Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 05, 1912, Image 1

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    Looking Backward
This Day In Omaha
tfllitj Ta saty Tea iwi Ago
See Battmtai, Baga uk tarn
The Omaha Daily Bee
Fair, Warmer
VOL. ' XL1 NO. 199.
Iowa Line in Wont Condition in
Many Yean from the
Lexington Man Meets
Death While Making
Visit to His Mother
LAPEKR, Mich.. Feb. 4.-Sprcial Tele
gram. -Chsr lee G. Ryan, or Iverson. of
Lexington. Neb., who I ft hla home here
bout twenty J eaj s ago for the aast. re
lumed yesterday to visit hli aged toother.
j Her home Is about a rnlle from the nation
and Ryanwalked the railroad trade ai
All Boads Entering Are Tied Up a snort cut to the vicinity, when within
Until 4 O'clock Yesterday. ',or,y ro,', of hl mo,hr' hou
Unoi UCIOK leswruav. !rtppW tnm one track to another to
avoid a freight train. An express tram
struck him. kllllni him Instantly.
The accident waj not Isnoww to the train
crew unto the locomotive reached the at,
lion and blood was found on the locomo
tive. A Marco reiulted In the flnduig of
hla body. - . . .
Ryan wtnl to Nebraska and almost at
one aettlrd at Lexington, where he on
a store. Not lone aco hi mother wrote
him. asking him to vitit her before ahe
died.- Thl letter wai found on hla body
and lev! to his Mentiflcatton.
Great Frost Bound Stmctnre Aorosi
Hiagara River Goei Out
Without Warning-.
Mutual Compliments
Afternoon Performances at Several
Theater Are Called Off.
Uses to the Vnl Are la Better Cea
dltlaa and Are Able ta Keep
Tbe-tr Tracks Opea Dar
ing Slem.
Bliaurds In Iowa and Minnesota have
completely disrupted all. railroad sched
ules, for with the excopiloa of the Bur
lington, trains ou alt linea Into Omaha
are from twelve to twenty-four' hours
lata, The Northwestern train due at ;
Sunday morntnc from St. Paul was
blocked la Minnesota and In consequence
was aearly flttees hours, late. A special
train oa the Northwester can-ring the
atrical companies having engsgeiawts
kera left St. Paul early Sunday moraine
and was due yesterday afternoon. It was
delayed In the billiard, but la finally got
through, arriving here at 'Ai last night.
Baos use of the delay matinee perform
ances at . the Krug and Gayety were
called off. The afternoon show at the
Orpheum was also called off because of
Uie late arrival of the trains.
At Shelby. Is., snowdrifts were so lares
that the Rock Island due Saturday morn
Ins at I o'clock-did not get through until
":tf Sunday raemlng. On the Great West
ern bo trains arrived all day Sunday.
According to railroad reports, drifting
enuw has not caused so much trouble for
years. All over Iowa, eastern Nebraska
and Minnesota traffic Is -blocked and
trains are snowbound, late last night
the Northwestern and the Rock Islsnd be
gan to send out'enow plows to battle with
the drifts, which la soma places are more
than fifteen feet high. . , '
' Drifts at Masaa City.
MASON C1TT. la.. Feb. l-tHpeclal.)-So
far as the five J I nee of railroads In
this city are concerned they bar today
faced the wont condition m years. Not
a passenger or freight ha moved a wheel,
being completely tied up by the Mlsaard
of yesterday and last night, lasting untH
4 o'clock this afternoon. Tonight the Chi
cago It Northwestern were starting Its
trains out of here and the Chicago a
Milwaukee will start snow ploys out.
now Is piled fifteen feet high lit places
aad the ruts are full. It will take
several day , tb open them.. The Rock
Island exsec to send Its rotary plow out
tonight.' ' - -- -
-. m i 'n i-r-n--
Bfandeis at Kearnev
Lauds La Toilette
KitARNEV, Neb.. Feb. 4.-Spect' lei
egram y Louis D. Brsndrls last Bight
spoke at length on the trust problem as
seen by the progressive republican. Be
paid tribute to the busthen ability of
Robert M. La Toilette, the biggest busi
ness man, ho said. In the country.
He went Uij the doctrine of reason
ability for the combination of Industrial
terors as advocated ty La Follette, stat
ing that unless a burlnees could give a
reasonable rtf-Iy to the proposed object
st a comMiistien, the combination should
be refused. -
Tha proposed revision along the lines
worked out by, the Wisconsin senator
with the cessation of the statute or limi
tations during litigation pending as m
veetlgatlon and putting the three times
actual asanas t- claws Into effect was ex
plained. " ....... : .
Mr. Brandels look special' palm to ex
plain the oMeeilrs -. stem, the reductleh
of wages and the employment of foreign
er by the Steel trust a typical methods
of trust method.
It the democratic form of government
Is to be continued, he. said In dosing, no
group of tndlvtSuati must bo allowed to
beoem so powerful that it cannot be
Vnc,- Info PnlA WoirQi
jjOiQb ucbo uum nttui
West is Comfortable
t . .
WASHINGTON. Feb. a-Bittcrly cold
weather will vIsR toe eastern and
southern atate the first of this week,
but tiiere will be little snow or rata
Th treekly ; forecast of the weather
bureau tonight can . nothing but
pleasant winter conditions generally
after the cold ware shall have passed.
Tbe forecast says: i
"Unseasonably cold weather the first
two' day of the-week In t!s eastern and
southern state will be followed N by a
reaction to higher temperature In this
region by the middle of the week. Over
the mlddlewest, the Rocky mountain
region, and the Pacific slop tempera
ture during the week will average near
or above the normal. There are no In
dications at the present time that an
other cold wave will cross the country
during the coming week. .
"Tbe weather during the week will
be generally fair. . except for a short
period of anew and rains attending a
disturbance that will appear In the far
west on Tuesday or Wednesday, cross
tbe mlddlewest, about Thursday aim the
eastern states Friday or Saturday. Fre
quent rain are probable the coming
week In the north Pacific state. .
."Stormy weather I likely to continue
the coming week, over the north Allan
tic steamship routes' and Europe." "
CHrCAOO, Fb. 1-eAlssauier J. Bur
ro wes. ft. J., president of Loyala uni
versity herd, resigned today and left for
St. Louis, her tomorrow he will be
Installed a president St. Louis uni
versity. His appointment came from theTmvolv the Identity, of A. J. White, the
general superior of tlw Jesuits In Rom
several doty agi, bat he did not notify
eve tbe faculty of Loyala university
until taday, it being Ms desire to avoid
a desBoturtfati-a en hi departure
Th appointment be-for three years.
Rar. Jena K Mm aery wM asrra'a th
head of Loyala tmhrerstty nnttt a new
president to selected.
The Weather
For Nebraska-Fair; a--cier.
For Iowa Fair, warmer.
atwew at Jsaba Tewterdeir.
A)',' , Hours. Dog.
BBaBasaV 5 a. in 1
'StlZZfr la. m -t
YjfTj' "i- ' a. m --1
TVA "v; 10 a. t
( M0 -f ' H a. m
4St' ? m'."."".'.n.".i
I p. m u
SC B- m....... 17
B. m K
-i. u
J. B..Ppnovan Dies
of Heart Disease
' ; ' , t
John ' B. Donovan, well known newt
paper man of Maalson: Neb.-, died yea-
terday morning at" the horn of hi sts-':
ter. Mrs. . MctCale. M Nortu TFenryi
third, strest. Bntlth Omaha, jMf ' 1001
disease. He was el years o!L L.
Wi-JtoBisoati ww -wels -toowav SJ a
newspaper Ms and at on time was
editor ( th -Madison Star-Mall and
prnldsrit oT the Democratic. rrt o-
cletlon. He was -deputy -game -warden
under Governor njballenbarger.
Tbe body will be ukon to Madison for
Ten Oystermen "
Thought Drowned
. TiLOHMAXS, Md., Feb. 4. -Ten oyster
mea are believed to have been drowned
In th Choptsnk river when their boots
wer carried Into the open waters In
the lew Jam that began to move early
this morning with 'the gle that swept
over. Tllghmana Island.
Th to boat Anns polls up to a lata
hour had found no trace of th boat
or men. . . '
Crowd of Enthusiast! Caught Upon
Kauire loe Floe.
Woman Fall Exhausted Seeking to
Climb to Safety. ;
Taras Bark to Give Aid Md Aet
Costa Hlaa Life Many Kaawa
wered and Thrttllag Beoaea
- Are Raeetee.
Four Are Drowned; :
, ' Ice Bridge Breaks
NIAGARA FALLS, Feb. 4,-The Ice
bridge which formed Just below the
falls brok at . noen today. Mr. and
Mrs. Parker of SyracuM. and William
B. Iltaeock of Cleveland were drowned
In the-whirlpool. , -
ST. LOt 18, Feb. 4.-Federal Judge
AmldOB of North Dakota will preside In
tbe United Slates district court Tuesday
when tbe case of th First National bank
of Nile. Mich., against the New Tork Lite
I nan ranee company Is called. The
former New Tork convict. Who claims he
la George A. Klaunei. -
Klmmel wa Insured for 3.N and th
payment of the policies reeta oa the
declatoB la the case. At th tfm of two
former trials White wa held In tbe
Auburn. K. T.. prison. Tb first trial
ended In a verdict for tb plaintiffs which
waa reversed In tb United State court
ot appeal The second trial resulted In
It Is expected tbe trial
win take (be greater part of two week.
Many deposition will be read.
DE8 M01XE9. Feb. a-tSpecUU Tele
gram. Tbe Iowa Bankers association
will pay reward of II. each for con-
vtetloa of James Burn aad John Wilson
for complicity m the robbery ot a bank
at Derby last X or ember. They wore ooa
victed at Charttoa. The amount secured
at tbe robbery wan t.. On other was
acquitted aad M h) suppoaed two other
were camosraod In the robbery and are
yet to be tried. '
p. m.
. I p-a.
toaspararlvo Local Reooeel.
. lm. ml an. not
Highest yesterday IJ B e
Lowest yesterday . 3 It 24 17
Mean tensperature ' t! a t
Preclpttauoa :..... . . .
Teeaperatsre and preciBtlatisa depar
tures from tbe aerenai: .
Nermel teuipef stare B
DeflH-ienry for tbe day
Total excess since March L 111..
Normal preetpitatiea .tJtneh
tMfkseacT for tbe dar M Inch
1-eOrieacT siaos Marck l...."...lliT inches! k
teOctea-T for er eertod. 1vt0.1s.B)mcaaa I . .
, asriod, lBX.tacaal-"v -w
ClnCAOO. a-Wa, 4. More thaa M reel-
deats of ta Una boas apertmenc oa th
west ! were called froai their sleep
early today wbea fir destroyed a porUoa
ill of Bowea haB. oaa ot ta group of settle-
---5C; meat Validlagm, Two floors ot the VjUd-
Ing. whlcb Is a- thius seal strocture.
Th baa wb a gift to HuO
aim. Jiiajh T. Bowea.
. NIAGARA FALLS. N. T., Feb. 4.-Th
great Ira bridge that has choked the
river channel between the cataract and
tit upper steel arch bridge below the
falls fur tb last three week brok from
from Its mooring at noon today andHrent
down th river,-taking with It to their
death a man and a woman, said to be
Mr. and Mrs. Kldrtdg Stanton ot Toronto
and Burrell Heacoca. 17 year old, ot
Cleveland. O. Four' other persons were
on the Ice at the time but managed to
got ashore In safety.
Th Bridge was considered safe. For
weak th great field of Ice bad been
coming down the river, piling up against
tha barrier until It wa from sixty to
eighty feet thick, an under th Influence
of sero weather th great mas had be
come firmly anchored to th shore. The
Jam wa about 1,010 feet In length. And
In some place a quarter ot a mil. in
breadth. ......
BxearslawlstsTomr. '
For two weeks it hsd offered safe paa-
sag to the hardy, and today an Immense
crowd of excursionist cam to view the
winter wonder of the river. Had th ac
cident happened an, hour later la th day
hundreds would have loot their lives. jr
the crowd waa mo-ring Into Prospect ptrk
la th elevator that run down tb cliff
(or the purpose ot venturing out upon the'
tea . , . ' - - i -
omwhr deep In th great whirlpool
tonight sleeps the man, partially Identified
as Mr. Stonton, who twlc put asld
chancel ot rescue In order to remain
with hi terror-stricken wits, aad who,
In th shadow of death, Just at th break
in Urn rsplds, spurned assistance for him
sell and attempted to bind about the
Woman's body a rops dangling from the
lower steel arch bridge. Tb lad, Burrel
Heacock, waa -cast In the same mould.
Had he not turned hack oa th loe .to
-give asalstaaco tb th msn. hs too, might
hav mad the shore.- ,
' , Mill wives -vYsrstag. ' '
On the brtdgaat Hi Urn It trs free
ftroa the sfaors, besides these three were
Moara Gilbert ot till dty. Igntu Roth
of Cleveland. Heacock' companion; Wl.
Uaja HUl.aa old.Hvar.aiaa; .WllUam La-
Wend,- river - man, and -an ualdBttfld
Italian. Hill shack wa aeareot to lb
American shore.- When- be beard .the
grinding and crashing pf the loe, he ran
at top speed toward the Canadian hora
catllng on th other to follow him. !4-
klond gava (bent warning that safety lay
In that direction, Gilbert and tbltltn
followed their lead. But the ethers beet the
confused. By the time they had re gained
their oomposure, th bridge was moving
fast down th rtver. -
The msn and woman started first to
wards th American (bar, but they were
topped by a Ian ot opea water. Back
they . ran toward tb Canadian" a!
turned about and made for tha American
aide. When hardly mors -than fifty yard
from th rocky shore the woman fall .on
her face, utterly spent.
Weaaaa dies lp.
"I can't go on: I can't go on," shs
cried. "Let us die here." 1
All the time th groat field of loo, driven
onward by a southwest gal aad piesssd
by a Jam broken fro from It ancborag
near the base of the horseshoe fail, went
oa breasting the terrible outrusk ot th
Niagara Falls Power rompaayg tunsel
outflow, the mightiest current la all tb
river, .without being broken.
A th women fell th man atrovs to
get her to her feet again, aad tried to
drag her along th ICe'calHng for assist
anco to Roth aad Heacock, who ware
nearest. Heaoosk turned back' to the
com pie and helped support th woman.
The act cost tym hi life. Roth struct !M
along over the hummocks of lee, getting
cloee to- the open . stretch, of. water at
th Canadian end of the Jam.
' There ware men on the shore ready to
give htm assistance. L blond. Hill, Wil
liam Cook and Superintendent Harry King
of the Ontario Power company. They
Wer stationed at th bottom of th cliff
Just at th foot ot ' Eastwood . street.
Niagara Faila Oat. . . i
Roth wa afraid to-trust himself In th
Icy waters. Lablofid Jumped oat to the
Bold of Ice with a rope and halt carried,
half dragged tb boy ashore.
: : .
From th Brooklyn Kagl.
1 wseaws-awe. 1
Faror Permitting The of Xeligiou
Garb at School. . ,
Declares ' PrektMtery Rrgalatloa
Whlek Weald Kaolad Catkellea
froai arkoala Mad Wltboat
CoaSBltlag Head.
flrarlng m many Kentucky shooting af
frays. Grove Kennedy, 7 yeara old, ai
on time a noted outlaw, later a eoaelct
In the Freak tort penitentiary, and the
father ot thro murderers, died a natural
death today at his home near her. -
Kennedy and all three of Vm sobs a ere
seat to tbe penitentiary for murders aonv
mltted at various times. During the lat
ter part of tha eider Kennedy's Hfe.he
Messed religion sad his last Illness Is.
largely attributed by hts faatfty to grief
ever th recent death ot a sea In th
prison hospttBl at Frankfort.
lATBBTWORTH. Kaa, rah. 4.-Rae-
ert.Baosnaa. a eewvtot ta the atsts psal
teatiary at laiBBng. teas cejeased to W.
H. Mac key. deputy wardea ot tha federsj
paa-teetiaTr ben. that a sad k Is brother
Jams ssrrtted tbe (ear sticks of dyna
mite and twarro rseoieer isassisisd by
the guard Piasmlni 1
moatb ace. bat Ma.
t kaowa arte vssa
WASHINGTON. Feb. .-Presldent Taft
has suspended Commlasloneor of Indian
Affairs -Valentine's present order, which
prohibited the wearing of distinct! vw re
ligious insignia and religious garb at
school exercises In tb Indian school.
In a letter to eleereury of the Interior
Flshar, which was Immediately forwarded
to the- commlsslgner, th president or
dered Mr. Valentin s action held up until
a hearing could be given to all Interested
parties, "and a conclusion reached la
respect to the matter after full considera
tion. . ... i
The . correspondence was mad public
today.' The president said the questloa
waa "on of groat Importance and deli
cacy" over which .the commissioner had
not eansultsd either with Secretary Fisher
or -himself. The president said:
-'.1 tulip believe ta th principle t th
aspafatloa at tha. church and stiv
whk-k snr gov at bj uplifts besed.tbut th
gustkni prevrnted by ttds orler-rs of
greAt trnportaass ana leioacy. . .
They rlee out f th fact that, -the
torernmentiha for tonslihwabl period
tsken over r for the use of tha Indians
cart sin school theretofore baton glnf and
oondueted by dlsti active religious socie
ties or churches. As a part of the arrange.
meats .then made .the school employe
who Wer In certain cases members of
rsllglous order, . wearing th distinctly
garb pf the order, were ennunued as
teachers by th government and by til
ing of th civil sevtoe commission or by
legislative action havo been Included in
the classified service under the protection
of - the evil service.
TThe. commissioner's order also neces
sarily amounts to a discharge from the
federal- se price xtf- these . who have thus
entered It. Thisehould not be done with
out a careful consideration of all phases
of. the matter or without giving th per
son directly affected an opportunity to
be beard." , , , '
Catholic Interests made vigorous com
plaint against Commissioner Valentine's
order, which directed : that those who
eould no conscientiously comply would
be given ressonabl tlm I nmk ar
rangements elsewhere than In th Indian
srhoots. -
FAIRBANKH, Alaska, Feb. 4 -Warrants
'were sent yesterday from th
United State marshal's office hero to
Seattle for tu arrest of Falcon Joslya,
Jons aVhraav, W. 11. Parsoaa, T.-TB. Bar
bour aad K. U Webster, former officials
of the Washington-Alaska bank of Wash
ington, which on October 1. lftf . wa
merged with Ihe Fairbanks Banking
company to form Ihe Washington-Alaska
bank of Navada. These men wer la
dieted by the federal grand Jury that
adjourned recently. The text of th In
dlctavants has not yet been made public.
Wireless Call Saves
Crew from Drowning,
But Vessel Goes Down
, NORFOLK. Va.. Fb. tTh BrltUh
steamer Consols. cotton-laden . from
Galveston for Hamburg, flame-ssrept In
long, 'futile race for port, sank early
today forty mile couth of Cap Heary.
Its crew of thirty-four own refuges on
the British . steamer t'astle Kdea were
landed at Newport News. .
It' wa s Bother trluropb for- inter
communication among ocean craft.; (Or
the Castle 'Kdea, headed from Savannah
fcr Daalsh porta, picked up the wireless
coil for Kelp from tha Imperiled crew on
the Consols and rushed to givs sssbttanca
Th ba.tteehip New Jersey oa Its way
aorth from the Ouantaaaao drHI grounds
slso .hoard the call.. The New Jersey
sent tb first word lo shore of tbecscue
ot the mea by the Castle Men after the
tiro which i had started rty yesterday
morning oft the North Carolina coast bad
gained , such headway a to -Imperil the
M ot the. crew. , The revenue cutter
Onondaga stood br the burning vessel as
It' sack. .- Th. Onondaga returned to
Hampton today.
Million Dollar Fire
in Philadelphia
PHILADELPHIA.' Feb. -4.-Flre. whlcb
did dsmag amounting to &.. swept
the Mock bounded by-Vine, Wood, Frank
lin and Eighth streets tonight. '
TOPEKA. Kaa.. -Feb., t-The state
labor osmmlsslSBSr has ordered the dty
ot Tpeka to pay the. current rat of
Slia ta the awa ts whom It gives work
for charity- Deo-mc the raceat eotd spell
tke etty sfrlfHia i igialsia canes st ua-
L sawt ttasm sat t trim tbe
Cases sad pM thasa (L tor etg-bt benrs-
The evrTwax wag I tram tL3 to
4 ;-
Pauengert Without Tooi for a Day
, ' Until lettered.
Tws Break Way ta Farm Haas Mitt
Away aad teenro Feed toe Fellow
rseeeasere .Testlaiealal
tlgsed. . , i- ,
la the shape ot a msde-up train, with
a mlxtur of perishable freight, espreee
and mail oars, Chicago Northwestern
local train No. S reached Council Blulta
yeatsrday taomiLig In okarf of Coaductor
Laaa aftai Its peuenceraau r-st bad
undergone aa sxpsrlencs tliat til Vfll-P-member
th remainder ot their live .Th
train was stuck in the snow halt way be
tween Bcrlbner end Cornl.- Neb., from
o'clock riaturday morning until after
midnight yesterday morning. The engine
battled with the furious billows of snow
until the opposing forces gained tha
Mnastsfy and the steam, giant came. to. a
standstill. Then the spiteful winds seemro
to attempt to cover It' up entirely1 and
hide the string of coach under a moun
tain of snow. - Tli . snow banked up
around the engine, until. th aarfar was
on a level with the headlight.
There were twenty-eight passengers on
the train and none of them had anything
to eat all day except what the newsboy
hsd and he was soon sold'out. The storm
raged with such fury that every person.
realised that It meant death to attempt
to leave th train and seek help. The
wind blew at a speed that varied from
thirty-five to sixty mile an hour, and a
thermometer hung on the platform of one
of tho coaches indicated a temperature
of 2t degree below sero.
late In tho evening the storm abated
enough for two of tbe peasengers, A. J.
Groat of Council Bluffs aad W. II.
Kramer of Chicago, both widely known
traveling men, to bravo tho danger and
go la tho tana house of Henry Prtester,
rural free delivery No, t Lindsay, Neb.,
about a mtla away, and secure enough
food to appeass th hunger sf the pesat
gers. Mr. Prlestrr snd bis brother helped
to carry Ik back to th burled train. .
It was a representative class of Ameri
can men and women aboard th train,
and It wa all that Messrs. Groat aad
Kramer could do to prevent themselves
being mad heroes of. To a testimonial
of their bravery these names wars at
tached: - D. A. Foreman and granddaughter,
Albion, Neb.; Mra O. Robinson, Perry,
la; Mr. and Mrs. Broger, Lindsay. Neb.;
T- II. Davoy, Fremont, Neb.; Earl Mc
Cartney, - Loretta, Neb.: Charles B.
Delley. Chicago; Mary Cronln, Platte
Center, Neb.; Lillian Dross, Platte
Center; Fred Zsg. Tork, Neb.; Mrs. D.
H. Weetfall, Polk. Neb.; due Anderson,
Newman Grove, Neb.; H. F. Reed,
Omaha; Vincent Bergen. Spalding, Neb.;
Mr. and Mrs and Emma Camera, New
man Urove, Neb.: Mr. and Miss Joe
Franck. Leigh. Neb.; John , Werand,
Newman Grove, Neb.; - Leon Walehoo,
Leigh, Neb.; F. A. Frltton, Clarkeon,
Neb.; George Engel. Clarkaon.
The passengers were rssoiewl when a
snowplow dug a channel through tho
snow a( midnight and transferred then
to another train brought up (or the pur
poo. Tho trainmen put In tbe remalooVer
ot tho night digging out tho embedded
Ex-Wife of Hew York Millionaire
and Plumber Htuband Dead.
COLUMBUS, a. Feb. 4,-The names of
two for prssMential delegates
pledged to th support of Theodore Rnssi
vett will be found oa tho official ballot
la every oongrossloaal district of Ohio
la tho May prtsarles. according to a prs-
dtetioa mads today try Walter H. Brown,
uTmaa ot the repaMioaa stats eaar
tral committee aad Bead at tb prua-taa
stre rrpubUcaa awiesusxit la Ohio.
In s statesnent made public her Mr.
Brown said:
it can be acor-pte-l be rood any guaarJoB
whatever that Owns! Baaoisalt, though
no arose ssiiln the attnaastisa. wlO
yield t tbe genotn popular aemand for
his leaierahia.
MMher st Ysaa W esses First to
aspect aad Fereee Batraaoo lata
Apartaeoata Where Traaedy
Is Disclosed.
NRW YORK, Feb. iA Double suicide
today ended assentation al romance ot tho
foimer wife of Walter L. Buydsm and
Frederick Noble, Ihe young plumber, for
the love ot whom Mra Buydsm raa away
from her mlltloaalre husband sad ssarrloa.
Th bodies of Noble aad his bride ot a
month were found In their . Nov Tork
apartment today. The counts hsd been
asphyxiated by gas.
Th suicide pact, th discovery ot Its
result by Mra Joha 1. White of Wash
ington, tbe mother ot Mra Noble, and
other feature of th
Mrs. Whit, who has aa a part meat oa
Lexington avenue, had her daughter a a
vistutr last Bight and supposed the daugh
ter would remain ovsr Bight. When, now.
over, Mrs. Whit awoke thl morning
sh found , that her' daughter bad fled
from th bouse and hurried bnmedrately
to the daughter's apart await, on Watt
Twelfth street. She became alarmed
wbea there was aa aaswer ts her i epestsd
amaxs ans sugimosiea two poue
ho forced sn entrance' The entrance
door had been barricaded With chairs aad
tablea and the door of all th rooms of
th large apartment also were locked aad
barricaded.- . '
toaplo Faaai.aa Floor.
The police found Nobis sad hi wife
lying deed on th floor, their heads al
most Inside th oven of th gas ruga
They were partly undreeseo and clasped
In each other arms. A great volume of
gss ass escaping from flvs burners of
th range and the oven Jot also were
turned -on. - Th woman was clad In ' a
silk kimono aad shs lay with . Noble's
left arm saelrcing her body, their face
being close together. Every window -In
the apartment wa closed and bolted.
Tho suicides left no Botes to sxplaln
their act. but th polio were convinced
It was a rase of double sutcMa
A few minute after tb discovery Mra
Noble's former husband, Walter Llspen-
ard Suydam, a millionaire, was summoned
by telephone and arrived! quickly la hi
automobile. He was much affeeted by the
news of th ewlcids of the woman. Ha
was got allowed to view the body, which
later was given over to tho custody of
th mother.' ,
Saydaea Visits Wife.
Employee at the apartment house said
that Suydam frequently had visited hla
divorced wife since her marriage to the
young plumber. When asked what ha
thought might have bees tho motive of
tho suicide pact, Suydam said. "I can't
tell you anything. Shs Isn't mine bow,
and I am only, hero as a friend to ass
what I oaa do. .
Mr, Suydam picked up la the apart meat
a check for tu which ho said his for
mer wife had told him yesterday she bad
draws sa bis account. Ho put the check
la his pocket.
Suydam was so unnerved by th tragedy
that later when driving his automobile
on Fifth avenue hs ran down Edward
Bappold, a mail carrier. He took tho In
jured man (to a hospital, leaving orders
that no extf-nse be spared la treating, his
Injur! ea If wa said tha maa would re
1 tha abeene of explanatory Bote
tb motlv tor th suicide probably will
asver hs known. ....
Loft Msgatflewat Heave.
Th women waa still In the twenties.
She was married to Suydam about Bine
year ago and the. couple - made their
homo ob a magnlflosnt estate at Blue
Point. U L ...
Mra Suydam had a strong intellect sad
moved In tho upper circles ot
Ksrly last tall sensational
Tslopad rears rttlng her myst
ppearsnca The sensation was height,
ened when It turned out that ah had
deserted her wealthy husband and mag
nificent homo to be with Noble, tho son
of s Brooklyn plumber. Nobis was lean
ing tn plumbing trad. Suydam tmmv
tuted divorce proceedings and obtained a
Th divorced wit afterward married
th plumber's sob. . Tbs wedding took
pises In Jersey City, Just a month ago.
I tbe ooopto estabnsBod a ham 'at
tt Wast Twelfth" street, where th suicide
pact terminated tho roaasacs today.
Northwestern at Council Bluff
Bring Ever Workman Avail
able to Big Task.
lforaMl Ant
Division Head Buih Mate rial to
. Spot by Daylight. '
Old Freight - Herao Deotrwyeel by
Oao ) reel Leas Bssr
- . . fader Roof.
To sustain on Saturday nlghfslhe com
plete loe ot It big freight depot with
every scrap ( Its office furniture and all
other working persphernslla and be ready
for bruin at, T 'clock Monday morn
ing, aearly completing ta th, meantime
a new building n feet long ha been
achieved by tho Northwestern at Council
Bluffs. Division' SuperlnUndeat F. H.
Hammlll aad Drrleton Engineer H. R.
Rettlnshoase of ehrf rAuti.-4i Witfh.SM.
division of tha North wee tern have bean In'
oh args at tats successful bit of rush work.
With tho beginning of business today tho
patrons or the -road will havo no incon
venience 'Whatever Blared unon them hv
tho Saturday Bight fir that completely
put out ot eiletence th historic old struo-
turs at Broadway and Rlevantk street.
At T O'clock Hat urday night when tt bo
cam evident that nothing could sere the
eld building Agent MontgoniorT and hla
iorei force sot binv. and aa did the ai.
vision offloers. Order wer sent ovsr
th lino to rush all emenreocy material
available for a new building to Council
Bluff and to-collect every carpenter In
tho employ at the company who oouM be
found. An army of M mea all skilled In
ths work required by th railroad's con-
sirocavs oepeTtment, was picked up beta-en
Boon and Council Bluff and Fro-'
moM.' Neb., and st 4 o'clock yesterday
morning they were on th ground clear
ing sway- tha still smoking debris to
make room for tho temporary straetur.
They worked like machines wader aee
atortloa or tbs dlvtotoa orerlnne and st
dusk last Bight tha frsme work of th
big structure was up, sided with lumber
t roof waa n. Th Hater Lumber'
amnanye torn wore busv sll dar haul.
Ing-the extra material required.
' 'orttce fa Cabeoee. t
Immediately after tha arrival of goper-'
lntndnt HanuwIU three freight cabooses
were sleMrartrtd einse to th old platform
Md wutaiNjdr fW'tjtmo BUrpaa. .Heat
ing fsollliles were BislsBed ss t i.iei-
Phoa bad tctrio light put in and offle
ntrnitur brought- from th Omaha and
Mlasouri Valiss statin a. aad be eh ulUl.
of, ths afleraooa Agent Mnntgomery aad:
aiaotnc .tore .wor ready .to resume
kiMlasss. .U.wlll probably requlr the
greater i part ot lbs week, fully to com
plete Ik big new bullng aad atttaa it
ready for occupancy., , v. . ,
Tbe office safe woe due am s eel .!-.
yesterday snd oeeced.aad it wa round
ts contain sll ot tho current record la
sa unharmed condition. Many ot tho
other book sad record which had been
scattered by the strong fore at tb fir
streams playing Into the burning building
wer also found to bo In a oenditloa that
will permit their use after being dried' out.
moke was railing all day. yesterday
from ths tail hrtrk lilaaw f u at.
Ing plant, hot tt cam from tha smoulder-
ng aeons test riund ths snglne room.
It I ths OSiaioa at IK arei,Hal
examined It yaateraajr that this chimney
is rssponsiDie- tor the geotructloa ot th
CHICAGO, ' Feb. A-Chang'e 'lit tha
operating department ef - tk Chicago
Milwaukee A St. Paal railway war an-
saosd tosar. Tkay meluda . aboli.a.
meat ot tha offices of -general, Buperin-
endeat of tho a-rstsm asd dlstrtet genetai
saaerintondeots. H. B. Ear ling, a hrothes
of tho president of th rood, win be as
sistant general maitacer. Hereafter earn.
ot the thro divides ot tha road will
bo made complete in Ksetf, so far as
poestote, each wtth It own reneral au
perltsBdent. Th basis sf tbhrt, It ts sa-
nouaeod, ts to etialaate detail-tn the
head office. ;
NEW ORLEANS. Feb. 1 Whoa th
second day's sosstoa at ths -eaafaraar
of general secretaries snd field worker o
ot tho International Sunday School asso
ciation was railed ts order today, there
wore In aitandaaos If delogat, repre
senting lJ,oa),S3 Sunday aohaol papiis u
North America. A resolution taruring
k uniform atandart for tho . Suaday
schools throughout North Ajrterioa re
gardlasa st deeemlasHno, was ' adopted. ,
irsar tapvala liileaalr lajei-rd la
FalUast Tws Baadswdl ret
VERAAIU JX, Feb. 1-Captaba Ls Msg-
Bet, a military s vis tor, whua Biaktng a
flight today, fell from a height at M
feet. Ha was takea from ths wreckage
ta a critical eoadltlsa.
A vacant house
today is a renteti
house tomorrow
if; advertised in
thct Bee.
, Hundreds of houses are.
rented every week through
the Bee Want Ads. ".
. i - - - --
Bates one cent-a word
when the, ad runs two or
more time. ,
Tyler 1000.