THE REK: OMAHA. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 1. 111:2. OFFERED FCR SALT. ' SOW blue ?nws now on in snow and ! have nice velvet lawn next spring and i uauwr. THE NEBRASKA SKF.D CO.. Tel. Douglas ISit. J51J Howard St REAL ESTATE tITV PROPERTY FOR I $2,300 , iee want aula will se;i fur niture, pianos stoves, type writers, sewing machines, mtmica! instruments, bicy cles, etc., at a cost of only 'm few centH. Don't deWy," get your ai in now. FOR SALE New and nd-haMl firom ind pocket billiard tab.- and "crl,R alleys and accessoriei.; bar fTx- lurea of all kinds; easy imyinents. The HruaBWcic-Jtilk-i:olutJidcr Co.. Oi-k &. :th 8tv ! ! ?D SAFES. DKKIOHT. .SIS Ffcrp-ia. St SAFES Overstocked widt svcoml-Aand safes, ail sties and mi.s. bargains. 1 American Supply Co., 211 Fa mam St aVl Coal for stove or furnace. Trv it. Harmon & Weeth. Wehster MS. rEKSOXAI. YOUNG women eominf M Omaha as fti angers are invited to visit the Ybong Women"? Christian aociation building at Seventeenth and St. Mary's Ave., where they wtil be direct! to suitable boarding rEacaa. or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' atd at the Union station. - ; WE rent and leuair ail kinds of seweag . tuaclime. h A. A-luiQ, Douglas lt& NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. lain and Mamey Ms. ' Massage. RlttenhouEe. Qtd Boston Bid, I i. v ut i t 1r oi.-Mri.-i . v Gladmh rMiarma.-ji'. llth and rodse. M 4 AHV Trvaunent Mr. Steele. ' i,jst iodce. Ground floor. l.IhREV m. anas t hire. VH How d. l-aalc Guarante -d Re-rmd!". 401 W are Bk. i THE SALVATION AHMY solicits cast 'off clothing. In fact, anything you do not j need. We collect, repair and sell, at 14 N. Uth St.. for cost of collection, t the I worthy poor. Call phone Douglas 4125 and wagons whi call. f 4r.V Baths, w't K'pw aromatic uokxnvji.J ir-iitment. Mm Allen, of hit-ago, 1 8. 17th St.. 1st floor. l. Wa. I 1UUUMUUS V. lvifl, II. .V fuuni the home tr.ey were looking for among the real estate ads on Tlie Bee want ad page. Th noma you want to sell can be disposed nf quickly at coat of only a few cents through 1)m want ads. ! SWEDISH massage, tor rheumatisio, muscles, Joints, diseases. Karalen Tun , eeth. onlv Omaha masseur graduate In 1 Sweden. Om. Nafl Bank. Doug 716. I f A iW P IV Swedish movement. Apt I lu-AOO.Ui j, im rarnani. D. Sf4c. MAOsi ifil' Mrs. Snyder haa changed , -xoo.i,vjij her lotion, where he rives Swedish massage, also vibrator and Mediator treatments. 560 Bee Bldg. Ked tt. Evenings l. 4m for appointments. DrTTlanks, Chiropractor, 40 Doug. Bldg.. .16th and Dodge-lf you are sick and have tried everything wllh no result, why not try Chropraettc tspinaj adiuat'.iientsj and net well Phone Ind. A-1373. MAiYVPll'treatinent. F- Broil. .10 AU tllO a i6, K floor. D. 62SJ. fOVLTRa A.VI HST STOCK ROI.p easllv cured by Bob White', Houp Cure, aie. box. It your dealer can not aupply you, write u dlrev't, sendlna .iealer'a n.w. BOB WHITE CO., 04 Jaiiir corn n;unfs iiiii- imy. - , acree-nlngs. V.Si per 100. Wagner. Wl h. Ifc vein ka I E Prettiest little white Dupa, nine weeks old; (ull-blooded , Pomer anians; good house dogs. Males, 112. Mrs. Frank Mcllaniel. Yale. la. FOrt HALE-Toy Modle pup. Earl rarkea. 4111 No. ath Ave. 'Web. I2SS. "A 6(K1) OPPORTrNIT'V-600 pair" of full blooded Homer ptueona all branded, and working, for tale cheap. Object for selling. Ill health. Addreea Y 2u8. care -Omaha Bee. , 11ARTZ nioutitaln canaries: young, healtliy femnle, for breeding, web, 1H. ""Poll RAI.K-Oold. brlndle Boston hull erleri pedigree; years. . X'all Harney tal ' . . ' . '"BOSTON terrier's; fine Moek. Harney REAL ESTATE . ; . ULil-UfcllV JNKOHMA Tll. . '' Thectrlo as fixtures. Omaha Sllrer Co. Ideal Cement Co.. l.lh and Cuming. "Kucha. Son Blind, paini ng. d. atlng. litv pKoi-tBrr run. alb. 1912 v Home est Farnam District Must Be Sold At 315 North Ht St.. we have a beau tiful l-room. houne. modern, cnnplete fcnd up to dnte In every sense of the word. Large living room, Front and back etairwayc. t Four bedrooms, . All oak floori. Ijartce screened sleeping iorch. Full basement, I .sundry tubs. - Hest of plumbing, , . Beautiful fixtures. Fine dcorattoiiij. This Is one of the very finest resi dence districts-In Omaha, fronting on the beautiful residence of H. W. Yates. This plare Is worth $,000. but It can be t bought for less money this week. It is t hrsiirl naV tiaavaar hull flt Ti and just as represented. To see It is to buy it. Norris & Martin Buys the S-room cottage at S3 S. 3M. modern except furnacv; newly decorated throughout: price reduced from C?w i ca-th; balance IfcS pvr month buys this home. The Byron Reed Co. Both Phones. m s. nth. REAL ESTATE FtRV BN II l.n mR 81. E REAL ESTATE FtRal KIMH l.lVDt FOR 9111: W Bee Building. 473ti X. ;wni ST. Nearly new iVr, house; mod. e- heat; all ntcely decorated; storm windows and screens; fine est fr..nt lot rear car and sc-aool; Jlw ca-h and 2.jv per montn; haVe been asking C.0.0. but noske an of ler; mus. be sold regardless, of price. J. W. 1USP CO.. fi Brandeis Bldg. Poug. A-B1. MOUKKN HOME-CATHEKBAL P1ST. Seven rooms, reception hall, oak finish, desirable location, can be bought at a tiareain: small payment, balance to suit. Office phone, loug. 147; Sunday even ings, Harney zht. GKORGE HARPHAIJ. ill Hoard of Trade Bldg. . Buy This Lot in Benson i:a.t H lot W. Block S3 S 0nltk'.0D down, balance SW per month. It Is well located not far from car and school; Is 50x12. Just th place for small house and good home. GEORGE K. WRIGHT, Bee Publishing Company, City. so-loot frontagu on loth near Center, r uii lot on 4M nortn or uoage. ew. New t-r. bungalow, north part city. ... ' , .. House ana lot. ana itui.. 8-r.. elegant repair, new: nth Seward, . K. T. WEAP. 1M1 FARNAM ST. FOR SALE by owner on easy payments. A good six room house, city water and electric lights; two 51) foot lots fenced outside and in, chicken house, good barn, buggy sheds, 7 good shade trees, grape arbor 50 feet long, apple, plum and peach trees, all bearing. Call 3107, Ave. C, Black 2730. MOTHK. 1 lots, near car. I7W. Wilson. 431U tijrby- J", ACRES wllh house, frutt and other improvements; near ilenson. 'Phone Benson M7 W. $2,300 Good five-room house bavins; ess and complete bath: within walking distance nf post office. Lot 4"iatl4. and a fine place to raise chickens. North part of citv. cast of Sherman avenue. Webster CRM after h p in. GEORGE R. WRIGHT, Hee PuhUshlng Company. ' 33x165 Feet Near 30th and Harney St.. 7-room house now renting for f per year. , . ONLY 3,500. E WStoltehberg, hi Board' of Trade Bldg. Uouaiaa 1,14). ' Acreage Close In One acre on Non.h llh 8t.. near Fort St. This la near school, paved street. Carter nark, and not far from street car. Only low-on easy paymenta. On acre, near 44th ar.d V 8ts.-t4S0. A half acse near It for ITS. Ten acres, on 61 it St.. toiath of Center !.t.. four blocks from s-room city school (Beaia school; very sightly; same eleva tion as Dundee. Only KUW. Eight acres, improved, at Jth and Orover Kts.. 13.2.'. This la H mile out side city limits, but near school. . Fourteen acres, splendid !4nd. In native prairie- sod, same location. Bargain at i;.wu. Harrison & Morton Kl Omaha Nat l Bank. Tel. D. 314. REAL ESTATE FARM RANCH LAIS FOR SALB Here's Your Chance Walking Distance Just recently finished, seven-room cot tSKe. tillable fur liber small or iare family, havlr vejubule, parlor, with colonnade op-nfng and dining room tn oak. bay wiiniow in dining room. fine, big kltchea, with nice pantry and rrtg .erator space: two bd rooms and splen did bath room, all on first floor; elegant mirror door betwean vestibule and front bed room; two fine bed rooms and stort toorr. on second f'oor: large cemented ltntmait ntlh fittut .-!& viitruniaul furnace; best workmanship and materials j used m this house. We orfr it for sale on faiy terms and at a price that gives the buyer of it a splendid value. SCOTT & 1HLU P. m lml. A-1T53. T.g McCague Bldg. Srltlsk Colaaskla. CHO'lCE fruit farms In tracts of II acrea or mora on easy terms; along tb Bkeena river near Prince Rupert. Central bruisn Columbia, cell or write B. Meye:. d .sir lot sales agenU EU Paiton Uldg- Omaha, Neb. REAL ESTATE. FARM A HAM II LANDS FOR SALE Mrtttsk t'slasnblsu Choice valley farms In tracts of ISO sera or more on easy terms, within 1 to I mllee from the towns along the Oralis Trunk Paelflo Hallway between Fort Oeorge and Prince Uupert Write for booklet de scribing thts wonderful country. B. MeyeL District Kales Agent, &a Paxton Bldg., Omaha, Neb. lana'da. WTl.l. buy for anyone British Colum bia Farm Lainds on uncompleted Urand Trunk without commission excepting per centage of profits., lrge returns cer tain. Frank Crawford. IU Homer Street, Vancouver, or Omaha. SALE OF li HX. I.ACBi'j REAL, As executor of the estate of Mm. Cath erine T. Lacey, I will receive offers until February 6. bli at the Cniled ritates Na tional bank, for the west one-half of lot three in block one ill, in ". K. Kogers' addition to th. city of Omaha. This pro'ierty Is situated on the south east corner of Eleventh and Martha Kts;. fronting about 1J feet on Eleventh St.. and 14 on Marti. a St. It was occupied by Mrs. Lacey as her home and Is Im proved with trees, shrubbery, barn, a 7-room dwelling bouse In good condition, with space tor further buildings. The property can be lurchased. If desired, aubject to a mortgage of fc.OOO. and pay ment for the eouity niay be ma-le one third cash and balance in 39 or m days. agreed upon. VICTOR B. l-AI.DWKI.U EXECUTOR. United States National Bank, Kth and Farnam Sta Well Built Benson Homes F. S. Trullinger Callrorala. DOS T WAIT 5 YEARS. BUT CALIFORNIA FUTX-BEARINd ORCHARDS. MONKT BACK IF NOT SATIBFIED. JSO.00 cash and Vtisrb per month buys five acres with full-bearing fruit trees la the famous Bidwatl orrharee at Chlco. California. Payments Include Interest and taxes. Your money back If not sat isfied upon Investigation. The Bid well orchards are the most noted and pro ductive In the' wonderful Sacramento val ley of California. It's our confidence In this land that prompts this generous of fer. We ve pesches. prunes, si morels, aprloots and Bartlett pears. Buyers' railread fares, not exceeding J2tK. will be credited on purchase price. La.nd ad joins the thriving town of Chko inns pop ). References. Any bank of Chico, Amerlran National bank of San Fran cisco and First National bank of Saa laadro. Send for valuable informmlloa and facts to BiUWtLI. ORCHARDS, INC., Chko, Cat- 8-Room, Xew Oak Finish On Pinkiwy St.. near !4tb. new oak tmislied nous, miern and complete in eierv detail: fl neighborhood, etc. o tfnmedlate sale, Un-A easy terms, BAKNts a: Wiiiu., kn bx. D. Mi. Iowa. TUB easiest wsy to find a buyer for your farm Is to insert a small want ad tn the Des Moines Capital. Largest cir culation in the siata of Iowa. vW daily. Tne Capital Is read by and keUeved in liv the standpatters of Iowa, who a mply refuse to permit any otber psper in their homes. Rates, 1 cent a word a day; II a per line per month; count s:x ordinary words to the line Address Des Moines Capital. Pes Moines, la- FLORIDA THE LAND OF SUXSHIXE We ara offenna 30 and -are tracts anl upwards located in Columbia county Rear Lake City, Florida, 50 mile west of Jacksonville and only ( miltw from St. Aogustln. Thts property ts Intersected by three rallroada of national reputauoo. whtcn furnish the best aervice at reasonable rates to all market of the United States. Tha climate ts Ideal. Fine tarrrw are now being workei In our tract with itceptK'naily good re-sults. -Own one of our farms. Investigate our ofter. inaU cah payments and easr terms. 1-ow rates daily. Tickets good until Juno 1. ROBT. C. WU ESETH3W ft CO. Ss4ps Agtscts) W0 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Omaha. Neb, 1 Are You Going to Houston, Texas? Next Tuesday, February , several are (going to look over Houston Suburban Heignts. the land ten mile from Hous !ton: a sure market for sure crops. I And wi:l raise oraiiges. figs, strawberries ami any kind of vegetables. Join us and ji-pend a few days in the beautiful city of E the Gulf Coast Country. Ijind onlv , ! per acre. Terms, im down, Ho per month. R H. Landeryou FLORIDA, THE STATE OF FLOWERS AXD TILE FU)WER OF STATES. If you are thinking of Investing In Florida lands for actual use or for an Investment, come to headquarters. We own the lands we are offering. Our lands aero selected after vtiiting every prt of the state and after months of Investi gation. We wanted good land, well drained land, in good location for fruit raising, for truck gardening and for gen eral farming. We wanted pure artesian water at shallow depth for domestic use and for irrigation for winter crops. W also wanted both rail and water trans portation, and after examining more than a million acres, purchased the only tract that had all these requisites. We have fiv railroad stations and seven steamboat landings on or adjacent to our lands, and wa believe we hay the best land investment In America. We do not claim our land Is all good. The man who makes this claim for any large body of land in Florida, either flatters himself or is not posted. Our lands have all been carefully appraised and are priced purely on their merits. We du not do a mall order business. We want you to see our hands or have some competent Judge see them for you before purchasing. U the land will not stsnd the closest inspection yovl do not want It. We can give the highest bank refer ences as to the standing of this company and Its officers. Write for full information and join our excursion to Rlvervlew Farms, Florida, Tuesday, February I. RIVERVIEW FARMS COMPANY, BENSON A CARMICHAEL, - M Paxton Block. Omaha. Neb. " Tel. P. SIM. 44J Hoard of Trade. Miacellaaewaa. Farmer!, and land buyer, all oer thd country are reading Bee want ada every cay and snapping up every bargain offered. Rates IV, cents per word If run only one time, lc per word if run two or more time consecutively. Write and mail your ad today to Real Estate derail ment of The Ouiana Bee. Re- ' suit, ar sure. MVE STOCK MARKET OP WEST j Sh;p your stock tee South Omaha. Save ' miieage una shrinkage. Your constgn- meats receive prompt and careful atuq- . tion. I ' Live tocV Cesamlaatoai Mrrrhaata I Bvrs Bros. Co. Btrong and responsible I WtKiblBKiViT arsrElchanite Bld." ; Greet West. CVm Oo Omaha Denver. iW. K. 8U1T11 SliN just hsoJle sttterx j TAX BROSC hale'callle.'hcga, ssrep I Clay, Robinson Js Co.. Jl Ex. hanse Bid. I Interstate Co. Better results. Ship to us. tXJFTONjCom Co.. ZO Kxchange Bldg" U R ROBERTa A CO.. iElcrTlildg"! Cox AJone CoraCo.. bunch of hustlers Farmers L. P. I'em. Co., Exch. Bldg. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA REAL ESTATE WANTED I.YMAN or Stanley tounty, 8. D., land. If you want to tell, send numbers and lowest price. W. 1 Frost. Sioux city. la REAL ESTATE LOANS Georgia. GREAT S0UTII GE0RGU Traversed br (he ATLANTA, UlRMlNOlAM A ATLAN TIC RAILROAD. Lands ada pled to the widest rang at crops. All the money crops of the south plentifully produced. For lltoratule treat. Ing with this coming country, Ita soil, climate, church, and school advantag, write W. H. MAHT. DEPT. K, General Passenger Agent. ATLANTA. OA. litae. GOVERNMENT IltRlOATED IAND We handle Minidoka Oov't Project farms In the beautiful Snake river val ley of sou 1 1 tern Idaho.. Ample and perfect water rlahU' -rou wlll need from II.3M) to AM to get bantam. . Farms are 40 and acres. Intensely fertile. No In quiries answered without stamped, self addressed envelop,. Schroedor-itedford Co.. Heyburn. Idaho. OMAHA Property and Nebraska Lands. OKKEFE HEAL ESTATE CO. VUt New Omaha Nat l Bank Building. WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co.. m Farnam St MONEV to loan on buslnms r rest denco properties. Il.l to I Oo.giv w. IL THUMAH. 5iH First Nat'l Bank Bldg. WANTED City loana. I'etefs Trust Co. 1vk to JlO.lsO nuiJe promptly. F IX Weal. Wead HI Ik.. Ulli and Farnam. G VEVIN BROS t"' u n vidian n iiuo.,lllJtm Kl-, l:llk KOU HALE OR EXCHANGE 1 handle tradea every wnere. It you want results write or call Dean. i!7 Bee. D 1391 S30 acres Thomas county. Neb., clear Imprtn-ed. i'rlre. ti per acre. M) acres), Uubbard nounty, Minnesota, wheat land. Price, per acre. M acrea. Brown county, Nsbraska. Price. H per ai-re. Want Income property or farm in east ern Nebraaka or luwa. Ili.Ws) stork gents' clothing, doing a fine business. Want Rasteni Nebraska Laud at Its actual value. W. S. Frank 1114 City National Bank, Omaha. Iliouu FLATS, well located, for unim proved acreage and some cash, prefer something near Country chib or Dundee. IDA NEFF. 4M Bee Bldg ll.Ou STOCK, groceries and oueenswsre. new and fresh, still In the wholesale stork. will exchange for heavy draft team, har ness snd wsgon, balance cash. Juat the chance to start In ousiness lur yourself. Address T 121, ear Be. Deposit proceeds of shipments In Stock Tan), NaCI bank. Only bank at yards Martin Bros ; T CoT J-4 nExehTRldg? OMAHA, THE GRAIN MARKET .WEEKS QRATsCO.. grain oierchanisT Consignments solicited. Ttt Brandeis. Eeal Eitote Ma' Jaide to Orsnise Exchange. WAST KOaS TOTTED EFFORT Presalarat Isralere Take AetUa that Is Ifteaaesl te M:lfr All Ue atewta Working for Msmtcl pl Prwarress. LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS SEALED bids will be received at the office of the undersigned until noon, rebruary 10th. A. D. mZ. for the construction of an ad- ditional buiuiing at the Tubercular hos pital. Kearney. Nebraska. Plana and specifications are on file at the office of the Secretary of State. Commissioner Public lndj and Buildings, at tile Hoe. plial. and the office of Bunt F. Miller. Architect. Brandos Theater tiuiiaing. Omaha. ADU1SON WAIT, Sec-etaiy nf Ft-te. re.-iit. KA1LWAV T1MK CARD. IMH. STAIIU.N 1-eath a ad Muss laloa Pacific San Fran. Oxerl d L. China it Japan F. M. Atlantic fr:nreSB Oregon Expieaa IjOS Angeiea 1-lQliieu. IVnver Special r,inl.l HtIA Kne'l I'olorado Express ureKon-ivan. uia... North Platte Local... HraBll 1111.1 lldl Strom&burg IacsI Depart, .a l.ia am .a 4;v pui .all :3f pm' .a!2:4S pm .a ;:otam .all pm a 3:11) pm .al?:i) pm .a ISsni a l pm .bli.n pm a I 41pm a I A4am a 6: 10 pin a t: pm a ?:S7am iKXini a 4 ill pm a je pm a 411 pm sin si m b l.'Ji pm CHOICE 4 In Klmhall county for something In or near Omaha; section Texss Panhandle's beat for auto or what have you'! J. W. HASP CO.. am Bran- dels Bldg.. Omaha. 121 ACRES, well Improved, in tilearns Co., Minn.; J7S acres under plow, want to exohamre for automobiles up to 110.1x41; iialssoe. cash equity riMMO. W. W. Johnson, 4M He HKIg. WANTED To trade good piano for horse or cow or both. Address B-10S. bare Beij. WANTED TO lVX M-hand goods. Kleser, MHO Center. D. teu. WANT TO BUI' -Stock of merchandise In country for cash. Box Ms. On. ah,. TKAM -of young mares, wrth foal, also two or titre young milch cows to become fresh In March. Wanted for shipment put of stale. K UK. Bee. Nebraska. " SNAPS near Omaha, gn per acr up. Orln S. Merrill. 1113 City Nai l Bk. Bldg. j , ,"r""lT' - - - l ' - ' r 360 acres of fine bottom land, all tillable, no swales or land dunes. Adjoins town of Harsher on tha east and south. Nearest town to IT. P. cutoff.- Sure ta be an important city. Part under cultivation. No buildings. Must be aold. Price $20,000. halt cash. Write quick to D. C. Patter son, Attorney, Omaha, Neb. ' Gooi i FOR SALE. Goog section unimproved land In west ern Nebraska; only lllo an acre. If you want to double your money, write B-11K2. Omaha Bee. Omaha. 1MVACRE alfalfa farm and rood team for sale or trade. Addreas D 111, Bee. FORCED and SACRIFICE ' SALE SARPT rOriVTT-)i ACRES. This farm belongs to an estate and the heirs are fnrred to s-ll immedtately, thuj me siauivnier in pnee. It consists of 1 acres UDland. the greater sLare of which Is quit- rolling, although not cliffy or bluffy ravine; U acm can be put in corn, balance pas ture and some woods, Th soil throush. out the farm Is good, in fact, some of tha iann has just btn broken and none fur more than six years. The Improvementa consist of good four rf)m houM. years old; corn crib, siriali tarn with haymow, well, etc. Tlv price is or about tt.Sl vmr acn. Tbtnk of it. The paature land ia worth mora tnan that. Act at vnoa and it Is your. Some trms. tKl.N X. MSRltllJ- (T)., Rooms ini-1214 'ty Nat. Bank BMg l acres. gnuy rolunK. good soil, close to market. In Knox i-ouniy. Neb.: 150 a -re of winter what gos with the place: fair Improvements, p& per acre Terms and posew1on. 340 acres in iSeward county; some rolling; 3 mile? north of Germantown; iw arrnt of alfalfa. rO0 acres of blue grasa, good orchard and good Improvements. Guar anteed rental -aloe for S years of each year. Price. l3tf.W. Terms. Toland & Wiley 44 Bee Bldg . Omaha. t'ABlt for on. Iwo or thre lliinde lots; put prl and legal acscriptton In first reller. J U7. Bee. "7 7-Hi "ill house for about t4M; prefer location between Blnney. Ilnk ney, Sherman and 14th Sts. ; small pay ment down, balance 166 per mouth. C 104. Bee WANTED TO KENT WANTED Furnished apartment or flat by couple without children. Refer, nous exchanged. K 11M Omaha Bee. WANTED SITUATIONS WIIITK lady desires steady place of day work; neat, conscientious; doe not disappoint engagements. Phooe H. 117. "ANTKU-Posltlon as housekeeper by respectabl middle-aged laty. ITeter home with children. Also exiMrtenced as nurse. Address Mrs Marls 'lurner, gen eral delivery. Council Bluffs, la. WASll'lNO and Ironing done. T . ITi;ATK)N wanted as nanagr ot genera! store, country town; experienced. J .1. nr. Ml. nee. . BOO KJ( KEPI NO and elerl'jj work evenings and Saturday,; use typewriter. Address L T44H. THREE young ladles, piano player and singer, want positions In ptcttre show; expertenced. Douglas . K Tit, Bee. POSITION wanted by competent lady stenographer; refeieno as to ability. Harney 644 . WANTED A position as watchman nr secret servicing; good reierencas. U im. Bee. . . WHITE woman wants day work. 112 a. Mth St A-KU. TOUNO Isdy desires position la office where there is a chsnc for advancement fjmall wages to stsrt. Csa operate type writer Webster KM. M I...I. rimshs St. Ixnus Ex..alWpm a 111 am l.ll .... m i mam .ii.iwm Slant y L. tfrom C.ll ).b i A pm bM:li am Chlcaan tlrrat Weatera . Twin city Limited H i pm a 7:4k em Twin City Kinross. ...a 7 44 am asaipm Chicago Express a 101 pm a 9:41 pm tkiraae, Hack Islaaa I'acifle EAST. Rocky Mountain Lta. alt n am aid 31 pm l Illcago licai t-aas oiv.n am DMi;iopm Chlcaxu Day Express. a 1:46 am a 4 Dm Chicago Express a 4 10 pm a 1:10 pm Moines Ijocal Pas a 1:17 Pm a13 1! nm Chicago-Nebraska Ltd a I pm a 8.00 ,m WEST. C.-Neb. L. to Unroin.a 1:01 am a 5:K pm Chicago-Colorado Ex. a 1:21 pm a 100 pm Chicago-Colorado Ui a 1 !.' pm a 4:tpm OKI. W lesae express. i.wpm ail'am Kocky Mountalu l J J ai 4; pm ai2:am Aklekao at Northwreatera NOJtTHBOlT.ND. Mlnn.-St. Paul Ex a 7 00am Mlnn.-si. Paul Ltd. ..a 700 pin alonam Twin city Express.. ..a i.4i am aiojopni Sioux City Local. a I 44 pin al aipm Minn. Danoia ipm al lsam i win i-ii y i-imiieu.... .a ,.e pia a r si am illnnesola Express.. alLlWam EAST BOUND. Carroll Local a 7:oam a:Wpm Daylight Chicago a 7 40 am al0:4pm Chicago lK-al..... ai: 01 pm a3 ipm Colorado-Chicago a I to pm a l is pin Chicago Special a I or po. a:4am l'as. Coast-Chicago. ...a in pm al apra lxs Angeles Limited, a 111 pm all.Wpm overland Limited alMpin al:liam Carroll Local a 4 pm alO OOain Fast stall as.aipm ai.Apiu Cedar RapMs. Sloua Cllv and Omaha t I Knm Crntennlal Stat L t d U tam ll:lpm WESTBOUND1. ." .' Ism Pme.. ....!. ...a lvart rMlsyTam Norfolk-Dullas a lue nt , gift 1 pm. Ing Pine-Lincoln a 1:1 .ui .a 5 Spj,, llasiings-Supertor ... blllpni arafipm Dradwooo-iiot bp gs.. oo pm aa:ispm Caier-luder a I II pm all 00 pm I remoni-Aioioo ,.m...,h vj:g,pm AN exnerienced cashier desixea post- tlqn, Douglas Mil, . WANTED By student. Crelgluoa col lege, opportunity to earn beard or board and room. Address C 113, Bee,, or puous Douglas Toft ' EXPERIENCED stenoarrapher wlehea a position with a firm; good speller and is fast on the Underwood typwrlter. Ad dress. H 1117, care Bee. YOUNG man wants position as bar tender; experienced, S lit. Be. TOl'NO lady wants position as office girl; can run typewriter: best of refer ences: will start with await wages, 'phone Webster S3. WANTED-Lace curtain lo be laun dered l borne; Jbc pair. Harney MU. Firsl-class, practical nurse HlW A-3rT4 EXPERI F,NCE1 woman wishes-day work. Webster SMS. IRONING, sweeping, dusting by the hour. Ind. F Kso. South Omaha. TOUNH man. ' present employed, wants position as bookkeeper In or near Omaha; experienced In wholesale and branch work. T 210, care Be. EXPERIENCED tm Day work. laundrei Webster ulnar I rat Chicago Express a 7:10 am a I tS pm Chicago LUnlted a l:W pm a 1:00 am Cklraae, Mllwaak at l. Peal Overland Limited ta 7:60 pin a 1:11 am Perry Loial alaOam all oopm cl,rado Exnress....ea 100 pm ilanm Colorado Special a 7i4isin a I Warn Perry Local ..ocuptu pt::oopm awsarl Pael'le K. c. St. U Ex. ...a 1:10am a 7:40am K. C. 4k St. L. piu al Wpra Bsrllagloa Blalloa Tealh V Mssoa Berllaalea Depart. Arrive. Denver as California.. a 4. 10 pm a 1 4s nn Puget. Sound Expresa .a 4 10 pm a ! 4,- pm Nebraska polnls a I DO am al iopm Hlark UiHs a 4 10 pm a 1 45 pm Lincoln Mall ........b 1 20 pm alt:ll pm Northwest Express ...all li pm a 7 00 pm eoiasaa pviuis m o at am a ,:l pm Nebraska Express ...a 9.11 am a lo pm t.lnciln Local a ,as echuyler-ltattsmouth b a.i pm bl . pm Lincoln Local b I M am Piattsmouin-iowa ....a, is am a loO am hu.lli.vue-Platismouth.alf 30 ptn a 1.40 m. Chicago Social a Mi am all: 11 ptn Denver Special aU J5 pm a 7.00 pm Chicago Expreas a 4 JO pm a 1 61 pm Chi. Fast Expresa a I 30 pm si 00 am Iowa Local .... ai0:m am Creston (le- local. ..b I s pm b!0:4l am SI. Louis Express a 4: pm ill Mini K. C. St. josepn. ...aieo pm a 46 am K. '. A Ht. Joseph. ..a l it am a 1 10 pm K. C a St. Joseph... a 4 b pm lb) daily except Sunday, (c) Sunday only. a) dally. Webster glallea lS4h aasl sorter To standardise real estate values and to obtain and hold the reenect and confl dnc of the buyer and seller of property and to take active interest In all affairs that wilt make for the benefit of South Omaha, the real estate men of the Magic City formed themselves Into a temporary organisation preparatory to the organisa tion of a Real Estate exchange formed In accordance with the rules of the national exchange. The meeting was held In the real estate office ot J. II. Koplets. who acted u temjwary chairman of the organisation. The prominent real estate dealers of th city assisted at the meeting and entered Into discussion of the new exchange. J 11. Kopietx In a strong, direct appeal lo the members Indicated the need of an exchange In South Omaha. Tb speaker Instanced the many features that should make South Omaha desirable to the home builder and the wage earner. He men tioned the fait that In the packing In dustry alone over 7.000 people found em ployment. 11 called attention te th bank clearings of th city and pointed out other things that should be advertised mop, generously to th rest of the world. I. C. Gibson declared that heretofore the great and fundamental trouble with South Omaha has been jealousy and laok of community spirit. He said this cancer ous spirit had eaten down Into the busi ness, social and political Ufa of th city. Th speaker asked that the new organlxa lion be a strong, cohesive unit, determined on taking Its proper place In tha affairs ot th city. Joseph H. Murphy In a few words Indl jated that th meeting was for th pur pose of organisation and moved that proper officers be chosen. J. II. Korleia was appointed chairman and upon -vol of those present Messrs O'Neal, Murphy, dlbson and Koplets were appointed a commute to draw up a set of rules and bylaw to govern th new organisation. II. Goldberg. J. AlcNeal and T. J. O'Neal discussed some Interesting prob lems of the real estate man, and th mealing adjourned until next Wednesday evening. I'ltlsras Take lafereet. There are rumor of the formation of a nsw ciUsane' movement that will at tack both the present city administration and those who have taken tip th gauntlet to oust them. So far the formation ot any opposition to I he present Incumbents of office seems nubulous and confined to wordy de nunciation. A cllisrne' ticket was discussed yester- dsy. bit those partial paling In th de liberations were shy ot admitting their Interest. Th effort la being mads to draw new material Into th candidates' field and it Is understood that th movement will hot take organtxed form until th assent of certain desirable candidates can be had. Mayer Will laqalre. Mayor P. J. Trainor In discussing tha grant of the city grvtng permission to erect a alulos bog at th end of th Mud Creek sewer for the convenience and benefit of th Union Stock Yards, de clared last evening that while he had not Liooked Into th matter carefully b In- lenoea ro ao so neir approving ine rot of th council. . ) The mayor slated that he terted te approve th permit upon which th coun cil had voted unanimously. Th grant al low, th Union Stock Yards company th right te erect a larg sluice box with all water facilities Necessary for drain ing off the grease and other marketable residue of th sewage flowing from th yards through th Mud Creek sewer. 1 w Parochial tekool. Father Mugan, pastor of ot. Mary's Catholic church, Thlrty-slilh and Q streets. Is considering plans for the erec tion of a new parochial school house contiguous to the church building. Ths plans eontempls te an expeodltur of III.- Oiill and tha werk Is expected to begin within the nxt few months. It Is said that the new school house will relieve the congested condition of th Cor- rig an school, which Is sadly In need of an addition. The school board however. Is dlsln -ltned to Increase the debt already on th school district and th work of rear ing an addition to Corrigsn school, while necessarily urgent, has been Indefinitely postponed because of the Inadequate sup ply nf money In th building fund. Baseline; keares. ARMOURS 1st. M. Sd. Total. Browne!! 141 IM 160 460 Beyers ....147 1 16S Kolianakv 130 164 1 441 ftlein 141 171 l.e 4M W timer lot lis UI M y : j week In the school house at Thirty ; seventh and Q street. The Tri-City Federation of Christian I Churches held a meeting yesterday after- , 'noon at the First Christian church. Mem bers of that denomination from Omaha, Council Bluffs, Irving ion and bouitt Omaha attended the sessions. Miss Withe Miller, at her home en Twenty-second street, entertained a num ber of her school friends Tuesday night. The evening was dewted to games and music, after which luncheon aa sefv'ed. The following were present: Misses Edna, K:eter. Theresa Kop-ets. Margaret Car- -ley. llaxel Hartell. Helen Kahn. F.dlthe Miller. Amelia Peters, Effle Copenhowe and Messrs. Paul Jordan. Bill Cline, Frank Nagle. Karl Keeper. Jack Ward. John Rahu. Mellis stiller and Joe Connors. Mlsswarl Pacirie- Auhurn Local tklraao. St. Pai tlsaaka Sioux City Express Omaha Ijocal Kloux city Psss Twin City Pas,.... Emerson Local .... Depart. Arrive .b 3:60 pm bll:U am 1 1, Mlaaeapwlla et ,.b I S pm bit Si pm ,..C 1.26 am c 126 pm b 13 pm ...b t 41 am b 1:11 am HUNGARIAN LABORER ENDS LIFE WITH BULLET John Kt gals, a laborer, was found d-ad In his room, tioutti Ninth street, at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon by his roommate, Joe Vlnra. He clasped a revolver in liia right hand, showing his death was sub-ide. A number of letters, written In Hungarian, probably tttl why he ended his life. He had sent a bullet Into his heart. Jas.t-b:a. FOR SALeKs-Sp acres good. Wvel land. no sune or stumis; acr-s unor plow, can all be plowed; good set buiidSgs; Itafrit. half rash, take it IWof-e February - J- qam i o r aii . lamonage, JStnn. 120-AC RE. w?!l improved farm tn Iowa, wlth n 25 miles of Omaha. A big bargain at $U per sxx. Uocd taraav Ajlvdrass K 11A Bee. FOR 8ALBTwo beautiful farm homA. and S9 acres, joining. Oood iani. lo ration and Improvements. Ss mllea from Twin Cities. Prk- Hi pr arre, worth JM B D. -arsons, fltaachfleld. R. F. l. No 1. Roa 41. M:Dota. Wrostlsjj IIS ilHlm lp1sre tmw.A .11 I. .Ia,I. 4 mtls from Wbeatian'C Wyo. U. ttroa KXPERlKNTKf billing clerk. Good reference. 1'hone Douglas S&Jt. WA6VTkl-lsltlon asrh'wai'her. by middle aged womnn. Phone Welter 24. ASHKK and rubbish taken from the basement and halls haultd; reasonabiv. ' Harney Wit. Yol'.NO lady wants poaitioti as j waitrese. Ind. A-1TM. VVANTEI By young man. office work ! or tiookkeepi&g. can give satisfaction. I N MP. Rft. I WOMAN SEEKS TO KILL HERSELF WITH POISON Lillian Swanson. 5401 North Twenty, eighth avenue, attempted suicide shortly before midnight lust night, by taking corrosive sublimate table's. he was revived by polhe surgeons snd will re cover. She gave no reason for her act. Totals .... tm 740 2.2S0 McDonald ... Mots Parker. I'ruwe Marietta .... Totals , SWIFTS. 1st M. .171 leS 117 137 I7 Knight Hester Hetfner .... Motirath ... iiorwlch ... Totals Miller Colev Shepard ... Detbremer . Koch n ui CUDAHYS. 1st. rd. ISO 161 :.11 141 IM ll 168 lil ZM 111 -..I 714 OMAHAS. 1st. .. I 141 1SX VJt IS 3d. Total. ITS. 114 164 MS 13 ' 4JI 317 494 U 6.16 k wa M. Total, li: ITS 38 1.T7 ISJ IV US Criminal Impulse in Delinquent Boy Enigma to Experts Warren Hayxlett. an 18-year-old Inmate of the State Industrisl school at Kear ney, was subjected to a rigid examination by Dr. G. A. Young yesterdsy sfternoon In an attempt to locate the causes ot strange Impulses which prompt the boy to Incorrigibility after weeks ot best behavior. "I found nothing to Indicate that ha had ever sustained a fracture of the skull." said Dr. Young, "nor was there say evidence thet th skull rested upon th brain and thereby caused the boy to become nervously deranged." Hsysletl's mother, an Omaha woman, requested th examination, saying that her son wss struck on th bead when a child by an object thrown at him, and since that time had been subjected te , nervous attacks and spells ot Tlctous ! conduct st times. . Superintendent C. B. Msnuel of the Kearney institution I brought young Hayxlett to the city.. j "He Is en of th most lovable beys ' in th school," he said, until this ! nervousness cornea on. You can tell when he Is likely to make trouble by the curious change In his ay." Inheritance Law ; is Put Under Fire ! Constitutionality ot tb Nebraska In heritance law, which apparently makes It possible for a husband In his will practically te cut off hie wife from any share of his property, has been called lute Question la connect ton with th die- . position ot the estate of the late John W. Thorn, worth about H40.K. To his wife Thorn bequeathed I3MM and th balance of th astat he be queathed to hie brothers. Dr. W. W. Thorn, ot Wath-upon-Dearne, England, and Jsmes IL Thorn ot Aberdeen, scat land; his sister. Miss Johana 8. Team of Old Rartery, Scotland, and other blood relatives. Under on ' section ot the law Mrs. Thorn bss elected to tsk one halt of th estate Instead of the I3.000, which she ssyi she has a right to do. She baa filed In county court a petition for an order tor distribution et the astat In acoordane with her election. Dr. Thorn and the other heirs under the will have petitioned for distribution hi acoordane with th provision ot th testament. Hearing en the opposing petitions will begin today before Judge Crawford, who will have to decide upon the coastltutloa amy at the taw. In tale case th de cedent left his wife to.000, out he a well could have left her It, Itilpatrick Employes Have Merry Feast The Thomas Kilpatrtck company was voted to be first class employers but night at the Hotel Rome whan Us) em ployee gathered at a banquet aa the ust of th concern. WUMam F. Baxter, secretary of the Kilpatrtck eoss. pany, acted aa mastsr et ceremonies and although It had been stated before hand that shop talk would be tabooed. Mr. Baxter violated th rule regardless of consequences by commending tha em ployee tor their loyalty and talthfuln. Addresses by heads ot th various de partments followed and from the lime th company assembled until R broke up. a Jolly Urn wss In order. 4. 44.' i7 ISM 2d. Id IM 1 14 171 Id. Total. 1T7 rfAHt m . 471 1: SOI iw ea 12 6JI 2.M VUIM1 lady desires position aa chil dren a nurse; three years' experience. listnev 'poone 106. i.AMil.NU or cleaning for Friday. Wb. 427. I-ADY wants washing to take home. Douglas 474. Yoi'NU lady desires position as chll dren'e nurse; three years' experience. Harney phone )06l. "WANTED Situation by Korean young man: a private family cook. Address o 1. Bee. SHERIFF RAIDS PLACE FOR SELLING BEERAFTER HOURS Sheriff McShane last night arrested Cecil Joslyn and six men who were found in Joslyn'a place, T North Fourteenth street. Joslyn was charged with eel ling beer after hours. The men were charged as Inmates. All were released on bonds. YOUNG iadv wants stenographic -sitlofi; ea operate any ma nine. Web. Tree Crashes Oat Life. WEST LIBERTY, la.. Jan. 31.-Speclal Telegram Herman Schneider of West liberty was Instantly killed today when x tree which he was chopping fell on hlm. Totala 776 let ; Magle City (Jeaalp. For !xle Pool hall and coffee house. Uth and N Sts. The l,eap Year Pleasure cluh will atvw a dans-s this evening at Rushing' s hail. The women of the First Presbyterian hurch will serve luncheon today noun at the church. Judge Jacob 1evy has returned from a visit with bis daughter, Mrs. A. Blank. of lies Moines. Mr. snd Mrs. Jsmes Povondra reoori the birth of a son at their home. 1X4 Routh Twenty-flret street. . Phone Bell South lS Irl F- 1MI for a case of Jeter Ooid Tup. Promt delivery to sny part of the city. William Jetter. The ladles of the Albright Methodist church will hold a bakery sale at the store ot J. P. Krause next Friday. Dinner will be served at the First Pres byterian church by the King's Daughters from 6 to 7.30 tomorrow evening. Steven Mollner Is reported much Im proved tn health. He is at home now af ter having spent several days In the South Omaha hospital. The Woman s Auxilliary of St. Martin's church will meet Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. K. Northrup. Ulu North Twenty-third street. Building Inspector Watson of the school district, complains that hoodlums are In the habit vt breaking several w:adowa a Bishop-Elect Guest of Creighton Men Ths crelghtoa University Alumni clstlon held their annual dinner la the rathskeller of the Henehaw hotel test night. The Right Rev. P. A. MMJovern, bishop-elect of Cheyenne, waa the spe cial guest of th occasion, and more than : men present honored him with an ovation. Frank A. Furay was teastniaater. M Introduced J. A. C. Kennedy, who ad dressed th assembly en "The Character of University Men." Dr. J. F. Laagdoa) of the university medical faculty told et th "Progress of ths University," and K. J. McVann of "Th Olee Club asd Its Value to the University." John A. Ben ne wits and Ted Leery were also . speaker of the evening. K. J. McVaan was elected president ot the alumni association, Joseph Byrne, treasurer, and John W. Welsh, secretary'. RECITAL BY MISS MARIE ROMAN AND JOHN JAMIESON Miss Mert Roman, pianist, and John C. Jamleson, basso cantata, gave a recital last night at th Lyric theater before aa appreciative audience. Mhw Roman played a Bach prelude, MendelsMiha's concerto tn O miner, Schu mann's "Paplllnos," Chopin's "Revolu tionary F.tude" and selection from Rub instein, Brahms, Mac Do well and Leacbe tlsky. Mr. Jamleson sang Hawley'e "Noon and Night" Schubert's "Der Wanderer," Armstrong's "The Road." Elgars "After," German's "Rolling Down to Rio" and other. MISS SADILEK CHARMS LARGE AUDIENCE BY HER PLAYING A large audience heard Miss Helen Ssdllek, pianist, at the Unity enure. Seventeenth and Cass streets, last nlgbi. and all were charmed by th remarkable ability of the fair young must dan. Miss Sadllek waa assisted by Miss Alice Ken nard, soprano, and Miss Kenaard's efforts ware no small part ot the evening' a en tertainment, f KOTaTXaTTS Or OCBAJI TXAJCXBC. rrt. Airties. aatssl. KSWTCmg , Iwern SBW TOKh ......Ctactsasti. JiKW TURK resainlli GIBRALTAR Praacsela ' MARSEILUH ....Oartassia. 7 OWKHTLANA C F. Tietga-.. Lu.SoOX Ulsslliats i. A Bleedy At fair is lung hemorrhage. Stop M. and cure weak lungs, eoagh and colds with Vt. King's New DIsKOvery. Me and S.tft For sale by Beatoa Drug Oe.