Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 31, 1912, Page 12, Image 12

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1 Great Sale of Vool and Wash Dresses
IK ' , IS
jx A prominent manufacturer's entire sample lines and surplus stock of one-piece,
S 1912 dresses of wool or wash materials, bought at a great sacrifice. They all go on &
Mi, sale on our second floor Wednesday at one-nan price or less,
1 1 j
The Wool Dresses are in the Daintiest New Styles fc
In ai7oo fnr am nil trnmnn misitfi nnrl inniorg onlv TirettV HF
wool aenres wool checked and nlain worsted Sr'l'tis &
materials. Clever styles for spring. Theyreg-
ularly sell at $6.00 and $7.50 Wednesday at...
Small Women's
Hisses' and
AIM few women's
slies in these eroups.
They ere fsahloned
of ginghams and
percales, chajnbr.y.
uiil lawns. Dainty
summary effecla
that ar. worth u
to .a. ro In (wo
Ma groups on sec
ond floor, at j
h An i-
i A Special Lot o! Women's and Kisies Pretty
All Om Embroidered Lingerie
iicsscs E
fitirfiiSl -YM T
HIIVl Ml 1 1 :i
Ffi! lIIKi P
Special Sale of White Goods Wednesday
Fine quality Imperial Long
.Cloth, chamois finish for
underwear, 36 inches wide,
sbolt of 12 yards, J J Q
giiperHn English long Cloth,
ihaa a specially soft flnlih and li
41 lncbe wide;-nothing better
for fin underwear; t OP
' bolt of l yards. . . . P I as&iJ
Just received S0 piece of fine
Din checked dimity, Inches
vide; regular 1 8c value, while
the lot last, bolt of
11 yards ....
40-Inch French Sheer Nainsook,
very toft flnlah, a special width
for economical cutting; 20c
value; bolt of 10 &1 An
yards, at
In Our
. Basement
40-Inch Or suite Bloaaom Nain
sook, Pointer brand... medium
light weight, soft finish and con
tain n dressing; Af
10 yard bolt at . .aPlalO
36-Inch Imperial English Nain
sook; bolt of 11 yds.
special, at ....
30-lnrh pure white, fin Nain
sook, chamois finish, good
weight,, bolt of 10 yards
special at . . .
fin Nain
ileh, good
Thousand of new and pretty Valentine Port Card now on sale In
our Stationery dept., main noor, at 10 ana up. Ato ivor ana unor
tlons for Valentine panic. '
Wednesday Last Day oi our Great January Sales
Score of entra special bargains for Wedneeday In our basement will mak JiU laat day of tbla
V r't 'rent one ' ,h mott notble ,e,ur, ot eutlr t
H, i I
W I m M m M AT M
Demand from the Gulf Statci it Sap
i. idly Inerinj.
lBlea(laa tfcal klaias, Whlrk !
S Are Alrssslr Laura, Will la- .
' f ems. Dartasi ,tha ftest ,
J Plstr Dara.
, Railroad men kMv. that naw mar
t kas bem cstabUshad for Nebrvka
cvra aad that la th rutur. th. planter
vl all ot th south st sua wast ot
rii. Mlaatvlpat rtirer wilt tak. tbalr aup-
. Kike f this cereal tram this point.
Ja the past, much of the earn fed by ,
la southern plantar hae hra purchased I
southfra Kaaaaa and Oklahoma. In
iha statea, test season th Cora crop,
owing to th dry weather, was almost
r oomplata failure. . As a rtmlt than
was as coca ta ship. Than tta southern
planters began) ta Mok slsewnsr for
their supply. They took some at the
Kebraaka eoro and at eaee pronounced
It aupsrior t tkat ther bad used In the
past. Result waa that larg. orders were
. juitroad men any that of the thousands
at ear at rora shipped cut ot Omaha
dwrtna- th last work, th most of It
Us goae ta th plantation, and feed tot .
rt the south aad very little for export.
While th tan movement eat ot j
Omaha baa iwabtil cigantt. proportion i
Afrinw the teat month, far eutstrtpptn
Chleaga, m. Iis and Kanaa city. I
ratbnad fretsbt ana declare that 'It la
nothia eemnarad with what may be I
nneeted wttbta a bert time, Raporta
reserved by tbem are te the afteet that
the farmer of Nebraska and western
Iowa hav marketed but small ponton
r last ear's crop. Tb present bajh
price have brought t some, but the
' greater porUoa la bald back ta the cribs,
from wheat. It will ram during tb. Beat
iity da
IX out
Grand Clem-Up Sale
Howard Koter"s fS winter
tans, button and QC
blurher. for .tpOsOO
Johnson 4 Murphy's IS. 00 Gun
Metal, lace and J if"
button, now .... JT.tO
S. 41 M.' IS. 00 Gun Metal
double aoltf, but- fJ mp
tan and blucher PJs O
E. T. Wright's It Uun Metal
button and bluch- fr o C
er. now wmOw
McDonald 4b Klley's Patent but
ton and lac, fa (JJ jf
values, now ...,PaCsfO
Holland s 4 winter tana, but
ton and blucher, n nr
doable soles) .... Pe2e03
Sis line Fry's 1 3 Patent and
Oon Metal, but- (trt QC
ton and lac ... sPaCaOO
Boydca'a l Patent Colt and
Oun Metal, but-
ton and lar ... pJa0
All broken lines of 14.00 and
and 13.50 Patent and Oun
ISth aaxl lloaglas St.
From Omaha to points in
Alabama, Florida, Qeor
gia, Louisiana, Mississip
pi, Cuba, Central' America.
New Orleans ...,..$41.00
Mobile , .....141.00
Jacksonville .. ....150.50
Tampa, Fla $62.10
Palm Beach, Fla.. . .$89.00
Havana, Cuba .....$87.00
Delightful tours to the
Mediterranean, West In
dies, South America.
Three splendiddaily
trains Omaha to Chicago
make good connection
with through trains for the
East and South. Reserva
tions made via all railroad
and steamship lines.
r ' A. 'Sale of Flat
Silver War Satur
day, February 3d.
- A Sale of Clocks
cfall Kinds Satur
day, February 10th.
The Spring Style Book of the Ladiet'
Home Journal Pattern i$ now on gale.
With a 15c pattern ... . - 20c
Red Letter Day Special
in the Stationery Store
Lnnch paper and 10 stamps. :
per roil 10c '.
100 decorated napkins with 1
- stamp 10s."
Three packages commercial en- '
' vek) pea . with 10 stamps. 10c
Three packages shelf paper
with 10 stamps 10c
Bottle Carter' a Ink. pen holder and
ail pen polnta. with 1 et'pa. Is
American. "Boats. All" peacUa.
with it a tamp, par desen. lss
Seldom Equaled Corset Bargains
For Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
This department has enjoyed a wonderful growth dur
ing the last twelve months, due to its ability to give the
best corset values to be found in this country.- And, as
usual, our corset buyer has been fortunate in securing ex
ceptional bargains for this great sale. From an over
stocked manufacturer we nave secured 100 dozen corsets
of various styles, and all have been grouped in three
enormous lots for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday's
selling at extremely low prices. They have been taken
out of their boxes and arranged on bargain tables for easy
selection. Shrewd buyers will take advantage of this sav
ing opportunity, so be early for yours.
Lot No. 1 at $1.69
Corset perfection seems to have been reached in this beautiful model. The gar
ment represents the very latest in corset fashion. They are patterned from im
ported models showing the low bust effect. The corset is elegantly trimmed with
broad ribbon and lace, has a large satin ribbon bow, and draw strings. The hip
lines are very long, making a perfect foundation for this sea
son's gowns. Made of strong coutil and batiste. Priced for
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at .'.
ii in
i si in;
Lot No. 2 at 59c
This is the best popular priced corset ever offered in
Omaha. It is made of a good quality coutil, extra long
hips; well boned, has four hose supporters-a strictly mod
em corset in every way. Well made in every detail and
considered an exceptional value at 75c. During this sale
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, or while f
tliey last, they are reduced to the exception- JC
ally low price of
a i ii r
Lot No. 3 at 89c
In this lot we have four distinct styles. One number is
extremely long, the most fashionable corset of the year.
Some have draw strings (a feature found in high class
corsets only). Some have six hose supporters. All are
boned with rust-proof boning, and every corset ia.4 per
fect fitting model. These come in coutil and g -.
batiste, sizes 18 to 30. For this Wednesday, XM
Thursday and Friday sale only. ...... .. . V
t- " ; ..,
D7 n' Fifteen new plush coats have just been received. (tlT Cfk
rlUSn LsOatS They go on sale Wednesday at .... . . Vi f OU
in a Wednesday is Red Letter Day Ded M
C'CL Xearly every person around Omaha who believe In setting mterekt on the money they alxa 2Tt ffi
A (w 'iJijf spend, aa well as on the money they save, are collector of 8. .. H. Ureen Trading tftampa . T SJTf
fffV5rV Aal we",n,a,y ' Ke1 letter Day with CLLttr
CUCl NV J7D J7J7 10 S. A H. Green Trading Stamp FREE to every Vt,,vi s
Tar K riX&L Vititor WAo Com to th Storm Whttlur You Buy r Not. " 11 AV .
.SjOJy Bring ll yoor partly filled books and get on et of TEN STAMPS KREH If you haa-: AM"Zi'
C,-iri pen to b a new ;utuner, or hare no partly fl lied hooka, w will glva yon a new booh ami XtiPsPT A I
DltlMM stsrt It with SO fra etsrnp. Kemember. VOL" AlfST HRINO VOI R BtHiKo to our Prem- iKrlalAI
fjKlVljl S-Aj lum Parlor, Balcony. Main Hoor. If you wish to aecur. theee KRSIf ST A MI'S tinlese you are Jl IwVlMaW
lw s nn euatomer or hav. no partly filled books. Ton are nleo at liberty to start naw book.. SAm
These Big Pare Food Specials Are for Wednesday's Selling Only
Bennett's Capitol flour, sack !.
l-lh. sack wlius or yeuow mi
J. lb can Bennett's Breakfast cof
fa ami 4 stamps as
In the Fruit Store
KKtra fancy lied river potatoes.
peak for ;:
F-anry yellow onions, psik
Kam-y n-wklng applaa, peck ....SO
Fancy tlng pplaa, Pck ....
rancy dates. I lbs. for S.
rancy rabbases. lb S1
Our fsmous Redlands oranses, the
doien ....lie, SO, sa, So aad go
Aaaorteil tea and 5 stamps, lb.
Tea ilfilnirs and 1 stamps, lb. ISO
IT lbs. granulate aagar 1 00
4c jar Its Uanlao preserved fic
for Oo
Horaeradiah aad i stamps, boL lOo
1 lo enns I'ottswsttsml l'lumn
1 cans sifted Early June pea and
1 atiiupn a
Lara, van Snider' pork and beans
and 10 atampa SO.
2 rana Kvergraen corn and is
atampa for SO
S rana hulled bean with chicken
and 3 atampa Sa.
Seal mapl butter and 50 atamps,
can 'r
Larae tar Hlamarrk Jan, assorted.
and 20 atampa. for SO.
Seeded ralslna, and IS atampa. the
packace 1SI.
Bennett's I'apltol grated pineapple,
and 1 stamf.a. can SO.
I pks. Bennett s I'spltol mince
meat and I stamps Sa
Kill! iTOjni cheesa, and IS stamp.,
pound for SB
Snlder's catsup and I stamps, bot
tle for SB
I lame cans fottaga condensed
milk and 10 atampa SSe
bare Swlfr rrlds soap a So
t!. can Amber Irlp syrup ....SO
Medium sour pickle end 10
slsmps, quart IS
Dill pickle, and IS stamps, do. IS
Gall lard a olive oil and I atampa
medium bottle .....
Pur. fruit Jelly and f th
glass . 10
Meat Bargains
Shoulder Steak, 2 lb. 15c
Hamburger, 3 lbs 25o
Lamb Stew ..A.... SVtO
Lamb Legs ..V. .... .9540
Q&ify Cw
f J
Wednesday's Specials
Fnr particular faquir at -
city Ticxrr omcz,
1612 rarnaxn Street,.
Omaha, Neb.
California Egg Plum nd Green j Cooking Apples, per peck SO
(j,-, (Town uraaai, per nn e-i v - - -
Per- .lnaan S-al (Small Naval Oranses, per do. IS
lenmi Tina, tin toe, do.
i-ln. carton Ouatar Ralslna,
jm Hlckmott s tallfornl Apricot, tn
'jl heavy yrnp. per tin. . ' SB
? le-Mule' Team Borav per pkg.10
5 l. t'lothea Baskets, heavy. weU
i made, each .v.
fy Home Made aUnc Meat. lb... IB.
vie' Manaanllla Olive, per ouart. SSe
f Imported Macaroni, per pkg...lo.
Our own make Peanut Butter, per
Jar .i ...10
Mast, ttusar Butter, per Jar... BO
15 lis ported Peals. Citron, Orance
fll and Lemon, per lb SO
just Vwcslved fresh conalsnnent
I.JJ of .African Peacbe. Tunis Data.
? gtrawleeTle, English Hot Hous
Urap.' . Artichokes. Mustiraams.
A Tbr.heada ef Plal Lettuc. 10
Larae Novel Orsnses. per dot SO. tt
leanrB starato&a- wrria, -
Thl Coffee la nr prld. and no
pain or money la .tinted to tfj
make thl posltlvaly th best
Coffee for th money . 1 th t
world. Th sroma Is fraarant.
th tut Is delicto; per lb. 0 ti-
Our "Latus" Japan Teas are guar-
anteed free from alt eolorin; fr
matter; put up In half-pound &!V
'pkga: H lb. ZSe: nor lb. .... JH
OAjrDT awBoxaxa. - 5
Europe's latest ensatloa Fairy f
Drop, per lb IS
Assorted Buttercup, per lb. ..Me
Assorted Cecoanut Cream, lb. IS f.
Extra fin. Quality Crystallised JU
Olnger. per lb SO j?
We carry a full Una of th latest 2 '
noveltlea In, Candle aad Table g
Decoration a. tJfc
A delightful way to cross the continent is in Rock Island 1
clean, comfortable, well lighted and perfectly ventilated
tourist sleeping cars via the . ,
Warm Winter Way;
through El Paso and New Mexico;along, the-borders of .
Old Mexico the direct route of lowest altitudes to the
6un kissed shores of the Pacific . ' " - ; ' :
Rock Island Lines
provide ideal weekly service on the following fast schedule:
Leave Omaha ....... 5:(Kr P. M.' Fridays
Xcy te the B.tuaUo-B aVdvirtlaJaf, J
prints clean neits nn l ;!?-n nd-
Q32 CJ- 'CJ CiwJ CJ?"
Neatest equipped dental office ta
Omaha. Higheat-grad danutry at
rraienabla prices. Porcelain ftlllrm.
just Ilk. the tooth. An instruments
carefully Mertlise after eaca
Ceis.r lata aad ranasi at.
Leave Lincoln . . .
Leave Fairbury ..
Arrive El Pa90 ..
Arrive Pheonix .
. 7:00 P. M. Fridays
. 9:05 P. M: Fridays
6:38 A; M.Sundays
, 7:55 P. M. Sundays
Arrive Los Angeles. . 7:15 A. M. Mondays
Ask for illustrated literature descriptive of a trip
to California in a Rock Island Tourist Car.
J. S. McNALLY, D. P. A.,
1322 Farnam Street
, Omaha, Neb.
hi m r.i . t . ii
to lil H South Sixteenth Kreet, Panon Block, t
doors north ef Farnaav Look for the aama
S. W. LINDSAY, Jewele
BaU4 Semth SUteath Itrstt.