THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1912. Well, YouVe Got to Hand it to Jeff for Trying, at that By "Bud" Fisher i - . - 'J 1 " I s -s. I f HM6rwT Swt-N H Fo. ) I s. IfMiNKOP f LrtTlN, HfJ Tn. CuTtVr y JfMV TO T Sfeg I ( ClCHaVfyj TK? . o ' UTTLS YoWtfeVred fOwew. j Mv at Tbtvr. Now V ri OTlfcT UTTXC ""v-. I 1 8 ' ' ' MAY BRING JTHE AYIATORS President Seright of Aero Clob to Call Meeting Soon. WILL DISCUSS GUASAXTT FCUD Plan to to Baack at Ikyfller Make Tear at Omaka, Chicago aad A tea Pear Other CHI.. Praidot J. J. Derlfht of the Aero auk at Nebraska will cell a meeting of business nwa seen to d-urmlne whtthar Osiah will rata tha tuna neesry to guarantee a run by a bwvy of aviator whom Harold MoCormlck of Chicago pro. poaaa to send out Bast aummar. Mr. MoOormlck propo that tha circuit b mad to Inelud Chicago, Omaha, Kan aka city. St. LouU and Indianapolis, stops to ka aiad at (II thaa eltlea. Ha think these eUlo and tha town aver which tha kyfllor will paa Van rata mouth money to make It Worth whll (or tan or twelve aviator to mak tha trip. Ia Chicago laat wk President Derlght triad to (lad Mr. MoCormlck to Uarn mora about bl plan nd t aararuln what tha othar cttM propose 10 do In tha matter, but though Mr. MoCormlck alao triad to (lnd biro, thay war unabla ta moot. Mr. Derlght, howvr. talked with Mr. McCormicir assistant, wbo thought I10.00 would b abeul th propor mount (or Omaha. "This would b to much," aald Mr. De light, but 1 Unsglns ta man bad bl fig ure to bUrb. Ha aald many of th town between th point of control woro bid ding ualut aeb otnar t hav tha aviator com tbir wy, and 1 baliav that with th amount ot monay thay will ralaa It wtU not b aacoaaary lor Omaha aad to othar tour eiuaa chlatly Intar astad ta raiae any auoh um a 11AM." It I baUavad by mmbr ot th Ar tab that larg numuar ot Sbraaaa wduM oorea to Onai tor th pnviiog ot a,iing th cvotutiaaa ot a oompany ol awiator.. Eourke Favors the bong Dan reason w. a. Hourka ownar ot tha Omaha wil alub. latt lat Bight lor r-kaa. wkar ha will attand tha moat' lu of th shdul MauuiM ot th WaMara iaacu. which oooraoa Waaaaa day moraina. Pa Sourk b la favor of tha lavgam obduio and will vol tor It M th mating. Ha, howwror. I kv.raa ta taa tour-trip plaa. auab a wa triad ut but yaar and found a flbanolai tall ara, H aay than as UtU doubt but what th tat-gam aobadul wlU b aaVoptad without aay troubla. and k n) imoat aartala th four-trip plan will k oao away with. Kaurka baa draws up a, aehadai which b will aubmlt at tb WOELD'S GEZAIXST BASE BALL PLATES OH SUCCESS Tyru Raymond Cobb, world' graataat baa ball playar and crack outflaldar of th olHrolt Ttgara, -who daclara that th main factor In hi ue la "modra Uon In all thing." Tr aay that h natlhar moke nor drink to sc, al though ho can anloy althar one ta a whlla. Boom I th wont thing (or an athlata, particularly a ball playar, who ba to kp bl ay claar, aoconltng to th groat aluggar. Thrfor Ty make buttarmllk hi (avorlt bcvarag moM of th tint. CONKLIN SHOB BEST FORM, CMcagt) SilliaTd Player EuilY Lcaii the Field. WlilS . TST GAME PLATED rrcy rolllaa Nay Bo AM to Warry latoraatlaaal Champloa Mttlo, bat Exparta Da Mat . Thlak , NEW. TORK, Fab. I.-Bllllard aiparta rarlawlng tonight tb flrat wk ot play la th national araataur elaaa A 111 balk Una championahlp billiard toumamtnt bar had UtU troubla Id elaaatng th work of Charlc P. Conklln of Chicago a aally th bt and moat eonltnt of any competitor. Th Inuroatlonal cham pion won vry gkm In which h oom pated. Ho ha defaalad Dr. WalUr O. Douglaa, Joaopb Mayar and Dr.. W altar C t'ffanhalmcr. but many baliav that Farcy Collin, th youthful (allow towna maa of Conklln. will glv him trouble. Collin baa hung up to tb record' high average of (h tournament with U lf-P). and hi beat run la 77. J. Ferdinand Poggenberg, Morris D. Brown and Collin are tied (or oond place, each woth two victories and on defeat. Th three are playing la eplen dld form, although Poggenburg Baa dla p!ayed a pro penalty to tall down' on hit cuahlon (hot when th lvea)e are rolling badly tor him. 1 ' Th atandlng: 1 11 Nam. C. K. Conklln J. F. Pocevnburg M. D. Brown P. rollln J. Mar Dr. W. B. llffenhelmer.. Dr. W. O. Doulaa Won. Loet 1 1 1 I I FOUR BASKET BALL GAMES FOR TONIGHT of kaakat ball will be Blared ta tha Trl-Clty brngu thl van- lac three at tha local "T" gymaaaiam ad as at th University of Omaha. reUowlng la tha ashodiy: t kjaal gymnaaluni Omaha High aobaoi agaiaat Belleru. (twa gam), Cneghtaa agaiaat Council Bluff Touag Maa Cbrtetlaa a nrlailoa At Varraratty at Omaha-Pirate gainst Vntvamty ot Omaha. S ST. JOE FIRST BASEMAN TO BE MARRIED TODAY mt. JOWOPK M Pah. l.-(8telal Tl- grsBVrt-WUllam Baker Bortaa, star first ! eaiiki f tb Drummar and a recruit ml tha Cbisaga While go. wlU b mar rted bar tamerrow morning to MU Peul Inarai. a Baaaiher at M. Joseph' nan an set. Tb earemony will tak place at tb abmopal oh urea. PHILLIES RECEIVE SEVERAL MORE CONTRACTS wnmrAr.wTJMiAl rh. lTb Phtla adlphla Matlnal leagu eluk aaBouseed teaar It had received tb signed en tracts g Cbartee C Cravath. th heavy Mtttac atfWdar of th Mir see poll dob; Utah t Tkoaaaa Sextoa at tha Pwtkkaa. (bm. Ill, aad Haretd Ireland. Ik fielder, mt miklasvlUo. Ky. Omaha High to Play with Lincoln Five Th Omaha and Unooln High school hav again resumed athletic ralktlona, tb managenMnU of th twa ochools having reached aa acrae mailt to play two baa- kt bail gam thl winter, one at th Capital city and th other at th local -T" gymnasium. Following are IB data for thl year' floor gam: Feoruary is, Omaha High acbool agalnat Unooln High, at Unooln; March t, Unooln High against Omaha High kt Omaha. Piollmlajary Debate at Valaatlae. ViUurilNI. Nab.. Feb. l-tipaclal.)- Tb preliminary oontsat for a plc la th district debate w held at Qulglcy nail Frtdar night. There ware eleven etuoanta In th debate, their name being: Bpary Gardner, George Kiwycia. Mary Jaooba, Fay MoCleilaad. Ouaele Onett, Char lee Black, Clara Van Meter, Bdlth Kauogg. Clareoo Halay, Albert Cbnstusen. Lawreaoe FUo and Olady Jacksos, Tb queetloa tor dabat wa. "Resolved. That tha Movement ot Organised Labor for th Cloeed Bhop Should Raoetv tb Bun- port of Public Opinion." Thar wer four ob tb affirmative and eeven oa the negative. Th debate wa held to pick out th tour best speaker to represent th Valtntln Htgh school at Atkinson 0NU. Th winning tudnU are Lawrence Rio. Clarence Haley. Cler Van Meter aad Oeorg Krayclk ta sub stltute. . bil mall line at Maeeaaa RATBOtA. rtabx. Fv b-(8pai--Tk taat weak warn basket kali wash tar tha Tlsik enheils Oa Taarsdajr both th boys' aad th ttrss teases went I Oraad lataaa. tb baya Crasa RavaBaa s amis by a Mere of M h t aad tb gtrhi loaUkg by a soar f 4 bs ftX Friday tha beoV team waot ta Boaraa, where a wail Bislnbit gaaaa was pkvred. ketag a tX at tb and f th sunt balf. aad after unaldirsbU extra Use had beea played tka Rasatasb kor wwa kyll JB. I asm abijBl gsieaaa at turns TbaBBsr west f b at fawar sf Bka Raw. . AUJAlKm. Kek, rw. .. HI - Tha SIBsmik Has. Him ins l eamei ban baa eaaflv direalid tha rtTV tram fnaa I slsns- en aba taral Hoar Prway airrrar ebawajcbaaw. anal libiefb una vwv aMabs amealebetaaw SUCCESSFUL INSTITUTE - HELD AT WEST POINT WEST POINT, Fkb. t- Special. -Th Cuming County Farmer' Instltut. Just cloaed, was th most successful gathering sf It kind ever held In the Bounty, and r(ct great credit upon th effort of Dr. H. U Wll, tb aecretary. Th at' ten danos at th two days session . wa very larg and mucb Interest wa shown. especially by th ywingsr farmers, rfh program was aa follows: "Sou Fertility and Proper Tillage," Prof. C. O. Mar. hall, Uooaln; "Poultry Raising on tb Farm," J. C. 'Oppsrman, Department of Agiioultur. Washington, D. C; "Poultry Industry of th United Stat, Prof. Op- perman; "Th rarnW Fruit OanUn,' Prof. C. O. Marshall; 'Th Silo," Prof. Hull. Alma; "Th Alfalfa Problem," Hon. C. Oraff. Bancroft; "Breeding and Feed ing Hog for Profit." Prof. Hull Mis Louis (labia ot Beatrice addressed th member of the Institute upon th aub Jacta, "Helpful suggestions for th Buay Houeewlfe" and "What We Owe ' Our. salvaa" To proceedings wore enlivened with stereopttoon vlewa and aorae ot th kMtur Wer Uluatrated with moving picture at tha local theater. Vary Rev Joseph Reusing wa elected president tee th eneulng year aad Dr. H. U Wall aecretary. I FORMER HAMILTON COUNTY JUDGE IN PENITENIARY w am naa , UNCOLN. Feb. !.- Special Telegram.) Joeaph Bdmiaston, formerly county Judge f Hamilton county, was brought to the penitentiary today to serve a term for mbeatlemnl of funds which cam Into hi possession by virtu of hi of fit. Smuel S. Fales Dies at Home in Ashland ASHLAND, Kcb.. Feb. (.-(Special Telegram.) AfW a long Illness, Samuel & Fairs, a resident of Ashland sine int. died at his bom In this city Mon day morning aged about 7 year. He cam to Nebraska from Rhode Islsnd la the early days of ths town and was engaged In the general merchandise business. He was a vestryman of Bt. Stephens Episcopal church. The funeral will ba held at t o'clock Wednesday. Th body will be taken to hi birth place. Warren, R. I., for Interment, ac companied by Will Baxter of Omaha, who I a nephew, and Mrs. Fales. De ceased 1 aurvtved by his wife, eon and one daughter. Mm Frnk Ledwllh of Ashland. NEBRASKA CITY PIONEER MINISTER IS DEAD NEBRASKA CITT. Neb.. Fell 8. (Spe cial.) Elder John T. Fmlth, pastor of th Christian church, died Saturday at hi bom south of ths city and his funeral was held thl morning and hi body wa taken to Keneaaw, Neb., where It v placed to rest beside that of a grand daughter, who died a (ew year sine. The debased was born In Rushvlll. IIL. Jan nary U, Mil, and In 1M enlisted and served In th civil war. After th war he attended college and graduated aa a min ister and ha been preaching sine that Urn. H ha been a resident of this city for twenty-eight years and eignt veara of that tlms was pastor ot th church here. He Is survived by hi widow and tha following children: Aus tin M. Bmlth of Greeley. Colo.: Mr. R. J Latta of Keneaaw, Dr. Hal. G. Bmlth of Franklin and Bert C. Bmlth of Uncoln. He eras held In high esteem by all and one was on of th charter members of th Grand Army of to Republic post of this city. JURY IS DRAWN FOR FURNAS DISTRICT COURT BEAVER CITT, Nob.. Fb. I -(Special.) -Judas B. B. Perry has set his first tsrm of district court for Fuma county to be held at Beaver City, commencing reorw ary la, Th following I th Ut of the jurymen drawn for ths tsrm: Ralph Wal ters. Arthur Bird. Mlron Bamonos, new nth Baboock, Wesley Lapton. Simon Caress. Mllo Miner, John PywU. William peed era, J. W. Robert, "am Haywood. Fltchr Oranstaff. O. A, Bard. Ed Ksse tr. Lee Samples. George New. John Horn. Oscar F. Moot. Tom Dswls. J. I Planer, Frank Msyer. J. W. Meader, F. W. Clarln. N. B. Huffman. Tha docket contains eighty-four raeea. and ther will b a number of these tried by Jury. -. Ooldea Weddlsa at Rekraaka City. , NEBRASKA it TT, Neb, Feb. I fSpclaJ.-Enll Rlbr and wlf yetr day celebrated th fiftieth wadding an nlvrsary In a ult manner at their bom In Ibis city. Mrs. Rslber ta th only stater of th lata Paul Bchmlnk and wa married to Mr. Rlbr at Wash ington, a. and cam to thl Hty a hort tins afterwards and Mr. Relber n saaed la tb milling bualnaM with bis brothr-lB-taw and a few year sines retired and has Aeen living a almpl Ufa Their marriage, wa blessed by tw chlldrsn. who died s few year since, and they hav one grandson, who resides in th western part of the atata Plan to Form Iowa State Ball League IOWA CITT. Ia,- Feb. S.-SpecleJ Telegram.) A meeting of Iowa City business men will be held tomorrow to elect representative to a mas meeting of delegate from Cedar Rapids, Water loo, Iowa City and Marahalltown, at Cedar Raplda to begin organisation of a new Iowa Mat has ball leagu which It Is planned will consist of teams from th town mentioned and others of this section of th state. ' Beldea H1U of Cedar Rapid head th movement. SPANISH-AMERICANS OF BEATRICEFORM A CAMP BEATRICE, Neb., Feb. 6.-Speclal.-Vhe Spanish-American war veteran ot this city met In th Commercial club rooms Saturday evening and funned an organisation to be known as Camp Macy No. 8. Tliea officer were elected: L W. Colby, department commander; L. B. Blood good, senior vie commander; WlU Hall, junior vie commander; 8. F. Nich ols, officer of th guard; A. 8. Wada worth, officer of the day; J. R. Quota and Martin Ossowskl, trustee. Th ap point Ivs officers sre: Charles L. Brewster, adjutanu J. R. Brown, quartermaster; Rev. Charles Melville, chaplain; Dr. C. P. Fall, surgeon; A. H. Holllnginonh, ser geant major; Fred Blck. quartermaster; John B!rk, color sergeant. The camp was mustered In by Adjutant General Phelps. The ramp resolved to assist th Grand Army of th Republic In every posslbls wy In their encampment to be held her In May. Th Spnlsh-Ameiican veterans' encampment will be held In Beatrlc April M and 17, and an effort will be made to bring many veteran to Beatrlc for th occasion. HASTINGS MAKES MANY GIFTS TO LOCAL COLLEGES HASTINGS, Neb., Feb. S.-(8pecll.)l-A statement baa been prepared which shew that th people of Hasltnga hav contributed approximately S210.0M (or Hastings college sine th Institution wa founded thirty years ago. it 1 believed her that no city ta Nebraska ha oon wibuted mora la th (am length of tlm to th support of aay educational Institu tion. Beside aiding materially In tba raising of funds for now buildings and for th endowment th people ot Hastings have -oa numerous occasion mad pe al ai donation to discharge th Institu tion's accumulated debt. Only recently A. L Clark donated IS. Out to th college, which wa mora thaa wa derived from th Presbyter) an synod during all of last year. In vlw ot tha loyal support tb people hav given they are anxiously awaiting action by th synod relatlv to th futura of th Institution. . -7 Walt Rant at Craig:. CRAIG. Neb.. Feb. t.-&pwciai.)-nAt a welf hunt aoutb aad west at thl city Friday twa oe rotes wer captured. The oojrotcs ar becoming quit a Biilaano In this Motion and farmers ara taking an In ta rest In having them destroyed. II eel aaa Dtea Proas Rzpasar. MINNBAFOU8, Feb. (.Exposure to day caused the death of Mrs. Marv " ' ertaoa. aged 71, who tor th last thirty rears ha lived tb life of a recluse. u found ther wassa fuel nor food In the Wit Hist at Jobasoa. TABLE ROCK. Neb., Feb. .-8peelsJL) A wolf hunt scurred her on Friday which attracted quite a large crowd. A coyote wa soot and killed near th Hr rick farm, some tour mile north of town. During tb wild clua th bora f Ora Cruder tell throwing bis hndar- th and ha suffered quite a severe scalp wound, which rendered rt necessary ta hav several stitches taken to no th wound. Quit a snowfall occurred bar Friday night, and with a high wind prevailing It drifted quite badly. In eonsequeooe our rural mall carrier were badly hampered la BUkklng their round K Ths carrier a root No. 1 went out only two mile a root when be had to beat aa In- gloria retreat Tw WewdlBBW at Tab Back. TABLE ROCK. Neb.. Feb. k-tspeelaU -Mr. Mearl O. Cook and Mia Alma Ayksr. wa Itvs a short distance Bank at to era. drove ever t Passes City Wednesday and war onlted ta marrlag by Rot. John W. Moody, th Christian minister at that place. Mr. Pwta Omdeakaut wba Uvea fir mllca north at Tabes Rack, wa united ta aaiTtkwesmday bs Miss Aaaa M. Ubay at tb hem t th bride's ssothar. Mrs. Laara Ubby. at Elk Crack; Rev. Koda ks, aga, pastor of tka Methodist churrk at Elk M, BaUTsUCZ. Xah. - Marshall J one, tori Xeaw Fate. A-llpai ail twenty year a rast- dsat af Beatrice, dbsd ksat erenteg after He was dUEbsc Cr Wizards with Cue and Bat Taft Wll Speak la Beaten. WASHINGTON. r. I President Taft, Rear Admiral Walnwrlght and Charles Francla Adama of Boston wll lapeak at a peace meeting of the Navy league nor en Friday, February a. Four star member of Harry Wolver toa'B New Tec Taakvea, wba ab are raek bflnard pmyera. Hal Chase, wowVr- faj fkrst bsnsis i and formes' smaagrr af Bs team. b tb wlxard af tb avara. lie Bt S) whll Harry Welter, left below, and Bert TstawK rtekt besow. ar sboat tied par -Jrfrd pie re Tjo trvorft? kjaurd of tka Isats s.-xa are ."Tfiiay Dnk i Fj t. asi d snwst pan Xrnm Tart. M: PEEELES T.T.APEB HAS CCT OUT WEST BAKES STOP 5 r i ' . 1 m V, pre ) - , ill-- j 'j-jir'-f-'' "'It"!-' tit! ' - svx , -'CT; k r r iq) fc'O-'v ,. aVc --.' Frank Chance, peerlrss leader of ths Chicago Cuba, who baa changed th spring training pUis of th Windy City crew. For th first tlm In year th Cub will not go to Wst Baden Spring, lnd. New Orleans will hav th Cub a their gu jet whll Ever. Bchult. Hofmkn and company ar working out th kink In their arm and underpinning. Th team will arrive at tin Louisiana metropolis during the third week of February and will stay there until March 17. St. Pat rick's day. Oaael Reads Meetlsg at Haatlasra. HA8T1NUO, Nab., Feb. e.-Special.) Tha second annual convention ot the Omaha-Denver Good Road association will b held her tomorrow. " Delegate ar expected from all tba larger town between Omaha and Denver. Tn associa tion baa cnmpiately survey sd and marked aa overland route betwan th two cities and published a guide for tourist. Tb promotion ot th good roads propaganda will be th purpose of th convention, not only for tb Omaha-Denver route, but for branch road as wall.. . McCook and OrcLMen Are Given Divorces LINCOLN, Feb. (.-(Special Telegram.) Charles L. Walker asks a divorce from Ursula Walker on the ground that she Is possessed of so much religious seal she csnnot get along with him, his friends or any of his neighbors. They wer married In McCook In 189. In addition to her execs of religion he aver that she would not stay at home, but Insisted on going back to McCook, which was inconvenient, as the only job he had out ot which to mak a living was located at Havelock, Th court granted the divorce. A divorce was also granted William Aldrlch. Aldrlch was living on a farm near Ord when a marriage bureau helped him to a wife. She refused to May with him, however, and th petition sets out that th last time he heard from her she was In North Carolina. BROKEN BOW FARMER IS CHARGED WITH BEATING WIFE BROKEN, BOW. Neb.. Feb. &.- Spe cial) Clinton Bennett, a farmer residing - three mile north of here, ha been ar rested on a charge of brutally asaultlng hla wife. Bennett was located at Dakota City, where he had gone after commit ting th sieged assault. According to tha story told Prosecutor Baal by Mr. Lydla A. Bennett and neighbor In that vMntty, Bennett ha been In th habit ot abusing hla wife for over a year, but fearing for her life, Mr. Bennett ha never before dared make a complaint Finally, on Jan uary 30, it la alleged, Bennett mads a more than usually vicious attack upon hi wlf. severely Injuring her head and bruis ing her shoulder and breast. He then started to leave the country after giving a bill ot sale on personal property to a local business man for the sum of S30O. A warrant wa quickly sworn out nd placed In Sheriff Wilson's hands, who proceeded to send description of Bennett broadcast. In th meantime, Mrs. Bennett attorney hav enjoined th holder of th bill of sal from touching the property Bennett Is said to have disposed of. Bennett I a robust man ot at years or thereabout, whll hi wlf I a frail, delicate little woman many year hi junior. Ifw Railway Mall Clerks. WASHINGTON. Feb. t! (Special Tele gram.) E. A. Lofswold of Mitchell, D. Bl Davis of Pierre and H. L. Lang of Aberdeen, a D, hav bean appointed railway mall cJerks. - - - A arrlbl beslk may result from dlssd lungs. Cur Coughs and Wwak. Bora Lang with Dr. King's New Discovery. Bkt and H.dO. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. FUSS ENDS IN SHOTS FROM STRANGER'S GUN In a quarrel with a stranger at Twelfth street and Capitol avenue early last night. Sam Moron t. 111 South Fourteenth street, was shot through th left shoulder aad left leg.' He avoided the police ststlon and mad his way to tb offlc of an uptown surgeon, where hla wounds were dressed. Morant declared h did not know who shot him. His Injuries ar not dangerous. Word was sent In to th nolle station ot th affair and officer mad a March. Neither th victim nor assailant was found. Priee af Crslt Oil Advaaoed. INDEPENDENCE. Kan., Feb. k-Tne Independence Oil and Gas oompany today advanced the price of crude oil I cents to i cent a barrel. Th reason for ad vancing tb price. It was staled, was th alarming demand upon tb reewrve stock and the rapidly decreasing production Peed Wataeat Raaehee Rr Yowk. NEW TORK, Feb. I William Wataoa. th English poet and author of "Woman With the Serpent' Tongu," which cre ated considers bis controversy her and abroad, arrived la New York today to participate la tb Dickon centennnry oslabratioa. en THE BEER WITH A SNAP TO IT las eaweaaseki eakeeaswsSBwssawBwsaaa.a.aassssaaaaaaaaa Because Old Style Lager meets the rigid requirements of the law of purity, the critical consumer's desire for excellence and the physician's exactness for whole someness and quality. 7 (V NDUtaM BKTW1SM COMPANY, LA CarOSSC Wtt. LERCH A VAN SANOT, Distributors ' 311 SomtM 1 7t Semt Phonea Doaylam 1679-A 1679 1