Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 02, 1912, Page 10, Image 10

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    far MflllN 3
IS ili i -i , j ii 14 l "IW Walste I
B I - 1 t
Here Are-Unusual Bargains
it They Have Been Prepared Expressly for
i Every one of the lot i a big bargain tpecial for Fri
t day only. Handred of women will be on hanfearly
to get their thare of these money eating bargain.
Imported All Wool Dress Goods Samples f
Bought from the U. S. Customs House
Thousands of pieces of Frenuh and German dress goods,
in all the best weaves, plain and fancy serges, Henriettas,
whipcords, diagonals, poplins, Vigoureaux and mixed
suitings, in black and all colors, matuhed pieces from two
to ten of a kind on two large Osp onfl QQ
bargain squares main floor, en. . .eawC uUll wwC
Sin!e faces, Short Matched Pieczs All Wool Dress Golds
Many match np, on main floor, at, 311(1 IOC
Odd Lots Wash Goods Hah Floor
50o Bengaline Glace, 50c Silk Stripe Voiles,
50c Jacquard Tissues, 50c Ottoman Pop-
Iins all go at
74nca Silk Dot Marquisette. In 11 shades. Including all th even
tpga tints, at. yard 9
I Great Friday Specials K,,
Striped Seersexker and Itlpplette for dresses, suits, child- f I
.1. lib
Sample Pieces Silk and Cotton Goods
In WhiU Goods Dspt. Basement
Jjt Immense lot of samples of silk and cotton fabrics,
bought from an eaatern manufacturer. They would re
tail from th bolt at 25c up' to i60c yard. Printed silk,
jaoqnarda, plain silks, marquisette, satin strip voiles, etc.,
In all the new colorings and
designs; man to match on
aal on basement bargain
square, St, each
ren'a wear, etc., doea not require Ironing, at, yard
Mercerised lard Wide Lingerie and snow white casheen
for fine undermuallns; mill remnants, at, yard
We will sell 2S7 down 72i0
seamed Bleached Sheets, mad
from good muslin, at,
each 354
Pillow Cases, slightly massed
from our great January sales,
at. each 7W
Good grade Pillow Tubing. In
lengths suitable for making
plUow eases, at. 7srd.. 7Ws
Mercerised Hateen, black and
1 colors, good .grade, one yard
; wide, at, yd 12
Dress Percales, yard wide, light
or dark styles, long mill
lengths, at, yard 5
Dress Prints, fancy lawns. Per
slau challles, printed cotton
goods, at, yd 34
Bleached, yard wide, eitra tine
. and heavy grade Muslin, In
mill remnants, at, yard . ,5
From till a. m., we will sell
several short lots of cotton
goods, at, yard 1
18-inch Embroidered Flouncings, Skirtings, Corset Cov
erings, etc., worth np to 35o yard, at yard A fv
Hundreds of yards of all. kinds worth up to 35o I j P
yard, at, yard AW
Sample Pieces and Remnants of AUover Laces All kinds,
?S to 1 yard in each piece bargain stjuiire, O'ls
i main lloor. at. each
Manufacturer's Sample Pieces of Embroideries Wide
flouncings ,al lovers, wide insertions, etc., hundreds of
T rnertcs for ntnkinu nt irons, vokes. phi.. A - Jl P
'J.7 main floor, ntcitoli ' C 3011 9C
Friday Specials in Hair Goals
Begular $6 grade
24-inch Wavy
at .$1.98
Regular $12 grade
28-inch Wavy
at...... $5.98
2d Floor and
Psmpelan Room
ltegular .ITxj grade
lYipiicate Tur
bans, Will go
for 25c
Friday in Basement Clothing Dept
Friday is
Odd Lot Sale Men's Suits and Overcoats
Odd lots of men 'a Overooats, In dreas lengths, with velvet col
lar or convertible collar -coats, various shades and fabrics; good
overcoat for little money.
Man's Suits. In all aires, dark or light shades. In worsteds.
nhorlms. eta. AU this season's models.
Men's $15.00 Suits and Overcoats. .
Men e $10.00 Suits and Overcoats . . . . V V bikbwi
Odd Lot Sale Boys' Suits and Overcoats.
Odd lots of Suits, in double breasted and Norfolk
style, and overcoats in reefers, Russians or convertible
collar .'styles; a wonderful opportunity. ,
(inn 11.00 Bolts and Overooata 1
Boys' I4.6S SulU nod Overcoats t.f 09
Boys' !. SulU and Overcoats I wv IHBJ U
Boys' Butts and Overcoats BtSZBest
Boyr i.vs nans ana vsvercoats
! Saturday is the Great Candy Sale i
jr Biggest bargains in fresh, delicious boxed chocolate
boa Dons ever onereu in uinana.
See the Douglas street window display.
On sale Saturday in Sweetland Pompeian room
i ass
Saturday thre will be a tale of Flat
Silver Ware. All detail in tomor
r ow't paper.
ma mm
Supply All Waist Needs Now
Prices Greatly Reduced for Friday's Selling
Included in this sale are lingerie waists, tail
ored waists, lawn waists, satin waists, taffeta silk
waists, metMUIne walsta, lace and net waists,
waists of novelty materials, waists for evening
wear, etc. waists for every occasion and use at less
prices than you have ever known for like qualities,
it's a balancing-op of the entire waist section.
50c, TSx u4 tt.00 Jem, peicafs 4
emmbtie Mrlt and mwMt at . . . 3$e
Handrda of iuifene and lawn ummtM m
high mnd lorn see afVee with titktr leeg
ersAorf afeceee 79c
MoHnc, taffeta, net fancy mtrimaj and
ptaU ami, worth $6, ft am $7.50
math at $2.S
Very fin chiffon, toffota, meaM&itee,
Permian, Roman mtripmd mm naoolty wtmtm,'
worth $0.60, 97.50 a $5.50 at $3.55
One lot of Hock all mUh taffeta wuli
ivrf A mmhroidmrod yohm and tkort seeoes,
for onl, $1.39
Hundred and handred of other araut
in an abnoot enaVee wariety of mtylee and
coloring!, while they hut, 35c ta $7.95
For Nets at SlO.OO-We have a few black coney fur seta left from a
season 'a heavy selling that we propose to close out at once at the very
small price of f 10.00 the set-were formerly selling at f 11.50 to
f'3.60. Kach set consists of a large collarette and muff.
Wash Goods, Dress Goods and Silks at Half
Price, and Less, for Bargain Friday
Every remnant In these storks will be included in this Friday aale,
In length varying from one to ten yards. You already know about the
beautiful patterns and superb qualities mat come rrom tnia store.
Th Wash Goods
at One-Half Price
Flannelette, draee vtar
hune, vol lee, awdrea,
apron (tnshams, ba
tistes, etc. not a lot ot
short lengths but many
ploreo lone enough for
dresses and kimonos.
77ie Dtt Good
at One-Half Price
Lot eonntts of plain
Mtrgea, Panamas, taf
feta, rloakliina and ot li
ar fabrtra In attirt. draaa,
ault and walM lenctn.
Th format pr)r rangrMl
fron.- tve to 12 00.
The Silk$ Now
at One-Half Price
Thoro ara noralty allka
of all ainda ana plain
allka In a eomprohanalva
ranaa of baautlful color
Itisra Plenty of lone
lengtha and valuea from
0c to II SO tna yard.
Linens and Domestics Underpriced
One lot of fancy linens consisting
of lunch cloths, tray clothe and
dolllea that are worth np to SOe
each, Friday, or while they last,
choice 254
vg also hock towels, with red
borders, regularly sold at Hc
each, Friday 5
Full size, good weight, hmnuHl
bed spreads In a good assort
ment of patterns; regularly
11.10. frlday 85e
36-Inch bleached muslins usually
sold at 10c the yard. Friday
only, at 7Ht
75i90-lnch aeamed bed sheets
made especially for hotel and
rooming houae nse, excellent S5c
vslues specially priced tor Fri
day only at 39
lOp outing flannels In splendid
range of pretty patterns and col
orings. Friday, the yard Qht
Are Cut Price Days in The
Big Pure Food Grocery
Virslnla swles cheese
and 10 stamp, lb. see
Bismarck Jsma, assorted
and IS s lamps, jar He
Ivira cans Cottaae
mndensed milk and 10
stamps SS
Medium suur pirates snd
IS stamps, quart . . ISO
Dill pickles and IS
tamps. Onsen . ... 154
OaJllard's olive ell and
SO stamps, medium
bottle S
Snlder's pork and beans
and 11 stamps, medium
ran for IS
l-lb. pk(. marline Gloss
itin-h and at'ps SSe
Bismarck apple butter
and IS stunpe. Ir Se
Bennett's best coffee
am SS stamps, lb. SOe
I lbs. Heni.ell's beet i-of-
fee and 10 stamp SI .00
Assorted teas and 71
stamps, lb as
Tea sifting and IS
stamp, lb. ...... ..Its
Bennett's Capitol flour
special price, per
sack S14S
l-lb. can Hl I', bekins
powder and 10 a ten t
for 11-00
Full cream cheese-end
IS stsmoe. nound tse
Hen's Tourist end Orahant Crscker
with 10 stamps, pk 10
l-lb. can Amber Drip syrup to
omsaJSEBT Btrrm suciax (
W bav ordered t.r.oe pounds ot
Kearner creamery butter to reach us
Thursday evening and which we will
plaoe on le Widsv and Haturdsr. In
pound cartona of guaranteed weight, at
35c the pound.
FUh and Meat Special
Baby Halibut 10c
Solid Packed Oysters . .25c
Sirloin Steak 15c
Porterhouse Steak 15c
S-1K pkg Itennett'a Cap
itol eats and wheat and
10 stamps loe
l-lb. sack jellow or
white corn meal ..Is
Biemark mine meat
and 10 stamp, larse
lar for aft
On dosen boxoa safety
matches for se
bars Swift's Write
soes for as
It J. Hetn appl butter
and 10 stamps. Jar as
IT Ike. gnaala ears
for 01.00
Kaaaroal Srtr Siwulsl
S pkga. Tlanseoea est
ataoaseal aad 10 st'pe
for si
l-ih. roll I'rwnlum but
tertne for 461
fancy Ited river
fiotatoes-the peck 35c
The bushel $1.35
Fancy cooking apples, the
P'k 25
Fancy yellow onions, pk. 40t
Fanry Sweet potatoes, lb.
Fancy dates. 3 lbs. for 254
Our famous Redlanda Or
anges, th doses 15, 20
25 304 od 354
You can't afford to miss the February sales at
Outing Flannel
Gowns Me n's,
women's and boys,
values nr.
i 1 1 mil
Men's Wool Under
wear -$10 gar
ment values, guar
anteed for 1 sea
sons; on
sale at,
garment .
Wool Dress Fabrics Friday About Half
53c Dress Goods 2k
3i and 4Q-inch Wool Dress
Goods, plain and novelty
weaves, in Jamestown suit
ings mohairs, cashmeres,
Henriettas, 'serges,
etc.; at, yard..
$1.81 AD Wool Series SSe
Blacks, browns, garnets,
tans, reseda, blues, Dahlia
and all new spring sliades,
thoroughly sponged and
shrunk; $1.00 yd. CO,
values, at, yard wOC
$2.00 Dress Good 91c
Iligh class suitings, in big
assortment, fine line of col
ors, in mostly mixtures and
mannish effects; Qftfk
on sale at, yard wwV
Heavy Fleeced Underwear
Men's or boys', shirts
or drawers, garment 25c.
Ladies' Union Suits $1
values, in white or gray,
choice, at 39c
Men's $3.00 Union Suits
All wool, all sizes; on sale
Friday at .-.$1.45
February Clearance Sale Linens
Unhemmed Pattern Table Cloths, worth $!. each.
at fl.OO
Unhemmed Pattern Table Cloths, worth f 2.30 each.
at fl.50
Pure Linen "2-inch Satin Damask, worth Jl.To yard.
at $1.00
Union Linen 60-inch Satin Damask, worth Sue yard.
t 254
Full size Huck Towels, heavy and durable, worth lso
each, at 104
Full aUe Huck Towels, heavy and durable, worth 25o
i each, at 124
Pure Linen Barnaley and Huck Toweling, worth 29c
s yard, at 15
High Grade Wash Goods
Granmont Zephyrs. 3I-lnch, fast colors, beautiful
designs: made to ael at !0c a yarl: never on
the market before; opening sale 1
yard OC
Silk and Mercerised Foulards dark or ligiit col
ors, fine hairline stripes, s perfect imitation ot
the fl.OO grade of all silk goods, but these will
wash made to sell at 50c s yard; open- O C
Inr price, yard ....
New Percales, New Batistes, New Voiles,
on sale now.
Regular 25c Hosiery
Ladies' or children's all
kinds; on sale. .. .12''sC
Men's and Boys' Shirts
To $1.00 values, slightly
soiled; to close at. .25c
$1.50 Quality Union Suits
Men's or ladies', all
kinds, choice 75c
12c Embroideries 4c
Mill stripes of pretty embroideries, 3 to U
inches wide, in almost endless variety of s
patterns, values to l'2c a yard; J la,
choice, as shown in the windows. TgW
$1.00 Flouncings 49c
An elegant line of full 27-inch Swiss and
Nainsook embroidered flouncings; eyelet.
shadow, floral and openwork de
signs; to $1.00 yd. values, at. , . .
Bilk Remnants at INc and 2c, that sold up to 75c s
ysrd poplins, taffeta. Liberty ailks. measaltnes.
etc. In a tremendous assortment of colors and
weaves both plain and fancies.
MAc Bilk Foulards at UHc Every pretty new style
and color la here for your selection one, two and
three-tone effects, in small and medium designs
choice bargains, Friday at yard 684
24 and 27-lniJi Silk Serges and Pongee that sold
regularly at fl.OO a yard; splendid wearing and
very popular silks; to close Friday at, yd., 484
Three Urrat Black 811k Bargains Black Silk Dress
Mescalines: Black Silk Pean de Soles; Black Silk
Satin Duchess all 36 Inches wide, f 1.25 values,
st, yard 884
Big Lot of Lace
Odd pairs and single curtains; big
assortment that sold to $3.00 s
pair; on sale, at, G.Q
43-Inch Bungalow Keta Assortel
patterns, wonn to odc
yd.; Friday, per yard
It Ho Whit Fancies now on sale
at TH
16c White Fancies now on sal loo
ISc htte v'ancle now on sal 1st
12V Inila Mnons TH
He India Ltnona 10
Ira Scotch Zephyr fin foods, good color
SOe louisrdi, beautiful style
Aprn Cheek, fut color i. ...
25c Iiaonal Sultliiii
I res Oinaham-i. new fast colors ....
Wash Goods, worth double
SSo India Ltnons
lie Knalleh Lons Cloth ...
Iftc Knalleh Long Cloth ...
:tc Ktisllsh Lons; Cloth ...
20c 40-lnoh White Lswna ...
KngUsb .Nainsooks, Ma, ISs,
. .law
SSo, 36
.So. TK, 10 and UH
Read the Bis Grocery Sale For February 2d
k . mm, Ik. most rUrht,
n foe cask aa4 see W to SO"..
, IT Iks. Best ranJ4 Sugar.. 11.00
tl-lb " heet hlli arsil Ilmon1
H f amily Flour, nothlnc Ilk it. per
sack US
I lbs. bent Whit or Tallow Cornmeal
for 1&
1 bar beat-'Km-All or Diamond l'
Soap for
Ihs. food Japan Klne 2ko
lb, beit Kolled Breakfast Oatmeal
Jellyeon or Jello. pk( IVo
Osllon cans (lolden Thle 8rup..!So
Th beet Tea Wftlnae, lb. 13Hc
Th beat Golden Santo Coffee, per
California Muscat! Cooking Ilaislna,
per lb. -..ISO
California Muscst! Seedleaa Baislns,
per lb. 1
California Cooklnir Figs. lb. ,...c
Cleaned Currants, lh. 1tto
1 ne tiesi teinun, urance or citron
Peel. lb. 10e
3 pkia Beet Condensed Mlncamest.
for ....Zuo
cheaper and better than lota of
2 Ihs. Good Butterlne .....2ta
I lb. Uoud Tabl Buiterin ....lio
1 lb Fancy Tabl Butterlne ....4o
Th Very Best, 1 Ibe. for 450
The Beet Cresinerr Butter, lb. ..4e
1 bnnclies fresh Beets. Carrot. Tor
nips. Shallots or hsil lane for ..10c
Fancy Cauliflower, lb. a
1 bnnche Frh farsley be
Fancy Cabbsae. lb 3c
Larae Cucumber, each ltttc, )0o
I 3 Heads Vrh Leaf Lettuce So
Fancy Plaits, Salads, Plaques
French, German and Aus
trian China, beautifully dec
orated, regular $1.00 up to
$2.00 values; on salo Friday
at shown In onr windows at,
choice, each 504
Ruuhwras. Parsnips. Carrots, Beela
or Turnips, lb. 3He
Hothoue Mushroom, lb. box ,.4c
Brussels Sproute. lh. 15c
Yellow or Red Onion. Ib. SVfco
Per doien 16c. 20c, 2 Sc. Sec
Orsnre HDOons. earh lo
PLES, ;er barrel 12.1
iiiiiiirsp in
iiii In il j yiinlii
llll4lllllllllll!llllll'tll'VV lllllllIIIIIIIUIMU-IIQI. i
Free Land : Information
r The Twentieth Century Farmer, to meet the demand ot Its readers
for land Information, has gstnsred and compiled data oa soils, climate sad
farmlnc conditions Is all parts of th country. It Is willing to gtvo oat
this information free if postage Is sent with Inculry.
Do You Want to Know
Asoat amiiisssi si kvad lavs, larssjani at laatd aTSaaa, ate.
Bsv U Bet InsEalJsm avaats. kacaCsm at wrttkacta, hrew as aim
iComic Section
rha Sun&scy Beg
VVitft Happy HooTigan, Litt)
Nemo, the Katzenjammtrr Kid
andtht uikole inter eating famOj
Base aw.ttam Inr trait pssrtnx. SBnarsl Ja-ratiai. atnrk TtMctt
Tour qnaations wTU get prompt atirmtisn Stal jusinly xnil apaeffl
calty -What yaa -wm is tnww- Wrtte.
Land Information Bureau
The Twentieth Century Farmer
Omaha. Nebraska. -
Deglnning Friday A. M., at 8 O'clock
Greatest Bargain Sale off Hen's Shoes
Entire Floor Stock of Men's Hijb Gride Shots
Mcurd from '
Men's patent colt bluchers, men's velour
calf shoes, button or lace; all but one lot
are Goodyear welts, and are worth
every cent of $4.00, in fact $4.00 is the
regular retail price of these shoes. Friday
we place the entire purchase on sale at one
price .........
. Up-to-the-Minnte Styles Splendid Assortment for Selection Choicest
. Values Shown in Years.
' None Sold to Dealers at These Prices.
All $1.25 Crochet $10 and $1.75 School
Slippers; at, rn I Shoes, misses' '
WWW andchildren'B..
ii . I e in nil.-
The Reliable Store
mi i
, mvr i i