Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 02, 1912, Page 3, Image 3

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    THh BKK: uAIAllA. Mil DAY. KKHKL'AKi 2. 1912.
Cajaot Stride Between Wilson and
Champ Clark.
tmrterr Faller ( Eseeetlve Office
Dcalea Gaveraer Ever Pledgee
Nebraska ta HnamK Km'
IVtltlaa r'eaaa Irregelar.
From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Xeb., Feb. l.-( Special. -The
filings of democratic candidates for the
presidency are brine. ck to the surface
some of the trouble! of that party. W.
J.- Bryan end those who have always
trained with him are generally credited
with favoring TVoodrow Wilson, but at
the same time Speaker Champ Clark of
Missouri also has a lien on the favor of
the three-time candidate. Bryan himself
!a la the attitude of "How happy I could
be with either. If the other dear charmer
iere away.' lie has postponed making
any public declaration of bis preference,
evidently "In the hope that lime would
bring some soiutlon of the embarrassing'
rltualioB, but the situation stubbornly re
fused to go into solution.
In spite of Bryan's dictum against
Harmon the Ohio man's friends have
filed his name to fro on the primary bal
lot, and there Is no disguising the fact
'that It la giving them considerable
worry. Mayor I'ahlniaji of Omaha and
John Maker of Lincoln are the recognised
heads of the Harmon movement tn Ne
braska and past experience demonstrates
they are strong enough tot mske the
Bryan following lots of trouble, even If
hey do not carry the state against his
Wdrlib Gove o I'lrdae.
U B. Kulier, private secretary to Gov
ernor Aldrlch. lu the absence of the gov
ernor today makes positive denial that
Governor AMrlch sent any telegram to
Uovemor Stubbs of Kansas pledging the
vote of Nebraska to Roosevelt 1n case
the latter was a candidate before the re
publican convention. Mr. Fuller asserts
ha handles all the governor's letters ami
telegrams and that he knows no such
letter or telegram was ever sent.
F. N. Merwln of Beaver City today
rent In his acceptance of the petition to
place hla name on the primary ballot as
a La Foilette alternate from the Fifth
dittrict to the republican national con
vention. The acceptance, however, will
have to go Into cold storage, as the peti
tion to which It refers has not yet been
filed with the secretary of state,
t.'. 8. Bassett of Gibbon today sent in
Ms filing as ' republican candidate for
state auditor.
Mass retldeta lrrrwlar.
A letter received by the secretary of
Mate from a prominent resident of Ber
trand staiea that only two of the names
signed to the petition to have Mr. Ross'
name placed on the ballot as a candidate
for the presidency are or have been tor
several years past residents of that place.
A similar report came from another town
represented on the petition. All the names
are of parties who at some tlmo or other
resided at the places set opposite their
names and the wonder Is where did the
circulator of the petition obtain the sign'
turea. ! ' '
Those who have been scanning the Jour
nat's straw vote on presidential preference
are wondering If the results obtained are
as reliable as the straw vote on the
mi) orally taken lust before the Isst Lin
coin municipal election. At that time the
vote showed Mayor Armstrong did not
have a look-in. but the count of the bal
lots election night landed Mm In the
mayor's office. . The straw vote may be
amusing, but it lacks much of being con
vincing. Stat Senator J. A. Ollls of Ord has
1 ten looked upon as a probable demo-
ratio randldate for railway commissioner,
but he Is out In a card In which he de
cline to make the rare and takes occa
sion to give the people several yards of
advice on the kind of a man who would
make a good official. In spite of the
lecllnatlon It wee remarked by a person
who read It that the letter sounded much
I ke Mr. Ollls' measure of himself.
A petition filed In the Lancaster county
I'lrrk's office asks that the name of P. F
Zjmmer be placed on the primary ballot
as a republican candidate for the state
senate from Lancaster county.
11. K. Purkett, republican candidate for
1 lie nomination of atate representative
from Lancaster county, has filed his writ
ten acceptance of statement No. 1 to vote
ftir the candidate for United States sera
tor who receive the highest number of
votes In the election.
Irrllk Clab Meets.
The State Swedish Republican club met
last night at the Llndell hotel and among
other things discussed waa the endorse
ment of someone for the office of lieu
tenant governor. At a previous meeting
i'. II. Oustafson and Petrua Peterson had
both sought the endorsement of the club
and after considerable discussion the
question wsa put over. Peterson has
withdrawn from the race, but while the
members of the club ei pressed a kindly
feeling for Mr. Oustafson no formal ac
tion was taken on the candidacy of any
one. The democratic central committee of
Taucaster county will meet Saturday at
1 w p. ir. to take a survey of tbe political
situation. One of the things to be dis
cussed is how Lancaster county can be
lined up to best meet the political wishes
of W. J. Bryan, and It Is a foregone con
clusion that friends of Judson Harmon
will receive scant courtesy. Another ob
ject Is to see It some way cannot be de
rived by which the democrats can cap
ture some of the local offices at the
coming election, particularly members of
the legislature. -v,
J. H. Morchead ef Falls City was In
Hnculn today, and after scanning the
letter nf 1. A. Ollls. in "which the senator
from Ord urged democrats to force all
candidates to Issue a platform In advance
of !he primaries, said that be was not
yet ready to make any detailed statement
of his ideas, but that he would do so
later. Incidentally, he declared for
.conomy in public expenditures and in so admitted that the last legisla
ture, controlled by the democrats and of
w hies he was a member, made, many In
excusable appropriations.
Treasurer Paying
All State Warrants
Upon Presentation
From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN. Feb. 1. Specia 1. 1 For the
first time in several months the treasury
today hi paying all warrants on presenta
tion. All outstanding registered warrants
have been called of this date and interest
on them ceases. Also the treasurer is
taking up all current issue either from
cash in the general fund or from invest
ment funds of the state, and they are
held for the benefit of the school fund.
Thts will mean a material saving for
parties who have claims against the state,
as dealers have Insisted on discounting
the state's obligations in the past. In
spite of the payment of the temporary
school apportionment In January the
fund In the hands of the state treasurer
show a heavy Increase over the amount
on hand January 1, being against
K3.6H. of the amount on hand is la depository banks The addi
tions to current cash arc due to the set
tlement) with county treasurers during
January, and there Is considerable more
to come in from this source, as all have
not made their January settlement.
, J. AJ. Gilchrist, representing the bund
companies which are surety for State
Treasurer Walter George, is making his
semi-annual examination of the treas
urer's office. .
Eastern Capitalist in Lincoln Con
sulting Over Power Project.
Ssrtk Platte Hotel Baraea.
NORTH PLATTE, Neb.. Feb. l.-Spe-clal.)-At
1 o'clock last night a fire was
discovered la the frame .hotel building
occupied by Mrs. McClanahan as a board
ing and rooming bouse. Before the fire
department could respond ta ths call the
building was a snaes nf Dum nA
practically destroyed, although tb walls !
are still standing. The property belongs!
to M. Kelt Neville of this city and It!
will no doubt be wrecked and removed. I
1 Ion was covered by Insurance. I
WILCOX. Neb.. Feb. 1,-tSpeclal.)
Prof. C. W. Pugsley judged the corn
show at the farmers' Institute now In
session here. The corn Is poor, the poor
est In the history of this section. Many
farmers ere without seed for nest year.
The silo waa discussed at the morning
meeting, and about 20 farmers came over
the rough roads. At the sflernoon ses
sion there was not room for all, though
there were over 500 In the hall. Mr.
Pugsley discussed the seed com situa
tion and State Auditor Barton talked oa
matters pertaining to the management
of hia department. The women were ad
dressed by Mrs. Jennie C. Barlow of
Bloonilngton, III. Mrs. Barlow has been
engaged for five weeks for fsrmers' In
stitute work by the extension department
of the University of Nebraska.
UNCOIN Nb., Feb. I.-dpclii.--The
candidacy of W. 8. Wait of Loup
City, former reprecentatlv from Tay
lor county tn tha general aaaembly, for
the position of atat commiasioner of
pubUo landa and build t run la attracting
much attention. Mr. Walte in recognised
aa one of the old guard of Nebraska re
publicans m. He la receiving much sup
port In thla section, where his candidacy
la generally approved.
M'mU Hint Xear Falraary.
FAJRBL'RY. Neb. Ketv I -Special
One of tha most succaasful wolf hunts
ever pulled oft tn Jefferson county took
plaoe, t Wednesday when tha fanners of
Rock creak east of Fair bury turned out
SOS strong and encircled alx square miles
of territory. Tha "round-Up" took place
on Pata Connell's farm, six mllta east
of Falrbury, and four coyotes met their
death. Be vera I others broke through tha
lines and made good their escape, A sim
ilar hunt was held over the same territory
January flL and four wolvea were killed.
Welf Maat Xewr Crete.
CRETE, Neb., Feb. l.i Special.) About
259 men and bove, moat of them armed
with shot guns, some coming from Wit
her, soma from Dorchester and a large
number from Crete, went out on a wolf
hunt Tuesday. The hunt waa under the
management of Perry Talley of Crete and
be arranged tha men In a square, closing
In on a farm about four and a half miles
west of Crete. Three coyotes were killed,
while at least two got away.
City of Ma re In Klles SMppttrsaeatal
Awawer la Tract toa CesNftpaay I.ew
Fare l.lllsatlaa Fsrarr AIItc
Sz-d tmrm t and. ..
Prom a Stuff Correspondent
LINCOLN. Feb. !.- Special. H D.
j Bennett of New York, representing a
syndicate of eastern capitalists. Is In the
city, a'tid In company, with Frank Currta
Is consulting with State Knglneer Priot
concerning a power iroJect on the North
and Middle liip rivers rf the project
materialize It Is the Intention to furYi
electric lUtU and power to Brofn
and other Custer county towns and dim
tc Grand Island, York, Hastings and any
other city In the radius of Its opera; ions
which may desire It. The Loup river hss
always been looked upon by engineers
aj cue' of the beat streams In tha I'm ted
St t tea from which to develop power,
it has few equals and no superiors In the
matter of Constance of flow. The upper
reaches of the rtver especially are five
from both floods and low water, the soli
In ll-e surrounding: country readily ab any excessive rainfall and giving
the wtt up through springs In a con
stant flow.
Railroad F1 are Coat parted.
The engineers representing the North
western railroad and Engineer Hurd a id
otNern in the railway commission offer
hv,) completed the tabulation of vsJim-;
tion returns and are ready to
the result to tha commission- In the
oriental valuation the engineers of the
road and those of the state grouped mny 1
Mini differently and for the purpose of
nicking a comparison It was nrvessary
for !um ti retabulate some juf the work !
suohiitten ta tne commmsiom it is gen
ewi!y expected this will complete the
lunr.nKg on the Northwestern valuation
and clear the decks for the In Ion tac?c
hari-ig, which is to be taken up Feb
ruary 3,
Tho aupreme court reconvenes Mondiy
after taking two weeks to digest eatv
1 revmusly submitted.
L. V. Guye hss returned from Chicago,
where he attended a convention of state
labor commissioners and spoke on protec
tion of workmen In factories, and also
participated In an effort being made to
induce the Jews who are located In the
crowded centers to take to tha farms.
Petr !ei Cora.
Bliss Barton, atate auditor, has re
turned from Wilcox, where he spoke be
fore a farmers institute. He reports the
meeting one of the moat largely attended
ha has ever seen, and that much good
waa accomplished. Farmers from all over
that section brought In samples of aeed
corn and submitted them to experts, who
pronounced the msjority of It valueless
for planting. Tha result opened the eyes
of the farmers to the necessity of prompt
action If they are to have a good stand
of com thla year.
The State Board of Health has received
word from Sbelton and Gibbon that the
quarantine has been raised from the last
place, where there had been cases of
smallpox. The epidemic at one time
promised to be serious.
The Ht or k men's bank is the name of the
new bank which has been granted per
mission to open for business at Seneca,
Thomas county. It has a capital stock
of 115.000 fully paid In and In addition
(M for the guaranty fund. Peter Knud
sen of Seneca Is president. Jay Oliver
of Peneca vke president and J. W, Mann
of Chadron cashier.
I.laeola Traction A were.
The city of Unco in this afternoon filed
a supplemental answer 1o the cross-petition
of the traction company In the fa
mous fc-cent fare case. One alienation Is
that earnings had been diverted to the
Light, Heat and Power company, owned
by the traction company, and that ex
cessive salaries had been paid officers
of the latter company to keep doan the
net Income nf the traction company. M ,
1a further alleged lhat considerable of the
traction company 's pnperiy Is outside the
city and that net Income on the r'.tv
Uih-s is cut down by unprofitable service
given these outside 1 1 nee.
It Is further alleged that the alue of
the company's traction company Is not
lu excess of $l.3W.autt. and that less than
a i-cent fare would give an ample return
on that vatuation. The date of the hear
ing has not been fixed by the i ail way
Rlghta of 4 orooratloaa.
Slate Auditor Barton asked tbe attorney
general's office for an opinion whether
insurance cot up u let tncorporaied tn other
states were entitled to transact both lite
and accident Insurance in this state. The
Nebraska law prohibits the Incorporation
of such companies in this state. The at
torney general baa repUed that It la not
wltbin the power of the state to curtail
any of the legal powers of a corporation.
1.1ft: ta Hbbwb'i Work.
Food Commissioner Hansen has been
offered the free use of a seed testing ma
chine by au Iowa film and has accepted
the same. It ts expected within a few
days and tbe department will undertake
to prove the germinating powers of seeds
offered for sale In spite of the fact .that
the legislature made no appropriation to
pay the expenses of this branch of the
work of bis department.
. Delsrll Roooia eM!ag.
State Superintendent LMsell is sending
out a circular to boards of education in
the state calling attention to the meeting
at St. Louis February 27 to 2 of the de
partment of superintendents of the Na
tional Educational association. He urgas
the boards to make an appropriation to
enable the superintendent of each city
school to attend the meeting.
Water Now la Pare.
The lincoln city bacteriologist has
given It as his opinion tbe rhluritic treat
ment has been effective and that there Is
now no necessity for boiling the city
water before drinking It.
E. H. Khrens, who reported to the St.
Joseph police that he had been robbed of
a larKe sum of money by Mrs. Kinma
Matthews and caused her arrest, not only
relented and refused to prosecute, but
when she was released from custody mar
ried her. It Is now thought that Khrens
and David Kroh, formerly of Lincoln, are
one and the same party. When the rob
bery was reported ha aid the money was
a sum received aa damages from the Iain
coin Young Men's Christian association.
No such man as Khrens ever recovered
damages from the association, but David
Kroh did.
T"rtl rtlSSA
318-320 South I6tm. St. . V
Important Notice
Saturday morning at 8 o clock we will open our final
February Clearance !
Our entire stock of high class wear
ing apparel for women and misses
at prices that will positively astound
the women of Omaha.
See Our Advertisement in Friday
evening fapers
When yeii hare a bilious stlark (lis
Chamberlala's T.ibleta a trttl. They sr.
excellent. Ftor sale by all dralers.
(From a Ptsff Cerrespondrnt.)
LINCOLN. Nrb.. Fee. l.-Slal.)-Th.
Joint btrnnlat convention of the Northern
and Central conferences of the Adventlst
church was concluded this morning at
Collrae View. One of the most Importsn!
resolutions passed durln the session i
one pledging each of the members to pay
13 cents per week to the cause ef foregn
missions. It this le done It will produce
r0.0i from the entire denomination. The
northern conference decided to hold a
summer school this year, the plan to he
worked out bv the union president, the
four locul presidents and the educational
The executive committee ess elected as
President K. T. Illiasell. C. K. Kite of
Denver. lo.; I,. W. Terry of Nl.rlnKflehl.
Mo.: N. T. Sutton of Hutchinson, Kan.;
J. VY. t'hrlstlsn of Hastings, Neb.: A. H.
tden of t:tlia. Mo; i. V. lisle of
t'rHwfonl. Neb.; W. F. Kennedy of To
peks, Ksn.; K A Curtis ef (J rend Junc
tion, Colo.; W. J. Huffman of College
View, Neb.: II. A. tireen of Houlder,
Colo.; Krederlek Orlags of College View,
Neh ; Me.d Mscdiilre of liveland. Colo.:
C. (i. Itellah of Kansas City, Mo.; James
Cochrsn of Ksnsas Cltv, Mo.; K. K.
Hylngton of College View. Neb.; a. A.
Ureurr of Clinton. Mo.
The following boards were elected:
Christian Record K. T. Russell, F. F.
Rylngtun. J. W. Christian. A. T. Robin
son. I.. M. Murk.
Clinton tlcrmsn Hemlnarv Hoard K. T.
Rurrall. 11. K Wstson. O A. Orauer.
Carl l.eer. J. II. (Shilling. . y. Msfner,
K. C. Wltskr. D. Voth. L. W. Terrv. W.
K. Kennedy. A. R. Ogden, H. t. Oeterloh,
II. A. Schneider. II. A. Auferhsr.
t'nion College Board E. T. Hnsaell and
the presidents of the local conferences In
the two union conferences. Prof. Frederick
ilrlxmi. K. M. Hurg of Collesf View. A,
T. Robinson of College View, H. A. Mor
rison of College View snd the educational
secretaries of the Northern and Central
I'nlon conferences.
The following licenses and credentials
were Iseued:
Mlnlateiisl CredcnllsJs-K. T. Russell,
A. T. Hohlnsnn. Frederick Oliggs, O. A.
Gisui-r, M. Burg. C. I. Benson, i. It.
Wrinkles K
The Skin
Sold at BOe, 76c, fl.QO ALL DEALERS
An Early Breakfast
An early breakfast without get-
ing up early!' That's Winter joy with
out Winter worry or work. Such a
thing is possible in the home where
Shredded Wheat Biscuit
forms the daily breakfast .Being ready-cooked and
ready-to-serve one does not need to wait for kitchen
fires or slow servants for a warm, nourishing, strength
ening breakfast Simply heat the biscuit a few moments
to restore crispness, then pour hot milk over it and salt
or sweeten to suit the taste. Deliciously wholesome
with stewed prunes, baked apples, sliced
bananas, canned peaches or othei canned
fruits. At your grocer's.
Make Your "Meat" Shredded Wheat
Made only bf
Morrison. 1 F. Trubey. O. J. Kuilkle. A.
C. Anderson. Meade MsoUulrc, I', l. Wil
lis Missionary Credentials Theodore M
Valenttuer, Mia. A. K. Sltepliard. llan.lgne
Hlrunge. F. F. Hylngton. Karah lt-k. C.
A. Thorpe and (1. A. tiaskln.
Mlrslonary l.lcenecs i:. C. Uluke. W.
J. Huffman. Mettle Cornell. A. fl. Tsylnr,
U U Cavlneaa. I X. Mtt.'k, 11 re. Iilanrhe
rlggs. H. A. Morrison. 1 Jet lie Rr.nson.
Mrs. Kate Hartwell. Marv llartwell. Pr.
H. A. Ureen. Mies Inrothy White, O;
W. Krfunli. A. Vermllln. Isr. W. Wor
cester. Pnif. Klrhy. Lllllsn Psnlelson.
Miss gweuniirv. Allss Hunt and 1. F.
Key to t:ie B.iuatlon-ltce Adrertlslnf.
"The Favorite Ryel
ox six Generations"
Wc cannot make it better
in flavor, mellowness or
Distilled 4 times in copper.
(Ordinary whiskey not mora than twic)
Bottled in Bond
Each bottle is scaled with
the U. S. Government Stamp,
Its age is guaranteed by the
u. o. ugvemmeni.
Its purity by the Schenley
Di tilling Company.
Its quality speaks for Itself.
When you buy Rv. buv Schenlev. At all daalara.
fil Srhenlew rXalllina r 1 D. '
- , y.
$5,000.00 IN GOLD IF SHE FAILS r
Tens of Thousands of Grateful Patrons Proclaim My Wondrous'
Drugless Fat Treatment the Climax of Efficiency.
wit trr
I looked as fat aa aa
No Ktartatioa Diet; No Dope; Xo)
PI1U; Xo I'rMauns; Nu Hweatlng
Jacket; Xi I'audaKea; Xo Hull
rra; Xo Klrt'U-lrltjr; Xo Xcnrc-wrex-kiiia;
yinnstlis r Harmful
i:rrrlsrs; Xo Cuplng"taM; No
Soap; Xo Mental Healing;; Xo
Hypnotism; Xo Kotililines.
Vothlna asrsh or Hsrmfal aimply
ZHltf htoi TreatsMBt. aad Jeyoaa After redadaf mr
WMmim .e aiivii. ffat. tm o. srelffkt 97 aowaea Im
ea before I reaaoed o.t My Treatsaaat frost Aijoaa 1'" ZTfl ."L JT -asy Else ta tha WaoU Wide Works. treatssssv
send yon h.iusands of names of satis.
ikhI customers.
I ao t repared a hook foe e-- entl
iltci. " Weight Heducllon Without Druis',
wn. a 1 .... i-lvn.s ay ta dI-
ln prepaid, so lhat jrou may snow of my
successful n.elood and be able to per
manently reduce your weight ane
amount up to seventy pounds, secretly at
your home, without harmful exercise,
starvailon di-t, pills, rtrurs or medicine.
, - . uni"c iniereetins;
mok r UU: to all fat persona who aatc
for It, so write this eery day for your
raw icr nr T.rmo IS TM
taob or rum x,iat. x wa
Jlv were charitable and they
.Klle.1 It obesity; olliers reterre.1 to me
aa being riTOI T. but I know. II was just
plain bulky tel. I w.l njiemi jh.
t. are enually mlserahle If you are too
fat. To reduce your elht yon must
flnl the rnw. Ton m i.t gel at the very
ajit Wll CAST. Hefore I em-ceeded.
I trie.1 evervthlnr within reason snd
mitmt! th'ngs beyond reason. 11 waa mad
dening, dissJ""'";-
All I hail to do was to remove the
iause sn'l 1 swear un-ter oath, that by
n.v alntlle nielh'Ml. W 1 1 llOUt drug.. me11-
clne, harmful eaercises or starvallon diet.
I reduced my weigni si '
weeks, snd g-iurantee t!iat I ran do the
ulna for vou. I do not uee medicine of
any kind or -orthleHs stuff to rub on the
body, but a sln.ple home treatment; even
a child ran use It without harm. Through
this marvelous combination home treat
ment I aueceeded ttecause 1 had found
the right way. I can now climb to the
iimmit nf Ftke'a I'eak with ease. 1
could not lo ihat until 1 had taken off 17
pounds or my ponderous weight.
If you are interested In your own hap
nlness. heal In and figure, you will per
mit me to Pill you how to reduce your
weight ".Nature s way. :
It Is astonishing the thousands of
grateful letters I am receiving. J. K.
Boiselle. Box til. (Treat Bend. Kan..
riles that .te lost fifty pounds with my
harmless .reetment w. 1 Bchmits.
Montevideo, Minn., lost thirty pounds In
thirty days. Jismle afcNelly. Dealoge,
Mo., wrltea that she lost slily-flve
pounds with this new o-wthod, and I can
This boo . tor
opy. I arrer
if X fall ta
reve say
rreat armg
leea treat
aaeat tke
af est, aiek
set. aaesa fat
eedae tlea
t r s atsaea
oa earta, er V
If aay saedi
etae sf aay
klad eaa ba
(ill ' ta
ay part of
aaae. 1 have
foand that
the beat way
to know bap
pines, is la
five It
Sincerely your friend,
an rteBsatrei si sag aaMug-,