Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 31, 1912, Page 4, Image 4

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Mut Gets Bumped Twice in the Same Place
By "Bud" Fisher
f TJiTT"THiJ6TTe.F0ArT. )
f. X tot. HVItVT e.tKr UT VA
", STWCf IXC- eW X Cr CM?
ru.T. tvtD
fArSKjrj ft Ai
Il-l. b out mO TMue I --"7-
foU, THAT ONCt-) l
ytii. -wj i i peach' I i I
" I J I J wr
' - ,
( -, T r-royjAi'se n ) , -, -
OHJOt! 1 . nurse ? wt.mwE X.
I X fAf L5 r ! VOW KNOW THTs
1- ' - ( i ; MCSMTAWCHN&eOlfiPOI.K.Ifj
- I (TOOM. U NOW He. Alt. J W-JV
ra'J J 1 at. bxVW-- ViwWrf f-P
TTTT i' 1
t lO fctT MT
ir. ti -, i
r i
Bcetirertliiji it Lifted.
Part ( rwm Rvarltr, Mai'
rBlnwkrr, lakvll aatl
Ha4laaa filra taUi.
LINCOLN, Jan. -At 1 o'clock thl
aftfrnooa rtldot Norrla O'Nell of lha
vrmarn laaua paM to Attorney Claud
MTIIaon, rlln( for Uaoria F. Truman
la th raoatvonhlp ai lion aaalnat lha Un
caln aaaa ball club, a ccrltrwa chack n
a local bank for ap4 aava another
rkeck ta lha ckrk of the elrtrlct court
for 111 eorartnf lha coata. Tha recalvar
hip ault araa acivnlrnvlr dlimlaaed, al
thoufh four cmtltora of lha club had
filed petit kM In Intervention In I he
mnrnlnc, thati claim totallnc Two
other aulta aaalnet the club are etlll
pending-, but ther 'UI onlr about f
Basket Ball Rules
lay Clark, coach of the Omaha liliih
achool baekat ball aquad and one of tha
foremost anlhuilaati -of tha floor lame
In tha treat, haa received an Invitation
from Alonso A. Ilin of tha Vhlventlty
of Chtcaio to attend tha annual confer
enca of tha national amateur rulea com
mlttea on basket ball, which will be held
at lha La Halla hotel la tha Windy fit
February a and
Itepraaentattvea from all over tha coun
try will be present at this meetlnf and
soma radical chaoses are expected, tha
feature of which will probably' be a
complete revision of., tha much mooted
"dribble'' rule which haa caused such a
stir among promoters of tha floor gam
during tha last two years.
If Clark attends tha conference ha will
so as the representative of this paction
of the middle wast , j ;,,,-.,
Green Atki One Hundred ThonMnd
Dollr' Damage..
BOARD Mid-Yearly Exams
Causing Anxiety
in Iowa' Athletics
The notes oa which tha ault was bruu.M COOMBS TELLS CONNIE MACK
by Truman were taruet ever to tha pri
vets secretary of Charles Comlskey of
the Clilcaio White sua, which confirms
the belief that Comlskey la backing up tha
local club. Presltlrol O'Neill, however,
elated to District Judge Itewart that each
of tha club presidents here, Tom Fair
weather and Frank -shell of Pea Moines.
Hanloo of Moux City, Jack Holland of HI.
Joseph and William Itourka of Omar,
had put up a part of lha funds. All these
gentlemen war present In th court room
In th afternoon when tha ease was fet
tled. '
Thla afternoon a meeting of tha mag
aatea present Is being held In the office
af tha baa bill club, at which th matter
of transferring the schedule aieetlng from
Denver to Chicago Is being discussed. It
at expected that the magnates, with lha
' foselbl exception of JYceldent O'Neill,
III cove LI neon this ovenlng.
Farmer Owmer of LlHeala Tease
(bargee Valae of ladeveadeat
(lab Waa lajared by Faa-
Ilea I In la Ballella.
WASHINGTON. Jan. a.-Michlgan Ag
ricultural coltego and tha 8 tat ".'nlver
ally of Iowa with thro victories each and
no loss are tied for first place In the
Western Intercollegiate filfle "hooting
Th result af th competition for tba
week ending January !7. announced to
day, show th highest senr to have bean
mad by the Bute Vnlverelty of Iowa
KO-tn lu oonleat with the Collet of t,
Thomas, tu Paul. Mlna th latter scor
ing m.
Other result were: -t'niverslty
of Minnesota. K, defeated
V nlvereUr of California, km Purdua unl
eeelty, nt defeated Vntversjty of Mich
lean, Kt. Michigan Agricultural college,
lot, defeated Kansas unlverelty. 7t. I'nl
verstty of Artanna. 3, defeated l.'nlver
sity of Nebraska. KS.
(from a Waff Correspondent.)
i LINCOLN. Jan. ati-iHpnial Telegram.)
"Mate OH Inspector, llusenctter haa
Issued a circular bearing on Inspection
of low grade oils In whleb he say all
oil mast be Impacted under penalty of
tlt fine. He finds on examination that
tits product railed distlllstea la a low
PHILADELPHIA. Jin. -There Is no
need for Connie Maok to worry that any
of his playar will fall victim to men
ingitis when he take hi champion base
ball learn to Ban Antonio, Tex., thla
spring, tor praotlca, according to tele
gram reoetVad today by th snanaaer of
th Philadelphia Athletic from "Jack"
Coombs, on of a la star pitcher. Coombs,
who I spending th winter In Pslestlns,
Tex., In his telegram said:
"U sot think meningitis scar should
csuse you any worry. Confined to locali
ties around Dallas to a great extent. No
eaee at Man Antonio. FsW ease reported
at llouaton, mostly children."
CHICAGO. Jsn. 30,-Plsns for the
training trip of th Chicago National
wer changed today with the announce
ment that West Baden, Ind.. where the
dub bad bn training for year, had
been dropped from th schedule. Instead
of slopping at Weet Baden, th clus
about March 1. will go direct to New
Orleane and remain until March IT,
Managsr Chance. President Murphy an
nounced today, will Join th team at
Near Orleans. . . ,
Outfielder aUdle Lennox, formerly of
th Brooklyn dub. signed with the Chi
cago Nationals today and Outfielder Hay
Powet. whom ehe Chicago American
league club procured from St. Joseph In
th Western league, also signed.
Id Wosaaa Die laddealy.
ORD. Neb., Jan. t.-(HpecUI.)-Mr. Lu
clnda Scott, a widow. 71 years of ag.
died auddenly Bunds-. She had prepared
dinner for her son and grandson, who
Uns with her and had eaten a comfortable
meal. After washing tha dishes sh sat
down near a front window and expired
wuhin a taw momenta. Sh was alone in
th bouse, but the grandson cams In a
tew moments later and Immediately sum
moned neighbor. Her body wilt be take
to tlalesburg, I!L. for burial
Movement of Players.
NEW YORK. Jan. M.-Prcuient Lynch
of the Nstlonal league todsy announced
. j, ..j i,. .' HMhfv,:, , t aiiejcaval of the following contracts and
grsJe coal oU and Its use Is prohibited j-ontras with t hicago-Joaep
under penalty. - I Aiiler. Kmll fU,-hter, Iwreore Cheney.
Low grad gasoline. Iioaercr. for uses i r.,M,,J,";- Wllbur '"d WHMsm K.
" ,. vfclu 1 ;nflrll. F.dward M. Realbach. T nomas
other than power, light and heat. While . j NrrlhAm H,rrv K Chapman. Ion
prohibited. Is mi under th law subbM I:. lreeden, Oeorge V. Graham, Jamee
to cenaltt'. but at the bum time th Nerje, David . Bhean. With Phila.lel-
Inmxn n. Invtructed not to .nun, phl-t,eor II. l'kn. tIM-l:
Inepeators are umructM not to PUvve J a H. AIxsnder. IMl-U-lt; Luderus.
any socb. He has suggested a fnenCIj- iims-i. Oeorge Ch timers, Fred T.
LINCOLN. Neb.. Jan. W.-A damage
suit foe tlOO.lM was filed today against th
National Board of Arbitration, tha Na
tional Association of Profewlonal Hase
Ball Clubs and th Individual members of
th arbitration board, Including Secretary
J. II, Farrell, by Ouy W. Oreen. former
owner of th Lincoln has ball club. Th
suit Is filed In the federsl court and serv
ice ha been had on President N orris
O'Nell of the Westsrn league, who Is In
thla city untangling th affair of th
local club.
.Mr, ,C)rcen sets up four counts In bis
suit lie altegea'lhat In ll h wss en
giiard In in dependent bae ball. Ha al
lege that Secretary Farrell wired th
eeeretsry of th Seward. Neb., bees ball
elub 10 cancel a gam scheduled there
and that ha was forced to return th gat
money taken In, losing W. While playing
at Auburn. Neb., at later date, he al
leges that Farrell wired th Mink league
club secretary there to cancel th gams
unless Oreen paid tUM, This wa paid,
ay Oreen, '"under coercion."
Shortly after this tin had been paid,
allegea tha plaintiff, tha Official Bulletin,
th official publication of tho national
association, ormtalned an arllcl stating
that OUUOUOOcmrbm gfagfr gfrgtwd
that Oreen had been fined l tor viola
tion of th rules of baa ball, and added
that It waa hoped this would have good
effect on other Independent owners. This
article la alleged to have demaged the
plaintiffs bualneaa and his good nsm to
the extent of fco.oio. In th fourth court
It I slicked that th result of th pub
lication waa to make II Impossible to oe
cure game for his club the following
year so that h waa forced to sell th
club for tM He alleges that h bad
been making a profit of "0,800 a year from
the club and ask an additional
Ouy Oreen owned the Lincoln base ball
club In th season of DM and part of
Ik, selling to th present owner, Donald
Dee pa In, and a partner. Lowell Stoner.
H also owned th Nebraska Indtanaa,
aa Independent club. HI attorney, R, L.
Hsgeriln, asserted that this ault had
been held up for more than a yaar await
ing opportunity to secure service on a
number cf both th national board of
arbitration and th national association.
President O Nrlll a presence afforded the
IOWA CITT. la., Jan. .-Bpednl.)-The
chief concern of local dopeatera thla
week t th fat of Iowa athletes In their
semi-yearly examinations, of most Im
mediate Importance, of course, la tV
basket ball team, for the experience of
two years ago, wbea on of toe strongest
tea ma Iowa ever put out wa riddled In
the mlddl of th season, la remembered.
But th track and foot ball teams sre
glso th subjsct of some concern. Few
of th baa ball veterans are believed to
be In any danger. It is at this time that
most of th damage to don to th prom
ising freshmen, aa their scholastic weak
nesses sre mors likely to be found out In
their first trial.
Not much apprehension I felt lo
th basket ball team In respect 16 cond.
lions but tho Injuries sustained by th
squsd In th last week Is th ground for
more apprahMslon, wHh OrlnaeTl onilng
next on tho schedule. ' ThrVa men who
would hav started In th Normal gam
war kept out by Injuria. Kmbre. who
hss been slated to replace Leo at center,
dislocated his kneo two day before th
asm and I Mill unable ta srork. Kerrv
I BiiffaMA dUlml-d ahn..l- In Ik-
Mlnneoota gam and cannot us his arm.
whll Captain Schmidt bad ankle kept
him out until th latter part bf th Nor
mal contest, when he was compelled lo
go In to Insure victory.
HASTINGS. Neb.. Jan. . -especial
Telegram.) Tho eoramiewlon of tho Pres
byterian synod has addressed the local
board of trustees of Hastings rollegc.
asking that President Turner reconsider
his derision lo resign at th end of the
college year. A member of th board
said today that Dr. Turner probably
would not roconilder and If be withdraws
from tho college most of the local mem
bers of the board will also retire. .
Th trustee declir that th synod
haa not given th college th support
that in pledged three year ago when
tho institution wa aasd th sy nodical
college of Nebraska. Tba commission
lately proposed retrenchment la th man
agement Which th local offloer Insist
would lower tho Institution' standard of
efficiency, i Interference by th com
mission and lack of financial support
la given aa Hi reason of tho present
Commission Meets
For Its First Session
. Over Liability Law
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Neb.. Jan. JO. -(Special Tel-egrain.)-Ths
Krnployer' Liability com
mission met this sfternoon In the gov
ernor's offlco and put In several hour.i
discussing th general Idea of what the
proponed, bill should be. A resolution of
fered by Victor Rosewater was adopted
that whatever th nature of tho bill In
other particular. It be In compulsory
n resolution offered by Member Coffey
was that th law be framed to apply to
II hasardou occupation In which acci
dents are llabl to occur. The secretary
waa Instructed to make a tabulated con
parisoa of th Waehlngton and Wiscon
sin law and hav It ready for th next
meeting of th commission, which will he
In Omsha, February 14 at 10 50 a. m. The
entire afternoon waa devoted to going
over laws at oUssr Mate and also bills
whIHi hav been prepared and not abopled
by several state.
an lllncsa lasting several year. II came
to this city some thirty-ono years ago and
has been engaged In farming most of the
time. Ha was born In Belleville. III., fifty-six
years ago. He leavea a widow and
on daughter. Ills funeral will be held
Mr, Amanda Prnltt,
YORK, Neb., Jan. 9u.-npecial.
Mrs. Amanda, wife of II. O. Prultt, died
yesterdey at :tt a. m. Sh had been ill
for several months.
w:d, after tli visit that aa Central City
is growing rapidly and lis business ex
panding; he has no doabt that In the very
ncir future city tn delivery will be
tit by heavy consumers of row grade
:! fur vee other than light, power
aut heat that the present law, which
be cunaklers las drastic, might be tested.
fliaa kista Park la tlariaaati.
','Nfc'INNATI. -O.. Jan. Jk-Jokn J.
Rvaa.-4.wner K the Cincinnati frwa--hi-
af ; new I'nited states Has bad
, leag". eatd today that lie bad rented
th lliotwarome bell park for is tn t
It was raeaored Harry KlelafeUM. fox met
third tanan of the Chk-airo and Cin
cinnati Hubs, wtu)d be engaged to man
age tt new club.
Bea k, Ben F. Hunt. P. J. Moran.
Releasee: By Brooklyn to Newark
Harry Smith. By Chicago to Louisville
A. A. C. C. Slepniclta (option sgree
roentt. Br Philadelphia ta Buffalo
tl. L-W!lttam C. Baxter. C. K. Ihr
(optional!. Br Pittsburgh to Indlanapo
na Thomae M. Murray, Albert S, Harm).
Jr.. to eHirtnxfleld tCona. L.; onrod
M. Smith. Ovid- Nicholson; to Chatta
nooga, i. A.k Joha Mercer.
( From a Staff Correspondent.
UNCOLN. Jan. t,-(8irlal.) Educa
tion was the rente before the Adventlat
conference today and a persistent cam-
palgn In b-haJf of Christian education kt
planned by tho central aod northern con
ferences of th church. Several address
were made, among them one by Prof. II.
R. Salisbury, secretary nt the educational
department of tha general conference. It
was decided the two conference adopr a
uniform plan for furthering the educa
tional projects of the church. Th com
mittee recommended, and the conference
concurred, that Union college, at College
View, be placed on a self sustaining basts. 1
and that the various conferences assume
tba Indebtedness of the Institution, one
third to be assumed by th northern union
slid two-thirds by th southern.
OtHlt Slataa Ceatracr.
-Marty O' Toole, the IX. WO pitcher, today
sent his signed contract to Barney Drey.
fu.s. president of the Pittsburgh club. He
refused to stote the emount it called for,
but said II was satlsfactoi y.
Mr. Casper Mae's.
NEBRASKA C1TV. Jan. M.tSpctal.)
-Mr. Casper Sands, one of the
oldest settlers of this part of the
state, died at her home In thla city Sun
day and her funeral took place from the
St, Benedict Catholic church thla morn
ing. She waa born October 29, IMS. and
jcam t this state w hen quit young and
j married Nicholas Durkhardt. who died
some thirty years ago, and then she
j married Casper Sand, who survlvea her.
She Is survived by on son and five
j daughters, all of them residents la this
I vicinity.
i Baroa Stanmere.
LONDONJan. Je.-Baron Stanmor died
ibcre today In hi eighty-fourth year. He
wa on of th most prominent British
colonial officials, having held tha post'
of lieutenant or governor of a lance sum-'
ber of British colonies, including New;
Brunswick. Trinidad. Mauritius, FIJI.
New Zealand and Ceylon. H waa a pro
lific author and wa a member of th
Hons of Lords, although he took very)
llttl part In politics. ,
lrvla llerrlrk. .
CAIRO, Nb., Jan. -Spcial.)-Irvin
Herrlck, on of the homesteader of this
part of the country and veteran of
the civil war, passed away at his home
In Cairo early yesterday morning, after
an Illness of but a few hour of acuta
Indigestion. Mr. Herrlck lived on his;
homestead until about throe year ago,
whea ho moved Into town. He leavea a
wire and one son. He wa W years old.
Job a Hoof.
NEBRASKA ClTr. Neb.. Jan. B. -(Special.
r-John Honf died at hi home south
of thla city yesterday of cancer after
(From Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINUTON, Jan. x -(Special Tele
grajn. Roprreentatlve Kinkaid, with S.
P. Velatour of Lewellya, Neb., today had
a conference with Dr. Melvln. chief of
th bureau of animal Industry to enter
plea for a mora liberal administration of
quarantine regulations against the cattle
Dr. Melvln Informed hi visitors that )
department kt now calculating that It will
be able to issue an order lifting the quar
antine thl spring In a considerable area
In Nebraska. Th area wrier It Is be
lieved that th manga has been almost
eradicated Ilea In Holt county, portion
of Oarden, Keith Deuel and some other
small area. .
Kd Smith of Omaha Is la Washington on
bualnesa before th Interstate Commerce
Judge J. S. McCarthy of Auburn. Neb.,
la In Washington, being Interested In a
case pending before tho supreme court of
the District of Columbia.
Oeorge Chaplin of Lincoln, recently ap
pointed to a eadetshlp at Annapolis, I In
Washington and haa entered a achaal
her which devotes It energle to pre
paring candidates for Annapolis and West
Senator Brown this morning called upon
First Assistant Postmaster General Oar
field to urge that Central City, Neb., be
given free city delivery. Senator Brown
NKBHASKA CITY. Jan. JH-tSpeclal.)--Harry
Keller of Dunbar was un'ed In I
rrsrriatc at the home of Mr. aj Mrs.
Brammlcr, near Syracuse, to their daugh- j
ter, Misa Elisabeth. In the presence of a I
large circle of friends and relstlvs. They I
will make their borne near Dunbar.. '
llofttnsa-Bsrbre. j
NEBRASKA CITY. Neb., Jan. W.-8pe- '
clal.y Benjamin 1". Huffman of lUverton,
la., and .M s. ira tinner Harncr or enen
andoali. la., were married In thla city
but evening and left for their future
home al Itlverton.
!.' Arm la lorn Hkredder.
BEATRICE. Neb.. Jan. if -(Special
Telegram.) Iten Kaimund, eon Mr.
and Mrs. W. o. r.clmund. living west of
lie city, lout his left arm today In a 1
com ahreddrr which he was operating
near Olenovcr, a ' Deatrtc suburo. Mr.
Relmind brother, Walter,, recently had
Ms left hand shot ofr. II wa married
Chrlstma day and ta a prominent young
farmer of this vicinity.
Tb key to sucvess In busine&x is th
Judicious and pcnUstent use of newspaper
5 .
laar Bad Wow Mac.
SARANAC LAKK. N. T- Jan. Sx-F-d-motwl
Lamv. former amateur skating
charantnn. who recently turned Brofew-
jei.nial. and M.iiria Wood, the present pn-
I feanlonal 'haml1on. begsn a series of tee
I races ber toriav. In i first event, at 2a
m j yards. Wood won. finishing two verds
w 'snea.1 of lamv In 3b :-i erconrfs. Lamv
won the other two races at three-quarter
of a mile and a mile. Th three
qmrters time wa i and the mite
time I S
Iowa (Ityw
IOWA CfTT. Jan. a.-i?cial Tele-graTs-
Iowa ( lty scored HI in ha by
mall match with Salt Lfce today.
HASTINGS. Neb.. Jaa. XL-4Spectal
Telegram.) M!a Harriett Elaine Hyatt,
the state's chief wit new In th prose
cetlOB of Dr. Bartholowmew of Blue
IIIII on, the charge of attempted aisault.
wttoee disappearance caused tb trial
to be put off to th May term of court.
Appeared la county court today, coming
from Oeltwrln. la. Sh was put under
bead for gJM to awpeer when the ease
I tried. Sh said she left the city
because she wa nervous and did ten
wish to andergo the ordeal of examina
tion la court.
Tb IMowalve the I'slss
of stomach. liver aad gidner troubles
and cur biliousness snd malaria, take
Electric Bitters. Guaranteed. Only We.
For sal by Hcatoa Drug Co.
For Cold in Chest
Sloan's Liniment givesquick relief
for all chest and throat affections.
Hsrs . Proof
R IX arcs Jab Isaac, of Lacy, Ky.,
writes: " I have asad Tour Liniment la sit
family tor aoap, sore throat, lam back and
rkeauiatism, and ia rrery cas it gsv
lasunt relief."
Good for PUmrxrr aad Astkma.
Mr. Davtb Ctn, of en Elk St BaSakt, N. T, writes: - In the winter t
bad aa attack of nlewrhty ta my Bid aad wj rang and tried B hwtars. bat It
kept cotttng won an til I ward Sloan's Liniment aad ia a couple of dav t
waa entirety eared. My wilo is troabsea wit aMama aad lea' Liainwat
jives bar instant relief."
is the best remedy for Rheumatism, Nt-urilgia, Sciatica and snr
tort dt pain. " At iB deilcri. Price 250, 50c and Ji.oo.
Dr. Earl S. Sloan, Boston, Mass.
f?a 11 k 1 i 11
Little, Size
SOH-P S.2800.
A small can big in ability
and comfort, the onlv real
4Little Six" built in America.
The flush-sided body and sloping
hood are in perfect harmony the
highest development of, automobile
design. - '
2205-7 Farnam St. Phone Doug. 1970