THi: HKK: OMAHA. WKDNKSDAY. JANUARY ?A. 1!M2. BRIEF CITY NEWS mm Boot Mat IL Omaha Qeserel Hospital. Bong, gas. na. nxreres, Barges f aaaal to est Booth's Guaranteed Canned Oratsrs of your dealer, call Douglas ? tor nearest dealer's wnt ataaoaa WHI Play Cards A iut card larty will be glvao Wednesday evening by Covert lodge No. II. Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons, at Masonic Temple. Cigar and punch will be served. Xew Tesshsr at High School On ac count o( the Increased enrollment In the high school commercial department, atisa Alice Hosklns of the Iowa. State Normal school has been added to the list of type writing Instructors. looks (or Lost Lad J. it Teeny of Krary, lo has asked the Omaha police to try and locate In this city his l-year-old son, Harry, who ran away from Ms home with U Bangs of that town a few days ago. It Is thsught that he came to Omaha, Zlaed for Selling 4TJ Minors Bernard tiroes. Ml Grand avenue, was fined II and costs In police court for selling- to liacco to minora tirbss admitted selltnf I he tobacco to a couple of small boys. Jmlse Foster warned him not to repeat Hie offense. Date Set for Seed Corn Trains to Run Over State Roads E. Buckingham and K. P. Peck of the committee of business men appointed to onfer with the railroads on the proposed seed corn specials, have announced tenta tive plana for trie trains, which ars to be provided free by the rusds. Pour trains, manned by demonstrators sad lecturers from the experiment sta tion of the 1'nlverslty of Nebraska, un der direction of Pmf. Pursier, will start out on February 3D two oa the Burling ton, one on the Union Pacific and one eu the Northwestern. The Burlington plans to put on a third train on March 4 to visit places not Included tn the schedules nf the other two. Local officials of ths "Omaha" read have taken up with head quarters at St. Paul the matter of send ing nut a train. Bach train will carry two oars espe cially for lecturers, with a lecturer for each car. It may be decided to add a third car for domestic science demonstra tions to attract the women. Testing of seed corn has been begun by Manager Parrish of the publicity bu ' (rnu of the Commercial club. Mr. Par. rlb Is testing a number of samples sent is and will take rare of all the earn test in ths farmers ask him to da Removing Houses Quite a Problem Ths McCacue Investment compear re sumed the sale of the buildings ea ths tract of ground that Is to be occupied by the Rock Island terminals. The sal la at public auction and seventy-nine of the 100 houses were sold on the first day. Ths sale Is thorn of ths auction tenure, aw ing to the small number of buildings re maining. The prospective buer ars go las from house to sou as and thsre oak law the purchssea 80 far alt of ths hones havs sold at prices very satisfactory to the Ureal Western officials, ths company they reptesent be Log the owner. Getting the houses off the Rack Island grounds Is a problem that now confront the purchasers. The smsller buildings can be hauled across the Mason street via duct, but ths structure Is not wlds or strong enough to carry the larger one. This seems to bo lb only way to get eut of the place, which has been designated st the "bowl," for on all s des It la sur rounded by numerous railroad tracks. Quotes Scripture in Giving Stock V. II. Kennard has donated M shares t-f stock la the Auditorium lo the city, the donation being made conditionally. The condition Is sxplalned In a Biblical quotation attached to the donation blank: "And he looked up and saw the rich men casting their gifts Into the treasury and he saw also a certain poor widow, as'.lng thither two mites. And he said tf a trula I say unto you. that this poor widow hss caat tn more than they all." "When this scene Is repeated In Omaha," raid Vr. Kennard. "by lbs rich i-nes. you rosy count on m for Bo mites." UNION PACIFIC OFFICIALS WILL HOLD MORE MEETINGS Passenger Traffic Manager Port of the Union Pacific has returned from the Fait Laka meeting of the officials of ths western lines of the Harrimaa system. President Mohler and Vies President Munroe ars still In the west inspecting the various properties. The As it I AH meeting, according ts Mr. Pert, ass an Important ens, at watca traffic matters were the principal thing discussed. These meetings are Mitely to b made regular affairs In ths fuurc. but not neesMarly til they always bs Iseid In Ealt Lake city. In ths past such utters as were considered at fait Lake lave been disposed or by letters ard tel egrams. However. It has been fouaii much more setiefacrory to bite U.e offi cial beads of the Harrtman system meet la conference ard there thresh oat all matters roaring up for consideration. Let these Vitalizing Elements into your borne; they are the simple mean of keeping Nerves, Brain and Body strong, active, enduring. Tnwr t aw snsstirat for fVesA Air, Samhinm, Happy Tnowgnes mr Scott's Emulsion a osueaiera II-.' 'of bovs in the Kfarn?y Industrial schoM i by 69 per rent, lie denounced the prison rontract system, bounty jails should h, I sMHuheiJ. he raid, and In their etesd I should be uiie stat jail to every four. I i iir iriii Winn..", , it hvuib. Hon. making a great saving of expense Reel rtr tea Marrlaa Hill. Dr. Leaviti announced that the Society for the Friendless has drawn a hill for a restricted marriage !a; that the gov ernor had approved this bill and prom ised to urge its laswige in tils nest mes sage tn the legislature. F. TV. Booth, superintendent of the Ne braska School for the IVaf. told of the oral method of training the denf. after which Kmlly K. Hautcr demonstrated the method with a clasa of deaf boye andj girls. The little folk actually talked, I I .1. ..1 I .- ,. Ula. .itti- H..4 rtttr-l tied on a conversation with them a man In the audience aekvd it the children could read his line. He sas told la try them and he- asked on of the boys to bring him n bull. The tittle fellow walked across the stage, picked up a bail and brought it to him and the man was satisfied. o CHARITIES HAP COMMITTEE Argument Made for Removal of Cor rection from Politics. LONG TUBUS ABE ADVOCATED Deleaate C'fcartttee Ceeveatloa l'ra Passage at Prwpaeed Con atltatlaaal Amendment for Board of Control. Father Joseph Reusing of West Point, Mrs. F. H. Cole of Omaha and J. K. Mil ler nf rjnenln mni BniMlnlMl MmmlltM at the ...t. Conference of Charities snd I " " dl aU of the wator Prospects Bright for Bumper Crops General r're'glit Agent Ijne of tin I'nlon Pacific Is back from a tour of In spection that covered a greater portion of the Kaneas and Colorado divisions of the road. Everywhere he found the coun try in fine condition, measured from an agricultural viewpoint. According tu Mr. lAne througb eastern Colorado and Kansas the fall of snow during the laat fow Weeks has been the heaviest In years. There are portions of Kansas covering larg areas where snow has fallen tu a depth of two feet. Most of It hea melted away, but the melting Correction yesterday to Inform voters as to the constitutional amendment for a board of control of ststs Institutions, to be voted upoa at the next state election. It wilt b their purpose to secure the adoption of the smendment. The naming of the committee followed sn addreta by Bishop Bsecher on "Prison Peform." "Appointments to the managemsnt of stata Institutions," h said, "ars at pres ent made the currency of political ehang. Beery appointment should be mad for at least sight yes re and air appointee should be removed by lbs gov ernor only on evidence of mismanage ment" Judge Lincoln rost ef Lincoln urged msmbsrs of the convention to work for the passage of the proposed eonstltu tlanal axcandmsnt for a board of control, assuring them It would take the manago mant ef list Institutions out of politic. Beaia at the Bottom, Bishop Bsecher said ths place tor social worker to begin prison work Is at the polls station, where the possibles" may b lifted out from ths hardened criminals and ssvsd from a lit of orlme. Judge frost asked tlx eonvtnllon to again urgs sn ths legislature lbs lam Wllsd la th last Isglslstur. providing for salsrlsd probation officers In eoh county. Th :. lnstcsd of th Society tor the Frlendl and th Prison Tte fnrm association, should bs looking after Its paroled prisoners, he said. Ho aald th laws should bs amscded to provide for suspension of sentence In misde meanor cases, as wall as felony case. Dr. J. A, Laavltt, superintendent of the Htbreska division of ths Bncltty for th Friendless, auggsstsd that It would be well tor th stale to furnish each paroled prisoner with a suit of cloths and find a Job for him. Th rui now is that a nun must havs a lob btfor a parol granted. One or two month may elapse between th flnd:n of work and the granting of parol and th result Is th man has ne work wbsn h get out Pr. Lcavm declared that Juvenile courts In each county would lessen ths number baa soaked Into the ground, wetting it thoroughly for several Inches. In Colorado, not only In the mountains, but in ths valleys the fall of snow lias been a record-breaker. When It melts It will put the ground In excellent condi tion, and besides this ths Irrigation reser voirs will be filled to overflowing, con taining sufficient water to carry the di trtot supplied entirely through the dry seaion next summer. Mr. Lane reports a large arraage of winter wheat In southern Nebraska and Kansas and says that he has never seen the cereal look so wsll at this season of the year. Where the snow ha melted off and It can be Inspected It is a peffect mat covering the ground and a grcua as in early summer. Xebedy la T Old to learn that the sure way to curs a rough, cold or sore lungs Is with Dr. King s New Discovery. UK and II 00. For sale by Bsaton Drug Co. f The Life and, Snap of TONE SPICES mula from choices! Hoc. carstJ anTUsg -S, nnJDJste schinsnr sod psckusj i l rf, Len ia the rerm. isss retheysretKdbrUcrasnn,b wives avufwhsss. ; to mt roff eocfg S0ity Jetts." re- TON! gNIOgs, Bee "saisa.l auaesneltasa II II A w Brother 318-320 South I 6th. St. OUR ENTIRE HIGH CLASS STOCK OF Tailored Suits On Sale Wednesday, at This extraordinary announcement will be of great interest to hundreds of women who pay no attention to or. dinary department store sales, but watch and wait for the bona-fide clearance sales at Orkin Bros.' exclusive store of high class wearing apparel for women and misses. 77iis offer includes our entire stock of beautiful suits models that will be good for spring as well as present wear, French serges, fine worsteds, chiffon broadcloths, imported fancy materials, imported cheviots, velvets, corduroys, etc. Your unrestricted choice of our Tailored Suits sold at $35.00, $39.50, $45.00, $50.00, $59.50 and $65.00, at . .. SALE STARTS WEDNESDAY MORNING AT 8 O'CLOCK fa ) : sHyi ss JfrJbmt teHa.ii afl Received Highest Awerd World's Para Faod Caposiriea CALUMET DATJHG POWDER n j . L.t. i hv . ill a lie wonucr 01 uaa- sS ill wepoydrs-alumt Stl I Wonderful in its raising hfiff powers its unitormity. "fjf its never failinz results, its purity. Wonderful in its economy. It costs less than the hie h -price trust brands, but it u worth a much. It costs a trifle more than the cheap and biz can kinds . it is worth more. But proves i real economy in the bakinc. Us CALUMET ike Mod Diking Powder. At all Groccn, DELINQUENT FIRMS ARE SETTLING THEIR TAXES I TU last batch of stills sgijjst colin-1 euent Nebraska corporations who nave filled to file tear rtw"' f 1!IJ has ! lc:i filed la the distr: coart by I'alteJ S'.atss Attorney T. B. Howell. loess suits isak tu following con cerns Habl for a penalty reagicg betsreerj i,t0S and glr.WS: Pioneer Real Estate company. Framrrs' Orsia aal stock eonpanv: Joae Merry Mixer and Novelty company. Nebraska kUIk Pastrjrlaer company. Osaka PlaCag company and the Clark Ixnd aad Loan comcaar. Aftsr Ms rcj t :L whea Ike boslnee reoert wsre due. tews were over uoc corporations wbe tad failed to make a rs-pcrC We wisb I call yowi auraaea ta tb fact that acost mfastlous ansa sis sash as whooping cough, diphtheria aad scar let fever are coctraeted wbea the child has a cold. Chamberlain's Cough Rm egy sX aulckly car a cold aad great. Isasea th danger of eeatractlag thee glsiniis TsJ reaaedy as taiceu for Its cures at eolds- It contains as ogsuo sr etfcer aarostia sad coay be grrea to a child srttli bspUcit cant-deoca. Sold by jus mi i us hi .siiii-m. ,i ,n lsjaaaseaaaassswwassssj 11 ni i j n . m . . . . . n . . i i i "'lili I" I laerf l-l! Vf! 1 iisaj i Jig1 ( if ,." ; - . ' ... ; Omaha's Handsome Mandarin Caie opens. ShtMafl of vtuiad co!ored licr.t vhat! ihcflsaelvaa hefor th ere; tn'x ward. Inlai2 vltb pearl, refler.i-l beJty f-c crry point; eoll tiraupvw; bcntnO i.; nMtl7 crbrl wt?n; harrU kf acd tbr, a mcrrr ham of voi r' created a. plypboi.Ic at:nwp4crBr t ic basvat'r! Maixiaj-'.n cafe, ai 1 !0f Iou Ua atrcet. waa opcairg to ire city of 0inaa- It aVr an tnviwtton crant laat nieThL ata-t drenwHt bim wor cn filled tH haii!atjiT.e pa'wc wfctrc aro the xix-t jarjwjf: tircora,- tlons an'! ifca fluent appoinircenta of eix.y similar czfo west oZ Chlcaca ) . .i:urarf s (1" tfcils"! ,iave been aivnt .u ('uwg t4n !!;- r.ew Mantfnrin cafe. ..-.c tit!v: r;r; " Uit f:?iet:t -i.'. lnUi.J rr.oter pe-wl. Tha ,jp t? Cie tafclec a-i?sralc f ciartole. I.'jo.- o lv.t cf tilt. At the jili ":! c t'.m roori i-rc crera ce't-T Agtoirtc! t -ot werai.. j.;;et :n& ;rTriI priracy, Tr. d3coriti3, a-jjci of weca were brnigi-. Srnr the .ee t, !sc! jJ a t ml " aes i car7lisi o ? sutstt eta iiors bj edlv! tLaia-nd done 10 admirably that viaHora to tl.e eeninc a dijplar of Chinee firework cafe IvoaUiUful Uat right actually hel'J 1 will adl bniltam-y to ti e occaalon. up t.ilr handa In arnaaement - they i Tlie ulstno of the le the bet: bobeld th oeajt'es nulla tine from every I th? price aro iht luweat, for th claaa detail of tl m Mandar'n. It waa a xmid , of foci ervid, of any place In th weet; ooeasron, and t prople who we.-.t them ' th appointments are aupert. Indeed el th IfiYtlatioii of te niaAaxcxent r.r afe li furh an eiqu!slt piac that were deMsMed. PTnm to I 00 ! -n r -a3not rva lz bow fortunate o c":o:it Ion ntt-t ir-e.-ts who hai Leen ; i;t ahi'n dinera are until a wlait la extended !aTitit!or. by the iruiia;:'! r : were p.'eaeit. After -23 cafe wa. t brown opea ta ti public aid macy treaded their way thither. Tb grand foraai oec:at w.Ii tiLk paoe taia raomJnc at It o'clock. Tim "The Favorite Rye of Six Generations" OQNs;t(itiittMt;wtitiMtwuitissiuu The SCHENLEY bottle is. full of pure rye, because the SCHENLEY label says so. mm is 4 times distilled in copper. (Ordinary wtilakay cwt mora than twtea) This means absolute purity delicate flavor extra quality. Bottled in Bond Each bottle) is aeakd with the U. S. Government Stamp. a Its age is guaranteed by the U.S. Government. Its purity by the Schenley Distilling Company. Its quality speaks for itself. When you buy Rya, buy Schenley. At all dealers. Bchtnley DlnllHng Comyenv. Lncescn, fa. i-il KnesXMSINtN(NO0tmM9 C3 FLORIDA-CUBA Gulf Gast Resorts New Orleans, Mobile, Pensacola aad all ether prtadpsl restart ra tae setrtli reasb' by Trasck and cess voniem ecWalee W tb Loeusnlle ek NasbviUa Raiiroaal sstW ia sofiel Ihrough trains or slrrpiog cars from Crdcaga, StLmsa, Uaelsauls, -raaej Rsgads, Leiusvills, Eraasvillsv Cleveland and Inrlisnanolrs. CssI dimog ear service. Roand tnp taurut tickets, retura aasat ta ivmm 1, ess sala dailr at reducsd fares. Greater vaiietv rsarto thaa any itbar siaas anvsMreutasto FloricU if 4astrd. Horn shifts' tickets sala FlrsS aa4 Third Tuesday each month at very low rate The Most Attractive Way South For full peiticnilars, rates, tickets, eWcriptrra Cas trated booalats aod slecpug sur ma hiiiiiis, ssimsa B9 I fXA'JWLeJ?! p-w- MORROW V-. I 111 1 K DAVENPORT -s. Il . f . a, it. toca Piles FISTULA Pay When CURED Ail siectai unease cared aritaoai a surgical a oparalioa. Ko Chlorotorm, Ether or other rea- craJ anesthetic need. CUREGU&sUNTEEO to last a LIFE-TIM E. s9axasmATioa rsza. WRITS FOR BOOK OK FILES AND RECTAL DISEASES WITS TESTIMONIALS Oft. E. St. TARKY. S34 Be DalMSna, Omssia. WiSrssSa Tb v.trjitwient raters ta the '.Ami i la.- if peor- Bvery precaution ba.i ben tUsn to make this cafe a p'zee to rhih U:e most refined and eal tured will ce, feellr.g that they are la a r-leaAo: i 1 sanciioiied atmoepbara. WRITS 1 BesibSporl Kews in Tiie Bge