1'iiL ih: U.iAiJ.. liitiwSi)A. rhBiti AKi 1. lyli THE CITY HAS SECURED ! HOSPITAL CONDITIONS BAD NEW SOURCE OF HEALTH : County Commissioners Beport Most j Deplorable State of Affairs. John Palmer Makes Public Details' of His Experiences. ICHUDEES BEING MISTREATED i Juvraile Aalhorltlea Say They Have Other Ceare bet Pat le rorrlslblee wllk ee ! aae Patleate. I will be taken to Lincoln, where they will . be tried in federal court. MANY HEBE SHOW APPRECIATION Full.. Rapidly Awakealas Arwa meats la Fa Tar of Kink lias tke Madera Plane, Nervoas Debility. The peoule of Omaha are rapiJly awakening to a full appreciation of "Tona Vita," the new tonic that ta now eelng Introduced here. Statements by many who have tested the preparation are of an extremely favorable dharacter and the demand is growing steadily larger. Mr. John Palmer, a decorator, resid ing at KBI North Forty-fifth street, and who has been a resident of Omaha for over thirty-five years. In discussing the value of the new tonic, recently said: I have been sick for ten years with stamach trouble. I seldom had a good appetite and whenever I did eat would feel bloated with gas and would taste the food for hours afterward. I also suffered from palpitation of the heart and .nervousness. I slept poorly and my sleep did me little good. I would awaken In Hie morning as tired and worn out as when I retired, t was generally debili tated and suffered from constipation. 1 have tried many remedies but received no permanent results. "Sometime ago I got some Tona Vita' and hav taken it regularly since. From the vary beginning I felt the beneficial effects of this new tonic, and now I am feeling better than for years. I now seem to get nourishment from my food and no longer feel nervous end tired out. My family has taken Tons Vita and have been thoroughly bni filed." Mr. Palmer's was a pronounced case Confined in the lnfane ward of the county hospital with between thirty-five and forty lunatics and feeble minded men for companions, two boys of tender years, one S and another 13, were discovered by the members of the board of county com missioners Tuesday afternoon when they visited the county hospital and farm. The hospital generally was found In a deplorable condition, according to Com missioner Frank C. Best, chairman of the county hospital committee. The condition of the two boys In the men's Insane ward and of one or two other boys in the hospital, was called to the attention of Judge Howard Kennedy, of ths Juvenile division of the district court, who said he would take the mat ters up at once. The boys originally were sent to the county detention home by Judge Kennedy. Because of incorrigibility and the Inabil ity of Mrs. Elizabeth Byrn. superintend ent of the. home, to master them, they wer suit to the hospital by the juvenile court Sltaalloa Serious. "Tlio situation Is awful," said Jlogy Bernstein, head juvenile officer. The boys were sent from the detention home to the hospital because It was Impossible to control them at the home. At the home we have a sort of cell that wt are supposed to keep Incorrigible boys In, but they break out. The boys sent to the hoe- pltal fought with Mrs. Kym and she could do nothing with them. Ore of them I bit her on the arm. We have to send ithem to the hospital. There Is no other , , , " " ' ,, I way of handling, them. We ought to have be found existitut in any Omaha family. . said one of the specialists who are here Introducing "Tona Vita." "Half of the people In the larger cities find life a burden as a result of this modern plague," continued Ira, "Such people have uncertain appetites, poor digestion, mi-asy sleep, little cm bltion and they feel too tired to do Jus tice to their work most of the time. They suffer from timidity, have no Ini tiative, are. drowsy, and haven't enough good, rich blood in their veins to make them capable and self-reliant. Their nerves arc In such a state that they Imagine themselves afflicted with various diseases at different times. The real trouble with them is debility, produced by the strain of the modern city life they are forced to lead. There Is little of this ailment among tho ieople of the country, where people live a more whole some existence. Tona Vita will remove this miser able condition. The tonic must do the work or we don't want money for It. We will be at Brandels Drug Dept., Kith and Douglas 8ts.. South Side. Main Floor, from V a. m. to p. in., to meet the public and explain the naturo of the tonic. The sale of tha preiiaratluu In Omaha Is entirely satisfactory to us and is growing larger every day." Adv. Any curb-stone will stop a skid but only The Diamond Safety Tread Tire will pre vent a car starting to skid on slippery, greasy streets. It is based on a scientific principle worked out by DIAMOND Engi neers. You know how a squeegee window cleaner works. The Dia mond Safety Tread works the same way, and IT WILL NOT SKID At jrour Dealer or lheJ)iaiqonl fritter (3. Of Ktw TurV 215 South 20th St., Omaha. mil That People Of means have Jewels and are supposed to have other Valuables tn the borne becomes COVS and Is but another good reason why they should have protection against loss by Fire or Burglars. Can you think of a safer place for YOIR JAl.t ABLER than a Safe Deposit Box In our Steel Vaults? From SI. upwards rents ona yearly. Omaha Safe Deposit Co. street Level Catraea to V Baits. 114 raraaaa Street. some place at the detention home for such cases, but we haven't. I have asked for such provision, but never have been able to get It. "We have a little girl out there now In tha women's Insane ward. She Is diseased and none of the hospitals would take her. We couldn't keep her at the detention home with tho other children. No place to care for her. W had to vend her to the county hospital. She Is not Insane, but where can we send her?'' No Place for Tarat. "W had to put the boys In the insan ward." said Tom McCleneghan, out-going superintendent of the county hospital snd farm. "1 know they shouldn't be there, but they were brought out to us by ths Juvenile authorities and we were told to keep them. We had no other place to put them. I didn't want them there. Nobody connected with the hospital "wanted them there. Hut we couldn't Just turn them out.' Complaint that one of the boys has not been kept clean at the hospital and has been knocked and cuffed about and abused by the adult Insane and feeble minded patients with whom he has barn confined, was made to Mayor Dahlman's office by the boy's mother. Ths complaint was sent to the board of county commis sioners. This boy Is Willie Woodworth, son of Mrs. Mary Woodworth, Si24 Cuming street. He Is 13 years old. The boy now Is at home with his mother. County Physl- olan McCiann having glvan an order fcr her tu take him home to Dame mm. (oaaltloa la Ruttea. "Rolten." With this word County Commissioner Frank C. Best, chairman of tha county hospital committee, answered tha query. "How did you find conditions at the hospital?" after tha members of the Board of County Commissioners visited the Institution yesterday afternoon. The visit was mads because tha board wanted to know about conditions at the hospital and the county farm and because Kd Hoblnson, tho new superintendent, suc ceeding Tom MeClenghan. wanted the board to know just what the situation Is when he takes charge. Here are some of the conditions .Mr. Best said he found: Young boys confined in ths men's In sane wsrd with between thirty-five ami forty adult patients. Bleeping accommodations poor. Cots filthy and In need of repair, insufficient bedding. Verml In evidence. Poor sanitation aud insufficient disin fection. Apricots spoiled and other food not properly kept. , Aatkes Makes Report. George Anthes, head of the county auditing department, submitted a report of his inventory, not yet completed. Among the Items of the report are: Fire hose In balls worn out and not tested for years; much tin and enameled ware; chairs, dishes, cups and towels needed In men's skk ward. Coffee grind er out of repair; coffee crushed instead of ground. Cable rope on elevator broken. Ralls and car for transportation of food in poor repair. Typhoid ward needs sheets, spreads and pillow slips. Towels needed In women's sick ward. Roof leak ing In several places. Mattresaea In poor I condition. Despite the general "run down" coodt- lion of the hospital, the coat of mainte nance last year was nearly 17.000 greater than the cost tha previous year, and still greater than tha coat in But and IK, as shown by the following figure of Mr. Anthes: 1308, SS,MS.M; lint, .U. IMS, H7.t51.57. 1511. tM.Ul.J2. From the Itemised statement of eeua ty hospital expensea for last year the following figures are taken: Salaries. III.IW.SO; groceries, Xtf.1.); meat. t9.401.sV bread. V.SS.; milk, butter and eggs. lu.ST.S7; miscellaneous supplies, $1.1X1.40. New Modern Private Hospital to Open Its Doors Thursday Omaha's most advanced and finest pri vate hospital opens Ha doors to the pub lic Tuesday morninf. Of beautiful pressed brick, standing at Park avenue and Howard streets, and containing- fa cilities for comfortably accommodating forty to fifty patients. lr. A. P. Condon's hospital Is surpassed by no other In the west in scientific equipment and prac ticability. All private rooms are fur nished in mahogany with a heavy rass bed; the walls are painted blue, wreen or pink, and the floors of quartered oak. excepting the halls and operating rooms, which arc mosaic. The building cost up ward of J. 000 with Its equipment. "Continuous baths' are a feature In connection with some rooms. There is an apparatus attached to the tub which keeps the tub filled all the while a pa tient Is In It. and although the water is constantly changing the temperature re mains exactly tha same and may be any degree required. Going to the other extreme a refriger ating plant operates throughout the house snd there Is a huge refrigerator in the basement Into which a patient may be laid. This Is often required in cases of lockjaw. Long-distance telephone con nections are In each room and a vacuum cleaning system extends ait over the building. Each room has a closet and a special lighting system. There are free or charity wards as veil as those for which payment Is required. Fire hose and fire extinguishers are In all the halls, regardless of the fact that the building Is practically fireproof. The features that elicit most pride frcm Dr. Condon, perhaps, are the two oper ating rooms, the complete chemical and experimental laboratory and the X-ray rooms in the basement These are the finest ai d most modern that money could buy. The operating rooms are so con structed and lighted that they are as practical at night as t day and two of them are required because such cases will be operated upon In the one that show a diseased condition, while In the other only healthy surgical cases will be l.amlled. The X-ray room contains an apparatus carrying over 106.000 volts of electricity capable of taking photographs through the human body, showtntf the bones and any foreign body that may be lodged there. Considerable vaccine work will be done tn the lttboraiory. which Is equipped with every scientific apparatus for determin ing ci rients of the human body. A f'W patients came a couple of days ago and im-lstcd that they be admitted, which was finally done, though no operating will be done before Thursday. AGED WOMANSTRUCK BY CAR Is Carried Into Omaha General Hos pital in Serious Condition. NO &EP0BT MADE OF ACCIDENT Crew of Street Car Whirl. Hlta the Falls ta Make Report Vsemsrlaai with $ev era I Baa Wemasle. Mis. Abeline Edmonds of 2UC. Center street a as seriously injured by a north bound South Omaha car at Fourteenth street and Capitol avenue at ': yester day morning. ?he is lying unconscious with probably fatal Injuries, at Omaha General hospital, a here she was lef: by the conductor and one of the passen gers. The woman's skull Is thought to be fractured at the base and aha is oth erwise severely hurt. It was not until 2 o'clock yesterday that she was Identified.' The street car 'crew dkl not report: the case t tcad quarters, nor gul the police miKr Into j a serious Invest i teat ion. It remsirv I for , attendants at the hospital to sec jrc in- formation leadinf to tha identification. Oa Her Way fe V rk. Mrs. Edim.mil is employed the lten lilscuit company a plant and was t n her may to work hn the acldent occurred, it ts reported that she either attempted to alight or fell from the p!aforu of the car while it was in notion. At. any rate she was thrown violently to the ground. Attendants at the Sospttal are not yet able to determine the extwi. of the Injuries, but It Is feared tuat the was Internally hurt. Mrs. fcMmonds has a husband nl is employed at the Wilson Boiler works In company with his daush't-r he wnt to the hospital at 2 yesterday after noon, having been summoned the' ? by at tendants, and they IdentlflM bet Being unconscious, the woman was un able to give an account of the accident, but In her Incoherent muttertngs nurses at the hospital caught mention of the name of "Edreondson." They investigated with the result that It was learned that the woman's name is Edmonds. When seen shortly after noon. Genrge W. Gaines, assistant claim agent for the railway company, said he had received no report of the acctdeir. In the presence of the reporter he called the various car barns, but the conductor or motonnati bad failed to report the accident. An endeavor will be made by the officials to ascertain a ho was In charge of the car. NEW COMMANDER AT FORT OMAHA ARRIVES Major Carl F. Hart man. the nely ap pointed commanding officer at Tort Omaha, took up his offiaict duties yester day, succeeding Captain W. J. Clark, who has been assigned to his new p.tt at Port Wood, tn the New York City harbor. Major Hart ma nn comes from Kort I. A. Russell, where he ha been tn charge of the signal work for the last two years. SCHOOLMATES PALL BEARERS FOR MISS MABEL JOHNSON The antral of Mabel Johnson. M-year-oM Jaushter of Mr. and Mrs. Luthar ft Johnson, of Benson was held Tuaadar afternoon from the Methodist church. Burial was made in Mount Hope ceme tery. Miss Johnson s schoolmates acted as pallbearer. They were Alvln elect. Oscar Oleaon. Albert Knudson and Howard Kurbuh. Miss Johnson died last Monday of par alysis. She had been In bed tea days. Marriage Ureases. Permits to wed have been (ranted the followlnc coup.ea: Name and Address. Carl T. Nelson. South Omaha Ada M. Clark. South Omaha.., aVbastiano Canislta. OaMha..., buria I'avalerl. Oniaha Harry J. Ktnr. Omaha Freda Anderson, onana Ae. ... 31 -5 A Round-Up GiVEj quick ion The aeraian St Motion net I Drear Cn f'or. 16th and Dodge, Cor. lth and Har ney, tor. Z4U and ramam. B77-S Norta lUt SL, reports that A fil'ata DQ6K of s:iru- bucstcorn bare. gi certae. e a compounded 1st Adr-f-ka. the new tmia appeoflrCtts rroeOT. relieves con stipation er gaa tha srirmach. almost JNal A.VTi.T. Prisoners Are Kept on Scanty Rations .Sneriff Felix J. MctShane has put the city's rock pile bora oe combat. He has refused to give rock pile prisoners three meals a day because thai question has been raised whether tha city or the county s hail pay for tha extra meal, and he is afraid be may hare to pay. Polios Judge Charles & roster called upon the Board of Ooonty fmimiasrtonrri to ask that McShsas ha ordered to gtra the prisoners three meals a day, as men cannot work at hard labor on ths two meals htriilsbed ordmarQy to la tho county JalL County Admits Big Waste in Heating New Court House Offer to reduce the county's $1,700 heat ing bill against Caldwell Drake, county building general contractors, nearly av per cent was made by the Hoard of County Commissioners to I Jeorge W. Caldwell at a meeting yesterday morning to negotiate for a settlement of the differ. ences over ths noatlng charges. The action of the board was an ad mission that the general contractore have at least partially sustslned and proven their claim that the heating methods have been extravagant and wasteful and that some of the coal used has been of In ferior quality. On the theory that 3D per cent of the coal was a poor grade tha board offered to reduce the bill against the general con tractors 80 per cent. On the theory that the county Is using more oal to heat It" old courthouse this winter than last, the winter being more severe, the board agreed to make a further reduction, which will amount to about 30 per cent. Mr. Caldwell appeared to be satisfied. It was agreed that he and George Anthes. head of the county auditing de partment, should figure on this basis and lay th'tr flsurrs before the board In the afternoon. H. W. Weld of Chicago. a representative of the Colorado Yule Marble company, which has the marble subcontract on the new county building, appeared to talk with the board about rtinhing the marble shipments. He said they will be hurried. Speculators Corner Market in Lobsters Record breaking prices for lobsters are threatened according to local dealers In that delicacy, lias tern speculators cor nered the lobster market just before a long tpell of stormy weather that has prevented fishing, and they expect to realise a handsome profit. They are feeding their lobsters in pens, watting until the supply already In the hands of wholesalers gives out. The wholesale price has already ad vanced from 33 to 40 cents, and local wholesalers say they would not bo sur prised to see the price go to 0 or 70 cents. Oysters are still up 10 cents a quart over the usual price, but a decline is ex pected soon. BUSINESS MEN TO HEAR WELL KNOWN SPEAKERS William Dudley Foulke. for mar Sen ator A. J. Beverldce and General mr Robert 8. 8. Baden-Powell are among tha speakers announced for weekly luncheons of tha Commercial club by Chairman Charles M. Wllhelm of tha public af fair committee. Mr. Koulae. president of tha National Municipal leajrua, win apeak Friday. Feb ruary . on "Effective City Oovanrmeat" Mr. BeTeridjre probably will apeak on Thursday, February la. General Badrn PoweJI of the Brtturh army, bead of the boy scoot morement. Is scheduled for Feb ruary 2. INDIAN COMMISSIONER TO BE GIVEN LUNCHEON F. H. Abbott, aeaterant i ill iua I of Indian affairs, will be tha nest of tha Commercial cinb at aa liifarmai h". 0) next Monday noon, arraccad by his friends m I ha ettj. Since the GoTrnmcut authorities have begun to "Round Up" a few of the men who hare so long brought odium upon the name of honest labor, I have been urged by some editors to publicly define the reasons for my seven years' newspaper campaign on the tyrannies of many Labor Union Leaders. Some men endow colleges. Others build libraries. Both educational. 1 preferred to devote to newspapers my contributions toward educa tion, warning the people to protect themselves against the greatest, most tyrannical and dangerous trust this country has ever seen. , Especially Insidious and dangerous, because Its Inqcr plans were not understood by the average citisen, who, seeing no Immediate slavery to I Imself, peacefully followed his own pursuits and blindly allowed the self seeking Labor Leaders (?) to weave their weu stronger as time went on. Not one word In my entire campaign has been uttered against peaceful trade associations. I have only tried to defeud the several million honest and law abiding workmen who protest against the bullying and abuse of those in power. j No one seemed to sympathise with the few thousand widows and orphans of the men murdered while faithfully trying to earn a living under God's permission, but against the "orders" of the "Labor Trust." So I tried to present their cause from time to time. The healthy average common rltlxen is perhaps deserving of at least some of the Inconvenience and loss put on him from strikes and other labor leaders' tyranny as reward for his Indifference. I knew years ngo that the plan of this big labor trust ass lo tiltl mately gain control over eer workman, clerk and employe In the i:. R., dare not protest, and also over all other workmen, legislators, congress Including farm hands and government employes. JAP lAJvtS lis UtflVtr. SCHOOL IS nLSMKSFfl TO BE TRIED IN LINCOLN j WHEN THE FAN BREAKS Joa Akjyaina. a Jap, waa braacHt m I A fan. used to blow -aaua ah- from Oie from Denrer Tuesday nUM. haTinc bees , feman tnta the rooms of tne Saunders arrested for lMsronttlng mall bdosdns ! srhooL broke yesterday morning and the i a oonntryman. Two other Jans were jiuplla aasa bees diaraiseed. Two days will arrested tor the same offense and all j be required to repair the la a. This has been partly accomplished in some localities; then followed acts which clearly show the Intent. ' Klmt. to harvest initiation fees, somtl'imes up to $100.00 each, to "join the union." Next, monthly dues. Say $2,600.00 a month in a town with 10,000 "members" at 25 rents each. Next, "fines" assessed for some infraction of "rules." Then the last of the slave driver came forth. Orders to strike; what to buy; what not to buy; how to vote; when to parade (to show power), and to contribute from the hard-earned pay envelope for strike benefits to other men force! Into Idleness pending negotiations between crooked leaders (?) and crooked employers who hire ssld leaders to call strlkea on competitive jobs, tfitft making the workmen tools, kept Idle while; the chiefs scrap for control or" bribe tuonry. One of the hardest strokes of the lash la the money forced from members to defend dynamiters, r luggers and murderers when caught. Rut let an honest workman, who, perchance, has been driven Into "the onion," dare to disobey one of these "orders" and he Is taught a lesson through the slugging or dynamiting committees. The slavery of the honest American worklngman Is pitiable when "closed shop" full control la obtained by the tyrannical leader. --Now observe the plan of this gang to govern men and affairs. "Organise" every trade. Insist on closed shop. Then use the power of numbers to Induce government officials to permit organising all government employes. Some of the oaths defining that the union rulea shall "precede Church, State and Family." Then force Congressmen to pass antl-lnjuortlon laws to prevent courts from stopping proposed outrages. Force merchants to hire only "union" clerks and sell only "label" goods. l.'Be union funds to support slugging and dynamiting crews to drive back the protesting ones or "remove" them. Of course. In carrying out the plan for complete control by the gang, some were caught. Whenever openly exposed the men "higher up" Immediately begin to assess members to protect the crtminala and always rush Into print with loud cries and much mock sentiment about "the brotherhood of man" and the "defense of the wago worker," with such play upon the sympathy of the people they cover their on greed for fees and insane desire to read their names In the papers. It would be hard to convince the widows of the twenty-one murdered men in the Los Angeles Irsgedy, and hundreds of others, that thetr hus bands received much benefit from "the defense of the wage worker," nor could tbey well understand such working of that particular brand of the "brotherhood of man" scheme. Late events have stripped the lamb's coat from tho body of the wolf and shown most clearly tha lying deceit and horrible portent underneath, which I have tried time and again to explain to the public. Men who preferred to work and support their families have been waylaid. Fingers chopped off, with the comforting assurance that "now you can set type If yon wilL" Crowbars and heavy weights dropped on heads. Fathers beaten unconscious and many times crippled for life; little homes blown up and many and many a corpse brought to the desti tute family. These are not "occasional cases." Such crimes run literally into the thousands, and judges and Juries have been threatened with death, bribed and witnesses slugged or put out of the way. In the Government cases bow pending the witnesses must be guarded from the agents of the "Labor Trust." with Its tentscles reaching to the most remote corners of our country. Don't permit yourself to be misled by the vaporing of sentimental, drooling degenerates wbo assert that these murders sre justified because "society" has oppressed workingmen. In no other country In the world sre they paid as high, and as much earnest effort devoted to their welfare. Nor la there as abundant oppor tunity In any other country In the world for workmen to gain fortunes. Our great railroads and industries are largely beaded by former wage earners. . These murders are instigated by that class of men, always In evi- ience, who hate lomwe. They coolly and cruelly plan, and eidcute as saults and murders to satisfy their owi hate and show their power over the slave who dan protest. The nigb'Jy talk of strikes, given In many a union meeting, develops the hate and murderous instinct which warts only for opportunity to carry out. Take the Loa AngtJesi case as an lllnstrallon. The Times had with rtood about IS years of all kisds of attack, not became its faithful em ployes were underpaid. They received wages higher than tne union scale, bat they refused to bow down and place tbemselrea under control of "the gang," hence thej were perslstraUy assailed and finally 21 were murdered. These men only aaird to be let aJorra to support their families, but anion leaders determined to rale over Uuua, hence the reorders. The whole set-op of the leaders of the (Teat "Labor Trust." tha American Federation of I -a bar, points toward a diabolically adroit plan to secure to those leaders complete ccratrol over their awn members who men. merchant and the balance of ritlinna. . Think It over and you will aee in parTwhat the tyranny would be If tbey were permitted to completely carry out their plans. Now that the I acts are known, the people can protect themselves by refusing to do any act that would add power to this segregation. Remember, any art. Wher their grip on the throat of honest labor Is broken, working men can either select better leaders or join some of the law-abiding trade organitat'ona. I wls nut driven to write tbia series of articles by reason of disa greements with my own thousand workmen. No troubles have arisen between us. They have had fifty-two weeks a year sleady work for many rears, are a contented, high-grade class receiving the best wsges in Michigan for like service, and irotected from the the frequent onslaughts of these "Labor Leaders" (?). Mr. Gompers has repeatedly announced in public that I sought to destroy all organisations of labor. This Is in line with his regular habit of distorting facts. I have for a long time been a member of the National Association of Stationary Kiielneers and the National Trades and Workers' Association. These sre non-strike and peaceful orgsiiixatlons which negotiate their trado agreements legally, with peace and honor. I have, given to the Trades and Workers' Association a 1100,000.01) home for their old members In furtherance or an honest desire to help solve this most important Industrial question. In addition, I have offered to contribute a quarter of a million dol lars cash lo help along a workingman's movement, as defined In a letter sent Mr. Gompers Dec. 11th, 1911. Copy herewith: , , December lltb, 1U. Mr. rsmuel Gompers, Pres., American Federation of Labor, Washington, D. C. IK'ar Sir; Press reports indicate that you are greatly depressed and harassed by tear and the dlarepute brought on your Federation. The query ha arisen whether you are big enough to sense the move ment of a great Power which guides humanity, and to conclude that tha time has arrived when "Labor" should be honestly represented Instead of misrepresented. If the thought of truthful and turneat effort ha come, and you honestly desire better conditions for the wage earners, may 1 Under to you an Invitation to come out to Battle Creek for a conference with thtl President of the Trades and Workers' Association, Mr. J. Wl BryreT If you will permit It, your expense will be paid from the time' you leave Washington until you return. Yon will be put up at the Sanitarium for a week or ten days' rest and freedom from worry, a a guest, either of the Association or of my self, as you prefer. , When rested, let us consider the new movement for the workingmen of America, colliled under the banner of the National Trade and Work era' Association, free from atrikes, slugging, picketing, tyranny, fines, dynamiting and murder. Belonging to the American Federation of Iabor are hundreds of thousands of self-respecting and law-abiding workingmen wbo are) mem ber under pressure, and who deploy the tactics you and your aascctates bsv employed snd forced upon them. They want steady employment fifty-two wefts in the year tnd do not relish being forced by atrikes Into idleness pending the "negotiations" betweea-'crooked labor leaders seeking bribes, and crooked employers who hire said leaders to call strikes on competitive jobs, ttfu making the workingmen tool kept idle while' the chiefs scrap for control or bribe money. You will perhaps reject this proposal, believing that strik are a necessary weapon to preserve the rights of workingmen. But tha new wsy has been In very successful operation over two years 'and found to bnve more power then the old way. The honorable Brotherhood of Locomotive Knglneera, the National Association of Stationary Engineers and the National Trade and Workers Association perfect trade agreementa without strikes, secure the highest wage aud yet preserve the respect and estetai of employers and of the members themselves. Workingmen are aroused to resentment from being forced to con tribute from tbelr hard itarned pay envelopes to defend known sluggers and murderers, and to being heavily fined for not obeying the orders of leaders when they know those leaders are simply using them to Insure complete dominion over the dally lives of the American workingmen. He seeks to maintain his position as an honest, peaceful rltixen and not to be forced to affiliate with aud support thuga and murderers. Personally, I have only elmere and open denunciation for the past methods of you and your associates. Nevertheless, if you are ready, to loin in an earneat and truthful lep forward for your members and will accept thl invitation In the spirit In which It la given, you will be moat welcome and wilt be treated with the greatest consideration w nr. capable of. and In addition I will agree to contribute a quarter of a mil lion dollars in cash to the new movement. ... Th. 7r.de. snd Worker, now have, a apl.ndid 1400.000.00 home to care for their indigent member., and with the addition of the ? of the American Federation of Ubor and Its endowment we can tnerit Vb. .upporTof the public, all working for the new day of peace with, honor in the Indu.trlal field. Your, very ruUr. No reply has been received. It seems evident the present Leader will not aocept any offer or industrial peace which takes from them the fees, control of workmen and curbs their trust methods. Whea any combination either of Capital or Labor goes outside 1U own business and attempts to oppress, tyrannise or forcibly dictate to others and thereby "restrains trade" it becomes dangerous and ahould be prosecuted. Talk about restraint of trade! All the capita trusts in thl country couldn't bring about a minus fraction of the loss, inconvenience, misery and crime set tn motion by strike conspirator. The time has come when every home-owning patriotic citizen should peak In most unmistakable terms, It liberty Is to be preserved. Write President Taft asking when he will apply the law to tho Labor Trust as well as the Capital Trusts. Then write your members of Congress, telling them clearly that you. will expect them to protect yourself and other common, every-day cltlxens by voting down the bills these Labor Trust leaders are pressing to give them more control. One la a bill to prevent courts from Issuing restraining; orders to stop proposed acta of violence in atrikes. Another is to allow labor leaders to restrain trade without being subjects to the law. Too are one of a tremendous majority, but you most tell your public officials your needs. Then they can act in your defense. Then question candidates and don't accept any equivocal answers. Insist that trade organizations can be peoeemily conducted and that no laws be enacted giving leaders arbitrary control over too masses. A few ot the facts are now known and bare been proven true. Many more will follow aa the government Investigation proceeds- 7111 yoa bo patriotic and painstaking enough to write, talk and vote for your own safety? .... My work In the way of public and eipeaslve paid announcement! on this subject Is done. . - - , There's a Beaton, C W.POST. "