THE OMAHA -SUNDAY BEE: - FEBRUARY 4, 1012. For the Children To Keep Thrfr Dlgestiosi Perfect 5otUa la So Bale aad rkeeaat a Stun's DntfU Tablets ' Trial Vmckio Beat Free. ThouaaodB ot men ud worsen have found Stuart' Dyspepsia TaMeta the BBf est and ntest reliable preparation tor any torn of Indigestion or stomach trouble. TTmannda of ample who an not alck, feat an well and wish to keep veil take REW CHURCH TO OPEN TODAY Dedicatory Smieet it Handsome Sew Hortk. Presbyterian. r eenasaBe: ' CHICAGO PAST02 TOLL PZIACH 5. Stuart's Tablet after every, meal to te am perfect dle-eetloa and avoid trouble. But H la not generally knewa that the TaMeta are Jut aa rood aad wholesome far mile folka aa tor then- elder. .Uttie cbildraa who an pale, thin aad hare no appetite, ar do not grow or thrive, ahould use the tablets after eating and mil derive treat benefit from them. Hre. a. H. Crotsley. Washington St., Hbboken, New Jersey, write: "Stuart's Drapepata TableU jtiet fin the Mil for children aa well aa for older folka, rve tad the beat of luck with them. Mr three-Tsar-eld girt takea them aa readily aa candy. I have only to amy tablets' and aha' drape everything and run for them." A Buffale mother, a ahort time ago. who despaired of the Ufa of bar babe, was ao delighted with tha reaulta from giving the child then tablata that aba went be fore tha notary public of Erie Co N. T. and mad the following affidavit l Gentlemen: Stuart' a Dyspepsia TableU were recommended to ma for my two-aumtha-old baby, which waa alok - aad puny and tha doctor aaM waa suffering from Indigestion. I took the child to the hospital, but then found no relief.' A friend mentioned the Stuart TableU and 1 procured a box from my drmgglaV'and wed only the largo tweet knenges In the box and waa delighted to find they wen Just the thing for my baby, I feel 1 noti fied In eaying chat Stuart's Dyapepala Tablet aaved my ohOd'a Ufa. ' 1 mm, w. t. vmajqn Subscribed and . tworn to before me tme Uth day of April, 117. i' .' HjBNRT KAIU8. Notary publle In and for Erie Co.,. M. T. For- bablee. no"tnatier how young ar delicate, the taMeta will accomplish woo den in rnereeslng fleah. appetite and growth, Use only the large tweet tablata a every box Full alard boxea an Bold 'H to rents, and no parent ahould neglect tha use at thla ante Attt a., s.e.aoe ana eewei uwr We If the child la ailing la any way re- ; gsrflir.g tta food of esslmilatloa. . ? Stuart' Dyapepala TableU have been - known for yean aa tha beet pnparatloa for, all tomeeh troubles wbetber la adult er' infanta. ' A trial paokaaw wiU be east, tf you ?NH1 write r. A. Stuart Ce, la Stuart ; Hlg.. Marshall. Mob. Will CwsrrUae fa f Tare Weeks, with Well Two am Speaker la At- teadawee. The beautiful new North Presbyterian church building. Twenty-fourth aad Wirt streets, wiU be dedicated thla ing at M ai. the aervtee at that hour marktag the beginning of tha dedicatory festival, which will extend through Feb ruary The last aervtbea in the old church wen held hut Sunday, and Monday morning the removal of such fa ml tun as will used In the new edtfioe waa begun. The new ohurch la handsomely furnished In mod era sty la It Is appropriately d anted, .the' whole scheme being one of ample, aulet, but elegant refinement Rev. Oeorge N. Luccock. pastor of Oak Park Presbyterian church, will preach the aarmea at the dedicatory Service. Prayer will be offered by Bar. A. & Marshall aad by tha paster, hi. V, Hlgbee. The eh arch la a cenaolldatioa of the Seeead Preabyterlan church, organised la MU. and the Knox Presbyterian church. la UR. They wen united under the name North Presbyteries church la M. The cornerstone of the new buUdlatj waa said March i, uu. Sunday morning's program will be aa foil owe: . Prarade Lied. .Wolstanh elms a, ate Doxology Invocation Otsrla Petri KMponelve reading. Bras Bonutur lessen, 1 sung vuiavw, ext. i-reyer. A. a. Jaaianau. . u. u. Response ....... rhatr Anthem Unfold, Ye Portals...... Oouneud OMertory Pligrua'a Chorus (Tann ' aausvri ........... w 4From "The Redempteln.") Sermon, Mev. Oeorge N. Lacouck, O, IX, Pastor Oak Park CAuroh. Cluoage. Hymn lsi Report of ehalmaa building eommlttee. Report of treasurer buuelng oonuniuee. Offering. ' OeoMaJsn. IVEItOTO worship, Pntude-Prelude and Plaale .3ech Hymn le) .--, eeripum. - -Anthem Festival Te Deum in B flat ... Dudley Buck Prayer, Itev. A. N. Bsuety. Hymn Ue, OtfertoryBvanina- Star (Tsnnhsnser). , Wagner Sermen, "The Ooepel ot tha kUnadxui," Rev. laaMi K. Jeaains, Ph. U, D. U. Anthera-end Out Thy UU.C. Oounod steueoMUun. . Pestiuae March. Henry V ..Rose a . The monthly mustoal serrius for Feb ruary ot the 8b Mary's Avenue Cengre gatloaal church, . it. Mary avenue and Twenty-seventh street, will be given to morrow night and will be aa follows: Organ Prelude-oroauaa Ooiuiuu Doxeiegy te.,ainM Pi aver quartet 1 am Alpha aad Omega... Stainer Headuig ot u,e Sr.ptuxe urgan Hole laiut f'Amer Elgar Ukiareawtns war. Met atlae. O uarn ,.: Brlggs Centralte Bole-Tha Lord u midotui ..... jaeuai .. Mrs. Weltr. Offerlnt and Otierury-sivenlng Bong ,, OOB Uyma UI Woodstock .dArees Taa Jov of the uoeDet.... -tuarut Te Leum in s) ailnur...,D. Buck ..o if With All leur.tlsarts , Meodelavonjrl . i j. Mr. Hopkuu. quartet I WIU Feed My flock Blmser liymn su-ennavnae ... Uenedtotloa r,. Lium itoaihid March of the Prleete Mendelssohn PASTOK KOBTH PSESBYTESIA5 CHUSCH DEDICATED SUKDAf . REV. kL V. HIOBEB. and Rtany at 19 in Holy communion and sermon at 11. Sunday school and eate ehlam at UM. Vespers and sermon at a. m. i vt . , St. Steehen'a Wllnn RjiretnM TT.TI Twenty-fourth and Ansa Avenue Holy eeamiunlon at IK l m. lunday acheol at 1A - Moraine Breive mhI urn., mt II The eacrameut of holy baptism will be saministered to children and Intents at this service. Confirmation class every eumay evening at the some of pastor, aa Taylor street Lwtfteraa. (Irw-e T-i r 1 1 i it . iw ww I P, Lodeen. Sunday school at la a. m. St. Paul'a Twentvlrhth arMl Paar rtsv. K. T. Otto, Pastor Services at 10 a. m. Bvenlng sermon In Ensllsh at I 46. Hunday scnoel at UM. Young People's mote oiass x-uesuay at T;a? p. m. St. Mark's. Twantleth mnA Rilfvtatta T. Groh. Psstor At 11 a. m, ' geptuaiteslma noiy ounper.- At p m.. biography aa Revealed In ing' Character. " ratted Brethrea. Rarford Memorial. Nineteenth and Le throp: M. O. McLaughlin, Pastor Worn- ing service, university eervlce. 11 J. Sermon, Peeking and Finding Jeeus." Even In. T:9k "Ood'a Love (er Slnnera" Motion pteturea la evening. Macedonian social i nursaay. a p. m. Vaiteel Freabrteriask Cerrtral, Twenty-fourth and Hodge BTTeets, nunn . espeer, rastor Morning worship, W Kt. Sasbalh school at nees Toung People's jaeeuus; at .M. Evening service at S: MlaewilasieeBa, International Bible association at Ba rlght hail. Mneteentk aad Fhrnsm. Sun day at 1 p. m. Subject: "The judgment Day." Speaker. W. IL Dirltersoo. Omaha Pbilosophlral society will meet lii, rineteenta end rxrnam F. OUder In Barlght halL streets. Sunday afternoon at t o'clock, to Mm aaurvssea oy xteoeri Outcome-Mighty Faith. at :a a. m. : p. Wonderful ty Faith. Sunday school Taung People's aeolety at MAIMDOa Xtiw Mosses so" eepsieeeeilf g) f lL. JJ kalrrnaav part ef W y 11-7, toe Mr. fVe eair M 3 Hh aed reliable 4e- v EMatery seeva L, ess4slae. aeeidtor Joicphlaa L Tevre Company Sold by Beeton Drug Co., the Bell Drug ve., and tae Bennett company, TUTSh HAMBURG-AMERICAN tAJiaMT STMAMtrTtF COMFAITT t ' THM WOUD, SYER403 SKIPS ,210.000 Tins 0 . U ' TWO CRUISES Around tte World VICTORIA LUISE (is. set vmn TfMntWStCrfStseJaWlatot Wtn vMt Mads tie, I rata, ftalr. Barm, ladla. Certoa, swttlssarwte. Java, Phlllpeii fMsavJi na oven ' IITLAWy MXCTWflOBS AJTtt ftDB TstrP. opttoai.1 tTrwdrw TOtBS '17 DAT I a 13BIA Fm IN Tsr) I Fm Fractn In. U, lt1aFL n, mt Duration 110 Days Each $650?,: HAMBURG A 1ERICAJI Bar. Ralph H. Heuienten. former pas tor of th Caatallar Street Presbyterian church, aow educational superintendent of Bible schools . for the Presbyter laa church in Nebraska, will begin his palgn at the Church of the Covenant aad the Palrvlsw piwsbyterlaa church nw. . Ha will discuss the Bible work at tha Church of tha Covenant Sun day morning. At VM Ik the afternoon he will talk to tha Falrrtaw Sunday eobool aad at I o'alook be will aildrsaa the eoa- sveaatioB of the Fsirrlew ehureb. After that serrlea he will meet tha Sunday school otOsara and teachers la conference. " The monthly , musical service at Trinity oathadral will be observed Sunday night at T:M) o'clock. The dean and choir will Nader the aheral form of evening prayers attar which - program-af interesting anthems and quartet will be sung to gether with organ work by tha eathedral organist. Baptist, Calvary Branoh, Tvrtnty-fourth and Seward Bible school 1:M p. m, W. H. Owella, upernrtendant. Immanuel. Twenty-fourth and Finkner: Rev. J. S. Bbersole, Pastor The pastor WIU preach at ld: and 1M. Bible school with erobestra at noon. Toung People's society ennsuaa Kaoeaver at :, Mid' week atestlng Wednesday at A Calvary, Twenty-fifth and Hamilton: Rev. L R. Curry, D. D.. Paator-ejervlces at Ir M and 7rX oeod acted by the pastor. The ixird s aupper will be observed at tne moraine; service, in ue evening the sermons ea "Respectable Sinners'' will be continued. Bible eoheol at U m. Toung rvovies meeting at s:sa n snnssnsy p. nv. devotleaal servtoe. Strangen wel come. First. Rsrnev Street and Park Ammm. Rev. joha Matthews, Paster Preaching morning and evening by F. 8, Stain, O. D.. of Lincoln, Neb. Morning servtoe at 10 A nv Subject, "The Church and th rreno. suaeav eoneei at ix tmih w. pis prayer meeting at Ik Preaching In the everamr at Vs, subject. "Pay what Tea Owe." Prayer meetlna --- evening at 1M. Oemraunlon asrvtosa will oe neia at u usual nour. Korth Slda. Twenty sec end anA lAik. rop Street, H. J. KJreabwtein. Vflnlstee unsay eoBoel IS a. m Morning wor ship at KM Chrurtlaa Endeavor, laf p. ua a.raius: pi m:ajog servioe tu. CMrtotisa m w. aVnstewf Bt, eThtoage M r L" er leeet isssla sWa Osnsjsi lux easnsaMew & Church of Christ. SeianMer" a Marya Avenue and Twentv-nmnh Street Sunder acheol at l ev Banday "m ac u ana a Busjeox ot lesson ssrkion, "Love." - Csagiiasttiwal SI sfsrr'a Avenue. Jamea llmwU Jaalns, Mlrlstsr Morning worship at sVJs. subject. 'Tslth-aa Fact.'' Evening sons ssrvloe at T: BCleiea. Thirtieth and Ohta- w a Bv&pton. Passor Mornina erarslita M Nl Sunday aobeet at 11 m. Juaier En deaver at I aetvor- EDdeaver at I M Bveatet eerrlaa at 1A .. First Oermaa Free EvanaeHeaL emm. and Boreas Publlo warship at HVXX con. ducted by members of the pasteraJ eem mlttee. A full -attendance of all members is earaestly requested to Rally Day for new work. Sabbath school at IN p. nv First. Nisartaenfh and rstMrnwi. x- eric t. Rouse, Pastor Morning wershts at l sebjeet. "What la Ufof rW mualea service, Bvenlna wnrehia i Special maescal service uader ths auspices of the chsir. Frederte C FTeetnamei, ot. rector. Teaag Peepia'a Society Chriatlaa AS Safnta. Twenty-sixth aad Dewey A verm, T J MacSaj, Rnor Holy eom aranlon at 7:B a. ra. Church acheol an kindergarten at S a. m. Marmng prarei and sermon at 11 a. m. Church of St. Philip the Deacon Twenty-first and Paul, Rev. John Alb-n n! "IrSjk""" Sunday. Keuntas Memorial. Farnsm and Twsn ty-slxth Avenue; Rev. iJr. Oliver O. Baltsly. Pastor Servloea for Septu ima aunaay at 11 e eleok. Morning wor ms and sermen : suhleot. "Kverv Maa a Penny.'' Evening worship and sermon at I o'clock, subject, "Oood Sense In Re ligion." PL Matthewa Icullah. Nlnataanth an Castellar. Rev. O. W. Snyder. Pastor at M a. 'The Inssi bie Church:" at !:M a m.. "Maks a alng Race." Bvenlng servlos begins with a ruble reading and tussel sona service. Ainday eohool at nosh. The Toung Peo ple's coolety will be entertained at t monthly meeting and seoisbls by Call Petersen. Hi Vinton street. Catechetical class Wednesday at 4 a. m. In ehurch basement. Boys Atslstla club In ahurch basement Wednesday at T p. an. Bible study ana choir reneereei Thursday even' tin at pastor- residence, UU South Fit' t cents street. Method let. Hsnscom park Sunday School. Twenty- ninth and Wool worth Avenue School oi-ene In three separate dspartmenta each Sunday at noon. Ksw scholars can an on any Sunday, , First Swedish. North Nineteenth and 'nut. Rev. Ouatav Erl-keon. Pastor Sun. ay school at 10. Preaching aei vice at 11 and 7 :lu. r-Dwortn isasus ursrer meet Uig at 1:30 Midweek ssrvloe Wednesday evening at a, , 0M ..1 r,.WMMM D Milton B. William, Minister Sermon subject at 11, "Keen for Another;" at 7 1. "How One Young Man Began Hi Life Work." Sunday school at 1.43. En worth league at I s). Midweek meeting weanesoay evening at 7:1. Trinity. Corner Twenty-first and Bin- asy; O. W. Abbott, Paittor Preaohlng morning ana evening. Morning subject. ins cultivation ot tne Divine Ufa Evangelistic services hi th evening. Sub ject of sermon, "A Look Into the Gospel Mirror. Oak Street Twentieth and Oak, Rev. T. C. Webster, Pastor Bible school at l a. m.; classes tor all. Preaching at 7:3s p. m, at which ssrvloe thoss desiring to 1'i.a the cburoS will hsvs an oppor tunity. Mraweea meeting TDursasy even- In f at I; subject, "The Higher ure. Hansoom Park, Twenty-ninth and Wool worth. Rev. D, I. Crawford. Pastor Morning service, K M. Sermon. "Ths Hour of Reality. ' Bvenlng service, T si. sermon, ' i ne cnnmna picture." bub' day school, 1A Mr. B. A Wllcoa, super intendent. Bp worth league, f:N, Mr. Carl c wuson, leaner. MoCabe. fortieth and Parnam! Beer. loan Qrant Shlck, Pastor Sunday school at A Superintendent D. C. Curry in charge. Preaching by tha pastor at U and :PX Tmese, morning, "The enure a, uur profession and Uod a Proia- Ise;" evening, "Some valuable Loess,1 Up worth league service et 1 10. Prayer meeting win oe neio in tne soutn rooms oi the anurcn an Wednesday night at I - rresay isiiaa. Castellar Street. Sliteentb and Paa- tellsr Memlng service at 16:10. Rev, Mr. Liravilt will occupy ths pulpit, ser mon, "The Family." Sunday school at noon. Bvenlng servlos at 7 si. A special program nas neen pre pat en. Benson. Rev. J." C Wilson Pastor Horning at u, topic "Hindrances; to Spiritual Power." Evening at 7.", topic, 'Religion 01 country and Ralialon of Character," Illustrated In ths story of Barbara rrletoble with moving Dicturea. All welcome. x aifton RI1L Forty-nflH and Orant Rev. Thomas B. Orsenles. Pastor Sun day school at 1A Saorament of ths Lra a supper ana reception or new mem ben at lL At l:e a service eelebratlns the thirty-first anniversary of Esideavor aay. juaweex aervice Wednesday even ing at i. First. Seventeenth and rjodre. Re. Td- win Hart Jenk. D. D., Pastor Public worship at 10 M with sermon by the pas tor, theme. "The Lord Suooer." Even ing worship at 7:10, Endeavor anniversary sermon. Christian Endeavor meeting at I la. Sunday school at 11, Everyone is invited to attend. North. Twenty-fourth and Wlrt-ftar- mon at st:M by Dr. Oeorg H. Luocock ot Chlesgo. Dedlcattea of new building. Sermen at 7. 10 by Dr. D. B. Jenkins, theme. "The Ooepel of the Kingdom.'1 Christian Kndeavor at l:K. Sunday school at 11 m. Preachlns at 7 4i aion- day, Tuesday. Wednssday and Thursday. Lowe Avenue, Corner Fortieth and Mlcnotea; Rev. Natluunel McOiffln, D. 1., Paster M arm ng service at kVlu, Bundsy at li. Christian Endeavor at I I Bveaing aervioe at 7 On account of the raster's illness Henry Klser will speak in the. morning and Dr. Marshall tn the evening. First Reformed. Twenty-third Street end Central Boulevard: U. M, Rohrbeugn. Paster eunday schoel at I aV c W. Thscssa, superintendent Morning wor ship, U. Evening servtoe f. Christian En deavor society I. . Preachlns. VMsMh service Wednesday at A. Mlsrlonasy so ciety Taesuay at : p. ra. at Mr Waaeka. ua South Twenty-fourth atreet niraev. mn and svtrtv.rinrt rbm Charles 11 Flemlruf, Putor-Blbi aebeoi at l a nev. naipn Houseman, our adu. caUonai supertoiendent will visit the school, preach at tha I o'clock service beta a abort conference iAswni to which all teaotien and officers ot the ohurch and aksee school an Invited, tueeaay avenue tas lourtb Matthew. Dundee, Fiftieth, aad rnderwood, Orant u riem, eauueiia atormns serflne II 'A Conununisn Meehution." Bvenlnc, T o. Ttus service will be carried en k h. Christian Endeavor society and Boye and Girls' circle. It takes th place of th. 'a ' a service, a asocial uro gram aaa been prepared. The sacrament of the Lord a Supper will be observed at the awjrnlBC eervlce. , campaign for higher standard Ire th Sunday eeseehv Ha Is educational au pertateadent of the Preekyterlaa . Bible schools of the state Bible school at u S&deaver eeetlne at SWutM . '. t VMJ the pastor wiU nreach en "Keaby TXin. at 7:46 the fourth lessen on Matthew raltarlaa. Reventeevirh aivi vM "LU?1?"- Minuter-Services V?,"' ?.UDi?:tJof oo. "Ths Cave ot Adullam." Sunday school at 11:45. Unity FeOewahlp-at 7:1 Mrs. Ulllefon will give A paper ea -hAepeare'e Auto- American Archaeology.' At l p. m. Sunday at Rsrlght hall. Nineteenth and Parnam Prat. J. A. Ollleeple will give a lecture In the sign ismtuag to the deaf to which sll are cordially Invited. Subject -Kerth Re deemed," New Thought Feiiowshln will hold It usual Sunday morning meeting in the Weed block, Eighteenth and Famam. Room k The midweek meetings on Wsdneeday evening at I o clock. Oecar A. Albrscht will epeake and continue In struction la vibrations at these meetings. People's, Charles W. Savings, Pastor Moraine, "The Only Thing to Do:" even ing. "Is Then Anv Real Denser" Rim. day school at noon; Toung People's So ciety ot Christian Endeavor at 1. Prof. Mertea has charge of the music. The Theeeophlral society will meet at the urease School at Musio. ksihteeath and Farnam streets. Sunday evening at odock. Burd F. Miller will lecture an -raougnt rerma ' His leotun will ln- ciuoe ever tniny covered Uluetretlooa and tha tact ot recent scisnUflo disoeveriae along this line will eaake It ssublv Intar- esunc ioe ssaeunc epsa to u pubUo. - T. W. C. A. lens. Sonday-At lbs vesper aervioe at 4:10, then wUI be a vary Interesting series of stereoptlosa picture on the subject aieeea, u man w ae Lsua rounaatleaa for lis." These pictures an from Now Turk, and an remarkably beautiful. Following (his aervice will be the uauai tea and serial hour to which all an In vited. Tha buildlna; la epea until t a clock Monder--Tbe In HI Kama drew anil meet at th association building aa usual for supper, aad than will adjourn to the boduoc .tiss rmesa jraxaoa lor the meet sag of t&e month. Tueeda ar Tb Business dirts' erafTerlil bold a valentine party oa Tuesday sveo- uig tor ineir insnoa. 'Thursday In the aJtevnooa and amnlee then will be an exhibit ion at the work of the educational deaartmants. All friend an invited aad any who an la any way Interested la this branoh ot the a atom atloa work, Thla WIU be the best ea- pert unity ot the year for one to ese what work la being done, aad to mset the di rectors, and the teachers of the different chutes. Tha Informal areanua will a as f eilewsK Open bouae and azhlhttlaa of domaetle scisnce and domes uo art work, I to f P. m. Exhibltlsn of Junior gymnaalum clasees. i to. Exhibition of domotlo art work and an exhibition eiaea ia Jmimiu science, t to ( p. m Musloal program la the audlterlum, 7:05 to I: it p. m. Oytn nuium uhlbltlon, I II to I p. m. ,u ermnasiiun aeparunent la errenng term's tne tuition In the imauium to any girl who can gsl five new mem ben for the gymnasium, and halt a term's tuition te one who will set three. The asmea must be handed In befen the be ginning ot the term oa February u. The noon play hour I continuing an Thursday noons, although It waa Inter rupted last wsek on account ot ths monthly noon musical. This play hour Is open to any women In the city, and no special eoatums la required. It la going to prove a popular mean e( reoreatlea in tha middle et a busy day, , , ,. : 'Y, St. O. A. Hsiea.' " ': Prof. Rllfua A. f airman nf the llntearettv of Nebraska, school ot pharmacy will deliver a lectun at th regular meeting at me i uufia ami . I nn, am. soclatloo on Sunday af ern,n. ' Feb ruary 4, at I o'clock.. Prafessor Ly man a subject Will be "Ale, hoi a Ke lated to the Cause end Spread of -Dis ss," and will be considered from the scientific Btandnotnt. An inv ration la tended te all to be present The Hellevue maie quanet will assist with music. PlnaJ Drsnantlona bava hean tneile arith the Dlcksrmsn School of Acting for their Progrsm. Which Will be riven en. Haturdav evening, February io, at I o clock. Ths program will be of the usual hlsh stand ard and will cenaist of a various number of readings aad musical sunken. Free admission ticket may be obtained al th loung siena christian association or at sir. mciterman s stuois or through members. For, those who wish to secure special seat ia advance small number have been reserved for mall charge ' Friday evening. Febraary the three ounureu SCULLER & MUELLER CLOSE UP THEIR SOUTH OLIAIIA BRAflCIl Our branch store in South Omaha, at 421 N. 24th St, was closed last "Wednesday. The entire stock will be placed on sale In our Omaha store Monday morning. Every instrument Is in first class condition. Some of these pianos are slightly used and others were takea in exchange on new pianos and player pianos. ' We are crowded for room. In order to close out the whole South Omaha stock with the quickest possible dispatch we realise that ; Wo Must Mako a Tromondous Sacrifice Road over some of the weodre-ful bargains offeror1: Former Prr Mathaerk prarttre) piano. .... . .3ft0 Marshall A Smith practice plane fJQ4 Kim bail apright piano .,.,....11300 abler aprUht piano ........ .$2.V Arioo aprlght plaaa.,.,.......iT7B Krb upright plane .......... .S87S Bradftnd aprlfht plats ,,, $75 '- Now . f 30 M128 Price Fisher argrlfht pbvno .$S00 Tone 8oa irprlirht piano $30O Ivrncbnl aprlfht piano MOO HnlUi Itarnee aprttht ptmn..9W0 Baldwla aprlgbt PJano ....... .f.tao Katry aprlft-ht piano ..SUSO How S145 8155 S135 4 . , - - m sjoe tMer m ham aprtxht plaao ....I37S The above la oat a partial lint ot die rtraor1inan Isnaba. R Ka.ji flrat choice, of the sarcaiaa. Theae ar poatOrel the freatrat plea valare we have over oaercd. MAKE YOUR OWN TERMS We are exclusive nira reaslatl,ea for the snatch lrea Htrinway aad PUaola niaaos: alas. as. brated weber, Hardrnaa, Kiamaa, Strwer ASoaa, McPhail and too mmit Hiatal SctunoUar A MseilbT piaswesi ma " wwvy ew aae awsssB in senary HH aa an) atuoa. e Ovdera by saail will tMaHw tmmUam. Write for Uhiatrated rwjutue aatl prtoo Ikek, SCHIIOLLER & MUELLER PIANO CO. MAJTCTACTtKEUS, WHOLESALERS, Hmnmia 1S11-1S18 TiKSAM 8TREBT. OMAHA, JTEB. DAIRIES MAKGOOD SCORES lupeotor Botili lttkM Xonthly Ee- port to Essiu omoer. 0S1T 05 ASSIST IS 0KBXBES boy wao learaed te swim fifty nere a urine u t n at tneT. K. presented with th silver aelt1a seal in reoogruaen of Uielr akllU The boys' department announce that the annual elraus will bs el van an irab. ruary a and at. Tbs different sommitteea rrom among tn soya are working very hard and. In feet, are planning to do mast of ins work without any assistance from the older members. Tickets far ths circus will be plaoed oa sals about Feb ruary M. Ob Tuesday evening, February , a swimming contest for th member of the senior department will be run aft la ui swimming pool. The Toung Men's Chrtstlaa elation Ole club ha keen asked to give a program at ths Touna women' Christian aaaoclatlsa In the near future, W. at. Parson state secretary of th lowa i sung . Men Christian as sociation was at -the Omaha oiauen en Fruay. Mr. Persona was hers to sss Secretary iJanlaon and Btat Secretary Bally. The educational oepartmetit announce new class m aflthmet a startiner next Monday. The class will be held en Kon dsv and Thursday evenings. Wednesday evening. February I. a leo- turs on the "Safe Handling of Eh loelves." will be given In th ouna men' unnsuan Assodatbia au. dltnrlum. Ths lecture I especially pre pared for tne railroad men of the city, members ot ths association, however, be ing welcome, gtereootlcon elides will be used to Illustrate. Odell Makes Reply to Editors Attack Secretary Frank O. Odell of the Ni araska Rural Ufa cemmtssloa hen replied to the editorial oittdim fey D. C. Butber- land In tha Burt County New of th agl ration of th Omaha Commercial cruba pubitdty bureau and the state university tor testing of ased corn. sir. Suther land said sue agitation hurt tha stale. also that northeast Nebraska harvested the usual crop of oora. Indicating normal ed, Mr. Odell tells Mr. Sutherland he should ass his pepsr to help the movement and cites the following crop figures for north east Nebraska; -CORN OF TEN NORTHEABT COL' NT IDS. County Average In Loss In lfll u. per acre la bo. per uvi-rew m-e Cedar Knox , Pierce u Antelope unen ............. Dakota .M Wayne .. ....... Cuming ........... Burt Washington elusive 37 I mt M tt. I 41.1 tl M.I U. tt - 7.1 1 11 lit .l 1 I.I 11.1 Kay te tha Situation Bee Advertising. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. F. T. Burdlek of Britt, Ia Is hare for a few days. Ben Balnea of Yinisca, la.. Is In Omaha. He is accompanied by several other reel- dents of thai place. E. C. KemMe. In ths Irre stock and comroiasloB business at Lincoln, la In Omaha today making arrangementa for the opening of a branch nous here, and Shew Batte Pwd Testa that Are Bxeelleai, Claude F. Boss!, ally dairy tnapaator. asaklna his monthly report to the health nmlsslon. aay the usual a umber et datrle sould aet ha Halted, awing to the rams eeld weather. He submits la his report the results of butter tat taste. mad by the milk inspector from samp lee takea from wagon delivering over the atty. The report foliowei Tha lefthand ealuma represent the sanitary oatidJuon at sack dairy, few point uetng perfect aad aaventy-flve oonsldared good. "The rlghthand oolumo rapreaaat th buttr fat tan (or te be mere explicit). th rlchneee of the milk. Tha ordinance require per seat butler tat. Tha tig atss 111 show for themselves the quality of milk sack dairy produce. As to th cleanliness of the milk, tha city erdlnaaue require that not mora thaa IsMM bacteria uaktlmeue atuul fee allowed. Tola la eon eld ered te be on at th moat suing en (. orel nance la th oountry. The alnety alghl aamplas secured for hateiieleeicej examination show that fifty-three et same contained leas thaa Mft,tW bacteria, this aaolualva ot th,oerUfied and paaturlaaa milk, a remarkaill showing indeed, tor the milk prods oera et Omaha, "Aa to in kutur fat figures, ' where more thaa sue sample ha beaa taken from th earn dairy, daring the month, the average la given. During the month on arrest waa made tar adaltaraliua milk with water, th offender, A. p. An dereoa tPurllsn Dairy), pleaded guilt I waa need 111 and costs la polios oeurt He ha sine gold his dairy Jenata Bra, who premies to immediately put aaie aairy in a sanitary ooudluon. Following are th aoore for th month of January. Wher ao aoore appear. aairy ha not been visited, aa previously explained: CERTIFIED DAIRIES. SALESMAN IS FOUND DEAD W. W. Cdhoon'i Body Ponnd oa Rflk Floor of factory. fcATOX OT SS&TE V0I D0WI iBdteerleei ed Psiletde a Ttete.,., Wkea ataa la s,oeatad ea Shalt with Cwtala Dravra La Frost of Hiss. w- W. Cehooo, a aaleamaa for th oeoa Brea. company at nil Howard treat, was found dead yesterday asornlng at e'dock on the fttth Deer of the eatahltahmeaL Ha waa lying ea a ehalf with the eurtala drawn down ever the shelf,, thus eonoaalinc himself from th vl.w ef anyone In the piece, a waa it years ef age and Hired at Mil Ohio atreet Th teat seen ot Cohooa wee a (UI o'elaek last night, whan P. A. S wesson, a member et th firm, said he saw ah) employ going eat ef the deer, He found this morning fey H. B. Koffsy, th receiving clerk, who found Cwheon'e scat oa the first floor. He tried te find Ca nnon, but etruld net Ha then sailed Mr. Cebeea. who add her husband I ae( beea hem last eight. Kuftay then started a syetemaUo aaareh of the fifth floor, where tha salesmen Work when ta town. After om time bs found Oohoen lying oa hU aide on a low shelf. Th body aaa taken In charts ef by the eoroner, who will hold aa autopsy this afternoon to dttermln th eaus of death. It Is unknown at th present time whether Cohooa died oT heart disease or com mitted suicide. Nothing waa found about him te neaioate thai he keek kej own Bfa and there were aa marks f --ibh aa 1 body. He hi survived fey hla widem. Wyoming Governor iTedictsBig Crops, Oeearner Carey ef Wyoming, aa Ida. way beaae tram CMaace. passed Urethra. Omaha. He la enthuslsatla ewer area odb- dttmna and aaya that with the heavy; snowfall ef the piaaiut wlatsr aad the treat euandtt ef anew la the mevn-. tain. Wyoming la gtnt la have tha, greatest crop la the history of the state. The terarnor la entfcspetlag tmmlgratioa to Wyoming thla i tteving that the rush abeut ciaaid and that during the aaat few year farmer aad Investors will turn their etteatioa ta the rich agrtouK teral land ef Wyoming and westsra Ke Governor Carey kellewss that there Is ae plaae aa earth where money win pay better returas thaa by m vesting It tb the state named. He eeatenda that they have the greatest poaatbtutlsa aad that tha advance la htad prlose the Beat twm years will he phenomenal. POSTAL MESSENGER HURT ON ICY SIDEWALK Sari Palmer, a special delivery asaa. Sanger boy employed at the rwseoTios, utftred a aprainad wrist aad ether In juries last alfht when he slipped ea the ley pavement ea Dodge street near the poet off! cm. Passereby plaoed him ea a treat ear aad eooompanled him te hla home. Mil North Twentieth atraet COL. HAMILTON Nams and Dali-v. Frleeland farm . Arwood Dairy company OTHER DAIRIES. C. Spangard. npanirard 17 OI Jensen. Pleaaanl Hill tl i Jack Petersen, Forest Lawn.. SO I fete Jensen, Kagls m l Jepp Jeppeeen, s'untanelle mil James Mil era. Central M.l Lar Nelson, Leks Nakoma.... M.l Jeppeeen Bros., Glgin San'y.. w.t P. N. Winter, llivsrslds M. II. U Ulbijs. LJIlle llaiav at e Canton Juhnson, lAkesids.... W.d unnsisnsen, courtiand.. et.T Martin Jensen. Nabraeka sr. I Jacobean UhrUtsnsen. FJgtn K. John Jacohsen, Carter Lake... M.l C. H. Bowley, Next Door M.T nam Sorensrn, Keystone M.T -Norgard Bros.. Union Hanltarv fu 1 Christ Fvost, Jerssyvllle M.l A. Fjellln, FJellln..., M.l 9. P. Soreness, Center Street... M.l Frank Nufsr. lie Roll ts C. P. Johnson, Concordia Park m.l U. Cnrisiensea, Wsst benson.. Ki.l Horn lijurth, UuUl u. Chris Jcnssn Ul.l Jssson bnm.. People' II. I N. J. Nelson, Consumer'..... 11. 1 J. Spangard 11.1 1. P. Jolinson, Spring Oardn. st.I at. f,eaevuia sir. 7 H. Knudsen, Kundsea W.I Nordaulat. Lincoln Avenue B9 4 H. Villesea. Model sa l C. Petersen. Stsndard 7.l r. N. Hansen, Urand View.... 71.1 B. Cwrneer. M tiroes lilll 7.l H. K. Paulseu, Belmont 7V.1 Petersen Wro.. Twin City ft.t C U Christ enssn 7I.T ' h'slderbera IL.N. On. farm Tt.i D. W. Moss. Crescent Sanitary 71.1 L M Jensen. Blackberrr Ave. 7t 5 C. Agaard. Omaha. 71.1 K P. Anderson 71.1 Elmbora Bros.. Wsst lavn 78.1 Sam Chriatenssn 77 E. Ellesen. ICllsssn 77.1 at. Jensen 77.4 George Petersen 77.1 A r. urobeck, no. aaa. Lake. 77. C. M. Chrlstensen : 71.1 Julius Ctaosen. Interstate- 71 Omsueeu Broe., Carter Park.. 71.1 W. A-ideraen, Excelsior 71.1 bL Levich, sfanbattaa ......... 7SJ A. Chrlstensen, Hani tary .... Ti l Fred Jehnaoa, Crown.... 71.1 Frank Vaad. City 74 I Jsrgeaen, walnut H1U 71.7 J. L. HaaabUB 74.1 C. Larson 744 C. A. Hansen 14.1 C. at. Jaeebsea. Maj berry Ave. 71.1 Jorceeea. West Dodge.. ... 77 I C. Jensen. Maple Grove . C. & Chrtsunssn, M. Pstw 111 la.4 H. Jensen, w eelera.. ...... u.T F. Andersen, Puritan KJ) James Audeveoa... ..M H. Class, Imperial Hook. Shady Brook A. M. Larssn. Rlvervtew Park .N. P. Nelaen Charles Post. West Omaha. H. Slieanln. North Benson.... .... bveneon UrrML, West Pacific. Henry Westre, Keyttons Park. . Alamlto Creamery Co. Douglas Co. Milk Prd. Waterloo Creamery Co. Butter. feu I 4, 11 4.0 1.4 4 ' I.I 4.1 1.4 1.7 l.i 4.P 2 I I II II l.i II l.i I.I I.I I.I II l.t II II I.I 1.1 1.1 1.4 te t.i II t.l J It 4.1 1.1 I i IJ) 1.4 14, II It 4 I.I 1 4.0 1.4 II Xt t.i I.I IA t.4 His Experience in the Army as ' Well as in His Home. ' n t V J&$ - r-e V iitiXt'i --i - V-V'-i , e 'hmWfmmtX ft K .i . jseaaa.,.i.-i... .'.'lee :. . . I (A W. O, VOLUNTEER f yr 1 IMFAWTWY irff-y-iv7iir Gallant Spanish-American Soldier Gives Praise to Pe-ru-na CoL Arthur L. Hamntoa, ot the Seventh Ohio Volunteers, write aa followi: "I have nerd Prrona mysrlf aad la my famfl for the laat aorea yean. I hare ajready written yon about the good rrsulta I : curperleacrd with your remrdr during tbe BpaajjaVAjasericaa War. My command aaed jour Pes-una dnring oar aerrleo la tte . SrjeaJjn-AiDeTtcaa War. and I vrlil asy thla, that tf the War Depart. . aoeot record are eoaaoJted, It will bo found that the caaraalitJea to my rrglmemt wrre lee thaa In any other rvvtment of the Army Corpe while a Camp Alarar, Meade and UuahneU. , The total deetha la ma reel moat darinjr tte terra enaatha' m..t, . - - - . . ec a total of 14MM. I, of course, caaaot telp bat think that Pvjroaa vmmum- west si great wibhih 10 my Cold Settled oa Lanjra Mr. Samuel McKlnlay, 1211 Oread Ave, Kansas City, Ma, writes: 1 can bonastly say I ewe my lit to Parana, "Traveling tram town to town, hav ing to go late an kinds et badly heat ad stores aad build ings, aomettlm staodme- ap tor at a time wmle prying asy trade It la only natural that 1 rR BJBCrr TO rBtHJEXT COLDS. had esids fraowentiy. J oontreoted a aa whlch, throcgh neglect ea my part, settled on my hints. When al most toe late I hegaa doctoring, but without avail, until I heard et Feruna, It eared mv eo I cannot praise tt tea highly (..-.. Head aad See tr. W. J. Harper, lesblgh. Otevebual Ce, Arkansas; writes. "I do not know- how to sxprsss my thanks te yon tor the good you have, done me la treating me lor catarrh. . OOJiTLVU AiLT HARX pq A.yp ': HPTTTOiQ "I ws a great sur- terer front the effect ot chronlo oataith of the head and aoae. U was nnariiirmlly . . hswtlne ' eu, ttac and I had anQraiy . i; mT - at mU t had -trvrt varlovji remediea. ,emnar ass asw' mny Kood. At nest I triad Perana as a'laai ra. cvt. 'and I anv tkauiful to- say that after aatac tea hottle ef Paruna 'i am Urrft at jj-he4