v. I Desperate Desmond Clande Eclaire Shows That One May Be a HexoV and Yet nave aome Brains - m ByHershfield HORRORS'. Ml lEKAPe is cif 05 HCfcv WW iww TatAr JUST" WTO Ltf; 4ioMMrk"ws CoR-p: 323 mm Si ri.ur4ki TrwII VariAnli iV ass,- r A MiW" I lOTl l 1 riviW. i":S5.fxi ttk r L rJ I T - . JV - r IHT.' I Vi? V I V a as csirwri A M ft 1 1 uftRI e f VV r I w v. T H x - y yi-rm a,"U.Jl, On on eld of a deep chum en Claud Eclaire hi beautiful Rosamond and th Chines Midler. On tb other ld of the chasm an Desperat Deamond and the Infant Emperor of China. Desmond ha offered to five up the Emperor In ex chanse for the alrl and the oldltrl ar compelllnc Claud to acree to Ui pro poaaL It U a terrible position for a luver and a hero. Accordingly an agreement I mad tht the Kmperor and Roeamond hall b handed acroea the chsm on long pole. Naturally they mult be put aero xaetly at tto aame time, as If the villain one got hold of Rosamond he would refua to glv up tU Emperor. Dewnond. ylllaln that h la. alw auapect a rue to get th bet of hlro. but relle on ht wit to pre vent Jch a thing. Kow tho tiny Kmperor la being placed on th cliff aiongaide Claude, whll Roaa mood la auapendid over th allff on th ether aid of tb chaam. Deamond chuckles ivttb glee to think that In a mo ment the proud beauty will again be In hla power. Claude, however, doe not eeem aorrowful. Is It possible that h has a plan to foil Desmond? Study th picture and se. Ah. ha, Desmond, you are baffled this time. Claud did bare a plan to foil th scoundrel. Rosamond was lifted across th chasm on a hollow Iron pip and now Claud la shooting bullets down tb pipe. Desmond cannot approach to seise Rosa mond and his Chinese allies hav taken to their heels. Score one for Claude Eclair, bralnful hero. Quickly strorg hands set about the work of hoisting Rosa ow lid Into the air and back to the cliff, when her lover, Claude, stands. The Utile emperor is also safely then and Deamond Is alone and baffled. It is not often thst Claude leave th straight path of heroism tor that of trickery, no matter In how good a cause, but this Urn he was compelled to tight tin with tire. "I'm the boy," cries Desperate Des mond, 'but I'm up against It this time." Tb wretched scoundrel see tha United v States troops approaching him on the cliff top and then Is no apparent means of escape. It Is about time that some of the wrongs h has don wen avenged. Tomorrow w snail see all about Des mond's fate. WANT ADS AXXOINTEMEXTS Want ads received at any time, but to insure proper classification must be presented before 1- o'clock m.. fw the evening edition and before ":0 p. m. (or morning and Bandar edi tion. Want ads received after such hours will hare their first insertion under Uie beading "Too Ute to Uasairr." CASH RATES TOR WANT APS. KEG I' LA It CLASSIFICATION One Insertioa 1 H cent per word and 1 rent per word for each subsequent insertion. Each Insertion made on odd dajrs 1M P wo,d " per lino per month. Want ds for The Bee maj t any of tha followinf drug ""w ... i- iwm druirsiat ney are nil branch offlcea lor The Bee ad your ad will bo inaermu J - promptly nnd on the name rale " the niaia office In The Bee building. Beventrenth nnd Famam Streets: Albarh. W. C. rtiTand -rBm' . B uamPnig Co.. fan N. W i lienson I'hsrmscy. Benson. N'- . . Bemls Park Pharmacy. l aid Cuminf. . Beraoek. a. A.. U -t11n "' Blake- Brandish. t- Mherman Ave. .f Caughan. C. K.. A iv'"w,?i Cermak. Kmll. 151H- Uln - . Cllfton,lllH Pharmacv. 3U M'T "'t'ooney Pharmacy, WJ a. Ulh - . l'rlsT Phrnicy. Mtb Jf1! u' Khler i Co.. 310 -esvn.orth U . Kreytag. i. -- Fr-er Drug Co.. 1H N. Florence Drug Co.. Florence. ,!rfni Ore. Pharm y. Park Ave. f , Ureenoush a Co.. UHh and M'cvorJ'.tK ' Goldman Pharm y. Mth and j""",; - Janaoa Drug Co.. "ll'H; ' Hanacom Park Pharin v.. If JVal lllnterlong Inig is, ' Iluls Jake, N. h w ' Huff. A- I-. I-eavenworth m. King.'fi. B . Mlb and Farnam Bta. r7hro7 Pna'yTiH.b and H.-" M.r... Fred. U. ? c'"''. J'ti A. k Monmouth Pharmacy, JM an4 Ames A. pstrlck Drug Co., IMS N. J iaraioaa Drug Co. h and AmsAv. H. haef. r's Cut Pile, Mlh snd thwaa Her Drug Co.. in -Xachai. r. -JV n ata Walnut HIU Pharmacy. th and Cuming BARKEUi BROS. PAIXT CO. KW Farnam St. Doug. i75. Ind. A-3CU A beautiful SPftirtmenl of tfncll out fits and gherwln-williams goods W do glailng and plctur framing at mocarai prices. M. K. Morrill, china mint, uranoms i NliTHKLP Letter Duplicating Co.. Ms I'aslon blk.. cir uiar letters, any quan tity; oldest established company, expert of Mulllaraph and Neostyle. Upholstering, piano, turn, rep aH Far. Wear Ideal dress shirts. Tweuty per cent less llian omana pries HOME Fl'RNITL'KB CO.. Taentv-fourth and L 8ts.. South Omaha. g II. Cole Wln Co. D. T.H. IJI Farnam. Neb. Heed Co.. IJOS Jonea. Both phone. Haggard Van Htorsge. Pack, move, store snd ship M. H. koorts. P. !. B-rtn. DL-L-rii.il s-t-HVAt'C COALk D. lilt Charlea A. Westeriieia. a-ius COAl, and kindling. Wagner, am W. IsUi. KINDLING, 14 load. H. Pros. W. ak GhVT your dlamunda at on odea-sard's. MONEY g MOVING plotun maehlnea and supplies yebrsska Film Co.. 111 Famam at BOILER, sheet Omsha Htrurtural ELAKT1C stockings, supporters and bandagea; stock alwaya new, bwaua w sell so mny. Truesaea fitted. Everything guarsnleed. w ti. tieveiana irug i. the largest surgical supply noun, wm Harney m.' AUTOMOiilLES OMAIU MACHINE WORKS AutAntniiB weldina. aeneral maehln and auto npslrlng. Pattern making and peelal machinery destined. Espert dls worki Pet. dnwlngs. til 8. Ittn w. u. saw. TinV. I WW IRS Auto bodlea. . tops. supovcra psmiing. Dourlas OM. Pfeirfer Carriage wrka. REBUILT STODDARD DAYTONS T. L T-paanger I 1 s. r. T-pasangr 1. '"'' I F. limousine . a a t..un... tui SEVERAL OTHER MAKRH OF CAR8 AT REDUCED PRICK. J. J. DE RIGHT COMPANY, lll Farnam tit., omana, eo- DEATMI AD rU-ERAl, BOTICEs. ovnArv-Claua January . nl- Med . rr. .... . ttlS. at runera. rxr. ""'.- ' , norof, f. "I' ini-.ni Forest Uwa. Frtenda luvlied. Molina till ) papsn plea copy rRKDRICKHEN - Ralph T, aged it . ftneTal Tw7l i. h3d FrWay morning at 1o "'"i. i unenl prlvat Ple.ee omit flowers. . n nnA . and f years monUi. beloved eon of Mr. and Mia. i"h ".,H: esmtre residence, ruoe .. - ot . at I X p. m. lnurm.nl. uennss v..-- lio osmslery- Murphy Did ItSli E.-M.-F. -rsengr, fully equipped, la ret class condition: bargain. Industrial ilarsse Co.. Mth and Harney. Tel. Doug' 1442. IRTMI AH D DEATHt. Blrtluv-Cenrad and Fannie Kaiith. a.,i. H.steenih street, girl; Giuseppe . l.. U u. altici 1WI Webster street, girl; eteve and AloUi Kodofc IS I Bout h Fifteenth street, boy. Hal valor and Car SYatan.T ll ok Eighth stnet, Arthur R. snd Jane O- Kl'e. m uA...i. Thirrv.ninth street, girl; Edwsru umiii.b u South Twenty fourth avenue, boy; Joseph and Onos Kicker W North Twenty-ninth stnet. grti. and OeVSud. Blough, lt North SateinU r girl: Lowery, Florence, alrl; Oeorge and Mary tr,!V ihr miles north of r loren.-e. -:r. 7i rj .,ut Eethel Johnson. ior- ?1 "I 1 m .n Mvrtle Davis. Florence, T'vVaTd Time M. RatcUff. law Ohio, girl; Frank and Elisabeth, Clara. 1714 Manderson. boy. Daih-Mrs. Helma Kasj, year ?!lnth and Forest; Jane W. Buaby. 7 iSS f.rtk V.eoiv-elshth avenoe: Xlr.. All Braucb, U year. or Thlrtl-thlrd; Mrs. Julia A. High, 7 yiSnflUl Pacific: F. A. Toung. yeara, lTHowaxd: Peter Lerensen. a year. i-eenlh and Capitol: Edward Kamesy, t year. BU Bpauldlng. MAIL ORDER BCBTSEM " COURTNEY 'S -Omaha' Pun Food Canter." te .our looal dealer don't carry It w d. fiend tor catalogue free. Fnight pan . at Durchas wltlua a radtue of titty miles. , , ii nimL-E ma MEN. Befon you commence treatment for any and all forms of chronic diseases, call or writ lor loiormauon wwvm mi nl'Hlia si riouaiss Blk. Omaha. Neb. u I 'T-T-fcn POL'LTRI, . Hignest. market prlees eJald. Write for BUOialions sna snipvns BROWN PRODI'CE CO.. r. iri..iu.iu. f s-iai. i lvalues. Celery. l?rt Howard M. Omaha. Neb. ml. . r nnVTrkTil MAHAKA CIGAR. Vox of A. prepaid. tlJt: try a half Josea, If not satlstactory money retuodect. JllvATXiN DKCG CO. IMS e'arnam BU AHXOl'XCEMEYTS J. A. GENTLEMAN, mbalmer. 1(14 Chicago St. D. UNDER TAKER 1L. B-liua HULSE & REIPEN,i? hJi UNDERTAKERS. Ed. BarrUs, gravel, tae roofs linn 4 Laae lIEAl'Y&llEAi'EY,T Moved to mi Farnam, ASSi. H DUFFY & BOLAND, JusUoa of the Peace, Geo. 1L Barker, Paxton Blk. Bed. a: A-iaw: Res H : iinion: LOAN CO. TO LOAN-LOW in sums to JK Bee Bltlf. phone Doug. BWi IXH'OLAH Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 41. Iron snd tank Hi eel Works. work. uma rmtiirr UOHSITEK Bchooi of Dancing vry Tuesday evening. Assembly Si p. m. atft rrrti irxri.i i ic pij. Murand a private lessons every dsy Class Mon. and Frl.. 1 p. m. Doug. MM. Auio lamps repaired. Omaha Wlvsr Ce. Why not sell your old aJtomobll and buy a new one or, maybe, you can ua th money in aom other wsy-ln elthsr vent Be watil ada will do th work. Rale 114 cents per word It run only one time or 1 cent per word If run two or more time consecutively. v s , . as s-h trr Al' iO RE- )K MM N J FAIRING. ltTK AND 1IARNKT BT8. BUSINESS CHANCES M1S8 E. MILLER, public stenographer. U2 City Nat I Hk. uoug. 4.us or A U1U To aet In or out of business call on CIANGEHTAD. M Be Bldg. Tel. D. M7I. Motion picture machine and film bar- galna. Om. Film t-ich.. 14th A loug. Hla MORTOAOES, 6 ON GOOD FARMS Havings bonds secured by first mortgsgea and our capital ana surplus or hw,w NO SAFER INVESTMENT Bonds for tits. t& snd up, as suits your savings. Msk your money bring yos good Income. Ask lor parueuier. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO, Mth and Farnam Bta. Omaha. Nb. ft'CCErUiFL'L Chlcage corporation, high atandlfig, desire to secure service of capable repreeeinstlvs for Nebraska and adjoining territory. Exclustv slat agency. Headquarters, omana. amau Investment, but eeeoiutely aecured. 81 srv and commission. Other Mat agents making money. I'nusual opportunity tor right person to engsge in profitable busi ness. Court Investigation. Dept. A, 17W Keener Brag.. Chicago, in. BUSINESS PERSONALS Csrpeatrra teatrsvc Stevenson, carpenter, cont. Both phones DR. Chlrepodlata, ROT. IWJ Farnam. Douglas HW. Claars and Twbacee. THE Sanitary Crown ripe. 115 8. Mth. BUSINESS PERSONALS I'boaearap'a. Edloon phonographs. Bhults Bros.. 1401 Far Photographers, Rlnehert. photosraaher. jtltt Famam. tlsthlan Maaafaetarece. M. E. amtthC. CtMSl Dealer. C Johnson, coal. 1Kb A Isard. t phonsa. Steel Task susd Calvert taspaaile. NEBRASKA and Iowa Steel Tank Com- nany, Ulh and Nicholas, u. eameries. Dairies sad (applies. Fairmont' Diadem butter. Always good. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY, Cora Ice and Steel Veiling. CARTER 8het Metal Work, Omaha, Daaetas; Academies. Mackl' Danolng Academy. Ill Jfrny. Diiy classes Mon., Thurs., Bat. vn:ng. Deteettves. A,k, wnl earvlc del. areecy. lnc, koaded. tw-t Paxton Blk D. U1I. A -Ilia U W. LONQNECKER. 117 Karbach Blk- JAME8 ALLAN. NsvlU Blk. Tyler II- Oeatlsta, Tin UCi.CT.AN. Hneclallat In Plats work. BaualacUoa ar no lee. M Brand! Bldg. Ballev. th dentist. City Nat'i. B). Mach Mach. ad Ooor Faatoa. D. MM, DRESSM AKINO. Mil Hartley. H. 11. Terry' Dressmaking college, nth A Fr. 1'latlag. OMAHA 6ILVER CO.. 1 8. Ulh. HELP WANTED MALE Aneata, 8leaasea aa4 gollcltors, WANTKD A man In every county to sell recipes to fix seed corn so mice and squirrels and gophers will not touch It. J. C. Hutton, Springfield, 8. O. FULL drees suit and parly dresses for le: also for rent, u to li-M a nigot. JOHN FELDMAN. M6 N. 17th. P. tile. Straograpker aad Ceart Heaerters. Myrtle A. Kelley, Tit Broa. Tha D. Mtt. EMMA A. TELLER. 117 Bsrker bk. Dtt. Tallortag. R. A. Williams, clothes altered. M T-aka Jglseellaaeeaa. wakted Mon neool to raise poul try with th Old Trusty Incubator. Writ for ire catalogue ai. at. ewuueoo, Center, Neb. Out-ot-date garmenta ex. for new. W. ACQ. OMAHA TENT CO. TeU t Douglas. You ARE WANTKD for government job. SxO.Ot month. Send postal for list el positions open. Frankllu Institute. Dep t 2M L., Rocheter. N. T., Traaka aad gait Caeee. Frelmg Blelnle, 1W Farnam Bt. Wig- Maaafaetarera, D. 8. Ortfflth. wig mfg. 11 Fnnier Blk. WANTED FOR U. 8. ARMY Able- bodied unmarried men. between th ages of U end it: cltlsens of United Stale, of good character and temperate hablta, who can apeaa, res a ana wnw nm coeu language. For Information apply to re cruiting officer, Uth and Douglas Bta, Omaha. Neb.; V7 4th St.. 81oux Oty. la.; 1W N. 10th St.. Lincoln. eo! Wlaee and Maeera. MAT CO.. family liquors, ind Douglas. Willow springs sandwiches Alex Jetea. r, liquor, cigars, M Douglas. VIRGINIA DARE wins, tic a larg bot tle Klein Uauor House, an n. istn au AUTO SCHOOL. 1 OMAHA, I LARGE SHOPS. GUARANTEE, higher qual ity araduates. Mon can and actual repair work than any tore astern schools; let u prove It. EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL AaL THE YEAR Comolats course la Business. Book keeping, Stenography, Telegraphy. Civil Service or (Salesmanship. The catalogue le free for the asking. Call, writ or 'nhon tor It at once. Addies H. a Boy lea. President. Boyl Collsis. Omaha, Neb. WANTED Men to learn the barber trade W have th lob waiting. Few week completes by our system. Free shave afford steady practice. Espert In structions Qualifies you for top wages. Everything In tha huslnis tsuant prc. tically. .Tools riven. Diploma granted. Positions waiting In country ana city ehope Hundrede of graduates sent to us for help Write at once from distance or call from city. Moler Barber College 11 H, 14th St. 8EW1NO by day In famlllea; guaranteed. Call vmngs. goo worg Wee 4tt OL'ARANTEKD dressmaking, half price for days 'Photi Harney 11J0. . Eeerythlaa Kleetrlaal. Burgens-Orsnden Ce. 1S1I Howard. P. Wl Eleetrle lighting tlx., whol. and retail. KverrtBlaa far Wo see a, CONBl'LT PR. BI RKE. tl Doug. Blk, Trv Ih. IIOHTON WET WASH. Have your family waah brought home ready for erring at isc. uoug. sort, noss. Curtains and piece washing, liar. 4KU, red Mill and Htsftti Feed, all hinds. Glescoe Mllla tm Iisrd. MoDonald brass and brans foundry, alu minum, tin. lead oastlnga. 1407 Jackson, Y. c A. . COOKING CLASSES (15 Lessons for (4.00) SEWING, MILLINERY GENERAL EDUCATION Classes Begin Feb. 12. TUTORING. 1st 10 llh grade H. IH4. OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, BEST IN THE WEST." Day and evening session all th year. Shorthand. Typewriting, Bookkeeping, Agriculture Civil Service. Salesmanship. B. A. Zartman, Pne, ltth and Farnam. HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical aad Office, WANTED-Experlenced. up-to-date mil Unary saleswomen. Apply Mlsa Cabus, Brandel Mllilnsry oeirtment. Flortate BENNETTS, cut flowere Peugla UT. Girls tb learn hair dressing reasonable. Oppenhelm, M Fl., City Nat' A. Donahue. MOT Farnam. D. 1011, A-1WI. HES8 A 8WOBODA. Hit Farnam By Stewart e moriat a neeosmen. us w. n "BRA NDEr8FLbRIBTrBrandela Bldg. L.JH ENDE RSON. lll Farnam. D. ISA "BATH'S FLORISTS. Boyd Theaier Bldg Measekeeaere aad Deaseetlea. THE SERVANT URL PROBLEM SOLVED The Bee will run your Domes- tie Help Wanted ad, FREE until you get the desired resuits. Bring your ad to Th Be office or telephone Tyler lota. Heapltal. WISE MEMORIAL. Mth nd Hsrney. WANTED Maid for general house work: good wsae UU B. Xxh Ave Tel. Harney Hl lasaraaee. WANTED A girl for general house work; good wagee Mrs. K. v. canow, 1114 8. Ud 8t. Alfred C. Kennedy, Fin ft Tor nado Inaur- ance, MS First. Nit. Bk. Bldg. Doag. 711. Rhodes-Montgomery Ce Ine Ramge Blk. AN experienced girl for general house work; good wsges; smsll family; no laundry. Phone Harney HQ. Iran aad Wis Feaclag. Anchor Fence Ce, 1ST N. 17. Tel. Red tit WANTED alrl for general housework. California, Dundee; Phone, Harney K. Lao, bee. Gross TAimher wrecking machinery A Plume list and Paul. WANTED airl for general housework no washing. Sue Hamilton. Phone Har ney JK4. WANTKD girt for general bouMwark no wsshlng. nil rarnanL OUARANTEE laundry. work. Douglas 8--. HARDWARE stcre for Sal or trei For address write II I K can Bee trade A GOOD cask butcher bualne tewa In central Kebraske Y i la a live k Bee FlHriT CLASS dandy atotura show. Don t answer unless you mean kuslnese ljiemle Film Service 1111 Famam 8c FOR SALE Meat market: aplendid kv stlon and auslaeae tl.ejo.0. Addreas 8 UK. Bee for hale A country newspaper In a thriving southern Iowa town; has cylinder dtms. new loooer. aounoance 01 yvrn. good subscription and advertising patron age ow - - " - - - e-. copy of paper and price W. J. Raymond, Blakesburg. le . ; HOTEL for sale la ettlea In th middle we to right party: notei than M per month, la. Sioux City. la. te of the b ; liberal terms making better Addraee Lock Box BUSINESS PER90XALS Aeteaiaa Welle U E. WEBERGALU 1W1-11 City NtT. ED HOWE, well boring. Beaaoa Ma Atteeaeye Msron I Hall. Lawyer, VC Bran. Bldg ti. w Smelds. attorner P7 B. of Trade OMAHA TENT CO Tel. ttS Denglaa Bstisis aad Taaleaka, THE OXLT WAY. Baraaxw checked to destination. Ts vi es and touring cars. Tel. Douglas 34 - YOU'LL alwaja be haopy It your we, ding ring comes from brodegaard'a, ill . lath bt At the stga of the crown. WINDOW glss put In, contract work. H. .Winter. Hit . Ii'Ul Webstar S Bac Maaafaetaswra. BElfTS OMAHA BAG CO.. Omaha, Nee a aad racks a Mssststtsisn. Weodta Box tt Packag Ce 1U4 .V. Ml. I Laaadrlea, FRENCH Head Laundry. Tel. H. ItX WANTED An experienced mangle girl. Light, airy laundry; good wagse .Midland Hotel. High grade Maeavrea! Meaafaelarere Skinner maearanl and spaghetti. Me pkg AN experienced girl for general house work: best wages; no washing. 1st 8. 3M Rt. 'Phone II. 11M. GIRL for general housework; t la tarn- ny. oil Harney. Meaaaaeaia aad laaasssseaasa. J. F Bloom Ce, 17th and Cuming Bta MavlaSi iterege aad Cleaalaa. EXFREMMEVB Delivery Ce-Movlng furniture packing, drew oof storage. City office 11 8. Uth. uoug. aw. tne n-us. Twin Oty Exprase 1114 Howard. Both Tel. Furniture moving. I men. 11 hoar. WJis. aaa lastssiw. Mswte, Art PIANO studio. J03 Howard: Doug. . Oplselausa. B. F. Wurn. fitting A np'g. 41 Brandele Orsteea. DavM Col Oyeter Ce Wholesale only. Osteopathy. Alice Johnson. W-t Brandels The Bldg. Katherya Nlkolae tl-i Brandels Theater, Pateala. - HIRAM A. BTCRGia patent lawyr. U. ft. and foreign patents, traoamark and copyrights; ts yean' experience 4t brandels Theater Bldg Tel. uoug. sew. D. O. BarnelL Paxt Ml Blk. Tel Red 7111. Wlllard Eddy. i City Nat. Bank Bide s-riatlag. Lew W. Raber, Printer, BEE BLDG. ENTRANCE ON COCRT, LyngYtad Printing Ce. icth A Capital Ave. Tel. Ind. no tor gooa printing. Riea-Hsll Ptg. Ce. MS 8 14. Ind. A-ttit. Let th CENTRAL PRINTING CO. do yew vm. IsU iwugiaa, . aa ,, Factory aad Trade. price very .at i. WANTED tllrl to help with housework o washing. Inquln of Mrs. J. R. Camp bell. 1st South nth. WANTED Girl to tak can of baby from 7 a. m. until 4 l p. m. Call after 4 9 p. m. at KS uavenport, WANTED Competent nurse girl. Mrs M. Mantel. 13 Bo. m Bt, Tel. Harney ,1L WANTED A airl for general house work and cooking. Tit Ne Uth Si phon Doug. 7386 lawettaaewae. TOUNO women coming to Omaha as rtrangera an Invited te visit the Young women s cnnatiaa associstion sunning. at St. Mary s Ave and 17tb St.. wben they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for eur travelers guide at th Union ststfoa. HELP WAXTED MALE Aseata, aalesasea aad Swllcllare WE WANT local agent tor th as' model Fox visible typewriter. Writ a for eur liberal proposlUoe Typewriter Inspect toa and Huppiy vo.. nam ahb- trtbutere Ine. laa Farnam. Clerical aad Office. T A NO" 1 1 lgh-grade positions. WO Bee raclary aad Irawce. Drug store (snspe) )obe Knlest.Bee Bldg U.S. STOP! READ! Get Into paying nrofeaeloe Learn automobile engineering In our large training shop. Hundreds of auccssful BTSduatas. Complete aoulpment of auto mobile ana macninsry. Aara national Aute Training Aran, aa srandals Theater Biog., omana. mo. MONEY TO LOAN, OFFERED FOR REST Salary aad C'kattela, moey FOR SALE LET US SELL YOU SOME AT THE RIGHT PRICE Money I always a necessity, but never mora o than at this time ot th year, with It Increased cost ot living. It you an wrestling with this pbas ot th money problem and need financial assist ance w believe we can help you. w will negotiate a loan tor you on your Real Estate Penonal Property. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, PIANO. WARE HOUSE. RECEIPT. UA.NK. BOOK, AU TOMOBILE. WAGES, or on your PLAIN NOTE, It permanently employed. Money advanced quickly, privately and confi dentially. YOUR CALL WILL BE APPRECIATED. RELIABLE CREDIT CO. Id Floor, SOS Paxton Block. 117 So. 18th St. Phone Doug. 141 Houses aad Cottages, MISC. HOUSES FOR RENT. t-R.. 1544 r aoth St.. near Hanscom park, fine large yard, PO.Ott. MM i-R.. and barn, k.19 Elm St.. only P J-R., 1251 S. Mth St.. only $7.00. 3 rooms. Tl S. rttl St., JS.W. 5 rooms, ! Dewey Ave.. 11S. 2 rooms, lh and Ohio, colored, J6.00. STORES. 71 N. Mth St., large room, l. 70 & rth St., small room, "-3. 171 N. 24th St., smsll room, IH-OO. N. P. DODGE A: CO lith and Harney Sts.e TO own your own home is a mark ot thrift-It givea you a credit rating. Let your nnt pay for a well built and attrac tlv home In Benson. Consider tula tu tor you rent again. F. 8. TRULLINOBB, BENbON. Money fon furnltun, plane and reel estate at a very low rate ot Intense Nebraska Loan Co. Doug. ISSg. 23 Bee Bldg. - A-1K. DIAMOND LOANS at IV and per cent. Ft -AT A U. 114 Dodge Tel. Red Ssl. OFFEREO FOR RENT Hoar aad Kewas. O. M. E. haul trunk. D. til. A-K1L LAN DON W arm rooms, with meals. Sll 8. 141 h St. Kit 8. UTH ST.. warm slnxl double room, with flrst-claas bvaxd. DEUIRABLB south front room with beard; references in 8. th Ave FaraUhea Raea FOR RENT-Two furnished parlor rooms with heat and gae U3 S. Hd Hi tit-tst WEEKLY for moving picture operatore w teach you how In It days and get you a position. International Motion Picture School, ill Bee Bldg. ?. GOVERNMENT lob open. Writ for free list. Franklin Institute Dpc til L.. Rocheatar. N, T. GOOD chance for couple man as lanltor and lady to run a small stor In Apart ment house: about SIM reaulrad, H tiroes. tul 8. Hd. MODERN, wall heated, comfortable room; rental reasonable, tl n. aa nt. DESIRABLE furnished room, private family. Ml N. loth. TeL Webster tris. SlfC-C. - nuwlwn RUBi: DrtVSte fm uy. u a. evin at. namey s.ai. TELEGRAPH ooalllona KuaranteeA vou by both Union Pacific and Illinois Cen tral railroad If you gain your tralnlag in our school. Practice on R R wine Ad dress for pertlculsre H. B. Boyl, Pres. Boyle College Omshe Neb. unnrDV .Wh well ftiralshed room. Few other roomers. u junta CLEAN, steam-healed rooms, LM pel week. 41t 8. 11th. . Good men an hard to get. They don't wander around th streets looking for signs In window. Wben you need good help advertise in Th Be. Be want ad an read by kee, energetlo men who wish to better their condi tion. Raise to tier word If run two or mon times con secutively. Tslsphon Tyler lOuO. . t V, i tp '. ci't' , ut v in mndern home nterence If desired. atW Farnam. WELL heated sleeping rooms lit S. Uth. ST. MARY'S AVE.. Wi-One nicely furnished front parlor, with piano, strictly modern; 110 per month. Douglas 44M. vir-L-r v rnmuaerf. well heated single nn .lacirio llxhts: Diivste family. aM J one. lot HEN. sua vears old. wanted at once for electric railway motorman and conductor; ten to 1100 a month; no ex perience necessary; fine opportunity: no strike. Write Immediately for applicative blank. Address Y a. Bee - MAN wanted with rig to take charge r n,r m.uiw-1 Attracts. BDioee SOOD. perfumee. toilet artlclee stock and pool- trv nrenarallAna etc.. In VOUr county. On man made M one week. Steady work guaranteed, work neaiiniiu, mr., neoritable. References reuulred. Write ue W. mean bualnaae Shore Mueller Com pany, Dept. Is, Tripoli, la. KELP WANTED f iimrs hj mis ston working so hard for llttl wagee Writ for our free pros pectus and alert a bust nee for your selt: no peddling: eomethlng unusually "alive for you. wni sor aeuuia. w Piatt, Marysnlle Pe LIVE STOCK FOB SALE aad ekletea. FROST, wagon repalra. lest LeavenWth. LOST AKI FOt"XD tscnoiva kwine lost aom artic-1 would do well to call up lb office of the v w . c,mI Hiufrs atraei siaiiwar company to asosnaia ssnaw um. e... la th street care , ,. any arttciea eacn oar mrm ui tha company Is anxious to rosier. them to th rhttui owner. Cll Doug- OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS BTREET RAILWAY IvsrAiM. IN Kounts Place, gold mounted eye- s! reward. Mre isneparo. ein. ixiTA .tTall stick Din. head of pin twisted gold with pearla between Lea"?,: worth and Chicago and lth and 17th b. . . . liberal reward tor Its re turn to t. . a. ornim, evi - phone Doug- TPs,. Now. while Peopl an look ing for mon comfortable quarters. I th tlm to ad vertla your room for nnt. Rates lo per word when the ad runs two or more timee o-r., i D-r., -r., -r., -r., RENTAL SNAPS. V ettv water T'iS Bancroft .tO.eT dty water, JToi 8. 14th 8t V-i nwdern. 1WH Corby cltv w. (for colored) 1S3 Martha 1j. modern. WIS Webster W W Alr-o several others, $12 to CO. RUSSELL ft M K.1TR1CX Ct. ... 432 Ilamge Bldg. lfcth Harney, o. n7. MOVING, packing and storing of house hold goods and pianos Is our business. Omsha Van ft Storage Co.. fireproof storage 0 8. 16th. by the viaduct. Branch officii, S. 17th St. Tel. D. 4161. A-USt. irfin H.ni np Hale cheep Beautiful new 7-room house and barn. All modern. Nice location. Telephone Florence 1W. Ml S. 27th St.. 7 rooms, strictly modern, tr J. I Kemp. Kth and Leavenworth. Doug. 88., Ind. A-W "WEST Farnam. new modem stucco home. Best district. Red SI7 &-ROOM cottage, mod., &te 8. Mh. til. t-ROOM, ground floor. sV7 a 20th. tie Inquln It'll 8. 201 h Phon Doug, 8220. t-ROOM cottage gas, city water. Ui) S. Mth Ave . (-ROOM modern cottage 2tt Emmet St. Phon Webster llt.ll ELK howl, ltth nd Cumin. peclal weeklv ntee Newly rurnisneo. aieam heated rooms eiiw at AVirF.T.Two-room apartment mou. Th Howard, I-room. privat bath, tttoa. list and Howaro. TEN rooms, modern. ls4 So. 17th. Flue for two families. D. 123. NICE modern i-room cottage on Flor ence car line. Itrge cemented cellar, vapor heat, gas and electric light large ard. oe per montn. weoster exs. t7)l BURT 'e room house with range modern except heat, inquire within, fl. FOR RENT New ten-room modern brick bouse, hot water heat, till Harney 8t T. J. O'Brien, Henshaw Hold. Phone I). 121 or Harney iw. t-ROOM (team heated apartment The Mason, list and Mason 8 is.. IM.IM. Tsls phon Pouglaa 1571. t-ROOM strictly modem house, 42Jl Farnam J. 1. Kemp, 2511 Leavenworth. Phone Douglas tat or Ind. 19s. t-ROOM strictly modern house, 241t Jone 130 per month. J. I. Kemp, phon Douglas (Us or Ind. A-lft HOUSE. 1S2I Cass street: rooms, mod ern; good condlt'on: wslklng distance - Houses. Ins. Rlngwalt Brandele Th. Bldg. tares aad Offlcee STORE rooms, steam heated, fronting alley at 1W7 and Me Farnam St Have merchandise entrances, glsss fronte Thos. F. Hall. 33 Ramga Bldg.. Both Phone. M'CAGUE BUILDING, loth and Dodge Attractlv offlcee single or en suite; hot and cold water In nearly all rooms; rents, $7.(0 to 130.00: service complete Apply, OMAHA LOAN A BUILDING ASS N. FURNISHED housekeeping room; nnt reasonable Red 731. ; lass PARK AVE Suit of two furnished or unfurnished front rooms for light housekeeping. All modern house; Ughl;, heal, telephone Hmey SSS. nvr front room, furnished lor llgnt housekeeping. 647 8. gth Ave ST. MARY'S AVE.. 25-Two nicely fumlshed front rooms; modern; complete for housekeeping; tit per month. ru-r rr.uhMi eooma for light house keeping; modern; B4 Sherman ave, Web ster 24. a-aratakeal aseaaee. .viretrri tv furnished t-room house in Hanacom para aieirwu r ...j ".aleratake ale t MODETU rooms, parlor floor, near park. lso "to. svii n or five unfurntsnea rwia modem cottsge HI N. tad. Hetola and Aaatrtaacali Dewey European Hotel. Uth Farnam. ...c v miDvi9UtlJ kikjMS lor gen- tlemen. Trig - OXFORD and Arcade special wkly rate n. ronruntf hot and cold water: te- ephaeies In every room y r Apexrtaacata aaa t-ROOM flat on Sherman Ave Web. tTti. 1 office rooms; also vacant space aixai ft on td floor. 1122 Douglas. 1207 Howard. 1 floor and basement, fit. Ilia Farnam, 1 floor and basement, f 10. 110 end 112 S. 17th, etxSO, cement base ment, fljO. 2124 Farnam, gars re, tlW. F. D. WEAD. 1W1 FARNAM ST. TWO fine aultee Baldrldita Bids.. 20th and Farnam St. r- D. WEAD. 1W FARNAM 45T. Warehouse 15.090 snuare feet and good basement- central location on 10th 6t, with R. B, spur in alley; (3,000 per rear; vacant May L Harrison & Morton BORAGE ROOM IX)R REN'l! OR LEASE Fourth and Fifth floor Avery Bldg, 1007-11 Leavenworth ist.; wholesale dis trict; close to freight house; floor 64x131 feet: offlcee elevator, two awltch track and loading platfonr.e Inquire G. W. Perrln. Msr. Averv Ce. Office entrance, directly opposite Union station.- OFFERED FOR SALE. Farallare. 1 BARGAINS 1 tTo Moon's range for tit; also 1 Moon's toi hard coal bee burner for tit. See Janitor at Alma Apt, 27th and Harney. Tel. Harney g. Maaieal iastr aeata, ,u a iT. w . Attraetlva t-rOOm flat second' floor of' practically ' new brick. Strictly modern. In beet .KllUoo: should b wen. Key next house west facing nth T S-rRIark OtlVS Dill With SPtmy Of pearhs. Return to room X Board of Trade Hidg., ana -e rewu, v f "- ton. " WHY FREE1E? Central, steam heat. T.rxni house: -roem flat E r. sjo. ' MEDICAL DR. RACE. ape-lallst: nervous and all ahrenle disease 2111 Dewey Ave Dg. 7514, WANTED Br a nl table lobbing hoew. two salesmen, one ca tor aansa at. Nebraska, te sell pumpe windmill plumbing and steam goode One who ha made thee territories, I acquainted with the trad and familiar with the line Good position and salaries to right par- tlae nave na anew oo ii""u i i iioi irw im ta thirty daya age Tell whole story In your first application; all aepltes con fidential. Aoorea l-ns. can rvee. MONET TO LOAH MAN OR WOMAN In Omaha and every city r town to handle our household neceealtlee Eighty articles. Toilet arttciea, extracts, apscee etc. 10 per cent profit Appoint sub-agenu and make money on their aalee One representative mad e-a ar, week. Work pleasant Writ ue .Address lock box 157. desk ti;, TTlpotL la. Salary aad (.katteta. MONET loaned salaried people women keeping house and others, without se curity; easr permeate Office m gf prin cipal cltlee Tolnvan. tut Omaha Net 1 Bank Bldg.. formerly N. T. Life Bldg. CHATTEL LOANS Lowest ratee eaaiaat term A Sea others, than aee ue ad be convinced that we will save you money, household lu. cia, . k. Cor. ltth A Doug. Ste D. 423s, Ind. A-ttq GET IT OF Mlsa Snow. C. L. B-. at Star Loan Co.. 4VM Psstea Blk, ta ta tlOs, vltneut secuxlly; to suit row. . .. viDir vnn Ttr.VT. omS siieaeea farm for rant: tA seres nnder cultivation; good soil floei rden lana;.iocatea e nures xxv v ranees required. . E. BTBwAltT, r. j. Uaessse us4 Cttmaee warded; cheap fnight rateamovlng and storing. Expresemen a Delrvery Co Tat. Dougias SM. City office fl B. l.tk bt. Bee Bldg. Houses cr&j&jr" unn lmm evttaae. Fine rep'r. H. 3M. 57 8. JSlh: roome coraxweteiy mou rn tcia. tri R sth: t roome com pletely modem, ta. Thos. F. Hall. 433 Kaxnge atiocx. v. tew: -J e I ""V,.si, OUR LETTER duplicating work Is i un excelled. A trial will conrtnee you. B-Jth puowe Western DuialcaUot Ce. X Bee ATTENTION! MOVING PICTURB) MEN AND OTHERS. We ea repair snd rent mon automatic pianos than any other concern west of Chicago; modern shop for repairs; always a number of excellent bargains In second-hand In struments. Call or write lith and Harney Bta.. Omahe Neb. SECOND hand C tuckering piano tor sale cheap; excellent condition. Address A -100, can Bee. Typewriter. RENT an Oliver typewriter from tha Oliver Typewriter Co. Douglas Sit. TYPEWRITERS. ALL MAKES For sale or rent: largest stock; best bargaiae R F. SWANSON CO, 1111 Farum tit. Oftahe Call or write "SMITH PREMIERS, models Ne 1 or Ne , lo excellent ccadiuoD, rented three months for . SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER CO, i$th nd Dougisa. LIGHT TOUCH MONARCH VISIBLE! for rent THE MONARCH TYPE WRITER CO.. 411 . Uth. TeL D. t. Miaeellaaeaaa. FOR BALE-Two achoUnHlrs In the Omsha Com mere si college and oos la Boyle college Business office Omaha Bee