T1IE BEE: OMAHA. TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 6. 1912 REAL ESTATE CITT PBOPKRTY FOR SALS Well Built Benson Homes F. S. Trullinger Buy This Lot in Benson East U Lot 10, Block S3. WS0O-J10O.OO down, balance 1 per month. It la well located, not far from car and school; la 60x138; Just too ptaca for small house and good home. GEORGE E. WEIGHT, Be Publishing Company. City. GREAT SACRIFICE. Fine, large, six-room stone house, thor ough, y modern, finished in birch, full basement, lot Suxl'JO, nice lawn, some small fruit and shrubbery: must raise money and if sold at once will take 32. So; S1.0UU cash, balance can be arranged, owner lives In bouse, 47S N. 2th St., one of the bent residence districts of Omaha. BARGAIN In two city lots: must go at sacrifice. Address E S3, care Bee. TWO desiraole lots in West Council Bluffs, on car line: cheap for quick sale. Phone Webster ), Omaha. -KOOM COTTAGE With ten good high lots on corner con venient to Omaha car line and city school. Where can you get anything like this within two miles of Omalia s business center for ISO cash, balance like rant. M'GEE REAL ESTATE CO.. 106 Pearl St.. Council Bluffs. REAL ESTATE FARM RANCH I, AND FOR ALSt British Columbia. Will bur for anyone British Colum bia Farm I,ands on uncompleted Grand Trunk without commission exceptinr per centage of profits. Large returns cer tain. Frank Crawford, JLi Homer Street, Vancouver, or Omaha. California. DON'T WAIT i YEAHS BUT CALIFORNIA FULL-BKARINO ORCHARDS. MONET BACK IF NOT SATISFIED. J4I.00 cash and S.00 per month buys five acre with full-bearing fruit trees in the famous indwell orchards at Chieo, California, Payment Include Interest and taxes. Tour money back If not sat iiled upon Investigation. Ths Bldweli orchards are the most noted and .pro ductive In the wonderful Sacramento val ley of California. It's our confidence In this land that prompts this generous of fer. We've peaches, prunes, almonds, apricots and Bartlett pears. Buyers' railroad fares, not exceeding $24.01). will ..edited on nurchase price. Land ad joins the thriving town of Chlco (14,000 pop.), rieierencee: Any vum m Ammrrn N'Mltunnl bank of tvin Fran- CtliCO and First National bank of San Jjrandro. Send tor valuable Information and facts to BID W ELI, ORCHARDS, INC. Chlco, Ca. Colorado Farms, CHOICE 1 acres adjoin town and railroad, well Imnroved. Ill per acre for quick sale. Answer quick. Will only bs here a lew days, win can ana ownoi It. J. c. woodswe, uenerai uenvery, Council Bluffs, la. Florida. VWRWA THE LAND OF SUNSHINE We are offering 1". 30 and 40-acre tracts and upwards located In Columbia county near Lake City. Florida, 54 miles west of Jacksonville and only ev miles from St. Augustine. This propsrty is Intersected by three railroads of national reputation, : which furnish the best service at reasonable rates to all markets of the United ntatoa. The climate Is ideal. Fins farm are now being worked In our tract with exceptionally good results. Own One of our farms. Investigate our offer. Small cash pay menu and easy terma Low rates dally. Tickets good until June L ROBT. C. DRUEBEDOW CO., (Sales Agents.) 8W Omaha Natlunal Bank Bldg. Omaha, Neb. REAL ESTATE LOAN'S GARVIN BROtv UoM- on. X ' iAVA,Omaha Nat l Bank. WANTED-rj,orw I p,r oent (int mort gage, highly Improved eft-sere fruit ranch. Twin Falls county. Idaho. E. E. Beeman, Buhl. Idaho. REAL ESTATE WANTED Real Estate Wanted We are having MANY INQUIRIES for IMPROVED and UNIMPROVED prop erties In all parts of the city, and It now looks as though the demand lor HOMES Is going to be good In the early spring. If you want to sell your PROPERTY quick TRY US. (Weil's Real Estate & Ins. Agency 1506 Farnam Street. Tel. Tvler 1024. Ind. A -Bit (13 North S4th Street. Mouth Omaha. Tel. South 1 F-1MX LYMAN or Ktasiey county, 8. D., land. It you want to sell, send numbers and lowest price. W. L. Frost Sioux City. la. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE I handle trades everywhere. If you want results write or call Dean, all Bee. 0 1 CHOICE unproved Iowa farm, 230 acres, to trade for good, clear stock of mdae. Address Lock Box . Crete. Neb. OUR LETTER duplicating work Is un excelled. A trial will convince you. Beth phones. Western Implicating Co.. 40S ss. 4-HORE Olds gasoline sngtr.; In good condition. K 11. Bee. FOR SALE OR TRADE Brand new,' fully equipped lea plant; ever v thing up-to-date, just completed. Owner lacked funds. Located in town of 5,wv. Cost HO.DUu. A snap fop someone. Address sINO. D. BLOOMFLELD, Agent, Nam pa, Idaho. IS your land, city property or mer chandise for sale or exchanger Place) It where you will get results with Deerlng NeeL tit Bcanton Bldg., Houston, Tea, WANTED TO BUY GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Strong Liverpool Cables Bring Oat Fresh Buyer, at Opening. COM VA1TJES AM 15T1IL EISI5G Tkis la Caasidereel errllB la Fae at the Reeora-H resale Receipts CsasUtloae Fe ver Bayers OMAHA. Feb. e. Mil. Very strong Liverpool cables tills morn ing brought out fresh buying at the opening. The world a shipments sre very light and Argentine newa was pultun. Later news waa less bullish as the visible supply decreased less than was expected and the spring wheat receipts continue heavy. This influenced cloning values, which were lower. ine advance ox several cents in corn values In face of record breaking re ceipts has been the big surprise to grain operators. Conditions continue to favor buyers, although considerable liquidation eased the market today. Wheat opened strong and advanced en higher cab.es. Late quotations were lower owing to the small decrease in the worlds visible. Cash wheat waa unchanged. corn weaxenea unaer severe nquioa tlon and heavv receipts, which were a arug on the market. Cash corn was tt 01c lower. Primary wheat receipts were WB.O0S bil. and shipments were l.sis.ii ba, against receipts last year of 4,tAV on. anu suip ments of &) bu. Primary corn receipts were 1,3." bu. and shipments were 7S7. bu., against reueTpta last year of L7,v. bu. and sMp men is of 44i,uuu bu Cleassiiree were-L6. 000 bu. of corn. . bu. of oata and wheat and flour equal to axxOW bu. Liverpool closed NJ higher on wheat and tatted higher on corn. The following cash sales were reported: Wheat: No. a hard. 1 car, xi.os,; 1 cars, (1.03; 7 cam, fl.i; 1 car, $1 No. I hard. I car, Sl-OG; t car, H UB: 3 cars, Sl.z. No. I spring. 1 car. Sl.l; No. I nuxed. 1 car, S1.0.",. Corn. No. J white. I cars, S4c; 4 oars, ay; No. 4 white, 1 car, SJc; S ears, iiV; 3 cars. Ac; No. I yellow, I cars. Or; 1 car, Cc: No. 4 yellow, 1 cars, Hc; I cars, 4 cars, tloi I cars, tle;, I cars, nc; 14 cars, 6uu: S cars, Suc; No. I mixed. 1 car. Jc; I cars, S-'Hc; No. 4 mixed, t cars, lie; I car. aoc; 4 oars, ac; n cars, sue: a oars. SV--; 1 oar. Wo; no grade, 4 cars, tec; 1 car, Re Oats: Standard, 1 car, Mc; No. i white, 1 car. Met I cars, SOHc; No. 4 white, J cars, 6Wc; no grade, 1 car, ttrtic. Omaha CTaaa trices. WHEAT No i hard, ll.03in.MH: No. I hard. I1DHiL03Vi: No. 4 hard. 7cll.iH. tXJHN No. 1 while, KHnio; No. 4 white, stttS!e; No. I yellow, tHetsWSc; No. 4 yellow, larXlu; No. X iZ)lU:, No. 4, tsbiiuc; bo grade, Wi.o. OATS-No. a white. 61.Hc; standard, sMttiUc: No. 1 white, etilc: No. 4 white. tOWottc: No. I yellow, WtStwIto; No. 4 yellow. Mtwo. BARLKY Malting, Kcil.&: No. I tsed, 70uc; heavier than feed, ut90c. RYE No. i. OSVJc; No. , UUtOc. Carlot HeeelBta. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago ...... 11 M S Minneapolis 9Ei Omaha 64 1st 8 Lulum w. I ... .. the close. ol'af.-'V.c. a decline of Mt ftx-ra saturdav utght. I'ackera selling and the grain weakness depressed hog product. Pork closed tnul-'Sc dn and the rest of the list ott to iHtftc. Leading options closed as follows: Article Open. High. 1jw. 1 Oloee.l Sal y. Wheatl M?1 WSS July.!7sj Sept. I eli Corn I I May.; July.i Sei)t-i'T! Oau ) Msy.;cj.( July.,ts:rtr, SriH. 4.-.,i Pork 1 May.! 1 is w I l4Yl3V " lV IHisi kVa July.j Lard Ikay.j July., t'ept. Ribs May. July. N-pt. 4 JS sTHl S !K M 4!s UsTHltfel 4S s 4rH4. 1 5T SSi tr. i;suV' 4l!, H 14 El,! It it 1 I 1 K! It rv .o ;l?SSi ITTe I SO I 93t la OMAHA IMSTOCK HAEET Cattle Eeeeiptt lightest for Monday in Many Week. E0G3 AKE FIVE TO TEX EIGEIE Seretw Weather Cata Dew a Itea at All Klads at iteck Skeep aa Lasses Tea te Flffeem Cents Higher. Cash Quotations were as follows: FLOUR Steady; winter patents, 14.169 M: winter straights. S3 Wq-i.'O, spring patents. tb.uui.j: spring straights, stoou 4.7: hikers. l3.Sej6.19. RTK No. !. KS4IMC. BAULK Y Feed or mixing. nctJfl.W, tslr to choice malting. Sl.ltol.2k. SEEDTlmothy, Uikls.vv; clover, SJ&.W PROSIONS-Pork. meeis. old. II,. CH: new, llft.;v,: lard. In tierces, S.W. short nns, lonste, sx.au. Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to anode bu. Primary re ceipts were bu., compared with SIS,- tto bu. the corresponding day a year ago. The visible supply or wheat In the united !talea decreased TKjtiW bu. for the week. The amount of breadstuff on ocean pas sage increased :.wu bu. Estimated re ceipts tor tomorrow: Wheat, si cars: corn, S3 cars; oats, 34 cars, boss, J2.0W neao- Chlcago Cash Closing Wheat: No. I red. tl.ll.tc; No. I red. tl Owrl.tt; No. 1 hard. U.u.iul (ti, No. S hard. ll.W01.ul; No. 1 northern, u.li'l.U.; No. S nurtnem, l.e31.il; No. 3 northern, tl.fea'l.M; No. I spring. Sl.teftl.lti: No. 1 spring, tvesi Sl.W; No. 4 spring, Jcul OS; velvet cbaft. vscxi.o;; durum. Kcsi.ti:. torn: I, Wo; No. I while. 5HM.c; No. 1 vellow, si.tttrffiV:; No, 4. iSti4o; No. 4 white, ClVtietV: No, 4 yellow, C&aetc. Oats: No. X i-'iit-No; No. 1 while, um: No. k UVmAiVc: No. I white. Mil Wkc; No. 4 white, teuUttc; standard. UV 0V3O. Hye, No. i HHWc. Barley, MJna Timothy. tUdoti 14.0 Clover, SlkoHi'JJ 5. BUTT'EK Kteadyi creameries, SMollo; dairies, 3mj11. EOOS Easier: receipts, i.S7 cases; at mark, rases Included, tlMc; ordinary firsts, H37c; firsts, . CHBENK-iweady; dalslva, 17t4l'c; twins, MV'leVt; )nng Americas, 1T1 1TVi-: long horns. 17'4l7Hc POTATOES-Uteadv; receipts, MS cars; tltlMll.lO. POl.'LTRY-Flrm: turkeys. lSffHo, chiukens, lltHilte; sptlugs, HtflSo. VKAL-Steady; Ilillte. SOUTH OMAHA. Feb. S, Wi Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Estimate Monday l Tul s 11KO Same day last week.... I..CS I.Ml 1 W Same day s wks ago... l.rt 7.5 Smjn day I wks ago... S.H7 .7 4 tJ Came day 4 w ks ago... 4.1 ' Hame day Iw year.... S.ill S.TA The following tahle shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year lodate es compared with last year: uil mi. Inc. Iec. Cattle hUa IW.M 5.IMJ Hogs 371.V4I C.o04 ItT.SO Sheep IxJhVTe lTl.iai .W The following table shows tbe range of prices paid for bogs at south Omaha fur the last few days, with eompsrlsons: lie. llt 'fll. ilsio. l.;i. 2d-hsnd goods. K laser. Vr Center. P. Mk WANT TO BUY Stock of merohardlse In country, for cash. Box Ilk. Omaha, CASH for one, two or three Dundee lots; put pries and legal description In first letter. J 1W, Bee. WANTED To buy. about February X), team of young mares; also I or I young cows. Prefer cows to calve this spring. B UK. Bee. (eargla. GREAT SOUTH GEORGIA Traversed by the ATLANTA, BIRMINGHAM ATLAN TIC RAILROAD. Lands adapted to the widest range of crop. All tne money crops of the south plentifully produced. For literature treat ing wltb this coming country. Its soil, climate, church and school advantages, write W. H. LEAHY, DEPT. K, General Passenger Agent, ATLANTA. GA. U'lllTR laHv riMlrM atMulv nlacaa (f day work; neat, conscientious; does not disappoint engagements, r-nono n. wi. lovra. THE easiest way to find a buyer for your firm ie to insert a small want ad In the Des Moines Capital. Largest clr I'utation In the state of Iowa, S wM dally. The capital Is read by and believed In bv the standpatters of Iowa, who simply refuse to permit any other paper in their homes. Rates, 1 cent a word a day; 11. a per line per month; count six ordinary words to the line. Addresa Des Moines Capl tel. Des Molnes,.Ia. 120-ACRE, well improved farm In Iowa, within 35 miles of Omaha. A big bargain at 114 per acre. Good terms. Addiess K lia. Bee. FOR BALE House, barns and I a;res of good land; also 4 young cows two horses and Implements, at good terms. Address Y H4, Bee. Mlsmeeota. FOR BALE Two beautiful farm homes, tti and SO acres. Joining. Good. land, lo cation and Improvements, SO miles from Twin Cities. Price, Me per acre; worth 1 10. B. D. Parsons. Btanchfleld, a,r, ft No. 1, Box 41. Minnesota. SMALL place, one or two auras, prefer place with soma Improvements, but will consider vacant property, sloes to ear line. State location ana www oean price. F at. Bee. I . . r ' Q ma, aim, t nuiiiL. mivl.rn . . cept beat: give location and price. D 111, Bee. WANTED TO RENT -WANTED Furnished apartment or flat by couple without children. References exchanged. K. 1U4. Omaha Bee. WANTED SITUATIONS WASHING and Ironing done. T., H. KM. WANTED Position aa housekeeper by respectable mlduie-aged lady. Prefer home with children. Also experienced as nurse. Address Mrs. Marts Turner, gen eral delivery. Council Bluffs, la. ...T. - . T , : ..n an. nan... n general store, country town; experienced. O 41s, Bee. ; BOOKKEEPING and clerical work evenings and Saturdays; use typewriter, Address L 71. Bee. singer, want positions In picture show, experienced. Douglas &!. K 778, Bee. POSITION wanted by competent lady stenographer, references as to ability. Harney aet. .1. . V f" T I ft nnalllnn K,ll.hmlS nr secret servicing; good refereacea. a MM, nee. COLORED lady wants ts do general housework, lift Cuming St., or call Har ney UK. vnrNd lade desires position in of flea where there is a chance for advancement, small wages to start. Can operate type- wrlter. Webster AN experienced cashier desires posi tion. LWUKIl J lege, opportunity to earn board or board ana room, awuws v vw, w Douglas 7741. Kekraaka. FOR SALE. Good section unimproved land hi west ern Nebraska; only li. an acre. It you want to double your money, write B VM, vmana oee, v.,,,-... - YOL'Nil man wanu position aa bar- tender; expenencea. a sis, nee. vtrr-an I... n , r-Wlln.. AfftM girl; can run typewrlur; best of refer ences; will start with small wages. 'Phone weoster saw " E.ftKM k. ...In Mir Omaha: Dossesslon riven. Orln B. Merrill. im City at'l Bang ruag. 4U-BUSHEL WHEAT LAND, US to 135 PER ACRE. tv have for sale over flO acres of Chevenne county. Nebraaka'e choicest farm land, where the crop yields tor U years, including 111 and MIL average with the best In the state. Alfalfa aiso a leading crop. Better soil, water and climate cannot be found. Write for full Information today. AgentsKWanUd avery- FUNDING8LAND INVESTMENT CO, Sidney. Neb. jftseeUanewaa. Farmers ant land barer all over tbe country are reading Bee want ads every day and snapping up every bargain offered. Rates 1 cents per word If run only one time, le per word If run two or more times consecutively. Write and mall roar ad today to steal Estate depart ment of Tbe Omaha Bee. Results sre sure. REAL ESTATE LOANS OMAHA Property and Nebraska Lands. tfKEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 10W New Omaha Nat l Bank Building. ."a- aanji reltV nTAfVsrtV. J. It. Dumont' ft Son. WJt rnmm St.. Omahtw tro -lTY LsOANS. Bemls-Carlberg, XW-II Drmrtarui i ns-ots-i , . V---i-'T-v isw lnana anrt TrarTaJitsf. -W. Famam Smith Co.. 1330 Farpm St. ' ... - v - xr !TI I .-.a. es n KllK. MsVs (W r"i denci' prrtle, ll.W to W.m W. H. THOMAS, tag First Nat'l Bank Bldg. "WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. ' U to t'e.V made promptly. F. D. S'ead, Wa4 BMC lh and Farnam EXPERIENCED stenographer wishes a position with a firm: good speller and is fast on the Underwood typewriter. Ad dress, H 1117, care Bee. WHITE woman wanu day work. HI a Mth St. A-Ka. FUst-ciasa, practical nurse. H KM. A-IT74. Webster EXPERIENCED laundress. 5264. l'ay work. voHlTIOV as housekeeper. Call evan- Inga. eta N. 3Mh t. CHICAGO ORA1JI AND PMOVISIOlll Featarea at ike Tradlas aad Cleelag Prices sa Board wf Trade, CHICAUO. Feh. a Unlocked for heaviness of receipts at the leading pri mary renters carried the wheat market today down grade. The close was totlitc lower than Saturday night. The decline in wheat fololwed an early advance caused by strength at Liverpool, tbe result of the Increased labor troubles In Argentina. Commission houses here quickly took advantage of the bulge and began selling, which gradually took the edge off the market. Lack of cash de mand made tbe altuatlon worse for the bulls and there was further discourage ment In tbe absence of any Immediate prospect of good slsed exports from the United States to the countries across the Atlantic. World'a shipments, too, proved larger than expected and the decline In the domestic visible waa relatively small. The close waa easy, not far from the lowest figures of the dey. May ranged from tLWeel.teH to tl.iMS. with last sales o off at 11 1!. Good weather and big receipts were responsible for the backset in the price of corn. May fluctuated between vQ esa and 0, closing weak itle net lower at (iSc Cash grsdes were freely offered. No, I yellow waa quoted at eSOsMsO far oar lots. More liberal supplies from rural sources brought about an easier feeling In eats May ranged between U1 and Uo, with LEGAL NOT1CKS. NOTICE FOR BIDS FUR CONSTRUC TION UF WATERWORKS VSlhiiL Notice ts hereby given thst pursuant to a resolution of the City Council of the City of Winner, South Dakota, made at a regular meeting of said council on the SOth day of January. lsU, sealed bids will be received, to be filed with the city auditor of said city, up to and until S o'clock p. m. on February Bd, HIS, for constructing and equipping a system of waterworks for such city, according to the plana and specifications therefor, which are now on file at the office of the city auditor of said city, in said city, and according to a copy of said plans and specifications which will be found at the office of the Engineering News. 1117 Monedock Block, In the city of Chicago, state of lUinoia. All bids will he opened by the said city council at the office of the Mayor of said city. In said cliy, at I o'clock p. m. on the 23d day of February, 1911. The said City council reserves the right to reject any or all bids received. Dated at winner, 6. D.. January list lill. A. L. RAWSON. City Auditor. FS-lt. Jan. ft. Jan. Sf Jan. a) Jan. 10. Jan. U Feb. I Feb. t. Feb. t Feb. Feb. k NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR" SEALED bldj will be received at the office of the undersigned until noon, February loth, A. D, lull, for the construction of an ad ditional building at the Tubercular hos pital. Kearney, Nebraska. Plans and specifications are on file at the office of tbe Secretary of "tste. Commissioner public Lands and Buildings, at the Hos pital, and the office of Surd F. Miller, Architect, Bran dels Theater Building. Omaha. ADDISON WAIT. 8eo-lary of State. ':.-ltt. BILLING clerk. I years' experience, best reference. Douglas tb. WANTED Day or general housework. Phone Webster KOREAN wanu cooking In family bouse. 8 124. Bee. a woman with child would like posi tion aa housekeeper with small family. Inquire nm so. im nt. STOCKHOLDERS MEETING. The annual meeting of the stockholders of The Bee Publishing company will be held at the company's office In the Bee buiidine1. Omaha. Neb., at 4 o'clock d. m.. Monday. March 4, till, for the election of a board of directors for the ensuing year and for the transaction of such other business aa may properly come before tbe meeting. Bv order of tne prestaent. F4d-Kft. N. P. FK1 U Secretary. 14 KW YORK 41EBKAU MARKET 'as Itaetatioae at 4h Day Varioas tea-modules. NEW YORK. Feb. S-FleOUR-Firm, spring patents. Hv60; w'"1' straigbta, M:it.i winter patenta. H tj4.U; springs clears. k.Jl.li; winter extras, No. I. H.TOlM.m; winter extras. No. i. XJlotr!; Kansas straights, R.J 64.16. Rye flour, steady; fair to food, S4.7Mi4; choice to fancy, ii-a. Buckwheat flour, steady at HSMra.es. . CORJt'M KAL Steady; tine white and yellow, li.4fcul.70; coarse, ILitmi.W; kiln drRYt?8teady: No. 1 r. . I. f. Buffalo; BAKI.F.Y Firm; malting. $l.Bl.6, c t. f Huffelo. red, Sl ua, elevator, export basis, and Sl.ii r. o. D. atioat; no. t nortnern tiuiuin. Sill1, f. o. b. afloat. Futures market waa iilaher early on the firmness abroad. but eased off under profit taking and on continued liberal receipu. eloelng He lower. Ma closed. Sl.7 1I-14L July, li.cv CORN Spot market steady; export, lc t. o. b. afloat. Futures market nominal. OATS Spot market steady: futurea market nominal. HA Y Firm: prima, SLK; No 1. Sl.iOtf t.: No. L tl XktlM: No. S. Vtl 00. HIDES Steady; Central America, SHc; Bogota. KSti'ZISc. LEATHER Firm: hemlock firsts. Mt re; seconds, MfJIc; thirds, iltrac; tc Jects, 160. PROVISIONS - Pork, stesdy; mess, S17.MW17.7S: family, 1 owi 2U.00; short clears. S17.0r18 (0. Beef, steady; mess, SIS.0oniU.b0: fsvllr, SUtHiU); beet hams, t-T SO, .). Cat meals, quiet; pickled bellies, 10 to 14 pounds. Ik-lba W, nlcklMl hams. SIl.OMlllK lrd. barely steady; middle west prima, l 10tA; re fined, steady; continent, S; South A m.rlea t to art; cnmoound. M.7BeT7.00. TALLOW-Qulet; prime city, hhds to; country. afM4o: special, 4S' BUTTER Weak; creamery specials. Mi- axtraa. 33VU?: firsts. C33-; pro cess sueclals. 30c; extras, Stc: first, 37 4)38c. RKj Brrong; irwsn Bmirrrmi Hire, un!: first. iicMIc: rerHgerator first. ShSjoVWc; western gatnereo wniust, vni J .mv Alive ateanri western cnics ens. itrisc: towis, id'u'is; turseys, is (tltc; dressed steady, western chickens, i:u415c: tu wis, U'.tOMHc; turkeys, 12 fHlc St. Uils tSeaeral Market. BT 1XIUIS. Feb. a-WIinAT-Ossh, wesk; track. No. S red. 11.01; No. I hard, Sl OW-ll. CORN Ixiwsr; track. No. I, UQitoG; No. I white, esc. .!.... OATS Lower; tracx no, a, esc; no. i white. Mc. Closing prices of futures: whuaT Lower: May. I1.M: July. o. CORN Lower; May, Osc; July. sKHo. OATS-Ixiwer: May. C2c; July, OCtoc, n VKwlTnchanced. at vMkC FLOUR-Market firm: red winter patents, ; extra raney ana straight. St.(B4.M.i hard winter dears. 13. 4041.116. SKKO Tinioiny. (w.wsj.w, inrlNMEAIC V). BRAN-Markct firm; sacked east track, . . rlAl jnaraet sieany, iimoiny, lw KM- nralrte. 113 (, IS.aU. PROViSION-pora, uncnangeo; joo- blng. 115 .'A Lard, unchanged; prime steam. M 7Hj.om. Dry salt meats, un changed; boxed extra shorts. Ac; clear riha sue: short clears, sc. Bacon, un changed; boxed extra shorts, Sc. clear ribs. sSc: short clears, 10c. POI'LTKT Bteaay; rnicsena, lie: springs. 12c; turkeys, lie; ducks, mc; gaasei. Sc. Bt 1 I tJM iower; creamery, snvec r.nna-Lower, at lTc. lieceiprs. onipmenta Flour. bhl... Wheat bu M. Corn, bu oti.w Oata, bu... 71. Total receipts.... II W 41 7 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Parking Co...... 101 Sf4 1.4W Swift at Comiuuiy 441 t'l 1114 Cudahy Packing Co.... SU S..W1 Armour Co It 47s 1.11s Murpliy Sat Worrell IS . B. Vansant Co...... i .., ..... Hill Son US F. B. liewls s ... J. H. Root Co. ........ 104 J II. Bulla S4 ... U Wolf 1 S. Werthslmer MrCrrary A Kubog II ,. Mo. Kas. Calf Co as dine Christy II Other buyers Ml LITE STOCK MARKET OF WEST shto vour stock to South Omaha. Save mileage and shrinkage. Your consign ments receive prompt and careful stiaa- lion. Lie Sloe Cseaasiaataw Merchants. Brers Bros, or Co. Strong and rerponsrble. WOOD BROS.. S4- Exchange Bldg. Great West. Com-'Co.. Omaha Denver. W. B. SMITH ft SON lost handle aheep. TAGG BROS, handle cattle, hogs, sheep. Clay. Robinson a Co.. Mt Exchange Bid. Interstate Co. Better results. Ship to as. CLIFTON Com. Co.. Z3 Exchange Bldg. L. E. ROBERTa CO.. ta Exch. Bld fox ar Jones Com Co.. bunch of hustlers Formers 1 . Com. Co.. Ex h. B.dg. Ieposit proceeds of anipmenu In Stock Yards Nat l Bmk. Only bank at yards. " Martin Bros. St Co., aa-4 Exch. Bldg. OMAHA THE GRAIN MARKET NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEET ING Notice is Hereby given that the regular annual meeting of -the stock holders of the South Plane Land Com pany will be held at the office of said company at Lincoln. Neb., at It o'clock a. m., on ths sixth day of March, A, D, C. H. MORRILU President. A. B. MINOR, Secretary. Lincoln, Neb, February S, lull. TRAVELS. " WEEKS GRAIN CO.. grain merchants. ConxignmenU solicited. Brandels, to in - West Indies The American Imera Til Royal Hal! Sttaa Picket Co. Especially attractive tour of JAJKAICA CUBA lilliMI TsUBTXOAO For Particular Write to aaaderaoa k So a. San. Agents, It Se. Ie Sails St, Chicago. Or Any isteamaaip Agency. lK.ili. s nvij J 4i i ici s m 4 ri ism I I 4. u3 I l?( 4 7(J S MS! ) S 04 S Hi 4 M 71) S SI I We, IM I 4 111 4 1 4 711 J 92 1 I 47' t 111 I 4 l; S tti S 41 to', 7 1 I e 4 K 4 l!i 4 Hi 4 41 VMt TKilN:IICI - ilUlk S .... 1 kT . . C .,1 1 Ml . It V. t t 4 I7 M B t 141 4 SS 4 SSI t B s ,ai: 9 k 1 u 1 I T 4sj I Isl t ! 1 1 1 Sunday. Receipts ami msposftlon of lire stock at the V'nlon Stock Yards, South Omaha. tor twenty-tour hours ending at I p. m. mursuay Cattle.llogs. Sheep, urn. C. M. A St. P. Ry , Wabash 11. R. Mo. Paa R. K I'nlnn Pacific R. H.. M C. N.-W. East. C. a N.-W. West..., C. tit. P. M. O...., C. R O.. East.... C. B. Q., Weat..., C a I P. East..., IS I 10 1 1 is In Sc hither;, pigs and lights. S3.7SiJs.Cu; mixed and fcutohera. .ij6.; good heavy, 4.34i&. SHEEP AND LAMHS-Kecelpts, 4..W head, market 10c to lie hisher; native muttons, U7.Stj4.te; lambs, ls.oeuC; culls and bucks, Sl.MtlS.0i): suvkcrs, SL7343.0U. Kaaaaa City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Feb. &." ATT LK Re ceipts. h,M bead. Including 1:0 southerns; market strong to l.j higheri dresseo beef and export steers. ST.oux: fair to good. IS.h'trT.vO: western steera S5 0m.i stot'kers end feeders, 14 Su-w: southern steers. t0rr4 .iO, southern cows, S3 ii &0; native cws, SI tswii;.6(t: native heifers, St Sj).a; bulls, S4 &US.W; calves, St.tkka s.tw. HOGS Receipts, low bead; mar Ret ee higher: bulk of sales, toiftu&:b; heavy, i:.si.40; packers and butchers, S&im g; llchts. S.7e.l!; pigs, 4.SW36.1. 8IIEKP AND LAMns-Hecetpts, .Stsj head, market 10c higher; lambs. Sr'r yearlings, HliUt-.i. welhera, tl-.i (14.77'; ernes. HJOut.lO; stocker and feed ers, h;.4j Stork la Sight. Receipts of live stock at the five, prin cipal western msrkets yesterday: came. Mora, wieep. South Omaha.. St. Joseph Kansas City.... St. IMiia Chicago - Totals 1.7 1J a. no 11..KI0 1. o 7 r.owi 11.01s) too 4.7U) S.0U 34. kO SLODO U.VO St. Joaeaki Live Stock Market. BT. JOWM-HV Mo. Feb. S CATTLE Re- eeiuts. 2ju head: market stronal. steers. S& Hi 00: cows and belters, eH-ui-jU, u,Hs. s.tblfen.M)L IHKIS-Reoeipts. I.V head: market Sc to 10c higher: top, fc.li, bulk of sales, p.lu on sv SHEEP AND LAMRS-Recetpts, S.0M head; market steady; lambs, SMOtfe.5. Kaasaa CHy Ornla Bad Prevlsleas. KANSAS CITY. Feb. S.-WIIKAT-Cah steady; No. S hard. Sl.04tli.10S: No. a, .! IPS. No. red. l.Mrl.OI; No. i, s.tTnttMec May, Sl.i-i bio; July, ltf '" ,,ui- . ..... tRN-Weak to t4o tower; No. 2 mixed, sti-; No. I, r(rtV; No. S white, tv; No. s. it. stay, ssiswe, seuers; juit. - OATS-Steady; No. I whit SStrSVsO; No. 3 mixed, SlSfCo. ItrB sue. II AY Steady; choice timothy, J3W COO; choice prairie, 1140011 M. BUTTER creamery, He; nrsis. 00; seo nds, SOc; paiktng stock, SlfaUSc EiKSS-Katraa, Htf37c; firsts, S4e sec onds. 14a, Receipts Shipments wi,.,i hn iii. 4l.l) Corn, bu . M. Oata bu. tf.OW MO.OW 1.311 ICI I.4U l.fts) w.m 43.0U TUIbls Sapply of Grain. NEW YORK. Feb. 6 -The visible sup ply of grain In the 1'nlted States Feb ruary S as compiled by the New York produce exchange was as follows: Wheat. airM bushels, decrease 7&.0O9: whest In bond 1 .oH.UUO bushels, decrease .; corn 0.t" bushels. Increase ir.; oats 14 33i, busliels, decrease .; oats In bond . bushels, Increase 51 ore- rye LfOOOOO bushels, decrease 7 0iy barley t,714,0 bushels, decrease K4.0M: lrley In bond l'., bushels, de crease 1S.00O. Mlaaeawalls Grata Market. M I N N E APOLISI, ,Eeh -WHEAT-Close. May. H 7; July, S1.C4. Cash. No. 1 tort VfcVNo. 1 northern $1.71 07k: NoTl Urthern. II.eSftl.mVi; No. I wheat, tllt'frl .. FLAX-lili. BARLEY SOotrSI.IS. I corn-No. I vellow, 4Hs5e. RVE No. t. Sec. BRAN in WO-lb. aacka, IS KVffS SO. FLOUR First parents, SS.10W6.40: sec ond patents. H7S&600: fnrt clears. S3 S09 ti. second clears. ki.40iuS.Ss. Peerla Market. PEORIA. Feh. S. CORN-Cnchanged: No J yellow. C"i4!c; No. 4 yellow. !H iitstuc- No. I mixed. Kc; No. 4 mixed. s:v: samples. 4jic. OATS-riteady; standard. SJHc; No. 5 . white. e.'Vc ' Oasaha Hay Market. OMAHA. Feb. S.-HAY-NO. 1. I1SM; 'so t 111.00: coarse. ri.W; packing stock, STi.; alfalfa. SMW. Wraw: Wheat. p.; rye and oats. t:&M. Totals .. CATTLK Receipts of rattle were very light, swing undoubtedly to the severe weather Haturday and Sunday, which In terfered with shipping operations. It was in ran tne smallest run axperieeiceci at thia point on a Monday for a good many weeks back. In reality there were nut enough cattle on sale to make a mar- set or to Interest buyers, II being imiHis Ible for sll the packers te get enough cattle to make a killing and sums 01 mem stayed oit or the market and ma not try to buy anything. This slwsys re sults In a slow trade and this morning furnished no exception to tbs general rule. Thus It happened that with re ceipts unusually light ths market was really not as satisfactory aa on a good many daya wkon receipts are very much larger. The prices paid for killing eattls were fully steady and some of the sales looked aa much as roc hisner. tiers ana there a salesman who happened ts have something that just suited buyers thought ne secured even mors aavance man mat. Bursas were not very anxious to load up. aa they seemed to feel that with milder weather uxuy receipts Will ss very much larger later In the week. Htoek cattle and feeders did not shew any material change, but the feeling on good feeders was strong, ths asms as last week. Uuotatlons on cattle: Good to choice beef steers. S 1067.7: fair to good beef steers, Hi(W 0: oommon to fair beef steers, k.iAu00; gaud to choice heifers, Ss.W0 f; good to enmee rows, st it ; fair to good cows and heifers, S3 5btrt 60; common to fair sows and heifers, SI. 6041 1 74; good to choice stocksrs and feeders, eCni4: fair to good stocksrs and (seders. M SOtrl to: common to rair ttoca. ers and feeders, kWr4.S0; stock heifers, SS.40ft4.7S: veal calves, SI.SO7.7Si bulla, stsgs, eta, x3.DUne.ns. HOGS A small supply nf hots enabled sellers to Obtain prices bet too higher for anything with quality, weight, or both. Hum nil xea and common Hgut orranngs were generally avoided and showed rather poor action from the stsrt st figures merely steady to strong, "reels as a whole was rather quiet, but the yards were cleared in very good season. Receipts amounted 10 about S.VJO head, a total that contrasts sharply with the big runs of the last few weeas, ana smooth heavy butchers and lard varie ties nroved the exception. Shippers snd speculators favored quality rattier than weight and purchased about a doien loads in alL The best weighty animals sn sals hrausht a, . as compared with Satur day's top of H 124, whils little butchers sold at S4.1S and less, common lights movlns largely under the SS mark. SHEEP Ciheep snd lambs so.d higher under the stimulus of a more active and fairly broad demand, ths advance being roughly quoted in all quarters at letsisc. This Improvement wss scored despits a liberal supply, and heavy accumulations of product because of poor refrlgeiator car service. A better feeling in eastern trade circles, both live sud dressed mut ton, wss responsible for bullish trend to values, and It follows that current nrieea are on none too solid S foundation. Receipts were estimated at fully U,un bead, mostly tat ewes ana iai lernos. in fit,-t. siinost two-tlilrds of the run con Mated of ewei, a condition that appeared to have no appreciable check upon the demand for this class of stock. Wethers and yearllnga were very scarce and there were no Mexican huuus uwhwn w The fed western Iambs on sale brought IS.SS early and medium clssses sold st the Usual WlOe OlSSOUniS anaer wn term. hiifh ousllty stuft Toppy fat ewes iaiuImI at l4.ms4.1S and fair to good va rieties sold irom S.l downwsrd. Strictly choice yearlings wsrs wsnted around Sb.UI. win extra good wethers are quot able at a sprsad of S4 toftt.ek Hcant supply ef feeder stock left this branch of the market almost lifeless. Tbe country outlet seemed to be practically dosed, snd sll but a fsw hundred bead of receipts carried enough flesh to kill in .wt thtM. i A.t week's buy on feeder orders amounted to about 1.000 ...... Uuotatlons on sheep and lambs: Good to choice lambs. nj.sa.; fair to good i.mk. u ijo good to choice year. lings, S6.ltft6.SS; fair to good yearuiys. iS4.7i1rS.IS; good to choice wethers, M 9 4.W; fair to gOO weinere, r-n., m t to choice ewes, n sutrt.u; lair u so ewes, SJ.EftS.s CHICAGO LIVB STOCK MARKET Dessaad for Sheep Strews Olttle aad Hobs Higher, CHICAGO. Feb. 6. CATTLE Receipts, nu. market 10c to UC nigner; beeves. HMK W: . e-"e- ..r. as owK 2S: Blockers snd feeders. 13-Wijt 10: cows and tislfers, k:. ftK: calves, SSOOftli. HOas-Recelpts. S.OTO head: market lc higher; light. Sf.lsSft3i: mixed. S.4).S, heavy, SS. ift.; rough, S l4 ; Piss. 14 2f5.75; bulk of saies. Sa.40. bHEEP AND LAMB-Recelpts. X.I0O head: fcarket atrong mostly lSo higher; native, ft f 75; western, S3.S0ft4.SS; year lings KSSwS.sS; lambs, native. Ka6.is), western, St.7So4.kA St. Lee Is Live iteek Market. ST LOI'IPJ. Feb. S.-CATTLB-Re-r,'tpts I.100 head. including 7U) Texane: market. luiilSo higher, native shipping and export steers, S7 Sow kOO dresstd and butchers. SOObStw. steers under l a pounds. H8tS.i0; stock era and feeders. fMBrtrkM: cows and heif ers K.7Sft4: cannem SS 'JOtl !.; bulla S3a,.li; calves. svonftS.oo: Texas and Indian steers, S."..67.; cows and heifers, r. !;. lioGfe-ReceipU, 7,i0 kcad; nosrket lc EW YORK JTOCK MARET Trading Becomes Dull After Farrow Irregular Hovemetit, CHANGES AT CLOSE AS SMALL First ) notations at Market Asa Higher, Bat Oatalde Baslaeaa Proves Very Saul I More Gold Seat ta Paris. NEW YORK. Feb. I -After a narrow, irregular movement tbe stock market today became dull on a level not far removed from Saturday's cloaing. Trad ing waa too listless thereafter to affect pricea materially. Flret quotations were liiKher but outside business waa very small and when the orders on hand at the opening bad been filled the list eased off. Union Pacific, Reading, Lehigh Valley and I'mted States steel reacted a point or two but losses were soon msde up and at the end of the day el'anges in most cases wore nominal. A lew of the less active issues moved more widely than the standard stocks, borne tobacco iasuea were weak. American Tobacco dropped 7c and American ftnutf tr. Distillers securi ties stocks lost io snd ths bonds : V-. The Canadian storks were strung In response 10 a further Increase in Canadian Pacific's gross earnings and s gain of S7M.0W In the net earnings lor lecembcr of Minneapolis, SL Paul fault file. Marie. Missouri Pacific's showing ef a gain of SOH.UW In operating income advanced the qilotaUxsy a poinL Illinois Central showed no effect of ths decrease In net revenue In December of fcTv.wu. Mora than half of this shrinkage was ac counted tor by ths Increase of X4J.OJ0 In operating expenses, largely owing to labor troubles. 1 Another shipment of S?.0Q0,on goia Pais to I 'MM. was arranged, bringing UlS total on this movement to K,w,A Bonds were dull and trregular. Total sales, par value, St.TU.O0t. United States 3a advanced 4c on call. Number of sales and leading quotations on stocks today were as follows: galea Hujk, law. cwse. Allls-Ckslnere s't Aiuissawtsa Ooeew ks 41 sms em Amerl.es Agrieeluuel s)S S SI Mta Aa. Beet Bostr.. ......... TS4 K K 44 Asxrlcu Cs . W0 lit U 11 Awerlesn G. fMw. ,. (VXtea OII...-....V si s a s Sit. left. . 140 M PklladelpkU Prod ace Market. PHILADELPHIA. Feb. S. BITTER So lower; westers dreamery special, c; western creamery speviat, smis, naorby prints, extra, 17c KtltlH Firm: sc per rase nigner: renn- svlvanla and other nearby first, t. c, l:m per ease; current receipts, f. c, SUM per esse: western first, f. -, IJ23 per case; current receipts, ft. c, eu.au per case. CHEKSFJ-FIrm: New Torr creams. fancy, 17Mrl7Sa; rod to fair, HVtftl7c Liverpool Grata Market. IJVERPOOU '' l-WHEAT-pot firm; No, 1 Manitoba, Ss 7H1; No. t II an il ot, la SHd; No. I Manitoba, Is 4 VI: futures firm; March, is 10d: May. 7a Vi; July, 7s swt CORN ttpot firm; American mixed new, la 4M: American mixed new, kiln dried. Ss 7d; American mixed old, 7s; futures firm; ssorusry, ss w; aisrcn. s IV- FLOlinV winter petenis, sss , Mllwaakee Grala Market. MILWAUKEE. Feb. I. W H BAT No. 1 northern, ll.14tri.14: No. i northern. Si. 01 til l?; Nn. I hard winter, Sl.OW.U6, May, 10?S1T10C; July, ro. t'l item io. s venow. wrowen; r. s white. mc: No. I, SSHCIUic; May, SSStf y; July, gniic. oats (wenaaro, se. BARLEY-Malting, 11.301.11 Oils sad Stasia. SAVANNAH, Feb. S.-TI!RPRNTTNrJ-Flrm, e7c; sales, ft bbla; receipts, B hhls.; shlpmantsi W bbis.; stock, SS,Sai bbls. RoSIN Firm: sales. Set bbls.; receipts. 1.114 bhls.; shipments. 1.111 bbls.: slock, IliS.IH bbls. Ounte: ft, P. E. Is. SO; F, tt.tks; O, W.47H: H, I, 88.70; K, S7; M, n.zt; N, n.Wi w.u, S7.; W. W, gl tv. Ceffee Market. NHW YORK. Feb. S.-COFFE-Fu. lures market opened steady at a decline of S lo W points in response to luwer Frenrk cables and as a result of oihv tlnued local offerings which seemed to Include both Inuldation of nurchs and some speculative trading. Leading bull Interests were credited with buying of ths decline, but with closing cables from abroad showing ho Improvement the market hers Increased Its lose some what during the day with the close steady at ths decline of 10 to IS prima dales, 47,00) bags. February, ll.sftn; March, UWo; April, lisle; May, u.wo June, U.Sle; July, ll.Wlc: August, l!.Dc; September, lS.ie; October. 13c; Novem ber, 12.sSc: December. 1210c; January, litlo: Havre was 1 frello lower. Ham- burs was unchanged to 4 Pfg. lower. Rio. 76 rels lower at 76; Hantns tin ehaneed: ta. BXO: 7a 7t0. RecelDts at the two Hrasllian porta were 14 OA) .nisii 11000 baas last year. Jundiahy receipts were S.OUO against 4,30 bags last vear. Rain was reported In all but one district of Hao Paulo. New York ware house deliveries Maturday were 17.044 against I.W5H bags last year. Today spc eiai Santos cable reported 4s unchanged with Sao Paulo receipts, . bsgs the nr.ulnn, datf. Spot coffee, quiet; Rio No. T, Irtio; Santos No. 4. ISHc Mild, dull; Cordova, 16W7VSO nominal. Dry GaswS Market, NEW YORK. Feb. a DRY GOODS. The cotton goods markets are firmer, and mall orders received during the day, were substantially larger than a week ago. Tarns are firm. Burlaps have advanced. Jobbers reported a good bouse trade dur ing the afternoon. l.oadoa Stack Market. LONDON. Feb. I American securities opened firm today. During the first bour prices advanced under the lead of Cana dian Pacific. At noon the market was firm snd vslues were from ttftHto higher than Saturday's New York closing. London closing stock quotations: OdbmU, sneer . 77 4-HbnsUfllls A Has ,JMH o sieoeot 1"Ma., KaW A Tel.. It Amal. Cesser ...... 41i.Ne nn mial..UJ Anaeenas . ...,,. w ., ., IM. do .Id . a an tot Ostarle A W Salilaors A OUa..lSresalasls ... Caaatlas Pa. Kle . .llt'.K.ml aflAM .... Cbasareska A Okie. 71ViKaallas 4V1 oraU Wastera 11 Suvtiwni Ft ... CM.. Mil. A St. F.nMt. . sn pa Bears ts Ssutsars Psriltt Danfar A Bis ft. JlSL'nlos PacUle .. 4e sfl ' M g." llall. . Stasl a. lat m a. a .rt tl Wa&aas ......... Aa lae gerariuea. AJsefioan Unaaas ....... Aiearteaa Leeasiatlve m AMrtces a A K-. Aa San. pel Steal Fessdrtaa ..m. Ask. Susmr kallalsg.n. Amefleea T. a 1. ........ ABMrlnaa Tebaoeo ASMtloaa Tebaaas BM.M. Aiserlaas Waaias ........ Alflhlem .,.. AUUaas SIS Atlaslle Coast Uae..... Balllsiare a Ohla. Reaat let M 4 itSa ii' 4 17 sw SI 17 St 14S SS 1 ..... 1 IS 111 4t st fm ist lint iim nit tot ins in net km ma nttt m ... 14 l.m im4 14.14 ii let hi 14 shw 1st 1CI4 IN IIRU, aatlra Rasll Tr..-. ts 17k "1 f satiaa r.nna ksw s Oo siea Central uealliar svv law (Vntmt Leatltae pta Osteal ef Nee Jersey... ,, ike a Okie. l ew etw Htihiabaei Steal ........ Stk lHloaao A Altes, .. ...... t ftlaase u. w .... au h o.i,so o. w. jit uo Ma ib..M a m. w. ........ a.-... at a aft. a tea MMU lOfttt IM Clilsa . 04 a 14V t a st, ft....M " Calarxle F. A I 1st Stw M w lv.lon.rt. A Seatsers -v- ' Ceaaelieatrf Oes WO 1 " W Cors rroleeU .. .IfS Palaears a Hstsas ssi ilea new ' llaanr A Rle 0rai4a ... JJ lis let tra. - si s ss art. M I4 Hi:: .!.. Uasartl KlaWrU US 111 IWSJ Octet Korisers N U l" "! Ureal kartr. Ore eUt.. S I ITJk Illlwils Oeetrsl sw wa J"w Inlsrbormiak Met ....... a. !7T lirtae. sbt. K4 M "J lstersallosal turreaw.. jaa neaj a.t Islar-Karlne Sf4 JJw iBlersailaeal rapes . e ' Istarnatiaiial rsas low. (enlral Kansas City Ost M J JJ K. c. se srt...-. - j-j. J J! !TsrsY-r::"r.:kS T SH. K"u.llle Nillle... ! w tkllaa A at. LesU...... M . St. f. A . M . t I" " Mltessrl. K. T... 11 J U . K. A T. St4 " Mlaaaart Pscina ,. m 3 NSIlMUl klsrsli 11 I" 1" NaUanal Lead 4S9 Ir44 43 N R Bef M M SR.. WS 41 ll4 ia- Tark tnvl..... S.J" !? H Nurtalk Westara. 4411 14 NoelS Asart-o NartHers Paotll V '''J Farm. Mall w t Psaiiarlstals ........... U Paaela-s IMS F.. . CAM. L....... pntsMrtii -i r; rraaaa Steal Oar St ' Fallswis Palaet 1 fke Mallear l"l "rrtsg "f SS 112 nntb W-l. . ReesMle Steal Sl4 W tttt neak slut Cb..... 112 4t MS Ma lie, MUj ltj n lit 114 tut, ins 10CNS 14 Ilea ista k ji Reck lalaaa (' Stt 14 si.. Su M Ma 11114 St. L. A A r. St, Lasts . W - - It. U S. W. ...... Soetsars Psain, kMI ljt 1JJH ea.ia.rs Rsllway W JJ JJJ Sa. Jullleafat.,... K Texaa A Palflt -'f '11T T.. St. L A W... 4 1 Uk 1H4 T . St 1 A w. sM Vslon fieln st'; lelas irltia M ? " t ailed Slates Baaltf IM fallal Itatee kobhsr I'slte Slaual Waal....... aa. U. A Steal era....-. . ' ... rv.M, .....J....... 4, Va .rHmllaa CkeaMsl " Wabash ar.i.. ntt ,7 (ar. StarTlaS .... WaSUasaaeae KWetrtt . w.nt L'nlna Wtieella A U .......... JL Total sales nrr aar. Bs-41t4ess. eeoffrrtd. 14 M IM, w 3w " nie l tot est tt 107 MVS 4 U :i is ti 1454 'V 4S 4tS ISM 1,70) lltli in Truok Fnela Central HO n n . 4 . ns . re .iAk .k ,. t . tt .111 . 7S - uv; BILVKR-Bar, steady st X 15-JKI per ounce. MONET m per cent. The rate of discount In the open mar ket for short bills Is 1 -lM1a per cent; for three months' bills, 3Vul 7-14 per cent. Boston Hlalaa- slack. BOSTON, Feb. S.-Clolng quotations on stocks today were as follows: A,M I MoSaek H4 Aia.1 Oetee -. SMNead Oan 14 A. S U AS aNlp.aalns Ulaae c. a a si. ftNanh Butta 2S14 Buue CoalMles .... ll,.Nort late 4 Cal. A Arltosa i OI4 Uaaklslas tt ral A HatU 406 ol 14 (Vatacslal llUii 73H .. KanSS ft f - Sksssna It Bast Bolts C. M-... UV,Sle1iw m yrwiklln Bi.uerlr A B. M... tv, Cirosi One 4Tisarack S Orutv Oss- 4 U. S S . M... M Great Casssea .. S 1-1 e t'4 4714 tie Rot la copper.. s iiaa tan. ......... n Zn lis I,t ia (Vs. Ca.... M4 Leta Copper - UiaWisssa S"v l Salle -ropatr tSWolTert6a Vti.tal raw EX-41vlillA. esAake. New York Mlalas; Utecks. NEW YORK. Feb 5. Closing Quota tions on mining stocks were Aftea V,m- T.. -1 SKS.X. Ja tKOda rVa. Cal A Vs.... I roe SIItw 1.1. IMa tan. ... Utbrad. Little Ckler . . II Matlcaa . IS Ontario . II Opkir .11 StaBdsrd ...... . it telle Jacket s X ,.1M ts as 41 UI4 IMtl IMw WW ml 44 1414 llt U IS llj T 11V, 1741 II sett Itw Wt4 im nvi 4 4w Neer York Mewer Market. MKW YORK. Feb. S.-MONEY-On call. steady at i2 P ,"ti per cent; closing bid, S Pr eanti ot tered at 84 Pr cent Time loans, swyl sixtraya. 14 per sent: ninety a" . ",l per cent; sis months, Vt&m ".r. ,..n..unrr niprn rurrt rni.UEl snsftrev.. - par Cent. VVT, , a-Aw aetth OTtilftL1 SAi.nA.iw -' ' , " actual business In bankers' bills at I4.S46S r, .i.tv-dev bills and M.S74S tor demand; commercial bUls. KHIVER Bar, It.sm; stexicau wuiwe. 47C. ' lliNI)& uovernment, irms iaun. Irregu'ar. ' Qaotatlons on bonds today wsrs as foiloas: U. I, tef. If-V ''-, - f;i 4e wspoa I s la f c g. Treg ..lllkK. C Sa. lat Ss.... Tl to leasoa 1U I k 4a 11... S3, C S taTeag Ill U . set 4s.... t 4e twSeaT H M K. A T lat ta. s Aiiba-faaL let Is... M se ffaa. 44e. ...... ... , I? lrsla Pscltta 4. Hi, A ? A T Sf. 4s..lttS!4. It. H. el M 4iss e s. Takeset 4s..... 44S.V. Y. S ls.... 'e TL a, uiv, 4a see. ts. M Arwanr A Ce. 4ns.. rswl. T K. 14. A H. do ev. s IM s ,v. ta .w: -a AC L H". fssltk. 4a ! Bal. A Okie J v.'" :;"" 2 .j. ,u, SIHO. a traa 4s.... . Ta W. SU..... HkPesa se. las Ult.. ISi, Brik Tr. cv. tl... aso. 4s. 1SS a- el OS. 4- JtassiBC sea. as.... aana raa luhar 4s KV.A klir. ,' ,- j . j. g 4s.. .mi, de gea is , arkas. A OUs 4H101tiSt. L I I I k. II de rat Ss ss set gjll a.. B ? ft A Q L 4a... wle rk. mL 4 so sea. 4s " e ev. 4a S4 H. ASP. let" es 1st eat 4a KM C. k L a r. I, a ws. aairear as......jaa'e ou. lad. aa. ....... "euaioa rttios , cila. MIA 4a o v. 4s Jeia C AS S. a ae . e awama, raa. aa, D A H. v. i. sHatJ. I Rabber a....l4ft, m , K. 4 4a m-H. I. Swel M sa ..lt ss WV.-V -Car cats. ss..ieta nnalllars' is nseWebask M SS.....1S7S MS es tat A ss. 4a... at M. Sea. 4s... Ma. 4s..... M es. A u. Mr. A aJt,wat. gist. sv. Ss.. to aeries B UWWls. rketrsl ex.... n 11 o let rat. PH. lie. raa. m ss..... ss Inter. M. M. His... CV,rABae ak ...... Int. Met. 4Sa B Bid. OUtrel. Isssr Market. NEW YORK. Feb. t-8CGAi-IUw. firm; muscovado, S test, lec; eeatri. fuaal. M test, 4 40c; moiasses, m teat, J.tsVc; refined. ulet .