Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 06, 1912, Image 1

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    Looking Backward
This Day in Omaha
ralrry Twaty Ten Years Age
1 Zdttoilal ran of each ton
(The Omaha Daily Bee
VOL. XLI-NO. 200.
i -
Bepresentatives Atoid Going on
Eecord on Besolution Commend
ing Washington's Example.
Measure Loses Place on Calendar, but
May Be Bemed.
Democrat Find Themselres in Hole
and Back Oat.
Rrpahltcaas Rrfase Vt t Order
Secd" la Order Pat Drsaa
rrat la Poaltlea mt Attack
las RWTflt.
The National Capital
Maaay, Fehrwary S, Sail.
The Senate.
In session at I p. m.
LorinMr committee held xeeu,tiv ses
sion to consider the Stenographer Blu
mcnberg contempt case.
The House.
Met at noon.
President Tail transmitted' a letter of
Secretary Knox giving sugsr prices
abroad for iu of Sugar trust Investigat
ing committee.
Traffic Across Bridge it Besnmed
and Befugees Are Slowly Be
turning to Homes.
The New Sping Hats
Beport thatGeneral Oroico is to Be
Made Governor.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 5.-The hous of
representatives today avoided coins on
record on presidential third terms. Just
at the moment when the Slsyden resolu
tion, aimed primarily at Colonol Roose-
ivelt. seemed about to pas, a shrewd par
liamentary turn displayed th measure
from further consideration. It may be
revived later In the session, but Its po
sition of vantage on the house calendar
was lost.
Mr. Slarden. a Texas democrat. Intro
duced the resolution a irek ago. It
sought to' express as the "opinion of the
house" that the example of Washington
In retiring after a second term, had by
universal concurrence become the time
honored custom of the country, violation
of which would be fraught with peril to
free Institutions The resolution was
called up today with but little warning,
and there was a quick matching of wits.
Suspension of the rules was required to
pass the measure, and to suspend the
rules "a second" had to bs considered as
Mr. Btms of Tennessee objected to the
"second," and a vote by tellers on order
ing this parliamentary move was neees
aary. The republicans, In hurried confer
ence, had determined not to Tote on the
resolution, thus putting the democrats In
the position of passing the measure by
a party vote, and In the opinion of a num
ber of them. Indicating fear of Mr. Roose
velt as the republican nominee,
Henca the bulk of the democrats decided
not to rote for the "second," and It was
defeated, M to 61. Four republicans cast
their voles for the second. Former Speaker
Cannon led the wsy and was followed by
Mr. McCall of Massachusetts, who had
planned to speak against ths third term
Idea; Mr. Bingham of Pennsylvania,
"father of the house"; ar-J Mr, Hlgglna
of Connecticut.
With the "second" defeated Mr. Blayden
was forced, amid a burst of applause, to
withdraw hla motlsn for suspension of
the rules. The reeoiatkm was returned
to ths committee on elections. -
Secret Service
Detective Gets a
Smooth Forger
After successfully evading some of the
best detectives In the west tor nearly five
months Drover K. Thrap, formerly a
hotel keeper at Upton. Wyo., was ar
rested Saturday at Rulo, Neb., by II. B.
Mills, Omaha representative of the United
States secret service.
Thrap la said to be wanted In half a
doxen cities in Colorado and Nebraska
for forgery and defrauding innkeei
iul until ho,H hlmsvir tli
-ret .rvi, m.n In til. eninlnv of thV-. the disturbed
- ... .
Numbers of Bapatistas Are Visible
in Hills.
(sited States Probably Will Send
Rrglaarat 4lililry, Trap of
.-Tex.. fb. s.-Ntreet ear
HI Paso and Juares was
f to beXwVVV" j thl morning an
., V, J'th disturbed loan
nd the refugees
town are returnlug
government to the clerk at the St. Jam X 'h8,r nome. o "-ore etrag
hotel in Denver and cashed a large check
on the strength of the misrepresentation
hs eluded the officers. When the forgery
at Denver waa discovered the matter was
brought to the attention of government
officials and Mr. Mills was detailed on
ths case.
Ths prisoner was tsken to Lincoln
where he was given a hearing before a
United States commissioner and held to
the Denver grand Jury In the sum of
Thrap la wanted in Omaha for defraud
ing the Plaxa hotel and a number of mer
chants When ths government gets
through with him he will be held for
Nebraska and Colorado officials.
CHICAGO. Feb. l-The auit of Mrs.
Grace B. Guggenheim to set aside the deer-of
divorce which In 1M1 separated
her from her husband, William Ouggen
hetm of smelter fame, was set today for
hearing Wednesday, February 7. In the
circuit court before Judge Wlndes.
The complainant asserts that ths de
cree entered In Chicago eleven years ago
IS Invalid because when ths bill of divorce
wss filed shs was not a bona fide resi
dent of Illinois as was averred m the,
! petition.
Mora than a month ago Judge Petit,
before whom the suit to reopen hs di
vorce proceedings was set refused to try
ths case and It was transferred to Judge
Winds calendar. Judge Petit refused
te divulge what caused him to decline to
hear ths case and rumor injected a
political significance Into the transfer of
; the suit to another judge. hi
LOS ANGELES. Cal.. Feb. Si-Bert H.
Connors, the union iron worker, whose
trial on the charge of having attempted
to blow up ths county hall of records.
ended In a disagreement of the Jury after
, thirty hours' deliberation Saturday, will
be tried again, according to an announce
ment of ths prosecution today.
The Weather
For Nebraska Generally fair; some
what colder.
For Iowa Generally fair; somewhat
i Tessperatacw at Omaha Yesterday.
Hour. Deg.
s. m 1
a. m )
1 a. m is
S a. m II
a. m 12
1 a. m 1J
11 a. m 14
U m 1
I p. m 17
J p. m M
S p. m . H
4 P. m 17
S p. m n
p. m.....
7 p. m
S P- m IS
taapmratlv Loral Reevr.
in ltik-oia iso
Highest yesterday IS 33 .n 44
lowest yesterday 1 ; js
Mean temperature 14 3i M
lTx-lpitallon T SI AO .no
'i'enueraiure end precipitation depar
tures from the normal:
Norma! temperature .a.. 21
Ijefletency for the day 7
Total excess sin- March X 274
Norms! precipitation .04 Itx-h
JWlcieney for the day Winch
Total rainfall aince March 1....M 4 inches
! IMfVieocy since March 1 11.43 Inches
lieflctency for cor. period. M10.M 51 Inches
Kxcess for cor. period. 190 4.97 incites
eteswrts rroaa Stations at T I. Sa.
Station and State Temp High- Raln
of ft eather. 7 p. m. est. fail.
Cheyenne, clear 4 K .
lavenport, cloudy 14 m
Iener. snowing Is 14
lodge City, cioudy 34 X
lender, clear 39 34
North Piatt, dear 23 .
Omaha, cloudy IS IS St
Puehio, snowing
Rapid City, riser. 14 3. es
Salt Lake Chy. St. cloudy 4 43 .
8ant r'e. clear a .ne
Phe-tdmn. dear IS JS .oa
Bioux City, aaowmg 14 14 .at
A'aleottoe, clear 14 24 .SD
Z Iiuncatas trace at precraitaoan.
is 4- WXLsja. lami inoracasrer.
Fisher Advises
Changes in Arid
Homestead Laws
WASHINGTON. Feb. J. A reclassifies
tlon of the forms of entry of landa In
the public domain laws to meet ths facts
In each particular case on entry and
rulings by ths land offlos to encourage
ths bona fide settlement of ths west were
advocated by' Secretary of the Interior
Fisher today before ths house committee
on publlo lands.
Mr. Fisher submitted to ths committee
draft of a new law to regulate the
homesteadlng of arid lands. It would
relieve ths settler of residence on th Ir
rigstlon project for th first two years
of his ten year term and substitute for
that provision ths cultivation of one
eighth of the land th first year, two-
eighths ths second year and so on for
rivs jeara,. At Jh end of five years
th homesteader would receive till to
th land oa which he could borrow money
to complete his ownership.
Slayden Anti-Third
Term Kesolution
is Withdrawn
WASHINGTON", Feb. S.-Th Slayden
anti-third term resolution was temporar
ily withdrawn In the house today because
of the absence of a second a parliament
ary procedure which took I he house by
surprise. Wlhen Mr. Slayden offered hli
resolution Representative Norrls of Ne
braska demanded a second for It, a for
mal way of securing a forty-minute de
bate. To the surprise of many ths roll call
resulted SO to tl, and having no second
for his resolution Mr. Slayden withdrew
it. While the roll call was on there waa
In progress s continuous conference
among the republicans, and the regulars
and progressives Joined.
glers from tlio troops train which Orosco
took to Chihuahua yesterday are coming
Into Juarex this morning. The men. It
is said. slipied swsy from the train
whenever stops were made.
Advices from Chihuahua stats that riot-
trng among the troops wss resumed today.
It Is reported that Genera! Pasqual Orosco
is to be msdc goverior of the stste.
MEXICO CITT. Feb. t -Telegraphic
communication was restored today be
tween this city and Currnavaca. A dls
patch Just received here says that the
first train from the capital arrived at
Cuernavara yesterday, bringing supplies
and newspapers. The newrpapera are
selling at half a peso .(about 3o cents)
Although hundrels of Zapatlstaa are
visible on th hills surrounding Suer-
navaca. the town Is regsrded ss safo on
account of Its strong garrison, which
comprises a considerable force of artil
lery. Few Traps Will Be eded.
WASHINGTON. I. C, Feb. S.-A1-Ihough
commanders at Kl Paso and
other army posts on the Mexican border
have received orders to hold themselves
In readiness for a possible mobilisation,
unless th situation becomes very serious
and noncombatsnt Americana in Mexico
are endangered. It la probable only one
regiment, a troop of cavalry and a bat
tallon of field artillery, will be sent to
Join th trops already In the Dseartment
of Taxsi,
A battalion of th Eighteenth Infantry
at Whipple Barracks, Arts., wonld be
on of the first to go should the develop
menu make It evident that a atronger
military force Is needed there. Other
commands which probably would be
called are the Klghth . Infantry St the
Presidio' of Monterey, Cal.', and possibly
the Third bsttsllon of th Fourth Infan
try, st Fort Logan II. Roots, Ark.
While dispatches to th Stat depart'
ment seem to point to a betterment of the
affalra at Juares and other points in
north Mexico, messages from the Amer.
loan representatlvea in south Mexico in
dicate that the situation there Is worse.
It la not believed that the rwe.ity-nve
Americans at Cuernavsca are In danger.
Ten Men oh Trial
on Charge of Holding
Laborers in Bondage
LONDON, Ky., Feb. t A special term
of ths United States district court began
here today to try th cases of tho ten
prominent and wealthy lumbermen who
have been Indicted on peonage, chargea.
The defendants, it Is alleged, "have held
workmen prisoners while they worked In
the mountains of Kentucky. There are
fifty-six counts In the Indictments. One
of the Indictments had been returned
against Scott Keeton, who was recently
Lorimer Committee
Discharges Eeporter
WASHINGTON, Feb. S.-The Lormier
nvestigating committee today summarily
dismissed Milton Blumenberg, Its official
reporter, because of hla conduct at the
hearing on Sunday night.
Pending ths disposition of th contempt
JJ I charges sgalnst him, Blumenberg will, be
held as a committee witness. He Is also
an official reporter of the proceedings of
the senate, hut It 4s said will not be em
ployed there till charts are cleared up.
Maniac Empties '
Revolver Among
MOOSB JAW, Saak., Feb. t-An old
man suddenly became Insane today on the
east bound express near Swift Current
and emptied his revolver among th pas-
ngera. killing John O. Klundt of Garri
son. . V. I ne maniac, wuuve iwev
has not yet been learned, than committed
Klundt. a wealthy land speculator, waa
returning from Medicine Hat witn ma
brother. Guslen A. Klundt. He was asleep
when th first shot from the lunatic's
revolver struck him in the hack of the
Bill for Pursuit of
Criminal is Rejected
PIERRE. S.' D.. Feb. S.-8pec!l.-A
recent opinion 01 the attorney general s
department Is of great Importance to
sheriffs and peace officers generally In
this state. The case In question cams
from Ssnborn county, snd the question at
Issue Is the one of allowing expenses of
sn official In ths pursuit of a criminal.
Th sheriff of Sanborn county started an
th trail of a murderer, and followed him
by auto across ths southern half of this
state,, across Nebraska, Kansas snd Into
Oklahoma, losing track of his man in th
hills of Oklshoms. The chase"' was In a
hired auto, which made 2.700 miles and
was out over forty days. The bill for the
hire was over SM. snd the personal ex
penses of th sheriff $309. This the at
torney general holds is not a valid claim
against th county, as the law of this
stat make no provision for allowing ex
penses In s search tor a criminal. If he
has got beyond th Jurisdiction of the
-1ww3 -
From the MlnneapoilsJournal. j
A determined effort is being made to
procure the appointment of former At
torney General Arthur Mullen as a pedal
prosecutor for the Douglas county grand
Jury, the strings being polled by
"Charley" Fanning and his protege. Sher
iff McShsne. Finning Is particularly In
terested because of th Judge's charge
relating to a paving Inquiry, and hia
' recent collision with th Albert law as a
n ! hotel proprietor. Mullen Is attomrr for
. McShane la his suit to knock oat the law
2 I requiring Jail feeding by contract and to
at . restore to perquisite to th sheriff. Mul-
KANSAS CITT, Mo.. Feb. .-The ac
cidental discharge of a rifle caused the
death here today of George. Rudolph, IS
years old. who for months as a member
of a vaudeville troup had held a wand In
his mouth while sn egg balanced on the
end'of It was shsttered by John. ". Ray,
a "crack shot." While Ray was cleaning
his rifle In th dressing room of a local
theater last Wednesday the weapon was
discharged, th bullet entering Rudolph s
Rancher Arraigned for Killing
Father of Man Who Stole Wife.
First Wltarea Is Travellagt taleassaa
Was Tells sf HhIIh Bw
and Ike Arrest at
FORT WORTH. Tex., Feb. SThre of
the most wealthy snd Influential families
of Texss sre Involved in the trial which
began her today of John B. Bneed, ac
cused the murder of Captain A. G.
Boyoe, the millionaire banker. That the
"unwritten law" will figure conspicu
ously In the proceedings Is Indicated by
the statement of the accused man aud
the movements of his counsel. y
The killing wss the sequel to the elope
ment of Kneed s wife with Captain
Boyce's son, snd It la forecast thst much
of the defense will be pitched on the
claim that th elder Boyc alueu In the
The killing occurred In the lobby of a
Fort Worth hotel several daya after Mrs.
Snerd had been returned from Winnipeg,
a hence shs and young Boyc eloped.
After ths shooting, it I slleged, Sneed
said: "It had to be done." Then he
predicted the reasons would be brought
out at his trisl. f "
All Texaa. more or less. Is lined up on
one side or other for the trial. The fineeds,
the Boyces snd the' Snyders the Istter
the family of Mrs. Sneed have been well
known In Texas since earlier generations
began contributing to the state'a history.
A. G. Boyre, jr., remains in Canada.
At ths earnest solicitation of friends he
has msds no attempt to return to Texas
sine th elopement and killing.
Th trial Jury was completed Saturday
night. : v i
salesman Tells f ghowtlag. .
8. M. Cherry of Galveston, a traveling
salesman, was the first state witness.
He testified that be was standing near
the main entrance of tbs hotel when he
heard pistol shots. - He turned to see
Boyce In "a stooping position, as though
rising from his chair."
Tna witness said he also saw Sneed
five or six feet from Captain Boyce.
Sneed was still shooting. He saw Cap
tain Boyc fall to the floor and then he
followed Sneed as the latter walked out
of the hotel.
"I walked behind him." said Cherry.'
"on th opposite aid of th street look
ing for an officer."
After a short walk Cherry ssw a po
liceman, pointed Sneed out to him and
the officer made the arrest.
First hint of the "unwritten law" came
in cross-examination of Edward Cobb of
Wichita Falls, a stais witness. He said
that less than an hour before the shoot
ing of Captain Hoiee. either the captain
or Ldward Throckmorton had declared
"within thirty days Al Boyce, Jr., snd
Mrs. Sneed will be reunited."
The Throckmorton referred to died sud
denly late lait week after
Illness supposed to have been brought on
by alcoholic poisoning. He was to
been chief witness for the state.
Test System Will
Be Tested Despite
v Threats to Strike
rr" t '- ' . '
WASHINGTON.- Feb. t-Al ths 'War
department It waa Indicated today that
should employes of th Rock .Island
arsenal strike because of the test of
scientific, management system, ths gov
ernment would attempt lo procutw other
employes, or fslllug In Ihst, would trans
fer the work to woollier arsenal. In
structions have been sent to the com
mandant to Install the Job card system
as he waa ordered to do.
a'AVKKPURT. Is.. Feb. a.-1'nlon work
men. who resumed their duties at the
Rock Island arsenal, expected lo be of
fered the Taylor system cards, but none
waa -Issued. The Metal 1'otlxhera' union
Is awaiting authority for the strike pro
posed Isst week, In rase cards are Issued.
Ths national organisation had nut been
heard from today.
Four California
Labor Officials
PleadNot Guilty
LOS ANOKLKS, Feb. li.-Thelr demur
rers and preliminary motions overruled.
Olaf Tveltmoe, Anton Johannsen. E. A
Clancy and J. K. Munsey, the labor lead
era Indicted on charges of conspiracy To
transport dynamite, entered pless of not
guilty today before Judge Olln Wellborne
of the United Slates district court.
Elgin Butter Market
.Drops Four Cents
KUilN, ill.. Feb. (.Butter firm st U
cents, a drop of 4 eents from last week.
Output, tgim pounds. The congest!
condition of leading butter markets of
th east Is attributed to a 4-cent reduc
tion made by quotation committees of
the Kigin butter board. This afternnrn
members of the committee declared the
output had materially Increased during
the last week.
In Han Countries Prices Art Fixed
by (Jteroment,
Last Jntr, St sea Value Wer Hlaa.
est Frlres Ranges fro as Fear-,
teen Cent In Italy te Five
Oats la Rpatlaa.
WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. s.-8ugar,
universally consumed and universally
taxed Is subject to government control
snd regulation as to price In most every
country and to varying trade methods as
well, reported Secretary of Stat Knox In
a letter which President Taft today for-
warded to rongreas. '
Th letter, Important at this time In
connection with th sugar tariff revision
bill which th hous ways and means
eommltte begins framing this week, wss
brought out by the hous "Sugar Trust'
Investlgstlng committee's request for for
eign data. It summarise consular re-
Ports which Secretary Knox called for
from every part of th world, showing
sugar to be a source of customs snd In
ternal revenue by means of Import duties
and by taxea on consumption In the form
or nauonai excise outles and local or
municipal charges.
Hlaeet Prlees la Italy.
Ketaii prirra or sugar, varying even In
different localities In the same country,
generally showed an Increase throughout
th world between July and November
Isst, attributed to ths shrinkage In the
Cuban cane crop and prospective shortage
in tne beet crops In Europe. Th Increase
ranged from one to three cents a pound,
averaging sbout two cents on ordinary
whll augar. Th great range of price
quotations Is shown by the fourteen cents
a pound charged In Italy and P.paln and
five cents oln Glasgow, Scotland.
Secretary Knox said that In Spain,
wner in July prices ranged close to
IS cents artusl decreases took place In
soma cities. In Russia, where a large
surplus stock had been carried over from
th I receding seasons th government
kept the prices unchanged. Th sugsr
con.blnstlon In Seeden, which had been
enforcing a high prlc prior to the general
deficiency in the sugar supply,- found It
I difficult to make Increases. Russia exer
I rises sbsoliite control over th prices.
CHICAGO. Feb. i -At the request
Charles M. Robinson, a retired brewer of
i'eoria. 111 . police here today Instituted
a scarry for hla son. lslie Jule. a gov
ernment revenue service employe. Kob
lnson sSs he fears his son lias met with
an accident or violence. The young man
dlaapiieared from a downtown hotel
Saturl,l eveninz. IWoie leaving he
told his father, who shared a room with
him. that he mould return In a short
time, lie had about S-0 with him.
hij c ine uee gained
JACKSONVILLE Fla.. Feb. i-Repob-licans
of Florida wilt have their Mate
court for v sonar Mahonev. whose father ! rortUnz to leaders In Jacksonville w.n: Pointed osTt
Is Faantng'g bookkeeper, and both Fan
ning and McShan are assert mg that they
will have a rhampkm Inside ths jury
rosea when Mullen is appo nted.
STKKSV1LLK, Md.. Feb. l-Th
toric maneion at Springfield, birthplace
of "Betsey" Patterson, burned
Filled with relics, ths place
"ahow plac." To every visitor
the Wndow from whk-
endorse President Taft s admlnJstretirm. I "Betsey" Patterson Jumped to mount her
not only with resolution, but wttn a' " Tmo IO ,un" meet
soBd Taft dcleention to foe national coo-! Jerome Bonaparte, whom she later was
vendor to marry.
niCiPPTADC I SI rUIPirn ""'d0 a"110 ln JPn nd BraHI Indl
UIOMrrCHna Ifl unilKUU vtLiiy Mrt tn j,, to manipulate
prices. Ths Argentine Republic flxra
prices by law. In Canada, Montreal re
fineries control the situation. In Sweden
retail dealers combine to keep the prices
Just low enough to mske imports unprof
Heveaae a ad Praleetlve Taxes.
"The United Kingdom, the Netherlands,
Belgium. Switserland. Greece and Peru
treat sugar solely aa a sourc of rev
eitue. Sweden. Roumanla. Japan. Mexico,
Brazil. Chile and the Union of South
Africa subjet'. sugar to high Import duties
to protect snd diVlop oomestlc Indus
tiiea with secondary regard to revenue.
Russia. Sinln. Italy. Canada and Denmark
treat It" as a means of fostering native
production and of providing for national
Austrou-Hungary, Germany and Franc,
signatory to I lie Brussels conference.
which abolished bounties oa production.
nisy be said to form a class by them
selves In their treatment of sugar In re
lation to Import duties. Thus Austrla-Hungary.-r.nany
and Franc hold In
abeyance the!r regular tariff rates Inso
far ss they exejed the S3 cent per )
pounds avoirdupois, which the conference
permits as the maxim am import duty al
lowed above their excise duties. Some of
these also remit the excise taxes on
sugsr when Imported and Franc and
Portuaal give sugar from their colonies
("referential treatment.
y': Compared with the
h.v. corresponding week
of last year
Sixteen Xea Are Selected, Sworn in
and Then By Judge 8ntton, In
stmoted a to Their Duties.
Cfcarp of Court is Lengthy and Vio
lations o flaw Are Hinted at
Trusts and Combinations Kay Coma
in for Some Investigation.
Frwsa th Beach, th Jaryssea Are
lafweaea at sss 1 sjly- R a as or
ma Thr Are Reejnestea t
Try aad Ran Thcaa Dsns,
Deliberations of th February term
grand Jury of th Douglas county district
court wer begun yesterday. Presid
ing Judge Abraham L. Sutton empaneled
the grand Jury yeaterday morning snd In
strurtnl It at noon. John W. Ueiger, a
national lecturer of th Woodmen t the
World, was named foreman of th In
quisitorial body, and N. D. Mann, Twenty-second
and K streets. South Omaha,
was mads grand Jury bailiff.
Judge Sutton'a instructions specifically
called the grand Jury's attention to
rumors and chargea of various law viola
tions and corruption.
Ths personnel of th (rand Jury' Is as i
John W. Oelger. I4 North Fortieth
street, national lecturer for th Wood
men of th World.
Harvey Challie. mt South Twenty-first
avenue, bartender.
John Daugherty, Benson, farmer.
Elward Oroth. MC3 South Eleventh
street, grocer.
A. A. Heath. SSI North Twenty-eighth
s venue, grocer.
Horse U Helfrlch. Florence, farmer.
A. D. Kletn, TSt South Thirty-seventh
strest, department manager Sunderland
Bros. ,
Larry deary. Thirty-ninth and I.
streets. South Omaha, laborer.
V. M. Latshaw, th Merriau. dealer In
rubber goods.
Martin O'Connor, Forty-first and P
streets. South Omaha, Inspector for Cud
shy Packing company, -
A. D. 8petr. th Uintah, salesman.
John A. Bruce, SOU Cass (treat, engineer
In city engineer's office, , ,
Chsrlea Run wer, Benson, farmer.
llary a. Swain, th sterling, porter.
J. P. Donahey, WW North Sixteenth
street, South Omaha.
J. L. Alvason, , 301 Fowler avenue,
All awl Threw . '
Df th original grand jury pant) of
twenty -threw alt but tare .reported serv
ice. Tw had not found with sum
mons and presumably have moved away: ,
on had. hem excused ( because hs had
moved oat of th county.
After examining th prospectlv grand
Jurors for cause, Judge Suttoa excused
four Leonard Burkman and Chester Fry
because they ar not yet SS years old and
W. W. Thomas and O. D. Oordon on ac
count of sickness. ,
Ulvea laslrat'llaas.
Judge Sutton pointed out to tits Jurors
ihe importance of their position, and th
urgent necessity of their being absolutely
Impartial and fearleaa In their delibera
tions and decisions, and then specifically
charged them as follows:
"Th first thing In your deliberations
should be to Inqulra Into and true present
ment make, if in your opinion such pre
sentment should be mad, of such persona
ss sre now hold In ths county Jail to
answer charge preferred against them,
since th Isst term of this court, and tlTTa
you should do aa speedily as possible.
"For some time rumors hav been la
circulation that corrupt Influences have
been used for ths purpose of Influencing
Jurors In the dischaig of their duties.
If these rumors are grounded upon facts,
a must dangerous situation exists, whtcii,
demande th Immediate action of th
grand Jury.
"Jury bribery is a heinous crime, and a
Jury briber Is a dangerous criminal and
th grand Jury should carefully and
vigorously Investigate all rumors ofjury '
bribing, and promptly Indict any person
who has tampered with a Juror. If you
do find thai Jury bribing baa been going
on In Iiotifflas county, you should
piomptly Indict the person or persons who
Influenced th jurors, and all officers er
attorneys of any company or corporation
who furnished lbs money snd partici
pated in aald jury bribing should b In- '
dieted by th grand jury, providing you
find sufficient evidence to warrant In
Tassserlaa with Ballata.
Th court calls your attention to ru
mors that wer In circulation last fall, re
garding tampering with In official re
turns at th late county primary. If the
rumors ar tru and official ballots. and
returns have been tampered with, a sell
out crime hss been committed. These
rumors should be promptly and vigorously
Investigated by tit grand jury, and any
person or persons found to hav violated
the law should be Indicted.
"The court also calls your attention to
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