Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 05, 1912, Page 3, Image 3

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    THIS BiiL: OMAHA. ilUADAX, riuliisUAivi a, LH12.
JTew Pwibyterua Place of Worship
ii dedicated Sunday. .
r" ;
ay Worshipers Gather la fay
Trlbete to Fast AsUt la
Dedication at Nana. Pre
. . ayterlsua Ckarea. "
Tre of debt, the North Presbyterian
church. Twenty-fourth ant Wirt strait.
tha outgrowth at the Knox and the See
end Presbyterian churches, an! costing
clow to M1.. was dedicated Sunday
morning, Rot. George N..Luceocfc, pastor
of Oak Park Presbyterian church. Chi
cago, preaching the dedicatory mm to
aa audienca of soma 3a) persons.
Tha new church !s the largest house ot
worship on the north side am) one of the
largest la tha city, and Is sit into close to
the canter of Kounrxe Place, a portion of
tha city densely ' populated. The new
handing "Is ot pressed brick, with gray
stone trimmings, the auditorium being
reached by a flight of broad steps leading
up tram tha Twenty-fourth street side.
Passing between great stone colum the
large vestibule Is reached, swinging doors
admitting to the main auditortum To the
aorth Is the large Sunday school rooms.
separated from the main portion of the
church by doors that can be raised Into
the celling. .To the right Is tha church
parlors and beyond Is tha pastor's study.
In the basement there Is a large and well
appointed kitchen, dining rooms and
Iatarlar la Beaatlf el.
Tha seating of tha church, tha pips
organ and all of tha woodwork Is dona In
tamed oak, furnishing a pleasing contrast
to tha walls, which are of a light cream
sol or, with fresco and panel work on the
sides and where roof and celling meat.
Light Is admitted to the main auditorium
through three huge art glass memorial
windows oa tha south std and through
numerous smaller windows on the west.
The building Is surmounted by a great
dome, the Interior of which Is frescoed la
light blue tints and has windows on all
Mas, through which light and fresh air
Is admitted.
At tha dedicatory services of the North
Presbyterian church Hunday morning the
official function ass onsned by an organ
prelude from Wolstenholme, followed by
the singing of the doxology, after which
tha pastor. Rev. II. V. Higbee. pronounced
tha Invocation. Then came the mponslre
reading used In Presbyterian churches
upon such occasions. Rsv. Mr. 8tookey
at Bellevue leading. Rev. A. B. Marshall
of tha seminary led In prayer, after which
Dr. Luccock spoke, selecting for his text
Epheslans vjt, "Husbands, ' lore your
wires aa Christ also loved tha church.
and gave Himself tor It"
Tha speaker paid high tribute to tha
new church and those who bed bam In
strumental In making Its erection possible
by reason ot they having contributed
funds and aided la many other , ways.
Ha referred to U as an Ideal church and
one that was on "easy street financially."
The real church was described as one
where the poor are taken In and cared
for and one that has Its foundation laid
with Jesus Christ tha comer stone. .
After Ged'e Likeness.
After the foundation Is laid, added the
speaker, then comes tha superstructure,
which must be neonled bv mm
women and children, all made after the
likeness of Ood. With them there must
ba s willingness to toll and make sacri
Dr. -LueWk took the -position that: to
snaa the church gives an Inspiration In
th daily work and with Its aid, man
la better equipped for toll and the cares
at business; It unites families and keeps
tha family circle Intact, while the social
life has a tendency to dlslntergrste and
work separations. On the other hand, the
church brings closer together, husband
and wife, sons and daughters and Mends
as well, all tha time conveying a message
that goes tar la solving all of the difficult
problems that oom front and annoy.
The hurch. continued the speaker,
reaches down Into the dark, places and.
like the sua, shines on the rich and the
poor, the high and the low; it Is organised
and equipped to saving the whole world;
It brings about a satisfied companionship
and gives Its members a consciousness of
having a part hi the force that Is re
forming the world and making a new and
better earth. ' j
Xperssary Money Kalsed. .
At tha close of the sermon. Dr. Luccock
announced that he anderstood that In
order for the church to be free from debt
K would be necessary to raise something
like aVWu. Raising this sum he designated
as aa easy matter.- Clerks were appointed
to record the subscription and take care
of the cash. .Then Dr. Luccock called for
csrau-lbuttene and for a few minutes there
was a strife among those present to see
who would ba the first to pay over the
money or sign pledges to make payments
In the near future, many present giving
from 10 to t) and any number giving
smaller sums. In leas than aa hour, the
whole sum required bsd been paid and
the entire debt ot tha church wiped out.
Again during the day the seating
capacity ot tha new church was taxed.
It was at the evening services, when the
seimon. the "Oosnei at th. tin. .
was preached by Dr. D. E. Jenkins, presi
dent ot the University of Omaha. Besides
the great evening congregation, there
were present most of the students of the
In a measure the evening worship was
a sang service, the music being selected
particularly for the occasion, consisting
largely of anthems, offertory and post
luds, together with tha usual hymns.
New Church Dedicated Sunday
"Mother" Minnie Dunn and thirty of her
lodgers were driven out m the cold early
this morning by a fire which practically
gutted the two-story frame building at
tha southeast corner of Sixteenth and
Leavenworth streets. l
Tha flames started la a restaurant
operated by Estella E. Fead below the
lodging rooms at U19 Leavenworth streets.
Another restaurant la the corner ot the
building, owned by E. K. Curley, was par
tially destroy ed'. Nona of the property
was covered by Insurance. The building
la owned by Frank Fltsgerald, whs Uvea
la South Omaha, and la estimated as
worth ..
WU I " ill.
r- -
... 't' f t .ne;,-r . y. ... - - . a-KiH)'f,T:
Boy Couter Serionjly Injured in
Collision with Wagon. . .
Noble ' Rarrawly Escapes Death
When easollae Tank of A at Kx
. plsdes Tera More Fires at
: Creek Raasslag Hoase. .
'Mrs. A. R. Tabor ot Older, Mk.bad
bora troubled with stefc headache for
about five years, when she began taking
Chamberlain's Tablets. She has takea
two bottles of them end -they hare eared
her. Sick headache is caused by a disor
dered stomach far which these tablets
are especially Intended. Try thera, get
wen and stay well. Sold by all drugging
The key to eorctee a aimmsss Is the
yadldous and permanent use ot newspaper
la a colilaon between a grain wagon
and a sled at Forty-sixth and J streeta
yesterday morning Carl Hartmann, a la-year-old
boy, residing at Forty-seventh
and streets was severely Injured about
the lower limbs. -
The accident occurred upon the hill that
leads from the Q street vtaduot at Forty
sixth street. Hartmann and twenty other
boys had been coasting on the hill and
did not notice the sproach of a team and
wagon driven by a. S. Robbins. The
wagon was going west and the sled from
the opposite direction- In the collision
the rear wheels of tha wagon passed over
both legs of young Hartmann, tearing the
flesh. Dr. O'Reilly was called and at
tended tha injuries of the youth, who was
taken to his home. ,
- Bead aostlaa Arises.
Now that Allen Bros, ot Omaha are
about to take over the tllv,8uo renewal
If sue of bonds over which there has been
considerable dispute, the question la being
discussed as to the disposition of ths
regular issue of 1911, which win be la the
neighborhood of 30,MR.
This Issue some time ago was told In
blanket contract to Frank Csad ot the
Packer's National bank snd thsa turned
aver to Spluer, Rortck Co., bond buyers
of Toledo, O.
At the time of ths transaction the bonds
wars sold at a premium of one-half of 1
per cent when the market price was m
per cent." Following charges that by this
deal the city would loss hi tha neighbor
hood ' ot $i:,m), the council reconsidered
tha award of the contract and reckoned it
at a special meeting. !
Coed already had assigned his rights
In, ths sals and Spttser, Rartck A Co.
stepped into his place. Then tha Toledo
firm lost la tba award of the renewal
bonds and tha city . fathers refused to
consider the assignment mad them by
Coad. . .
It was understood that until Allen' Bros,
bought the renewal bonds Bpltssr, Rortck
sV Co. were willing to take the renewal
bonds at (. per cent, on condition that
tha 11 Issue should go to them at Us
per, cent.' A movement to reduce the
Interest from He to f per cent la growing
among some of those who are not In
clined to give the. bonds to. the Spttsar
Gasoline Tank Explodes.
J. L Noble, a real estate dealer of
Papllllon. narrowly escaped death near
Ware's farm at Fifty-third and Q streets
yesterday afternoon when1 the gasoline
tank on his automobile ixplpded.
Noble was returning from a business
trip to Omaha and had Just crossed the
city limits ot South Omaha, going
toward Papllllon. when tha accident oc
curred. The causa of the explosion la
sot known. Tha automobile was damaged
considerably by tiro that followed tba
explosion. - ' '
Men from an Omaha garags took charge
of the wrecked machine and Noble re
turned to Papllllon in a hack.
Two Fires la tsa Haase.
Twice within tha space ot a fsw hours
tha tire department was summoned to the
Greek pool room and rooming house lo
cated at the corner 'of Twenty-sixth and
N streets. ;
Aa overheated stove caused the first
alarm at 4 O'clock yesterday evening. At
1:30 last night a detective flue set Ore
to the rafters between tha Boot hall and
tha second story rooms causing' damage
of HOI. . .
This Is ths fifth tiros the 'fire depart
ment has been called to the piaee within
ths last tew months. The bonding la old
and only the effective work of the fire
men last night prevented its destruction.
Magla Ctty Ossstp. . '
Turkey dinner Sunday at the Atlas cafe.
The Presbyterian King's Daughters will
meet- Friday next with Mrs. Dr. William
Barry. .
Atlas Cafe. 031 K. ttth. Sunday dinner.
The 111) club will giro a ladles' compli
mentary dance Wednesday evening at
hushing'B hall.
Sunday Turkey dinner. Atlas, N. Mth.
.Harrr and Miss Pansr La Ooureua of
O' Leal 1 "Neb., are tba guests of their aunt.
airs. w. uiasgow.
Turkey dinner today. Atlas, No. Mth.
The women of the New Century dub
will give a card party at the Masonic hall
Tuesday evening, February I
Mrs. C. M. SchlnoeJ entertained at a
bridge-luncheon Wednesday afternoon.
Covers were laid tor sixteen.
Frank A. Agnew, law office. Hannoa
Mrs. T. rtaee. aged tj years, died Tes
ter day morning of debility at her home.
At North Twentieth street. The funeral
will be held Monday alters 00a at I o'clock
from her tale residence to Laurel Hill
Mrs. W. Clarence Branson of Brash.
Colo., is a guest at the Bronson-Coppor
hovne on Twentieth street this week.
The W!rluig Workers will give a supper
at the Christian eh arch. Twenty-third and
I streets, Friday evening, February a.
Mr. C Ray Gates retrraed to her aeme
Saturday at Blair, after a weeks vant
w,th her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. A.
Meedsmes J. J. Caaghey and W. B.
Cheek entertained the ladies' Afternoon
Wiuat elub st the home of Mrs. Ca'urhey.
7 North Twenty-third street. Friday.
Tba next meeting will ba la (wo weeks
with Mrs John OrlbMn, Mrs. J. It. Tan
ner asdatlnf hostess. .
A meeting of the local lodge of the An
cient Order of Hibernians will be held at
the Danish Brotherhood hall on Tuesday
Arthur C. Pan coast hss moved his law
office to 411 Otneha National Bank Bldg.
Phone Douglas livtt.
The Infant son of Mr. snd Mrs. James
Spears tfled at 11:10 yesterday morning.
Kuneral services will be Sunday at IM
at the home, Fifty-alxth and Q streets.
George Scott, the Isd who accidentally
shot himself in the foot last week, la re
ported to be much iinproved. The acci
dent occurred whlls the child was playing
with a rifle.
Mrs. J. M. Tsnner entertained at a
bride luncheon for the LaVeta club at
her home, USD North Twenty-fourth street,
Wednesday sfternoon. Mesdsuies Clay
and Hume were prise winners.
Room and board. . H N. Mth. ,
Miss Rthel Bryne entertained the Poln
settla Club Tuesday svenlng. Those pres
ent were: Misses Ines Mansan, Ana
Caughan, Tracy Klnn, Elisabeth Chap
man, Kathryn Raff arty. Margaret O' liars,
Madallns Lang and Bthel Byrne,
At the office of the etty treasurer yes
terday tt wss said that County Treasurer
Ure probably would send a deputy collec
tor and a deputy sheriff to ths Magic
City Monday for the purpose of collecting
outstanding personal taxes.
Phone Bell South aW-lnd. F-lsa for a
esse of Jetter Oold Ton. PmmDt delivery
to any . part 01 tne tniy.
Postmaster Lew Etter objects to being
called an Insurgent. Still, he says. If
needs must he will continue to insurge
Sdefenae of the older members of the
odem Woodmen of America, who will
have to face s. heavy increase in Insur
ance rates at ths next convention, of the
order. ' - 1
On Frldsy evening the Double Four
ciud met at the nome ot ntr. sno Mrs. 1.
Exposition in Auditorium from
. Tuesday to Friday.
Will Talk Trade Sanjeota la Mora
le, as and laapect Nasaereus
Exhibits at Shew la
Cement la all Its varied forms, one of
which Is a miniature replica of George
A- Joslyn's Thirty-ninth street castle and
another a cement standard for lights of
the model that Is to be used along Wool
worth avenue from Thirty-second street
to the Field club, will be seen this week
at the Mid-West Cement show, which
opens m the Auditorium Tuesday noon.
One of ths handsomest features of ths
decoration will be the exhibit of the
standards and lights that will be used
by Tthe Field Club District Improvement
club along Woolworth avenue.
The show will be held aa aa adjunct ot
aw .C4
the annual convention of the Nebraska
William Jetter. Cement Users' association, which will be
held .In th convention hall of the Rom
hotel, Wednesday to Friday. Inclusive.
Programs will be In the forenoons, the
afternoons being reserved for visiting the
Th public Is Invited to the cement show
and Manager Parrlsh of ths publicity
bureau of the Commercial club, who had
nortn jwenty-sixtn "tre-t.j h f arnn(,nMnt, for tha (how,
The following members were present and ( " , .k '
enioyed the prosrsm: Messrs. snd Me.
dames Jay laverty, R. M. Lsiverty, A. H.
Murdoch, Dr. and Mrs. W. Nell, A. L,
Hows and J. B. Ashs.
Tha Century Literary Mub will meet with
Mrs. C. M. Schlndel, tts North Twenty
second street, Thursday afternoon, when
the following 1 program will be given.
Reading, "Holmes Lines to John Ureen
lsat Whlttler " Mrs. Adklns., pisoussion.
Miss Myrtle Roberta. Paper, Mrs. C. M.
Schlndel. Music, selected. ,
Tesdamea Frank Stryker and R. 'B
Schlndel, were hostesses for ths P. H. O.
society at ttie home of Mrs. Kclilndei,
Saturday artemooii. Meanings and dis
cussion were slven by Meadsmes Darr.
Oault and Wilson and Rev. Dr. Wheeler.
Musicals were given by th Misses Cor
nish and Laura Peterson.
Miss Ruby Moors entertained for Miss
Nellie Giver Friday evening. Miss Greer
left for her home in Benton, ill., last
svenlng. Those present were: Mlssee
Edna Philip, Nina McWIllisms, Nellie
Greer, Edith Lyon, lltssl Lyon, and
Messrs. Koy ureer, Harry mcwunams.
Byron Buck and Howard una
The Neighbor Card club met Thursday
svenlng with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mlckei-
son. mi r strvet. ix tanits were sr.
ranged for ths plnyera . Those prvsc-nt
were Messrs. snd Mesdames Kliher, J. (1.
Martin, John Smith, Kdgar Smith, II. O.
Pike. F. Prueks. J. Bateman. -Hurt An
derson, R. K. rkhlndel, Howard lleyman
and Allen Dudley.
The Scoffers met Frldav evening at the
nome ol Waldo Lur, SCI North Twenty
third street. Those present were Messrs
Ralph l,yman, John Mxon. Hsrold
Chambers. Earl Kief-r. Willis Miller,
Frank Foley, Donald Klokls, Im Low cry.
John Collins, Rujwell Philip, Wsldo Laur,
Edgar Ktddoo and stswarl Berger.
Complimentary to Mra Waddell of At
lantic, la, guest of Mrs. c. M. Bcninoei,
Mrs. Ben Elliott entertained at aa In
formal bridge party Saturday afternoon.
Tables were placed for Mesdames O. J.
Ames, J. M. Tanner, T. H. mnsor, D. L
Holmes. H. Marling. A. L, Lott. sr.. Wad.
dell. C. M. Schlndel, J. M. Caughsy, L. M.
uora, Jtcuiuiocn ana n. KUiotu
Miss Alma Mead entertained the Fort'
nlshtly club Filday evening at her home.
417 North Twenty-second street. Fortune
telling, games and a dainty luncn were
the enjoyments of the evening. Those
present were: Misses Anna Robertson.
Freda Baungarten, Minnie Haas, . Leta
Kellose. Mabel Henry. Aids Mead. Mra,
Fred Miller and Mra Zan Btanbaugb.
In a vary polite letter to the city clerk.
Attorney C. E. Herring, representing ths
Empire Machlns compsny, mads a de
mand upon ths city for ths' payment of
i.3u due on voting machines. Ths sum
demanded amounts to fl.W snd the letter
says that ths demand has been ignored
eo long and so frequently that the time
lor consideration is past. Tne mlssivs
SLstej that unless payo.elit la promptly
msdt the matter will be taken Into court.
Miss Irene Thorn aa was bootses for ths
Stitcha-y club at her home, 2714 B street,
Friday evening. The next meeting will
be In two weeks at the home of Miss
Stella Holmes. Those present were Misses
Myrtle Taylor, Stalls Holmes. Cecil
rs 1 x ui, r ranees eae. stsiiioa vtogenson,
Edith Curtis, Pays Curtis, Monet ha Im,
Blanche Robinson. Mse A rul reason, Mary
Sargent, Agnee Berquist. Florence Miller,
f lora KODiDSon, lame Anareeaon. jean
Bothama Bessie Both well. Doretnea Her-
raid and Mrs. William Herrold.
Miss Louise ScMadel. asslstsd by Miss
Ella Peterson, wss hostess for ths Junior
I) .1 A,,k a Ik,. Lmu nr UIh
aa North Twenty-second street. Tueelda
evening. The dub guests were Misses
Dean and Julia W II lard. The members
present were: Misses rrsnees Tanner.
Grace Peterson, Laura Peterson. Mae
Welsh, Mittle Ward, Louise Schlndel.
Peggy Jones, Frances Wlllard, Mabel
Melcher. Alice McDonald, Vera DeHols.
Vera King. Kile Peterson. Mary Sneheev
ana jars, ueorge ocnuie.
la honor ot her sixth birthday, little
Miss Margaret many entertained twentv
of ber liule friends Friday afternoon st
her home, Zd u street. Tne guest list
Included: Utile Misres Cleatmas li,IUv
Merrea Rahn. Florence Bennett, Catn
ertne Clark. Frsnees Hiss. Bertha Laird.
Catherine and Clara Parks. Helen Crevls.
too, Jean Hesburd. Msrrsret Thompson.
Paulina Oswsld. Alma Kohansky,- H!en
Jacobs, Isabel Dohaa, Margaret and Mil
dred Reachabough. Kvanreltoe Ubbv.
Julia Saunders and Alma L'rtnaocksr.
Miss Helen Brennsn. assisted bv sflas
Gertrude Casey, entertained ths Las
Rleusss dub at the home of the formr
Tbursdsy afternoon. The following mem
bers were present: Misses Adelaide
Crawford. Clara Ramum. Helen Rahn.
sou A no era n. Teresa nop let a. Berths
Ltchnowsky. Edna Ester. Ethel Brooker.
Jessie Flniey, Grace Harding Helen Mc-
Kee. sisry Lwis. Aims vtiese. Mary
McCbUoch. Helen White. Rosa Ma-
boney. Maude TbieTke. Agnes Swenhack.
Ruth t.ama-rt. Mall r.rores. Msurtne
Muntock. Lenora Feilmaa and Pearl
say It will bo well worth seeing. Green's
band will Blay each evening.
Following Is tba program tor ths con
Address of welcome, u. is. iisveratics,
president Omaha Commsrclal club.
UihIium Msatnn.
"Cement Drsln Tlle,M Charles K. Sims,
manager Concrete Tile company, Worth'
Ington, Minn. '
"Requisites of Good Concrete," L, B
PnpiM Vnrk Nsh.
"Reinforced Concrete." Harry W. Moo Is
of the Harry W. Moole engineering 00m
pany. Omaha, Neb.
Appointment of committees
"Cement Silo Construction'' (Illustrated),
M. U King, experlmentsllst In agrtcul
turai engineering, Ames, la.
' Discussion.
"Ths Future of Cement Psvtng. ' F. P.
Wilson, City F.nlneer. Mason City, la.
"dements of Sui-eessful Manufaoture of
Concrete, ' J. A. Kvarta, euperlntendent of
the ornamental department of lb Omaha
Concrete compsny.
FRIDAY MOHKinu, s:s uv:,
"Reinforced Concrete Construction'" (II c. A. P. Turner. M. AM. Soc.
C. K., Minneapolis, Minn.
"Sand snd Gravel Resources of Ne
braska. " Prof. George S. Comdra, Uni
versity or Ksorsssa
-what Grand Island Is Doing to Boost
Concrete," W. F. Roasy, Or and Island,
"Th Future of Our Organisation," L
B. Watenpaugh, Western, Neb.
Business session: Report ot commit toss:
election of officers.
Draasxlts W reeks alldlaaa
as completely a cough and oolda wreck
lungs. Curs them quick with Dr. King's
New Discovery.' to and tl.ttk For Ml
by Beaton Drug Co,
f Dot the v
I Yl ' '
For sixty yars wo Kane vised tlia host matenals
and inventions to male ScKlitz tixo and Veep it trurc.
We go to Bonemia for Kofie. ' ,
W go 1,400 feet down 'to roclt for Jjure water. .
Our yeast, from wluck we prob&$ate tka motker
cell, Kaa been carefully guarded for sixty yean. '
. TKcrc is no'furcr tccy trewed. We Veep it
jure, too, from tKe brewery to your glass, by Ufling
tne Brown - Bottle. Light starts djcay,;vn in
. gure be
See that crvwn or cork
it branded "Schlitz,?
Isskspanaeal til
SchlUs Bottled Beer Depot
711 South oA Street
, . Omaha, Nbr.
1 1
, m I
That Made Milwaukee Famous
HILLER LIQUOR CO., 1309 Farnan St.
A. A. Benton, mansglng partner of th
bank audit department of Marwtek,
Mltchlll, Peat A Oo.. is wall street, ew
York, bss been visiting la Omaha. Mr.
Benton to a son of A. H. Bsnton of th
firm of hankers and broksra bearing his
name, which Is located at H Boo build.
Ing. The younger Mr. Benton loft fur
Minneapolis last svenlng, but will return
to Omaha la a few days for a temporary
Keep ths wolf of Consumption away
from the door by the timely aad steady
aao of Osomolsloa.
Too cough Is the wolf's bark and ths
pain la th chest la his kit.
Don't let hi fangs get a grip oa you.
Osonvvlslon a tables poonfui after
each meal and perhaps another at bed
time builds up flash and strength.
cleanses th blood, evervrhelma th
pestilent gonna, and so chases away
th Consumption-wolf.
Sample Bottle rreo by Mall.
That then who ar seeking health and
strength for themselves, children, rela
tives or frlsnds may experience th life
giving properties of this exelusiv Nor
way gold medal osoolsed cod liver oil
medicinal food emulsion es well a to
know OaoinuLsioo superiority la being
moat paiatabl and assy to tka a gen
erous l-os. bottle wilt bo sent by mall
to those who send addresses by post
card or latter to Osomulsion. Ml Pearl
St, N. T.
7fftY 7114 fast, tolid, ekctric-L'ghted, thraugh trala of the .
I Vl 'l t I " l as sNrtaso-soctw
,1 "f I 11 1 . . I.a alussss ara. was ret
Vsa ,if'"VV-'a4.. CM
Illinois Central
from Chicago and StLooli to JadooovSIe,'
' (steal tisstntBss) aa i
(sssa trW stiipsn car a I st aad
It Tsssssr at ska sMstk) botwoo
CklCM and Je,. Twarrs
atcna friwkNj reoss ilnslii asr
aaa Irat aaaw car ttUwe) a Jack-
omUla. As) await la dsBlaa cart.
Connection at Columbus with through sleeping cat for Savannah, Ca. ; also at Jacksonville for
saasnCsstral Mr,
It Ckleafa... S.IS ess
U lluos. .11.10 tm ,
If Itrswaekaa (.tOoss
Oslralaf Gssnris
ar Csaiksa...l.00 asi" -Ar
sssiaa,..7.30 ant
Ar Ubasry 1.00 sss
. AttssM, Csssl Use
ar Jsxawarttls 7.00 sat
All Points in Florida
nf with
train aukiiig
InJorrnatna about Winter Tourist tare aad
month: also miormatioa a to tourist ticket aad
Military Park), Kavana, Panama aad Central Aaatricaa
sad descriptive, latrrature, caa be orxatned ot your
toasliip Connectioas for IhYiaCnba
f turn to FTorida an frst aad third Tueadsy of th
Central issvict to New Ckieana, Vicfaburr (Naioaal
points tria New Orieaas; as wU at rtwmiiisss, tiexzt
txket afcat. Of by irtilrsaaiisi -
8. North. Kst Piss. Ajt, Illinois Cratril 409 So. Slitcentli StrtctOnialia. Neb.