Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 05, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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Boot Ma tt.
XT m to Booth'a Qoareatsed
Canned Oriitn ef year taMr, cell
DooaU 121 tor mmI Ma'i nam
i Ten atoeey d TalaaMM la th
rTlr Ban Deposit vanlta la The
Be Building. Box rant tor 2 per year.
Mm oa intollM Dr. L. W. If are
au will apeak Sunday afternoon at th
Lyrt theater oa '-Socialism and Health."
Okarak Waal Card Varty St Phll
omena branch, N El L C B. i, will
(tra a card party la tba Braodala Peat
pelan toon Friday afternoon at );.
Turkey Trot or No? ,
Governors Will See
At tha rardar meatinc at tba board of
roveraor at Ai-Sr-Ben Monday tha of
ficial will ba required to rs npoa the
noat vexinj Question that haa rat eoo
trontad tha dtraetora af tha Ak-SarBen
pen, -Tha Jolly Huakataara.'' which la
ta ba praaaatad at tha Bimadet thaatar
lata thla month.
Final decision rnnat ba randarat oa a
fancy dance performed by Oacar Uober,
tha chlaf ooroodlaa af tha opara and ana
at tha graceful Twins woman af tha oatn
paay, ta dead whathar ar not It la tha
rami "turkey trot."
Mr. Lleber mdlsnaatly deed tha chars
and mini that ha made up tha daaoa
himself. Oa tha other band amral relia
bly Informed round man la tha aaat de
elara It la a (enulne "turkey trot." aad
cannot ba danced without at lamat a repri
mand from Omaha'a teaebera af denetns.
Members of tha company hav takaa atdaa
la tha controversy and tha board af tor
arnora must settle tha matter enoe and
for all oa Monday night. ,
Debaters Will Be
Picked Thursday
Tha hit school debating eqoad of
twelre members will have a preliminary
aontast Thursday afternoon under tha di
rection of Coach Edward R. Burke hi the
assembly room of tha school. Thla debate
will be held to pick the atz lada who
will represent the school la tba inter
ebolasUo contests thla sprint. Tha ques
tion for discussion will be "The Immigra
tion problem m tha United State."
yollowins are tba twelve altflMa ta
compete for tha team: Has Block. It;
If aurloe Clark. 11; Georca Grimes, II;
Carson Hathaway, II; orris Johnson,
11; Barney Kulakofsky, 11; Edwin Lan
oele. 'll; Paul Mac kin. 11; Milton Peter
son. 11; Fred Rypln. II; Waldo Shlll
tnfton, 11; Haaold Torrell, 14.
Birthday Party for
Omaha Elks' Lodge
Omaha Elko who have been members of
the lodge since the early daya are arced
to corns out Friday evening, February
M. .
The twenty-sixth birthday of the lodge
will be observed then with addressek
under "the good of the order" and the
eaterer will have something extra. The
ninety-three Elks, residents In this ally, of
the Ml who y Ined In the first nine years
at tba ouge. are especially Invited, u
John O. Yeiser has mailed to tha man
be proposes as tha combination Insurgent
:ls-k. t fur daleaaLas. alternauia and nreel-
lenu-t elector a letter la anich be says:
You bave been selected as a delegate
in Huoeevelt ticket lot April url
aiarlea Inis ticket luciuae bail of me
selexaie selected by I lie Lm Ful.etle man
and other foremost Roosevelt leaders. It
la fotiued In liu. meaner of lair division
to endeavor preventing the splitting of
forces which are not u united alls) the
aUinlnlsuauoa ol President Taft I We
take tue pusltiou that tba propel Won
Itructlon of the preferential cboiost fur
the people to approve or condemn la, wall
the administration candidate be nom
inated or retired? This will be determined
by the aimpie question of whether the
majority want Tail or someone else. If
they do not want him the question Is
answered by the vote being cast far
It la therefore desirable that yon state
whether or not. If chosen a delegate at
the April primaries, you will consider the
candidacy of President Taft eliminated la
this state should he fall to receive a ma
jority of the votes, and would you vote
tor the people's choice among the opposi
tion to Taft whether It Is Roosevelt La
Foliette or any other candidate appearing
en the ticket who receives the highest
preferential vote for president.
A post mortem examination of the body
af W. W. Cohoon, who waa found behind
a drawn curtain on a shelf ta a roore-'bf
tha fifth floor of the Swenson Bros, .com
pany, 1111 Howard -afreet will ba made
fey Corner's Phrstdair McCleneghaa thla
A. cursory xamfaatloa of tha body led
ta tba announcement that tha man died
af heart failure, but the' fact that be
waa fouad as the shelf behind a curtain
add a myetarlbua aepeot ta the death.
There la ae erMeaea to anew that Gaboon
bad committed snMda.
Ha waa at rears aid and lived at MB
Ohie street. Ha la survived by hla endow.
"We win aow hare a little boxing exhl
brtloe," The chairman stood oa tha stage at
Meta ban and made tha announcement.
It waa O-M o'clock and time for tba mala
event. At the chairman's words some
body Jumped to his teat and struck XI
Lansing, 1711 Uard street, with a full beer
bottle.' Excitement and fighting ran
rampant for a few mlnutea AJ, however,
waa the only one who lay cold at tha
conclusion. The police ambulance came
and got him. Surgeons plastered up a
large variety of cuta about hla Data.
Sergeant Cook and Vaaoaa last night
raided tha saloon operated by Frank
Dlnusao, m Sooth Thirteenth street, and
took tba proprietor and three persona ta
Jail. Tba charge again Dtnnxso waa
kssplng a disorderly boob.
Dtsuxao la the man an use tteanae was
bald up by tba Board of lira and PoUoa
CaHiiiilastniia and finally granted attar
It (net bad been refused.
la leadorod antieeptlo by Backtase Ar
nica aarva, the bearing wander tar sores,
bums, pile, ecacma and salt rheum. Kc.
For aala by Beaton Drag Co.
Kay ta tha Situation Bee Advertising.
Activities Here and Then in the
Educational VTorjcL
Bew ladatilal Sohoela CenHat
ta the
Feewawal aad floavatnl
Dr. Andrew S. Draper, New Tork conv-
at education, addressing a
at teachara la Mew Tork 'City
recently, had thla to say of tha west nasi
of American universities:
Tha lust for riches and blgnesa and
social Influence and political power la a
was lr nana In American unlvarsttiea. It is
very American, but it la aot scholarly.
It la not meant that American stands for
grosanaas, but rt cannot be denied that Its
spirit and predominant attributes make
for commercial prosperity, tor business
euoeeas. for the acqalaltiea at bouse and
bam and riches rather than for soboiar
euln. The ambition of American universities
is to secure gifts and appropriations, to
erect aumptuou buildings; and to multi
ply teachers aad suatrtculanta haa be
come aa eemmoa and pronounced aa ta be
a rnenaoa. Tba president la often ehosea
because ha eaa get money, v The poten
tiality ef the erganiaatlon goes Into this
Quest tor blgnesa, thla consuming Amart
eaa desire ta be first ta the race or at the
top at tha heap. e The pension and
tba trend set up standards that mislead
youth and oontuse the common thienng
of t9 eountry. That Is a decided weak
ness In our American universal a and tt
la In a considerable sense peculiar to
Dr. Draper defended vocational Instruc
tion m universities and aald that Institu
tion apposing It are certain "to be
menaced by the advancing wave at com
mon tntaUlgsnos even to the point when
tha honored lights at a hundred or a
thousand years must be submerged.''
Dr. Draper also pleaded religious influ
ences la ooUeg.
Brief Xeattea of the Week's- Has
- sxalaga.
Lloyd Emm arson of Dallas, B. D, a
former student of the commercial .de
partment, baa FMlttmt in th mwi
of pharmacy and will complete the eouraa
atuueat rrwou of Prof. H. it Baton
made him a present af a beautiful uth-
chair but week.
Change are being made ta the heating
pout at tha dormitories. A new boiler
la being Installed and erode ail anil k.
need Instead ef ooeX.
Prat Softley address before tha Fre
mont Man's club on tba "Power af aa
Idea" created a good deal of Interest
and ha baa been requested to repeat It
some time next weak tor the benefit of
those outside ef tha club.
Prof, stonier baa about IS students In
hi penmanship class this term and
bandies them easily. It Is a vary popular
class; aa everyone wants to get Into It
who can, but owing to oonfllcta many
are not able to do so. When the musou
lar movement, aa ha teaches It. ta oboe
thoroughly mastered good writing Is as
sured. Secretary Kendall of the Young Hen's
Christian association lectured to the
young men of th eolleire last WntmAaw
on "The Morals and Health of the Young
man. He talked to a large audlenoe
and made his subject aa Interesting one
Prof. Templrman's mandolin olub gave
a recital, sua luted by Mlsa Naana Forbes,
reader, Thursday night. The club oon.
Mat of twenty member and they mad
mot excellent muslu on this occasion.
Th Slur Literary society gav a 'rag
social" Tifaeday night Ail In attendance
were dressed In the poorest clothes that
war atialwibl.
Mis La Foliette, daughter ef Senator
La Foliette. will give a monologue at the
coming district meeting of teachara to
ur held In Fremont In March. '
Girts Are Preparing to' Organise
Basket Ball Tenaa.
Miss Idamaye Baker, who comae from
Lincoln High school, haa entered the
Friday morning Hiss Clark and Miss
Elliott of th faculty favored the school
with two piano duets. -
Tbe girls expect ta hare a banket ball
team aa aooo as the equipment arrives
Tbey say they Intend to reach the stand
ard aet by the boys In their athletis
oon testa.
At th chapel exercises Monday morn.
Ing tbe students heard Mr. in-,- ...
tlonal secretary of the Railroad Young
Men' Chrlauan association, glv a splen
did talk on "Education." After that
Prof. White and Philnntt mr..A ,
tell of the basket ban game In Hot Springs
eacuraay evening. Three cheers were
given for the new captain Ouy Coffee,
who was called upon for speech. The
exercise closed with the Boole song, u
wnicn everyone Joined.
Some mlcroaooDe nave ha KL
oslved which will be need by th agri
cultural department In tha study of vari
ous things Included In this d-naj4mf
The microscope are the best of their
sinn ana are a good as those of any
ether school In tha state. The
class m agriculture Is taking up the study
ox sous una weak.
Soassote - aad
Cleee of the First
Oaenlmw eif laa - -
The first semester eloasd a week ago and
Tuesday and Wednesday were given v
to final examination. The hiiiiui.
of student haa been going on tor same
day and Friday was th last day, classes
of tha second semester beginning Batur
dT. The spirit and '.em per of the student
aouy is tine, and apparently everything
ha gone on well for the first bait year.
Every department ba had a good enroll
ment, additions being made in the nue
art and business courses tu to tha an
of the semester. The total enrollment I
lO, la all department
Tbe prospect for -Oklhe" lank evwui
to the outsider. Business Manager Bert
U HalL 11, together with tbe other mem
bers of the editorial board, ta tnttln h. -
deal of bard work and It will ' certainly
oe n aacceaa. The advertising, illustra
tions and other are being gain-
In both town and college great activity
la noted in musical endeavor. Much im
provement la reported In the work of th
paptla ta tba weakly recitals, and espe
cial dtwtmsntal reettaia are being held
to glv mora of the paptla aa opportunity
to appear la this semk-pabua manner.
Tba Choral anion baa begun work on
"Fair Hlso," a cantata by Max Brack.
Tha !! atsd Mountain Ash choir, a
company of Welsh singers, will appear at
tha CcnsTVjgatkmal church Saturday night
ct this week.
Tbe Christian associations bava elected
officers tor aajtber rear. For th young
women: Laura Kleth. prrs-dent; Haxel
Halt, vice president; Alice Kolberg. see-
Xrelary; Grace Lewis, treasurer. For the
young men: President. Bert L. Hall; vice
president. C L. Bates; secretary, & v.'
Keck: treasurer, R W. Bussey. At the
union monthly meeting held Sunday. Mia
Ehu Hooper spoke to a large gathering
on homo missions. An earnest aad har
monious spirit pervade th asaoclauon
work, '
Owtlewk tor Eadavraaeat Fend Casa
palxa to Bright.
Prof. B. W. Van Riper, who was
recently elected professor of philos
ophy la Boston university to succeed the
late Dr. Brown, leave February 1 for
Germany, where he will do advanced
work until next September. He will be
snoceeded at Wesleyan by A. 8. Bright
man, A. M of Boston university.
T,he Weeleran basket ball team Is after
th state championship. It has defeated
la succession the teams of the Lincoln
Young Men Christian association. Grand
Island col leg. Doan college. Coiner and
GrlnneO college, tha latter team claiming
the champlonahtp of Iowa last year.
Wesleyan hi aa yet undefeated la basket
ball thla season.
The outlook for the endowment fund
campaign is exceedingly bright. Mr.
Strader, the manager of the movement,
reports encouraging letters from over the
state and there eeema to be little doubt
that at least 100,000 will bo subscribed In
the eight-day campaign beginning April
11. In the meantime the educational and in
spirational aide of the movement will re
ceive the attention of tha committee.
Th university orchestra la planning a
concert trip to the north-central portion
of the Mate fn about two week. The or
ganisation la composed of twenty mem
ber under th direction of Bandmaster
Registration Is tinder way tor tha sec
ond semester. A number of new students
nave arrtved and will carry work tor the
remainder of the year,
Asnrlenltwral Class As Busy Test
Is aeed Cora.
. The agricultural classes aro doing a
good deal of seed com testing for neigh
boring farmer. Prat Weeks' recent suo
oes In g st ting second prise at the state
corn show ha resulted ta a good deal of
demand for eeed tram hi but year's
Friday the school was visited by Prat
Howard of the Stat university horticul
tural department and hi assistant, Mr.
Val User. They gav some lecture to th
students and some ' demonstrations sf
apple packing and of orchard pruning.
Mrs. Burr, th wlfs of the Jalntor, died
Friday of pneumonia.
Tha Industrial' department ah been
augmented by large Influx of new
students fur the second semester. Among
them are a few second year pupil, who
ar being givsn work la wood turning.
Prat Smith haa twalv tool bench aa
established at hla headquarters. Several
members at the faculty are enthusiastic
workmen. '
Prof Been haa mad two handsom
writing desk for his absent daughters
and Mis Culberteoa has mad an
elaborate and beautiful dresser.
Mlsa Muta ef th an department enter
tained the pupils at chapel last Thurs
day with a talk on Dasdel Chester French,
tbe artlat who ba In charg th making
of th statue of President Lincoln tor the
lata house grounds.
A contract has been made with the
eminent baritone, David BUpbarn, for our
May festival during commencement week.
Edaeatloaal If ate. .
Sirdar Jawala Dlngh a wealthy Hindu
farmer of Moreland, Cel., hes established
several scholarships (or Hindus In the
University .of California.
President W. II P rnunee of Brawn
univeia.ty, who has ' raised nearly all
of the prupfd lVKi.O00 endowment fund
to Inreae the salaries of the professor
of thai Instil utlon, bus received a gift of
toO.ow) to the fund (loin Henry W. Laugh
lln, the Pittsburgh Iron and steel manu
facturer. Emory cnlleite, Oxford, Ga., claims the
youngest proltrssur of any oollegs in th
stale. He is 'ieorge K. Loehr, U years
old. who holds the chair of Italian. There
are college professors la his olasa Prof
Loehr speaks, reads and write Bngllsb,
Piench, Herman, Chines and Italian. He
learned bis Chinese In Shanghai, where
his father t a missionary.
Th girl from China I abroad these
day and In many of th schools of th
country sh may be found eagerly anx
ious tor an education, usually that she
may go home and teach ether girls. Mlas
Letti Da of China haa Just oompleted
the kindergarten course at th mission
ary school in Cincinnati and sailed for
hum wher she will tak up work.
Miss Haaei Kyrs haa a ciasa of woman
student at Wellealey oa th eubject of
trusts and industrial corpora lion Sh it
said to be the first women who haa ever
attempt to teach such subjects. Each
of her student Investigates some trust
or corporation and geta all the available
data connected with It. She aim to make
all th work as practical aa possible.
The election of Mlas Ueulah Ksnnard
to th vacancy on ths Ptttubunih Board
of Education, caused by Miss Harding
declination of the place, bring Into public
position a woman who ha for a long
time taken prominence by her activity
In work for th betterment of ths condi
tion of children la the cities Mlsa Ken
nerd la a leader In th movement for
advanced legislation on child labor In
Pittsburgh and Pennsylvania.
Effa Ellis Describes
How Life Mask Made
A Ufa mask of Mm Effa Bib) was
completed yesterday af her musloal
studio, the handicraft ef a Venetian
sculptor, artist, linguist, actor aad archi
tectCarl Phtlomon, whoa real nam la
Don Car! Herman. Miss Fills will leav
this morning for Sl Louis From thcr
sh goes t New Orleans sad after go
ing to San Francisco will sail tor Hono
lulu aad spend several months In travel.
Ml EU1 "pond" for the ur mask.
"It took him bslf a day." sh declared.
"Just tnree mlnutea,'- repliid Ur.PUl-
"First my face waa greased." explained
Mlsa Bills, "then a carinas nl of sumo
sort was put ever It ana the mlxiui
poured on. Wherever the mixture
touched my slothing I: crumti eil. ut In-
moment It tor-hed my Peeh it brsun i.
harden and grow frarfuMy "wain. i
thought tt would burn or ace
was no way to .breathe except timm .
two quins, s I reached ap eiu ai t-r..
the stuff away.
"I thought I was fainting tnr- -pi
assure waa frlgbtfuL put I e'ippu,
there really was no danger. at in.
mixture began to grow warm .t fe.t use
it was crawling over my face."
Miniature will be made of the out and
each of the students Miss Kill baa In
Omaha will be given on Tt encul
will stand in bar atadlo. .
-I . A-
. XjO.' v r-
W.i 'vi'i.e -f ;v
Diitrict Assembly to Hold Annual
Meeting on Lincoln's Birthday,
BUkep-Eleet of Cbeysaa to
Heaerrd by Order at Which
Bo la Sfosse
Llnoore'a birthday will be a gala day for
local Knight of Columbus belonging to
ths Fourth Degree for the district as
sembly will than hold Its annual conven
tion with del agate present tram all of
tbe local ass am bile of Nebraska and
South Dakota. Tha oonvenfToa ail be
called to order at i a. av la tha Knights
ot Columbus hall. Board of Trade build
ing, by Edward W. amoral. Blaster or
the Fourth Degree, who will make hi
annual address, after which the delegates
will take up various matter ot Import
ance to thla, tba most advanced degree
of th knights. Thomas P. Redmond will
represent th Omaha assembly at th con
vention, In th evening at T:M a rooaptloa will
be held at the Borne hotel, at which the
knight end their ladles will be glean
aa opportunity to meet th out-of-town
d slag ate aad to pay their respect to th
guest of honor. Bight Rev. Patrick 'A.
MoQovern, D, D- who has )ust bees ap
pointed bishop of Cheyenn Tba bishop
Is g fourth degree knight, aad has taken
a prominent part In tha work ot th de
gree. As bs will leave tor hla nsw see
within the next few week It I xpctd
that all of the fourth degree knight will
be glsd to avail thsmselves of thla oc
casion to meet him aad extend their
hearty oocgratulationa upon his prome
tioa. Th bishop will deliver an address
upon "Th Spirit of Patriotism," and It
goes without saying that hi auditor will
be given an oratorical treat
At the banquet, which la to follow th
reception, there will also be an address
by Ksv. F. X. McMenamy, dean of ths
College of Art and Sciences of the
Crelghton university. Father McMenamy
la a speaker of rare powsr and will be
beard at ths banquet tor the first Urn by
the knights. - -. - - .....
An Innovation has been provided In the
way of an Illustrated lecture by Jobs A.
Bennewlta upon tbe Uvea and achieve
ment of Washington and Uncola.
In addition to th Intellectual treat pro
vided for th knlghta and their ladle,
ther will be an alaborat ten-course din
ner. A vary attractive souvenir progrkra con
taining a photograph of Bishop McOovsm
aad hla autograph I being prepared, and
every effort I being exerted to make this
on of th meet notable affair given In
Omaha by th Fourth Degree. Th re
ception oommltt eonstst ot Messrs. and
Meedamea H. V. Burklay, Charles F.
Crowley, Thomas B. Coleman, John B.
O'Hara and Thomas P. Bad mood.
Creighton Uni to
Honor Its Founders
AUDay Wednesday
Crelghton university wfD. bold (upro
ar let memorial oxer dies Wednesday,
the fifth anniversary of Count Juno A.
Cretgbton death. In the morning at
I o'clock ther will be a requiem mas
at which th following clergymen will
assist: Celebrant. Raw. F. X. McMen
amy. 09. dean Crelghton College of
At and SctenoMi deacon. Iter. D. P.
Haningtor pastor of i St. Cecilia's
uhurchj sub-deacon, Ray. Frederick A
Meyer, 8. J, one of the professors to
the college of arts; master of cere
monies Rev. J. W. fttenson, pastor of
St, Philomena' oh urea, lk memorial
sermon win be preached by Rev. Daniel
W. Mariarty of Benson. As ths stu
dents of the oollegs of arts will occupy
most of th collegiate chapel an this oc
casion admission will be by card.
Th day's celebration will be con
cluded with a reception at . tha Rome
hotel at I:3 o'elook, and ending at I
o'clock wbea an elaborate ten sours
banquet will be served to the combined
faculties of the college f law, medi
cine, dentistry, pharmacy, arta and
sciences aad academy, a wH a to th
Institution's alumni and a large num
ber of person prominent hereabouts In
professional, educational and commer
cial circles. Duncan M. Vinaonlialer of
the college ot law will officiate as
toast master and Introduce 'the principal
speaker. Jerry B. 8'Jlllvan Of Dee lltne,
who enjoy a high reputation ae an
orator. Thss year celebration ir 1 1
more noteworthy becauee In th rw
veer which hnv elapsed since rntitt
Crrigr.ton'e deair th university has n.
cn-ifed In enrollment by 41 per cm
ani at the rre-?enl rate of growth --t
iw-sa lb- -:"! msrk in t! next deca-l-It.
cmi melioration of this year's m.
'ration a very ornute program snl
- it ca:.i is heir.g prepared coniamms
- 't.-.-rsvlr-i-e of tdaard and Count
. rrvi'-lilon set In mourning bur
mi 1 iivrruitl with tissue; yis cover
:r w emutised wtlh a speual plate
... t... ctime to the occasion, and will
the uhtversitya monogram cut la
mother of pearl finished ta two color.
The Mutual Life
. -
Insurance Company
of New York
Record of 1911
The close of the 69th year of the oldest company in America shows aa increased amount
of insurance in force, $1,604,974,662 gain of $40,950,286 and an increased amount of
new insurance paid-f or during the year, $141,014,371, including restorations, increases and
dividend additions a gain of $20,131205. Other notable features of the year's record are:
Admitttd sseta
Policy Reserves
Tetal Income
Tottl Disbursements , 68,388, 1 37. 1 3
Payments to policyholders, $57,353,726.13, include dividends paid to the amount of
$13,631,857.73; while the sum of $15,146,685.72 his been apportioned for dividends pay.
able in 1912 an increase over the amount paid in 1911 of $1,514,827.99, and a larger sum
than has ever been apportioned for dividends in a single year by any other company in the
Balanct Sheet. December 31st, 1911
Real EaUU ..Me.. IM8T.I7J.I0
Mortgage Loani ...... ........... 111,141,717.01
Loan oa Pollcle 76,041,411.11
Bonds, tmortlMd eluo ,... 115,715,485. l
Stocks, market Jd. tl,III,441.0
Intorwst sad rcnta, da nd so-
ernad ,H1.I0.H
Promlnms In eonn of eoIlectJon 4.114,114.01
Oeeh (,40t.l st lntarwit) 1,(10.141.11
Do pod tod to par policy claims. .. . 117,111.74
Total sdmlttod asU .....MT4IMMI
Kat Policy lUkwrrw M...$tn,llM0S.0
Otbor Policy LUblUttai I.1MJ.4I.14
Piamlnms, InUroat and Rants paid
ta adraaea M7a.tll.44
Mlsoallanaoas UabUIUas 454414.T1
Estimated Taxes, Llooseoa, eta,
payable la lilt r. 1.104JI5.II
DlTldada payable la 1111 lt,14l.t.Tl
Roeerv for future Defarred
iiimveiis ......
.Reserve for Conttacenelei
Total LtabUltles
Wdtt H. Scjdtr, nuaf fjr,
) - - Bruitlf Buildlnf,
Omaha Nebraska.
Home Office, 34 Nassau Street, New York, N. Y.
Boatman of .Carter x
Lake Passes Away
John M. Larson, M years old, well
known Carter lake boatman, died Friday
mornlns. II leaves a widow and eliht
children. The funeral will bo held I hi
afternoon at I o'clock.
Mr. Larson wa born In Sweden. Bains
a acafarlns man and bavins sailed all
over th world. It waa natural that be
should settls on tbe lak front H n
gased In th rentlnf ol boat and Bads
a succes of It
P. rw stent Adverusias la th Read
CIS Hsturna
Wives and Bother find.lhar la one
thins of which Omaha men never ttro,
Mornlns. noon and nlsht hla "lordaaiy"
wtu eat "Minnesota" spaabetU r
aronl and be dallshted with It's rtoh, an.
like flavor.
If you nave triad ether ntaoarool r
pafhettl and have dlauked them, th
"Minnesota" brand will be a revelation
to you. Tor every day meeia far dainty
lunch or for bis feast, there la noth
ins better than thla healthful loo servd
In one of th many eppatlalns wars.
But If you want that nob, nut-Da
flavor be aura and set th delicious
"Minnesota" brand aaacaronl ar spat-hctti-snad
from the Onast Northern
Durum wheat, with all the aoutlanlns
gluten left ta It to oeeUr dlsotd end
never seta aosfy. aJl aod Omaha tro
cars 11 tt
No change '
of cars
To St. Paul and Minneapolis :
Commencing January 28th, day train will leave
Omaha Union Depot at 7:44 a. dl, and rnni
through solid arriving SL Paul 7:40 p. m.; Minne
apolis 8J.0 p. m. Carries through c&fe-parlor-ob-sorvation
oar with oontinnoua meal servioe, and
new, dean coaches. No oonneotions to wait for,
but makes all connections at Twin Cities. '
Night train leaves Omaha at 8,35 p. m. and ar
rives St Paul 70 a. m.; Minneapolis 8:10 a. in,
with dab ear, standard sleepers, chair cars and
coaches. ) '
Dont forget about our daily Chicago train at
Chicago Great Western
P. 7. B0N0BD0N, 0. P. and T. t,
1512 Parnam St, Phone Douglas 260.
Omaha, Nebraska.
6 j ItltTTMU
If Ask Your CrocCTf
I to Send Yon a
Case of Blatz,
a or order direct
i from distributing point
.iooi iiiiiM,ai,a(
i'iioMi Doarbisoeas
,f. tr fy
Dr. Harold Gilford, who haa been 111 for
bout ten daya, la reported much better
and la expected to bo beck at hla office
acaln In a few days. Dr. oifford -had
a bad, eeld. wtaci datla4inte plwrlsypaadcliUrlssa and are-Sr.adtailrsa,
Mrs. Lehmer, Pioneer,
Is Critically HI
Vr. Winiara uhrnon, M years old, I
critically 111 at the homo of her eanshter.
Mrs. Richard Carrier, la tha New Hamil
ton apartments. Bb is one ot Omaha'
pioneer residents, bavins com to Ne
braska ever fifty year at. Sh cele
brated bar ninety-third Mrthday last
ummr nreoonded by her children.
1 I
iWKSakT fZZA'tAH eome
I5f MNEr ai'llTStt' I see.
Modern Merchandfain
q,MarchiaHris method ar
wary eUffereat today trocn wkat
tkery wrere kat a lew year afo,
iscsns A Piores of Today
ha wty of karryiafratult
tfaro;h Printer' Ink.
Cyo may kaws feeds, frricc.
esre servio aad every.
thia( else keyonol yowr
ooenpotitor but if th
frsatcr part of tka Bny
in( Pnblie io mot Ipore
cist it. will yoa oatina
lo wait aatil thy find It
CYot) and yowr a force
may talk o yonr refular m.
tocners sad tke other who
aa4 ( fcejt wky not
tall tke kaautrcd the tfieus
-at esM east tke me
4XIt b s smattas ef epoeal aasale
lsnrly, wiwidly, ttronfly
tnraok that fraatawt factor in
lrtanhl) AO VE RTI 3.
fYe may kawe tie wish the
strong dir ta ksuld np yonr
bnsincM.bat aot fcawa tke knask
"of teUiaf tke PaUio-.
Larf wky it's to thair
advaataf to know yow
yowr stwe your aoatk
oU. that reason oor
Local Copy Department
exist. Our ncir cxper-
1 a ay rtffffftninsrl
aelTTtina( otaa ar behind tnia
sXWiQ yow sseet a ia onfcr
seeeinJIetaat plan with yon fct
WtttA Umbe. biaoT
eZPnoMorwrfte. Owrarponse
will he rmmrrliita, ' .
Darlow Advertising Company
S2S-440 City liataaaul Bank BaiUinf
TsatpkssMst Dealss TUi lad. A-Hi