Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 05, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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Carrien to Have Buiy Week tt Lin
colx with Searingi,
Fayatcwl VdutlM nniriif Starts
Teaar, wtta IiMi Trylss Shave
TkHr Property Wank Mara,
Than Mate Claims. ,'
(Frera Staff Ctreapondent.)
IASCOLS, Feb. 4.- Special l-Th rail
roads will ba conspicuous la Lincoln this
week, la tha federal court oeyinnlnir.
Monday win bathe h earing oT the in
junction brought by'the minority stock
holders la prevent tha I'aioa Pacific fro
spending any of the assets of tha 8C
Joseph Grand Island roed. Samuel
Untermeyer o( J"ew York, one of "the
country s moat noted lawyers, will appear
la thla cass aa attorney for tha minority
stockholders, tba Ualoa Pacific Itself
being tha majorltr owaer. Tba caaa la
expected to ba hotly contested and tha
mult tney hav aa' Important "bearing
on tha futura of -tha Grand dalaad road.
Another railroad caaa of mora than
passing tnxBertane ,1a th Ways depot
llUwukm. Tha .rallway' commission
ordered tha Omaha road to aract a aa
drpot at Wayne and tha company took
tha caaa into the federal court. Tha tint
clash trfll nna avaf a mothm to remand
tha rasa to the etat canst. .Tha litigation
la Important aa bstnc-looked apon aa a
precedent, 'both, aa- ta tha right of tha
frdaral eoart. to: hear tba case and also
la Its bearing on the right of tba commie
aloa to compel tha company ta aract tha
depot. Both of the points sr llkaly to
ba watched by many town In Hehraaka,
and parUcolarly Albion, which has -pealad
to tha eommisatoa during th last
week to compel tha Northwesters snfl
t'nloa Paciflo roads to build a union
depot; a that place.
' ' Valaatlaa II earls.
Tha physical valuation of tha Union
raclfio la also act far haarlnc beainnlnc
tonnrrow befors.lh railway commlsalon.
owls to tae.ooMsanr a attorney! bain
encaged to tha, federal eourt, actual
hearings aa tha valuation will not begin
alooday, but tha. engineer of tha com
pany and thus of the. commission expect
ta set together and seek ta aamwalae
taelrcexhlhltn so the tbey can he readily
cam pared. fThls work will keep them
busy, In ail probability until tha attorneys
are ready to proceed. ,wlta tha hearing.
There la wjde .different- between the
estimate at theeompeuy and of the stats
engineers 0 the vslue of the company'
property In suras. J The company ra
turna III property at a-vai Halloa of W7, while the. .Mate' a anglneera figure
Its reproduction, value at fss.;U7, a dif
ference of i&nsCxl. or enough to build
a fair, railroad, r Itself, laka all the
other, roads the tnlon, PacJOa pises Its
reproduction, and , present jralue at the
same amount," boldutf it hat all of the
property I (UseDls for the aurpoaa for
which ' It la Intended vand, when worn out
If raplaaad from , earnings and therefore
ftr the purposes of tha company It la all
new. Tha, state engineers, however, hold
the property , is depredated by wear and
each Item shsuld ba valpedl at Ha Per
centage of original value remaining. On
thla basts they 'fix the value of tha Union
Pactncs, an party at 7t6,a, Thla future
la nearer the reared uc 140a value than say
other rnad. la ftrsk ; the Ureal
W stern (srmiaeie, which re practloaiiy
ew. mH -. tv w 'net
g stress e .rear f ssssseaooa.
Tha supreme court iwoaatanes tomorrow
and tha Aral itUn en that docket la four
cases frm tlewsra otfunty hhlok have
beea back and forth betawea tha district
and auprama' owrrta dor about bias teen
years. They ara tha Jonas National bank
against Yates, Bank at wtapleaarst
agalnet Tales, JJtloa bank against Tates
and Belts' agalneV Tataa. All the oases
will be- stemmed together Is they art
all related and ara involved with' the
(siture of tba Capital National bank of
Uncola, out of which a treat taagla of
ltilgallon (raw. Forlowlng Is th call for
romea off la November. La FMletta will
not be tha republican contender and the
total paper will not stage the bout. v
Vw Eacwatlva Order.
Land Commntrtoner Cowiea ta In
celat of rxeeutlve order Na. ltd. from
the Interior department at Washington.
eecresatla; for the nee of the Agricul
tural department as a preserv e and breed-
fns ground for native birds shoot twen-
ty-4w square miles of land contiguous
to Val-ntlne Hi Cherry county, which pre
1 Is to be knows' aa the Niobrara
learn-atlon. wlthla tha confines of which
rearrratloa It ahall be nalawful for any
person to bunt or take the eggs ef birds
except under authority granted by the
secretary of agriculture.
A county judge out In the stats has
asked the attorney general whether he
can eolect from tha coanty his fees for
sending Into the State Board of Health
the records of marriage licenses Issued
and marriages performed In his county.
Tha attorney general Informed him that
ha could not collect any fee, but that
ha must perform tha .service if he re
mains in office,
' Baaiaear Pries rassled.
State Engineer Pries bh punled. He
cannot understand "hew It lsthst ,ths gap
which a to: be filled by -a bridge over
the Niobrara, between Boyd and Holt
counties has grwn frra . Ml, fart, aeerd-
inc to the original survey, to TU feet at 1
present. Whan stats aid was applied for
by tna two counties and tba survey made
tha length of tha bridge was fixed at the
former figures and tha pttltloa signed
by the supervisors of both counties. Since
then a new board has com Into power
In Holt county and th claim Is now made
that a Tit-foot bridge Is aeosasanr. Tha
principal trouble appear to ba that the
Holt county board wants the bridge
erected at a different location.
. Hcadlag- Circle- O Ulcers -
The reading circle board met at the
orflee of Bute Superintendent Dalsell and
elected tha following officers: Directors.
Edith A, Lathiup. Clay Center: Prof.
Fred M. Hunter, University farm. I4n-
cotni Superintendent 1. M. Mstsen. Fre
mont; Superintendent B. E. Dill, Wllber;
Slate Superintendent Dalsell, Lincoln. The
next meeting of tha board will ba at the
superintendent's ofOos March XL
Before leaving for his bom in tha east
C, Harding tha water expert, made
some aarer crttlrtema of Lincoln's wster
supply. He said that , never la hi experi
ence had he known a city' which In th
dead of winter, when water consumption
4 Its lowest, was taxed to Its ca
pacity to supply tba demand.
Registration at tha university shows that
a typhoid scare baa sot affected the
ssuodaaos at tha university to say 000-
aldarabla extent.
Th 1 s soailsr Comity Bar aeaoolatlon
has adopted resolutions of respect for the
lata Walter t. Lamb.
Chairman Byrnes
Calls Committee
COLUitBCS. Neb.. Feb. . (Special. V
State Chairman J. C Byrne of the
demeeratte eoauaittee baa Issued a call
for a meeting of the committee here
February t. at I 'clock In tha after
noon. Th call reads:
"The grate Central committee la here
by called to meet at Columbus. Neb.,
Thursday , February t, Wi at t o'clock
p. m, for the purpose of deciding apoa
tha method of ee lectins tha alternate
delegates to the demoeratlo national
convention; and to arrange for the fil
ing -of candidates fof presidential elec
tors, bobs having filed so far. Also any
other bu si Dene of Interest to the party
that may com before the committee.'
Alllaaew Be toe U DebeuHae; Tease.
ALUANCB, Nek., Pea, t-4Bpedal.-
At tha preliminary debet bald at the
Alliance High school Isst evening the fol
lowing tears was selected to represent
tha Alliance High school m Western Ne
braska: Dorothy Smith, Ray Blgetow and
Michael Nolan, and Fred Sweeney alter
nate. This selection was made only after
leng aenheration by the judges. This
team "will endeavor to win back th enaat
plonshlp. which was lost to Sidney last
year. The subject for debate was th
Closed shop against tb open shoo. My.
tta. E. Tasll presided.; Miss achults. Rev. ins Hon. W. W. Wood a died
as judges. t . -
PLATT8M0LTII. Neb.. Feb. .-(8pa-
clal.rAt tha doss of a three days' trial
la th district court here Saturday Oeorgs
Lytle was found guilty by the jury for
burglary by explosives. Lytic is tba third
man charged and convicted of. the crime
of blowing, open' tha-safe of M. Trltsck,
a LoulsvUla Jeweler, and taking from It
his -entire stock of jewelry., valued at
tl.OOl, oa th night of September M, 1IU.
Lytle' co-d .fendanls war John Doud
and Franl' McCana, both at whom kav
been .convicted of theVrlme during the
present term of court, ludf s Travis has
already sentenced Doud and McCsnn to
an Indeterminate eentence of from
twenty years to life Imprisonment and
Lytls will probably get th same aentenc.
Sheriff QuintoB took Doud and McCana
to tha penitentiary this morning to begin
their term.
The prosecution waa assisted by Judge
W. W. siabaugh of Omaha, who made
a very strong and effective plea for the
conviction of Iha accused men. Mr. Brut
of Omaha defended the criminals. One
of tha strong points of the prosecution
wss the fact that at tha lima of his ar
rest two months after th crime waa com
muted Lytle had oa his person aa Elgin
watch which waa Identified by Mr.
Trttsch as having beea ta th sat whea
h locked It th Bight before tb robbery.
Mr. and Mrs. Jobs (J. Beck. M East Third
street. Rev. Olin 8- Baker, pastor of the!
M. E. church, officiating, a reception!
followed the ceremony, being attended by I
a large number of guests, sad a buffet I
luncheon waa served.
Rev. J. B. Brows of tba First Presby.
terlaa church officiated at th wedding I
of Otto A. Engersod of Clemen and Miss I
Mildred Clark of thia city Friday after
noon. Both contracting parries are well
known and liked la this city.
" iuoh oases or aa pay. Try them. tba.
For sals sy Beaton Drug Co.
ALLIANCE, Neb., Feb. .-Bpscial.)-The
grand Jury In Its report recommends
that bonds be voted for) a new court
house. After telling of examination of the
old building and noting it masy short'
comings, th report says:
"Th present court house building Is
old, inconvenient and poorly constructed
for a public building, and owing to Its
migration aver a considerable portion of
tha county Is badly racked and out of
shape, and being heated by stoves. Is
subject to an Increased fir danger.
""Bos Butt county haa a real value of
tf.Mt.iut and an assessed value of tl.7W.Ml
and haa no bonded Indebtedness, besides
having a cash balance la the general fund
of U.I41.M and la th county road fund
of tl.tM.14, , and tha levy, ss compared
with other counties. Is low. Tha voting
of bond for a auttable building would
ant prove burdensome for tha taxpayers
of .the county. '
. "In view of th foregoing, ws believe
that It Is high time ' soma artloa should
he taken, and recommend' they voting of
bond lor a sew court .house."
Ttva'Weddtaas art Alllaaee.
A VI see la the StaBsaaai r"! I J. us ."aw Ka. svk i,s,
--". pvwiiuiwej wiia uver w-e rem 1 tn r-veov-erra atr t-eriiti wseecse.
kidney troubles. Electric Bitters tt.."r.sserf the Young Men Chrlstlaa
II Mini, ttm n vV r J"' n . .
association at Spokana Wash.,' war mar
ried at th horn of tb bride's parents,
; ' Building Record for 1911
KEAR.VET. Neb, Feb. l-fflpeeial.)-1
Over lit) member of the Kearney Com-1
meralal club and their guests, the tra?-
allng men of tba territory adjacent to I
the city, were in attendance at the an-1
nual "Get Acquainted' banquet of the I
club held at the dry hall Friday night.
Followlns; a three course supper, served
by tba ladies of the Christian church,
speeches were made ss the speakers were
Introduced tsy N. P. McDonald, toast-
master, as fellow: "Welcome to Trev-I
eicra," C W. Kiblar. president of the club:
"What We- Have Dana.-. Judga W. D.
Oldham; .Tha Commercial Traveler as a
Booster.". T. H. Reascmer-. -What Ws Can!
Do," A. O. Thomas; 'Tb Salesman da
a CIUen," Frank O. Nye; "Our Commer
cial Salesmen," Judge B. O. Hoststier: I
"What Kearney Needs, Walter George,
state treasurer, of Uncotn.
Maatcal Bumnara by th Das' quartet I
were Interwoven with tha speeches.
AUBURN, Neb.. Feb. 4. Special.) I
Judge Rarer of Pawn held a hort ses
sion of the district court last week. The
habeas corpus case brought by Ell Vance
of Pen against hi 'deceased wife's sister I
for th utody ef tw minor children, a I
boy and a girl, was decided ta favor of I
the father.
Several notion and demurrers were I
ruled an and sales confirmed sad thai
general adds aad ends at th December I
term cleaned up, and tha eourt adjourned
the term. Tha first term of the year be-1
gin March U, at which there win be I
both a grand and petit Jury.
KKARNKT, Nab., Feb. 4.MSpectel.)-
Results of th first Cora test at the stats
normal was announced Friday evening.
Three different varieties of seed corn
tested for Patterson At Co. gave a perfect
test with every kernel placed In the tester
growing. This corn Is from tha 101 crop
and came from Arlington.
Vor hearing, Monday,' February I: Jones
fitlonal bank aaainet Yates. Seward;
ttank ef StaiJlehuret asalnst Kates, new
at l; L'ltea sen luuiaansl fates., steward;
Ibi ley aaeiust Yiua, Beasrd.
tat Bearing, TUeedsy,' FebrViary t: ftttt
lar against Moard of iwpervlaort of Cus
ter auuair, Cusutr; Isairas.atiauist btayar,
Kearney; Carpenter aaainet schnerle.
Franklin; H1U, assignee,-against Feeny,
For hearing Wednesday, Februray 7:
State aaainet American hurety company,
oa "motion tor1 KJlej1ftiArrceater; ller
aainst ' ti e-r, . Petereoa
asin fsnreon.- ri--j- sehalble. d-BiieisrrsUir-,
ssttitsrr-'t'wiTs,- sdrnmlstra-tor.-
Richardson..-"j; ,
For heanns rhursday: February I: Carl
son axatnsvcttv vt tkmh Otnana, Doug
las; lans agalaat 'American Transfer
compasty, bougias: Satwk against Union
Paritie.. Hajlruad soaiuaay, reargumeiU.
lwuaiaiv ' .
For Seavtrur Jrlday February !"-nerker-
aasshsi Luajnecker, Lancasistr;
r-aie ex ret,trreei aasnal Cowws. .
easier; eaiulis- egainst. Chicago, Hurliiuj
tuo, a QuliA-y liailroad comiiany, Laiv ss
tcli ..'... . ,
Ttta tolloatiDg M arptopssed aeargoment
of cases fnr cstarmg at the session oom
nstanwg Moadsy, February-1: .
rsnilh against Pouer on, motion tr re
heartng tUnroiai. M.t:aIIrey against
CHy ut Unana. reargument (Deagiaa);
Jkeff asaitm- lirsndi is- wnTas). ". nase.
jtaiiBis.iatar ' aita out-Chicaas. Bnrlirut-
tun Qarorr Kaorroad company '4Saaa
tiers); Pattersoa. Uttilt against Halter
tDouauui: Bilb asalast ' Andrus'tLan
laslerl, Pract.a ssaoist Coutal (Butler),
parsons against Marnee rLaacaslerl, But
pnea against Joelya iDoustasi, Keenan
aaauist the tlloone), Villeun against
topencer (boone, Kramer agalnet Weig
ana iBoonei. Ham hard agalnet Uarnhard
iboouei, Tbe Uoudear Tire and Hubber
mny against Bacon (Douglas). Paw
ley Paisley I Polk), l-1rt National
Bank of Council Bluffs against Moore
Harlan), Bresee saainst Preston (Keys
Pahai, Burr against Finch tsnendan),
Ltncoln drain company asalnst Chk'sgo.
Buriuurtoa and Wulacy Railroad comneny
tLancaster). Tiger agalnet button Land
company (iAncasteri. perry at Bee com
pany agarnst Howreok Opera House com
pany iFurnast, t'nlon SUte Bank of
Harvard against MrKeivta (Clay). Ward
easiest Aetna Life Insurance eompany
Off tha Mat.
Th eatrh-as-catcn-caa wrestling match
betweea extreme republican radicalism,
person i fled by La Fellette and democratic
raaservsUsat, championed by Governor
Ilartnen, being palled off la tbe columns
of a local paper whose chief boast taxhat
It will not stand hitched. Is a bust the
meet amuslwr thing politically at. the
capital city, la th language of the mat.
La Fallen seems to be behind at present,
for he M getting direct editorial and local
mention, while Harmon second la the
scissors end paste pot editor; bet what the
latter may lack Is personality ha makes
p in starts powers, with neither tha
stress la asr toe tsld barred La Pullet te
- ba beea usable op to data to get any
thing which looks like a fall, and unless
toadlttona change suddenly It te predicted
the Watroasla Hgntweisat will' be tired
out long before the Mm hmtt aad the
fjsatrh go Is th Oplstrs
Tbe preliminary may be awnislnc. 4ct ft
lam ceased to deceive, for republicans
. generally au ctatvtaoad tbe real match
Building const niotloa la th United State Increased 1 per cent In 1111 ovsr
Hi, according ta official reports from seventy-one cities to Construction News.
This Is most aaUafaetory showing, the moderate fluctuations Indicating that
affairs Ik this sountry an la a way apoa a permanently substantial and healthy
baste, Permits were taken Out la eaventy-one title la Mil for tha oonstrucuon
of 7.M building. Involving a total estimated cost of SL7S).U1, against tiins
permit; Involving a total estimated cost of rM.W.U W Itlt, a gala la permit
at tttn and ta,UUl, or 1 per sent. The figure la detail are a follows-
No' t
Cities- Permlu
New fork (Boro Mann, and Bronx) (.Put
Chicago lLiisi
Boston (Metre. District) 4 m
Brooklyn l wt
Loa Angeles.. ll.:
yn tranolsoo ..,..,.,. s,(Ht
. ferrolt ..; , e...:..I...II '
Portland. Ore. ....j tw
P.V '"uis... s,it
V sshliigton. D. C a.7,1
Cleveland 7 eVi
Minneapolis to
Cuidnnatl .'...'. , 1LI2S
Kansas City.; aww
Milwaukee ........ .
Pittsburgh 4.1MI
' Newark tm
Max-heater ........n.,..,,
Haltlmor ,. ,. J,)
Pt. Paul...... .....-X.7M
Indianapolis vrrt .
Seattle ..,,-.....,..., ...I Mura
Oakland. CaT.
- ltenver M, M.
litrbmond ......
Hartford .
- New- Hana.....
. Hn . ll-go...
Dallaa .7....
Omaha - -- ,r
. Worcester .,e...w
Jacksonville ,
Houston .,
Halt Lake City... ,
New Orleans..
Albany ..,
Orand Rapids ..
Pasadena ..,
Cedar Rnobis
F.vansvllle .......,
Dee Moines ...
rfTlngfleld ....
Koran too
Werkely ,
Booth Rend...........
Nashviila .,.,
Ft. Joseph...
Terre Haute..
Colorado rtprlngs......
Totals .'.
4, Kit
i .!
41 1
1.677. 'rti
. .m,m
, ,
' 'I1.1.M,2I4
it '.
',' .S3.775
.1K1 .
. 6,14.44 ,
. , l.s;o,5t
' l,fM.m
t.i3,J7 I
. t,tis,a
' 4..J45'
i;,.i -
- t,T:.sM
t SS
1.7 !1
1.7J7 46D
.. l.lioira
1.17 M
l.l 77
. LlKi.9k
H7.H l.7S),Ul
No. of Lsttmaled
Permits Cost Oslo Loss
tlS.lT9.S .. 1
1I.K7 SK.I.-4 ..
tl 4J.17J.i-0 14 ..
is.;' $
7.W4 , JM4.M ..
in. 411, - ji.4.l ..
, a,M.u4 ' i ..
i.4W , )7 ?0.() H ..
,-.i7 ' i.irm,7f .. , t
e.41t .(KI 1
,7; ij.6ia.i7j n ..
I.hl 11.944.411 23" ..-
' .rs . i(j,ti ,4
,'C2 IS , ..
. UTH.1M ... ' t
.m a
1 1S.C7.6.M ..
tM . . 11.XM tit . It
t,4 . ,R0() ..
14"4. l.t' S3 .. ( t
iita- .Tm ,. t
." IC4 .. 11
t,IJt . S.1V7.311 X
U7 17.1.. JH (4
i .m..u '7 ..
1 1 ii ta at . ,.
.!n I.W.,al .. It
t.7l lUlt.e at
l.otj lain - tr ..
!.! ' : ..
1,C ,,1,111 M ..
,iti j
tl 4je,17 M ,.
l.7a , ow . a
l.h-U , , t .... ,. jg
1.4IW 4.4T.s4t 1 ' ,.
tlt4 ImBi.ssi .... a
1.S7 . . W71.77I 7 ..
l.i , 4.I4.N4 ..
J.0M .4M.i 3 ..
I.U ll.t M
lH s.Hle 44
L4-4 4.US.S11 ., B
WI 4.471. at) ,. 9
lam. ii4 ..
!; 1 M 1H 47
S.4J4 2.7.i'l J
f ;,W."77 tl
13.311. K4 .. m
u n ..
! tl.7S t
tl.W.WI t
Wl ItM.lTs - ".
at :,e..i jj
1.317.01 . SJ .
M l.!IJ.I7 ' M "
i.e.i5t si ..
WJ l.J7. . .. i
4 lg
, 17
S,14 t.Wf,.0l " .. Jt
M7 . ieM XT
441 : l.?3.-. .. s
. 1.H7 hi .t.r f.
4 - lt.S6l ... 9
W2.S1 . ;
ws.nt . st
JJ 4M.141 t
rK.307.tiJ 1
. wmst iser are no startun bad i bo win., it Is dear that earns rJilee ...
r,-bulU- Psrucull, In New York. .W7Z T
tTs?, to BrMT" W1,b t per cent on the wrong Id. .Tth.
" e - - se are vsmU rUlaUWID MP ant Ht.
sOessaS II n ...
Denver 44. and a s umber at emaller dtlea: hot ki. . v.
" - vs. n Taiutnruua, MM, 1 Un nTntQTt
It Witt
" wsssre W UlUU-lu-UT Cil fK. Wniid lfl th IPl V.ssava- iel .1
sains, which the total. rtw wrrs of the moat satisfactory sort, bludVn, Ch?
T!T I? " l"Cr" P- " IX" SI. IiUdelpbT. . riUrmtTwash
Instoa K. Clevsl.d a. Oacinnatl with a marvelous lncreai of M.l!"
, Boffslo It Ixmh.Mll. a .nd 8aa Diego X. Milwaukee
Vpon the whole the sttusUoa Is eminently satisfactory and the prarorrte f,
a conttaooasly actjv, year in bulldlnc constructloB ara very bright.
Hearr F. Deu telle Rls Iareveet la
readies) Farms ta Mis
BRJDOEPORT. Nek, Feb. t- Special.)
-C W. North and W. K. RoMnsoa at
Orsnd Island this week purchased th
Interest of Henry T. Dean la tb North-Robinson-Dean
company, and will proceed
to Improve their property neer Bridge
port, making; it tha most Important of
their breeding farms, Th purchase price
was tttoot, H expect ta build a bous
In Bridgeport In tb sprtne. and will
atake this etty hi bom.
During th last wash a number of prac
tical sugar bset raiser from Dcottabluft
have been her and several lisn oa Bel
mont land through A. hchwendsr. These
land asgregsts (7t acres sultaM for
beet culture, and all of this with the sx-
eeptloa of let acre Is now under lease
Other growers are expected her next
week to near th remaining tracts.
Testimony Is being taken her la a ess
In which th government I contesting th
homestead entry at Frank Molloy, who
made final prof recently. Mora then sixty
witnesses have beea summoned oa both
sides sad a special agent Is her prose
rating th ease. It I charged that th
entry man has sot complied with th re
quirements of th homestead law, and th
department Is endeavoring to nave his
entry cancelled.
Bids will be opened st the county clerk'
office In this city a February It for
tha construction of two bridges across
th North Piatt river, oa at Bridgeport
and tbe other at Bayard, la this county.
These ars "atsta sld" bridges, Morrill
county paying one-half th expense and
th stats of Nebraska th other halt The
bridges - ars t be Be feet la length,
thlrty-lhre feet tpsns, with earth fills
at both ends.
Dawaaa i Cesatr Medical Society
Eaiertalaa Visiting; Doctors
at Meetla.
OOTKKNBURO. Neb., Feb. 4.-4SB-dal.r-Chartea
W. Lttee and Miss Dora
Boldt. both of Gothenburg, war mar
ried at th asm of F. A. Wod by
Judge Soott. Immediate relative only
were present.
Th Dawson County Medical society
met Friday. Out at towa member pres
ent were: .Dra, C E. Bmmoiis at Over
ton, J. H. Boyer and B. M. Taymaa of
Coxed. Officers wen elected tor the
ensuing year as Mows: President, K.
C. fkeveneoo, Oot ben burg; W. J. Bar
tholomew, vice president; C 7C Km
mons, secretary and treasurer; It. 8.
Moore, deleate to state convention.
Jess Korsy and Mies Mary Abend
were married la Syrian custom by Father
Tsnney of Kearney ea Suae ay. Dinner
was served before tb ceremony, aad
dancsas followed.
Ernest Putnam and another boy war
pitching hap together out of th win
dow of tb kan aad Ernest got his head
ta tba way of th other' fork, which
penetrated his skull aad brain. H M
sot expected to recover.
Th past two months J. W. Broader
has been making brooms for tbe Pleraal
broom and duster factory hi this city,
and broom ars Bow being placed oa
th market- The broom corn sow used
was raised by J. C Plena! of th south
si da. Last season' crop wss . about
four tons.
Kesr Sleetsod ad Flesh Bed act lew
Prwews AetwalablaaTly Sae-
J0I1.VSTOWN, Pa Feb. . Iavestlga,
tlon has fully established that Hon. H.
T. Stetler of this city, haa reduced his
weight flfty-sevea pound In aa Incredibly
short time by Wearing a simple. mvMble
device, weighing tees lbs a sa ounce. This,
when Worn a directed, acts ss sn In
fallible flesh reducer. dtsteruTng entirety
with dieting,' medicines aad exeretsea.
Masy, .wotnawnt men and women have
adopted this esy means of - reducing
superfluous flesh, and ft Is stated; th
!fnJV4 ii I HS I Sri I n LVk I
I fm WTmLJ rid W I
JjZZem&sX- awi-SfcX-
mini Xe-y-rx - KaK-ij i
J MfF? TJA X . rlcrrfteai af :'Sh -
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M jT V.''S!?L?s: -If . V , X - i II
L 1 1111 1 4nsrs I "n , JP-7SK II II
7: T SCaHMI : VI
Mm A M 3N2o J
1 I k rY I ATv7a7i I V II II
I I II i wit I iu II w "aww i nn. w 11 I
I I III I '1,1 1 T. w f m WW II
1 II L iTiJV 1 ( U A . f VIM I II
1 II 1 WV U f U II II
i vwj i tr f m ii
1 VI fav wrm. f II ii A r.Jf
1 1 I I 1 1 aBlsTaBBBBBBBsaasam I
1 III !
w .
NEMO CORSETS have become the world's GREATEST SELLERS by
sheer force of MERIT. The tremendous demand, in every country 1
where corsets are worn, has been created by the millions of women
who COME BACK for more Nemos-who will wear no other corset
Tha women who don't wear Nemo Corsets are those who haven't kept
in touch with our WONDERFUL IMPROVEMENTS in fabrics as well as
in shapes, or who are misled by dealers who would rather sell inferior
corsets tnat yield tnem a larger pront
YOU and every other woman will be neatly benefited, in atvle and
health and comfort, by wearing Nemo Corsets. Ask for them at your
dealer's, and insist upon seeing them. Three popular models:
No. 354 The new "Auto-Mre" model; not only reduce th figure, bat
drive away th fst an absolute novelty; medium bast. Also, rt pa
No. 353, gam model, bat with low bust J.OU
No. 321 With elastic hip-confining- band of Laitikopa Webbinfi-i n nn
medium bust Also, No, 319, same model, but with low bust . . J.UU
' Na 320 Witii Nemo FUtnlng-Back; medium skirt, Lastikop hot Jo (f
lupporccn; medium doiu rio. jis, aame, wita tow bust, , . owv'
Other Self-Reducinjr models, a fit for every type of stout fifrure $3.00,
$400 and $5.00. Ask for the "NEM0"--nd TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE!
tn Govt Stm Erjwln W ',. ' KOPS BROS Mfn., StmYotk
Inventor, Prof. & O. Burn of No. 17
West Thirty-eighth street, New Tork.
Is sending the outfits oa free trial to
sll who writs him.
Culled from the Wires
A decision establishing the right of a
common law wife to obtain a divorce was
mad by th New Tork supreme court
Jams Bad How of St Louis, tha "mil
lionaire hobo," waa choeen national chair
man of th Unskilled, Migratory and
Casual Workers of the United States.
Key to th Situation Be Advertising.
give this
couch, or
colds and
coughs, it
cure tha child- Dx. Kni.'l Ootraa
8rmm Is constantly reliable and truly
xasrttortooa. f BICE, tt CXHT3.
"Hy Bttls sM artered frssi shed stdorsitark
femm, see Dt. Poll', Cesfk Syrse sore tee child.
a. sanaelet, tat WJtomtC, salusssre, JU.
Write-it tadsv. Meatssathtspaeer. Addreea
aV . MtlVfast i COn IMLTIatOitJi, SUs
The Sherman V McConnell Drug Co.,
Cor. ltrh and Dodga, Cor. Kth snd Hart
aey. Cor. stth and ram am. 07- No.
Kth Street statea that any one who haa
constipation, sour stomach or gas on the
stomach, ehouid try elmple buckthorn
bark, glycerine, etc, ss compounded in
Adler-l-ka, the new Oerman Appendicitis
remedy. A SlNULE D08K brings relief
almost INSTANTLY, and Omaha people
are surprised how QUICKLY It helps
This sinple remedy antiseptlrltea th
dlgeatlva rrans ana drawn off the Im
purltiea. The Sherman McConnell
Dru Co., Cor Kth snd Dodge, Cor. ltth
snd Harney. Cor. ltth and tarnam, JOI-I
Na lsih Street
n -Ir rr
-JJ . v"t
Heat, plus z "equals 'health'.
The fact thft the waters at
Hot Springs have a tempera- !
of 1 35 degrees is only one of
their virtues for at no other . '
spot in America are waters .
. charged with properties, so . k
healing that they make well
V 90 of those who use them.
You are well then come, at
I ihuitanJi do, tot the pleasure '
A that this delightful winter re-
sort offers. The golf season is
at its height here now ana the .
beautiful monntain drives aro
peopled with pleasure-boutid
riders, bent on making the most '
of the June-lika weather. Come!
The trip to v . -
Hot Springs, Ark. -via
Frisco Ones
is as pleasant as anivint there
-you leave Kansas Gtjr at 6. 1 5
p. m, you reach MemphisO:!)
a. m, and Hot Springs (via Rock Island Lines) at 3:55 in tha
afternoon a quick, restful ride in luxurious
Electric lighted through sleepers
Tna Frisco dining car serves decJoos tVcs Wsmry meal. Let me send yos
aaors miormatkaa about Hot Spring, its opleadid hotels and boarding ho usee,
its heeling waters aad opportunities for pleasure. I will also 111 voo coataf a
kst aad make wp a caanpteae schedule trans year home town win today.
aTpOrrkWale&ta BdlM
Kaaaas Cty, Ma.
J. C LOVWEN, Drrisiew rssseager Agent
Beag.OS. I
tr. S-1494. I
atat- sTvery Say gilS. sTrevy atgat SUS 1
AOTaUicao rivginui -
Four rde. Joeie Heather. Jesses Dia
mond and Clara Nelson, Dorothy Rogers
and Coin par.y, l"oar liolloways, Loutt
lln Comedy Dogs, Stuart and Keeiey,
Klnetscope. "rrpiirum Coocert Orchjeetra.
Frioea Wight, loa, Soo, SOo. TSe. Mat,
!, sea SS. exosyt Sat. aad Sua-
To Do
tl yea lose jrwtrr potXatbook,
abreila. watch or som other
artiei of value, th thing to
do la to follow the exampl of
many- other peopl and advar
Use without delay in th Lost
sad Found eoluma of Th Be.
- That Is what most people do
when they lose articles of value.
Telephone ns and toll your loss
t all Omaha a a tiagle attar-Booa.
Put It
'In ;
Th e Bee,