Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 31, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE l;KK: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY. .I.VNl'AIiY "1. 1912.
Issue of (50.0C0 Benewal Bonds Hay ,
Be Iavalidttei u Kesult '
lllHlt lias Rrsaltrd la All l'n
rrrilnf KvIbb Hrld la As?.
M Fallal la Drlivrr
Mny I'aasr 4'aarrllatlaa.
A break betwori City Comptroller
Oossxove and the firiano mmnilttse of
he council on the one side and City and
fcunty Treasurer I're on Hi other, may
roult in Invalidation of SWWu city ball
rn bonds, told to Spltxer. Rorirk
Co., January 3 and scheduled for de
livery February 1. Mr. Coirrove has rc
oue&ted Mr. I re to deliver the bonds.
Mr. I're has refused. City Oerk ln
Kuller has also refused, and the legality
of the steps lesrfinff lo the Bale of the
bo.d I now bhu; questioned. It Is
chimed by Mr. I're and Mr. Huller that
Tie treasurer should have sold the bonds,
leiil not the comptroller.
"I'm net looking- fur any extra work,"
mid Mr. I're, ''ami am simply a scr
a:it of the pebplo and willlnpt to do
v!-ut t: .- city council authorises. The
counti: ly resolution has designated the
itsyor anj the city cKrk the proper per-i-
to U?'lver thc.bamK -I do.uM now
care 10 co !tiio tbe.niinulla ot tho prop
osition. However, It is i.iy . opinion that
the nrccet-tiing leading to the sals of the
bond? Is a fiasco"!"
Contpaa?' la am (aril,
Sl'liifr. Rorielt & Co. Iiavo written
air. Ire asking for certified transcript
ot the proceedings' leading to tite sale of
the bond, to i;uard them against pur
clus;. of worthless recmith?. The letter
Avas referred to Mr. Coseivve vho had
handled the work up to the iLwage of
an ordinance auihoilsiiut tfci fj1i Cos
giove refused to nmwer the letter. I're
Hid he knew no!hiu of the proceedings,
Ind asked for information and had been
told by Cosjrova "we're taking care ot
the matter."
Mot words pnssrJ between the tivaa
- urer and th. comptroller during the In
' Urvlew. wlileh was culminated whan Mr.
Cneirove declared the treasurer's office
"didn't amount to much anyway." This
statement Incensed the treasurer and the
dispute became ieronal.
Accrued interest on the bonds and a
luemlum of ll.MS was to have been paid
by tfpltxer, llorlrk & Co. upon delivery.
The dispute has resulted In holding all
proceedings, hi ubeyrthce and as the time
is short and the Hpltser, Itorick company
have entered into no contract with the
, city nor ara bound to purchase the bonds
1 unless it ran be shown they wen
legally 'Issued It is feared that failure
to deliver will ultimately result In cancellation.
Judge Kennedy
Heads Child's Board
Judge Ilottard Kennedy was re-elected
president of the Nebraska child labor
committee at the annual meeting held
Tuesday noon at the Rome. The other
cffWrs are: First vice president. Prof.
Ueorga E. Howard, Lincoln; second vice
pietldcnt. Rev. Joseph Ruaslng, West
I'o.nt; secretary-treasurer, Miss Amy V.
Stevens, . Lincoln; executive committee,
,Jud(e Xlncoln Frost of Lincoln. Mrs, II.
. U Keefe of Walthlll, Bishop Oeorga A.
Bee. her of Kearney, Miss I.uclle Kaves
of Lincoln. John J. Ryder, Mrs. Ilalleck
Rose. Dr. V. K. Jenkins of Omaha.
The child labor meeting was largely at
' tended. ' Judge Kennedy, who has Just
returned from the annual meeting of the
national committee, held at Louisville,
K).. reported on the work done at that
meeting, also on the hopeful outlook at
Washington (or the passage ot the bill
establishing a national children's bureau.
Tha Nebraska committee formally In
dorsed the children's bureau bill and or
dered that Its action be conveyed to the
senators and- representatives from tins
sistt. Indorsement was also given tha
uniform child labor law which will be
offered, to the various legislature tne
coming winter, and the executive com
mittee, was directed to have it Introduced
and pushed In the Nebraska legislature.
..: A resolution was also adopted In favor
ot the establishment of a proper factory
Ynsuectloit system In Nebraska, wltb In
spectors paid by the state. -
Tbe ' new Omaha home of the Ve le
automobile, at the northeast corner of
Tenth and Howard, opened to tha public
Monday, the "opening" to continue all
. this week.
The John Deere Plow company, which
handles the Velle, says the new bom
has "the finest salesroom and the most
ctmplete and up-to-date repair depart
ment Hi tha west." The 111 model are
on eahtbltlon. , ."
Statistics far Last 1 ear kair They
Ac Dlaslalahlasj la
PHII.ADfcl.PHIA. Jan. S.-Newsoaper
census figures for 1111. compiled by the
American Newspaper Annual and Direc
tory, published here today. Indicate that
multiplication of daily paper in the
L'nlted States has rome to a halt. A year
ago the number as :. the 1st! annual
lists thirteen less, showing that the trend
is now In tne downward, direction. Ac
coidlng to this authority, greater mortal
ity than birth rate Is explained by sus
pension or consohdstion ot newspapers In
crowded and unproductive fields. New
Jstigland has lost four dailies. New York
four, midCle wen state nine, and tha
western state hate thirteen less than a
ear ago. lialna have been heaviest in
Hie southern states, while the middle At
lantic section has an increase of three.
Weekly and s-.:-weekly newspapers
auto seem to have reached their limit In
numbers. The J!i annual names and de
scribes ).!9 weeklies, forty less than in'
1)11, and semi-weeklies, as compared
wit ; In Mil.
Tou will find that oraggtra everywhere
speak well of Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy. They know from long experience
in the sale ot It that In cases of coughs
sol colds It can always be depended
vpam. and that It is pleaaant acd aafa
w tax For sale by all dealers. -
Hear, all ye home-lovers of Omaha
The final call to this January
sale of everlasting furniture,
at but-once-in-a-year prices
NE more day and then the close of this greatest of January furniture
sales! Much can be accomplished, however, in the pace of this last day
and the rare bargains that we have offered since January 1 only seem to
grow more wonderful as Father Time moves along toward the hour when the
Green Seal tags shall be removed and the rices sent back to their original places
places twenty-five, thirty and fifty per cent, higher than those e right now. We hope the
prices here will induce late shoppers to come during the closing day. We are
sure these bargains will be the marvel of those who have not yet seen them.
very well built; detailed
construction; beautiful de
sign ; size, 31x34 inches;
heavy writing bed $55.00
$25.00 Serving Table
Mahogany; two large draw
ers; 18x36 inches-, durable. . .$16.09
$30.00 Over-Stuffed Chair -
Very acme of comfort-giving;
strong and durable $23.00
$110.00 China Cabinet
Beautiful mirror back; solid
mahogany; mullioned doors;
sujH'rior quality; most excel
lent bargain $65.00
$30.00 Mahogany Chiffonier
Made for long service;
wide, spacious drawers; ar
tistic creation $22.50
$65.00 Mahogany Chiffonier
Large drawers; thorough
ly built up; handsome design $36.00
$22.50 Dressing Table Ma
hogany; beautiful article;
one large drawer; French
plate mirror, Ijx'JO inches. .$12.50
$80.00 Davenport Crotch
mahogany; very pretty de
sign; brown upholstery 78
inches long; comfortable and
strong $65.00
$80.00 Storage Chiffonier
Solid mahogany; four spac
ious drawers; two small
drawers; size, 22x36 inches. .$45.00
$100.00 Davenport Panne
plush covering upholstery;
mahogany frame; rest-giv- '
ing " $60.00
$68.00 Library Table-vSdid
mahogany; massive model;
size, 30x48 inches; highest
type of table "....$61.00
$115.00 Davenport -Upholstered
in panne plush; ma
hogany frame; 66 inches
long; strong $56.00
$17 Bungalow Brass
Bed Dull finish; five'
three-quarter-inch fill-v
ers $15.00
$150.00 Over-Stuffed Davenport
Highly artistic; full of service;
tajwstry upholstery $110.00
$80.00 Italian Marble Bust
"Mother's Ixve;" imported from
Florence, Italy , $40.00
$30.00 Italian . Marble Bust
"Daisies;" very handsome crea
tion with modest, beautiful lines. .$15.00
$45.00 Italian Marble Bust-"The
Debutante;" graceful and hand
some in details .$27.50
$40.00 Italian Marble Bust-" Joan
of Arc;" one of the finest and
most artistic pieces in the store. . .$20.00
$37.50 Italian Marble Pedestal -Imported
from Florence, Italy;
pretty design $13.75
$17.50 Italian Marble Pedestal -
Very handsome pattern, with
beauty in every line. . $8.75
$70.00 Buffet Knglish oak; slid
ing silver drawer; two spacious
drawers; two compartments $30.00
$42.50 Italian Marble Figure -"Inspiration;"
very beautiful. .. .$21.25
$40.00 Mahogany Tea Table Se
lected wood; graceful legs; hand
some model ..$23.00
$25.00 Tip-Top Table Solid Ma
hogany; size, 34 inches $14.00
$31.00 All Spanish Leather Arm
Chair Made for comfort of tired
limbs '. $25.00
$30.00 Gold Frame Mirror Size,
17x32 inches; plate glass $15.00
$24.50 Chiffonier Golden oak;
19x40 inches; French plate mirror,
18x2.'! inches; four commodious
diawers; very beautiful article. .. .$22.00
$26.00 Princess Dresser Solid
oak; three large drawers, size
21x46 inches; French plate mirror,
23x44 inches $23.50
$12.00 Dressing Table -Golden
oak; thoroughly built; size 18x28
inches; French plate mirror, 14x24
inches $10.00
$34.00 Cheval Glass French bev
eled mirror; beautiful uiahog
any;'exquisite constructitoii ....$24.00
$60.00 Dining Room Table
Solid mahogany; 48-ineh
top; 8-foot extension ...... .$54.00
$90.C0 Chiffonier Mahog
any; six-drawer; size of chif
fonier, 23x34 inches; French
plate mirror, 1Dx25 inches.. $50.00
$20.00 Morris Chair-Fumed
oak frame; imitation lenther
or tapestry seat and back.. $15.00
$70.00 Bookcase English
oak; mulloined doors; five
wide shelves; size 48x60 ins. $38.00
$8.50 Chair Fumed oak;
Spanish leather slip seat;
very strong model ' $5.00
S32.C0 Serving Table Eng
lish oak; one large drawer;
very durable $20.00
$34.00 Hall Clock Fumed
oak; high quality; accurate
timepiece; decorative $17.00
$11.75 Arm Chair Fumed
oak; leather slip seat; very
strong; excellent quality $9.00
$28.00 Brass Bed Two-inch
posts; seven one-inch fillers $24.50
$32.00 Brass Bed-One of the
prettiest patterns; two-inch
continuous post; five one-incli
fillers , $25.00
$24.00 Oak Dresser-Swell
front; four spacious drawers;
French plate mirror; 23x2D
inches '. . . . $20.00
$100.00 Settee Solid ma
hogany; green denim uphols
tery; very high quality. .. $57.00
$25.00 Poster Bed Birch;
full size; built for long serv
ice; artistic in every line ..$20.00
$10.00 Storage Chiffonier
Beautiful oak; five large
drawers, size of chiffonier
l!)x32 inches $9.00
$29.50 Rocker One tf the
most substantially rockers in
the store filled with the com
fort idea $23.50
$48.00 Auto Valet Qua rter
sawed oak; six large drawers;
size, 38 inches wide, 21 inches
deep, and 60 inches high ..$43.00
The kind of furniture,
in this sale is the kind
with which asking could
surround himself in any
other home than a castle
or palace and still feel
that he had companions
of wood which were inver
acious keeping with the
dignity and manner of his
exalted position.
Xo man lives a true life unless he pos
sesses a happy home and what is any
home without harmonizing furniture!
Picture in your mind that home where
the tables, chairs and beds arc shoddy.
It destroys the very ideal of domestic,
bliss, happiness and pleasure. Xo, thu
true home must have Iwautiful furniture
not pretentious furniture, necessarily,
but chairs, tables, settees, beds, buffets,
chiffoniers, that have beauty in simple,
graceful lines; that hnve it in rugged,
sturdy exteriors; that have it in massive,
knock-defying countenances. Furniture
of such characteristics is the kind that
makes u home a place of everlasting
bliss. It is everlasting furniture, made of
genuine, honest wood.
This store calls attention, during the
ebbing hours of this grentest of January
sales, to the good-to-live-with furniture
that is presented here at marvclously
low prices. It is economical fnrutiure,
for it is made of brains as well as of
wood. It is built up from true wood of
the forest, so it will last not only for
months but for years. It goes right from
the forest to the fireside to become as
muoh a part of that home as the chil
dren. It is not only furniture of this gen
eration, but also furniture of the next
generation. That is the reason it is ec
onomy furniture; it lasts so long that it
saves money for home-lovers, keeping
them from buying more furniture to take
its place in the near future.
Another jmint to be remembered
about Miller, Stewart & Beaton furnituro
is that it is uot "simply furniture". The
modern ideal furniture is not "just
furniture," designers tell us; it is more
good, honest furniture, patterned for
beauty, grace, service and harmony. All
tables arc tables, but not all tables ans
wer the ideal of this age. A table to bo
satisfactory to the modern American,
home must possess the qualities that will
jiermit it to harmonize with the general
scheme of fnrnishings in addition to be
ing of service for the uses of the dining
room, parlor or sitting room. The furni
ture here is the kind that will grace the
rooms of the best homes in Omaha, meet
ing with the exacting requirement of
the American ideal.
Those of you who have regarded
furniture as just wood, should come here
during the closing days of this sale and
walk through the aisles of this furniture
world, viewing the beauties, and grasp
ing the new thoughts contained in the
modem ideal furniture. You will read
ily see what a difference there is iu
furniture what truly good wood com
bined with thinking brains can produce
for comfort, happiness and bliss iu the
American home.
Miller, Stewart & Beaton Co.
''The Tag-Policy House"
413-15-17 South Sixteenth Street