Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 02, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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How to Wear the
Ara-Notch Collars
Ara-Noeh collar are fast
gaining in popularity-xfitTj; V
carefullj "dressed men, be
cause the'patented
"notch" enables one to
" obtain the perfect, close
fitting effect so much in
favor now. ... ... ... . ,
fe Mft'depionstrating hi our west window just
how' simple Tl is fo adjust these collars and also show-"
ing many of the latest styles which you see advertised
in magazines and street cars.
We carry both the "Arrow" and "Barker"
brands; either kind sell for
15c, two for a Quarter.
New Spring Neckwear, 50c
Jurt In and on display In tits window, a handsome lot of new
knit tie in advance spring style. A rich blending of beautiful
colon and shade in new and nobby patterns
Hen's Shirts Reduced
A new shirt or two will freshen up your wardrobe,
wonderfully. Buy shirts now and make a substantial
saving. ,
; ' $1.50.filiirts, now' 95c
. $2.00 Shirts, How $1.35
Jeteitiie. amL Lawyer Clash Fre
qtrtntly at Heariiif.
ara Mad Told ef KrMnn
1 Assise MtGmwnm ' Ilia
Servlrsa War Drsvawd
j " la Case.
Washington-. Feb. i.-wordy hoe-
HUM , bet see Detective Mlltam ). .
urns end Attorney 'inuitcy. Senstbr
lorlmsrs counsel, were' renewed todar'
rhen Burn eoutlnued under crnssexsml
auan before lUe aenaU committee la
leetlgatlug Senator " Larfrner'e ' election.
Sura bad attacked the credibility of
Itaarlaj klcGoaan, a wllnesa tor. Lorl-
ttio laiHueMiKtMjraiaiiv to i
delegate to tha, United Stltee, succeeding
Dtomeos releunlo, recently elevated to
the office of cardinal: Official dlepatehoe
ennoenelng Mt. Bonaano'e appointment
were received at th papal legation todar.
him, and some hot ward a to "crooked
lawyer" and "(rooked detectire."
"By tha way, Mr. Burn." aald Hanecy,
"you bar boasted publicly lnce you
have baea la Waahlnaton that you lie to
newspaper men and ethers." .suggested
tha attorney. I ' i
"We call It .finessing or tulnf aubter-
"The ordinary man would call It lyini."
"Toil do It yourself," retorted Burns.
Burns' cross-examination, was concluded
Jut before recess.
i- -1
ROM;. Feb. l.-Pope Flu today ap
pointed Mar. Oovannt Hansen, rector of
the Congregation for the Propogatioa of
Faith, to be apoatollo delegate la tha
United State and created him titular
bishop of Merttrte.- - .
WaeiHtrenTcnt Wh 1i.Un. rUnvannl
Lbpot fund" to put torlme, ever. .""'T T?.?"" p5'
iUfiert and Burns lot Into a wranfle
b earn a tha estamlrittlon began. '
Tbl ru has, bn.4nsulUn me," be
kMr.Sura,':but Chairman, Dillingham re
lasted Mat-not to Interfer In discussion
bstwaea ereupsat
"l'tu calV Mm or 1 will slop him.' re
furted Burns. , , , , .
i 'Til no aVet a I please," the chairman
answered. i
-c't tba witness protect himself r'
ttuusered iterator keuren. as be turned
kiward thachalnnen. . . ' f
iThi'in baa been tuU -resting v
Irybody who baa been on th wltneea
nana." tainted Burna "1 don't propose
to be Insulted. It he kespa en I'll tell
fsmeUiliuT about his reputation."
"Oh. I wamr reputation, all right,'
pitarposed Attorney Manecy. .
Tbe committee .decided, .the attorneys
riust cess using language which could
be regarded as Insulting.
-iaea'asltte Ka'eW'at rJeparl.
Attorney Hanery wanted to know If
MuM.a K.J alii.. Ih. fftml tiAn ail
cr,:Tf 7 .
ferblcb aa Associated Preas dispatch on
Isjwary 1J. U anatoundnc bis work on
th case bad been baaed. Burns said be
bad not. . . .
easier Joaee took exceptions to a
itatemeal. Ju, Ue dispatch that Burns hd
teported' to the 'eommiltee. and that bis
xirrleea lieVl .been dispensed witb only to
be oontkiuaa. by the Cbtcaao Tribune.
" aevar.bearj about It." declared Ben
klef J opes, "and a I understand it,
ropnael for the oonnnlttea wer never
iutd by lire Uurns people that they had
piadeaee Mnlnat JtcUowap. and than tbe
teevlosa were . ausoontinueo. isn i mat
"To. we knew about It." replied At
arBy Healy. .1, n
"Thee I am sorry le bear rt. " returned
keaaor Jones. ,
"About . tbf time McGowan testified
are in (July." explained Attorney Healy,
Mr. Bms. the Cblcaco TMbuaa told
us that a man named Mtuart. who claimed
ha wa a ebon of btcOowan, waa talktnf
In Chtcaco about Mctlowan'a testimony,
t,' iMtectlTS BaJleyt a Burn operattTe,
reported that -fltuart' Intimated that Mi
Oowaa bad textlOed falsely and recetrad
f'BaUey want an a hunting; trip witb
MeOoaea. we ware told, aad lot admks-
rtooa from him. Wa considered, howner.
that K would be jut a detacMVWa word
ratsn IteUowaa'a Wa recommended
that the detectire be dlsaaoaed wttA."
Question Reopened Next Week by
Conference at Ses Moines.
Ora Molars roaaaterrlal dab Seada
Measase t Prelate Who ta Sen
ta tease Weat Model
i f arm Kaasht.
(From a Staff Correspondent ,
l)K8 MOINKS.- Ia.. Feb. 1. (Special Tel
earam.) The wace question for the street
car company In this city to to be re
opened next weak by a conference be
tween the committee of the union and
the mauarer of ths. company.-; The first
meeting will be ltsld on Saturday. It ie
expected 'the men will demand -some in-
vreaae In wages and also'.tliat the- time In
which It take to secure the maximum
wage be derroaped.
V trior for Valoa Mea.
I'nlon labor has won a victory by being
permitted to re-emabltsh Its "picket line"
In the Muscatine button strike. Attorney
General Coaeon has taken the position
that the button cutters' union Is right
and the manufacturers are wrong, sup
porting bis position with a great array
of court decisions. Assistant Hrary Samp
son has gone to Muscatine to outline the
poMtion of the attorney general' office
and picket line probably will be re
established at once.
Coldest Jssssry la History,
Compilation of facts concerning lha
month of January Just closed shows that
It waa the coldeHt January In the history
of the weather bureau for Iowa and that
the mean tempereturo waa 11.3 .degrees
he low the normal for the month. In
January, ISM, tha mean temperature
figure out 7.1 degrrea below normal. The
snowfall waa very light for the month.
Club Welcomes BIhoa.
The Ilea Moines Commercial club sent
a telegram to Itt. Rev. Austin IKiwIIng
of Providence. It. 1., congratulating him
on his appointment as the bishop of the
new les Molnea dloceae and welcoming
him to the city. The club Invites the new
bishop to attend the regular monthly
meeting and take advantage of an oppor
tunity to meet hundred of Pes Molnea
business men.
Madel Flra Waalrd.
An effort la being made by the commer
cial interests to have the John Deere
company establish and maintain a model
farm In tha limits ot Deo Moines to
demonstrate what can be done by In
tensified fanning. Such farms are being
established elsewhere and an Invitation
haa been extended to bare one bere.
(Continued from Flrai Page.)
' " Mrs.' U K. Webb.
TABOR, la.. Feb. t.-tpeclal)-Mra U
K. Webb, aged 7 year, en of Tabor
old settlers, died ot pneumonia at her
home her Wednesday, the cams to Iowa
from Lorain county, Ohio, In UM. She 1
survived by her husband. U Eh Webb, a
son, Edgar Webb, both of Tabor, and two
daughtsr. Miss Adella Webb of Tabor
and Mrs. Bertha Style of Fort kupton.
Col. Funeral services next week after the
arrlysl ef Mr. and Mrs. B;)m.
, , Uaade-Baabaar.
TABOR, la. Feb. l.-t8peclal.-Mr.
Ralph B. Goods of Planklngton, B. D..
and Mia Zllpa Case Barbour were mar
ried at tha home et the bride father,
John Barbour, Wednesday.
Mr. Good waa graduated from Tabor
college In tbe class of VM and last year
successfully taught science In the Sidney
High school.
Mr. Oeode la a young farmer formerly
of Tabor, but bow at Fienklngtea, la,
Kebraaka Clothing aompany announce
their famous cellar aale Saturday-one
day onlybox et I guaranteed t-ply col
lars, ao-tbe event at the season.
MrCawk Ftras keartulM,
M-COOK. Neb.. Feb. !.-8teclaJTti
IT. O. Phelps Commlsatoa aompany ef thttt
oily, reorganised last Bight, taang iw
name of the Pbelpa-Oray company, and
electing C K. Kid red president: U bueaa.
vice preeMaat; C. H. Boyle, treaauran C.
B. Uray, aeoretary: H. O. Phelps. 'Loa
cmt w. B. Wbltuker. A. a King, C. U
Noble, B S. Oarvey. dh-ector. The aom
pany atana bualaea with a paid ap cap-
Hal ef lie.eax
The Ulad Mens
1 seen when liver laartro and bowel
stops- , the before Dr. King New
Life Jfllla, the easy reerulatara, S eta.
For aala by Beetea Drug Oa.
I arirTHawrrTOt
isoo-rHAarnoi.. ..
Attorney BAnecy twitted Buraa for be-1 xirx-jtaru..
Uarlna what artrata dsteetlvea had told ibostimi
, " i ruftTUaOT.
.Xr mas w.
: ' "DAKE'tlbe amr firom a vk
( V AX tttacBkiz&& kf FAUST 1 Vwv Y
' SPAGHETTI tnd watch the 1
; fnk ran, 'reiaai the table. To . I nVS
. lp tbe mly sailing;, repeat Ir
V . UA3CU. BSOS. SLLavtavMeV
Arsenal Employes
. Will Appeal toTaft
- DAVENPORT. I a., Feb. l.-Fraaldent
Tatt win be appealed to In an effort to
prevent the Installation of the so-called
Taylor system of ahop management at
the Rock Island, 111., arsenal Announce
ment of this plan was made today, to
gether with the statement that the men
are prepared to strike the moment work
ing cards, which are a part of the sys
tem, are Introduced In the shop by
Commandant Oeorge W. Burr. Both ac
tion were authorised at a meeting of
employee of thearseijal last night.
Tebr I.-(Bpeclal Tele
gram.) Klghth district republican!
adopted the following resolution this
af tempos In a meiUng held here:. r
Believing the maintainable f our
present prosperity can be assured only
by continuing the rule ot the republican
party, we declare tbe record of William
II. Tatt as president deeervea and ehould
receive the warmest commendation of
all member of the republican party.
We believe be haa proven himself to
be honest, fsnrlghted, and an unpreju
diced etatesman, an executive of recog
nised ability and tact rad aa a republi
can leader he baa carried to aucoeeaful
completion the promises ot tbe party
end we hereby pledge to him eur hearty,
sincere and active support for reaemlna
tioa and re-election.
We urge our dt'i rtct and state dele
gate be Instructed to carry out this
FORT DODOS, la., Feb, l.-Ot pedal
Telegram.) Mr. I. f. flreen, kept alive
for two years by artificial means, and
seriously til for three year, died this
morning at the age of U. Mr. Green
waa a prominent pioneer, whose husband
engaged actively In elvw affair la Oeka-
looaa aad Des Mutnea from last on. They
moved to Fort Dodge In USt, when the
Uraea-Wheeler Shoe company waa erlab
llshad bere by laaae Oreen Bona. The
couple celebrated their golden wedding
m IW Their eight children are . all
IDA OBUVK. la.. Feb. L- Special.)
Justice T. a Braiuiaa dismissed tbe case
brought axel ust C A. Joaee, th colored
oltcltor rer the MoKlnney FolytachoJe
InaUtuta ef MeKlhney, Kyi - Jen was
charged with eolloltUi funda wtthou, be
ing authorised aad Preaident U 8. Bowles
ef McKlaney eane her to tesoty agalast
th man, but Joaea showed isaiUnilsls
aad teetlfled that ha aad MuKlnaey had
beea eat aoUottlad together. It batng aa.
perant that It waa anr a misunderstand.
Ing betwsaa tbe otnoera at tbe school
aad th sellottor thaa aarthlng else the
case was threwa out at mut,
CKDAR RAPIDS. !a Feb, L-lnflu-enoed
by the aatitlraent pictured on the
film at a moving panurw show. Job
Oataa of this elty today asade aTOdavlis
that he had ewora falsely la a ease
agalast Charts Jack of Trasr, la. Jack
waa eeavtcted at attempting eatortlea aa
Oatee' evidence. The two wans rlvala
la lore. Jack waa aent to prtsoa two
years ago aad paroled but October, after
serving tweaty-aae aMBtb.
w Saasaa
by a are. aapir Bur lea's
Arnica iealva Curaa sties, too, and the
worst ssras. Oaaraatesd. Only eeata.
For aale by Bealoa Drug c.
lets Druggists refund seat) if It talla
to rare. E. w. OttOVK aigaature kt an
David Blapbam. America s greatest
stager, Lyrhj theatsr Ftioag veasiis
special train to Judrex. The mutiny of
tbe troopa In that city ha given rise
to many sehsatkjnal reports here. Ac- I
cording to one Oenerat Reyes, who baa
been given many liberties during hia con-
finement. haa ecnt numerous letters from !
his prison to army chiefs, urging them to
rebel against President Madero. Copies
of these letters, axe said to have-fallen
into thcr hands of 'governmont agents. i
A special cerreepondent of the Mexican i
Herald, who has Just returned from Za- I
pata'a camp, dectarea the rebel leader au- !
peared to he expecting an uprising In tbe
north of Mtxtco. Zapata declared to the j
reporter that within a abort time there i
would be startling developments. I
Goven,rnent officials, however, profess
to believe there Is ho connection be
tween the mutiny at Juares and the Za- I
pata movement'
President Madero today said l.hat the
trouble at Juares aroe from an attempt
to muster out a portion of the garrison I
and that It had no political significance.
General Otozco ha notified i.he presi
dent that be la starting today with 400
troops from Chihuahua for Juares. A
report from Chihuahua says that all is
quiet there.
President Madero disbelieves the re
ported connedhion between the trouble
In the north and the Zapata campaign.
Brandeis Gives Talk
Before Fremonters
FREMONT. Neb., Feb. t-louls D.
Brandeis, the Boston attorney, launched
bis speech-making tour In Nebraska at
the 1 Arson theater this afternoon, where
he advocated tha pollcte ot Senator La
Follatte before a crowd of 2S0 parsons
Mr. Brandeis devoted his speech mostly
to flaying th trusts.
In his speech Mr. Brandeis declared
that the country faces a crisis equaled
In seriousness only twice In Its history,
once In IT7f and again In WO, when
bloody wars were precipitated. To avoid
similar consequences now the American
people must think and act. "I know lit
tle of the political game." said Mr. Bran
dels, "for I am not a politician, but I
do know that the time has come when
our country must be run by business
men. It la more Important then private
business and th people must take bold
of It."
After the speech a meeting wa held
t tbe New York hotel and plans laid
for th district campaign. Pavld Thomas
of Columbus and C. B. FWrley of Walthill
were elected delegate to th district con
vention. J. J. McCarthy of Ponca was
endorsed for dalegate-at-large and A. R.
Davis waa recommended for presidential
elector. Resolutions were adopted en
dorsing IA Fbllette for president and
pledging support. Congressmen Korris
of th Fifth district was endorsed for
senator and recognised as the "Ideal
progressive legislator." Trs policies of
Roosevelt wer approved. The delegates
ware pledged to abide by primary prefer,
Big Indoor Meet at
T45cOW.'.Veb.. Feb i-tSpeclal-Tne
annual Interfreternity meet at the
Vhtverstty of Nebraska will be bold a
week from next Saturday In the afternoon
at the university gymnasium. At this
time the' eleven Oreek letter societies
among the men In th university will
compete for tbe big bronxe shield which
haa been offered to the fraternity carry
ing bwy first honor In aa Indoor ath
letic meet three times.
The events will Include a S-yard dash,
the high kick, the fence vault, the ehot
put, the pole vault, the rope climb, a
quarter-mile potato race, the tug-of-war
and the relay rare. First place will count
five points, second, three, and third, one,
with tba exception of the tug-of-war and
the relay which count, ten, stx and two.
Immediately following the meet a mati
nee danea will be held In the armory.
Tbe dance le a distinct Innovation and
It Is expected will prove an Interesting
feature of the meet. Alpha Theta Chi
ha won th shield twice. Delta Upellon
once and Beta Theta PI ence. Individual
medal will b presented for the winners
of first, second and third places.
On September tt tbe annual charter
day meet will be held, which will be In
the nature of a class tournament all
university students being eligible to com
pete. '
CaeasilttM Craad Army Bneasas
teat TTTlas; is seewrw wrmw
ssss at ceaeral Slrklea,
BEATRICE, Neb.. Feb. t-lSpeclai )
The program oommlttee of the Grand
Army of tbe Republla state encampment
to be held la this city aext May are try
lr to arrang for th presence ot Daniel
Sickles of New Tors, aad Church Howe,
t'nlted States consul to Manchester, Eng
land, at th encampment. It I expected
S.e ml; iU t M i.'i ' wets fcv MlNp'wfiiift en est a-itta
taaasT rCKds. or Mansatca
1 UxSXtT.
satis. BBmm
1 1 P II llT "" " srM aja.
I I I fllf I cu,wt elve a pees
II 111 111 I trsrlai Trauseal w UM.
B B aalfV BBS H as'iaa aaisie.. eareaier.
Rtsaauut, Finsi. Wea
V.ltj an Tfeme tfeare. Saw BrM.a, ritru-
wa. aawekecus, IrneUer nuas. rua. IMpa
Sshtoe, ete. WeaSJjeiiU eaeseja. Mar a-.lMa
"laKWSfcW cere after I U B Iwtat flW4
S) reaie eswtrteaea. Ts ejetHeeta Wita asw tat
Trm Trial. Bee s4 RaarUHt Csree rreei fear
u. nuiun. Misaa, u m auts sueav
Will Place On Sale SATURDAY February 3
Entire Stock ttHsf Hf gr.
37 to 45 West 20th St., New York (Retired from Business)
Including All the Waist Fronts, Yokes
and Partly Made Waists-All the Em
broideries. Insertions, All Overs, Bands,
Galloons and Panels All the Beautiful
Finished Waists of Silks. Linens and
Beautiful Wash Materials.
See the Great Window Displays
Sale Begins Saturday, February 3, at Brandeis Stores
that at least I.fflO veterans will attend
the encampment.
Charles Bachle. a young farmer living
aouih of Beatrice, wes thrown from a
mule yesterday while driving hi cattle
from the stalk field and had hi knee
cep broken. He Is In a local hospital.
William Prultt and Miss Floy Warren,
both of Liberty, were married here last
renins by Judge 11. D. Walden.
At a meeting of the Blue Valley Mer
cantile company of this city the aale
for the year 1311 showed an Increase over
those ot 131 of S,oeo. H. & Ahlqulst
waa elected eecretary and treasurer to
succeed John Wlebe.
M arrises license were granted yesterday
to Paul Franklin Moeeley and Mies
Martha Taylor, and Leo John Holme and
Mut Helen Martin, all residents of the
Wymora vicinity. The couples were
married today.
Scraped Flesh Off Bone Below Knee.
Suffered So She Couldn't Sleep,
Also Says: "I Believe Cuticura
Soap i the Beit Soap Made,"
aM Lafayette t . Wleatta, Kaa. "Some
tiros age I sea eenusg ap eoeae slaps shea
the beard erusbsd uader me Hi an egg shell.
sad my right limb went
through te the knee, and
scraped the Assh off th
boa lust inside aad below
tbekaee. I neglsried It lor
a day or two. tnaa It began
te hurl aw pretty badly. I
put balsam ar oa to draw
I tbe poawa, but vhes I
t used H a week. It hurt
se badly that I changed Is
emUBMI. That
mads It taiart and bias so badly that I eeuld
Bet use u any aura, aad that was the fourth
weak arasr I wss hurt.
"Thaa I begea ts ass Coclouta Ostemeal
for the sere. II slopped kurteig Imraed lately
and began heeling right away. It was a had
looting sore before Cutlesr Otntmeal healed
ft, and 1 suffered so I couldn't sleep from
two days slier I fell until I begea using
Cuticura OttUmeat. . . s
' Cuticura deep B) the best soap I erer .
w. I bar used ell kinds of soap tor sash
lag say face, aad always It would have my
face smarting. I bed ta keep a kxiaa le
stop the smart, as laatter hew eipeaaree a
soap 1 used. I lad at last hi Cuticura Soap
a soap that will deaa my fees and lease aa
smsrtmg. sad I do set bar te use any lottos
oraaythtngelseleeeaeit. 1 batters Catieura
Boap Is the bast soap made." (named) Mrs.
M. . Falreblld. May a. 111.
Cutk-ur Soap list.) and OrtVwre otat
smbI (soc.) are snM by drugs an sad dealsrs
everywhere. A staurle set B) ertea eutteleat.
Liberal sample ef seek mailed free, wit aj-a.
book ea skia and scarp traMSMBt. Address.
Dept. T, Boee. -TSBdst eared
aheaat use OaUcura Soap Shavhs sask.
Diamond Jewelry
In addition to
many diamonds ot
higher valua la
tblg atpra, tbera
rs also aoy .in
eipetuHk telc
tlons of diamond
Jewelry that ara
eiceptlonal piece
for tb pric. In,
fact all tha P re
cto n atone ar
Included in thl
aseortfkBot It will
be to four advan
tage . t examine
these artistic ot
tering, for thr
cannot b dupli
cated elsewnere
Selections ara seat oat of town
to those Baking themselves
known to us a reliable.
Duat Merely Bay In rest
Stxteeath aad Hanarj.
Making Things Hum
We are now unloading a straight carload of Elec
tric Wasliers. This means that at our Exclusive Retail
Washing Machine Store we are selling a carload every
sixty days or less, even through the poorest portion of
p a the year.
Why? Because
The 1900 Electric
Washer and Wringer
1 th only one on tha market that i
ROTH SfMPLB and BAFK Only -lias
THREE COGS (and these encased). No
wooden peg to tear tha clothes. A child
can operate It, Does a bis; washing at a
F.Wtrif tVnfpr " m csnis. lc u prove tnta to you.
ir s "8ler Just 'phone or call and we will send one
or Hand rower, to you. ..... .. . ,
Sold Under a Positive Guarantee.
We Are Washing Machine Specialists.
l7Uaf VVHOnCiX VW.
TYLER 1011. 308 SOUTH 18TH ST. 1
Easy Way to Preset ve Natural
Color of the Hair and
Make It Grow, f
A harmless remedy, made from com
mon garden sage, qalekly restores gray
hair to natural color. His rare of the
aalr, to prevent It from losing Its color
and lustre, Is Just aa Important aa to
care for teeth, to keep them from dis
ordering. Why spend money for cos
metics and cream to Improve, the com
plexlon. and yet neglect your hair, when
gray hair la even more conspicuous end
suggestive of age than wrinkles or a
poor complexion? Of th two. It Is
easier to preserve the natural color and
beauty of the hair than tt Is to bavs a
good complexion. ,
All that Is necessary Is the occasional
use of Wyeth's Begs aad Sulphur Hair
Remedy, a preparation of common gar
den 8age and Sulphur, combined with
other valuable remedies for dry, harsh,
faded hair, dandruff, lulling scalp and
falling hair. After a fen applications
of thla simple, harm leas remedy, your
hair will gradually be restored to Its
natural color. In a short tlm the dan
druff will be removed, and your hair
will a longer come out but will atart to
grew aa Nature Intended It should.
Don't neglect your hair, for tt goes
further than anything alee to make or
to mar your good looks. Tou caa buy
thla remedy at any drug store for fifty
cents a bottle, and your druggist will
glv your money back If you are not
satisfied after using. Purchase a bottle
today. Ton will never regret It when
you realise the difference It will make
In your appearance,
Special agents. Sherman A afc Couusll,
rth and Dodge Bta.
Friday, February 2
America's Greatest Singer
Seats on tale at Owl Drag Store
ens1 Shops
1618 Farn&m 1901
Spring H ats
That Or are Dutch Comic,
- ' J a -. a oaixTT co.
Uajastle Musical Four: Al Herman, tlie
Biack Laugh; West A Bentuo, "sub In
Jail - Gaiety Glrle Chorus
laeiss Hai aTarlase avary Weak Bay.
rWTtra BAILT fill WIIX: Omaha's
Own Comedian, IS, LIB VBOTBI
with 'Tha etnger Glrle.-- t Ileal Hace
hersss In "Pottirlty Wlaner."
Seata selling and selling fast.
Tealght aa aatsrSay, Sac to iim
swssreay Mk, sae ts f 140
ta tss Maatca) a access ef ail
-arrga ptrpxaaacar
Baa.! Bays rmaWW afelirrYKE
aa. Xfewry tsay S:1B. Bvsry tngM M
Pat Ttaeaay and atartoa Baau Sagsr .
MiUIr tt Oa; Meaner. Uayee Moater;
Tss Ntrbats Mstara; The ArliagVm Four; ,
Jans Bovaus sad lisrte Myers; Patty ,
and tousparada: aUnetaacapa: Orpaeum '
Ceacsrt Orcosstm. rilass. sTIgM, las, 1
ass, sea. Wo. BTsttaaa, 10a. seart easts.
aes saaswt sataraay aad gaaSay.
ToaigM. Mats. Tasa, Tssra, na Bat.
"The Right of Waf
1 1 xrx XT wxxg "Tss rrlass Csaaa
Cessy, SuKa
a 3.
.ta. aos.
anaa www tubx. gav.
Two See Ssrlasgwes: Married X.!fe
Tears gwaaross, and las
m arsBBy aad thatr rasasss Watar
sseleei Traaa. r-rtday sTlgst Chora a
iraw Oestsst, Vsttsxag Oeasst
ssd Sasww sTlg-k.