Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 31, 1912, Page 6, Image 6

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.THE OMAHA DAILY BEEl Mr. Tafti Call to Armi.
Vov.MED BY EDtfAKa HDiEWATal.i The president's Cleveland speech
viciOK Hocr-wATr-H. ki'Itok j j,ag the genuine keynote ring and U
BEK BriUn.Ml. FAR.NAM ASi KTH. ' -i.-.on mnol tn verv republican.
rtS?eJ 0"h P""iC' " ""It " hi oil to superb adv.a-' 'rom 'h'8 -"stance. Jt
was m.ner. . Ecuador baa gone In It mi
5r::::::::::"::::S: 1 -! the:'flf-g'ern'nfnt
tjiy eiuhn'i sui)v.. n yar enemv. He knows he hai rout; hi a,
I" ana Sumy. oe J:'.-.. ..; . . k. ,s
PSLIV fc.J;Kl HV 'swm usuk auu acpi '"'
is the hope? Possibly. Tbe leaven
may be at work, but savage tribes
now and then engage In deadly com-
i bat It la a little difficult to measure.
boar far
gone In Ita march toward
Barrow's Indictment.
Hooking Backward
UilsDav in Omaha
I cbnpiup rnoi
1 iJ .AX.
from see ritts
Thirty ram Ago.
"Long winded" waa the adjectite de
scribing the meeting of (he city council.
A proposition bv Hon. Webster Snyder
surprised at bis Indictment on the (o ftrnid a city hall and market house
l!itd,nSv2e!ow ran face tb. censeouenre, with Not even Clarence Drrow. ae
Dally Be 'ihout Sinu . p-r m fee . ,he courage of bia convictions. Hoi cording to his own atatement. was
Address all oompisints or irresuianues j !
in duv.,rv m I'm .'in-u ttHuD Drpi '.a rirht in this declaration.
"m.v r..-. , .,. , lh. i, on aion charge or Dr fiery in connection wnn1"" "i""
i ' "i ami anomer I rum vwiuam .
i erect a market build-
venue between Four-
Fifteenth n recta.
Special rates to the annual meeting ot
Jtesnit by drain. niri r postal rr.ler.
Jyi la Tk Res Punishing eonrpany. r the republicans of this country : the Mr.Vamara case at Loa Angelea. n '' ""'""
Oa. t-ct tnnw received In 1-evr.i.r.t , f , , w ln,)r knowledge of . . . . . anllrlnated ' ?
f email eeeooni. r'i ch. , ; Thia action had been anticipated , , on raritM av
pt Omaha and eastern exensuss. .t he proses that baa been " from ,he Uine of the discovery of the -ernth and Fifteen!
Omaha-TV Re twidlng.
Soiiih Omaha-! N at.
i uncll Dlutf-:; fcott ft. -Uneoln-N
I.lttle Rvlidlna
a'ktcaae !. Marnwtt Bunding.
VanaA. lit" -.11: I.Rr. Rul'tlllS
" Hew rrss Wees Thtne-tbitd.
waahlarvn i.
Miiaria I imiit thwld h artJrennd
pwa'- Raa Kdllnrial Iwnartment.
fmir v-ara. arllh their adoption of
. - iMiti in I hriherv and Itorroff. hlmHeif. aaid
I ...... , , , ,h. nrnr-wal- of k' .-..I . !. i h Nebraska Woman s Suffrage aasocia-
f'i'" " ... --.nav nn " ra tun y 1 1 ' 1 i wi "M'llon
the minds of many people this la the
the administration sine that time.
lue u,..-,. .... ..... ,y by wh(.h th( rMpon,,
tney pass toe .air... -bllity for the crime tan be cleared
into tna ton a ot iue reai ntm . . . n, ,- ,
snl.they are up against . bitter strnggl. I ' . .
easier to lire toeir
N. w.
Stat af Kebraaka. Ceunty ef Poualaa as:
rtwtCht William, ctrralalion man-r
of the Be -ubllMii mpinv. bj-int
d lly s-rorn. saya that th aver
rruall-A. lean inuil'!, nausea and r--turntd
p(. far th uar.nlh of iem
Wr.iS1i. -'HT wlu.MMa.
circuhitlon Manwer.
4 euhacfk.j in mv pcewc and """'J, 10
efor an this th d-y ot Janiijrv mi.
Notary Publlt.
4 takaerlkeea lal tbe
llteatanraHlF abaald aiara '
Mltest to tbea.. Add
.jwlll bo ebaa aa tea aa
j Girls should leara to rook In spite
r tka high coat of Hying.
Baltimore, tb Monumental City,
ay become tb Kit graveyard of
j At lait the weather man seams to
iav struck the right combination on
y lntar weather.
j It Is usually trua tbat witness
od(s the questions whoso answers
j-ould hurt bis ease.
' It probably will ba a long tlma be
STora Colonel Harvey annoancas his
?eit choice for president.
f Tb democrats la cutting oat their
III 1,000,000 pork barrel show that
"they bar not lost their hearing.
t; r
Subways, of course, have their
"legitimate funrtiona to tery. but not
iin aolltica and paving contracts.
CI At an epistolary episode, the
iRooaeYtlt-U Kollette affair In Na
f braska is becoming onlte dlrcrtlng.
; The dians J tbe -Light Brigade
was not a clrtumalanre to tbe charge
Tth grocer and tntcber are making.
t . - . - "
X Maybe tb court house will be fin
ished eon day, but tbe disputes It
sa occasioned bid fair to last for-"ever.
It Is trjch easier to
jdesulf-fy sheila now than It will be
' to keep up consistent bombard
! ment when the lines are finally
drawn up. When they go to compare
tbe achlevementa of the last three
years with tbe promises of 190.
tbey are going to find their store of
ammunition much less thsn they
hare counted on. Simply denuncia
tion and misrepresentation will play
out long before the campaign does.
Laid down in cool conipsrisou beside
the pledges redeemed and tbe prom
isee kept by this administration, tbe
opposition's calumny will have very
poor carrying effect with the people.
8o the thing for republicans now to
do la to respond lo the president's
appeal for a united, harmonious rank,
"armed with the facts" to resist tbe
enemy's fiction.
"c Tbe young aviator who introduced
the "death dip" proved by getting
'killed that It was all its name lm-
i"ed. , .
i. Colonel Watteraon has sought re
jfuge from tbe Harvey-Wilson storm
Slows oa his calm breese-blowa Flor
ida plantation
, The Chicago Evening Poat says
the duke of Connsught Is a demo
crat Perhaps, but be cannot Join
tbe presidential race.
It may be that some of the tracks
tbat are now being made around tbe
jelly council chamber will later lead to any amaller area, so that tbe In
At Large or by Districts.
No little discussion Is being In
dulged over the relative merlta of
the presidential primary lawa, which
In Nebraska, Wisconsin and New
Jersey provide for tbe choice of dis
trict delegates by voters ot the
respective districts, and those of Cal
ifornia, Oregon and North Dakota,
which aeem to require them all to
he chosen aa delegates-at-large. But
most of, thia discussion misses the
reel point. The divergence, In fact,
turns upon the unit of representa
tion whether the congressional dis
tricts, aa well aa the slate, or the
atate alone, ahall be recognised aa
the areas whose people are entitled
lo a controlling voice.
Tbla difference la a fundamental
one between the republican and
democratic party organisations. The
republican party haa a dual unit for
Its conventions, similar to the dual
trait of representation In congress,
by which delegates-at-large In dou
ble the number of acnatdfe Vorre
spond to the rsprosentstlon to the
senate, and district delegates In dou
ble tbe number of members of con
gress correspond to the representa
tives In tbe lower bouse. Republi
cs n conventions have also repeatedly
decided, until It has become the ac
cepted law of the party, that the
several delegates either at large or
by districts are responsible and an
swerable only to their own con
stituent. 1
The democratic parly organisation,
oa the other band, redacts the atatea'
rights doctrine, and la built on state
unlta. Tbe democratic call goes to
tbe party organization within the va
rloua atatea, and haa nothing to do
with tbe congressional districts. The
apportionment to the stste only ex
plains also the persistence of the
unit rule holding ftie delegatea In
the democratic convention responsive
to their respective states, and not
the arrest of several men during the
progress of the trisl tbat large sums
of money were available and were
being used to bribe possible jurors
in the Mr.Vsmara case, the public's
inquiry flew Instantly to the possible
source of (be bribes: who was In
charge of the money thua need, who
waa "checking It out?" The people
naturally looked beyond the men ar
rested on the streets, one or two In
the very act. It la alleged, of pass
ing money to veniremen, paat them
to some man of larger authority, who
bad custody of the fund and the
right to say how It ahould be spent.
Even Mr. Darrow, himself, should
prefer arrest and trial upon tbls
' charge. If by no other means it could
be cleared up, rather than have sus
picion linger about him. Ills trial
ought to be conducted so aa to ex
pose the facts completely and It
doubtless will be with such prosecu
ting machinery aa seems to be In
charge of thla affair at Los Angeles.
It Is a most remarkable thing for one
of tbe country's greatest criminal
lawyers to be arraigned upon auch
an allegation. It Intensifies tbe lurid
climax of one of the most astounding
esses In the annsls of the courts. But
without regard to tbe person upon
whom this guilt finally will be Died,
much that Is vital lo our system of
Justice depends upon the outcome of
this esse. This Is uot the first time
that Jurors have been bribed, that
money has been dispensed for the
purpose of cheating Justice In crim
inal trials, and It may not be the
laat time, but If the guilty men are
apprehended and brought to an ac
counting for their crime In thla
case, then It will undoubtedly have
a permanent effect. It will certainly
tend to deter others from committing
a similar crime. If failure to get the
right men should be tbe result of
tbls effort, then so much the worse
ft the future. 1
o the grand jury room.'
Dr. Cook's old friend. Captain Otto
IRverdrup, baa come over to go what
tag. Tbe doctor doubtless haa bad
I' ll the whaling be caree for.
' A Worcester democrat taya WU
lam L. Douglas will be the demo
cratic nominee tor president. It so,
e will have a trade mark all his
District Attorney Ford of Lot An-
teles. In referring lo tbe indictment
f Darrow, very wisely observed that
f we must prosecute the case, not dia-
iuss It."
struct Ions of tbe state convention
bind all.
Where the laws enacted by the
legislature obliterate thla distinction
as to one or both parties, they in
dicate merely that the lawmakers
were either Ignorant or reckless of
these convention customs, which
have been evolved out of, and justi
fied by, practical experience.
The Republic of Ecuador.
Hereafter when ardent exponenta
of tbe theory that all people are fit
ted for self-government go to air
their views they had better recall
some of the events aow transpiring
ia tbe republic of Ecuador. One as
president, with several military as
sociates. Is taken from jail and
Omaha will not object to having
two regiments quartered at one of lta
torts, but will scarcely welcome tbe
change If It Is to be made at tbe
aacrlflce of the Other. Truth Is, the
mistake was made several' years ago,
when expensive quarters were erected
at other places tbat would have
come to Omaha but for political
trades. Omsba la and has been the
most advantageous point In the west
for the maintenance of a big military
establishment, and some day Ihe mil
itary and political authorities will
agree on this, and the project so
often talked of will be carried out.
Colonel Addison A. Arter't lender
solicitude for the political prospects
of Colonel W. 3. Bryan caused the
city council several anxious moments,
but. having withdrawn tbat nomi
nating petition, the eminent pro
moter of paving petition and other
thlnga may be able to save tbe day
yet. If be will only come home and
tell what he aald he would.
Champ Clark must have aeea aome-
fhtng coming when be refused to
Join Joe Polk In laying down bia bached, while a newly proclaimed
Jards to tbelr Missouri friends for president Is beheaded and bia body
leclsion. incinerated, to tbe delectation of a
i large number of aterllnx oatrlots.
Holland saya Wall atreet faila to rm ,epublic are often UQcrate-
sameae over any pretidennal candl- fuj to f.ubful public servants, but
Tbelr respective admirers are dis
puting aa to which Is the best scout,
Baden-Powell or Buffalo Bill. There
are so many good old acouta now
adaya that It la difficult to limit the
comparison to any two.
They have discontinued the "Owl"
train at Bryan, Tex., on account of a
quarantine. That la the most signi
ficant bunch of circumstances the
polities! campaign has yet developed.
Senator Hitchcock says he ia op
posed to the abandonment of the
threatened military posts, but, being
a democrat, he will "have to vote for
economy.." What'a tbe answer?
t lnculn are announced over the
names of Harriett si. Hrodka, president,
and Ada II. Ilitteiabrnder, scrtary.
Martin Dunham haa reind the chair
manship of the Board of Managers ot the
Stale Board of Agriculture, unwilling to
shoulder It tinder the burdrn of dbt.
Joseph Rosensteln has awoclated
himself with S. Wall, in tb flab
and game business at U13 IhiuiIm streets.
Telephone ordrra will he filled.
It thawed again, and the mud has re
sumed It" away.
The enntrart for slating the new Trin
ity cathedral will be let In a day or
P. L. ferine of the Inlon Paclfle
land offlc checked an Incipient run
away In fmnt of Koyd's opera hous-.
William A. Aleudt. "Utile Bismarck."
the antl-Mlocumb Justice of tbe peace of
North Platte, went weat at noon.
James .MrKuan. formerly of De
troit and now of the firm of Mcgwan &
Hamilton, recently returned from tb
east and will rslle her.
Frank Kiley. traveling for Mctcilf
Brothers, has accepted a similar posi
tion with Mmmlttee a t'o. ot 81.
Joseph. In ths same line of teas and
rrederlck Krug of Krug Son. Omaha,
hai buuKht the brewery belonging to
Ripple llSer of Plattsmouth, paying
Cm" for It, and will turn It into a dis
tributing depot and bottling establish
ment. Mrs. ' Dores l.ulhar. visiting bar
daughter, Mrs. George Und. died of
erysipelas. h had come lo Omaha only
a wk before, and her remains war
taken back to ls Moines, where she
Twenty Year Ago
Bt i laborers cam near masting sudden
death when the building at Seventeenth
and Farnam streets toppled oel where
l hey were at work escavallna for the
three-story Fstteraon block to be erected.
Th men were working for W. F. Sweeny.
J. H. Powers of Cornell, candidate tor
governor on th people's .Independent
ticket, spent the dsy in the city. In an
Interview hs saM tbat he apprehended
no furlon. Ihst his was not a pollllcil
party, but on designated t educate th
farmer upon economics la their relation
to politics.
A pair of porllera caught fir in the
Bachelor' club at 41 North Twenty-second
atreet, and but for I'hsrles Offut
discovering II In time, serious damage
might have been done. As It was the loss
was cut pff at ticu.
A man residing at Fifteenth and Vin
ton streets rushed into th nolle sta
tion at l o'clock at night and announced
thai a burglar a as in a room adjoining
his. and before tbe pollc could get any
more out of him. even bis same, b
rushed out as fast aa he cam. Four
huskies leaped Into th patrol wagon
and tor tor th distant acute, Anivlag
there they found an empty room and no
A train of fifteen palatial cars carry
ing 1090 sacks of Minneapolis flour, or
&00.IKO pounds, arrived In Omaha on a
tour of exhibition.
Ten Year Ago
Judge W. w. Kayior of th district
court returned from Nebraska City,
where he bad been holding court.
Officer 8. E. risk took tb place ef
Officer Rtegelman aa emergency officer.
Commandant Jan Krlge ot the Trana
vaal svok lo a large audience at Wash
ington hall on Ihe progress ot the Boer's
cause In Keuth Africa. J. II. Boonstra.
president ot ihe Iocs I Boer Relief league,
presided and W. 8. Shoemaker Introduced
ringing resolutions denouncing the war
fsre In South Africa.
Itincluals of several public schools, who
had been holding conference anent th
careless way the Board of Education re
garded their salaries, were reproved by
a board member, who name was with
held, thusly: "Th trouble Is the princi
pals have been too wall treated: Ihey
have been permitted to say what fur
niture should and should not be used
In their rooms and throw away what they
don't Ilk aa junk."
Judge and Mrs. Isaae Powers of Not,
folk arrived to spend a few days witb
their dsugbteai Mrs. H. L. Whitney.
Mrs. Fred Kngla was hostess at a card
party in th evening at her home on
North Twenty-fourth street.
People Talked About
Prisoners In the county jail ahould
cheer op. A grand Jury will soon be: available ail lands. The admiral will hare
Senator Robert I Taylor of Tennes
see, who fiddled his way Into congress
many years ago. saya that "there was
never a man who got so much reputation
out ot so little ability as I did through
mv fiddling. My brother ts a beautiful
violinist, but 1 played only fairly well."
Admiral Bucknam Pasha, th American
favorite of tb late Sultan Abdul ilamld.
proinlira to become tb Rockefeller of
Turkey. 11 la th bead of th company
which la developing the aetroleum re
sources of the empire and ba already
gathered Into tb company net all
"Talk about the absurd social pre
tensions. IH Adam and Eve set up for
society ioikst
aweae 9saeraaalt-
OMAHA. Jan. . -To the Editor of Tbe
Bee: I not a remarkable exhlMtloa of
political aerobe ilea. If the news columns
are to be relied upon. R. B. Howell,
who began months and months ago as
the boldest and bravest of tbe La Foi
ls! te shouter. seems to have landed
neck and crop In tbe Roosevelt camp.
You will note that Mr. Howell atarted
away from Omaha, ostensibly on business
for th Water board, but be turns up in
New York as on ot the callers at the
Outlook office, where he assures T. R.
thst tbe prairies of Nebraska are ablase
for him. Doesn't this seem as if Mr.
Howell had auddanly somersaulted out
of the ranks of tb La Follett men, and
landed la th Roosevelt rimp?
What are we to understand from this?
Does It mean that John O. Yriser. who
built the fire, got up the steam, shoveled
the coal to keep it up and has done all the
hod-carrying that has been don ao far.
la to be pushed out of bis job as chief
of tbe Roosevelt expeditionary move
ment In Nebraska?
It Colonel YeJaer tamely submits to this
sort ot treatment, he la mad ot st iff
different from any be baa yet shown.
New York Tribune: Senator Kenyon's
Indorsement of Senator Cummins' candi
dacy for th republican presidential nom
ination Is a graceful tribute to tbe vital
ity In politics of that anelsnt Institution,
"The Favorite Son."
New York Post: How to indorse, a
friend tor the presidency and In the same
breath make a powerful argument for
another candidate is a nte problem In
political ethics which Senator Kenyon of
Iowa has neatly solved. After waiting
for soma days since the announcement of
the candidacy of his colleague. Senator
Cummins, he decides to support him,
but In his statement pays a glowing trlb
uts to President Taft.
New York Sun: Aa a progressive filling
an unexpired term which will end early
next year. Senator William ft. Ken yon of
Iowa. If he desires to be re-elected, must
hsv felt himself constrained to "come
out" far Ihe presidential candidacy ot
his colleague, senator Cummins. Now If
Colonel Lafayette Young, who tried to
till tirnsior Dolllver's shoes during the
Interregnum, had prevailed with the leg
islature, he would have been aa true to
Mr. Taft In deed as Senator Kenyoa
would like to be. The progressives m
Iowa ars terribly afraid ot on another.
Sioux City Tribune: "The republicans
of Iowa." saya Senator Kenyon. "united
in presenting tb name af Senator Allison
some years ago as their candidate for
president." So they did; but they never
united to discredit a republican admin
istration. They never united to destroy
a republican president wb had stood
courageously for the enforcement of Ihe
law. And if tbey had been so dlsooeed
they could not have found In William B.
Allison th man to Invite tb inlon.
There waa no republican president Invit
ing support for a second term when the
name of Allison was presmtee to a le
pubiuarl national convention.
t oaslder Old-Tlea row Price a,
, Boston Transcript.
That the cost of living la high and ap
parently getting higher, few will deny, bul
It la not unprecedented. The diary of a
Connecticut clookmaker who lived la th
early part ef the last century, haa been
unearthed In which hs had set owa sons
af th prices for the nersrls of lit la
in 5. the year he was married and began
housekeeping. Flour was 111 a barrel,
molasses Ti cents a gallon, brown sugar
M cents a pound and pork 111 a hundred
weight, while cotton shirting was fl a
yard. Taking those figures as a stand
ard, three years hence wa may be able
ts show that prices are lower than they
were a century ago.
Solicit foe Mtaaonrl.
Boston Transcript.
Champ Clark will undoubtedly notice,
as an Interesting and not wholly curious
coincidence, tbat the duty on lead, on
alno bars and pigs Is retained In the I'B
derwood metal tariff bill, mad publi
yesterday. All these articles are pro
duced In great quantities In Missouri,
and Missouri la a atate which ia worth
conciliating, notably in- a presidential
year. The explanation of the retention
of the duty on these Missouri products
Is that Ihe revenue I very much needed.
It follows from the action of tb commit
tee that revenue on th various articles
not of Missouri production la not ao much
tinned bv an English visitor. "Are there
I many deer oa the placer1 -Hundreds,
sir. "Many narea. i noujnu.-. ...
"Weil. aow. are there many gorillar
asked the Enaltshman. satirically. For a
moment the gamekeeper nesiiaien. in
"Well. Adam nrobablv did iv Ik. i h. r-nl. "WeeL Sir. tbv they -come
first patriarch's bawl on record." Balti- i like verself. Just noo and tuea." Boston
more American. Transcript.
"I am looking for aa honest maa." re
marked Diogenes.
"Well." replied tbe cynical observer,
"a man who baa as much difficulty In
finding an honest man as you have, must
have shown mighty poor taete In picking
bis friend." Washlrurton star.
Patience They say ne was taken sick
on the train.
Patrice Indeed: What was the matter?
Patience Oh, he ate too much In a
dinine- car.
Patrice m! Is be as rich as that?
Tenkers Statesman.
Mis. Gotham-Tour cousins legal prac
tice. I suppose, doesn't amount to much
Mrs. 1-akeside Xo. I'm sorry to say.
We relative do all w can. but. of
course, we can t be getting divorced all
the time. Boston Transcript.
A Rrottb gamekeeper a bo bed been left
in charge of an estate was being ques-
"Hello: Is that the Information ed
itor?" asked a voice through the tele
phone. "Yes."
"Please tell me bow many inches there
are in a meter."
Haven't you a dictionary In yotg"
Yes. but It's less trouble to rail you
up and ask you." Chlcajw Tribune.
In aeaslon, and that la always a alcnal i no subeiduiie in Ms system.
-i . t .... ....... I Colonel Hevirr Watteraon has ba la-
ate aow la the field, l-et tbe street i ,he rcorda are not prolific of auch ! ",' n, "S" 6
frank enmiah to brine cnt It. . ! J...J. ... . Into apple pie order.
i frank enough to bring out Its own i depredations as these, the reports of
Jian If It dare. , bich rrti more r Ber hsJ con.
vlted to address the Kentucky legislature
at Ma pleasure. Tbe colonel Is generally
believed to conceal on bis person a large
for ' amount tf first-hand Information, and old
Ak-Sar-Ben Is getting ready
S E Benlsmi-. i,,tl -k ,k t,om re!not Jnl of African sav-! another period of activity, which Is 1 opportunity ive tbe signal to art It out
iVorld-HeralU denounced
Jerer of plutocracy," la now boosting
aiterr inan tree no inn America, iir'.nnih.. . - - nr ; .....
"nan I i ' " svtho iuui
9 course, these Incidents are not going busy summer season ia not far
It.rmn. ,v. av, i7 e.M- k . . 10 block tD P""" ' democracy. .head,
flarmoa. the. World-herald a chaire.;. . ... lnnl , . . ...
or the presidency.
but they surely must have a sobering
: effect on the mind tbat vlewg thiai
t c...i -.. - " . Brlnclnia of government aa antlrelei
"" " -re "ow Beginning - ' 7, . The KIVOVO pork barrel which the
to demand Nebraska corn, as welll1""""' """""J- I house, committee on public buildings pro-
-as tbe bacon aad other good things' A'rlcsne, though, who like ajnui to open ia not as barge aa usual,
that come from here. Well Ne-!'"lr' nou,' treat Interest but most members who seek re-election
raaka is a good provider ' ' f,er a" ,n tbeit dispatches. It should ! v.Ttar find it ;n iwr eon-cnc
. : b a real in a a s Job (o teach Ecuador
Can sTrewaloM I
New York World.
to demand tbelr fuil share.
f The cry that goes dp from the!ho,r t become a republif. Yet, It;
county Jail should be given some! might ".et. Would a monarchy i
aeed. If conditions are aa bad as' do any better, or a limited moo-i
of bss system. All tare in New Jersey,
Franklin Square and Fairvlew are ready
to listen. There are others.
Skyscrapers In New York having be
come more conspicuous for assessors than
aa revenu producer, tbe managers of the
Equitable propos t move to some gutet
corner of Manhattan island, put l.QB.eo
or tii.1 Into a lew building, sell the
site of tbe ruins for and pork at
tbe difference. An addltioa of SlI.OOMtxi
tto tbe reserve is cammed a noisier ad
vertisement than a tall tewerr
Antlrlpiting a flock of tourists to the
Panama exposition of !! San Francisco
t nas kuks in... . . t" un ut recasting
weletr :rtlaa Wise,
St. I .Old- Itepubtlc.
Whit is society eominv to when fhe men ; the art exhibits in the section ot lbs water-
i Jt .M.I.I., k.lla Mh.u. a. - . . . L . i ... l . W. . .
described by tb complaining pris-jarcby? Perhaps not Evidently tbe for a ilt'tie while early In tbe even-(first t fee! the imperious hand of the
oner, tb remedy abould be applied ; natives of this bustling little country ; mg on the condition that tbey ere well nolle censor are node inanimate ayatphs
wltAout hesitancy. The feeding graft ! are not ia tbe mood of being gov-1 dleed beforehand, and then Insist on going and abbreviated Scotch kilties on anl
la bad enough at ita beet, and juatiernea at all Just now. And yet,' all
at present it seems to be at its very! this rapine and murder come about
rV ' '- I M tB ruIt of revolstlon. There
home to bed at bedtime because they hi re ' mated bodies. Tb fact that a start has
to get ap and go to work next morning? i bee, made oa the Barbery coast barak
We seould say tbat society Is becoming u tb clalss that 8aa Fraadacw to a
almost human it sot indeed alaasat
Tbe Usaotrer as aa Incendiary.
Loulsvlll Courier-Journal.
Smokers' carelessness Is reported te
hat set fir to (.ON buildings in New
York in two years. Aa Incendiary la an
who burns bis enemy' building for re
venge. A smoker ia a firebug who bursa
bia trlead'a home because It ts to much j
treuoie to tase reasonaom precautions
to avoid It. Penitentiary for th Incen
diary. Apologies for the amokWr.
WVbe farther t
Chicago Tribune.
Possibly It may occur t th various
Democratic Warwtrka after a whila that
Colonel Watteraon himself la eligible te
tb offlc of president ot the United
States, begad, air! -
Tbey do me wrong who say 1 coma ne
When once I knock and fail to find yeu
For every dav 1 stand outside your door
Aad bid you wake and rise to fight and
Wail not for precious ebaaees passed
Weep not for goldea ages an tb wane;
Keen aisht I burn the records of th day;
At sunrise every soul ts born again.
Laugh like t boy at aplsndara tbat have
To vanished joy s be brird and deal and
My jwdementa seal th dead past with Rs .
Jed. I
But never bind a moment yet to come. '
Though dee m ir.l re, wring not your!
s hands and weep: i
I lend my arm to all who say, "I can." ,
Na sharae-fecd outcxuK ever sank ao.
But yet might rise and be again a man. !
Dost thou boM thy lost youth all'
Dost reel irom righteous retribution's:
ktaw? I
Then turn from blotted archives f the
And tin tb future's piges white as
ewew. ...
Art thu -a mourner? Reuse tbe from
thr spell.
Art tboa a ataaer? Sin may be for-
given. j
Each momma give tbe wings to flee I
front bail- j
Each night a star to gold thy feet to
heaves:-Waller Mslnwa j
I Tlie Cook
always feels
I confident of IV I
1 pure and wholesome
foodwlien. using
Baking Pcoiier
r lli I.WkZ la
it! iSla.-J
Made fron Grapes
tttfNWv leJsssnsjM
Good Opportunity for
Investmtnt in Substantial
Home Industry
The condensed milk and Ctuming
Factory that I am erecting at Papil
lion, Nebraska, is rapidly Hearing com
pletion, and I am now offering a lim
ited amount of Waterloo Oeamery,
Co. preferred stock at $100 per ahaxe,
drawing interest at the rate of
7 Per Cent Per Annum
We will guarantee to convert all
outstanding stock into cash at the end
of three years.
This investment is bound to be prof
itable for the investor and will result
in great benefit to the milk industry
in Douglas, Sarpy and Washington
counties. Thia is the first "Evapo
rated Milk" factory in the atate of
Nebraska. Our brand will be the "Elk
torn Evaporated Milk."
If you are interested send for list of
men who have already subscribed and
such other information aa you may
Reference, First National Bank,
Waterloo Creamery Co.,
Omaha, Neb.
You are cordially invited to inspect
this plant at any time.
Papillion Interurban line terminal.
Assets. January 1. lots SKiS4S.Sl
Reaerre Kwod Jaanary 1. 1SI2 SI3.01S.0
Srcwritie-s witb State IbrfiartaneBt Jaaaar lViai Si$JU.OU
(To aeawr Owr laaarasas 0a tract.)
Rate per thowaasMf. sure SO (other agen ia proportion). S8.7.V
Mortality tost per tt.MW Iaswraaee Mean Amount, Year 1011, A10.
Depository Banks Appointed, BM).
Ucaassd 1 CaluTsrala, Indiana. Iowa. Ws&aas. Btsstaaa, aUeraafca. Xartb
Dakota. Orga. Soataj Baaota, laaaa, Wasaiags, Taaa aad
Wyosslag, aad praparug te antes ItaasB aad atlchipa
Haa capable af prasadm- tea saat tsa eg baa In ass weaned aa glass Ptawegwf l
aad aoUe4ra
Home Office: Brandeis Building, Omaha, Nek
Tasaahraae Iloagta 70S,