TKE OMAHA DAILY BEE i . . . Ciril Service Pension. it is tree mai regutauou rate. . ,t i. .h. ! tickets, and is some ease for service. rtHMK1. BY EDWARD BOSKWATtK ' - " -. t K.., hlll . v.. M,v . -d. OB pensions Mil, senator Bryan ot rwir- -e -- --- - Ida makes an observation well worth enneren iu VlClOtt HOMiWATM. 15iiTK. kks Bnmisg parsam and itth. ' tolered at untu aa second ices matter. 5. w AarTT.". g 'pensions for government employe,; .-a:uraar Bee, one year......... - u. . rnmmir himself for Or attention. "Tlie pilky of these laws.-; that there is still a marked compet- ke says, "will lead Inevitably to civil ...0 rIIv Bee (without e'undayi. one "' Evening Bee (with Sundayl. per L'aily Hee tincludmg Bunflayi. per im.. Dalle Bee (without Sunday!, Per '- Address all complalnta or irregular! tie In ocllvery to City rtrrulatlon Liepu REMITTANCE.-. , Remit by draft, espr or !' neder. ratable to Th Bt PuWiahlna company. Ilr-rinl etarnpe received of small accounts Personal clww. es .ept on Omane and eastern excnanje, not rtnaha--THe Bee Building. 8ou;h Omaha-SIS N. et- ounrtl Ulutts-JS Srott W. Lincoln-N Utile Building. Chteo-ISt Jdarouetw Bui-ding. Kamaa City-Reliance Bulkll"i ;ew lora- 1 ... c. V W IgTOft 73 rpunrwin CORRKSPONDEM-E. V. sahlngton T3 Fourteenth St. Commupieatlonn relating to iiws ana edltortsl matter should be addressed - Bee Editorial winnmrm. DECEMBER CIRCULATION. 50,119 State of Nebraeke. County of Poustae as: p;.l Williams, circulation ditlv .worn, saya lint the circulation, less polJ'O. V'JL'T lurned rurfes. for lha month of Uecem ur. an, w i0HT WIU.IAMR ,-i.i.ii Manaser. ..iki in my presence and in. to taesii ' .Notary Publtc Sebarrtbera teavln e Bee nulled ( them. Address .111 be .hanged -s efts- - re. annealed. Just to set even, why ot Colonel Harvey come out as a candidate nlm- If? 8o Baton also rewrote the Bible. Well, that cuta out Bernard 8hsw, anyway. ' There ought to be an exchange of fraternal greetings between those two Ansnlas clubs. ; Still, Harper' Weekly and the .North American Review are belni published as usual. ' The diamond trust to one about Lkirk the ultimate consumer need r" : . .. et concern nimseu. against aneh a departure, but calls It to public mind, so that the people may be thinking It over. As 8enator Bryan points out, those in the service of the government are there of their own choosing, not be cause tbey have been forced there. If they do not like their aitnatlons they may resign at any time. The senator thinks that theae government j employee have no more right to claim pensions than have employes of pri vate Industries, which la possibly true, but we have to remember that many private Industries are begin ning to pension their employee; tn fact, this pension system la taking rather firm footing in our industrial life. It is regarded by many students of society ss one of the simplest and fairest solutions of a very bard prob lem. It might very easily be argued, then, that if the man out of govern ment service is to have pension, why not the one in the government service? - "We have but to glance at the $34.- 000,004 spent on account of the war with Bpaln in the thirteen years that have elapsed to see the tendency of the present policy of pension legisla tion." waraa the Florida senator. In sisting that be was discussing the subject entirely from the standpoint of principle. Thla government baa never been able to convince itself that It has any option In the matter of pensioning Its soldiers and while. of course. It must guard against im positions, it Is not now going hack on thla policy. And the belief be comes more general every year that the soldiers of peaceful Industry are entitled to be Insured by means of retirement pension against the ex hsustion of their productive capac Itlea. tive effort to please and patronize. The railroads, doubtlees, know of many ways they ran save money and Improve their service, to the public that they might better follow first. It win do no harm a a final argument to say that the men now in these offices are entitled to some consideration. Stirred by the discovery that the etatute of limitations was within fire days of blocking the case, the authorities of San . Francisco have ordered Eugene F. Bchmltt, the earthquake mayor, to trial on one of the score of graft Indictments pend ing against him. The notorious fid dling mayor of the Golden Gate went over n portion of the road traversed by his associate. Abe Reuf, but es caped 8aa Quentin through the In fluence of technicality on the state supreme court During the four years since Mr. Scbmltx secured his stay the tide have carried much water from the bay to the open sea, and the diminished pressure bodes 111 for the liberty of the fiddling mayor. fet c( Wil h'llh one half bis party at ma bther half throat. Mr. Brya happy peerless leader. Down in Louisiana they have re tailed the whole election and are polng In for another one. ! The patriotic Nebraska I not heldlnc uu that recent weather against the old orange belt. - i "Railroad Is Blamed for Harahan's Death." runa . a headline. Why shouldn't It be. It It hilled him? I Fort Crook may be In no Immedi ate danger, yet It will be well for our delegation In Washington to keep a aeatlnel on watch. eanHsssnSBsnnnnaBnnnennssm That Missouri Judge who ruled that a barber was not an artist had better learn to shave himself It he does not already know how. The voter of Georgia tried vac- rlnatlnc little Joe Brown, but It didn't take he continues to be elected governor every little while. While Mr. Taft baa not made much of bis skill aa a Rough Rider, he did very well In getting those Rough Rider delegates down In Oklahoma. For the first time the prize offered by the American- Historical aisocls tlon for the best essay on European history baa been won by a woman. This seem strange, for It is bard to think of any reason why woman should not be the equal of man In historical Investigation and writing unlets It be lack of concentrated and persistent application. Now that the Ice has been broken by a woman prize winner. It will be Interesting to see how soon there will be more of them. I : The I traveler who describes the durbar at Delhi as ' "the prettiest thing I ever saw," manifestly never saw King Ak-Sar-Ben enter his royal city. If they will only remember that the hundred or more entries for com. misslonershipa under Omaha' new plan of city government cannot be among the lucky seven. . It Is lo be hoped that precaution .will be taken when those La Fotlette jorator appear In Nebraska to make 'sure that no one In the audience pro poses a cheer for Roosevelt. j The World-Herald paya Ita double columned compliments to Governor 'Aldrlcb,' presumably to remind him thai he need not expect any demo cratic support from that quarter. Down In Oklahoma a fund of $5,000 ha bee subscribed to pro mote spontaneous popular outburst for the nomination of Roosevelt That certainly looks like business. . To be killed by a buffalo was not so unusual In these part forty or fifty year ago, but for a man to be killed by a buffalo after the species Is almost extinct Is, Indeed, excep tions!. Omaha and the Ann; Pre tram. What ha for some time bee known to be the program of the War department for concentration of troop and abandonment of smaller garrison post baa become of public record In the report .submitted In response to the Inquiry through coo gross. The plan which has been evolved by the chief of staff con template Immediate abandonment of eighteen or twenty forts scattered over the country, and the massing of the troops at strategical point. This program I of special Interest to Omaha and Nebraska In Its prob able effect upon army location here. Inasmuch a It places Fort Robinson among those that may be vacated with advantage and leaves the fata of Fort Crook to be determined when the subsequent step of concentration may be reached. Omsba naturally wishes to be kept on the army nap, especially If It retention of Fort Crook and Fort Omaha mean their development and their increasing Imports. nee. But If this reorganization plan prevails we must have some better argument to present merely than that we want to keep the poet, and must be ready to prove that tbey are located at points of strategic value, where troop can be economically maintained and promptly and effectively distributed on csll for tbelr service. Such showing, we believe, Omaha can put up, when the time comes, so strongly as to convince any unpreju diced tribunal passing upon It that all the requirements may be met here In high degree. The poets at Omaha are not to be classed as out lived relic of Indian warfare, hut, on the contrary, are and should re main vital factors In the country military equipment. Even with theee points In our favor, however, It will not do for us to go to sleep and re fuse to realize the possibility of losing out by default. -' 8ome state bouse antiquarian has discovered that the salary cost of Ne braska's territorial legislature In 1157 was $?,4. while for the last session the draft on the treasury for the same purpose waa $81,600. That Is going some, but If the pending con stitutional amendment carries dou bling the legislative stipend the sal ary account for the next legislature will call for twice that of the last, or $185,000. ' The late Pbiaea Barnum's flip pant remark, "a sucker is bora every . minute." la given a pure truth cer tificate by the postoffice showing of . $77,0O,00 filched from the gulli ble through the malls. '' Congressman Norris declines to (tend for delegate to Chicago while running aa n candidate for t'ntted State senator. He say that ho one 'should seek to fill two place on the; service. Union Thket Offices for Isilroeds. The old project of merging city railroad ticket offices Is being agi tated anew la neighboring cities, where most of the old arguments are being revamped. Again, we are told that millions could be saved annually by combining the ticket offices Into one central headquarters. 'It would be an accommodation to the public. It is said, and the railroads might put into cheaper ratee and better serv Ice the money that Is sow, nnder the present system, spent for extra clerical hire and maintenance of of fices. There te no real competition anyway, the theory goes, for rail roads all sell their tickets at the same price and give the sane service, so tbat we have the shell of competi tion without the meat Of course, there is much in this, but the railroads must know a good reason or te for maintaining sepa rate offices or tbey would not do so. They hare had thla plan of merger brought to their attention many times aad have never adopted it. Perhaps, even if It would work out aa pictured, tbey do not care to invite public censure that way. The rail road "might" put all thla money saved late cheaper rate and better Tee. they might and they The point moat frequently urged In favor of posts! savings : banks, tbat tbey would be largely patronised by aliens, doe not find much sup port In the results thus far. The official report shews that three- fourths of the depositors Sre native born. Still they may he children of aliens. Having applied for a Carnegie pension, Wood row Wilson's aversion to a campaign contribution from Thomas r. Rysn cannot be oa the ground tbat It I tainted money, so much ss from the fear tbat, like Colonel Itarvey'a support, it might hurt more than it would help. It develops that Fort D. A. Russell, I the suburbs of Cheyenne, haa been built ap by appropriations by the government aggregating nearly $i, 000,000. Measured on the money scale. Senator Warren baa been a profitable investment for the state of Wyoming. County Attorney English la aald to have Invited the assistance of the at torney general'a office for the graft Investigation by the coming grand Jury. How the county attorney would welcome relief party. . Besldee enlivening the gaiety of the season the tilt between Colonel Wgtterson and Senator Tillman will go tar toward settling the question whether the pitchfork Is mightier than the pen. Ev3olUnoBackwanl HikDav InOmalia r COMP1XT.P TROM MTILM T I1 "v p" ' Thirty Veers Ago A pretest is.nrinted Heeraliy signed T bualnees snen objecting to the entlnaace (rantlnc tke Union PaclOe the ptlvtlef at laying two or more tracks en Jackson met batdeea Sixth and Ninth. The Jut of name attacked looks like a buuaees directory. -. Mian Clay. yeuac lady tracktnc in the pubac school a, was badly biH nod yes terday while cleaning a pair ct (loves with beaslne. "She rooms at Mlas Pet ttngWs en Chicago street between Sev enteenth and RiMeentk streets and boards at General Entabrook'a, the acci dent occurring at lbs former place." A. gundon. a Swede, fell off s coal shed In the Burlington yard and dislocated Ms shoulder. . air. George Hough, formerly of Pleas- snt Lake. Ind.. haa leased the umsna European restsursnt. 110 Fsrnsm street. and Ss furnishing It throughout m sa elegant manner, and will keep a first class place la all respects. t la ststed on good authority that Mr. U D. miller, formerly In the felon Pa cific freight auditor s office, has recently (alien betr to SMOS by the death of sa sunt st his old home. He will leave for the east thla week to look after his lesac. in person. With the exception of the smallpox the health of the Uty for the last month wBI how up quite good. John G. Tsylor has, returned from an extended trip to ft touts and other points. Hon. El If. Bartleit of the law firm of O'Brien Hartlett returned yesterday from a visit to Albany snd Washington. United Stales Msrshsl Bierbower, re cently dangerously III from pneumonia, has almrst entirely recovered. lie left tor Lincoln to sttend Vnlled States court there. Henry A. Elliott of San Francisco snd Hiss Ellen D. Ads ma of Troy. N. T., were married by Dean Millspeugh at the residence of the bride's brother, W. L Adams, st Chicago snd Twentieth streets. Miss Mattle Donohoe, wife of Z. Pono- hoe, died at Ihdr residence. Csldwell and James streets. She was 9S years e'd. Twenty i ear Ago - Pierre Ryan of Millard brought In twenty-six bushels of corn to the Board of Trade to be delivered to the sufferers la Russia. W. 8. Shoemaker swore out a warrant against 1. D. Burgess for selling pro hibited literature. Burgess wss selling the Kansas City Sun. s sheet In bad with the authorities Judaon Hushes rsilsned hie positions ss I'nlted Btstes storekeeper hr-dmaha to engage In private business. W. i. Rocs of Wlnnepeg, superintendent of construction of the Csnsdlsn Pacific rsllwsy.'was the guest of C. T. McKrnste, chtef clerk of the fnlon Pacific passenger department. Kitty prominent business men met the Board of Tradt room In response to s rail from the State Beet Sugar asso ciation snd perfected a eounty organisa tion. M, A. tunn. secretary of the stats aasedsUnn, mads en address, setting forth In forld terms- the. sdvantages.te be reaped frm these orgaalssUons and this (rest Industry. Dr. Oeorge 1. Miller msde a almllsr speech. Prof. It H. Nicholson read a carefully prepared paper upon th science of beet culture. The officers sleeted for th Douglas County associa tion were: Hugh 0. Clark, president; Dr. George L Miller, vice president; Paul Horbarh. secretary; Henry Meyer, tree surer. These were named as a factory committee: Henry T- Clarke, Herman Kountss, B. F. Smith. Dsn Parrell, Paul W. Horbsch. These were named as the lend Improvement committee: John T. Clarke. Ceorgs N. Hicks, Oecsr I. Pick srd, B. A. Benson snd A. W. FUlltled. Colonel Jsmes rslrman gav a com plimentary lecture In the evening upon. "What All Should Known About Art, In the concert hall of toe Young Men's Christian association. . Around New York Ripples tke Cnrrewt f Ml ae Seen tm the Croat Asserteaa at rt re poll f' Pay m BmJ- Shaken faith In Mneee. Faith w the reBsbnity of photograph, hitherto ceaaMend musuns te ths germ et Ansntse, haa been rudely ' or Justice Btachoff of the New Tort saprne court. The occasion was th introduction of photographs aa a mean of Mantlflca- Uon of a defendant m a divorce suit. The conn dismissed the suit because the only proof offered that the defendant hus band bad been served waa his Identifica tion by th process server, who saM he served the summons. Justice Blechorf said. In dismissing ths action: "I placs no faith in s photograph, when such likeness Is ottered ss tending to prove the guilt of tke defendant, becauxe the person ss charged reaemblea the de fendant. A decree of divorce Is the most Important deruuoa made tn the supreme court. It Is fraught with most serious consequences U invalid." Saitves Admit It. "Probably nowhere In all ths world." confesses the New York Press, "can so puny c & Marks be found nnder a single root et one time as they mar be seen hereabouts sitting around a Marquis of Queensberry ring, in a choking atmos phere, te watch a pair at yeggs snake nssses et each other with soft glove. Por th latest et the pitiful exhibitions of ths "manly art" so less than .) was paid. Beyond all aoabt ths imposition on the audience waa. such thst, had the came thing beea tried in any community which doe not enjoy being bilked, the crowd would have mobbed the box office and run the alleged fighters out of town. New York's easy ones, however, eontented themselves with a few half-hearted huwes and then went out to be despoiled further by restaurateurs, waller, hat-check boy gnd taxi cab drivers." CJLEHICU'S BI1 TALK. I Louisville t'ourlcr-Jojrnsl: Mr. Carnegie la interest rur. but he might be more ao ;I he were as willing to give away the steel trust as he is tu ive away libraries. I St. Louis Republic: It help the ulti , nute consumer a whole lot te Enow from hi own confession that Carnegie aklnned Rockefeller in the Superior ore deal. When Gary and Frk k tricked Roosevelt a the Tennessee Coal and Iron matter every American was gossed la the same way. Rpringfieid Republican: Mr. Carnegie's I GSI5S USD GB0AJTS. "I know a man who regularly works the street by felling rreen foods, snd the pvltee never molest him." I xuppoae they let him slone because he whacks up with them." -'No-because be Is a huckter." -Baltimore American. , . "Why do you always frown when I say we must economise:' " asked one stale, man. "Yoor grammar Is st fault." replied the other. "You shouldn't uae the first personal plural. You nhould say, they must economise.' "Washington 8tar. -And what." asks the rabid reformer. have you ever done toward the support '.-..T. . Vl ....I 'of our municipality? What contribution edge in his textimouy before the Stanley committee has not been sensational. As Congressman Gardner observed, net with out a touch of wrath. Mr. Carnegie 1 reluctant to answer questions of real Im portance. He was strangely ignorant of the book value of his steel propert'e In various period prior to the formation of the United States steel corporation and waa sure uniy tbat h was a fool to have sold out for ttAOOO.Otn when he could have got s1CD.0W.ies more. The old steel plsts pools had passed entirely out of hi memory. Cincinnati Knqulrer: "Mr. Carnegie. why did you sell out (or i7!i.9lv.03lT" Why did the Utile red hen cross the rosdr' "Mr. Carnegie, why did you ask S1S. W.O. (or a sixth?" "What make mote nose then a pig under a gate?" "Mr. Carnegie, what became of that UtS.7S,000'" "When is a door not a door?" "Mr. Carnegie, uhy did Mr. Oliver ac cept Kil0.101.i00?'- Ever hear the story of the tyee egga? Too bad." That will be all. Mr. Carncsie." "Thank you. have s library?" Incidentally. Nebraska bag a child labor law on Its statute hooka which conforms to the model " In nearly every respect, although no effort has ever been made to enforce certain feature of It strictly. Aa Omaha man sss declined a pott mastership st SM s year. -Wonder whet h thinks he could do In vaudeville. Philadelphia Inquirer. It's yours. Mr. Cowell. Houston Post. An advertiser flags th puollc with the admonition, "Don't hug a delusion Considering the a mating toggery at ladydom the days, how in the mist Wei Is a Wis to knew? Ten Years Ago Samuel I. Gordon secured a temporary restraining order from District Judge Dickinson, preventing the elty comp troller from paying th monthly sslsry to either Police Judge Berks or Msyor Moore, claiming that Berk a was not pc lies judge snd Moure hsd never Med sufficient bond as mayor. Gordon, him. lf. claimed to be police Judge. Ed ward Meadlmber, a Douglas eounty pioneer, aged at, died at bis residence. Twcnly-tirth and K streets, south Omaha. He had llvedhere thirty years. Mrs Ohsrlea Betndorff. r.. i died at her home. S-'l South BMh street, (tr living in Ouiafca forty-Ik years. One hundred sad seventy men were at work on the site for the new t'nlan Pa cific shops ' Qulatln H. Smith, a laborer, waa In stantly killed by fslltng from a flstcsr In th fnlon Pacific yards la ths sfter noon. John K. Resgsn was' sleeted president of the Douglas County Democracy at the annual meeting of that eminent political organisation. Hera at a KIre. Listen, you scoffer, to what Firs Com missioner Joseph Johnson ssys shout Dunn; h didn't know Dunn's first name. It was Just Dunn, plain Dunn-Dunn, the hero, if ever a man was a hero, "It wsa when ths Equitable building was burning. President Olblln of th Mercsntlle Mate Deposit company wss Imprisoned there. To get to him steel bars had to be sawed through. Dunnwhat's ths us trying to get his first name Dunn got the ssw. Every time I looked Dunn's arms moved back sad forth., though wster trose on him snd heat scorched his (see. I couldn't bear th sight, for ths tire got hotter snd I didn't think they could save Glblln. Dunn kept sawing. A landslide of loose tone earn (lying down, and a great tongue of flame Mrked out We dragged of th firemen back. When th thing cleared up there sat Dunn, sawing. Hs didn't stop a minuts. though we thought he hsd been killed.. He didn't stop either until those bars were sawed through. That's Dunn can yeu asm a greatsr hrof" Shewing th Ceeds. 1 Th profess ion of window decorator hss long been recognised snd well re warded, hut there sre now newer wy of displaying sttractlvety the good t be sold. One of ths most modern of th saw shops t a small pa tn a sMs street not far front Fifth svenu. Th small window Is furnished ss an anteroom with wainscoted walla One or two attrsetlvs pieces of rare furniture are usually t bs seen. But there Is never mors thsn one gown or cloak or article st women's dress revealed at a time. Whether ft happen te be a frock or mantl or a boudoir cap. It I allowed to lie carelessly on ens of th pieces of furniture, ss It dropped there without Intention of attracting notlos. Yet the shop Is altogether devoted to the sals ot women's wearing sppsrel, although one might surmlas from th shew window that rare furniture was sold there. Lest WhUpertag Gallery. Forever burled In the ruins st 139 Broadway l th once fsmous "whleper Ing gallery," which wss said a decsds and mors ago to have served well Ita purpose In ths dining room which Hsnry B. Hyde msde part ot his private suite when th Equitable building waa erected. According lo the story which wsa al ways believed st Albany many a member of th legislature visited that dining room only te discover later that a ateno grmphie record of his suggestion, pro posal snd veiled threat aa to Insurance legislation wss In existence. The eipla nation which finally cam to be accepted waa that artful curve In th panelling ot the private dining room carried the most Intimate conversation over coffee and elgara far away lo a niche wher sat ths stenographer. . . , la- S tag aad Tall Pole. ' From a lofty staff in Eagle Rock park, near Montclalr. N. J., Old Glory will be flung to the breete, 1.S0S feet above tide water, lo commemorate the one hun dredth anniversary of the writing of the "Star-Spanglsd Banner." on February It, lilt, socerdlng to ths plana ot the Kagls Rock Park Flag associstlon. The staff snd pole will be 9 feet high and ths cost Is estimated at ).. The flag will be visible from all parts ot New York bay. Life Ixsrisre rollrlr la Hoek. Sprint field Republican. Tlia extraordinary growth In recent rears of the prsctlc of brrroning money on life Insurance polices from the com panies Issuing them ix to be observed in Its mot striking sspect In the lat snnuat report of the New York Life In surance company. In 190 that company reported loans to Its policyholders aggre gating Stt.tMMll; in 1911. six yesrs later. It reported loan to policyholder aggre gating HUMS. The Mutual Life of New York loaned In the earn way K, M.TTt in 1V and about I7S.O.010 In 1911. Thla Increase Is not entirely reassuring In relation to Ihe policyholder them selves, inasmuch ss a large proportion ot the loans thus made, perhaps 90 per cent, are never repaid and the Insurance la to that eilent Impaired. yo ever mad to the weuare at in stste? "Why, mv rood msn.n says the upper crvster. "I have bousht at least ten mar riage license), and have paid court cost f..r nine divorces in Ibe last eight years"' Chicago Post. "What caused Origaby'a rapid dowa fall?" "Why, an alleged friend gave him a fur-llned overcoat and he couldn't live up to it." Cleveland Plain Dealer. The wise beef critter at the tork yards refused to follow the decoy animal up th inclined plane that lead to death. "They're giving me the wrong steer" reflected the wuie beef critter. Chicago. Tribune. HER BITTEa SPEECH. - W. D. NesMt In Chicago Post. She faced him. a he stood snd smiled. Awaiting her decision: Her air was not one to be styled Aa tinctured with derision. And yet her eyes returned his glance With an Impressive glitter. ' She spoke did that end a romancer Her speech wss very bitter. Twss but sn instant In their live. . A word one word waa spoken. Was this the hour that oft arrive. When plighted troth la broken? He looked at her. half-unconccrned. And to htmeelf he muttered. As with another smile he turned, The bitter word she uttered. Ah. we who sre but lookers-on At live nt tho about ns The murmurs that hav com and gon Make mock of us and floul us. Each of us heed got smile nor tears Nor ever even gucsae How much et what he faintly hears Is brimmed wUn bitternesees. , Till fair young girl-her eye were wt Aa though with long, long weeping; Her gate wss all Intently set A though front Isck ot sleeping. . , The cslm young msn. sll debonair What language could be fitter For his disinterested sir Thsn her speech, which wss bitter; He turned swsy. as we have told. Then brought a packet to her Did It contnln some pledge of gold? Did he, foraooih. on woo her? -t Ah. now the myalary Is cleared! Our sighing here Is rested. Tw not a bad a we had feared "(Julnlne." 'twaa, she'd requested. , BAKiNG POWDER Absolutely Pure ' The only Baking Powder made from Royal G rape C ream ofTartar NO ALUM, NO LIME PHOSPHATE ICIteetlve Peace Measare. Kansas City Stsr. Cuba population according to the last census wss :.v(S we. It I estimated that about of these, who were "generals" In the Isle wsr, hsv been notified to keep out of politic. People Talked About rewritable aid lasae. Indianapolis News. When th United State goes Irtt th bualnees of investlgstlng the butter trust we sy be furnished wiik interesting par ticulars ooocernlng the profits thst result from the bj -product known ss buttermilk. same primary ballot, which means! might not. The probabilities are they that he doe sot believe It good eol-' would set. Aid whether It wosld be Hies to risk dividing his own vote by more convenient for the msa buying becetnlng bis own competitor. Foxy,' a railroad ticket, esnreially In tbe alirght, , " largest clUei, la a Lisdtr of douliL jeeited by basasuki. Cenerwaa Hearted Crane. St. Leul Republic. A crosa man's ex tenor often conceals tke kindest of hearts. By his preach ments th late Richard T. Crane would sever have beea suspected of real. deep. haman charity. II played the part ot a scold habitually toward eur educa tional system snd sbueed. the college roundly every day. tiy hla will be proves himself to have beea the saost kind-hearted of men and the aaOJt sensible of philanthropist. After founding a Sl.tOeam pension y tem lor nia employ, and numerous other smsllee. but gesatne ehsrttle. i glvu .. te help poor widows and women with children who have been oe- Owlng to a mu-up of dstes and ar rangements ths Cennaught men of New York failed te consent with the duke and hia party during their visit to town, Mrs Oliver. Jlessrd Perry Belmont la going te fipsnr a dslly psper devoted to wooaa's muresta. Only a woman with s large fortune could afford the luxury. A member ot tke great Smith family in New York, acknowledging bankruptcy, puts his a ses at S3, HaMllttes. ttl.m. The value of his credit nerve la imitated. Chlrsgo officials are dMigcatir digging tor Sl. to par the eoet ot 3(0 voting machine. Soma floa aastple ot a atntllsr dicker In Oanahsv are reposing la th Douglas eounty Junkpile. Abe Hurt, the convicted San Francisco asa, t to loe all hi privileges at Man Quentin prison for tw months because ha received (eur cake ot ehocolata and newspaper clipping from a visitor in violation of Ihe rule. .... . John D. Rockefeller Is said t have a weakness' for tin footwear, aad has ss many pairs of boeca. slipper aad shoes that be eannoT peaslbty put them all an ger hi bed. H has them made to order by a Cleveland akoetnkr. Supplementing what th . Dr. Cook I handing t his hearers down south, a eoionr ot bas got busy with Ms audience at HorklrovUle, Ky.. and started a fine concede- enmpst Tne coetnr wasetuny ua tns tua liiera.- f.UT. - - ' - ; - --" - t aaffrrlag. .New York Tribune. If the 'improved method ot administer ing anaesthetics without causing nausea can be brought Into general nae surgicsl science wilt have gamed another notable triumph. It la good to live in theee day, when th race la steadily cutting down th exec burden of suftorlag which un counted generation had la endure m There is no better time to go than now and there is no better way to go than via Chicago and N&vYork(entral Lines Big Four Routt in connection with QtMM st Cmcenl Routt end Southern Railway There is no better train to take than the CHICAGO-FLORIDA LIMITED Leaves Chicago 11:55 p.m. Sleepers ready for occupancy J0 p. m. Arrives Jacksonville 8:30 a. t. Second morning loflewing. A solid electric-lighted through train with the latest departure from Chicago, insuring connec tion with trains of all other lines from the North and West and arriving Jacksonville in time to connect with train for all Florida points. For tickets and all information ask your local agent, or call on or address our Omaha Office: 323-4-5 City Nat. Bank BIdg. t 1. S. WiUsbrands General Ageat Pasagr Oepsrtsstst SCHOOLS. & ma p. Death Slid tbe Aeroplane. New Terk World. The aviator wko was killed at- Un Angeles wss ths )lh t las hi life lo ' aa aeroplane accident. And only the other day the death of the hundredth victim ot ueh foslhsrdlness was the theme of, shocked somnent. ' When I the multl. plication ot fatalities tn a wholly useless I feet of aeroplane expiaitatiea to bej chocked by legal penalities? . I I Credit tor Cwwsrreea, Sou City Journal. Congress doesn't deserve a great deal Of cssdlt for th ronstiutrtonaUty at the pr ratal mployrs' liability law. ion. ares mused a liability law thst was un constitutional. Ta super m court petntdd out. what was wrong with that law. con areas went ahead aad passed another, carefully refraining from repeating; the ml soke pointed out by the ttmrcrn eamrt la the first law. .Yew the second law has gone up te the suprasM court, snd hss beea declared constitutional. It sreuld be a aa reflection ea tat ability of congress te Ifl-sUl IT It c-a est Jrtrft a eens.ltm:enaJ law after the su preme court had provided It with plan sod speciUcauoaa, r. " Son Practical Coarsa jU DCS MolatCS IOWS HciM Either. jjfKjT .-w ' r -z-ts si!,"ir-7l r -?f - ... I Hiaaksad - O V Vr' WIS. s Park CsUns will pen V- " 1 . -ejiiill Uwasae, feWwsry iota. Seodeats TV "VvS -Vt Qwr Hi may all si.wtwiats af ew ISU.sSs V CeUee at that ti psncsV SS SsnseUw, ftrawMtkebiiiiig f tke ' - fii i It scaaolyese. XygaaieOwlNO. Collet Coarse SnlOTr"ur7S Practical Short btimeerbbj Ceejrsc ot sTonetr work. IncludiS tt t. I1rl, ? ciit-WTins rVMT sm eta win m orr . . . tnia KdvrTT! pw- Ubac amd Ontory T2L of an tefTes 4rtgMriac Be?flfta.'Of too mmwmmcatfi nsw win sTa iMd a aa ormi. rnrj arrB?ertsV Ciattca iVaacca rcatalrvsi for aT era4a . eeirTjicaiaV VI l..U a-w setwatiu-aal atLtkltl viii b!. ,L?mf ,tMi a iwua a. Mn t " 1 Wew eKMSe win be Isrrh.O.saduvrrMliiaaers'Cacnei I roar- VsaaJMCiai UIWHI , lUIa Bscy. TUU is & heal tine of tbe sr lr aeOsise. CTsnl aa Trjewrtnae ra. tlasSaeelaltonCaarasiarnanwacy. auaafca, tlB feerru as Tlsrs camnm. if reaarthtamwee I ear or tbasoarw name etwee. Tea sbeo! ! toe caratoe ad rpel'sl wormane rejiiee as casnes egtre. tgsaidsiwa sdcajeas. (iaMcawailaaaic yea aie tatareM. Aaareaa a H. LONG WELL. rW, Highland Park CoCege, DES MOINES. IOWA