Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 30, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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at Hindred
feaildinn Are
to thi ftifJiHt Bidden.
---r '"'-'. . J
rim ruiUM Leaeh Plot Relas
Clei for tkc Xtlllaa-Dallar
. Rack telud Ttmluh
. . . ( Balls. . , .
T bluest .taouM Mk .ser held In
Cmaha ni started yesterday forenoon
when-tlte HcCajwo lnvetmht eompany
began offering attnibllc auction MR bull.
Inge, Including business boutt, residences.
cousgea and outbuildings r th found
vest ot the Itteenth street iadu, east
of Nineteenth. South ot Slaaon ahd north
t th Union Platte tracks on the (round
on wklch the Rook inland la to plaea Its
terminals and erect Its proposed freight
depot. . . . . , t . ...
Too Sil waa hah! In the 0'4 dUmnntled
planing mill on Sooth Eighteenth (treat
and waa attended by not leas than ttt
men and women, all of whom clamored
fee - 10 bid on the old buildings.
nick after the same- fashion as people
at a burcaln sale at one of the iu.l
stores. The terms wera cash "and pro
vided that all buildings purchased should
be moved off Inside of thirty deye. At
noon, lunch, consisting of coffee and
aandwlcne. was served to all buyers
- and prospective buyers, i
The sale was atarlod by tiw offering
of a ail-room, story and Oiie-half bouse
at mj Uawn street The conditions pro
vided that It must fetch. not lessthan
Wtt. For a tiro bids of tl wera reeehaJ,
lislf a doten parsons being frr the com
petition. Then the bidding want slcnj
by Jumps of ti and HO. until the prop
erty Was knocked oft t 8am Maneuia
for KX Aa It stood.-It la said the houss
waa worth J1.J00. bpt It la going to. cost
several hundred dollars to mAva It away
ad relecata it en acme other lot. ,
The second bulging -add wal a tliree
room, one-story -oattege that -brought
. Generally, It Is said that the Jiouset
old for all they wera worth, cdnildsrlng
tr,e expanse of moving, art pitting .in re
pair. In buying, purchasers acquired only
that' portion of any. building down to th
foundation. Th foundation Ms reserved
ad In brick Is to be sold cleaned, at
A soon 1 the ground Is cleared of the
Buildings. It IS understood thtt. th Rock
Island Hflll take possession and at one
begin grading. ' looking to putting it In
ban for IU terminal. It Is believes that
on this ground th railroad' company will
spend -ll.OOO.W. or. more during th next
i few yasrs. Reeently the company floated
ttt,M,Mi bokd Issu and prsepectys,' dej
tailing th purposes for. which the pro
eeda-of the bonds were' to 6 tiMd. 'Ih
was stated that tl .000.000 was for the-Improving
of terminals In this city.
, . . ii ' f .
Social -Evil from;
: . Police,,'Says Dean
"Talis the. problem of social evil out of
the hands of the police departments' and
place It under the eye of a morals com
mission' and we have a Solution of malty
f the most perplexing . problems,"' Raid
Wan -Walter ,T. Bumner of th Chicago
Vic commission to SW members of the
-s-f mwrclsl-.cljb yssUniky "at the
luneheen given by th -Public Sm!c
committee.' i.- , tj- '.'. f . .
Wot that th nolle departments are
all eomijSted, bur because the problem la
o larg and so important that It make
th department Insignificant when com
pared to It; Statittlra show thst lh
annaal profit on prostitutes Is' over fit
W.ODO. and, with th Influence that this
amount ran command In police depart
ment Is p ef less. Until 'morals com
missions' are established and we have a
federal law that will tend to repress Im
mortality, let each community car for Its
own problem th best way It can. I be
lieve that the bast thing each city could
do to sump out redllght districts la to
place the work In hands other than In
hoes of the police. .
."Th police raid a disorderly house. The
Keeper and Inmates are fined. It does not
do ona mite of good and It tends to put
the arrested ones all the mora in the
vtl power that controls them."
Victor Rosewater presided at the lunch
eon and Introduced the speaker, who
atralghtvay won the hearts of the aXi
business men present by bis earnest msn
ner. t. M. Hansen, of the executive commit
tee of the National Association of So
cieties for Organised Chsrlty. preceded
air. Bumner. He told tha members of the
Commercial club bow they could aid the
charity work.
Leaders in Baraca Union Movement Enjoy a Banquet in Omaha Saturday
..i;s:i.i,i. ,. in.''rKBjii)EXT AM) i'-tifxiKu p T:i!? on:'::.'.; AiiiKt.-s:;ri iav.m. ii;miiui:s at uANyruT at tiiu I'Axtox jivC'i;t, ' ' ; ' v
UNKNOWN INTRUDER KILLED Minister Killed CLUB WOMEN'S ANNUAL MEET! man and woman confess .
Unidentified lian Awakened from
Snooze by0fficer' Bnllets.
i . t -
trSBRrr fre.Kespts the PHarlsMtl't
Offrra Rrmlataare Vs
Police Arrive.
An unknown man, thought to be a
burglar, died at M. Josrnn's Jiospltsl at
11 o'clock yesterday minting, followlug a
brush with pollrrmen earlier In the dtiy.
The stranger was unconscious from the
time he was shot, and his Identity was not
disclosed. He was shot by Officer W.
O. .Nichols and roller Chauffer U-orce
Officer N'Khola answered a call from
Louis Burte. Janitor at the Saunders
school. Forty-first and Cs;s streets, at
T:S) yesterday' and found the unknown asleep on a cojrh In the principal's
office. ' Although he was soundly alloc;'
he evidently waa on the watch for some
Aanjcr, for clutched In cither hind he
fcsd a large revolver.
I The officers quickly disarmed the man.
who awoke In a flash and offered resist
ance to his raptors. 11.- null;- biul;e away
from Chauffeur Armstrong and ran up
the hall on the second floor of the school
building, lie saw an opin window and
without looking to see where he would j
alight he sprang from It. The policeman
and the chauffeur followed, revolvers Id
hsnd, and - they reached tha window
both opened fire on the fleeing man.
Nichols leaped from ths window and fol
lowed the direction taken by the fugi
tive and when he reached the alley near
Forty-third and Cass streets h found
th man tying unconscious. -
A rearrh of the man's clothing revealed
llj) In one dollar bills on the Seattle
National bank, three dlemonds worth
probably f!0O each, and a number of
trinkets of smsll value.
Absolutely no mark of . Identification
waa found on the clothing, which ap
peared to be of excellent material and
workmanship. On the Inside of th coat
It could be seen that car had been taken
to remove the maker's name. The man Is
about 30 years of sge. and, ss far as csn
be escertelned, he Is a atranger bar.
j GLALIRIIOOK. la.. Jan. S.-(&pec-aD-i
Rev. Harvey O. itoas. for six year pas
tor of the I'nlied Urethern church of this
plaee.hut more recently a pastor of the
Wall, 8. P.. church, was run over and
killed at Murdu. s. IX, according to a
telegram received here. Hev. Mr. Murdo
was killed while Irving to board a train
leaving Murdo for Wall.
; Nebraska Federation of Woman"
Clubs Elect New Officers. i
Koyes Suffers Amputation of Both
legs Following Accident,
Taaksaaker May Die aa Reealt at
Attf-snptlngf fa Board Train In
(oaacll Blaffa Operation at
Mrrry Hospital.
Leonard Noycs, 24 years old, a tank
maker In the employ of tha Kretchmer
Manufacturing company, fell under the
wheels of Mllwsukee passenger train Ko.
I In Council Bluffs yesterday afternoon
about 1 o'clock and austalnd Inlurtes
that required the amputation ot both
legs below the knees.
The young man lives with his parents,
II r. and Mrs. Stsrk Novee. at Ull Four
teenth avenue. Council Bluffs, and la un
married. The accident happened on Six
teenth avenue between Main and etixth
I elreets. The cause Is not definitely
known, it Is believed that he attempted
I to get aboard the slowly moving train,
I which was only a block from the city
passenger station ' where It (topped, and
slipped on the Icy pavement.
Thief Takes Only ,
Blooded Chickens
J. W. Metcalf. ;! Charles street U
tta the warpath. Fundy night some light
fingered lowlle entered his uiilckcn coip
and atole fifteen of his blooded chkkcns.
Metcalf would not be eo angry !f ti
thief hid taken any of th other laa
.hlckens In Ike coop, but tlio fan that
all the bioedtd slock In tha flock were
taken sort o: Ucs up the amateur chicken
farmer. ,
The university of Omaha has sdded a
commercial laboratory to the depart
ments that are a departure from the
regular work of the college of liberal
ana. The work la carried on at the uni
versity and Is th first step taken ttasrds
the building up ot a school of applied
science. II embraces' of the work
thst Is found in any of the schools of
chemical and sanitary engineering and
will be t rently enlarged next year.
All of the work which the Union Block
Tarda company haa had done in the way
of analysis of the water from the' nsw
weela, which are to supply K.M.toO gal
lons cf water per day to Bouth Omaha,
has been carried on at the local univer
sity, under the direct supervision of K. H.
Currens. profecnr of cheat atry at th;
Hasas aaara-at road.
Miss Lethe Stroud, ila'ltht-r of James '
Stroud, and Robert Rasniurs-n of Benson I
were mar led br Rev. Chailcs TV. Sa.tde I
at bis residence. Saturday afternoon at '
m:m. They wera acromtanled ty th
orld' mother-. Mrs. Jennie S'.roud, also
r. . L DeWolf and Mr. E. T
Srhults. . . - , 4 r
' . HaffssiawBrandt.
i Mian lAiUse C. BrUndt. oaughler V
Henry Brandt, and Mr. Balph Huffman
f rort Omaha wera married by H.
Charlea W, garidgn at hi rrrtdeno Sat
nrdsr rtM at 1 They were aewtn
paassd kr Mis Frieda Tilly and Mr Ray
rtjUr'' 'lv'-': ' : .
ta.. ia triattinc rll EereL-
c. a. WDmt mt U - I
aln cosjoern at ftatTc ;ft
P. BTtenB Jnu Wa ajrpolhted sd
Pryda aasla .ajit semrUiaoeVsU
The' rkdMittiea of tha members ot'tue
Omaha etok haea been raised by the
stevmg la the annual report r expandi-
tarea foe rnel aim! tnr rnlu iIm
iiaiima ec vvia caeaaamea, wkleh are I . . . -
Mxinartea ra tea Caioa Padfjr SUntA T"r crtb tar the firs; time paid
caaepaau'. , , mm for cold than for beat ta be
- -'I ' - . ' gs more-while Use yea-" before tha re-
- ui.ciiimg s ua nnaa It rme waa tme. the ml man xettisa
a. fk
g al
! iTlmr,0c i rt art. rat
Cao-eaa. Heratofor Jaae Need
I'aaa, wao baa resiawad. tsnlad an u
Mrs. !:i:sabih Kollowell. Gir North
Sevenlc.ntit slrect. was arrested at 8:
o'clock last tilfc'ht on complalitt of E. B
Gauvrcau. lir landHrl. that i.e bed
shot at h'm. fe'ie was charied with slijot
rr.r fireann within the ct!y llTlltt. The
woman declared that in dfiidlns l:erlf
agalrs: tuvreau, who she said was try
ing to cv'ct her from ner ncm.' a t:
caliber revolver waa discharged In her
hand. The man, she a'serted, had
acueered her hand In the raffle, nnd
caused the weapon, which she ha4 p'rked
from her dresser as a bluff, to he dis
charged. She said she owed (Souvreau
f6 for three week's rrnt of the room
which is occupied by her, her husband
and a l-ytar-old hoy. Kollowell, she said,
haa been in poor health and unable to
Zurich. Ewltserland, haa been chosen as
th city where the seventh Intel national
Sunday school convention wilt be held. The
confer! nee will last eight days, beginning
July I of next year. Laet year Ihe con
vention waa held at Waahlngton.
Zurich Is In ths heart of tha Alps, it
Is the largest city In 8wltserland, and an
Important historic, educational and re
llgtoua center. It has ample accommoda
tion for the entertainment of visitors.
tisllora Are Brings Katerlalaed hy
Hallway Mall Serslr llah
Attending State Charities
and Corrections Meet.
Death the Callona
Is sharp, short sgony. Th lame back
of kidney trouble la dally miser)'- Take
electric Bitters for quick relief. tc.
For sale by Beaton Drug Co.
With no friction of any kind Ihe annual
convention of the second district of the
Nebraska federation of Women's Clubs,
numbering sbout sixty delegates and sev
eral state officers, opened yesterday
at the public library.
Mrs. W. ti. Whltmore, of Valley, vice
president, presided. Mrs. John Biltincer,
president of the host, en club, the Omaha
Woman's clubs of the Railwsy Mall Serv
ice, gave an addreaa of welcome; Mrs. II.
L Keefe of Walthlil, member of tha
General federation board, stroke on the
Federation endowment fund; Mrs. T. J.
Out of Walthlil. state president, spok
briefly on Ihe state work; Mrs. K. 11.
Cole, chairman of the state scholarahip
trusteee, told ot the scholarship newly
offered at tha Nebraska Military acad
emy at Lincoln and of the possibility of
gelling a scholarship In the 'domestic
science department In the I'nlverslly of
Nebraska. Mrs. 1 J.. Ilealey of the
Omaha Woman's club was actljig secre
tary. 1
Mrs. C. M. Scbinde! of South Omaha
was unanimously elected vice president
of the drstrict to succeed Mrs. Whltmore.
Reports on club work were heard from
Mr. M. I). Cameron, president Oms ha
Women ,rub, Mrs. A. , C.Croeaman,
president Dundee Woman's club; Mrs.
. A. Boyer, delegate South Omaha Cen
tury Literary club; Mrs, William Zim
merman, delegate Benson Woman'a club;
Mia. Ulttlnger, president Railway Mall
Service dub; Mrs. Whltmore, Valley
Woman'a club.
Mrs. P. g. King told ot th establish-
ment by the Benson Woman club of
manual training and sewng for boya and
girls In the Hanson public schools.
"We are going back to Jack knlvea and
samplers In Benson," said Mrs. King,
following tha meeting tha club women
attended the morning aessltin ot the state
Charities and Corrections conference and
later a luncheon at tha loyal hotel given
hy the Woman's club ot th Railway Mall
( MK AiiO, Jan. 3.-Wllliam Ooelhler
and .Mrs. Anna Kchtller. under arrrst In
connection with Ihe death ot Qoethler's
i-yesr old daughter, tills, admitted to ths
police having caused the child's death by
beating, after the title girl had been mis
treated In other aaye. .Mrs. Hchlller I?
said to have lived as tjoethal's wife.
The child's body wss found on Thurs
day. It was covered with cuts and bruises.
Hack. arms, legs and neck showed deep
weln. Neighbors asserted thst th child
hsd been beaten twice Wednesday A
coroner's Imiuest Into the rate will be
opened tomorrow-.
t . ..
in national child labor committee by
P. P. Claxton. . .
William D. Hay wood, former secretary
of tke Western Federation of Miners, who
haa been In lAWrenee. Mas.' working In
Ihe cause of tha striking textile workers,
was denounced by lit Denver Trades snr4
Labor arscmbly aa all enemy of organised
isoor. t . .- ...
Condemning Federal Judas A. IV Andtr-
son for discharging leterttre .William J.
Burne. lodlcted on a kianartlng charge
In omnertton with' the extradition of J.
J. MOamara, the aociaiiat party of In
diana vailed on Congressman Victor
Merger ta demand th judge removal
by congress. , . . . . , . i ,' , .
I'KNVLR Colo.. Jan. J. -A . U Mohler,
president of ths I'nlon Pacific Railroad
company, arrived here today from Ogden
Tomorrow he will hold a conference here
allh Mayor iiperr of Denver, also with,
representative of the other railroads
concerning plans fur a new union station
for Denver.
Bwlldlnw Peralte.
F. A. lTstt. OK Elllston avenue rrm.
dwelling. U.uo. . J. Harrla. list Florence
boulevard, frame dwelling, L,9W.
Culled from the Wires
The Ortuan Ifpna ocitny hu bn
urttaulxc'ri In Berlin.
Tho thin) intffimtlonal ftvltl.on nwl
In laoii Antrelea clool. .
William l, all!! triple tm.rtivnsr.
took the at and In hla own defenaa at
ttvaiiaville Ind. -
Tha t'hkavo llramt Opera cumpany
cUtl Ita aecond nucrraufnl aoaaon of tan
weeka and left for At. Paul; .
Mr. Rlrhard Hurat, tried for tha killing
of her dlvortd htiahand, waa convicted
uf mttnalauihtar In Coldvater, Mluh.
Thomaa Howard aammlaaloner of tha
ftalvatton Army, arrlvwl In New York
from Uuropa to make a tour of Inaporflon
which will Include New York, Chicago
and Toronto.
Charlea P. Tift of Onrlnnatl and Ren.
reaentatlva Richard Rartholdt of Mlaaotirl
were elected member ot tho advlpnry
enmmMtea of tha National (term an
American Ttachera" asaoulailon In New
furpoaeful labor in cmnactlnn with
(heir choollnff M urged for children re
lieved of grtndlu labor befom tho final
aaaiua of tha eighth annual txnfernc of
The higbest point of tromtn's hap.
pinna is reached Or.)j- ttirritirh moth
erhood, in the clasping of her child
within her inn.' Yet the mother-to-be
ia often fearful of nature's ordeal
nnd shrinks from the sufferino; inci
dent to its consummation. . .But for
nature's ills and discomforts nuture
provide remedies, and in Mother's
Friend is to be found a' medicine of
(treat vslue toevery expectant mother.
It is on oily- emulsion for external
application, composed.of ingredient
which act with beneficial and sooth
ing effect on those portions .of the
system Involved. -'It is intended to
prepare the system lor the crisis, and
thus relieve, in great part, the 'suffer
ing through whfch tbemqtheruMially
paases. The regular use ol Mother's
Friend will repay any mother in the
comfort itaffords before, and the help
ful restoration, to health and strength
it brings about after baby comes.
Mother's Friend '' '
Write for our &'tmm .
free book for T0XVCi
expectant moth-
era which contains ' much valuable
information, and many suggestions
of a helpful nature. i
w u Ask Your Doctor
We have had seventy years of experience wtth Ayer
Cherry Pectoral. That makes ut have great confidence in it for
coughs, colds, bronchitis, weak throats, and weak hinfii, Ak your
own doctor what experience he has had with it. He knows. He can
advise you wisely. Keep in close touch with him. , fc,YV"
Uriie-Ting Every Time)
But the lngrryirats From Any
Good PliarmacT and Mix It Vonr
self at Hiaie Foil IMrectlona
(ilTen, Abo the Doae Aayoae
Can Kasiljr F'renare the Mixture.
Cut thla out and rut In some saf
place, for It :s ntluabla and aartb mora
than anything elea In the world If you
should hare an attark. of tort.ah or
'-heiimatram or bladder trouble or any
derangement of the sto.itr.c-h tr kld.teya
Tha prea.Tlntlon is sliuple and ran
-e made up hy anyone at .honte. Tha
tngrcdlauts ran l had at any good pre
scription ph-irmsry and all that is nec
xi sry la lo nake t'ter. well In a bottle.
Hora It la: MUM Extract Juniper I ter
ries, one ouiH-e; Compound Syrup of
sort, one o;i:uc; t'ompotind Pyrup of
'lypophosphltea, four ounoes. I'ake a
teasnoonful lfore, eavh meal and at bed
time. A few doses la said to relieve al--noat
any va-e of atomarh or bladder
trouble, frei tent urination latin lietaeen
the kidneys, etc. It la now rtatiued to
be the ct'iing chronic rheti
matiaji.' becaue of Its direct and posi
tive action upon digostton and the elim
Iratlv tisauea of the kidnes. It gives
them Ufa and Doner to aift a id strain
llta polaon'iMS waate' matter ami tirlt
ald from tha blood, relieving the worst
forms of rlKumatlsm and kidney and
bladder troubles. The treatment acta
upon the stomach and liver and Is used
also eMenalvely for relieving dyspepjla
and Indlgeailon.- Compound f-yrup 'or
Hypophosphltes cleans and enrk-hes tha
blood. Thar ta nothing belter than
Balmwort and Juniper Merries for tire
kldnaya t. : . ; , ;'..".
Th prescription Is ra I and can b
at any tlnie.-e-Adv.
s - a s- rr
rrr. 7m-
You know how a
squeegee cleans a
window. ' ; '
The Diamond
Safety Tread Tire'
works the same way.
It stops the skidding bo
fore it starts. '.;
The Diamond Saf ety
Tread Tire is the on
ly real non-skid tire
built with an un
derstanding of
theskid problem, -
And the Diamond
Safety Tread Tire
is a year-round
tire greater , in
mileage than even
the regular Dia
mbndTires. . .
it 1 1 hi
e- .
Fol.owrag the lead of the American In
stitute of Architect, the Omaha Society
at Fine Ana through Ita executive com
mittee haa taken artier lu support of, the
project for Ihe erectlui of the Uuroln
gKmorlal provided for by congreaslcnal
appropriation by the erection - of the
Koposed monument in the park site In
Washington Instead of ihe memorial road
way. to- Gattyaburg and I advising the
saembera of tha Nebraska- delegation In
aongrraa to that etfect. . , ,
Warmth and Strength
on a cold day come from foods that are easily digested and are
rich in heat-making elements. For the out-door man or the
.in-door, man, for children to study on, to grow on, to play on,
there's nothing so nourishing and satisfying as
Shredded Wheat
It is better than porridges for children because they have to
chew it The crispness of the shreds induces thorough
mastication which develops sound teeth and makes
digestion perfect It is the best "whole wheat bread,"
because it contains all the rich body-building material
m me wnoie wneat prepared m a digest
ible form. Delicious and nourishing when .
served with hot milk or canned fruits.
Shredded Wheat Is The Whole Wheat
Mde only by
Eg Jteius
Jli nor than the ice man
- -.'- ... 4
At 1x Dtar ot
llteJ)iainond lnbt?er
; ;.;v ot nw Tom, -' ' iH
.215 South J!utn &t Omaha. '
. - '". " .'
1 1, ' s . . !':.''
Interest aflowed m
saYings department at
fo per annuro . . .
e Unltea States
National Bank of
' Omaha gives prompt
and courteous aervice, ,
affords absolute secur
ity and has a most con
venient location
ntf Fm
That People
Of means have Jewels anal are
oppoaea to have other Valaablea
la the home
la but aaother good roaeoa why
thmr shoald haea Drotaerioa
against loss by rtra or Barglara.
Can roa think of a safer place
for TOIB TAI.CABLa tbaa a
afa . Deposit Bos la our Steal
Proas 14t upward raata aa
raarly. .
Omaha Safe Deposit Co.'
StMBjC lsTrt
taia rai
Less than a penny and cleaner
than any ' -'.V. '