Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 06, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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stave Boot ntmt It,
aa. Xlea. rurarea.
Canned Oysters of year sealer, call
Itouglaa l for innit inlti'i u.i
sTasat Low Xla Ctotbas IL E. Scott.
efcoal Uoaed lor Bepaire Four rooms
t tha Train school are closed for re
pairs. The interiors of the (our rooms
will ba remodeled and other improva
Bianta will ba made, School will not keep
for several days.
radge ulilvaa Bays Xesas A deed
taa been recorded for tha transfer from
Si. C Bradford to Judge J. J. Sullivan
for tt,7M of a residence on Thiny-sev-anth
street, Just south of Farnarn.
Mara Oaadlsataa et Blanks Three
more candidates hare taken out eom
mlsstan blanks They are Thomas B.
.alien, &. Oordoa and H. & Callanaa.
This makes a total of M candidates
Work aa Blsveatb Street Tiadeet Ba
fast Tha reconstruction of tha Eleventh
treat viaduct aaa be sua. One span ot
tha aid structure has bei cleared away
and new and heavier steel Is being put
IB place soma fifty men are employed.
Old B oasis Beta Hoveo) Four "out
fit" are busy moving old houses sold re
cently from the Hock Island and Great
Western terminals by tha McCsgue ln
Taatmem company. Sixty of the eighty
four old buildings on theee freight termi
nals and tha Vinton school playgrounds
site already have been disposed of.
Tlaltar Bias la Omaha Nelson Smith,
ad m years, who was visiting with H.
Cerbett, UtaH South Ealeventh street,
died Saturday afternoon. He aaa a- re
tired London, Canada, policeman, and
cans to Omaha last November. He will
ba baited this afternoon In West
"Lawn cemetery. Ser-vtoea will ba con
ducted by Bar. C W. Bavldge at Cote
KcKaya chapel.
Tfwe Albert taw Oaaaa Filed Two Al
bert law nuisance auaicuMut injunction
Bulla ware filed In district court by County
Attorney James P. Kng.lsh. They allele
dotations of the law against tha con
duct of disorderly houses. Nuisance
abatement Injunctions are asked acainat
facet) Caaamaa aa proprietor and Mrs, at
O. Maul aa owner ot tha property at 119
Vert Fifteenth street and against Henry
Xsmn aa owner and the Patera Trust
company aa vents of tha property at 111
Worth Thirteenth street.
A sTew Swedish lodgs A Swedish
lad re of Independent Order of Good Tem
plars with thirty-five active members
was constituted by John N. Graff. a
Brand lodge officer of Chicago, at Fra
ternity hall Saturday night. The lodge,
tha name of which Is Facklan, elected
tha following officers: President, P. E.
Blidlsecretary, M. Peterson; treasurer,
JO. Ertcaon. O. Or an berg waa appointed
lodge received congratulation telegrams
from tha grand lodge officers and a vary
pleasant evening waa spent.
Auditoriiim is Full
of Cement Products
Cement blocks, tile and columns, rock
grinders and cement mixing machinery
are among the artlclee on exhibition at
the annual Mid-West Cement show, which
opens Tuesday noon In the Auditorium.
Qreen e band will give a concert tor the
public each of the four nights at the
President Peter Palmer and Secretary
H. C. McCord of the Nebraska Cement
Users' association are In the city to ar
range tha details for the opening of the
association's annual convention, which
begins Wednesday morning at the Roma
Price of Eggs Same,
With Receipts Ligilt
Egge took no further advance In price
! Omaha yesterday, though receipts are
vary light and wholesalers were unable
to till all their orders from retailers.
Whether prices will go ap today or
not depends on receipts Monday and
this morning. The wholesale price Is
46 cents a duten and the retail price runs
all tha way from to 60 cents.
Oysters are still selling at at cents a
quart, which Is JO to & per cent higher
than the usual price, with no prospects
of 4 lower figure. Cold weather on the
Atlantis coast Is responsible
Omahans Off to Road.
Meeting at Hastings
- Omaha will be represented by at least
(our men at the good roads meeting of
the Omaha-lenver Transcontinental asso
ciation at Hastings today. . J. A. Sun
derland, H. P. MaUo, D. W. Carr and
8. A. Searle, delegates from the Com
mercial club, have already gone. J. J.
Uerlght and Gould Diets, with appoint
ments from Mayor Dahlman, will rep
resent the city.
Henry Leader, 714 South Thirteenth
street, was robbed Sunday night at the
Oayety theater of 150. The money was In
bills In the right hand pocket of his
trousers. He did not miss the money
until after he had left the theater. He
ays as he was going out two men
, bumped Into him and be thinks that It
"was then that the money was taken from
his pocket.
Began in Small Red Spots on Arms
and Neck. Soon Spread Over Body.
In One Week Completely Cured.
' tmithvflle. lad. My eeatua bran la
sroaii red spots accompanied by a task. It
started ea aiy arssi snd aeea but sooa began
la spread over my body. It wis went ec aiy
Beck sad eras, sad it burned so that often I
cooM net steep nsjhu. I tried bathing ia
borax water, but ta no avafl. Thea I began
ts ass lbs Cuticura Soap and Cuttcura Oint
ment. I bathed with Cuticura Soap sad hot
water and applied the Cuterura Ointment
ovary serbt and moraine and in one week I
was eaesaklsly cured through the use of Cutt
aura Seep sad Ointment." (Signed) Mas
Joatptuo McCorauek. Nor. 7, UU. .
Physician Rscoan mends "CarticaVB.'
1800 Turd Are., K-w York. "About
three snaths age my lace and seek became
covered with small red pimples which later
developed kite large beds and ay lace was
hi such a condition that I was ashamed to
go out of tbe bouse. After using salves
1 went to a bwpital for treatment. Tbe
bead phystdaa told sss I would ban ta report
lor three or four months for treatment before
tbe boils would even start ta disappear.
"A young physkiaa wbils mating ma
seocusended Cuticura Soap and Ontrsent
and told cos ts treat my face every sight he
lm retiring wna both the Cuticnra Soap and
Ointment. The results obtained were fsr
better even than the phyaieiaa expected sad
i was completely cured in aabort Urns by tha
ase of the Cuticura Soap and Otatment.
tSarned) Fred Vieameyer. Sept. 7. It 11.
Cuticura Soap and Ointment are sold
cieiy ua. sample of each mailed tree,
with 32-p. book. Address, ''Cutfcun,"
Dept. T, fionoa. Tender-faced mm sboukl
baas with Cuticura Soap boevinf Stick,
W. T. Jobjuon Bagwaejriaa, a Con-
letted Mail Sobber and Bigamist
steals to afATTT, ramus
8 IS as Ccaaasasi Law Contract with
Cewacit Blnffa Weeaaua While
fader tha laflweaee) at
An Irresistible longing tor feminine
companionship ta the reason given by
William T. Johnson, confessed mall rob
ber, tor tha lncidente which have brought
him face to face with a long term ia the
penitentiary at Leavenworth, beside be
ing charged also with blvamy. Johnson
In a signed confession g.ven to. federal
poatoflee Inspectora at Denver said that
being compelled to travel from place to
place he waa unable ta ba In company
ot hie wife aa long aa ha wished and
In order to make "friends" along his
route, he began to rob the malls, to
which he had free access by meant of a
paaa key which ba had found. Johnson
saya he became Intimately acquainted
with Alice Detaney of Council Bluffs.
and that one night while under the In
fluence ot liquor in the Hotel Rome he
signed a common law marriage contract
with her. This affair led np to the charge
of bigamy lodged with Denver officials
last weak.
Mrs. Johnson at Denver la almost
bordering upon Insanity because of her
husband's actions and her case la ex
dfng much sympathy.
In lW she marritd Johnson In San
Pranclaco following a romantic elopement
from her home. She kept the marriage a
secret from her parents for nearly a year.
when a fire destroyed her marriage cer
tificate. She remarried Johnson in Dsn
ver In 1301 and had no knowledge ot his
attention to other women or ot bis tame
paring with tha mails, Misa Delaney ot
Council Bluffa baa the common law mar
riage contract, according to Johnson.
- .--' ': AVJ t I
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Coal Shortage in
State and Stocks
Light in Omaha
Omaha coal wholesalers report tha coal
situation serious In many parts ot the
"Nobody is freesing, but the situation
la actually eertatia,' said a Jobber yester
day. Country towns carry light stocks, and
when there la much bad weather between
tha mines and the consumers, aa there has
been lately, tha railroads are not able to
haul the coal In fast enough to meet the
ralrbury. Madison, Mllford and Puller-
ton are a few of tha towns where dealers
report they have no coal t etll, though
their customers are clamoring for It.
Omaha dealers are living "from hand to
mouth." as far as hard coal la concerned,
and If stormy weather should continue In
the east, the local demand could not be
supplied long. Storks of soft coals here
are also short. There ts enough steam
coal for Immediate needs.
as Man Detected
by Mannish Stride
Grand Jury May Take Up Magic
City Matters Today.
Edgar MrMell, Strartaral Iran,
Worker. roBtaalta Satetdc ( by
Taklaa Poiaoa Klaa Has
Serious rail.
Pool Hall Gambling
Case to Grand Jury
Mora work has been turned over to tbe
grand jury. Thta time the police court
submits a case, that of Qua A. Facenv
burg, proprietor ot the Palace pool hall,
UU Douglas, who Is charged with keep
ing a gambling room. Five inmates,
charged with gambling, will also be con
sidered by the grand Jury. Tha case waa
called In police court, but on recommen
dation of tha county attorney It waa
given to tha Jury.
Six Norfolk business men are In the city
to secure statistics on paving. They come
as a commutes representing property-
holders on a street in Norfolk that will
ba paved In the early spring. The com
mittee consists of 8. T. Nap per, L. M.
Beeler, C. E. Burnhara. O. D. Butterfleld,
H. E. Hardy and V. H. Hues.
We are going to pave ten blocks in
the residence district ot Norfolk hi the
spring," said Mr. Huae, "and we're down
hers to see what kind of pavement Omaha
has found beet and to gat what statistics
wa can from tha engineering department"
City Engineer Craig placed at the dis
posal ot tha committee all statistics In
his possession regarding tha various pav
ing materials.
Norfolk has seven blocks of pavement
and a wide-spread move la under way to
Increase this aa much aa possible. Work
will start In the early spring on the new
district and other property-holders are
expected to fall in line with the progres
sives on the ten blocks to ba paved.
Inventor Pins Faith
in Parachute Cape
and Leaps to Death
PARIS, Feb. I -An Austrian tailor
named Keicbett waa killed today while
eating an automatic parachute cape in
tended for the use ot aviators.
The contrivance was of his own Inven
tion and Relohelt waa authorised by the
police to carry out testa wHh a dummy
first from a stage of Eiffel tower. Hav-
ng absolute faith, however. In the effi
cacy of his Invention. Reichelt secretly de
termined to dispense with tha dummy
and try tha experiment In person. . He
rapidly donned the garment and leaped
into space before he could be stopped.
For some reason the cape failed to open
and Reichelt dropped like a stone. A
great crowd that had gathered at the base
of the tower burst Into jeers when they
saw what they believed to be the dummy
drop. Their mirth suddenly changed to
consternation when they realised that It
waa the Inventor himself. Hardly a bone
In his body waa left unbroken.
IS GUEST mi '....ia' HOUSE
WASHINGTON, Feb. 5. -Mine Delia
Torrey, President Taft's "Aunt Delia,"
arrived In Washington today to he a
While House guest for several days. Al
though 17 years old she traveled here
alone from her home In Mllberry, Mass.
Joseph Harden, bead ot Harden Bros.,
and his sister, Mrs. Sweeney, have re
turned from Ban Antonio, Tex., where
they spent two weeka Mr. Hayden aays
la waa so warm that some days he had to
walk on tha shady aide ot the street to
keep cooL
Mr. Cyathla Xeedhasa.
Mra. Cynthia O. Needham, an old
Omaha pioneer) died In Minneapolis Sun
day afternoon while visiting with some
friends. Her body will arrive In Omaha
thla morning and the funeral will
ba held at t o'clock In the afternoon
at St. Bamabaa church. Interment will
take place at Prospect Hill cemetery.
Councilman Johnson who was Injured
several daye ago In an auto accident, la
rapidly convalescing ana expects to be
out In a tew aaye.
u.mninnor Charles E. O'Hern. vice nreal.
dent of the American college at Rome,
and brother of John E. O'HTn of South
Omaha, superintendent ot tha Armour
Packing company, arrived in the city
Monday. A dinner will be given at the
Omaha club In his honor tomorrow
Traffic through the t'nlon depot le the
lightest in years, people postponing their
eantern trips on account of fear of being
caught in a blixzard aa they pass through
Bob Ruble, assistant general passenger
agent of the Union faciiic for Colorado,
Is at headuartere and he cornea with re
ports of glowing crop prospects tor the
coming season.
Carhler G. O. Davis of the paxoenrer
offices of the Union Pacific 1s the father
of a standard weight rirt horn Sunday.
Cigara for the men and candy for the
women are tree at tne oeaaquarterr
Births and Deaths.
Birth Otto and Anna Schllck, ITS
South Ninth street, boy; Fred and Jessie
Brewer. Ka North Thirty-eighth street.
girl; John and Eva Sullivan. ? Harney,
boy; Salvatore and Gulseppa Campagna.
7H Pierce, boy: Artaur ana urace nosers.
Omaha general hospital, girl; Ben and
Grace Shufelt, 14 North Twenty-fourth,
street, boy; B. and Mary Morrison, 410s
North Twenty-eisnt street, ooy; gteven
snd Hanna Sorenson. SM Spauldlng. boy;
George and Maud Berkheiraer, Methodirtt
hoptt3l. glr!; fcrl and Eima Forbes,- &
Care. boy.
DeathsMrs. Adeline Edwards, Si years.
Fourteenth and Capitol: F. H. Connelly,
m years. Fortieth and Poop let on; Jlmmie
Hubel. C months. IMv North Seventeenth
street! W. X. Johnson, att Meredith,
It la reported cn s.tod authority that
tbe stand jtry wlU assemble to
day will not overlook certain conditions
to prevail in this city.
Recent gambling raids and bootleg
ging operations have attvacted wide at
tention. The case ot the ponce com
missioners now In course of litigation
on ouster proceedings will probably be
gone over. Certain data baa been
gathered and prepared and It ts quite
probable that Dean Ringer, attorney for
the prosecution, will present his Infor
mation to the jury.
In an Interview last night. Attorney
Uinger stated that he mould attend the
meeting ot the Jury today for the pur
pose of hearing the Instructlona deliv
ered and a o to scan the personnel ot
the investigating body.
"If everything seems favorsble," said
Attorney R! lifer. "I will very probably
lay the case before the jury."
Ta Take Badr tw ladlaaapoUs.
A. M. bagsdaia of Indianapolis, lod,
came to South Omaha yesterday for the
purpose of taking bark the body of
Jack Reynolds, who aaa killed a week
ago In a gambling house brawl at
Twenty-sixth and P afreets
Undertaker George Brewer disinterred
the oody and seat ft to Indianapolis,
where the mother of the murdered wan
resides. The Reynold's family la reported
to own a valuable section of property la
the business district of Indianapolis
A. M. Bagadale repreeented the family
of the dead man and accompanied the
body back tor Interment in Indianapolis
KJas Sweat i'aewaseJoaa,
Frank King, Je Z street, was found
unconscious at the foot of the stalra lead
,us .o rtanek'a hall. Twentieth
and 8 streets, early last night. An exam
malum oi the man made by Dr. A. H.
aoenlg revealed no marks upon him. He
was sent to the South Omaha hospital.
Alcoholic syncope ia thought to be his
Death at Patrick Woods.
Tatrlck Woods, aged 7 years, died Sat
urday night at his lata residence, K7
South Twenty-second street The funeral
will be held Tuesdsy morning at a. m.
from St. Agnes church. Interment will
be In St. Mary's cemetery.
McNeil Beds Life.
After drinking a quantity of chloroform
and carbolic acid. Edgar McNeil, years
old, atadgered out of s bathroom near
his room In tbe Scargo block, tl North
Twenty-fourth street. South Omaha, and
told what he had dona Dra. Do Lanney
and R. E. Schlndel were called at the
ilme, 7 15 o'clock, and worked with the
man until lift when he died.
McNeil was s structural Iron worker,
and for several months had been em
ployed on buildings In Omaha. Ills home
waa at Pittsburg. Ind. Ha gave no rea
oo for destroying himself. The body was
taken by Deputy Coroner Latrkln,
Magie City Gossip.
P. 8. Davis of Columbus Is visiting
friends In thla city.
Mra W. C. Bronaoa of Bruah, Colo, Is
visiting la the euy.
The Aadant Order ot Hibernians win
meet Tuesday evening at the Danleh
tiiotherhood hall.
The city council will meet this evening,
when It le expected that matters of Im
portance will ba transacted.
fhone Bell South Mg-lnd. F-UKS for a
case of Jetter Ootd Top. Prompt uelivedy
to any part of tha city. William Jailer.
The body of the lata Jotin B. Donovan
waa sent this afternoon at I o'clock to
Madison. Neb., where It will ba Interred
tomorrow morning.
The body, ot Edgar McNeil, who com
mitted suicide lent night, waa sent this
evening to Delphi, Ind., by Deputy Cor
oner Bernard Latkln.
Stewart Storm, SKS 1 street, waa tha
recipient of a surprise party at his home
on Saturday evening. Games and music
occupied the plesjtant hours of the even
ing. Among th'ise present were: Misses
Nlta Kinder. Lottie Mors, Olga Klepetko,
Llisle Padje, Mayme Mets, Kather
lAuretxen, Cora rttorm, and Messrs.
Itoetell Nice, Gerald Nice. Charles
Hlrkev. Joe Mullaly, Waller Pajeb, Ben
Mlttlemer and John Miller.
llrt P. J. Nelson, a Julian El tinge of
the fair sex. waa arrested early last night
by Patrolman Csnnlngham aa aha waa
boarding a train tor Lincoln and when
taken to tha polios station divulged that
he had been masquerading aa a boy for
four years.
Another shocking thing she told was
that Ova other girls, and one ot them
an Omahan. wore traveling about the
country also posing as men. She would
not give their names.
Mra. Nelson's mannlah strides In
woman's skirts, which aha had donned
while visiting a sick sister In Council
Bluffs, drew suspicion upon her and led
to her arrest. Her hair waa neatly trim
med In tha latest fashion; aha wore a
hybrid overcoat, man a hat and shoes and
her general manner, except tor tha rather
effernlnlte pitch of her voice, was de
cidedly maacuUna. She was lodged In the
matron's quarters at the police station
snd waa released thla mornliuT. The
skirts worn underneath her overcoat
which caused her arrest will also bring
about her release aa there can ba no
charge of masking placed against her. '
Bitting In tha captain's office her fret
rose In mannish taahioa with tha enthusi
asm ot her story, fitie said that under the
name ot Charlie Taylor aha had worked
on railroad section gangs throughout
Iowa and once had been employed la a
railroad roundhouse. And she ahowed a
muscular arm and calloused hands In
proof thereof.
The woman's husband, according to her
story. Is In a hospital la Kansas City, suf
fering from a broken leg. He I a bar
tender, aha said, whom she met In Omaha
at the time of the Ak-Sar-Ben carnival
She did not like the old woman role and
left him three days after her marriage.
"I always wanted to be a boy, aha
said, "and after my brother put overalls
on me when we were moving from south
ern Iowa to Lake City, they seemed too
good for me to take oft so I ran away
from home. Since then my folks have
found out that I am going around thla
way and they don't oars. I'm going to
keep It up, too."
Spitting out a cigar stub aha strode sut
of tha captain's office to tha matron s
Launches and Dredges Caught in
Fast Moving Ice.
eats Seek Refage Oft Coast ot
MaryUsd aad Are Caaght
Wheat Cats Breaks Tp
lea Jhaaa.
LA WREN CK, Mass.. Feb. l-The cen
tral labor union ot this dty, which ts af
filiated with tha American Federation of
Labor, will enter Into tha fight for the
success ot the strike of more than 1000
textile mill opera Uvea which has been on
(or nearly a month. Thla action was de
cided upon lata today at a eloaed meet
ing of tha executive committee ot the Cen
tral Labor union when It was decided to
have tha Central Labor union ary to bring
about a settlement In favor of tha oper
atives. It was said the American Federation of
Labor stands ready to respond upon cell
with a formal sanction ot tha strike and
active support
TILOHMAN3. Md Feb. J.-SIX oyster
men are believed to have been drowned
In the Choptank river whan their boat
were carried Into tha opaa waters la
the Ice Jam that began to move early
yesterday with tha gala ' that swept
over Tilghmana Island.
The Ice boat Annapot-a up to a late
hour had found so trace of the boats
or men.
The missing boats are:
Launch and dredge ot Tllghman Pack
ing company and Ha crew of three men.
Launch of Captain A. E. Mister, with
three man aboard. "
Five other launch ee caught In the swirl
ing water managed to tight their way
through the buffeting cakee and made
clear water. They are now anchored In
tha middle ot tha Choptank trying to ride
down the gala.
The tight was watched by Tllghman
lalaudara who stood on the wliarf and
shore, powerless to give assistance.
For weeka the launchea which took
refuge In Dogwood harbor, off Tllghman
Island, when the Ice began clogging the
waters of the river have lain there until
able to move (or their harbor.
Boats Leag Tied t p.
Tha warming sun of the last few days
did Us work upon tha Irs and yesterday
tha oystermen looked forward to work
within a tew daye. Thea came the wind
last night. Sweeping across the broad
atresia at tha entrance of tbe Choptank,
tha gala threw spray high and a nasty
sea chopped up the open water and be
gan making Inroads upon the lea flora.
With cracking reports aad whiaUing
winds aa an accompaniment, the Ice Jam
started to move, carrying with It the
boats which had taken refuge oft the
Utile Island.
Through the dark hours tha crews ol
tha vessels (ought agalnat the cakes aa
they broke around them. Aa day dawned
Ova of the little vessels had almost
miraculously worked their way through
tha cakee and found a temporary refuge
in tha clear but rough water. There they
anchored and today tha crews were riding
out the gale and poling oft the threaten
ing lea cakes as they approached.
Tha vessels farthest In, however, those
tliat are now missing, were caught almos,
in tha center of tha floes, with .hug.
cakes of Ice breaking about thea the
arewe fought desperately to save their
Uvea. Tha wind Increased aa morning
broke and tha tiny bulla rocked sr.u
Jammed In a maelstrom ot Ice and water.
At the tuna tha vessels dropped from
sight they were drifting In the teeth ol
tha wind almost straight across Uie broad
Choptank, headed directly (or Cook's
Death (raws Bleed Paleaa
waa prevented by O, W. Cloyd, Plunk
Mo., who healed bla dangerous wouni
with Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Only Kc.
For sale by Beaton Drug Ca
Aids Nature
Tbe (real luc cess ol Dr. Pierce's Got Jen Medical D!s
eovery ia enrinf weak ttonacba, wasted bodies, weak
lusfs, and obstinate and liaferia couth, ia based ea
the reoonitioa oi the fundamental truth that "Golds
Medical Dieeovery" supplies Nature with body-build
ia, tissw-reawiria, snuicle-makinf materials, la aee
deaaed and eoaosotrsted torsi. With this kelp Nstors
supplies the eeoesesrv trenfth'to tbe stomach ts difest
food, build np the body aad thereby throw of lineria
obstinate souths. The "Discovery" ra-estsbliibea Ins
dieetivs aad aotriMve or as ia sound health, purilea
aad aariebe lbs blood, aad onrishes the serves ia
bort establishes sound vigorous health.
It roar sfsafsp fferg msffttef "fssf mm
It lm mrmmmmlr mttr pom HimH pars errew
Bar yea are tmlmklnt ml tarn mmrm mmt tmm prmtlt, mm
taerm-m aotmlmi "as! as faasf " far ysa. taw aa.
Dr. Pieroe's Common Sanaa Medical Adviser, In Plain Banish; sr. MarJ
lews Simpliasd, 1008 paee, over 500 U lustrations, aewlr revised up-to-dats
Bditioa, sloth-bound, sent for 31 eas-ostit sura pa, to sever sset el wrapoieJ
sad aaailinl esy. Address I Dr. R. V. rises, Buffalo, N, Y.
Woman's World and Work I (
. grow larger with increasing freedom from household
. drudgery. Food sense and food knowledge have
taken her out of the kitchen into the larger realms
of home-making. When cooks fail and servants
fail and other duties are pressing hard there is
Shredded - Wheat
n V
$ if i
m, si
to lean upon in every emergency. Being ready-cooked and
ready-to-serve it is so easy to prepare in a few moments a
delicious, nourishing meal with Shredded Wheat Biscuit
Simply heat the biscuit in an oven for a few moments
to restore crispness, then pour over it hot milk, and
salt or sweeten to suit the taste. Also delicious with
stewed prunes, baked apples or canned fruits.
The Only Breakfast Cereal
Made in Biscuit Form
Made arnly by
Jiii : ST
-------- Sgvgl I
Wu Down-Heaited and Her Condi
tion Worried Her Family.
Sfatesaeat Saoald Prove of TJaaaaal
latereat ts These What Are
' latteries; with Statllsw
"I teal Ilka an entirely different
woman." said Mra. Delia Muth ot KIT,
Chlcaco street, dty. recently, to one of'
tha specialists now la this slty tor the
purpoae ot Introducing here the remark
able saw tonic, "Tona Vita." vrhioh has
benefitted a great number of local people.
Continuing, Mra. Muth sal J: "For a
lone time I have been a sufferer from a
continuous run down, nervoua condition
and stomach trouble. I consulted a
number of doctors, but none seemed to
give me any relief. My condition grew
constantly worse and my entire system
seemed to be affected. I could hardly eat
anything at all and the very thought ot
eating would make me atck.
I waa down-hearted and blua and my
condition waa a source ot great worry
to tlte whole family. I was always dread
ing soma calamity.
"I was In thta drug store several weeks
ago and aaw a crowd of people at tha
counter where Tons Vita' waa balng aold.
I hid no faith In any medicine helping
ma any mora, but I aaw so many peo
ple buying this preparation that I went
up to tha counter and talked wtth one
of tha specialist there. From what ha
said I decided to try a bottle.
"I begaa using It regularly and wea
pleasantly surprised to notice aa Im
provement after tha first bottle. Now,
after a four weeks' treatment, I am a
well woman. Tha stomach trouble, ner
vousneea and depression are all gobs and
t can eat and aleep better than I have
for year. It seems wonderful to note
such a chance lu so short a time, t am
gaining In fterh dally and am once more
my old aelt again. I believe "Tona Vita'
a worth Its weight in gold."
"Mrs. Muth la only one among the hun
treda who have testified lo the remark
ible qualities of Tona Vita,' and such
a statement ahould prove of unusual In
terest to people suffering from these
.roubles," aaid one of the aperlallsta w ho
are hers Introducing the tonic.
Continuing, thla apeclallst said: "Tona
Vita' will relieve sour stomach, out of
order Stomach and Indigestion, as well
sa remove tho nervous, debllated condi
tion, whether In man or woman. Each
lose la quick to show Its good effect. We
will continue to meet all callers at Bran
dels Drug department. Sixteenth and
Douglas streets, south aide, main floor,
between tha hours ot I a. m. and ( p. aa.,
aa long as wa remain In Omaha." Adv.
Th anMwfrtl pdr ta iIuUimi lat ttM wtwrnt.
tr von want i-Mt aat1 aMBfort tor tlr-at. aahtnf
wallM. .vwMtlat fft, m AlM'a F-oot-Baa- Hav.
let coma tr4 tMaloM mi all palna ana prrrutM
iifrtvra, arr an! call out 90U. Just tha lalng lor
nanrlni Parti", Patant Lwtbar who, an for
-r-Mklnf In N ihoeav It li lha VMiat ma fart
iliWf f lha aa. Try It tfvriay. &o..t evrrvwhora,
i -( Mn't arrascx any witt-ntuta. Knr Kltr.C trial
"' MArm A Hern ii'm or, - Hoy, Y.
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