Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 30, 1912, Page 4, Image 4

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NoUse Talking, : Jeff is Certainly a Good : Mixer
By "Bud" Fisher
: THcwP(tfsewr l , 7ijJ7 - . . I wuiom St&? in.ts wcs'- .-,. -r 4Te anq Rtpg anitw JSi rr V
Announces that Ho Site Has Been
Definitely Decided Uon.
Omaha Magnate Holds Conference
with Dei Koines' Hew Owners.
tHi at Celts, la Caasaaay wl,h
Jeetc Hollaed, Vara t law ta .
Aeatst ralrwaalfcar ad ,
I : Isbell. '
DSS MOINKS. 1-. Jtn. St.-William
Reurks, of th Omaha club of th
Western lesgua, and Jack Holland, ewntr
of tb St Joseph Club, bald a conference
with Thomas Fan-weather aad Frank, la
bell, the nw owner of tha local franehin,
today, at hicb tb Dei Moine bat ball
ituatloa waa discussed.
Tba vi tiring magnate cam ta Dei
Motaet to aid tot nw owner In Iheir f
fotig ta'vartra trrtafatr Hi TTia (vim 1 ncfa
Tomorrow a campaliu will b (Urtod
throned llw bufli ; wctlon; and th
owner will anaravor to nt- In touch
with tba commeivlal lctrnt of tb city
and am, biu ball nthUlum,
Jfeaday avntnc tha club own will
kav r Uacoln wbara thy will at
joliwd by PraaMcot O Nftll aad aa effort
'inadb t atri(hto out taa tiaaoclal dlf
flculil of' tha Lincoln club.
Both Hourk and Holland ar nthtui.
atlo mr the anapectt tor bat ball bar
tula yar. "t .
1 bv bota thoruglily acqalattd with
tb total baa bad anaatiaa aloe MM,
but I ba Bvcr atan th tlma wa pro,
prota loakfd a Mouraa1n a Uy d
tli yr," aM Mr. Hourk In dliltuj
tha attaatloa anlhL
InfonaaJ BMcUiut arabably win U
add at linroln for tha pureoa of dl
aa)n 'lb acbadul tad arranflng tb
detail ta far aa poatlbl for th optnlnc
at lb
Will Navada, ta lavcatlsata
Oftcr Whlrh Mm Ba Mad
Tbera rar tba Jahaaa
. ... riyaa rickf. . v
SALT UiKH CITT. Un. .-Jack
Curly, maoair for Jtto Flyao and aro
motar at )ha flfht &r tb bvywif hi
ohamploDahlp bttwata bla man and Jack
Johnaon. Is in- Salt Lak City maklns
preliminary arransemmls tor th bat
tle. Curlty atd tonlf ht that so alt tor th
fitht bad bn aalwtad and that tha dat
had not 'ba attld daftBttaly. Thar I
a plbllttyllht th ftfU. mT so ta
Nw Maxico, ln"th' n't 'ihat no' ac
cepubl pronoaiUon la foTthcomlnj from
Kuada Hoanmi ' - - ''' "
Curloy pcU t hold a oonferenc to
morrow with local Bn latrtd with
him In proioeUns th flsht Ma ala aiay
eonfvr wttb rrantatlva of Nvda
town that ar attar tha flcht. Ha will
lav Halt tAkt City tomorrow nlfht far
Navada. and will Invaatltata tha propoil
llana that bava baa put to him by th
Ntvada town. Ha aay tbr ar flv
ar alx town In tha Uta that ar ajtxlou
ta ba talMtad. Ha aald that thara la no
ppoaltlon la Natrada ta holding tba flfb!
In that tat and that til report of ocb
paoalloa bata boon found to ba untrua.
After ha baa completed hi aualiaa la
Ntvada, h will to to Saa rraadaea.
lew Tork Post Holds Up Cornhuiker
' School for Emulation.
See rd tar Tboaaht la Mebralui'
Alkletl Stateateal, Wbleb
hew Profit at .Slaty,
rr Ceat.
Stea Athletic Club
Taa ava AthHtlc rl'ib Md V tlflrd
anitivrwy aalebraUoa at rratwnUy ball
Sunday Tnlr, when about k number
era pranant la enjoy several nualeal
number and a pratrara at aaabt and
lerttattena flrea entirely In tba Swdlh
tonau.' ' ' ' ' ' '"
A th feeler of tha evenln prlaa
wer awarded the member of th club
wh r' 1nnr In th autdaor field
meat wblcb wa held at Kim wood park
last September, rour small lter lovtnf
cap. Una IndiTldual (old. 1Ivt and
biwnaa madala and forty blue, fed and
whit ribbon wer presented ta th
wtmlnv Twamt ay Uaaner Carlma.
tecretary ef th club.
Tba athlete who received tha liver
lovinc cup were Carl Kiurstrom. Phillip
'tartenian. H. Norman and A.' Keraner.
In addtUua to th award of prlsa th
folroaiu profram waa are:
Arfrfreee of weleosM tov ft. Pearson.
Hx'ltstlon. "Heea and Kathertand," by
1-hllllp CarlemenJ
Violin solo, ' Hormone, " Ln Brarlroff etsrrv ftrmvlrtiff.
Orlrnal Swedtab folk aonte by H. Aod-
arson. - ' ,
Address. "The Influence of th Olympic
Gems I pon eweden," by Gunner Carl.
"Keoitatloa, "Seeahoilr. with Istroduo-
tory aotea from Uwedlsh history, J.
pisno solo. Silas Anna Anderson.
Recitation. Stories from Swedish Peas
ant Ufa," Out Anderson.
Cheek aa Promoter
Certificate aa
Des Moines Owners
Get Park This Week
Prank Uoell and Tom Palrwakthat
esent ntsjie busv dava last Week aa resl
i at th Oaa Moines bail club. ! n-ka It corporatioa taw. ana
r ykr ago th Kanaaa legislature
Vsed a Isw requiring that before any
Woca ar bond eertlflcata could be told
la that atate tha allr must obtain a
permit and eertlflcata from th baaklns
departmeut at tha aula. la eraer t ob
tain' that, aarmlu ta flaanulal stsndlng
orianliatlon.' plan and opsrationa ot th
oompany wkaaa-atock ar bonds are ta be
muat- b peeeented ta th banking
department and be paaeaS aaoa. Out of
request .mada In tea month
sine th law want mta affaat, anty forty
four have been granted. One raining pro-
aioler 1 In Jail far trying ta tall tock
without a permit. Tha banking depart
ment at Kknaaa estimates that already
It can see a sarins .of from KW. to
V. 000,009 per year t tha People ef Kaaea
who bad been mulcted by dishonest pre
molar ot fhxt atdclr erttrloat -property-
Attention I called ta tnla "blue sky
law", for two reasons. First, that law la
coming In (very tula ot tha union. It
should havs come long ago. " Thoee who
know th fact will not consider It an
vor-UtemeYit ta say that tha present
widespread system el manufacturing
lock certificate, purporting to represent
raining; business corporal Ions, and cover
ing tb country wttb agent to dlapos of
these oartlttcataa ta IgnoraBt people. I
parhaiM th moat wholesale systsra of
robbery carried en In modern eoclety to
day. Second, because om uch exsm
htatloa aad eupervlsloa by si pert author
ity la necessary la ardor to protect legit!
mate business, and separata from tha
maaa ot flat property thoee certificates
which rapt tat real value and real
property.,- fnlee something Ilka tbia Is
dona It will not bo wag before great
enterpiiaea will eome under th upldoa
which 1 very general aow. and In order
to uproot tbta ayatwn of robbery greet
harm may ba done to honest industry.
U os rrttle aaka It thla t not try In
to protect tha foala, and mak man hon
est by legislation, th answer that th
Western League Owners snd Presi
dent on Way.
From New Tork Kerning Poet.
Toot ball acta heavy return." aay a
hsid lin la Th Omaha Bee. but when
that Is followed by "Nebraska Gather
la Tea" Thousand Dollar During th
Benson," tha man accustomed to rtcelpts
up above SIW.OO at tha Wx eastern v.ver
lllea for the sera sport wander h vr th
man who make th hval line oi h
paper would designate the retjrae ficm
Hsrvard. for Insunc. Aud tlnn wi,en
he compared th St per cent oi pro'" at
Nebraska on a total of 11471.13 net re
ceipts and a lost' of 1.'0 ot ten time
that amount of receipt a- UsTorl, It
would not ba surprising If he gave up In
despair the possibility ot msiiutiiciurlu
a oompreh -ns ve ocai thi rtor.
There waa Sreat Joy at NebriK uni
versity when th be Is no shrtt Cur th
season was itiada pujllo tint week u'.d
It waa snnojnred that th sot .ml prrflt
ot foot ball for I'M mil we won luid Iten, and Ihat this amount wau.d js'
up tha back debt', givj sufficient fundi
to ttd over all the other sport at tb
university, and ailll lav money for
permanent Impr w..m-r,s on th atbltllc
plant. Tha entire rccnu from loot tail
waa tsi.tat. of a in :h t-'.ma tnma fnm
a tickets, out f th! amotmt th
hare of th visiting teai4 li y eV
leaving a net total at IU.V1 Q. l. sx-
s f th e'.Tin. for trave'lr ex
penses, eoulpme -t. mtdiuil nttcntl in and
th Ilk wr SS.iII.
Rewiarkable Plgares, Tbeee."
Remarkable tlgurea tbeee. when com.
pared with 'th lateat report -fro Har
vard sports finances, fur Instance. VI at
would happen If any of th blr; ..iKvdet
ties of th it sr.,.n.i show a profit rt
per cant on t!idr ennrmoun r ptt
lauustna a lose tf IAiW turned
profit of tM.Wa. lh rffxt
cataelyamlc. .
It would b hard Indeed t tlmat th
result of tft per cant profit on athletic
her la taa eset. In a very fear -year a
fund smaid ba accumulated which would
mak alhletU" forever free to th under
graduates. Students would no longer ba
met with th hat for this, that, or the
other poU and tha ion g-suf forms alumal
would ba free .t devot their urplus
money to academic purposes, andwsll,
N la hardly On-a for- the mllleanlom.
There I food for muck thought In the
KSbraaka statemest. tMUII. WUl pmbr
ably ahow 0 theater parties, no present
Is a host ot coaches, n espenssa tor re
cuperation camp for ts army of player,
and. In fact, nothing bat tba legitimate
expanse ot well-conducted (port where
th men work th.r hardest for th
port a ak. and esteem It so treat a
prtvtleg ta compels tor their university
thdt they pay their own Scot, as was
lh case a uartr ot a century ago. The
Columbia crew that want to Henley and
carried off tha only cup svsr taken from
Kngtaad by a crew ot amateur oaremtn,
paid It owa way from) the start pf train
In t th snd of It vletorlou visit
flood teams can ba got together without
cost to other. Why not try th experi
ment and return to sport tor port'
ssks alone T a
Sll.lil I
Full ' Particulars ' of British Air
Competition Reach Here.
Sehedale Mediae; to Traasferred
from Dearer ta Avoid Possi
bility ef tear lajaae
tloa by Paebls.
LINCOLN, Neb.. Jsn. 3-Wlth msg-
catea from four Western league clubs
and the president of tha league expected
In thi city tonight or tomorrow It I
xpected that trouble of the local bass
ball club Will lb cleared away within
twenty-four hours.
President Despain must ray 'Gsorge F.
Truman more than 7.M before I o'clock
tomorrow or "Ducky" Holme will be-
eome receiver of the club, with .full power
to assume til responsibility In It man
agement. President CNetll Is thought to
b bringing tli money to meet thla obliga
tion. Thi will reller matters, but the
club will hsv debts estimated at SS.05C
to pay before It will ba ceter of trouble.
The following owner of baa ball clubs
ar said to be on their way to tha meet
tng here:
William Itourke ot Omuht. Thomas
Fslrwesther and Frank labell of Dee
Mdnea, Jack Holland of St. Joseph and
Hanlon of Sioux City. Tha ostensible
purpo ot their visit I to look Into th
affair of tb Vocal club and to make
arrangement for transferrins the
schedul meeting from Denver.
Tha purpose ot the transfer of this
meeting from Denver I to avoid tha pos
sibility of lets! Sitiori being started
against the legu In connection with the
transfer of the Pueblo franchise to
Wichita. Pueblo buslnesa men have
threatened an Injunction suit against th
league and should it meet In Denver, a
court order of lnjum llon might b served
on It ' . . v. . ;
Will Save' SI taa Ilea.
DES ilOlNEH. Ia.. Jan. H-VW"ar
loin to Lincoln tonight, financially pre
pared to lift the IJncoln club out of th
band of a receiver and again put Don
Dsspaln on hi ft" aald Stank Isbell,
one of th new owner of the local West
ern Lsasu club, before leaving here to-
nlSht. Isbell waa aocompanie oy l nomas
Falrweather of Des Moines. William
Rourke of Omaha and Jack Holland ot
St. Joseph.
The base ball mactiatea spent th day
vlaltlns commercial men of th city and
tailing In touch with local "tans" In an
effort to arous Interest la th gam
hers, . '
They expect to meet President O'Neill
In Lincoln. ' ,
Four St. Joe Men
Go with White Sox
Four of tin Mil SI. Joseph ptavra will
train with tha Chicago White Sox next
spring. They are. Borton. Jones, eCslly
and Powall. Secretary Orabtiwr of the
Sox made a visit recently to St Joseph
and had a talk wMh Borton and Jonce.
Borton hld aut for noma tlm before
six nine. II would not come to term
with tba Whit Sex nntll Qrabuwr nad
Ma trip to 8t Joseph.
True ta their promise their first act waa
to search for a aultabl downtown ball
park alt a Th result ot thsir Invsstlga
tiea may cause then- choice to b 41 ff sr
eat from any that bar been sutgasted
so far. It I probable that the park may
b situated Just west of th city where
there la aarsadvaass h 1 ti. dry htnd whtcb
. would make a wonderful park. It Is ex
pected that all win be definitely de
cided upoa by th tw owners thi wb.
1 a vtctoua neglect or it auty wnen it
fail to aupervle the mighty agencia fori
honesty or dishonesty which It osts In
motion. It la tha business at the state
t protect the ignorant tree tba dishon
est, alee we weald abandon every law
agauus rrswl ar theft. It la tha bwat
nesa ot th (lata to a to It that a far
a ts possible its laws shall not became
th Instruments of robber)'- Every tat
supervise lis banks Every Mat tries
ta oblige It bankers to be son est, ander
severe amity. In thi "blue ky law."
aa In many other things. Kansas la a
pioneer, and sooner or later the east,
which sometime aneer at th "farmer
legislature" of the wett will copy thi
law or pa a better an. Ia that day
th present stale of, flat property crea-
bon. and almost universal exploitation ot
society throtifh this dishonest and un-
leehed back
ALUASCK.r Neb.. Jan!" K.-Th Alli
ance high aebsol basbrt ball lean-, de
'faatd.thron'Bowtrirte the local
floor beteoa PtMay erseilat. at tdll Tbla
Is tb SoufWi ' e ryioutl r xtory for (he scrupulous method. -WW
.Alliance Was.: Although tVakea Bow I
'i wot ta th Western Nebraska league It W
;a a trip and will play most of tbs Wan
,ara Nebraska t easts. PwOawing are th
'Bemher as" , th - traawt 0retkei Bow
.'eJaftord. atolyneaux. Kecinedr, Craw
(turd. Hll'.ar." Alllanre-Nolah; Shater,
CMraaU. Ore nam. Ksais r .. f
i: ' ." .- j
itini f inn i I iuiir tin V
muusnu 9 unirtvi ur - j
' . . ' ;
Jock HoHandV rar ot the St. Joseph
aaa sail cleb. fired hi tint SiS ot St
'jtlS-amU .aiaian'laat week- wbeh h
' xnct'ed thirty oontracu to plarer wsed
hr aim. HeUaxid ts not aatlelsatmg any
staad trouble , ln Ulag a hie. playlo
lalsat... Jioat- eX-tlw msssirs--sd-at
year's teas wr satisfied with the pros
part tor this Siasaa when the race eaded
last summer and s . treobt Is kwked
dor from, aba yiamgaHia ssbo have' been
lianaasr Gears Andrea at tb Sioux
City West era leaxo club has announced
tha purdiase of outneioer voroin arm
Pitehsr Campbell from tb Dallas club
at tha Texas ieue. and Joseph Preach
of th Cttltburs, Ky-. club, aaoa re
markable ability a a shortstop was
tipped eft ta Aady by a major leago
scout. Campoeii pnenea tor tna asKaian
antverslty Bine last spring, and Corbln
waa sold by Washington t laiiai mat
year. ' - , '
upon aa w look back upon what Haakla "Vrreg-aaromr or tha Wayside
robber!hrff tha middle aree-Vnlverssllst
Leader. t , " t V1 r ' I'UugSfU take up the Stu41s In om
ICii ''I T r II 'i "7 danaa tha next two months, he artll
MITCHRLU S. D Jan. .-(Speclsl.)-
Raclng wUI b taken up In South Dakota
next summer on a larssr seals tnaa tor
several years, tha plsns for which wer
made In thi city by a meeting oi in
rearssentatlve from various town on
th new circuit which has beta formed.
Th officer lected are: Dr. Sfafhew
of Klandreau, president; Harry Steven ot
Ptneetone. Mma.. secretary-treasurer.
The dates selected and th town oa th
circuit are; Flandreao. Jime II. W. it;
Pipestone. Juno M. V. : Miller. July i
j. t: Pierre. July . l.-li Mitchell. July
IT. It It: Canton. Jury ri k a
Th purees will tn from to tl.SMX
Th clear for pacer will be the MS.
Ml and t: and for tb trotter a little
Th South Dakota Futurity association
waa omnlsed at th meeting, tb first
adhere Wood, captain of tha 1SU Omaha i ,.r started In the tata. which will be
High echeol track aouad and en ot the I looking forward I future uka races.
leading Interechslaatle. aarlntera tn tba; W. Brady of Sioux rails waa roaoe p.-
middle-weal. I now Ineligible to taa part i dent aad Hugh ram Ansnso,
In track athletics under th aalur ef the! tavy-treasurer. , , . .'
local sehssl thla year because of failures
ia studies during th first isrm Ju over,
Wood "Daaaet" Hs hi epphaaw Ena
llsh and la eleventh grade pnyatcs. and
ml ess h ca arrant with Prlacipal Mc-
rltlsh . War Office la t Has
Option t Bay Any Ha
ckles that Vine a
NEW TORK, Jan. .-Kull particular
of tha British War Office aeroplane com
petition for prises amounting to- lit,M
recently reached member of th Aero
Club ot America- Two prises are open
to tha world for machines made In thi
country. Th first I of 136.00 and th
second tte.OOO. The rest of th prtt
money I to ba competed tor by British
subjects only. The Brttlrh War office
I to have th option of purchasing f
IS,0W any machine awarded a prise.. Th
owners ot ten machlnt which are sub
mitted to ail th flying teatt tnd ar not
awarded a prtie are to receive teoo tor
etch machine so tetteJ. Wilbur W'rlght
and Glenn H. Curtis har both stated
that they will probably enler their bl
plane. Tha following conditions are
those required to b fulfilled by a mili
tary aeroplane: '
1. Be delivered In a parking case ault
abl for transport by rail, and not ex
ceeding a feet by I feet by feet. Tne
case must be fitted wltn eyelwltt to
facilitate handling.
t Carry a live load of SO nounds. In
audition to Its equipment o( instru
ments, etc.. with fuel and oil for four
and one-half houra.
S Fly for three houra loaded as In
clause I, and maintain an altitude of
4 M0 feet tor one hour, the first 1.0
feet being attained at the rate of am
feet a minute, altbouah a rata of rise of
JM feet per minute la desirable.
4. Attain a aneed of not lees than u
miles per hour tin a calm, leaden as in
clause J.)
a. Plans down ta emuna tn a Mlm
from not more than l.utf feet with enema
stopped, durins which lime a h.irl.nxt.l
distance of not less than e,oo fret must ba
trsvarsea aeiora touching.
rtlae Without damae frnei lone sraaa
Clover or harrowed field In lu varda In
a calm, loaded as In claus I.
tana without damage on any cultivated
ground. Includlna rouih nlow. at - a
calm, loaded a In clause 3,' and pull
up wnnin i yarns of tb point at wnicn
It Orel touches th ground when landing
on smooth turf in a calm. ll must be
capable of being steered when running
u7 on mo grnuna.
a as capable of change from flrlnr
trim to road tranannrt trim twl IrauJ
either on It own wheel or on a trolley
on the road: width not to exceed ten fret
Provide accommodation for a pilot
and obrvr. nd the control must be
aerver ' " "her by pilot or ob
it. Th pilot's snd observer' vlsw, of
th eountrv below them to front and
fisnk must be as open as possible, snd
they should be shielded frsm the wind
other eo"u,u"'l 'lt on ao-
..1L." .p,r,V ' ""oPlan mut be
trlctly Interchangeabls. like paru with
"IS knoU,er and alth aparvs from stock.
J 7?. h1"" ahall accurately supply
,ni0Ll0.w,n rutflcu'.ra, which will be
verified by official test: (ai Ths horse-
Kaer and the speed given on the bench
the engine In a six hours' run. (b)
The seisin weight complete (general ar
rangement drawing), and whether air or
water cooled, (el The Intended flying
peed. (dl'Ths gliding angle, (el Weight
f entire machine, ifi Fuel consumption
per how at declared horsepower. g)
oil consumption per hour at declared
horsepower, th) Capacity of tank..
IX The engine must be callable ot be
ing stsrted up by lb pilot alone.
14. other desirable attributes are: ()
Ktsndstlll with engine running without
being held. Sngine preferably capable
of being started from on board. bj Kf
fectlv etlenoer fitted to engine, ic)
Strain oa pilot a small possible, (d)
Flexibility of spesd: to allow ot landlne
snd observationa being made at slow
speeds If required, whll reserving a hlsh
acceleration tor work in strong winds,
(e) Uood glider, with a wide range ot
safe snirlae of descent, lo allow of choice
of landing places in case of enaine fail
ure, (ti It is desirable that the time and
number ot men required for the Cheng
from flying trim to road trim, or packed
for transport by rail, and vice vera.
hfHild he small, and these will be con
sidered In JiMisIng the machine. The time
for chancing from road trim and packed
condition to flying trim to Include up to
the moment of leaving the ground in
flight llownc being made for diffi
culty In starting engine, isl StabHItr
and suitability for use In bad weather
and In a wind averaging twenty-five
mite an hour thirty feet from th around
without nndu risk to the pilot Subline
In flight is of great Importance. . (hi
Th packing case for rail transport tn be
eerily dismantled and assembled for use.
tnd when dismantled arioitld occupy a
niall apace for storage.
List at laventtaaa Prelected Daring
th Week ta dlvew l by
Wlllard Eddy. .
talacky Spill Believed to Have Ceat
Felrlaa at Dolath the Victory
Falls ' aa Hand U
Lea: Leap. '
Hakes Two Jumps of More Than One
Hondxed and Twenty Feet.
CART, 111.. Jan. tr.-Lars Haugen of
the North Star Ski club of Chippewa
Falls. Wis., and brother of Anders Hau
gen, formerly the-champion professional
ski runner of the wurld. won ths profes
sional championship of tha national ski
tournament at the closing day of tbt
meet here today. II made two Jump
of 1U and UX feet tnd scored tic on
Sigurd Hansen of th Park Region Ski
club, Fergus Falls, Minn., ha second
with jump of US tnd US feat and a
percentage of &. fining Lsndvlof of
tha (Houghton Ski club. Ktoushton. Wis.,
took third place, Jumping ill and lis
feet and scoring 2i7i. '
Haugen s leap were negotiated beauti
fully. Around the ll-foot mark the mil
waa In bad shape, and many of the
skiers who displayed good form lost by
dropping Into thla spot. But Maugen,
sailing high, cleared aM of ths rouxh
portion ot the hill en both jumps ana
finished with pretty tilde on tbt flat at
tha toot ot the elope.
An unlucky spill probably cost OI
Felling ' ot Dululh. unattached, th
championship. He Jumped 124 feet on the
flrat trial and 13 on th second, but aa
ha landed th accord tlm he fell on one
hand. Thla accident cut hut percentage
down to tst'i.
Hansen won - th professional long
standing Jump at ll feet. Barney
Rellly a second with 11 feet. Lara
Haugen and J. Oleratad of Stoulhton
tied for third at HI feet.
Ctrl Solberg. amateur champion of
America, won the long standing Jmp In
his class at 121 fet Nela Floan ot lh
Duluth Ski club and Svetn Welhaven of
Norway, entered by the Norge Ski club
of Chicago, tied for second place at 1
feet Ander Olson of th tola Ski club
of lol. Wis., won third plac at 1 feet
Th only other entrant Arna S'.etler of
the Norge club. Jumped ninaty-elghl fret
Th twin Jump wt won by Schoyen
and Benson of Superior. Wis., tnd Ked
Wing, Minn., respectively, at lot feet.
Frank L. Olsen of tba Norge club won
the boys' event with a leap of 1 feet
Duluth waa given tha tournament for
nsxt year, after Virginia, Minn., ana
Ironweod. Mlrh., had made a hard light
for It. Th date will be aet later.
Medal and cup were tha prtaea-for
amateurs. Whll cash prises and medals
were given the professional. Th weather
was clear and cool today and t large
crowd was in attendance. Summaries:
1st. ' Sd. Pet
Lara Ilsugen, Chippewa
Falls, w I zi
Sigurd Hansen, Fergus
rails, atinn it
Erllng lndvlk, Stough
ton. Wis HI
Ok Fetrtng. Duluth lit
Autust Nordby, Virginia,
Minn i
Harney Relllv, Virginia., lit
Ben l.udgaard. Iron wood.
st ten iss
Fraucla Kempe. Bed
Win. Minn n
Ander Haugen. Chippewa
Fall 114
Carl Ek, Red Wing J
Th. Helss Schuyen, Su
perior. W is
J. CmrsUd, Stoughton.... lit
Records of others who partlcupsted la
thla event, but whose percentages were
net vovpuled by tba Judges, follow
Prick Nyberg. Chippewa Fall.
Harris Anderson. Red Wing....
Henry Hall. Ishpomlng. Mich..
KM, k Iversen. Red Win
George Thompson. Red W'ln..
John hlaiiKaeln. Duluth
Ulnar Lund. Chippewa Fal!...:
John Dela. Chippewa Fails
Tollef Ilnmnuauadt ChlPDSWa
raits iv
Fred Iverson Red Wing K
Knute Helland. Cl.lppewk Falls., lui
Oluf Benson. Red Wing, 97
Ole Norbv. Virginia "
Ounnar H el lan. Chippewa Falls.. II
David Llnd. Ishpomlng w
Th cross-country run. postponed frdm
Ssturdsy. was not contested becsuss of
the lack ot mow.
MA0'(!iVT. li..'fJB.'.asta - if carrespondeni ef the London Lancet
Tw bu arvV aad atta vaen candidates IwrMSag free. Chine- about the eicluslon
Jl4 ,i taa M. Joaeok a aad I frtn America of green tea. "a result of
Holy Faaatiy Ttdman Catholic charchea
at thla cuy today, the pervlc betng ooej
ductad br - James J- Kaan. archbiaaop at
Iroeuque. Tmugbt ba delivered 'a power
ful lecture at thPiluet theater oa tha
divinity ot Christ.' t - ' V-'
svrL ' ' ftntvas. - -Wsllat.
XKW YORX-. Celile. rVewrla.
JSSWTORX . H .lasts ease, '
rHitrictdtA rnet aasnaia....
AtrraftJl"" nu
QIBHlWrAX.-"a , ' r
HVBffPO(lU....Hes.rlsa . .
uvattrouu tnnirk. 4 . ,
the active elepe wsK-h are at preeent
betng taken by-Dr. WUey to enforce the
observance ol tne pore food lawa." seya:
"For manV yeara past, swing 1 th de
mand ot the foretta public for green tea.
It ha been the practice of some growera
tn China to -eler th leaf artificially.
After the leaves ar roasted, which hi
dona Immediately on being gathered, they
are rolled, colored and quickly dried.
Formerly Prussia blue with gypsum was
used, then ladifo. and latterly anlSne
dye have been employed. The Chinee
themselves do not drink colored teas,
tbvugh they ar food ef addle fkavartntT
a cents, auch aa Jasmine and roar nstaHi.
Th mats demand for green tea cam
from America."
Jack Holland ''haa confirmed a report
that JWsml Durham, ssill f back ta
W'teaah thi yeatt-Th St' Joseph ts as
rearm. thla.aa.Ua. youngster waa
eJdedly 'popdlAr with the' Drummers. But
It Is awderetood when Durham left Puebie
aut year that ha would be back with th
team after last year If ba waa wanted.
Taa detail .'of ihiiretora t'o.'-'W-ilika
remain to a tsriuiew. bat. Wichita tana
are assured that tha classy t wirier will
a a member t that team thi season,
Only four mars bars at tba drill team
I the Vlklnrs answered to the caH for
a practice yesterday at Washington hall.
There war not uisiWi tJwwed v e
an drutwsr aad. ta. erertteg'wax "eoat.
poned for another week.
Following hi tb official list ot letter
patent of laventlon, 'honied from th
Cnltad States patent office at Washing
ton, to Inhabitants of Iowa and Nebraska.
for the week ending January JT:
Eraatus W. Appelmsnxif Clermont la.,
for land drain.
,T)bb. !.' Belntema anal D. OeRool of
Oitk loose, la., for xuromttlc motor con
troller. K - - - -
Ulle H. Cook of Dee Molnee, la., for
acetylene gas generator.
Hansen A. Darting of flienwood. I-.
for machine for scald Lix tomatoes.
, Eugene rt 'Easan H Hubbard, ta., for
bill pulveriser. ' ' 1 i4 .
Benjamin F. and C K. Knsley of Mont
ton. Is., for bracket for automobile raatpa.
William U Keller ot Kearney. Neb,
(er concrete ndxar.
Waltsr Parker aad L. K. Campbell at
Neola. Ia for avoid.
WilUsm M ; Vlbrlck ef Atlantic, 1
for man-box signs'- - ' - .
Albert Valentine of Thuraaaa. la, for
flying medio.
Alexander JJmxfM nod jr. Fink ot
Omaha. Neb, tor destga to aurober dis
play easing.
. 1I
, 11
. H
, M7
, 9!
. I'd
, io
Key t th 8:tust,e ,7 Want Ada
Craft Carried Sown Mississippi by
Ice Landi at Bird's Point, Mo. -
Pilot Finally Sweeweda la (rrtflns
Ilia Boat Bark ts the Startlba'
Polnt-Paaseatiera la '-;
.... i . Panic, j ; -
TICKLIFFE. K,' Jan. .-Th tight
person for ulioee safaty fears were- ex
rressed last night when they were oattght
in lea that choked the Mississippi 'river
landed here early today and' whre re
turned to Bird's Point. Mo. Tht party
had rctchrl Blrd a Point, ilo.. Itat bight
by train and engaged a' boatman to ferry
them across the flver to'Calro, Theywere
caught n Ice floes and it wa fetred hy
had lost their live. '' "
The boat rescfiel a rlvrr rolnf" 'two
miles below her aoon after midnight, it
had been' In- a- Terrific straggle-Nrlth
great lc floea that contlnootmly threat,
ened to smash th' boat Ry : keeping
hla craft between' the' running currents
In the broad 'stream, Frank -Jonet.1 ths
pilot, manured to elude the floes, -tnd
when there ram a gap In th stream Of
Ic eaker. he shoved hi' boat acroM
to the Kentucky thor In aatcty. - ' '
Early lodty the party returned to Bird s
Point Ma, wnere they alighted from a '
Cotton Belt train yesterday noon.
Nearly lie passengers had reached Bird s
Point yestsrdty and when they .sought
to Croat ta Cairo to transfer to-stgothtr
train they found the regular ferry ttrvlr
suspended becsuss of gTeat lc floes that
jammed the river. Anxious to cross, how
ever, a large number of the passengers
tnrnged a private boatman t undertake
the passaee.
Frank Jones, an experienced river, man,
took .a party of teven In lil --"tarry."
Midway in th river ha wa caught, by an
lc floe that swashed at bl boat, and
turned the craft perilously about, immedi
ately panld Mixed th prty,, bus before
sltrmpts to rescue theru. ootid he esads
they were swept out st sight. PS tit Ire
floe and soot the bit let pack waa hklden
by a heavy fog.
Searching rartle brsve.1 ths rlvara
danger, patrolling th bread .ice.wp;
slreani all night . .,
Before rescuer reached them, htwvr,
th party landed below here. It 0 a.
I'.eved most of th party cam fcutt Lil
bourn. Mo.
! : LEECH & YAN SAHDT, Kstritintors. '.. ' -
Sll South 17th tHnti.'- rhotrni: Doaufta 1T A-16T. ;
. ' " r
At th Toung Men' Christian associa
tion gymnasium Saturday tn the novice
contest, Campbell wren first with M points:
Fitch and Homney tied for second, plac
with 1 points each. Th others scored is
follows; Adtms. 1: Seeley, S; Bilsard, 4:
Slrhte. 1: Wyatt,' 1 Moore. LThe.tvtnu
were: ',. ..' - .
St-ytrd dss'n: Seeley, firs'; Filth, sec
ond: bussrd. third. Time. t.HI.
12-pound hot put t Adams, won; Sirht
and liomney tied fur second. - Distance,
37 feot 2Uj Inches. . .
Quartet-mils potato race: Fftcn, rtrsl;
Buzard, second; Moot, third. Time:
t:. ' ''
Running high Jump: Campbell, won;
Romncy. necond; Mlrnte, third. Jitignt
t feet I inches.
Standing broad Jump: .Campbell, won;
Romney, second;. Wyatt third- Diltance,
I feat it Inches.
WIIITINSVILI-Pi. ' Mass!. Jan. M.
Charles A. Austin, who In his eighty
eight years of life rarely wore sock and
who always wore a straw hat, died to
day. Occasionally ' when he went eat of
town Austin put on socks, but h In
variably returned with them in his pocket,
ray tiig that they were micomfortible.
He wore a straw hat always, because, he
said It kept the rain tnd snow from going
owa hi neck. '
Mrs. nsxey'i Trial Pawtpaaed.
ST. LOCI, Jan. a -For the fifth tlm
the trUI of Mrs. Dora K. Don)-, charged
with bigamy In tnarrvln William K.
Erder. was continued in the 8c. Loni
ciuntv court todav. Attomevs state-1
the woman la near death at Jackson,
Tcnn. I