Looking Backward This Day in Omaha . flirty Twenty Ta Year Ac -In Sartorial rage at wok km The Omaha Daily Bee WEATHZK FOEICAST. Fair; Warmer vol. xu no. i OMAHA, THURSDAY MORNING, FEP.KUAUY 1, l'J12 TWELVK PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS.- r TAFf ADDRESSES EDITOKSOF OHIO President Tells Eepnblicaa News paper Hen He Belief. Party Will Win ia Hovember. 'H1JCH DEPEHDS 05 PAPEBS 'Critic of Administration Tell Only ( Part of Truth. HA5Y OBSTACLES TO OVEBC0ME 'log Will Clear and Seal Issue. Will I Come to View. The National Capital STEEL COMPANY FILES ITS REPLY INDIANA DISTRICT FOB TAFT Talra District Cesrreatlea Helsl at Jeff.noaTllle Eadoreea ftt eat aa Hla Awsslalstra I tiaa. COLUMBUS. O.. Jan. a.-President 'Taft In an address to mora than fifty re publican editor of Obio today declared 'that ha believed Ida party will win In November, but aaid much of the brunt of the flfbt will rest on the editor. The president confessed that he bad for gotten much about Ohio politics, but said I he depended on the editors to bring a victory In the fall. II said In part , 'The party has had during the last two 'or three year a hard time, but It la not the first time In its history it baa bad to so over rough places. It Is not the first time In history when It has been unjustly attacked; when It has been nlsunCer ' stood by the voters and its own members. i and H Is not the first time in its history I when I verily believe this coming cem- Ipalgn is to show that It had the power ' in Itself to overcome obstacles and to I win victory again and show that It ' the real agency In the United States upon ' which real progress can b based. 1 Whole Starr Mot Tald. . "Th truth is that wa have not had I the whole story told and we hav not been out in such a way that the Issue can be distinctly made and the tacts bearing on that issue brought out. There ):s been a great deal of fog. But I 'think when we get stripped for th fight and get down to the arena with only two antagonists and the parties drawn up on each side we shall be able to show a warrant for our continuance in power that a common sens and discriminating peopl cannot Ignore, "Upon your energy and faith In repub lican principles and In your belief that I the party haa a large future of useful ness before it rests tha question whether we are to be successful In the coming campaign." ladlaae District tor Talt. JKKKERSONVIULE. Ind.. Jan. Si. Kndorsement ot President Taft was th principal featur of the Third district congressional republican convention her today. ,HialT10SI CALIl 15 ISSCED Tl'rsanesr, Jssssrr 31, 113. The Senatf. Convened at nm. nal consideration of children's bureau bill begun. Fight on disposition of. steel tariff re vision hill ouened. Detective Burns tratifkd in Lorlmer election investigation. Thu Inilsd Machinery company de nounced as III 'sal conspiracy before sen ate interstate commerce committee. t'ofia Rican naturalisation treaty fa vorably reported. 'a.sed tho Borah bill to create a chil dren's bureau In the Department ot Coin- IneHH. and I .ahor- Steri tariff revision hill referred to the finance committee without olscussion. Senator -Reed withdrawing hi demand that the committee report within twenty d.v ! The efort to fix a date for closing de bate on the arbitration treaties was crowded over until tomorrow. The House. Met at noon. Representative Berger introduced a bill for government acquisition of railroads, telegraphs, telephone and express prop erties. Keviaion of chemical and sugar tariff schedules will be taken up next. Demo cratic Leader Underwood announced. IVomaji Christian Temperance union leaders before judiciary committee. l"!f.IBIT10.' CALI i anveatloa Will Mart at Atlantic City Jaly 10. CHICAGO, Jan. M.-Prospectl tor vic tory ot th cause of national prohibition of th liquor traffic ar bright, savs Charles R. Jones, chairman of the prohi bition national committee. In th official rail for hla prty' national convention, which he Issued today. Tha convention will meet In th Bteel IMer at Atlantic City, N. J.. July M next jV candlde'L for president and vie presi dent will be nominated, Th basis ot representation aa fixed by the committee follows: Kach state and territory Is entitled to four delegate-al-large. Karh.state la entitled to an additional delegate tor each 300 votes or major frac tion thereof, cast for Eugen W. Chafln for president In liKsJ. OLD PROSPECTOR KILLED BY TRAIN AT DEADW00D UEADtTOOD, 8. D.. Jan. 31.-Speelal Telegram.) His deafness prevented Mike t'asstdy, an old-time prospector, from hearing the approach of the Spearfish train on the Burlington, just south of here, and befor the trsin could b stopped he was ground to pieces. Cas idy, who ha lived In the Hills tor many years. Is supposed to hav relatives in Nebraska, who are being sought. He was about a and sing'. r The Weather Vor Nebraska Generally fair: colder. Kor Iowa-Unsettled; colder In west portion. Tempcralare at Omaha Yesterday. a a. m a a. m 7 a. m It. m I a. m J a. m 11 a. ro 11 m 1 p. m : p. m t p. m 4 p. m t p. m p. ra 7 p. m I p. m t-essparatlve lcal Record. Mli 191 L 1310. l.8 Highest yesterday u M 3i Unat yesterday 2 r. K 2 Mean temperature zt -It . It i'reclpitation T . .0 TemK.rature and precipitation depar tures from the normal: Normal temperature Deficient for the dsy Ttul excess since March 1 Normal precipitation 1 leflrtewy for the day Total rainfall since March 14 Inches Total rainfall since March 1... 13. ;6 Inches iH-ficlency for cor. period, 1M0..U.18 inches Kscess for cor. period, ISO., S. 13 inches Itepart trass Statins at T P. M. Station and Stat Margin Test Cost Sheets Go to Stock Buyers Every Day CHICAGO, Jan. St. Further light was thrown on th use of the margin system In the dressed beef business in th pack ers' trial today. Government Counsel James M. Rheean continued th direct examination or Her man Potthof, a margin clerk for the National Packing company, and brought out that the dally margin summaries played an Important part In th pui ciiaslng of cattle by th packers. Copies ot thes summaries, the witness said, were sent to each cattle buyer daily and were an Important factor In deter mining the price paid, for th animals. By means of these luargini summaries th government declares th packers ar enabled to keep a close check on the work of the cattle buyers. Potthof was followed by George D. Roberts, manager of the Hammond com pany at Bridgeport, Conn., a selling agency of th National Packing com pany In New York. "vV'hll you were In New York did you ever obtain th daily margins and sell ing prices from Armour, Swift and Mor ris and telegraph them to your office In Chicago?" he was asked. ' Yes. when Everett B. Dill, the man ager, wsa away I did It." replied Roberts. "In your telegrams did You not desig nate Armour and company by 'A', Morris and company by 'E', and Swift and com pany by 'H'?" "Yes." Roberts testimony corroborated that ot Bverett B. Dill to the. effect that the New York repreaeiitatfrea of Armour -Morris ' 4V Co.. Swift A Co., and the National Packing com pany dally exchanged Information In regard to th tonnage, margins and sell ing prices on dressed beet and tele graphed it to th main office in Chicago. Dill was manager ot the National Packing company in New York. Answer to Petition for Dissolution Makes General Denial to Got eminent' Allegations. NO MONOPOLY' IS ATTEMPTED Organization of Subsidiary Com panies Not Against Law. SAYS B00SEVELT NOT DECEIVED While He Waits Purchase of Tennessee Corporation! to Avert Panic. STOCK HELD BY MANY PEBSONS Alleae (Ml of Steel ta t'aamer Cheapened, l-'orclsia Trade la creased and Sasaber of t en elller (.rowing. Woman Classifies Attitude of Men on Liquor Question WASHINGTON, Jan. Sl.-' Men are di vided Into three classes: Those who love their liquor, those who sell liquor and politicians who are on both sides of the question." Mrs. R. t Irwin of Washington, Ga., mad that statement to the house com mittee on judiciary today at the conclu sion of her speech urging a law for bidding Interstate traffic in alcoholic liquors. Feathers on the hats of a hun dred women nodded approval. Representative Carlln of Virginia rallied to the defense of the men. The commit tee looked pleased until Representative Rucker of Missouri spoke up: I believe all ot us are on one side of the question," he said, "but some of us don't Ilk to talk about it." . . Tfu " I 334 inch .OS inch of Weather. p. n. est. fell. t'heyenne, clear IX Zi .00 J avenpon, raining ...... 32 ; ,n Iwiwr, clear 3 & . 3 Muin., no wins 9 U .61 jMxJge Cay. clear 31 .m Iamler. clear 3n .m North Platte, clear 34 4J W tmaha, cloudy 31 ,T7 .y pueblo, clear 33 42 .00 Kapid City, cioiHv st w .m Slt Lk City, clear ii 44 .(& .Santa Fa. clear 34 2h ' .(rt brfcian, cloudy 34 s .( friouK City, cloudy 2H M .! Valentine, part ctoody.. 34 3S . T ind tea tea trace of precipitation. U A. WKLSH, Local Forecaster. Darrow Will Move Today to Dismiss Indictments LOS AXGULEg. Jan. Jl. -Technical motions attacking the two bribery in dictments on various grounds v. ill be made tomorrow on behalf of Clarence 8. Harrow, when the former chlet coun sel for the McNamara brothers 1 ar raigned before Presiding Judge Ueorg H. Hutton ot the superior eouir.. Darrow said today that hts attorneys were preparing a demurrer. They will also move to dismiss the two Indictments. Thes two preliminary movements will be made of record merely to preserve barrow's rights as a defendant, his at torney asserting that they want a verdk t of "not guilty." not one of "mt proven." which would be the result in effect ot a dismissal of the cases before they could fto to a trial Jury. Dakota Democrats Favoring Wilson PIERRE, 8. D., Jan. 21. -Indications at the democratic conference here today are declared to point to the adoption of a progressive platform as the principal ac tion to be taken. The admirers of Gov ernor Wilwn of New Jersey, lnist that he la the choice of a majority of the dele gates for presidential candidate. HOMESTEADERS IN MEADE ISSUE APPEAL FOR AID PIERRK, ?. D., Jan. H. Homesteaders of ilea tie county hav issued an appeal for aid. declaring that many are in danger of starving as tbe result of crop fsilure poration TRENTON'. X. J.. Jan. S.-The United States Steel corporation today filed its answer to the petition of the federal government In which the court i prayed to adjudge the steel comiwny illegal and In restraint of trade. llroadly pcaklng the answer la a gen eral denial to the allegations of the gov ernment. It defends the organization of the subsidiary companies, denies that they wer formed In violation of the anti-trust act. claims that they were a normal and necessaty "development of the times, and insists that Instead of restraining trad or commerce, they have developed and increased the same. The answer is made In the nam of the United States Steel corporation and its various subsidiary companies, and It Is Joined In by the following Individuals: J. Plerpont Morgan. Elbert 11. Uary. Charles II. .Schwab. Charles Steele. Henry C. Frick, James Oavlet, William II. Moore, James II. Moore, lrclval Roberts, Jr., Daniel G. Rrtd. Norman B. Ream. George W. Perkins and I"eter A. B. Widener. The array of counsel Includes Llndabury. Ierue A Faulks as solicitors and Joseph H. t'hoate. John C. Johnson. Francis l.vnde Stetson. Iavld A. Reed. Itaynal C. Boiling and Richard V. Llndabury as counsel. Kormatloa of Trasl. Th. answer begins with reviewing the events that led up to the organisation of th present steel corporation and de scribe how th Federal Steel company acquired th Carnegl Steel company, the American Hteel and Wire company, and other through negotiations con ducted by J. P. Morgan & Co. letter, when the need for additional ore sup piles as felt, the steel corporation ac quired th properties of the Lake fu psrlor Consolidated Iron mines. The steel corporation was formed and lis properties aculred, th answer declares, tor the purpose of effecting economies by Integrating th plants and tha pro cesses employed In th manufacture of steel, and to reach th principal market! of th United State and of foreign countries-inn Increase the tiwswiai in tl products therein. "If any ot the companies acquired by th steel corporation," the answer de clares, ."had been organised for the pur pose or with the effect ot restraining trade or commerce, or If they consti tuted an attempt at monopoly or a monopolisation of trade or commerce, neither the organisers of th steel cor poration nor the said corporation hud any knowledge or Information thereof when the said companies wer acquired." Continuing, the answer rev.ltes that the Steel corporation mad Its purposes and the details of its organisation public In variety of ways, and says that the attention ot the officers of the United Ststei government was particularly di rected to said organisation at ths time It was effected. Only within a few months haa any department or responsible offi cer of the government criticised the Steel corporation as being a combination In restrain of trade, , or a monopoly. To Late far Dtasolatloa. The' answer then sets forth that th Steel corporation has cheapened th pro duction of steel to th consumer; that it has increased Its foreign trade from l,ooo.ooo In U01 to ttfi.ooii.uoo in 1811; that It has not suppressed competition,; that the number of competitors In th United States has largely increased since 111, and that It stock has been sold several times over and Is now held by a multi tude of small Investors In this and for eign countries. The defendant then sub mits: "That after acquiescing In th organi sation of the Steel corporation for so long a time, and after rights of so sacred a cliaracter have grown up hereunder, it Is now too 1st for the government to lnist In a court of equity that such or ganisation was In Itself and without re gard to Its after practices an illegal thing." The answer further declare that the proposition to purchss a majority of th stock ot the Tennease Cosl and Iron company cam from Grant B. Schley and was taken np on account and only on account of the representstlons made on behalf of said Schley that nothing but such purchase would save Moor A Schley from failure. Messrs. Gary and Flick of th Steel corporation went to see the president of the United State on November 4. 1907, and laid (he situation before him. The answer denies thst Messrs. Gary and Frick failed to disclose to th president all the facts bearing upon the proposed purchase, or th oc casion for making the same which were pertinent thereto, or that thev made anv mis-statement or misleading statement of any sort or character to the president re garding the financial situation in New York or regarding th wishes or attitude of themselves or the Steel corporation with respect to th proposed purchase. It admits "thst the president stated that he did not feel It to be his duty to pre vent tbe proposed transaction," and says "that in reliance upon said statement Messrs. Gary and Frick returned to New i York, whereupon th purchase was com pleted." The answer denies "that the Tennensee company waa a strong present or probable future competitor of the Steel corporation at the time of Its acquisition by th. latter." Freed.. f Trad Ewewwrasred. Tbe answer say that "continuously since the organisation of th steel cor- It has been th declared and fyji 'Mp i fP '"k Bryan Had Hit Trousers Presied While Waiting for a Train. From the Washington St nr. ' Thome Charges Bai Faith on the Part of CHAMP CLARK'S NAME FILED Falls City Democrat Petition to Have Him Bun for President. SAKE OUIS AS FOE HABMOU Praaawct I far On f th l.eagrsl ad Most Complicated Primary Ballots Kvrr Voted aa la Nebraska. I From a Staff Correspondent. LINCOLN, Jan. 31 -(Special. )-Champ Clark of Missouri was th only entry mad today in the presidential race, and his sponsors ray he desires the demo cratic nomination. As practically the same persons signed his petition at vouched for Harmon th dsy before there is some question whether they Intend to withdraw one of the entries later or In the parlance ot th rac track run them coupled. Tbe filing was sent in by mall by John H. Mulchings of Fall City and la signed by the following, all residents of Richardson county: John II. Hutching. W. T. -Fenian, S. W. Morris, Charles Loree, John Usgnor, L. C. Kdward". R. A. Weltsel. Oeorg U. Urernwald, W. K. tlreenwald. J Coupe. Jacob Hloom. (1. Hurgner, Morgan, J. v. rreaencK Boose. W. II. Crook V. B. P. J. 8. Ixird, W. I. R Whltlaker, A ot th last three years. Oothing. fuel and food are asked for. The appeal la endorsed by George F. Budweiaer, United States commissioner, who ba charge of the relief work. consistently followed policy of said cor poration to encourage rather than re strain the utmost freedom of trade and commerce; to refrain from acts of op- (Continued on Second Page.) K. Jaqurt, U 1.. Aldrlch. J. K. Jaquet, (i. Bullor. W. J. McCrarv. M. L. Wilson, F. W. Parchln. T. 1. Hlemmellech, A. F. Harlow. George Ptator. H. M. Jnney. R. It Simpson. J. J. Oliver. J. K. MrFar- land, Henry Gerdes. J. F. digging, Henry Stiaw, H. C. Davis. C. C. Llavls, Clyde Uav:s. Frank Smith. Martla Perfect Fills. Attorney General Grant Martin this aft ernoon mad his personal filing as a can didate for re-election. With tho single exception of Dr. Wlnnett, railroad com missioner, all the present state officer wbo have not declared themselves out of the running have filed their primary petitions. Auditor barton Is a csndidat for the republican coiigressio .al nomination In th Fifth district and Land Commissioner Cowles Is not a candidate for re-eiectlcn. Bom time ago a statement was pub lished that Or. Wlnnett would not seek the offlc again, but when asked con cerning It he replied that the statement was made without authority and thtt In due time he would make his intentions known. I. D. Evans of Kenesaw obtained tiling blanks today and probably will formally enter the race tor the republican nomina tion for state auditor within a few days. Hartllaa- Makes Filing. II. II. Bartling, republican, sent in hlf filing today as candidate for senator from tiie Cass-Otoe dlntrict, but failed to accompany It with a receipt from the county treasurer. The secretary of state notified him of the omission snd Is hold ing the papers. 'Mlth Wilson, Harmon, Clark, Folk and possibly some others asking for the preferential vote of Nebraska democrats In the primary and two, and posKihly three, sets of candidate for delegates' on the republican ballot, the Judges at the primary election can contemplate one of the liveliest times of their lives count ing up the vote, and when they have fin- Is bed up this task they can start in on , the state and county tickets, which RMTTflN I FAHFR tK Western Railroads CHICAGO, Jan. Jl. -Charges of bad faith and attempts tajjii ejie, .war mad against railroads by cUflvirJ tThrns, stst railroad commissioner of towa, dor- Ing th hcsrlag on the new rat ached tiles proposed t be put In effect In cer. tsln western H.atea February It, before George N. Brawn, chief examiner fur the Interstate Commerce commtmlon, here toils y. 'The railroads are all attempting to inaugurate a system of higher rate which wer prohibited by the Interstate Commerce commission In a decision In February, mil," said Mr. Thorne. "They are now trying a suttLerfuge In attempt. Ing to fores this classification Into ef fuel." Replying to Mr. Thome's statement. Chief Kxaminer Brown said. "Th railroads have expended 1:20.000 and three yiurs' time apparently to unify their western rates, but I assure you If Uie commission finds tha). they are at' templing to create a general material In. crease m rates and evade the previous ruling of the commission, that the sched ule will be suspended 191 days." Mr. Thorne urged repeatedly that none of the commissioners hsd been given ample time to Investigate th new rate thoroughly. New York to Begin Inquiry Into High Prices of Food MW TURK. Jan. U. -District Attorney Whitman announced this afternoon that he has decided to Institute "John Ioe" proceeding before a city magistrate In order thus to investigate tlie hlxh cost of food product?. Ha has decided to lake this courve because of the many com plaints he has received since the grand jury took up the Investigation of the ad vanced price of butter. The "John Doe" prorw dings will begin as soon as the grand Jury Investigation Is finished, prob ably within a week. WOMAN TIED TO HARROW IS SUING FOR DIVORCE KANSAS CITY. Jan. 31 -Hearing of the divorce suit brought by ilay Choat against Lafayette t.ltoat. who was sent to JaJI on a charge of felonious aaaault because lie drove his wife about the fields hitched to a harrow, began In the Jackson county court at- Independence toia ay. Choat hi con t eating the eult in which his wife aJlegrd extreme cruelty. The case of Choat, a middle-aged fanner, first came to the attention of tlie county when Mrs. Choat with her two si.istl children appeared In the Juvenile court bere. Bhe told of being tied to the harrow because her husband was Jealous of her, and of being beaten because she rouid not keep pare with the horses. Choat was sentenced to thirty days In Jail. promise to be as long: and disturbed aa a mince-pie dream. f erric k Reject Plan. Secretary Corrtck of the La Follette league has rrjected tbe ptah proposed by John O. Teieer to divide the delegation to the national convention hnd says the supporters of the Wlconn man will go It alone. He says that the name of La Follette will be placed on the primary ballot and the delegates who represent him will be pledged. If electeo. to vote (Continued on Second i'age.) CHANGE OF VENUE MC3CAT1NK. Ia.. Jan. -Attorneys for Emmet Flood, the Chicago labor leader, and O. C. Wilson, local button workers business agent, recently- Indicted for conspiracy In connection with the button workers' tttrikn here, today filed motions for change of venue from the Muscatine district court. They charge that It would be Impossible to obtain a fair trial beause vt widespread preju dice In this sectloa MINE CAGE DROPS 200 FEET Eight Men Injured in Accident at DanTille, III. N0ISEl LOSES C0STB01 trwsa haatb at, th le ' Oa ( Ik Island Will Pswbablr Ule. liAWILMi. III.. Jan. II. -Eight man acre Injured, tour seriously, by th tail ing of a mine rage crowdcd wllh men go ing to work In th Klsctrlc l oal mine, six miles wee! ot Danville, today. The cage dropped about W tret. It waa stated uy the mine owners that the engineer In charge ot the cage lost control ot the machinery, causing on cage with Us human (might to drop to Hie bottom ot tlie shaft, and th other, going up empty, to be thrown from the' mouth ot the mine. The most seriously Injured ar. l. pvhonlsns, who I, hurt Internally and has both legs broken; will probably die. Jo Dnlnnvlsii of Htreator. III., legs crushed and injured Internslly; condition serliius. Frank leiitreT, both legs broken and Infernally injured; mnv die. t'smlli. Knrrier nf llillery, Injured Inter nally; condition serious. . Th other men suffered broken legs and were otherwise bruised. COURT WILL QUIT PEKING MONTH Edict of Abdication i Signed, but Emperor Will Hot Leave Capital at Once. WILL EETAIK EMPTY TITLES Watches Bought by Cheyenne Defaulter Sold by Bondsmen CHBYENim Wyo., Jan. !l.-Spec1l.) Ham Bergman, a local pawn broker, today purchased from George W. Hoyt. postmaster, a mUoellsneous collection of welches, numbering 224, for 11.000 cash. These watchea are a part of th collect loo of bicycles, motorcycles. Jewelry, vacuum cleaners, typewriters, lawn mowers, baby carriages, etc., found at the bom of Jo seph Klnghsm. ssslstanl postmaster, who. wbll In chsrge of the money order de partment of th i'heyenn postofflce. em benled tXoO. and who waa last fall sent to the Fort Leavenworth military prison for a term of flv year Postmaster Hoyt and Klngham's bondsmen took possession of th abov mentioned collection, whk-h Klnghsm had been years gathering. A singular featur of today's puichase of St watches t Bergman's statement that, with few exceptions, thes watches were purchased from him by Klngham from time to time. Klngham paying In the aggregate therefor the sure of 9M0U. rostmaster Hoyt recently shipped to Denver eighteen motorcycles, the majority of them brand new. The motorcycles were purr I ia sed by Klngham from time to time and will. It Is understood, be mar keted by a Denver concern. Emperor and Princes to Be Given Liberal Pecjions. TERMS MADE WITH REPUBLICANS Yam Shi Eai ii Endeavoring to Prevent Outbreaks. , HARIIAL LAW IS TIES TSd Ussy Officials Seek Shelter la Olfl elal Caaelea-Arailtlrw He. seers Meilsr ta Belas Disregarded. IONPO.. Jan, JI.-The edict of abdica tion ot th Chines throne ha bui signed, according to a meseag from Tien Tsln. Th court will not quit Peking for a month, as th Manchu troops of th garrison threaten to shoot th royal family and th princes It they attempt to leave th. capital. A terrible panic among th official In Tien Tsln haa caused many of them . to seek shelter today In th foreign con- cession. Martial law has been pro claimed In th native city. Th mayor has resigned and. fearing that th lives ef th member ot hla family ar en- . dangered. ha sent hi family to th : rrenca concession. Th armistice between th Imperialists snd republican force which wa officially renewed yesterday Is being disregarded I by th republican troops according to a news agency dispatch received her ! today from Tien Tsln. PEKING, Jan. il.-Th Imperial foreign ! board announce that th empress j dowager informed th members of th : cabinet at Ih.lr moling In the palac j today that th throne has decided on a I solution of the situation which would In- i sure peace. She Instructed the minister to arrange accordingly. It la believed thst Premier Yuan Shi Kal and 111 republicans ar now In cum- i plet agreement. While h I endeavor ing to pursued th recalcitrant Manchu elements to accept abdication peaceably Yuan Phi Kal is taking measures to prevent any outbreak on their part from becoming serious. An Imperial edict Issued tonight fore tokens abdication and Indicates that Yuan rihl Kal haa discovered a way to escap acceptance of the niarqulsate offered to him by the throne. The edict consents to a request front Yuan Nhl Kal, In which he stsles that he doe not dare ts persist In his refusal of th title, but begs th throne to delay honoring blm until peace baa been restored. II Is understood the Imperial family has accented tlie conditions laid down by th republican and that abdication will b announced immediate!)'. At a confer nee yesterday between the empress dow ager. Prince Chun, I he ex-regeni, and Prince Chlng. the former premier. It Is 1 believed to have bran derided that the Imperial family and princes would abdi cate If they wer allowed to retain their empty titles, resld In Peking or else where at their pleasure, and receive an nual pensions aggregating 100.00 taels (approximately 2,MMMi. and that th transference of power would be carried out with as little loss of dignity lo th thron aa possible. SEVERE EARTH SHOCKS ARE RECORDED BY INSTRUMENTS NHW YORK. Jan. 3l.-An earthquake shock nf some severity was registered on ths seismograph at Brooklyn college this afternoon. Th record began at 3 3 o'clock and continued until 4:0 with a' shock occurring at 1:41. Professor Olover. In charge ot the seis mograph, estimated th distance ot th disturbance at about 1,M miles He said ' the thick waa not of pronounced severity. WASHINGTON, Jan. SL All flv In struments at Georgetown university, to day recorded a heavy seismic disturbance, 1 estimated at not less than i,0M mile dts-' lant from Washington. Th disturbance lasted from 1:31 to 4:! and appeared to be following an east and 1 went direction. Observers say th record was ot a very pronounced character. HEAVY SNOW IS LIKELY' IN NORTHEASTERN IOWA MASON CITY, la., Jan..3L-SpciaJ.-Heavy enow has been falling here. Nearly six Inches Is en th ground. Satlaaal Cwarsl Officer She. WEBSTER CITY la. Jan. 3l.-(r-peclal Telegram.) Corporal Carl Horn last night accidentally shot lieutenant Isaaa Beckner through I he thigh sad hand while at Indoor rifle practice at the armory. Beckner was standing nsr the target when Horn' gun went off accidentally. r FOLK KEEPS OUT OF SLL0UIS PRIMARY j ST. lafOL'IS. Jul Former Governor i Joseph Kblk refused today to partJclpt In the democratic prvrtdtntlBl primary m HI. IjouU because ha held that every member of the democratic city commute under mho awptee th contest is to be hid either filed or was a member of the Champ Clark deleratlon from bU ward. In a letter to Herman W. Fay. chair man or tho committee. Ueoa Sander, campaign manax'-r for Folk, declared a primary hHd under such conditions would be a political farce. The primary will be held February U to select 21$ delegates to the democratic taU convention to be he!d in JopUn February 3fc Omaha Real Es tate is the safest, surest investment on the market to day. With the great amount of building and manufac turing, constanly going on, its future is assured. Real Estate bought today will Yield strong margin of profit in increase of value in few rears. Your opportunity ia adver tised In the real estate column of today's Bee. Rend the Ada carefully I make j our selection and buy now. )