s TMri BKK: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 31, 1912. TKKSOXAl, V, rant and repair all kinds of sewing riaebine. Ind. A-3. Douglas UK. NEBRASKA CTCLS CO.. I - - 13th and Harney sts. i Massage. nil.eniioue. J Old Boston Bid. . J-DAY blood remedy' TTalish Pharmacy. Irth and Dodge. REAL ESTATE. r RtMH LAD FOR SU.K WATTED 81Tr.TI0X8 iUSSAGEjrSi Calltantla. DOST WAIT 5 TEARS. BUT CAJJFOR.N1A FULL-BEARING ORCHARDS. MONET BACK IF NOT SATISFIED. tw.e tuh and $3Xeo per month buy AN Douiu Ml. desires pol- f 4 nvirT-m treatment WAN'TSD By atudent Creighton col lege, opportunity to wni rx-:d or beard and room. Address C 113. Bee or pnone j WUf'H till EXPERIKNCKD stenographer withes a Mr. Steele, jfive arm with fUI-beartnc trull trees "in ' Poa"n with a firm: food soe'ler and is round noor the famous Bidwall orchards at Chic. ! the CMerwood 4ypwrltsr. Ad- u i t-p . i. i i.i . cwre Dee. B. Brott. ;u Ground California. Paymonts Include Interest D . l,IJ' wiouej uc it mi. iui.m. man wants position as oex- MAXS A (IK Baths, sait flew aromatic 'orchards are the moot noted and pre- tender: experienced. 6 tie. Bee. 1 trMlnwni 'fCJucaia. KB a Kih St.. 1st floor. 1.1 Hire D Iil4 Hon d. Indies uui.n,; Remedies, 401 A are Ilk. THK SALVATION AKMI solicit oast off clothing. In fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair snd sell, at U4 11th St., tor cost of collection, to the worthy poor. Call phone Douglss OS and wagons wln nlL YOUNG lady wants position as oflVa gin; csn run typewriter; best of reler- I r.hf.Ml. It Alt his land that prompts this generous of- I U " er. We've peaches, prunes, almonds. . . fJ3i: ; J WANTED Work for a number of able- VICIOUS BUFFALO IS DOOMED Animal that Killed Keeper Ander-' hi Will Be Shot by DaMman. CITY IS HELD ACCOUNTABLE loejalry Discloses that Aaiasal A'aa Off Ills Feed aad Mas la aa I air Mwod Vl'lra Ander sen Was Attacked. How to Make Bitter Cough Syrup than You Can Buy A Fassllr Basely, aarlss; fa aad Fally G CLUB CHAIRMEN ARE KAMED jMRS. F. W. HAMANK IS ' S AVERY HAPPY WOMAN NOW, George fl. Kelly, Head of Exeentive i Committee, Kamei leaden.- I SEW UEXBE&S ARE ASSIGNED ;. Tiieueanda of people hav fount the home they aero 'looking for among the real ' estate. ada on The Bee went sd pace. The home you want to sell can be disposed of quickly at cost of only a ' few cent throtif h Be want ads. SWEDISH msrssfe. for rheumatism, muscles. Joints, diseases. Kars'.en Ton eth." only Omaha masseur graduate la Sweden. fa tin. Nat'l Bank. Doug. ni YOCNG LADV leaving soon forMardi Graa n New Orleans would bs pleased to leant of a respectable woman who may also bs going to the same place and would be a congenial trsTeltne compsn Ion. References eachanf ed, address 8 at, -sre Omaha Bee. M4SS VfK Swedish movement Apt. fSSA(JP' Mr"- Snyder has chsnxed jIAOO.lUlj hfT oo.Uo vhrn elves Swedish masssf e. also rlbrator and i a.liator treatments. 5M lSee BUlf. Red E. Erenlnfs D. gK. for appointments. H AKKS , Chtrorractor. t IouslaVUi7. 1th and Dodfe If you are slvk snd ha-e tried overythluc with no results, why not try Chropra-tio (sflnal adjustmonls) and xet Well, fhone Ind. A-1371 POV LTRY AXli rETSTOCK " itOUP easily cured by Bob Whites Roup Cure, ."5 box. If your dealer can not supply you, , writs us direct, sendlns dealers naino. Hon WHITK Co DM N. 1th St., Omalia. Nek. Webster SCIT. fer. We've peaches, prunes, almonds, apricots and Bartlett pears. Buyers railroad fares, not exceeding MJu will be credited on purchase price. Land ad loina the thrlrinc town of Chlco tl4es pop.1. Heferencee: Any bank of Chlco. American National bank of ten Fran cisco snd First National bank of iSan Leandro. end for -aluabls Information and facts to 1UDWELL ORCHARDS. INC.. Chl.-o. llal. Florida. FLORIDA THE LAND OF SUXSI1INE We are offerinir la, 20 and oVacra tracts and upwards located In Columbia county near Lahe Clly, Florida, M miles west of Jet-kaoni Ills and onlv SO miles from tH. Aufustlne. This property Is Intersected by three rallroaua of national reputation, which furnish the best servers at reasonable rates to all markets of tbs United istatr. , Vhe climate Is Ideal. Fins famti are now belni aorked tn oar tract with exceptionally good results. Own one of our fams. Investigate our otter, email cash payments and easy terms I-oar rates daily. Tickets good until Juue 1. ROBT. C. DRUESEIW1W ft CO. (Sales Attentat CM Omaha National Bank Bids'. Omaha. Neb. bodied men Russian emlfrantr. Among the number Is a bookkeeper, a forester, a grain man, a saker. inning to do any work to make a Urtr-f. A number are anxious to obtain work on a farm. Ad. dress Hiss Helen Grodtnsky, 474 Brartdels ruog. rnone Lougiae i.s-s WA.'TKD-Ut curtains tn be laua- aered st home: tie pair. Harney KU. First-class, practical nurse H Wis, A-WTt KXPERIENCED Ksfflr corn makes hens Isv. $2 per 100: screenings. U per 1DD. Wsgner. HM N. 11 FOR SALG-PreTllest little whTtVpiipV nine weeks old: full-blooded Pomer snlans; good bouse dogs. Males. Ill Mrs. Frank Mclaniel. Vale. Is. FC.t Irkes. ALK Toy poodle pup. Earl ei ii .-no. nth Ave. Web. Jan. "A GOOD OPPflRTfNITVHilO pairs "T full Monded Homer pigeons all branded and working, for ssle cheap. Object for renin, in ueaJin. Address 1 Z6. care ,'n"na Bee. Idasm. W-AfRE dsiry farm In the famous Payette vslKv. three-fourths mile to town and cheeee fai-tory. Best of fruit land: good home, orchard, sniail frilt. Wrlto J. K. b'heldon, owner. New Ply mouth. Tdslio. loera, THK eas.est way to find a buyer for your farm Is to Insert a small want ad In the Ilea Moines Capital. I .arrest cir culation In the stats of Iowa, 43.000 dallv. Ths capital la read by and believed in by the standpatters of Iowa, who almply woman wishes work. WVbster eHf. PLAIN day work wanted. Ilolrten. Tel. Harney 470. day Johanna P.XPERIENCED girl wants position la doctor's office. j?m Hamilton. IRONING, sweeping, dusting by hour. tnd. F 1T. South Omaha. the tOrNG man. at present employed. wsnts position as bookkeeper In or near I'mena; experienced m wholesale and branch work. T 110, care Bee. PAT work wsnted. 11. Mm. POSITION aa housekeeper for rrspect sble widower or barhelcr by middle-aged widow. Call Sunday or Monday, or phone A-JM. ml Farnam 8t. WANTED PosHInn as credit msnager by young man: married: thoroughly ex perienced. Address IXH-k Box Or. Omaha. TOl'Ntl man of high education wants position In general office or store: first class leferences: will start with small waaes. K 114. Bee. PRACTICAL younu farmer. 31. wishes work on farm; permanent. Address 7701 Fsmatn St. Phone H. K EXPBRIENCKU Ken. Dav work laundress. Webster DAY work wsnted. Webster asT. K X PERlnNC KD biiiTna" etirk. UooS ri-ference. Phone Douglas 5S.9. V'ANTKO Position as dTshwasher, by n:iddle atrcd woman. Phone Wel'Sler im. AMHKsTanil rubblsli-taken from the h,t.nuMl n.l hall Haul..!- M,mnilil reiuse to permit nny otner paper In iheir H&rner sTt. nomes. naiea, t cent a word a day; 11.24 per line per month: count six ordinary words to ths line. Address Oes Moines Cspitsl. Des Moines, la. MAKU mountain canaries: young, iirsuny lemeiew ror nreeatng. wen. ). FOR SALE Gold, hrlndle Boston bull "Tier; peaigree; i years. Call Harney REAL ESTATE niiLncKS' ixfur-siatiox. :.-ctrlc ras fixtures. Omaha Silver Co. Ideal Cement Co . Inn and Cuming. -. :iT FROPEHT- FOR IAl7t Buy This Lot in Benson e- '.E"t ""X f30 iin-iion.iin down, balance 110 per month. It Is well looted not far from car and school; is Mxlf. Just the place fiu us ana gooa nome. (iKOKUE K, AVKW1IT, , . Bee Pnhllshlng Company, City. 1 1 $2,300 Gno.1 five-room liotwa having gas and romlete bath; within walking distance if postofflce. IM and a tine place to raise chickens. North part of cltv. sat of Sherman aenua. Webster oat lifter p m. . GEORGE It WRIGHT, Bee Publishing Cofnpany. REAL ESTATE WANTEIt :w-foot frontage on lh near Center. J2,l. Full lot on 4Sd north of Dodge, too. r-r. bungalow, north part city. Mouse and lot. Tllh and Douglas. (1.250. elegant repair, new: Mth 41 Seward, t D. WKAD. IfOI FARNAM ST. $5 For An Ad Xf Webster St.. must be sold. Long at It if you are a buyer ask to go through. Tl e best ad of less than 75 words de scribing the above wins tTi. Ad must reach um by Saturday noon. O'KEEFE HEAL ESTATE CO i iT.". 1W-ACRK. well Improved fsrm in Iowa, with in A miles of Omaha. A big bargain at tl per acre. Uood terms. Address K 112. Bee. position as voi:N(j lady wains waitress. Ind. A-174. WANTKD- By young man, office work or bookkeeping; can g:vo satisfaction. N lis). Bee. Nebrmaka. SNAPS near Omaha. P per acre up. Orlll S. Merrill, llll City Nat l Bk. Rtdg. FOR SALE. Good section unimproved lsnd In west em Nebraska; only H2 00 aa acrs. If you want to double your money, writ B-UM. Omaha Bee. Omaha. FOR 8ALR-4 Keith Co.. Neb., farms; S half and 1 quarter sections. Improved, near stations; Bi and Ho per acre; terms. Address J. C. Percy, Pax Inn. Neb. ltW-ACRR airslfa fsrm and good team for sale or Irade. Address I 110, Beo. (Vgasalag. let) ACRES Irrigated land. tl( In alfalfa. 4 miles from Wheatland, Wyo. H. Gross, 601 S. Jid. Mlsoellasieoas. Fsrmsrs and land buyers all Aer ths country ate leading Bee want ads every dsy snd snapping up every bargain offered. Rates Isl cents per word If run only one time. Ic per word If run two sr mors times consecutively. Writs and mall your ad today to Real Estate depart ment of Tne Omaha Baa. Re sults art sure. TiU'N'G lady desires position as chil dren's nurse; three years' experience. Hsrney 'phone 10M. FARMER, ex-school teacher, wants po sition In lumber yard. Implement house or hardware store with an opportunity for advancement. Address V tit, Bee. LIVE STOCK MARKET OF WEST Ship your stock to South Omsba. Sara mileage and shrinkage. Tour coneign ments receive prompt and careful atten tion. LIT Stock Caaaaatasiem Merchants. Myers Rros. 4t Co. Strong and responsible WOOD" BROS., m-3SExchange Bldg. Great West. Com. Co.. Omaha A Denver. W. R. SMITH A BON Just handle sheaf. "taGO BROS, handle rattle, host, sheepT Clay. Robinson A Co.. 3M Exchange Bid. Interstats Co. Betler results. Ship to us. CLI FTONCom. Co., grKxchange Bldf" !?' ROBEKTB a CO.. Exch. Bldg" Cox A Jones Com. Co.. bunch of hustlsrs "Fsrniers U S. Core. Co.. tOt lcOlldg Deposit proceeds of shipments la Stock Tnrds Nst'l bsnk. Only bank at yards. Martin" Bros, i, CoTuM TjxchTFIldgT OMAHA, THE GRAIN MARKET WEEKS OKA IN CO.. Consignments solicited. grain mercliaata, 73 Brands:. KA1LWAV TIMK CARD. VMON Hl Aflu.1 Tesilh aad Hues OWN A FARM HOMal. in the mild, sunnv southesst: Drlces are wonderruny low: (10 an acre ud buva fine farming or graaing land: big profits from truck or poultry, reoiilrlna verv amall capital; fortunes In apples and all other fruits, pecan mils, alfalfa, etc: live .lock hogs and dairying pay Immense returns; no arougnts, Diiszaras. long winters, or i expensive Irrlgstlon to he contended lihCsloa PasUlc In the southeast. Send for land prices Depart Arrlvs. and free subscription to the Southern 1 San Fran. Orerl'd L. a 4. am a 7:40 Dm Field. Write at ones to ('has. 8. Chase. , China fc Japan F. M..a:Din a 1:46 nm western agent. Room 173 Chemical Build. Atlantic Express a 4 46 am lug. St. Louis. Mo. Oregon Expres alttVpm a 1:10 pm : :IIas Angeles Limited. . aij:4t pm a !: am I Denver special a7:i4sm sT 37stn Centennial State Sds'I. all :S"om all at sm .1 MA N or Stanley county. S. D.. land. f Colorado Express ......a ' pm a 4:M pm tiu went to aei price. Sentence of death wss passed on Mon arch II. the big buffalo that gored to death Nels P. Anderson, ths aged keeper of animals at Rl verv lew park Sunday morning by a coroner's jury yesterday. In addition - to ordering ti.e animal killed the Jury held that the Omaha Park board was responsible for the death of Anderson, .because of the absence of proper equipment, such aa galea In the Pen. . h ... It was brought out In the Itvruest by Mrs. C. Evans, m witness Who lived at tha Anderson home, that the park board had been requested to kill tha animal ahout two weeks prior to ths accMsnt and that William R. Adams, superintendent of parks, was averse to putting the buf falo to death. Mrs. Evans said Mr. An derson railed up Mr. Adams In her pres ence and told him that the buffalo was off his feed and very vicious and asked him to kill tha animal. Mr. Adam was placed on tha ataml and said Anderson called him up and mid him he wanted the animal killed, because It waa not eating and waa vicious. Mr. Adams said ha told Anderson that ths buffalo's hide was far mors valuable than tha best It self and asked Anderson lo wait a few da; s and see If It did not take lo Its feed j again. lis said he saw Anderson a few days later snd the letter said the buffalo wss ailrlKht gain. Charles Frlgge. an employ of tlie park board said the buffalo was supposed to be Mind, but Irs said he was posltlvs that It was not blind, as the animal could al ways see people outside of the fence. James Shields and Frank Bowman, th two bays who found Anderson In the park Sunday morning said they wera frequent visitors to the park and positively Mated that th bull was not blind snd wss very vicious. They both said that the bull would Invariably charge from one end of I he field when boys Html up against the fence to tessa It. The boys also ssld there wa no gat to the animal park and In order to get Into It Anderson hsd to crawl over a high fence. It waa ahown that Anderson could not have broken, the Ice In the trough to fill with water without going Into the park. Mr. Adams ssld hs bad warned Anderson not to go Into the dark, but admitted I here waa no way of watering the animals during ths winter In any way but by entering the park and filling ths trough with water from pall. At present It has not been decided who will have the tssk of killing the big buffalo bull, but th honor will probably fall to Mayor Cvhlman, who killed Mon arch I. Three Old Co at salt tees Are Left bat aad Three ew Oaew Are Sab sill atrd la Their Trace t essplele List. A full pint of cough sirup es much at you could buy lor $2.50 csn easily b aiad at home. Yon will find nothing that takes bold of aa obatinata ooueli nior quickly, usually ending it inside of Following is ths IM of chairmen a on 84 hour. Excellent, too, for croup, vice chairmen of the standing commll- wnooPin xlth. ora lunjrt, ajtlinaa, tee of the Commercial club, announced TTc. "i "" by Chairman Geo ... Kelly . . 1 p. -af tho .rttiv cAm,lti. i Resident of Omaha Tell How She I Regained Her Health. HEW METHOD 18 SUCCESSFUL) Sprelallai Sara Large Pcreaataa ef j Popnlatloa of All Large Cities i Are Affexrtcd with err e Debility.' ' CHARITIES. Chairmen- Vice ttiairman C. L'. Yoji. Victor Rosewater, KN'TEKTAINMEN t. Joseph Barker. T. H. Coleni i. FINANCE. Vt pint of warm water, and Mir for 2 minute. Put 24 ounces of Piaex (aftr cents' worth) in a pint bottle, town add ma etnrar syrup, at. Keeps penectlT. Take a teaspouojul every one, two or three hour. ini i just lAxatlv enouah to hclo C. T. Kountse. v M lluinn. euro a cough. Also stimulate the appa. good ROADS, tite, which il usually upset by a causa. J- SiuiderUmi. s. a. et-arle. The. U.I. i. pleasant. 7 , s r "1AI! kt- Th. effect of pin. and sugar smip on S' Lo"'"- llogMn (u,""' tha iaflametf aiembrsne is well known. Gould Diets. k. Brown.' Piosx I th most valuable, concent rated) INDV8TR1AL. enmponnd o( Norway white pin extract, Edgar All n. w. t. c.!s. rich in Fuaiasol and all the natural . INSVRANCE. healin pin elements. Other nrenara. C. Kennedy, c. W. Martin. tions will not work in this formula. The Finer; and Sugar Syrup recipe Is now need br thousand of housewives throughout tha United State and Can ada. The plan haa been imitated, bat the old successful formula his nerec been equaled. A guaranty of absolute satisfaction, er money promptly refunded, goes with this recipe. Your dnuHat hs Pinei, or will F;t It for vnu If not. scad to Tag incx Co, Ft, Wayne, Ind. AGENT HELDF0R THEFT Bagajemau Held Beiponiible for 300 Miisinr Hail Pouches. LURED TO JUSTICE BT DECOY Federal Aataorltle I aakle (a Kstl- saale Tala t Mailer asset Kaw roate r.rtereea lawaell luffs aad Deaver. n. aend numbers and in.'.., Oreaon-Wash. L't'd....aui:H)Bm si a cm W. L. Frost. Sioux Cliy, ia i North Plslte local. ...a 4:16am a 4:46 pm REAIi ESTATE LOANS OMAHA Property aud Nebraska Lauds, U B KB.AL GsTATb CO.. ICU New Omaha Nat l Bank Building. -I- snd wsrrsnts. ism Farnam hu "VI i MONET to loan on business or resi- l jflPan l ifirnPf I rt n' properties. Il.ow) to v.,oo. W. M. KJll,aJ VJUH1CI i-Ulj THOMAS. KB First Nst'l Bank Bldg. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. t luse-ln. room for 4, Great Western nuusHs; city wat-r, sewer, gas snd paved elreet; everything paid; sis eulfv and ovj. . BIRKETT & TEBBE.N'S. S Be Bldg.. Douglaa 47S1. l-'OK SALE-,Mve and six room cottage; also 1 up-to-date i-room house. Call ;i eo. l6'i ; owner. llOt'Kf:. 1 lots, 431 Corby- near car, 75u. Wilson. ' .'H ACRES Willi house, fruit and other improvements; near Benson. 'Phone licnson 547 W. ACHsJAGK FOR SALE 10 Acres in Fruit tti and fowler Ave.. I acre with all k:nns of fruiL good 7-room hous and oilier outbuildings. Immediate posmb alon. On y 4 Moiii tn car. I. BOSTWICK. av s.i atTtr St. Ground Floor Bee Bidir.e 1 A J fan REAL ESTATE KIMH LAISPO FOR AI.K British C'alaaaalsw ' loice valley farms in tracts of 1(0 acres knure oa easy terms, within 1 to a miles r, the towns along the Ursud Trunk k.'lc liallwsy beteeea Fort George and nuiiei t. v nte lor booklet tie- ling tins wonderful cououy. at. I. District Mies Agent, ia Paxton . Omahs, Neb. io to ll,o made promptly. P. O. Wesd, Weed Hldg.. nth snd Farnam. GAEVlNBltOS L"' od Ounha Kat l Bank FOR RALE OR EXCHAXUH i nanaie trsaes eveivrwnen-. it run went results write or call Dean. H7 Bee. D 13ML . v , i . DVO.E, vi , . 1 1 a i , e v j owner, level prairie quarter. Stanley county, B. D.; level prairie quarter. Morton county. c. t., ieei uisuie qusrier, witn Some grove, Kittson county, and 40 acres Kan abec county, Minn.; will sell sny or all and f lv terms or exchsnge all for one piece. C. W. Prey, owner. South Shore s. I. K1A1BAI.L organ, latest style; big bar gain. 3(1 N. Kth. fl.Or STOCK groceries and tiueensware. new and fresh, still In the wholesale stuck. nm escnaiiK i'i neavy arati teum. nar ness and wagon, balance cash. Jut the chance to atart in ousineifa for yourself. Address Y 11, car Bee. WANTED TO VKX it. tOKK truit farms in tracts of 10 scifK or more on easy terms; aiong the bKAM river near srince Hupert, central l.ril sn columtna. csli or write B. Mey a line sal- agent, til Paxton B:og.. uihaha, Neo. 4Seorgla. GRE-VT SOUTH GE0EGL Traversed br the ATLANTA. BIRMINGHAM A ATLAN TIC RAILROAD, '-ands adapted to the widest rang of crops. All the money crops of the south plentifully produced. For literature treat ing with this coining country, its soil. cl.nMte, church, and school advantages, WT.t W. H. LEAHT. DEPT. K, tiencral Passenger Agent. ATLANTA. GA- Caauada, "WILL buy for anyone British Colum h'a Farm Iinds on uncompleted Gntml Trunk without commission exceidlng pr-i-eniag of profits,. Ijirg returns cer-la-'n. Frank Crawfonl. 311 Homer Street. enceuver. or Omaha." M1bscm:. FVift SALE-M) acres good, level lsnd. o stone or stumps: Za seres under plow csn all he plowed: good ret buildi -gs; .'. half cash. taks it before February !. Adam Morast. Canbridee. Minn. M-hand goods. Kieser. 10A) Center. D.eK WANT TO BL V-Sttck of merchandise n country tor cssh. Box SX Onuahs. Orand Island Local. ...a 6:S1 pm 10:Stiaui Slromsburg Local bir;4l pm bl:iDpm Wabash Omahs-St. Iiuls Ex..al:10prn itiSim Msll and Express a 7.01am a!l:lpm Stanb'y L. (from C.B.).b t:00pm bl0:15sm 4'hleaao lirrat Weeiern Twin City lJmited a s pm a7:4fcam Twin Clly Express. ...a 7:44 am ilHpn Chicago Express a IM pm a l:4i pm (hlcago, Roeat lalaad at I'aeirio EAST. n Rocky Mountain ia .ali a am aioi-, nm Chicago Local Pass. ...bl0:S sin bio.liipm Chicsgo Day Express. a :tain sl xipm Chicago Express a 4:10 pm a 1:10 pm ties Moines Locsl Pas a 4 27 pm s 11:12 pm Ciiicag o-Nebranka Ltd. a t:M pa a l:W am WEST. C.-Neb. L. to I.lnco.a a 01 sm at lSpm Chlosgo-Color-ado Kx. al Spm a 4 09 pm Sioux City Girl Saves Omaha Man from Drowning Kd. Blsrrflan. employe of the Omaha Water company and a member ef the Omaha Rod and Oun club, had a nar row escape from drowning Sunday after' noon In the Missouri nver. ana was saved by the quick work of Miss I illlsn Morrrll of Sioux City, who la visiting In Omaha at IB North Twsnty-tt street. Blerman and Miss Morrell were akatlng when ths Ire gave way and Blerman want In over hit heed. Miss Morrell held to his hand and was herself dragged Into tho hula In th Ic but wa able to keep hold of the solid Ire so she wa wet only to her wsltt and wa abl to pull Blerman out. The young people had quite an exper ience getting dry. They hsd skated from Rlvervlew park down ths 'river until opposite Gibson, where the Ire gavs way. They msds a hasty retreat to th Bur lington round house where they dried their clothes and then cams to Omaha tn the cab of a switch mains. Neither suffered any bad effects from their ducking. nieaao-v.oi'jrauo li.s i:Dm iimnm Okl. & Texas Express. a 140 pm si 46 am itocay Mountain iia..aiv:4i pm all. Slam (.means) at horthweeteraw NORTHBOUND. Minn. -8l. Paul Ex a 7:0Dam Minn.-St. Paul Lld.. a7 'pm aroVani Twin City Express.. . .a 7:S sm am m Sioux City Local a 1 pm a I a pm Minn. Dakota Kx...a !;tf pm a 16 am Tw in City Limited a I pm a T s aia Ulnucsoia Express all:0l)am EASTBOCND. Carroll Local a l oo am alltpm Dsyilsht Chicago 7 40am alettpm Chicago Local al2 wpm a l it pre l.'olorado-ChlcaBO .....Mk loom . i '1 Chicago Special a ID!pn aiu i'ac. coast-t nicago. ... ,;n a a um Los Angeles Limited. .a 0.10pm ais-inn. Overland Limited. .... .a 7:ob pm a:Uam noil luteal a 4.30pm aio-tai.n. Fast Mall a . nva a S:S nm . -. . . U . ... .1- CliBM. ' Cltv snd Omaha Centennial Male L t d .':) am WESTROCNI) TEAM of young mares, with foal, also i Long Pin a 140 am Negro Caught With the Stolen Money C. C. carter, a negro employed by Andrew Menu. 2401S Cuming street, was arres.ed Monday night for the theft of 1140 from his employer. lie M charged with grand larceny. C.vrter Is employed a a laborer about th piac and waa waahlng th window Monday sfttmoon when Mehua left ths room and left a hank book containing 1140 on hi deek. When he returned th money "was gone and so wss th negro. The police were notified and Immediately went ta th scene. After a starch they found th negro eating lunch In a saloon about two blocks away. He was searched and the money found on his person. Caught In the very act of making away with decoy mall prepared especially for him. W. T. Johnston, electrician and baggage agent employed by the I'nlon Pacific, was arrested yesterday at Denver by federal authorities. Over three hundred distance where mall l a been reported aa missing are said to have been traced to Johnston, and railway mall officials who hav been In a panic aver since December 1, when th depredation began are now resting easily, for from the manner In which Hi pouches disappeared It aeemed aa though tie mall officials aad clerks themselves were guilty. Johnston as baggage agent had free access to th mall oar on hi run, which wa between Denver and Council Bluff. Hi system or stealing the poucbea was so perfect that while ever twenty rail-' way mail clerks were under surveillance Johnston was not suspected. The prob lem was so bsffllng that postofflce In' spectors from Ksosss City, Omaha and Denver were called In. They quickly eliminated th possibility of the derks having anything lo do with ths thefts. and finally no one elre was left exoept Johnston. Caaaht ellk Decoy. ' ' Monday Inspector J. F. Eliton of Kan' saa City and Chief Clerk Mettlln prepared a decoy pouch and placed It on ths car whei Johnston could get II. This morn Ing It was not among th pouches deliv ered In Denver and Johnston waa ar rested. He wgs searched and th money orders and marked money which waa la the decoy pouch were found upon him. It la Impesarlbl to estimate the value of the stolen pouches, but Superintendent Mastsn believe that Johnston must hav obtained many thousand dollar. John aton will b tried In Denver, where he resides. JoBHINO THA lil-: Phk.-ns c. W. Russell. LEGISLATIVE. K. II. Raldrlge I. F. Baxter. LIVE STOCK AND PACKING. A Buckingham. R. c. Howe. MANFFACTVRKS. .a1d Cole. F. I. Kill.k. MEMBERSHIP, z'amuel Bums. yr. w. D. Hnstord. MI NICIPAL AFFAIilS. J. U McCsgue. J. F.. George. DOTAL SERVICE. W II. Biirhotx. J. B. Rahm. PrBMt: AND U1IJTART AFFAIRS. C, M. Wllhelm. I-uiher Drake. PrBI.ICITY AND CONVENTIONS. C. c. Rosewater Rome Miller. PI'BLIC SERVICE CORPORATIONS, T. A. Fry. W. A. HeBonl. REAL ESTATE. II. A. Tukey. c. C. Oeorge. RETAIL TRADE. 11. II. Rrandela. C. D. Retnn. RIVER. IMPROVEMENT. 0. C. Belden, J. I.; Paxton. TRADE EXTENSION. F. U Ilaller. ' Roy T. Byrne. TRAFFIC. T. C. Bym B. P. Peck. air. pre ll:le pni two or thiee young milch cows to beeume fresh In Msrch. Wanted for shipment out of state. H 11S5. Bee. 1'ASH for one. two or three Dundee lots; put price and legal description in first litter. J 1U7. Bee. WASTE!! TO REXT all -44 am ai0:iipm s : WANTED-Furnished aialrtnient or fiat by couple without children. Kefeienoea exchanged. K 1L4 Omaha Bee. WASTEH eilTCATlOXS WHITE lady desire steady places of day work; neat, conscientious: does not disappoint engagements. Phone H. Mf. WANTED-PoViltion as housekeeper" by respecib',e middle-aged ily. Prefer horn with children. Also exiiertenced as nJrre. Address Mra Marie 'lumer. cen eral delivery. Council Bluffs, la WASHING and ironiug done T.. HCe. Norfolk-Dallas aOOOsi Iiiie Pine-Lincoln a Iiliom Husllngs-Superlor ...bj lipm il jtsn Dtadwaod-hot Sp'gs.-a tM pm trpm Casper-Lander aliopm alleOpn, Freinont-Altrlen bIJtpm bl.sipm luiaols Ceatrat Chicago Express a7.1sm al tip-n CLicago Liioiied a i:st pm al.Mam Chiracs), Mltwaakee at Si. Paal- Overland Limited a 7 . pm a u am Perry Loral a : am ui.46p,n Colorado Kxprees a gov pm a s:E5 pm Colorado Special a 7:42 am a C.Mam Perry Local bO lipm bi::wpm Mkvali Paetfte K. C. St. U Ex... .a IJim af-toam K, C. St. U Ex....all:Upm atjopm Barliaujtea atattaa Barllagtea -Team A- Maaws eiiTl'AI'lON wanteu as ntanagi-r of general store, country town; experienced. O li Bee. BOOKKEEPING and clert:al wor evenings ar.4 Saturdays; uss typewriter. Address T. 742. Be 1 HREK young ladles, piano r'ayer and singer, want posit. ana in picture allow; experienced. Dougiaa mii. K T.i. Bee. POSITION warned by tenographer: refetence Hamey 044. competent lady a to ability. WANTED A position as watonmao or secret ervK-iug; good reference. O VJW. Cee. . Depart. a i Denver A California . .a 4:10 nm a -sr. . Puget Sounl Expreea . I H pm a j 5 S Nebraska points il liui a i Lm Black Hills ,4 4 10 pm a I 45 pm Lincoln Mail k 1:30 pm alj ii pm Northwest Kxpres ...all pm a 7) pm Neoiaska points a am a jo pm N'ehraska Expresa ...a IS am a 4 la pm Lincoln IXKal ( j am Schuyler-PlattsmoutB b 1 pm bh 1 an Lincoln locat bl4im Piattamoiith-lmia ...a is an a i sa . Belivue-Plattsmoath.aU- sv pm a 1 4 pm Chicago special a ; u am all u pm Denver Special all pm a T no pm ICMcago Express a 4 30 pm a 3, "6 pm jCM. Fast Express a O pm sl'siaia jlowa Local a 9 U am aie aoam i resion wmi...u pm Di) 4. a:a MAJOR BREWER COMES TO AOORESS THE ARMY Major Drawer f the Salvation Army, chief divisional officer for Iowa and Ne braska, will be here from hi headquar ter in De Moines to deliver an address Wednesday evening at the barracks, 1711 Davenport streel. Major Brewer comes on his regular tour of Inspection. were Age. ! a II 3 34 M .... II Hospital Addition Has Been Completed Ths new wing to Wis Memorial ho-' pltsJ at Twenty-fourth and Harney afreet haa been completed and everything la In readiness ta receive pstlenls. The wing, which cost approximately fS.Oy, provide accommodation for thirty patients, and arraiementa are made for child and maternity patient. A Ilea Moines man had an attack of muscjlar rheumatism tn his sboutdsr. A friend sdilsed him to go to Hot Springs That meant an expense ef !R or mors. He ought for a 'tulcker and cheeper wsy to cure It and found h In Chamberlain' Llnlriteat. Three dsys after the fowt ap plies lion of this liniment b was well. For sale by all dealers. sT "Tn.. ; ,22"- l sr..' ExpreT,:::.. ; 5 H :S ' ' - jo-iwnx. uooa lana. 10- . --- " i , - s. a. . . ,t . . . - - ; i ... - i , . , iti a s n am tOLNi, lady deslrea position In Ifie i K. C A St. Jopfi...a J 14 am a I H pm where there is a cl.snce fcr sdraneement K. C. a St. Joeenta a l om ihi uaily eveopt Sunday. w Sunday j-l-, 1-1 U.IU Ml snd V acres. , rumc. Good land, lo ' si on end Imrrovemente. 60 milea from Turn Cliles. Prk-e per acre. Worth '.. B D. I-arons. Stsn. hfle.'d. n F D. -Co. L liex t;L M caciibU (writer. '- iljr -CTJ. Webster aiatte)) 10th aad Webster Mlesoarl Farifle Depart. Arr.v. Aubora Local biwpm bllo aia Cb lease, St. Paal, wlnaeapolle at ftssaha Sioux City Express.. . b S:B om hil 4S om Omaha lsrai A am e 6 w pm Sioux l Itr Pss b ia Km Twin City Pas b:am Emerson Local h t al pre b 9 M am Marrlaae l.ieesee. The following marriage licenses recorded todsy: Nme. Charles Langfellner, Omaha Annie Zak, Omaha Bellardlno Vsnsno, Omaha Mamlna Benedloto, Omaha Joseph A. Griffith, De Moines... Etta M. Uuetaveeon, Dee Moln . Durla Curio. South Omaha Georgia Georgovlch, South Omaha Ernest I.. Curry, CnunrI! Bluffs . leolha DeForesl. Omalia Harrv Hoffrter Omaha a liebecta stenberg. Omaha Martin Jenaen, Omaha 31 Mildred EJIson, Omaha I John A. Wheel. K-k. HI. Lome, Mo Ella Shreere. St. Iruie, Mo. 17 William II. C. Horn, Dundee H Helen M. Iligby, Omaha 9 Orschlno Csaclo, Omaha K Bragia Siragreea, Omalia II Uaagerwsia Sargery In th sbdomlnal region hi often pre vented by th use of Dr. King's .New LIU Pius, the pslnlce purifier. Sc. For sal by Beaton Drug Co. Fanning is Weary of Fight Between Paving Concerns Charles K. Fanning I wsary of th struggle between, paving contractor and promoter and would find nut way la eliminate th ohatraperou promoter. His weariness is not only physical, hut flnan. rial aa well. Thes promoters make from yTl to II M0 on each district they promote, said Mr, Fanning. "In the laat six year 1 hav paid promoters $30,000. This money Is of necessity taxed against the properly In the long run.' Other contractor believe the paving situation might bo cleared a kit by a method to keep out the promoter, but sr unable to sire on tho method that would be most effective. To leave the matter with th council would excite usp(oioo. say contractors, snd might bring about corruption ef city offilcals. To allow bidder lo come Into Cue office ef th city engineer and eign for the material they desired would have the m fault, aa employe In the depart ment office often being able to select tnw materiel by securing a majority ef front footage. " Promoters, declares Mr. Fanning, often take a petition after It haa been circu lated try an improvement club er a dis interested oltlsen and after securing a few more name hold It for sal, HUGH MURPHY'S BOOKS ARE STILL IN THE CITY Hugh Murphy. Jr., who was a witness oa the panne Investigation new being conducted by the city council aayf that his father, Hugh Murphy, sr.. did not lav tha city to escape th Investigation ae was announced, but has been In the south for hi health for th last month. He also says that all the hooks of the firm are In the office In The Bee build- lug. Rherimatisin sVdvice Prosxlaeat eeter'a Beat Preeerlrtlea easily atlas at mesa. j Scores of Omaha people who hav that j common practical seuse which g aides I then In all their acta and cOncloslons. jar coming out unreservedly with stnte J menu, regarding th new tome. Ton Vita." The rcmarliabl properties of which jsre daily demonstrati d at Brandeis' Drug department. 10th 'ami Doiiam St., south side, main .floor, In a manner that la 1 causing general surprir In the city. Well known among the recent Indoreers of this new tohtc. Is Mrs. F. W. Humana of ISM Marry St. . "I hav been tn poor health for aeveral years," raid Mrs. Ilamann. "I Buffered from general debility and nervousness. I slept poorly and my steep did me Utile good. I would awaken In the morning a tired and worn out aa when I retired. My stomach was In a very had condition. I could cat nothing but liquid food and even I hi would vauae misery for sometime sfterward. I suffered from sour stomach and bad taste In the mouth, especially In the mornings. I hsve tried many reme dies without relief. "I came to thla (tor to try this new tonic, Tona Vita.' and on of th spe cialists told ma I had nervous debility. I got th medicine and It ts th best on I earth. It helped me from the very first doe. I can now eat aad ateep better. In feet, am a well woman and giva .'all credit to Tona Vita. " ' ' , Brand la Drug Dept. Is headquarter ror this tonic here, and specialists are always on hand between the hours, of 9 a. m. and I p. m., to explain tho na ture of the remarkable new remedy. These speolallats claim that a largo percentage of the population, especially among th dty people, are-offeetsdlby nervous debility. One ef the speclaH'tS said today. In discussing ths matter: "The symptoms of nervous debility are unmis takable to those who know how pre valent this trouble Is. A tired, dragging feeling of tho body, a sluggish mind and dull memory, depression of splrtta, ner vousness, stomach trouble, weak heck, cold feet, headache and bowel trmble. There are aur Indication) of aervbua debility. . ' '"J "Tona Vita' 'will pottivtly remove thl condition. If It doesn't the trial rial nothing, a tha tonic must do the work or we don't want monev lor it.- We be lieve we have a preparation that If worth Its weight In gold to ths man or woman afflicted with nervous deblllty'-Adv. "From your dmeelst set one ounce of Torla compound iln original sealed pack ers) and on ounce of syrup of tssrssner lila compound. Take thes two Ingredi ent hom and put them Into a hair pint of good whlakey. Shake th bottl and Ink a tableapoonful before each meal and at bed time." Thl la said to he th Quickest snd best remedy known lo the medical profession for rheumatism and beokache. Good raaulta coma artr the first doe. If your druggist doe not hsve Torls compound In stock he will get It for you In a few hours from hi wholesale hous. Don't be Influenced to take a patent medicine lnsted of this. Insist on having the genuine Torls com pound In the original on ounce, oealed, yellow package. Hundred of th worst rase war cured her by thla prescrip tion last winter. Adv. I aw IfM II DENTIFRICE nsbl Sm a safe, Mssssse swesss ase. ee ssna iomi Ml toa 4 sela ust Sr ?" w s " m-m I. inil is. ' enSt e'luini iniku.ii . HtrtS) ? '' "v-J asrr ir- si m. irs ia. 4-4SA.K5T rAC-KAGB OS bSKTISaiCX ON MASStrr. e IV. TM r. m Mc LEGAL KOT1CES. NOT 11 'K TO NTRA(TORS-SIAl.KD ' bids will h received al the office of the 1 '-- Riw. rcvnwr I", : i. A. I, mix for the construct lonvf an ad ditional building at the Tubeecula.- hc.s pital. Kearney, Nebraska, plans and sue, ificutions are on file at the nffle of the Secretary of State. Commissioner i Public Land and Ruildlncs. at the Hos- pltsi. sml trie ornee or Bard F. Miller. Architect. Brandel Theater Butidinf Omaha. ADDISON WAl't. SriTTtJiy of Sfi te. 11, IX i RUPTURE 1 ell vxrletie cared la i a tew days without sloorlossof thne. No ay vilbeaccepiadua J the patieat Is eused. Write or call. fstelrtr" Iseters Cre . r. apes. OeVss f ssaa N. ujrta, 0. Jee Sai'tiag. Casks SSAWJVY mm il2 Brewed . 'and .. Bottled under the most modern, sanitary coodltlons by killed masters, in m brewery as clean as "mother's kitchen. atXATZ COMPANY M241II ssfelmeBBfeM, I II rAesw DssilsiMtl in FMR 1 -1 ,Hiiihimi ,33 The Omaha Bee reaches moro readers in Omaha than any other paper. ' HOTKI.O. HOTEL. Hotel Flanders . 133.1S7 WesA 47th Street, , Jf, T. CUT. 900 Foe East of rlroavdway. A modem fireproof hotel tn th heart of th theater, club and hetet dlstlici. convenient to all car line. An exceptional orchestra. Rue me wltb private bath R.00 per day. From Grand Central station, Broad way cars without transfer. 'From Pennsylvania Station, 7th Avenue ear without transfer. Booklet oa request. H. R. SHARES, prop. , TOUkJWJ risWsfav I ' 7fasw ft W i HOTEL GRISW0LD Grand River Avenue end Griiwold Streets DETROIT, . ... MICH. POSTAL HOTEL CO. . FRED POSTAL, Prmmdml. FREDA. GOODMAN, Stmlmty $123,000 Expidd in Rtmodel inf , Farnlthinf and . Decorating Headquarter for the Wolverine Automobile Club DETROIT'S MOST POPULa4R HOTEL RATES $1.50 PER DAY AND UP The Finest Cafe West of .Near York. Sen Ire A La Carte at Ponolar Pricea. . A strictly modern aad ap to date Hotel, ("cfitrajly located in t7 heart of the city, "Where Life la Worth UTtn;." ., Nothing Better at tsar rates. . .. .