight. considerably.
I have several friends who amuse them
selves and reduce their weight at the
s me time by a skipping rope, just aa
the children do. This Is really great
fun and would be the first exercise that
I would do If I thought I needed to
lose a pound or two. As It Is, I some
times Indulge In It
Skipping rope is much more amusing
than the running and Jumping exercise.
as a general rule, and everything; has to tand after you have skipped a hundred
be bought fresh every day. This makes times or more you will have all the
her morning one of constant exercise, j exercise you need, both tt the arms,
and she supplements this, if she is ; e- aaJ bedy
The Hungry Stenographer
I read your articles with much Interest
and noticed recently that you condemn
the stenographer. , Now you are probably
secure in your position, but I wonder If
you realise that perhaps this same stenog
rapher has no other alternative.
I myself will In
future give Ih wo
man the benefit of
the doubt . every
time, and whyT Be
cause I realise
what they are
struggling against
and I could find
it In my heart to
hat you for con
demning something
you know nothing
something I know
nothing of? Is that
It. little girl? All
because I said
no woman who
cam willingly between a man and nia
wife was a woman to be admired or
trusted even If she did happen to be the
man's tenographer?
Well, well, how Interesting It Is to see
th .different points ef view, IS be sure.
' Now I know stenographers, hundreds of
I hem. and every on of them good girls,
honest girls, self-respecting girls. ,
I wonder bow they would like your In
ference that the only way to make suc
cess In business Is to sell yourself for
It or Hi a week and work hard to earn
the money besides T I'm afraid they'd
say that the thing that alls you Is that
you are Incompetent not perhaps faultily
so, you mar be too weak or too III or too
Ignorant to be a good stenographer, but
still Incompetent. And of course when
a girl Is Incompetent she has to mak th
best of a very bad bargain.
Hungry are you, and doaperatat Poor
girl, I wish I knew where you were. I'd
like to Spend the day with you right now.
The first thing I'd do would be to have :"
a good oubetantlal luncheon, then we'd'
see about a decent room somewhere and -then
we'd talk It all over, tbe foolish
c roes-eyed way you have of looking at-
Get on In business by being a silly "'
llttl thing for sale to th highest bidder?
Not In boneet business, my dear, not In''-:
honest business. "
These men you've seen aren't repre-''
sentntlve of a class, they're lust a sort
of parasite on th real business com :
munlty. There Isn't much work to do In
their offices or they would want a cap--r.r
able stenographer and on who was there .
to work, not to flirt r
Forget thsm, honey, forget them. Every jr.
woman with her way to make In the...
world meet these absurd creatures once
In a while, yes absurd, for they ars "
really nothing but very bad Jokes. Don't
laugh with thsm, laugh at thsm, that.., .'
will soon bring thsm to their senses.
And whisper, study, work. How many
words can you take In a minute? fan
you spell? DM you ever hear of th
president of th United States? Who's
Rockefeller, and how do you spell tlm?
Are you good humored, tidy, obliging. '
quick. Industrious? iDo you like to work? "
These are the Important things for you
to think of, not what, sort of men you. "
have to work for.
You'll get plenty of work when you are
competent to do II, and If the man who '
alvss it to you Is a doddering old fool,
or a feather-headed young one, tell him
quite calmly that you have no time for
nonsense, smile In friendly raahlon, and
go on with your work. He'll be th best
friend you ever had, see If he Isn't
There's 'no time In modern business life
for offended dignity, no time for air and
graces, n time for even hurt feeling
and wounded pride. There' Just lira for
work and smiling and seeing the world
a It Is. not' as you'd like to think it a
huge hunting ground, with all th men '
on earth chasing poor little timid you.
Don't run so hard, sister, they'll noon
stop trying to ostoh you If yon Just stand
still and let them run by. Try It and see. .
W -e
' 1
The French Alliance
February ,-lTT.
Th French alllaucs. which so matcr
Islly a Iced In the establishment of the
Independence of the United tatea of
America, wis officially declared this day,
i:i year ago
February t, 177.
Into th making
of th famous
agreement, that
cam so oppor
tunely for th
struggling Ameri
can patriots, there
entered three fac-turs-tbs
ms! tact snd
p e r s s v ranc of
Uenjamln Frank
lin; th real, gen
uine sympathy of
the French people, and the political mo
tives of the French government
The king and his cabinet rand not a
rtih for the American cause. Vergenns,
than whom a craftier and more unprin
cipled minister never lived, would not
have lifted a finger to assist us hsd It
not been for the fsct thst he hated
Knglsnd, and hoped, by helping us, to
find eoms way of getting back at that
power for having driven the French out
of Canada. Hut for that thought Louts
and his minister would never have con
sented to the alliance.
Franklin, whose astuteness was on a
par with his loce of country, understood
the situation perfectly. He knew that
the French government did not care a
fig for .American success; ami also he
knew that while the French people sym
pathised with ui. that that sympathy
would have but little weight with the
Versailles politicians; so the only thing
be could do was to keep that wonderful
tongue of his busy encouraging the court
gentlemen In thinking thst by helping the
United Ststea to beat England they would
be putting France In a position to retrieve
some uf the honors sbe hsd lost by the
Fesce of Parts In 173.
And gloriously well did our grand old
Benjamin do his work. His massive
brain agile as It waa powerful kept that
honeyed tongue going In season and out
of season, with the result that Vargennes
was won over snd the treaty secured.
There can be no doubt that the French
alliance was ef Incalculable benefit to us.
Flsk remarks: "Both in Itself and In
the European complication to which It
led, the action of France very scrlousiy
crippled the efficient military power of
England. It locked up and neutralised
much British energy that would other-;
wlss have been directed against th Amsr- ;
leans." Jn addition w must reckon on-.'
the direct benefit that came to us from-Y,
th ,M r J.wq soldier that were sentw
over by France, who. In conjunction wlthnee
the French fleet, did such splendid ser-.i-I
vice at Yorktowa. A,
It Is possible, and probable, that we,:
could have won our Independence without,;
the French alliance', but It I certain thaty
without uch alliance the war would not
have ended when It did.
To Pair of Mosquitoes
(Two mosquito larvae which had lain irs.'i
the rock deposit of Braall for Wa.OM
estlmated-years, were recently batched J
out In Washington.-Nsws Item.) ,--For
a.OuCOjo yreri
They say you lay
Safe from all earthly yea.' s.
Xnug tucked away. ,
How proud you must have Km
To wake at last
Ancestor of your kin
One with the past. "
They killed you when they beard
Vour noisy breath
Tour longing wide deferred
To scatter death;
They took Be sporting chance
Strange talks to glean;
They snuffed out your roman.e
And closed the seen. t
. A.
And yet you might have dune
Much for mankind.
Now that tbe age has run
Ho much to mind;
Tou might have left soms sign
Or swollen crawl
To show by what design
too lived at all.
Telces ef tbe Mgbt.
"Whip Poor W s,
"Joha. I Just knew yon forent ta thnmt.J
the bait en fh blinluB ..
"The :3 train la reported an Umt,'ZL
"Can I stand la your store a little
while, mister? I'm wsltin' for aa Elton
avenue car." .-..,
"fay. you feller over there: 'a f-cent
drink don't entitle yon to M cents' wutli
grub!" - - - i',
-Hello! . . .'Tea, this Saoodie. '
. . Tes, I was m llttl mixup thlr '
evening, but for heaven' sake don't aa i'
anything about It In tomorrow nvjrnlfc
paper:" Chicago Tribune.