THE BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 1, 1912. Final Round-up of Bargains Every department of this popular store lias been as busy as the proverbial bee all this month as a fit ting climax to this bustling sale we have arranged some Epecial reductions on a great many things which you need right now it will be greatly to your advan tage to shop here tomorrow. . Girls' Panama Dresses $3.75 A splendid in-between drees for school wear until warm weather colors are red, brown, nary, black and white; sites 6 to 14 years: dresses told regularly up to $6.30, now $3.75 All junior's and small wo men's suits are marked spe cially low for this finu clean, up. Ladies' and Girls' Sweaters, $1.45 Made of pore worsted yarns, V-neck styles, all colors, sold regularly at from $2 to , now $1.45 Boys' Blouses Collar band styles, pretty 'patterns for boys 1 to 13 years 11.00 values 69c Men's Shirts Handsome patterns and every shirt a Vecular f 1.60 value 95c Chinchilla Coats These much wanted coats seem difficult to obtain else there our showing Is still quite complete. Many beauti ful colors and combinations, Junior and small women's sizes. $22.58 Coats 815.00 2.0Q Coats $17.50 Girl's, mimes' and women's cloth coats, all go at heavy reductions. Boys' Sweaters, 98c V-neck styles In red, blue and gray, alzea ? to 1$ years, regular $1.50 quality 98c Coys' Suits Norfolk and double-breasted styles, mixtures and colors of brown and gray, sold regularly up to $6.50, size to IS years $3.75 Boys' Overcoat Warm, stylish coats, well worthy the former prices, rang ing up to $6. so; slzea Z years now $3.75 to I 1518-20 FAENAM STREET CONVENTION DATES MADE 1 Arsenal Employes Tow. Threshrill Meet i tal Blif US6 tO ACCept lloines Early in March. COTJHT HATHOO PAYS FOE I far Ami Krilrlit Practicing License a Depot? Car Clerk. alt Admits Withe! la Br rom a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOIXES. Jan. n.-(Speclal TrIegTam.l-lxUes lor two convention, for Ue Moines this year were arrsnscd by local committee, today. The conven tion of Iowa Ihrashermen will lie held here March It There will b M dele gates to the la.t convention. Caaat Pay. War. Count Nelhoo. a Hindu soothsayer. Ions prominent, today went Into district court and paid a fin. of S2W for attempt ing to practice the art of healing with out a license- lie had been under een tence or twenty year. In prison for as sault upon a girl, but hss a new trial pendlns-. He ba grown weaJUiy practic ing his art.. Waaiaa ta Take Flare. Clerk MacArthur of the federal court will go to Council Bluff, tomorrow where he will Induct Into office a. deputy clerk Mia. Ethel Collster. daughter of a farmer of the county, who ! to take that office. lly Sard far Watrr. The city of I)ea Moines w. today made defendant In .ult by the water company for .0O claimed a. unpaid water Mils partly on excess of water uMd during last year. The company claims that the city far exceeded It. rights In um of water. Illlaal. aad leww, at OaU. Hx-rxarv Kumner of the Iowa Stair Board of Medical Examiners ha. explained New Shop Cards DAVEXPORT. I... J.n. fl.-Colonel George W. Burr, cotnroniant at the Rock Island government arsenal, was to day Informed by union leader, that Tay lor .ynem .hop card, would not be ac cented by union arsenal employes, follow 'ng a irs- meeting last night. Colonel Burr announces he will lue these cards within a few days. The union men will nie.n again tonight to hear the report of the committee rent to conf-r with Colonel Burr, leader, among the 1.30 employes declare the nen will not arept the cards, and trouble I. expected. Colonel Burr claim, the cards in no way affect the wage, of the men nor the amount of work which they are required to do, but !s merely a step towards a more systematic method of manacm-nt. The men pay they have no objection to the character of the cards, but claim tbey must have assurances that their i'e Is not a precurser of the complete li rtallation of the Taylor system. Ilenrceentstlves of the American Fed eration of Labor are In the trl-cltles at tempting to organise tha different de partment, at the arsenal. t present about Sou men are member. of the unions. WASHINGTON, J.n. :i. -Scientific management at the Watertown arsenal has resulted in a substantial saving of money for the government and Increased pay for employes, aad everybody con cerned la well satisfied with the work ing of the new system, according to a statement prepared by General ('rosier, chief of the army ordnance bureau, for the congressional committee Investigat ing this subject. The statement cover, the operation of the arsenal during December and shows that while there has been no reduction the situation which caused the break In , f0rc4 tT?.t economy has been effected filetwllv rel.llon. of the lews board with nd a arfe .hare of the saving has gons thst of Illinois and refusal of the Iowa 0 h workmM) m lhe shape of Increased board to recognise llllnol. certificates wlxr. Th. machinists came In for the a. good. A committee made personal In- lar(Mt profti mmt 0f thera Increasing veetlgatlon of the llllnol. college, iiw thelr p.y u much a. $30 a month; and the reported that as to the medical cone. g,nerm averaga Increase of th. men In ti. rhinta there were several Issuing dl- lh m.-tilna ikon, beln H ner rent. plomaa that are not up to stsndsrd. The ganty-flve per cent of the molders were only ones regarded a. good are the Rush put to work lf rweember under the new Medical college. College of Physicians and yiWnl wuh tB ,h.t tnelr average flt rExms, Bennett Medical school. North- increased 3 per cent, some of the Burns Gets Angry When He is Called , "Great Detective" WASHINGTON. J. Sl.-An attempt to Impeach the testimony of Charles Mc Oowas. a HlneeLnrlmer witness, whe testified he did not hear C. Y. Wlehe make a statement shout a U.o lar mier fund, today resulted In a stormy session of the sens Is committee Investi gating the election of Senator I ""timer of Illinois.' Detective William J. Burn, was en the stand. It had been planned for him to lav tlie groundwork for his detectives to prsrant 'proof of MeOowan'a hsvlng "perjured" himself After a sharp clash Uetectlve A. C. Bailey produces a letter, alleged la have been written b McOowan to Hal ley and which Burn, said waa part of th. evidence which had convinced him that MoOowaa had not told the truth when before the committee. Tne other parts were 'admissions" McOowan was slleged lo have mad. in Toronto to de tee Uvea and which was taken down by a dictagraph. The lettsr wss dated November n-n. Klore, Canada. Aft.r telling "My dear Hart" of dally affairs, the writer said ha had been aed by th. Illnes people to eome to Toronto, and In response he had told them to come to Eiora. Mr Oed. they would have been ahown what forced boepltallty waa," the letter (continued. "The old shotgun would hare been loaded with Peter's No. 1 I msd. them eome across. At thst I didn't get sll that I expected to. I had to threaten them with all Hind, of .xpoaurea." MoOowaa sat In the room behind Mines as the lettsr was read. Bums made a trip te Csnada to get McOowan to come to Washington to purge himself." McUowen's father asked Uurna II he was the "great detective" sod later Attorney Hanecy spoke of Bums, the great detective." The Wit Bra, flew Into a rage. It the committee does not stop his Insults. I will ', declared Burns. Senator la agreed that Haneer was insulting the wltneea Senator Fletcher added to the tense altuatloa by asserting Hanecy was perfectly justified. Nebraska Clothing company announce their famous cellar sale Saturday-one day only-bos ef guaranteed t-piy col lars, o-tbe event of the season. NEBRASKA ClOTHINO CO. Ridgeway is Second Vice President of Rock Island System CHICAOO, Jan. H.-A. C. Ridgeway. for. marly assistant to P. O. Melrb.r, second rice president of the Chicago Rock Island Pacific railway, who was killed recent ly In a wreck at Kinmundy, III., today ws. made acting vice president of the road. This snnouncemcnt followed th. arrival of one of the railroad officials from New Tork here todsy. Beverel other changes were made, among them the following: W. 8. Tinsman, general manager of th. first district, la mads assistant te the president In charge of special work. W. M. Vfhl teuton, general manager hf the third district, la transferred to Chi cago as general manager of the first dls trM. C. W. Jones, present general superin tendent of the first district la promoted to general manager of the third district. with headquarters at Fort Worth, Tex. F. J. Kasley, superintendent of th. Illinois division Is promoted te general superintendent of the first district with headquarters at Davenport. JI. L, Reed, superintendent ef the Mis souri division, I. transferred to Rook Island as superintendent of the Illinois division. M. J. Kennedy, superintendent of the t. Louis division. Is transferred to Tren ton. Mo., ae superintendent of the Mis souri division. A. B. Ranadell, superintendent of the Chicago terminal division. I. promoted to superintendent of the St. Louie division with headquarters st Eldon, Mo. western university meuicai - -Hahnemann Medical college. Inasmuch aa the Illinois board I. giving recognition to colleges other then these, tne recipro cal relation, with Illlnola have neen severed, and all person, coming inrm llllnol, will have to stana examm.. before the board In full. lew Rate Caere. Iowa I. .tin represented at Important rate hearing, oulald. of th. state. At torney General Coeson started last even- In.- for Wsshlngtea to appear tor In the big express rale cases that are to come before the Interstate Commerce com mission on behalf of the commercial anrfiM of the country. Clifford Thome, of the State Railroad commission, hi tak ing the conspicuous psrt In tne rsnroao haarlna In Chicago to force suspension of the recent change, made by the west- era classification committee. Tne iniu stlve for thto lest movement. Into which several western states have been drawn, waa here. rtea Melees Weals atlver. The city council here today adopted a resolution selling congress to authorise the coinage of the s-cent Th. action was tskea with a vlsw to possible Vceat etreet car fares here. " Will Make lee at Primary. The republicans rl Polk county will .tact their delrsstes io the republican county convention by the primary method. The county committee Is expected to meet very soon and fix a date for the county convention and for the holding of the primary In the city and county. This method has been for many years followed here, snd although the etate primary lew has no application whatever to the presidential matter, there will be no effort made to force a return to the old caucu. system. A commlttsa of the republican, will have charge of mattere snd see to It thst the county Is solidly for Senstor Cummins for president, and thst there Is a fair division of delegates between the factions. The selection of delegates will be personal, a. all will be for Cummins for president. men sdutng envelopes. $3) a month to their pay BRANDEIS STORES Will Place on Special Sale Next Saturday, Feb. 3 Great Purchase&Entire Stock Women's Waists and Materials Bought from a Imminent Manufacturer of Waists at 37 to 45 West 20th Street, New York (Retired from Business.) AT THE MOST WONDERFUL BARGAINS. All the Embroideries, Insertions, Movers, Bands, Galloons, Panels All the Waist Fronts, Yokes, Partly Made Waists and All Finished Waists of SUks, Linens & Wash Materials SEE BRANDEIS GREAT WINDOW DISPLAYS 4 1Z Landmark of Sioux City is Destroyed by Spectacular Blaze 8IOUX CITT. la.. Jan. a.-Firemen today were still pouring wstrr on the ruins of the Mondamin hotel block, which wiped out br fire last night with a loss of HOO.OOC. The loss Is covered by IMD.MM Insurance. Following Is a revised list of principal loate.: Mondamin hotel building. 1130,00): hotel furnishings, T.0; Todd-Haker buildlni, $30.m; Todd-Baker drug stork, .00O; Authler building. C3.MQ; Authler con tents. $&; Thorpe Co. building. KMM; Thorpe fc Co. .lock. C0.OO; S. It. Moore drug sunk. $MM; Illinois Central, fl.OM: Milwaukee, tl.oot); Mon damin pool hall fixture.. HOOP; barber shop futures, ROUO: George M. Con war cigar ptock, IIO.OOS; Hogan block, The building, four atones high, with its store rooms, occupied a quarter of a block on the corner of Pierce snd Fourth streets. The fire broke out at I o'clock In the engine room and alter smoldering be tween the old wooden wells, made dry by age. It suddenly burst Into flames. Fire men were driven back by the Intense heat and confined their work to saving adjoin ing property, The Mondamin hotel proper was built In Ufff and was one of the famous land marks of Sioux City. It wss known to early residents ss th. Boose. "Just Say" ! HORLICK'S I HMians I Original and fianulna j MALTED MILK Thi Food-drink for All Ages. More healthful than Tea or Cottee. Agrees with the weakest digcrtioo, Delicious, invigorating gad nutritious. Rich milk, malted firain, powdei form. A tuick hack prepared b a wmvlt. Take suh.lifgte.Aik for HORUCK'S. 1ST Other ore imitations. KidneyTrouble Overcome by the Great Treatment I have tsM a sufferer for year with .kidney and bladder trouble and teok al moet everything a drug store contained, without obtaining any benefit. I suffered se that I became utterly dis couraged, aa I could not sleep, wss al ways dissy and had a headache all the tine. I eaw one ef your advertisements snd as a last resort, decided to try your Pwairp-Koot. I am new taking the third kettle aad feel like a new womaa. sleep well and bars no palna whatever. I etreugly advise all sufferer, to take fit easy real cure for kidney and blad der trouble. I. Kilmer's Swamp-Root aas a God-selid to me. You may publish thw letter It you wlh sa that II may be the meane of brlnglag sums poor sufferers back to health. MRU. MART O'DONXKLU Lewder, Wye, ' oubecribed sod swors te before um this July Mtb, IMS. ) Charley Allen. Notary Public, la aad for Fremont Ce Wye. I Steenerson's Name is Brought Into Land Inquiry MlKNKAPOl.l.t. Jan. I.-Fred Iwnnls, formerly secretary of t'oagressmsn aueaerson of Minnesota, today Identified the signature of Hteeneraoa to aa appli cation for land, on the White Karth Indian reservation. Mr. Dennis wa. a wltneee la khe congressional Investigatloa here ef the charge, ef fraud ta the sale of Indian lands. White Cloud, who Is an Episcopal min uter and chief of the Mississippi Chlp- pewaa, teettrted that th. full-bloods of th. reservation had not desired to adopt Mr. ineeneraoa Into the tribe, which had been done, according te tiiis Besulleu, a leader of the mixed-bloods. Mr. Steenerson'a application I. said to have been rejected by the eecretary of the Interior. Chief White Claud encused Gue Besulleu and others with Getting ike "ignorant Indians ' le ra t as wanted on reservation matters. PRIZES AWARDED TO SHORT COURSE STUDENTS AT LOGAN CHAMP CLARK'S NAME FILED (Continued from First Page. I Leading Iowa Divine Tries to End His Life IOWA CITT, la.. Jan. a.-The Rev. M. X. Fairall. editor of the Iowa Methodist, a monthly publication, ana rounaer 01 the Clear I.ake Methodist conference, at tempted to kill himself here this after noon, i hes'-'i 1. given as ths cause for the set. Mis Injuries probably will prove fatal. Dr. Falrsll cut his throat with a rasor In his room at his home here, sour physicians attended him In an effort to save his life. The minister had been In III health for some time. Three weeks sgo he wss at tscked by - an affliction of th. eyes. IXK1AN. I... Jan. tl.-C. W. Hunt, ratarv of the Harrison county short course, held here this month, has celved the markings of the examination papers of the contestants ta the differ ent depertments, which are as follows: Fred Seabury. las en. first prise and sweepstakee, feed grinder at $13 and ! I threatening "ot.l blindness. cash: C. C. Jonea. Misaoun vaiier, oad, ft. Robert Harvey, jauuoun Valley, third, B. Domestic science Mrs. Clyde eimllh. Logan, first, one barrel sugar; Mrs, Kugene Cutler, eecoud, tt. Mise Mary E. Rlee. Logan, third, one sack of flour. School girl class la dohiea- tle srlenoe-iDva Miller, first, J; con- uele Johnson, second. II. Boys claae Ctvde TutUe, lis. Uoyd Mull, second. It. Bova Juvenile classCarl ney. K; Walter Hunt. H: Phil Dan., fsc. Dr. Fairall probably was one of fee beet known Methodist divines in Iowa and the middle west. NEW CATHOLIC DIOCESE CREATED FOR DES MOINES ROM EL Jan. B.-The pope ratified to day the decision of the conststortal con. McKla- (rogation creating a new diocese of De. WE SneedAsks Delay to Get Testimony of Omaha Witnesses FORT WORTH, Tex.. Jan. ll.-Aftcr working all night over Edward Throck morton, regarded ss the chief witness of I'.hs sensational shooting of Captain A. O. Boyca. physician, today said he Would recover and be able to take the stand again.!- John B. ."nerd, accused of the killing. Mystery over the sudden Illness of Throckmorton we. not cleared todsy. Indication, thst the defense plans to resort to the "unwritten- lew" snd then Intends to attempt to bring in details of the elopement were apparent In argu ments for continuance. These state thst the testimony of William Anderson snd Mrs. M. II. Johnson, of an Omaha hotel, and John Lee, H. U Cooper and Charley McCarey of a Winnipeg hotel could not be secured. The defense said It expected to prove by the testimony of the Omaha people that Boyce'a son and Mrs. Kneed regis tered In the Nebraska city as Mr. snd Mrs. A. J. II rook snd thst while there Idrs. Kneed wss often seen crying snd heard talking of her children. The mystery of Throckmorton's illness bad not been cleared away during the night. There have been told many sensa tional stories to account for his condition. One of the mott widely circulated Is that for several days he has been In the com pany of two men supposed to be private detectives unknown In Fort Worth, Spadra Arkansas Anthracite Finish the winter with our "Osark" Spndra Coal; price $9.50 This Coal is being used in many fur naces in place of Eastern hard coal at a sav ing of $1.50 a ton. Ozark is not suitable for base burners because the lumps are too large to feed through the . magazine- but for heating stoves and furnaces Ozark is Economical and satisfactory. Now is a good time to 'try a ton or two of Ozark. If you like it as well as most folks do you will use Ozark regularly. OZARK CERTIFIED COAL 1 BOTH D. 252, A-1252 SUNDERLAND W1814 HARNEY ST. MBI6 YELL-0 Wagons terlal wsrrants. For the present, and un- ! Ill the completion of a new modern pack Ins: establishment which the company will erect In Sioux Falls at a cost of $1.0.W, the business of the company will be uarrlcd on In what 1. known a. the Green packing plant. FALL UNDER TRAIN FATAL TO WEBSTER CITY BOY WKBTKR CITY, ra., Jan. IWSpeclal Telegram.) I. C. Riley, aged 18, died at the hospital here this morning following an accident yesterday, when he at tempted to board a freight train near Radcilffe. where he lived on a farm, and fell between the cars and both leg. were cut off. Key to the 8ltuatlor Hot Advertising. STEEL COMPANY PILESITS REPLY (Continued from First Page. In the convention for the man who re ceives the highest number cf votes hi the primary, resardieas ef who It may be. The delegates nominated by the Taft league are already pledged te the same principle. FURTHER HUNT FOR MAN PROBABLY MURDERED PIOCX CITY. la.. Jan. B.-A new ef fort te solvs the mystery which surrounds the dlsapearance ef David Fahlburg. a prosperous farmer of Clay county. South Dakota, whe disappeared en the night Moines with Rev. Austin Dowltng. rector of the cathedral of 8L Peter and St Paul at Providence, R. I., as bishop. The decision of the conslstortal congregation was presented to the pope by cardinal De Lai. the eecretary. DES MOINES. Is., Jan, SL-The an nouncement that the Rev. Austin Dow nng ef Providence, R. 1- had been ap pointed bishop of Dea Motoe. by Pop. Plus created considerable surprise in of January t last, la being made by the .ccimUsUc.1 circles here. Dr. XUsser Co. lagaasetem, .T. fro. Wkat Swat-! W3I D Ftr Tm Send ta Dr. Kilmer Ce, Btagbam tea. N. T., for a sample bottla. It will convince anyme. To will also receive booklet ef rat sable tnfonnatiea, tell ing all beat the kidneys aad bladder. Wpen writing, be sure aad nuentlaa th Omaha Pally Ben Regular fiftr-cert and ena-dollar sis bottles for sal at all drug BUres. " - . ALLEGED FORGER ARRESTED IN MARSHALLTOWN MARSHA LLTOWN. la.. Jan. W.-(8pe- rtal.-What the nolle believe was the first of a aeries of attempts te victimise local snerrhants with forged checks, pur porting to be Issued by well toewnfarssers ir here, waa prevented today m the arrest tt a young man. a atranger here. whe gave the name ef A. & Little. He wea arrested at a cVMblng More while attempting te get cashed a check : C7 M which waa signs sr E. L I .ana. a farmer. Lane says the check Is a forgery and filed a complaint against Little, who wss held to the grand Jwry. Leaves frees a saeeaerandesa book which Little at tempted te destroy, bat which were re covered by the police, contained a Bet ef name of well-to-do fanners living In Lane's neighborhood Clay county authorities. The theory that Fahlburg was murdered by bore thieves whom be eurprtssd while they wer work In hi. bam la now generally I cepted. Althougn a reward has been ef- feted for the ringing of the body, ne trace of It lias been found. Several ene- j pacta are being shadoared by the authori ties and arrests are expected. bishop 1. unknown te his The new future dlo- Frlts IU e Aeejsllled. DEXISON. la.. Jan. a i Spec lei r-Dss- trtrt court, with Judge Pvwers presiding, at engaged with a Jury la trying Frits BtlL late of Manilla, on the charge ef forging the name ef a surety on a bond give by Bfll t the German Verrl at Manilla. After a trial ef part of two days the rase wsa take, from the Jury and verdict ordered for the defendant. Thla hs the second tisne that state has mads Its case, when Mil was accused ef forgery or obtaining money under false preteneee. Betwtea trials he has many months ta JaH. Itss Keee Xetea. MARSHALI.TOWN-The WW personal hi jury suit brought agalnet the Lennox Keraace company of this rltv by warn Bushene, who had hie right arm mangled by the fragment or an emery waa settled for C.Wes. With the erection of Des Moines Into esthetic see It wss expected that Monrlgnor Michael Flavin or St. Am brose church, henceforth the cathedral. would be chosen bishop. It was under- stood that his wss among the three names presented to the conststortal col lege at Rome, PROVIDENCE. R. I.. Jan. St. 'Who? e. bishop of Dee Moines.?" exclaimed tha Rev. Austin Dowllng, when told of his appointment to that city. "Why, don't knew anybody out In that part of the country. It seems Improbable. haven't beard anything about It." he said. lAter he remembered that he was so- qkalnted With Archbishop Keam of Du buque, wise te the bead of the province, and whose duty It would be to eubmll bum te Reese for the appointment. Father Dowllng wss born In New Tork city In I, but hie heme before entering the priesthood wa. In Newport. He ha. bee recto of the cathedral of tt. Peter and Paul for seven years. COf.D CAVSE BRAOaCHE. LAXAT1TB BROMO Qutwtwe, the world. w'ee Cold and Onp remedy ressew at, can lor ruti name, toow ser Sis sstur t w. ukuvk. ae. HEALTH? IRQ presskra or injustice to the competitors of said corporation; to abstain from ef forts to harass such competitors or to eiclude them from their fair share of interstate and foreign commerce, and to take no steps Intended or calculated to prevent the growth of other and further competition, aad that such policy has been sell known throushout the Indus try and to the public generally and the government since the organisation of the 8teel corporation. Referring to the meetings of the steel manufacturers, familiarly known as the Oary dinners," the answer eays that at none of these dinners "was there any attempt to reach any agreement or un derstanding with respect either to output or prices, nor was anything said or done which waa calculated or Intended to sup- is competition or restrain trade, and there never waa nor la there now any such agreement or understanding." The concluding portion of the answer Is as follows: They deny that they have ever vio lated or attempted or intended to violate the anti-trust act or any provisions thereof. And they particularly deny that they f re now engaged In violating said act o. are threatening or Intending to violate the same, and they respectfully submit thst In the absence of such pres ent or threatened or Intended violation this honorable court le without jurisdic tion to .rant tha relief prayed for in the petition or any part thereof, or any other relief In the premises, and they pray to be hence dismissed." EOT Women who bear children and re main healthy are those who prepar their systems in advance of baby's coming. Unless the mother aids nature in its pre-natal work the crisis finds her system unequal to the de mands made upon it, snd she it often left with weakened health or chronic ailments. No remedy is so truly help to nature as Mother's Friend, and no expectant mother should fail tonse it It relieves the pain and discomfort caused by the strain on the ligamentsi makes pliant and elas tic those fibres and muscles which nature is expanding, prevents numb ness of limbs, snd soothes the inflam mation of breast elands. The system being thus prepared by Mother's Friend dispels the fear that the crisis may not be safely met, Mother's Friend assures a speedy and complete recovery for the mother, and she is left a healthy woman to enjoy tne rearing of Her . S islowat MOTHERS drug stores. Write for nr free book for exoect- nt mothers which contains much Valuable information, and many sug gestions of a helpful nature. MADflELD RECUIAT0KC&. Mnm.C "A woman lores a gift" Yes. a woman levee a sift. The sentiment it conveys means more to her than men usually tn-ag-In. Be ah your wife, your sweetheart or your daughter it makes no difference aa to her high appre ciation of the gift. She will alway. cherish It You may be thinking about a birthday resent, or per taps loo king forward to an Killer gift: but there le no need to await for any partic ular occasion. Make this sn occasion by he stoaing a gift now. To make your gift wor thy you rs.l f let It coins from the Edholm store. It will then be more appreciated and will bavs a hlgner place In her esteem. Boat Merely Bay Invset. ALBERT DHOUf IIWILIS Sixteenth aad Maraeg Mm 'i AMUSEMK.NTS. Mat. Every Bay ttlS. Srery sTurht tils' ADTAUCED VAUDXTXLI. Pat Rooney and Marlon Bent. Sag.r Mldgley t Co.: Moaher. Hayes Moeh.r rhe Nichols Sisters; The Arlington Four; Jsne Boynton and Marie Myers; Patty and Desperado; Klnetosvope; Orpbeuni Concert urchestra. Prices, Might. 10c. ' SJo, 600, ysa. Matinee, 10c beet Mats. ,390, eacept aararaay aa Buaaay. KRU3 THEATER Mat. Today, Si- signs, . MISS NEW YORK, JR, Freeh trees Broadway and the Ore Apaca Daaee. Extra Coatee Oraady sag their ratioos wmaaiui vbubt. UROVW ss Bronchial Troches BeUeee Sore Tanas, Hoarse ess. Osgha, Broa eklal sad Istksssne Cossplaials. UsaxesUedfor clearing the voice. Ststy years' repstatioa. Free from opiate, or aaylhlsg harmful. Sold -wlv 1 hoses, temple saalled free. JOHN I. BROWN A PON, Bnefm. Ms. -OM ABA'S rVM CaSTEB- iyetarrrjtis That Cornfed Dutch Comic, GUJ FAY AgR EZTBATAOABBA. ABB TAUOBTXUB Majestic MUDlral Four; Ai herniao. ta Black Laugh; Weat A Beaton, -fun in Jail." Gaiety Girl. Chorea, badlee Bias -t'iT Seery Week assy. MILLION-DOLLAR PACKING PLANT FOR SIOUX FALLS glOl'X FAUA B. D.. Jan. a. It Is of flcialty announced by V. P. Burt, who will j be supertnteadent of the plant, that th ( Mw packing establish merit of 8ulsberge-' it Sons company, which recently decided ) to locate here, will on Thursday of this j week commence the butchering of hogs st their new Stoug Falsa plant The plant : will start with thirty-five employes. ; whlrk Is expected to be Increased la two i weeks to sixty. A sun further Increase : will be made If the supply of raw ma-1 AWISKMeVNT. iISwkaa.?lJ..lfl ToalgM Tffl Bat, SSt to StJO Batareay afafc, BS to M LULU GLASER la th Xaalcal Baaeeea ef all Bat op MISS DUDELSACK Sun.: FRANK McINTYEE LYRIC THEATER Friday Ktenlng, Febrwary 2U DAVID BISPHAM America's Greatest Singer. Scats On Sale at Owl Drug (. AMERICAN THEATER Toaight, Jtata. : "The RigM of Way" iv "Ta rriaca Chap- I