THK BEE: OMAllA. TUESDAY. JANUARY 30. 1912. OFFERED FOB SALE. btlecellaaewn. Text- HA LE Three oar-burner VTele J;ectr. aasr lame, a rood condition- . I'N nERWtX)l TTPBWKITEK COMPANY. B1 Farnam St. PERSONAL WB rant and nwii kIDda of sewing machine. J"- A-10M. Douglas ML I r KEFRASKA lltUt MA, I - .--iith and Harney St. I YOUNG women coming to Omaha a 'strangers are Invited to visit th Young Woomd'i Christian association building at 'Seventeenth and St. Mary's Ave., wher they, will be directed to suitable boarding Mace, or therwl stained. Iook for our travelers' aid at the Union station. - Mutut Kitlenhoua. SK Old Boston Bid. eS-BAY BLOOU tU-MKUT. atsdish Pharmacy. txh and 1'odce. f A A I itT i reoimeiu Mrs. Steele, J0AOO.-VUi i:a3 Dodge. Ground floor Tf AfeYFTIf! treatment. E. Brott. 7M JiL&Ui JUJ. 11 & M floor, u, ssa f A4 (W Baths, tail glow aromatic AL&AUi treatment. Mine. Allen, of Cpirsgo. H 8 iHh St.. 1st floor. D.?M. l.lkalB.V. a-ms to hire UH HoWd. l-sdiee Guaranteed Rwnedlee. 1 Ware Bk. THE SALVATION AKMY solicits cut off ciothing: in fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and eell. at 134 N. 1Mb St. fur coat of collection, tu the worthy poor. Call phone Douglas US tad wagons will call. Thouaanda of i-eople havs founl the home they were looking for among the real estate ada on The Bee waul ad page. The nome you Kant to aell ran be disposed of quickly at cost of only a few cent through Be want add. SWEDISH maseage. for rheumatism, muscles. Joints, diseases. Karaten Ton reth. only Omaha masseur graduate ta weden. 403 Ora. Net I Bank. Uoug. TO TOIJNO LADY leaving aoon for Mardi Oraa In New Orleans would be pleased to learn of a respectable woman who may also be going to the name place and would be a congenial traveling compan ion. References exchanged, address S 68, tare'Omahaj Bee. - - - massage ssssrs Ant. am f AJJ K( IV M. Snyder has changed jMAOOAUli htr. locMoo. where sua sues Swedish massage, also vibrator and ladtator treatments. SJv Bee Bldg. Red KM. Evenings D. 48R0, for appointments. oss i- i POVI-TRt ASD iET STOCK ' fcOUP easily cured by Bob White's Ttoup Cure, 50c bos. If your dealer esn--wot supply you. write us direct, -sending )er',s name.. BOB WHITS Cu. 0t N 1th 8t. Omaha, Neb. Webster 5637. 'Kaffir oum snakes hens lay. tt Per 100; screenings, H. per ICQ. Wagner. 801 X. It "invie v.i . 1 1 . ... ul. , i - v 7th atreet. ' Foil i!Al.r-PreUli-t litUe white pupa, nine weeks old;, full-blooded Pomer. anlanat good hsusedeejs. Male, HV Mr, frank MrXnlel; .Yale; la. BARRED PLYMOUTH RIX'KS-Ftfty fine cot-kerela of my champion exhibition .and heavy egg-laying strain. Prices very i law. P. C. AhlqiUst. Box D Ames Ave. ma.. Omaha. Nab. FOR HAIK-Toy poodle pup. Karl ffarkes. 41 U No. tSth Ave. Web. 38. .A CUNNING Utile watch dog wauU a good home. Doug. JIM, "A OOOO OPPORTUNITY;''- palra of full blooded Homer pigeons all branded, and working, for sale cheap, object for veiling. Ill health. Address T !. oar Omaha Bee, . -HARTS mountain canaries: young. healthy females (or breeding. Web. la). REAL ESTATE BUILUfcrls' l.troMwA'flO.V Klectric m fixture. Omaha Silver Co. I - ideal Cement Co.. 1Mb And Camlng. ieha. Bon h Blind, palnving. detMiatlng. --CITV mUPEHTV KOR gAl.t. , if . , " FOrt ALl! rufJtP-peslrable. mnder ' "sR priced residence lii t'nlverslty Plsi, the great school suburb of Lincoln.' Elti'nt . rooms, fine; large barn, good shade and -In best of locations. Investigate and write owner, V. K, Pierce. MM C t.. Uncoln. Springtime Offerinis ,"; -; Befoie ou decld to buy your . SUBURBAN HOME 'we would like to talk (o you about our NEW ADDITION COUNTRY CLUB This beautiful suburban property la situated rlgut en the Beiievu Imerurban car line, commanding a most Interest ing an picturesque view. The most 7';, (HBillXG' '' ; place for g' "' COUNTRY HOME lo be found anywhere. Price and terms . right. .... "O'Neils Real Estate & Ins. Agency ' 1303 Faniara St. ' : t Tvlef In. A-Silt. . .. , ill N. :th St . South Omaha. . Sooth Vf- lnd K-U82. I - BENSON ' F. S. Trullinger - t FOB AlAi Blf OWNER on "small eash payment down, balance ume as rem, two t-room all modern .-ottage with 11 basement and cement walks around house. Prices from K.MB) to K.sts) each. Phone Harney Uta. REAL ESTATE. riRX RAMt'H LAD FOR gAI.K CaUtonita. PON'T WAIT 5 TEARS. BUT CAL1POR.NIA FULL-BBAR1XU ORCHARDS. MONET BACK If NOT SATISFIED. M.i cash and tas.Ou per month buy five acre with full-beartng fruit trees la the famous Bidwell orchards at Chlco. California. Paymenta include Interest and tajre. Your money back If not sat isfied upon investigation. The Bidwell orchards are the moet noted and pro ductive In the wonderful Sacramento val ley of California. It s our confidence In his land that prompts this generous of fer. We've peaches, prune, almonds, apricots and Bartlett pear. Buyers' railroad fare, not exceeding gX. will be credited on purchase price. Land ad joins the thriving town of Chlco 4t pop.!. References; Any bank of Chlco, Amcrtian National bank of San Fran cisco and First National bank of San lean J re eend fur valuable information god facts to BIDWELL ORCH ARDS, INC.. Chlco, Cat Cauiu. MUST SACRIFICB good half section virgin nrasrle. Upton. Peak. Famous wheat district. Other interest compels me I eell. Write for terms. Large list Luae land farms also. F. W, Crawford. Luae land. Sajik. Florida. FLORIDA THE LAND OF SUNSHINE W are offering ltv and 40-acra tract ami upwards located In Columbia county near Leke City, florlda. W mile west of Jacksonville and only efl mile from St. Auguetine. This property la Intersected tov Hire ratlroada of national reputation, which furnish Hi beet aervlue at reasonable rales to all market of the United State. Vh climate Is Ideal. Fin farmt are now bring worked In our tract with exceptionally good results. Own on of our farm. Investigate our offer, smalt cash payments and easy terras. Um rate daily. Tickets good until June 1. ROBT. C TRUF-SKDOW ft CO. (gale Agents) W Omaha National Hank Bide. Omars. Neb. lows. THE easiest way to find buyer for your farm Is to iniert a small want ad In the lie Moinea Capital- Larreet cir culation In the aiala of luwa, 41 w) dally. TU Capital Is read by and believed In by lb standpatters of lew, who simply lefus lo permit any other paper In their homes. Rates, 1 cent a word a day: il l's per line per month; count lx ordinary words to the line. Address De Moines Capital, Dea Moines. la. Iowa. 120-ACRK. well Improved farm In Iowa, within mile of Omaha. - A big bargain at IIV per acre. Good terms. Address K 112. bee. Idaho. DO-ACRB dairy farm In III famous Payette valley, three-fourth 'mile to town and cheese fsctory. Rest of fruit land; good home, orchard, smftll fruit Writ J. K. Sheldon, owner. New Ply mouth. Idaho. Mloneaol. KXCHANGE for equity. So. Minn. Im proved term North k sec.. 1S-14H-44, Polk -county, Minnesota, one-quarter mile from town; can all be plowed; no improve ment: Incumbrance, tt.Mt; due year at 4 per cent; tail per acre. Geo. Atchlaop, Mankato, Minn. FOR BALB-.W acre good, level land, no atone or atumps; 16 acre under plow, on all be plowed; good et buildings; IftjCO, half cash, takes It before February 15. Adam Mnrast, Cambridge, Minn. FOR BALE-Two beautiful farm home, and W acres. Joining. Oood land, lo cation and Improvements. CO mile from Twin Cities. Price M per acre, worth im B. t. Parsons, Bianchfleld. R. F. D. No. 1, Bog 41. Minnesota. Nebraska. CVArS near Omaha. f3S per sere up. Orlii 8. Merrill, U!3 City Nat l Bk. Bldg. FOR SALK. Good section unimproved land In west ern Nebraska; only iix.0 an acre. If you want to double votir money, writ B-1192, Omaha Bee, Oms ha. FOR HALK 44 acres, close to. Omaha. Good Improvement. Harnoy Mil N. JMh l. FOR 8ALK-4 Keith Co.. Neb., farma; S half and 2 quarter section. Improved; near stations; 1 and t40 per acre: term. Addroe J. C. Perey, Paxton. Neb. U.egoa FOR SAI.K--TonUe. "M Iota and 4ft small farm. 2H to 1 acre each, on rail road, near here; ditches and roads built and platting done ready for selling. Oood cnance tu locate colony with company store; $:0.siO cash required. Partlculara and references. Davis A e)lirp Co., Com mercial Block. Portland. Oregon. MUcella neons. Frmera nd land buyer all oer Hid country are leading Bee want ads every day and snapping: up every bargain offered. Rates It eents Per word If run only one time, lc per word It run two or mora limes consecutive!'. Write and mall your ad today to Real Estate depart inent of The Omaha Bee. Re sults arj sure. REAL ESTATE LOANS OMAHA Property and Nebraska I .anas. O'KKEFK REAL ESTATE CO.. HIM New Oman Nafl Bank Building. WANTKD-Clty loam and warrants. W. Famam Smith 4 Co., 1331 Farnam SL MONslY to loan on bualness or resi dence properties, DM lo MO.uu. W. U. THOMAS, to First Nafl Hank Bldg. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co VAXTEI SnTATtOIW - RAILWAY TIME CARD. ni i b uv ofwrrs tca pww m i . u ii.-.Lh a day work; mt, conscientloua; d wH f).T' I -.Horn 1!m amppomt enamgemems, i-eone at. , , a I a) em all 4X mi WANTED-Posltion as housekeeper by Colorado Express a 4.0 pm a 1 pre resneciehle middle-seed !a ly. lre(er Colorado Soeclal item S4 am Perry I.ocal D a u pen ou.w pre Mlasoart Parlftr K. C. St. L. Ki....l!:im K. C. t- I Ex.... all :U pen a:Mpm home with children. Also exiierienced as nurse. Address Mrs. Marie Turner, gen eral delivery. Council Bluffs. la. VAgHlNU and Ironlug duae. T.. H.KM. SITUATION wanted as nngr of general store, country tows; experienced, i, (It. Bee. . BOOKKEEPING and clerll work evenings and Saturdays; us typewriter. Address L 743, Bee. Barllastoa SCatlsa Barllagtoa -Ten Ik at Masoa - Depart. imi. Denver ft CHtomla..a 4:1 pm a 1 am Puget Sound Kxprss .a 4. Id pm a 1:44 am TliHES young ladies, piano player and Nebraska point ...... J am a l pm singer, want ponit.ons In nieur -show; mack Hill 4 ie pm a I ts era experienced. Douglas- ftoi. , K T5. Be. I Lincoln Mall .ol Jtpra all lj pm POSIHON wanted by competent lady S.JV??" -.U, ! ilS Lincoln Ical ... a i Bee. Il'w to llO.Ono made promptly. F. D. Wed. We.-td Hldg.. 18th and Frnm. (liPVTV ui?rK - .n? ' Oni.t i. Nat'l Bank FOB SALK OH EXl'IIANCE 1 handle ttaues eveiyaneri'. Ir you waul results write or call Dean. H7 Bee. D ! ll.iM Will buy a fi-room modern cottage, ex cept heat, not new. but in good repair: close to 91th and Franklin treet. per manent walks, and improvements In strict end paid o. A lev ,iunured dol ' lard down and balance like rent. Investi gate this at once. If you want a bargain, property mum be sold.-1 Address L 1U, Be. FOR SALK Five and elx room coltaxe; also 1 up-to-date 7-room house. Call Web. owner. - MOt'SB. t lots, near car, 17).' Wilson. 4JW Corby- 'e ACHKS with liouae. trult and other improvements;, near iienson. . 'Phone iicuson a. W. IIE.AL ESTATE ytl Htsjril HMI FOR KALE - .- - - Brlllah t slsakia. :f if ' Choice valley farms In tracts of W) acre or more oa easy term?, with. n l to s miles ' from the towns aionx tlie Uraud Trunk .-, . Pacific Railway between Fort George and Princ Rupert. Write for booklet de scribing - tnis wonderful country, B. Meyl, District sales Agciu. ail Faxtua Bldg.. Omaha. Ne. CHOICK Iruit terms In tracts of IS acre or mere on eay terms; along the " Kkeana river near Prince Rupert Central ,trUwh Columbia. Call or write B. suyei. " a:strict u n agent, ca Paxtoa Bldg... ' Onsaha, Neb. - - , FOR SALK OR TR A D E ld-acre. good Improved farm In Garfield county, Okla homa, for land In eastern Nebraska, east ern Bout Dakota or southern Minnesota. N. U Kelly, 612 8. Jeffemon Bt- Enid. Okl. WHITE woman Santa day work. 1U 3. Hth Su A-KM. . , . W AN TED A position as watchman or huylr-Plilsmoulh blpnt bit M p secret serviclDg; good nferenee. Q ISM. Linci,, Icsl b am piattamouin-owa as.s9am Bellevue-Piattsmouth.aM N pm a S al Dm Chicago tipeeial a I K am all :U pee Denver special ail m pm a 1:0 pro chlcaxo Kxpresa a 4 10 pro a l il m. Chi. Fast Express a 4 IS pm a lo) am Iowa Local a IS am al to am Creston tle.l lral...b I pm bio s am St. iuts r.xpress it ain su m am K. C. eV tt. Joseph. 4S pm a 4 M am K. C. at St. Joseph... I u am a 4:14 pm K. C. t. aosepn...o e: pm ib) dally except Sunday, (c) Sunday only, ta) dally. YOUNG lady desires position in office wher there la chance for advancement Small aages to start. Can operate type writer. Webster 2B76. AN experienced cashier desire posi tion. Douglas 4411 WANTED By student CrelaMon col lege, opportunity to earn board or board and room. Audresa C 1U2. Bee. or paoa Douglas 774! EXPEK1KNCKD stenographer wlshe a portUon with a firm: good speller od 1 fast on the Underwood typwnter. Ad ore ss. H UK. car Bee. YOUNG man want poeltloa a bar lender; experienced. 8 tit. Bee. YOUNG lady wanta poaltion a offic girl: can run typewriter, best of refer ences: will start with small wages 'Phone W ebster f39C LACE curtain and Harney Wet. bund! washing. MOTHER'S Helper, competent, exper ience in remodeling and altering chil dren's germents, detdres employment; beet of reference furnished. Telephone Doug. H006. . WANTED-Work for a number of able bodied men-Russian emigrants. Among li number is a bookkeeper, a foreater, a grain man. a baker. Willing to do any work to make a living. A number r envious to obtain work on a farm. Ad dress Miss Helen Grodlnsky, 74 Brand! Bldg. Phone Doutla leA WANTED Lace curtains to be laun dered at home; 25c pair. Harney KI- FIR.ST-CLASS. JSio, VJI74. practical nurse. FIRST CLASS laundress wnts work for Monday and Tueidav: ti.U per day. Best reference. SU N. th St. WAN'TKD-Situatlon by Korean young man: pruat family; cook. D lim. Bee. BOOKKKKPER well experienced I lumber, general merchandise and bank ing desires position. Salary reasonable. Locate anywhere. P. o. Box 1, Omaha. Toi'NG lady wants poaltion In clflce; small salary to start. References Phon Webster 7. KXPERIENVKD woman wish day work. Webster sNuS. WANTF.D-Evening .lerlcal work by young man of experience; university grad- u.tejrierrnces. c juii, e. PLAIN day "work wanted. Johanna Holden. Tel. Harney r.m. KXPERIENCED girl want posltiun la doctor's office. 2J01 Hamilton. TOI'NG man. at present employed, wants position a bookkeeper In or near Omaha; experienced In wholesale and branch work. Y no, care nee DAY work wanted. II. K03. PiirtlTIOX as houaekeeoer for respect able widower or bachelor by middle-agetl widow, call Sunday or ssonoay, ur phone A -1460. 1911 Farnam St. W ANTED-Posltlon a credit manager bv voung man; married; thoroughly ex pertenced. Adrtrena lxck Box Has. Omaha. VOl'NG man of high education -anis position In general olflc or store; first clsss references; will stsrt with small wagn. K I1M, llee PRAt'TICAI. young fanner, 22. wishes work on farm: permanent. Address KM Famam St. Phone H. . EXPERIENCED lis. Day work. laundress. Webster DAY work wsnted. Webster BOi. EXPERIENCED billing clerk, reference. Phone Douglas M, WA NTKIV-Position disnwnr, u middle ged woman. Phon Wabster ii3o. i. i , . - i i- ' ' I i a LIVE STOCK MARKET OF WEST Snip your stock Ice South Omaha. Save mlleag and shrinkage. Your sonaiga meota receive prompt and cartful aunn llou. . Hock CommUaloa Merchaats. Brera Bros, k Co. Strong and responilbl ""vVOODROS., 3a4-a Exchange Bldg. Great West. Cm. Co.. Omaha ft Denver. "wrR-sklTIAiS)NJustandiheep! "TAGG" B RO-t. hiidTe cattle, hogs, sheep "ciy. Hobfnson ft Co., aw Kxthsnge Bid. Inlerstal Co. Better results. Ship to us. LIFTUN Com. Co.. VX Exchange Bldg" L. K. ROBERTS ft CO.. Z2 Exch. Bldg" Cox ft Jones Com. Co., bunch of hustiara Fa"rVSers L. 8. Com. Co., 209 Exch. Bldg" Deposit proceeds of eliipmenta in Stock Yards Nafl bnk. Only bank at yards Martin Bros, ft Co., M-4 fcxeh. Miog. OMAHA. THE GRAIN MARKET WEEKS GRAIN CO., gram merchants. Consignments solicited. . Brandeia. RAILWAY TI-Msi CARD. laloa racltli Iepsit. Arrlva San Fran. Overl'd I...a:tsam a7:4pm China ft Japan F. M..a4.utpm tl n tm Atlantto Express a 4:44 am Oregon Express all iipm a I l pm Ijm Auelea Limited. .al3:4 pm a 1.9) Dm lienver epeclal a:'4am a 7:77 am Cenunnlal Stat Bp'l.all:M pra ali:aiam Colorado Express a pra a 4:30 pm Oirbun-Waiih. l.'t'd....all:M pm a4-30pm Nnrtn Platte lxai....s :iesm a : pm i.rand Island Local.. ..a : pm alO.JUem trorosburg LoL-al bl2;41 pm b 1.20 pm Wabaak Omaha-St. ahi Ex. a 4 J pm a:1Sm Mali and Express a 7:01 am all:Upm Stanb y L. (from C.B ) b 4:00 pm bU:lsam Tvn.l. trade a bunch of good vacant I . . .. 2... w lota e-tterod around Omaha for th l Twln C(r Limited a Spin a7:4tm Webster sialloa - tot ft aad WeWeler Mlaaowrl Pselflo Depart. Arrive. Auburn Local b 3 f4 pm HI iA am t'klewars. St, rol. Mlaaoaooll ft Omaha sinux Cltv Kxnre...b !:S Dm bl! ot am Omaha Local t Is am c (.M pm Sioux city rsss o : pm Twin City Pass b 4 5 m Emerson Local :ss pm o s i am TRAVELS. TO m West Indies The American Kmera Tki Rgjit Mill Stni Piciit Co. Especially ttractiv tour cf JAMAICA CTTIA rAsTAHA OAKAt. AAVBAOOS TsUsTIDftB YlsTWgUsTXA For Particuisr Writ lo andareoa ft goa, Oen. Agaats, It So. La tall at Chteege. Or Any Steauiship Agncy. LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICK TO CONTRACTORS-SEALED bid will be received at the office of the undersigned until noon, February 10th. A. D. lli. for the construction of an d. ditlonal building at the Tubercular lioa nlisl. Kearney, Nebraska. Plan and specification r on file t the offie of Iho Sserwtary of Stat. Commlsalnner Publlo Lands and Buildings, at the Hos pital, ami the office of Rued F. Miller, Architect, Brandeia Theater Building. Omaha. ADDISON WAIT, Secetary of Rlure. Kl-lSt. qulty In some houses or fist. If you have anything to otier write i. ium, we. WaIPTed to exchng prlxe-wlnning c ch bitch for tog lsh bloodhound. F. Mestemscher, alit Spalding Ave., Bu Louis. Mo. FOR SALE or exchange by owner, level prairie quarter. Stanley county, K. D.; levei prairie ttuarter. Morton county, N. D.; level prsirie uusrter, with some grove. Kittson i-ounty, and 4o sere Kan abec county, Minn.; will sell any or all and give terms or exchange all for one piece. C. W. Prey, owner. South Sitor. . D. MO ACRES.' we. I Improved. In Stearn Co.. Minn.; 175 acres under plow. Want to excange for automon!1 up to flMUs; balam-e. rash equ.ty lllftn. K. TV. JOHNSON. si JVe Bldg. KIMBALL organ, latest style; big bar gain. N. !h. tl.W STICK groceries and oueensware, new and fresh, still In the wholesale stock, will exchange for heavy draft team, har ess and vtseon. bslanee cash. Just the chance to stsrt in ousiness for yourself. Aadrers V t'l. car Bee. tieorgia. : OEEAT SOUTH GEORGIA Traversed by ir.e ' ' ATLANTA. BIRMINGHAM ft ATLAN . . - - TIC RAHtOAO. Inds dapted to the widest range of Jrops ' All the money crop of the souih 1 plentifully produced. For literatnr treat ing with tnis owning country, its sod. climate, church, and school advantage. - "e"1 ' W. If. LF.AHY. DEPT. K. t Ceiatral paseenger Agcna. ' ATLANTA. OA. WAX TE1 TO Hl' M-hand goods. Kieser. 110 Center. P. C WANT TO HUT Stock of merchaadis In country for cash. Bex six. Onhs. TEAM ot young maref, with foal. slso two or three young milcn cows to become fresh In March. Wanted for shipment out of slate. K llsa. Ue. 1 CASH for ooe. two or tnree iAinaee lots; pet price and legal description In j na,is-!iperior ' lirri ie:ier. e iij.,, iwt. WAXTKIV Tt RET Twin city Express. ...a 7:44am al:Mpm Chicago Express a 6.05 pm a i:4i pm tklesge. Rock l.lanU ft Paelfle - EAST. Rocky Mountain am 10:25pm Chicago Local Pass bl0 am bl0:10pm Chicago Day Fx press. a is am a4:pm Chicago Express a4:lpm al:hOpm Dee Moinee Iicsl Pas a 4:tT pm ati:lx pm Chicago-Nebraska Ltd a 4 OS pm a 1:00 am WEST. r.-Neb. L tn Lincoln a 1 am aS:SJpin Chics go-Colorado Ex. .a 1:9pm a4:0pm t'htcsgo-t.'olorado a 4:00pm Okl. & Texas Express. a 10 pm all team Rocky Mountain Ltd. .ai.I pm aU.ft am tk least, ft Norlhweeters . NORTHBOUND. M!nn.-8i. Paul r.x a 7 0 am . Minn. -SI. Paul L t d., Twin City Express.. Sioux City Local Minn, fc Ihuoia F.x. Twin City Limited... Minnesota KkPresa.. EASTBOUND. Carroll Loci! a 7:00 am a 4:Ur,m 'tiicego...- 7.40am ahi einni jChkago Local all us im. a:apm ' Coinrudo-Chicago .....aarlOsm a a:2l pm 'CniisKO Special : pm as l am I Psc Coast-Chicago... -a ( t hi a J a pm ! c An-eies Limned.. pm mi2 ja vtm overland lamited a 7 i. pin ak.laam CanoJ Local a4:apin ahl 'juaia Fast Mail at.Jspm aJJepm v,)r naptds, Siooj. city and Omaha t ;:; pru Crntetinisl Sisie lt'd U eism 11 lipm tt SsSTBOI N D. Long line an iflam Xorfoik-Dalias a X:'am sle:lanni Plne-Uncoln ! : i:n pit HUiw-niperior 1 ! - pin a ( 2fl rtua Iksdwo-jd-hot Sp'gs. .a J prn aS:30un Casper-Lander a J:ii pm allnKom Frrmont-Aiblou wu bLpm llllaota tewlral' -a .:pm a 1 4r am .a 7 44 am al 30pm -a t:4 pm a l a pm -a i p a l:uam a si pm a t ti am au:usm KOONTZ MOTIVE ELD SECRET SUyer of Freight Conductor Smith Befniea to Talk with Friend. BK0THEK YI8IT8 THE PEISOREB latalry 1st Trogedy Will He Ca doeted by Csroaee Crosby oa Tuesday Afirraewa, W kea Wltseeaea Melar. IT. E. Koonts. the Missouri PertHc engtneer. charged Willi the murder of Frauk W. Smith, a freight conductor. roll and tone on ft amall cot In hi twelve-foot-square cell at th pollro ta ll on. Ul oMurate retlcenc la an ap parent atraln upon him. II ha not yet employed a lawytr and th burden of th secret which probably I shared only by hi wife. If with anyone, eeems temporarily to b weakening hi physic! as well menial reeourcea. At short Intervals he rise from hi col to stand in hi ceil and gx blankly at th bar that hold him In. A mao studying a picture a dlsplaatlng pictur k aland and sure. Th mollis which prompted Koont to murder hit fellow workman ha not been established by th police. Th two trainmen. 4. R Wentwortb, and J. B. Ford, who witnessed th tragedy, and who left shortly afterward on their run to Fail City, will not return until tonight Inquary Into th shooting will b held at S o'clock tomorrow fimoon by Coroner Crosby. Yrdmster Squire of th Missouri Pacific said he did not think that th two brakemen who witnessed th tragedy would be able to throw any light on the motlv. He said h talked wlrh them before they vent out Saturday night and Ford aald he did not bear any words spoken. Wentworlh told Squires that be beard Koonta ur, I know It," and then th fatal shot was fired. George Koonts, brother of the prisoner. called at the city Jail this morning to talk with bl brother, but b refused to make a statement after leaving th cell. Friend have visited him but have come away remarking that he refused to men-1 tion or allow them to mention anything concerning hi trouble. He rather would let them do th talking than talk himself end what they have to say little Interest him. In conversation with him, Ihey say, he looks off Into ipac. and serins at tentive to what 1 being aald to him only when his visitor's volt rise or fall from ordinary modulation. In bl cell, this ram Indifference I told. A collar lie on a chair, hi neck tie on the floor, hi coat on the foot of hut cot and other hits of apparel strewn hero and then, as though no thought were concentrated oa or was worthy of such aa Insignificant task a undressing. II has telephoned to Mrs. Koonts two or Hire time since hi Imprisonment. When be talk with ber be - -yes" and "no" In Indifferent, but kindly tone, and other than bl telling her not to worry, the listener could not guess thai any trouble bore upon them. Mrs. Koonli Is unable to vllt her hus band. She has been In delicate health for about five months. Th shock of he' husband ct hs affected her more seriously than It ha mm. Koonlx last night asked Turnkey John Brady for so opinion ss to the ability of a certain two attorney. He expressed no opinion himself. Before going In to visit Koont last nigbL Attorney Thomas Donohue and Yard master Squires of the Missouri Pat Ifle raid A. S. Ritchie prob ably would be retained to defend the prisoner. After th visit they would make no rlrfmite statement. Koonts' motive for killing Smith, his friend for many year, may come to light at the coroner Inquest. Coroner Crosby bs not set a at for tn ex amination, but says ho probably will hold It Tuesday afternoon. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Tri-City Church Federation Holds Meeting at First Christian. DESEETia FROM ASMT HUB Loot Ekser llaaat Police stalloa la Taiioa Toera aad "W lads t by Belsg Termed Over to Fort Ofrteerm. On Tuesday afternoon the several' se-- tlena of th Tri-Clty Federation of Christian Church will meat ai the first Christian church at : o'clock. Mrs. L. R. Harford ot Omaha, on of the promt- sent exponents ot the missionary move ment, will addr the meeting of dele gates present from the Christian churches of Omaha. Council Bluff and South Omaha. Mrs, Harford' subject will be: Th Supreme Motive for Service." Invttationa have been Issued to th member of all the other church of th city and It I expected that a large gathering will attend th session of the federation. One hundred and fifty delegate will partteipal in th worn ot th meeting nd th following program baa been ar ranged: Address, "The Supreme Motlv for 8rv Ice," Mrs. L. R. Harford. Hymn, by th o legates. Prayer. Mr. Nathan Johnson. Devotion! exrreuws, Mrs. F. t. Brad ford, Council Bluffs. Business Mftslon. Prayer. J. F. Williams ol Omaha. Basket Ball Teaaa Wis. South Omaha High was again Mctorloua over th high school learn ot th capital Saturday evening, when th local basket ball quintette vanquished th Uneolnlt, M to 21 Th victory was a surprise even to th home men who hav been discouraged sine Philip and Foley were disqualified by th school authorlllc on account of nil Infraction, When Superintendent N. M. Orahaiu learned of Saturdays victory ho expressed hi pleaaur and Indicated that th vic tory proved that achool discipline must be maintained at all hasarda. Th winning learn la composed of the following: John Collins. Shirley Msnsfee. John Nixon. Ed Flltl and Ralph Lyman. Superintendent John Walter of th took yard has Just completed th Job of putting the yard and pen In condi tion. Th laboring fore worked until noon Saturday putting thing In order for the spring run tht r expected to open next month. Had th lero weather continued few dey longer we would hav been completely tied up," ssld Walter Saturday. Aa soon as th weather moderated Su perintendent John Walter put a big fore of men to work tn cleaning up th yards. Saturday Hi work was com pleted and the pen and cattl yard are again In excellent order. Army Deserter Arrested. Loula F. Ebner. deserter from the United State army, we arrested y so le rdsv- by Desk Strgaant Miss Corcoran. Bbnor deserted from his gtatloa In Frisco last November, Sine that tlm ho hi .andered about th country la an endeavor la d capture PossosMd s h was by faar f arrest, Ebner nevertheless confessed that h ha called at th polio siallon In nearly every town In which b tarried. Sunday morning he wandered Into th local po Itre station and bl eilon aroused th suspicions of Desk Sergeant Mike Cor coran. Ebner was mated and an In. veetlgatlon soon developed th fact that h hid deserted from the army. II waa turned over to the official at Fort Crook, wher h will be tried by court- martial. Magi City (iowlp. Miss Jsnrt Wslson ha been elected sec reiary of the Olrls' Church Attendance olub. , .. Th Greaiar Omaha Bowling association wll give a deuce February 7 at lb tier man Horn. Dr. Thorns Kellay. who w stricken with paralysis om month ago, I abl to attend to patient at hi borne. Phon Bell South-M-lnd. IMS for ease of Jelter Uold Top. Prompt delivery to any part of th city. William Jetler. Trustees of th local branch of th Young Men' Christian sesooistlon sre making vsllsnt efforts to rata th debt that hav rested on th association for some lime. The Inquest upon the death of Jack Reynolds, who waa killed Saturday by Bill (Bull) Dooley. another negro, will b held tills afternoon at i o'clock at th local pollc station. Th killing occurred In a brawl over M. cents lost In a crap game In Dooley place. Reynolds, al though an ex-convlct, ha wealthy rela tive tn Indianapolis, Ind. Complaint by local railroad mao I ftelng made against tne raiiroaas or ooutn Omaha, including th Cnion 110011 Yard company, for running short banded switching crews II I asserted that a crew should consist of five men. Accord ing to some of th men only tour men are put In a crew. The complain ta aert that till practice enosnger lea awncnmen. John While, aged M year, died Satur day night of debility at hi 1st residence. 42 North Twenty-second street. Mr. Whit I survived by hi three daughter. Meadamra Mollis Tobtn and Loula Penny and Miss Sarah Whit, and en son. Thomas While. Th funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon at o'clock from Lerkln' undertaking noma IntarmeBt la I -sure I Hill cemetery. Ida Bins wss arrested ytrdv morn- Ins st Ml N street by Captain John Dworax. wno cnargea ner un selling llouor without a licence, to arrest or the Binke woman was the sequel to a raid made Saturday night by th pollc under Captain Henry Klsfelder. In th raid on th house of tin Blnk woman eight men end women were taken and charatd with being inmate or a dis orderly house. Beer aad whisky were found in me piaos. u'i vrrii Cin.tihul , ,l.,i m - n , by coupl. without children. Reference I Chicago r.xpres a,:wsm si:b k. gVicasw jiiv..... . ew exchanged. K 114 uniaoe Be. Officers Unable to Find Mrs. Morrow CHICAGO. Jsn. 3. Mrs. Rene B. Mor row. Indicted on Saturday on a charge of murdering her husband on December 2S. could not be found by deputy sheriffs today. It wa aald that Mrs. Morrow would be surrendered tn court tomorrow by Charles E, Erbstetn. ner lawyer, when be win attmpt to affect her release cither en a writ ol habeas corpus or on motion for bail. Members of th grand jury which re turned th Indictment against Mr. Mor row ordered that the woman ne .hekJ without bil. ' Deputy sheriffs, in an effort to tiid Mr. Morrow today, searched ber ten derer on Michigan avenue and the vmea f several ot her friends. MOB KILLS FIVE GENERALS Leaders in Ecuador 'a Latest Heroin. tion Lynched. nreUHGENTS FORCED TO YIELD HO HARD TIMES FOR 19t2 Hotel Man Says Commercial Trav elers Are Business Barometeri.-.. OMAHA HOTELS ABE CROWDED Crop of Dramsser Creally Increased, Making "Preslrfefcflal Year Hard Time." "Telk So.nd ' Foolish. Government Troop lader (ieoeral Leoaldaa Plaaa Compelled Iteis Ulloalat Yba Held ! jail to Capitulate. OL'ATAQUIU Kcuador. Jin. SS. A mob today broke Into the (Julto penitentiary In apile of a double guard and lynched Generals Klroy A I faro, Flavlo Alfsro, Medardo Alfaro, Uuplano Pees and Man- ael Serrano, prominent revolutionists. With th putting t death ot General Ftroy Alfaro, former president of Ecua dor; hi brothtr, General FIvlo Alfaro, former mtnlater ot war nd oommander-In-chief ot th revolutionary force; Gen era! Medardo Alfaro, who Is believed to have been a brother of th other two Al tera, nd General Pass and Manuel Serrano, th leading light tn Ecuador' latest revolution bsve been snuffed out. This revolution, although It had bean a long rim brewing, begin In reality a few day following th suriden death on De cember SI last of President Kmllo Estrada, Th first of th drastic measure taken by the wh entxaed the revolution was carried Into effect last Thursday at Ouayaqull when General Pedro Montero. who wa proclaimed president by th troop after th death ot Kitrada, wa hot and beheaded by mob which later burned hi body. Th ahooilng of Muntero took place In th court room wher th general bad Just been tried by caurt-marital and sen tenced to sixteen yean' Imprisonment for hi connection with the revolt. The peo ple, evidently angersd at what they con sidered loo light sentenco, rushed Into the court room and after riddling Mon tero' body with bullet dragged It Into the wen. Then they derapttaied It, built a bonfire and threw Into th flame th torso and bead ot the man who one wa a popular hero in Ecuador, Rebel reite4 to Yield, Elroy Alfaro and Oeaoral Pg and Montero wr canturad January it at Ouayaqull woe government troop under General Leonard Plasa forced th revolu tionists who bold Oueysqutl to capllul!. Flavo Alfaro had been wounded tn a battl a few day before the fall ot Ouayaqoll. Medardo Alfaro waa otplured January SI aa be arrived at Ouayaqull on hoard a steamer wltb a body of rebel troops. Klroy Alfaro wss proclaimed president of Kcuadcr by th populac la January. IM. when he had defeated th govm ment t roots at (Julio, In October of th no year h was elected provision! president by th national convention and held th office ot chief executive until 1S1I, In that year Kmlllano Eatnda ran for th offic with Flavlo Alfaro a an op ponent and was lctd by a majority of mora than 1O9.0M votes. Flavlo Altar then started revolt and la It hs was aided by President Altar. - ''Presidential years ar? lean ones ac cording to almost any business nm. and they always have bn- aceosdmg to this sun talk, bat t lull to e Where thrnt h any foundation, f..r i:h 'utements,' "Am Car aa I .can see there !e every ts sald a well known tu-tano,' hotel- man. dication of prosperity and progress in the country.-and. t believe that 1 am In po sition to make turn statement with facts to back me. Take the hovel business, for instance. Kvery hotel in Omah Is doing a rapacity business 'and has beea since the lull that followed the lioliap- rush. Manufacturing concern are sepxltng out more saleeme this year ,lha they did last and there seems to be an increeee In the number of transient who are not commercial travelers. This do, s not be speak bard time. "1 remember tliat business was a little alack In 1S0S. but I don't Ixlleve that It becaits of the fact that th presi dent wa elected, f think it was due 1 1 the panic of th year preceding. In ll there wss th earn complaint, but I don't remember that anyone came for ward with the fart to substantial these claims. "In my opinion, all of this talk about hard times because of th presidential lecllon la either pur boab or else It 1 an excuse on the part of food trusts to take up, a little of the alack tn prices. The hotel business la good barom eter and the commercial traveler ta th siercury. When you ses only ' a few drummer on th road, then you ttV ground for a stslement that hard time ire prva1tlng, but there seem to be F-o signs of hard time for - SPSS, because many ot tlx concern that had only ori or two drummer to rover this territory last year hav apparently doubled their traveling ssles force. This hotel I doing a capacity business and so are all ot th ether leading- hotels, Dying Man Involves , Wife in Mystery AN FRANCISCO, Jan. S.-J J. Moore wealthy club man and roil dealer ot San Francisco, who wa shot last night In a revolver duet with Samuel L. Timothy, chauffeur, near the residents of Mrs. Moore In Hlllsboro, a suburb, died tonight. The single bullet fired by Timothy, who as an employ of a wealthy neighbor of Mr. Moor nd whom th dying man accused of having been riding wltb Mrs. Moore, a truck Moor In th abdormra and lodged In hi back. An operation wa performed at the hospital to which he waa removed shortly after th hooting, but th prob failed to reveal th fatal bit of led. Th whereabout of Mr. Lillian Moore, th ' beautiful wife of John J. Moor, whan her husband was shot by Timothy Is a quevtkm which agitate Can Francisco and auburban society today Mr; Moor 1 Immured In th Moore restdene at H!llboro, a suburb wher h ha lived alone lnc ah brought a sensational, but unfruitful dlvorc suit two month ago. 8h ha refused to see any on but District Attomsy Franklin warta ot San Meto county, who wilt net talk. Troops in Islands Will Be Eeduced WASHINGTON. Jan. -A speedy re duction of th number of regiment In th Philippine by one-bait ha bee de cided upon by th government for rea sons of economy and military admlat t ration.' Four regiment of Infantry and two of cavalry will take over the duties now performed by twelve rThnot. Th reduction of the Philippine force will mass poutbi th stationing of a large number of troop In Hawaii a year or two before plans already formed hav been consummated, it la proposed to gar rison Hawaii with about 11.40 or U,ov troop, ss those Island are regarded aa th key to th Pacific coast from a mili tary point of view. YOUNG SCULPTOR, CONVINCE1" HE IS FAILURE, KILLS SELF W. MORGAN SHUSTER MET BY PARLIAMENT MEMBERS LONDON. Jan. S. W. Morgan Shutter, th American x-lresurer general of Persia, arrived her tonight and wa met by several member of the Persian com mittee, who warmly welcomed Mm. Mr. Shuater will stay In Loudpn for several day and 1I1 deliver an addree before th Frla committee, composed of member of th House of Common'. COMMITTEE WILL FINANCE IMPROVEMENTS ON WABASH NEW TORK. Jan. S9.-Slmullnneouslv with the statement tonight that Frederick A. Delano, president end on of the re ceiver of tin W a hash railroad, wss. In New York arranglmr tor. an Issuer of SM0t, receivers" certificate for Im provement, the ;1mlpendnt" committee of the msd'l refunding . and xtefisli.n bondholder announced that, after a con ference with Sir. Delano, they had agreed to finance the Improvement, and would nek th Immediate foreclosure of the mortgage. ' This la th committee headed liy James T. 'Wallace, that waa organised In opposi tion to th Pierre committee, representing the Equitable Trust company, trustee of the bonds, end which was supported by Uoorgs Ciould. Both roramlltees hsve been conducting an active campaign, for th dnolt of bonds, th purnn of which. as understood In Wall street, wa to so. euro control of the commending position In the reorganisation ot the road. It could not be learned tonight whether th Pleroe commlttc will share la th financing. ' T Hit Complaxieii . ' That Hen Admire "A man may admll. with great sophistication) that powder and roug ar necessary aid to beauty,'' writes th Countess of Wenttk.. "yet deep In hi heart h dream -pt th woman whose lovellnea need no artificial touching up. Women wh6 appraciat this, who e'tv consideration . to the n.ascullne viewpoint, avoid using any thine that might Inoirai their beauty I not all their own, "Such women In Increasing number are acquiring the mercollstd wax habit. By applying the .sx ( nleht a tliey would cold cream, washing It off In the morning, they secure, and mintalii. entirely Hatural eomplaxlona. Their face exhibit ne seldom- ot having been beautified.' Nothing la ilded to the old complexion ties latter. Instead, la dlacardad. Mcrcollxed wax, procurable at any, drug atore n ounce will do absorbs th devitalised outer skin, gradually, almost Imperceptibly. Th fresh, clear, satiny underskirt which appears, bear a healthy, youthful bloom not comparable with the fixed artificial color." Adv. Easy to Prevent and . , Cure Infection ad ft lses ejthe mnrousmewbranes hard ream u voo ne Ttlff'S MtrSrelK, so su i sen tor (iital aa other shin ln jectiefi. t'u- eqaallea as a dourne. Dissolves in water. Used by pbyeleian t he wor Id ver. a cent mil II nukes Jxsllos Msudard sols- 25t as. $100 'fk'.ki;-,rvo orva a" " mlsli1 s" TYREE'S tiseptk P-wder Sold by dragxlM everywhere Ask rou bocto m u as tastes 1 a. TTUr CbeaM. Wtaklsftsa. . t aertoa l-ee-eretlwws uid wounds are healed, without danger '.t blood poisoning, by Buck ben's Arntra Salve, the healing wonder. Only Sc. For al by Deaion Drug Cat NEW TORK. Jan. .-Ctiarl Y. Hr- vey, a young culptor, convinced, it la beneveil, that a group In plaster he had been working on for month would not bring htm th faro and fortune be had hoped for. killed bimeelf In Bronx park today by rotting hi throat with a rasor. Harvey bad a studio on upper Broadway, which lie bad -rupted since he came to New York a year ago from Pari, wher ho won several medal for bl work a Madent BEST TTffiOTHEHT FOR CATARRH & S. S. id the. best treatment lor Catarrh because it is a perfect blood purifier. It is tie only tnedicine that ia aV.t to get down into the circala- pttnZier. l IS UC OUJ mexutinw tusv so s we ft. u W.S. -- tion and entirely remor the catarrhal matter and rmptmties which produce" and irritated by thia Itnpnre and infected condition ol the blood Catarrh will 1 irouun. sis aiBagrceauuc b,,,.. , w. .b.b . -- I ears, tnncua dropping: back into the throat, headaches, watery eyes, difficult breathinjr, and even stomach diaorders and weakened health, cannot be perma I nently relieved until the blood is purified. Nothing equals S. & S. ior thia ; trarpose. It goes down to the very root of the trouble, and removes every . f eu. . .k-l .Hr f mm trie hlnod and enriches this vital fluid SO) that all the mncous surfaces are supplied with nutritive, healthful qualities, in stead of being constantly irritated and inflamed by impurities in the drcnla tion. Then the symptoms begin to pass away and when S.S.S. has entirely purified the blood. Catarrh is permanently cured and the general health, greatly built np. Book on Catanh and any medical advice desired sent free to all who write. IE3 SWIFT SPECIFIC CO HUXTA, CAi