Ihe Omaha Sunday -Bee Magazine Page Copyright 1911. by American-Examiner. Great Brltela Rights fteeerved. I I nn CsvnWa couiuel to' . . y (fy WW lm !rfc : -ttMm " w twoi j wuj Hum lor wrap uu . , r '5. T ''- I Jt I f l Br u much wora ' fevv5 I f 7vf-?: .' 1 I'll enough to fortify you against changes A-i ; raSfcI 1 I fl:?:i!Jj J "' V ' weather. It ' time to hav your V I ?m J! J I old overshoes repaired or buy new I '.. t y 'L "j 7 "'Hr VJ . ) pair. Yw iboiiU be aura yoa have , 'V-$& V I 1 I 1 I I"' - j Cm' ill y MrairS. Lima avalfeipi t tk& IMrWfe ihort aiurt or eaiy walking length and not kn enough to collect the ' moisture and accumulate the mud of the streets. Thut prepared begin your daily walk, if they are not already your habit. Or i( they an II from thio time you do at much wall- big at your body require you ihould, by Summer, be looking your loveliest and youngest. Mme. Cavalieri, not content with merely Hying that walling is a renewer of youth, proves it, , "Wrap yourself wall, wear tout boots and rubbar over .shoea, to fortify yourself againit change in tbo . f woather." . t ' ' ' . your habit, brain to make then longer. ii ii By Mme. Lina Cavalieri " r I u sook ltd reel young, wait! ana eneeka glowing, a Ala the youth of Ihe year ' tipntetlt Ati Awn Vrtiiffc K Ult walks It too hare the habit of riding everywhere break It, for It la a had one, and walk everywhere wthin the boundt of ooovenlenea or awml-ooavenlenco. K yon v ehopplng, walk to ana from the store or from one to the other which yon vlalt If yoa are making Informal eallt, walk. You will mako a far better lmpreeiloa the hrlghtoeea of your eyea an4 th tod la nee of the vitality, yeu ex ude than by the -rater elegance of toilet to preserve which yon must drive or take a car. It you hare some neighborhood eiranda don't climb Into the stuffy cart to save time. Walk briskly to your death netlon. When you must go any whre don't think instantly of a ear that -will carry you a few blocks. Form the habit of thinking of tbe walk and how it will Immediately Improve your appearance. There it bo tnnne or freshen' troll of enjoyment upon her tips. the at--moaptiere of aatlefaetlon with Ufa about her. Almoat Invariably I earn heard her reply: 1 walked aere." or "I nava Juat hid the most delightful walk .: Tha walk Ig cheaper god It af feote a thousand Urate mora lasting than any oostnetle. it Urowa off the enveloped eloak of lassitude that hides bttutx. No woman la ao attractlre when aha la Ihtleea aa when aba la thoroughly and happily alive. The walk awakena the sleep, ing or aubmerged aelf. It makea llfo under any circumstances teem worth while. And a woman, to keep S.tl.i'"' u" UllD 'a worth while. 'm MB ' "oman start eg her walk ' pale,, dull eved, with the drooping lips that giro the appear anew of greater age, and have mi her return from that walk aa hour later, her tallowneaa replaced br a clear pink tain, her ervt youthfully imprint of years before they arrive. Walking la a youth renewer la the matter of developing tbe figure. If the aeaemlp girla who write ma asking tor ooametica for the akin would make It an Invartsble habit to walk every day they would have Uttlat need of the cosmetics, and It - the girls who oomplala that they have stooping, undeveloped figures would take dally walks they would aee rapid Improve ment In the figures. For walking teaches an up. - right carriage, with chest ' forward, chin up and ahouldera and abdomen hack. A good carriage ap parently subtracts many , years from " those who have before lacked It -Walking further renews youth by giving a light, springy step. The walk is sot only a betrayer of age. So make ready for your spring walks. If you bavo walked muck In the Winter, walk more In tha 8pring. If you have taken one' walk a day In the Winter, take two In the Spring. If you went out In the mornlngln tha Winter, go out twice, In the a iter noon also, In tha Spring. Jt yon haven't formed the habit of walking, this la a good time to begin. Spring presents more objects of Interest than any other season. No soul slumbers so deeply that it does not awaka In re sponse to the light of growing things In the Spring. While tha Winter walk waa a necessity tha Spring walk is a luxury. If you walked a tulle in tbe Win ter,, walk two miles In the Spring. If you walked ona hour a day in the Winter, walk two hours a day In the Spring. The gentler air of tha Spring will make this easy. Besides, tha body requires Its annual house cleaning, and . the aweet air of uviw im wr uivaiiv ui ireauvu vnsut, ar up euruug Upward, the tng up and reawakening feeauty in sign of sostrnt, her itep s priory, stantly like the walk. "How well By the magic of the walk aha Wswis lsw If I I Visit e rxl mm !m pm1 a. avtwl si 4 . I la..i - . vva rvvni wi bvvwihs aTTeuesi gg,a svtastt sawfj f VTIVrffi JUUn JRi, claUra at 6mr6 ts woman ottTtt Moit ! tbt Umou pcdMtrUni liv Uf rocffi, bfr fc4 lifted, hr r to m old w la buU toi i Disease Germs Instead of Bullets in War "It tha girla who stoop, who ara pale and dullayad, with drooping lips, would walk they would aeon fivo years younger "There is no means of freshen ing up and reawakening beauty instantly like -the walk." - Mme. Lina Cavalieri. Spring will aid tn this work aweeping tbe lung cells clean. erably In capsulea to apare tha teeth discoloration. If you can af ford It, ge to a hair dressing parlor and take eleetrio treatment for the - acalp. Thia tonio la a good .hair grower, ' ' Lime water 4 oza. Glycerine 3 drams I Tincture of cantharidee..H ox. It the hair la especially dry, thla Is a stimulating tonic All tonics ' should bo massaged well Into the scalp: . Almond ail .....3 on. OH of rosemary 1 ox, ' Oil of cinnamon. or. F. 8. asks: "Will you kindly let ' me know If there la any application . that will quickly develop tbe bust." I am besieged with letters con cerning the treatment for this re gion of the body. I am asked In many letter each day how to en largo the, bust and In aa many let ters bowjto decrease It To snlarge them this method Is a safe one. With a piece of flannel nib round and round lightly In elroles. Continue thia until tha akin la warm and pink. - .- A valuable exercise for develop ing the chest is one which aids in deep breathing. Raise tbe arms hi Kb above the bead, keeping the elbows straight Whatever exercises develop tbe chest will give the appearance of a larger bust Many women look as though they have large busts when they merely have well developed cheats. This appearance can bo at tained by persistent deep breathing. O. B. requests a formula for a good cold cream and directions tor ' mixing It Almond oil t oza. Rose water .t oza. permaeetl yt os. White wax yt ex. Melt the spermaceti and white wax together In a vessel set Into warm water. When they are melted pour In slowly the almond oil. Take it off tbe flro while tha mix ture is warm and while It is cool- ' Ing stir Into It, little by little, the rose water. Keep in a cool place. J. B. N. writee mer "I would like to know of a rouge for day light I wonid like a rouge that is like Na ture's pink in the cheeks. I am do- sirous of getting it as matter what tbe expense. I am a brunette and . have a light aktn and generally or . navs no coior. Hot when I have I1U0INB a city of a million er mora Inhabitants besieged by a powerful army aa Paris waa Vasieged by tha Germane la U" and, instead of being starved lata submission, tha ctty waa devastated fey g scoargs of smallpox er typhoid developed from disease germs re leased by the enemy's 'suraUag ahclia The war laws af nations have not succeeding la preventing the occa sional use of the mutilating "dust dam" bullet Evidently those laws ara sot considered very binding, for the British Admiralty are aow ea U Ml tt invesilgallng the "chemical warfare'' system of shlls which, falllag among the enemy's army or teet, will scatter germs of cholera, typhoid or smallpox among the de fenders of a fort or the garrlaea nod poulace of a beleagured towa. Sack horrors of deaia sad d strttcUoa are tbe Inveetloa, tt Is atated. of a beaevolent-iooking old gentleman, with a white beard sad a mild blue era His description of chemical warfare and the part his discoverie will play in it waa eoa teyed to a party ol retired olocera as follows: . 'Chemical warfare Is at once the sweet and tbe oldest form of Utt iag. k la aa eiaborattoa - aad a hirhly skilled adaptation of the Chinese stink-pots' and the Greek Are of tbe Middle Agea. "Its chief advantage Is that whereas modern weapons depend entirely oa Impact chemical weap ons do sol In other words, a shell la chemical warfare Is near enough te kill a ssaa It U laaaa a tuner of n mile sway. "Take, flrst ol all, the fumes that blind. This Is a discovery of mine I call 'Blindita.' It was aa aock dental discovery, wha which I nearly blinded mrseU. So powerful Is It that you coula get enough la etde aa ordinary JM-ui Uetford but let te blind all tbe people ta aa ordinary 15x11 ft room. "Another feature of ebemlcal war fare Is tha fogahalL The Ingredi ents in this shell tarn the atmos phere Into dense, heavy fog (er hsav drads ft yards round the spot at which they burst "Tbe fire shell Is catrgtd with material of somewhat alow combue tlea. Wberwree u bunts the air nil round la full of UUie abutrg specke like a storm ef red hot gust The - temperature ef the air would be raised to a degree at which hsasaa life could aot eadsie. and nil auura sines would be exploded "Other chemicals I (are which when burst la a ekeD ton Id eesse Instant death from nowoaous fume, and there Is the poaaihuity quite simple ta conceive of gulag n ahell with germs or bacilli, which would fill tha enemy a atmosphere with dreadful dieeaaea, nelson their water supply, or set sp aa epidemie ' mere deadly than any battle la the history of the world. America jives a maa of seventy five who recently took a two hundred mile walk In three days, stopping only for short rests of a row boars, lie returned home, having rid him self of a bilious attack. Another seventy-yearold youth walked off the rhounaatlem in n ram ble from Baa Fraaetseo to New York. Therein Ilea one of the greatest values ef the walk. ' It eliminates llageriag, self-made poiaons from the system. An excess of uric acid la Just now the fashionable affliction. No ona suffers from It who Is en habitual walker. Rheumatism and gout are caused by the nettling of deposits about the Joints. Those deposits of poisonous matter are not permitted 1 to form It there la a thorough ellm- -iaalioa by means of walking and much water drinking. Indigestion In Its various forms can be corrected, especially la the earlier stages, by walking, la con nect! en with careful diet. Indiges tion Is a physical tailing, especially peculiar to women Walking, by bringing In'o play unused muscles and by making deee breathing accessary aa a walk always does, ' relieves this condition. Whatever clears the Internal organs clears tbe complexion. Whntever natu rally clears tbe internal organs brightens the eyes. Whatever pro motes deep breathing lays In n new stock of vigor, ns we All our cellars with coal in the Winter. But the youth reuewlng power of walking consists chiefly In Its re plenishing the tissues, making new cells and moselee from new and . fresh blood material. Walking la like tearing down the shutters and doors and loose old boards of n building and rebuilding It with fresh material. The daily walk or walks -are a booa to the nervous woman. I know no women wtio to require the tonic of walking tor the nerves aa American women, and 1 know few who take so little of it A bad stats of nerves Is net only debeautlfytne. but rs aging. No -woman cat afford to humor and coddle her nerves. For nerves ere another .name for moods, and mood in tea stampa the but of habits. If yoa have a alug gish temperament it reveals itself in a slow and slouching walk. That waa a keenly observant maa who once said to another: "Ton conld borrow money on your walk." The man te wliora he add retted this compliment bad a strong, erect figure, and n light quick step wltH - a long, powerful stride It wss a walk that begot eonAdenee. The walk would give to a money lender reasonable security of the long lite and ability of the pedestrian. If you nre not an habitual walkeiy beglB with a short walk and in crease It a Utile every day. Always top before you art tired. Walk regularly, wearing atoet -boots, rubber overshoes when It Is damp or raining, and being well wrapped to fortify yourself against audden changes of weather, and a small, close hat securely pinned ae ilmt yon will not add to your ap-, parent age by making the frown wrinkles that always follow wear ing a wobbly hat A few young women walk bareheaded to Im prove their hair. - color, which is deep blood red, my Beauty Questions Answered mends say it makes a great Im provement in me. send answer la a plain envelope, because my hus band objects to rouge." So, dear J. B. NH de I If yoa must use rouge at any time avoid It during the day. Day light is a cruel searcher out of cosnet lea. H. HeO. aeka me te publish a formula for removing aupernoua hair from the arms naS face Before attempting any mere pow erful remedies, wash the affected spots In a mixture ef equal parte of peroxide end hydrogen and water. . This will bleach the hairs, making them lese noticeable, and will weaken them ee that In time they should die. Dorothy writee: "My hair la fall ing out In haadsfaL I have tried oeveral hair tonics without the slightest Improvement "As it grieves me greatly te find I have Just one-half the hair I had a few months see, I will greatly , appreciate any advice -yea will give me" Tight-Fitting Candles That Grow on Trees A Do You Know Hat- "Ot4 yau ton eut well ee CArDiout SMratng. WOUtt" "Tea, air. get mart things rata any af aty orethert er Bttera." "iBteett Uw sjS tnst keteear "1 lot st two hours before tar !. The lort-S!tti L4r I dte't tare far veur haaaaas tail stern Ing. Mr. Jtaae. That eeestt te ae the only use eae. klr. J mm That ala't a baauo. mem; thai 't mr tsnuaar "QuEis hat had a eury teetptes at taat." remarked a JewMltrt a est leafae. "Merely eet" was the rejoradar. "Tee. Me west eoait at a e'eSock tale amnilt with aa awful rare, aad am wUe eeUtved U." mr e4 yee Jtlt that sun wne wanted tt ourry yeet" "Btreaef." rtoiM4 She prime eeaas. "I eraiea't make an mr mm wanker kt waa ta teve with eae er Btraly waatad te hear me atng for eetyag," Britain, Franee. and the United titles tagMMr ceuid sat late the tUi a traiaee amy ef atari a too, toe smb. with ClOt gaaa. The lolnt aavy -reus animal te erer aw use ewe. aad ever Lev wanaite. tegvUMr Ut three eeeatrlet tea atere tbaa ene-taata ef tae htea terteee 1 the globe. aa umm bar atere iau eoemre ef Ua tnaae. taata. V ' , Twenty et the prettstet gtrta ef the vtt lege ef Perry, Okie are eeenng alma e tha gtettei Meager e( the fM la Berne reflwtra la txmange for a atw autlea et their native vUiege. SEEDS of two Terr remarkable trees have recently come te the Government Plant Bur tan through tha ttaadu of ear agneat tural explorers. Both of them might be called light bearers, though la ways somewhat different . - . ( One of them U tbe "plU" aut tree, which grows la the southern part of the Island of Luzon, aad nowhere else la the Philippines. It Is gulta a large tree, and Its seed la described aa extraordinarily rich In fiavor, AB the Americana la the Philippines think tt tbe finest ant grown. Wheal the ants are roasted. It a, lighted match be touched to one of them. It will "burn like a lamp" so rick by . ittaeiL . It la believed that the tree weald thrive la Florida, aoetkera Louisiana and Mississippi, where the ellmate la warm aad damp net very aallke the climate et tha eeathera part of Luxe a. The ether tree la a native of the Isthmus of Panama, and Is one of the most remarkable trees of the tropica. It is knows aa tbe "candle tree." most appropriately, Inasmuch aa its aspect, when Its fruits are ripe, la that et a tree whose bras chat are covered with candles much after the fashion of a Christ mas tree. , SO cloee. indeed. Is the reeea . bianco to wax candles that travel lers, seeing the tree In bearing (or the first time are often puttied te I wish yoa bad told me whether yon are In your usual health. The vigorous constitution nsunlly grown strong nalr. 11 ' I would begin upbuilding the gen- CEHOW mother had never quite oral constitution by eating mere cottoned te Aagtlloa'a young maa. nourishing feed, taking more rest, Xaay a Uae she bad meant te have It breathing mere deeply and eerhape c"l with bias, aad at laat aa epperta- taking one ef the iron tonics, prof- alty axote. " Ttr. Simpglnt," she began impreat- rvtly "1 am informed by aa acaaalni- ate that yon are employed by a arm e( perk batehera." The youag man looked pained and - erMtfallaa, bat quickly recovered ata eompoaare. -Ye, that it ao. Bar btfalttra "And," weal ea tbe eld iter, trem bling with iedlgiMttoii. y i 4 Ang. Una te believe that yoa :re a cot. tumlerf The detected tweaker Masked again bat he wee a quick-witted yeans maa. aad latpiratlea came te him. WU." he replied denentlv Government botanist "is Intra- 1 am. Tea ate. 1 t the ughti ea tt, d na night fallt and numerona .. taal torglve-and-fergtt whee ,kl . know whether the candles are real ones er aot The candle-like fruits, suspended from the bare stem aad 1 branches by short, slender etalka, dangle in the air, and give to the eye the Imprest loa of a vegetable candle-maker's shop. v This imprest! oa." says Dr. Rote, the sided fireflies move among the traits, it ia not aurprialng. perhapa. that the magater aubetded. ignorant traveller aaouia no in- formed by tbe more experienced na- . Wren Arain. rJves that the fireflies perform tbe ' duty of lighting up these candles Hettett Ut the party) KU. Bebiatoa when .nomination U required by the P"" for thia waita. w.ma wild denizens of the Jungle." re mmd daadag with her sasteed at These peculiar fruite are Jutey and DJ,tir.. ... . . have . peculfar nppleUk. odor. They 'tT aotmy' 1 are good to eat - Then ant cat him deed.