Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 30, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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Announcing the First Showing oL
' Children's Spring Wash Dresses
Tuesday will mark 'the initial display of these
, charnx'ng wash dresses for girls from 2 to 14 years
of ape.
Scores of clever littltj garments have been arriv
ing of late and are now all ready for your inspection:
So crisp and dainty in their delightful newness,'
you'll find it a pleaure to select a few forthwith.
There are percales, clitmbrays and ginghams la a per
'. feet fairyland of colon and ahadea with the winsorue little
French style predominating. Pricea:
Ages 2 to C years...
Aiea S to 14 yean..
59 n p
81.23 nd up
Commencing tomorrow we will ilerooaetrale In our
rt window the making of ladle' and children's waah
dresses wake It a point to are tola Interesting and in
structive exhibit.
-i a. mmm a Wk r en as jiiih hi mmtm
motert to whom he tad paid promotion
IrH Rom of them were employee ef
the' city. Continuing a statement by
City Engineer Ciwlat. Fanning seM the
Missouri Pat-lfls had refnaed contractors
the we of the Wit line, necessitating a
long and expensive haul by wagon.
Paaatag took the com to the courts and
has a permanent Injunction against the
enforcement of the order. Other con
tractor, who felt they ceuld aot stand
the expense o( a trial In the owns, haul
iholr matt i lei by wagon to the paving
John I. Mahoney, K. C. WMttemore.
John Grant. B. T. Peterson. 8. i. Roth
well and other were pieced en the stand,
but could threw ae light on the paving
City Kn.lneer Craig submitted figures
te show the average cost or pavement
here for the last four year. These fig
ures submitted at the Investigation Fri
day resulted Ih a row between A est stent
City Engineer Csmpen and A. A. Alter,
promoter 1a the employ of Mr. Fanning.
The' figures submitted were for bids, but
not for the actual work performed. They
shewed the sverags cost each year, which
ha wled little en asphalt and brick
during four yeera. Mr. Artsr said the
figures submitted were accurate, but that
those shown Prldsy were unintentionally
Incorrect, as some of the bide were cer.
rted ever from the previous year, 1907.
This Mr. Craig admitted, but said hs had
corrscted It as soon as he discovered It.
T. W. Mot'uUvugh. asked If be had any
euagestloa as to how the Inveatlgstlon
could be made more effective said sertsln
persons he aamed ought tat he called In
10 tell the council "Interesting" stories
that had been told him. lie declined to
repeat these stories, ssylng hs wsa not
vouching for their verily. Mr, MrCuliougD
suagwstsd further that Inquiry Into the
cost of the msterls's used In paving might
reveal something; also there Is an oppor
tunity to discover If a manufacturers'
or other combines exist which Is dividing
the territory In the ststs or In the city,
(oa tractors oa the gland.
Several contractors were placed en the
stane and denied any knowledge of com
bines or misconduct. The unvarying and
inevitable nutation of whether Ihs wit.
ness knew of "any Improper aetlon by
any puhll. official" was unanimously an
swered la the negative. Tnose examined
during too forenoon were B. J. Scanned,
H, I). Yea Court. Ouy Dana, Charlea
Weed worth, John Grant, John A. Beet
and William Brltton and Hugh Murphy,
ir.. who said hs knew nothing at his
father's books.
Uuy Dana and B. D. VenCourt ssld It
was cuMomary te pay a promotion fee.
This fee ranged from 1 to esats per
euuare yard, depending ea the materiel
provided. Promoters. Mr. Van Court aald
in effect, were a neotseary autsaace and
wsuM be dispensed with If It could be
done. They often disagreed aa to whe
old the work, aad for this reason con
tractors round it difficult to adjust mai
lers, remetimes being eompeiied to leave
It te a lawyer.
Agreement to Suspend . Hostilities
is Coatinued,
Army ef Hee.lollonlsls -Wins ate.
elelve Victory Serth ef ftaaklag
Another Buttle te Feegbt
Kcnr Cuntes.
PEKING, Jan. .-Ths. srmittlcs be
tween the Imperialists and revolution
aries, which was to expire st o'clock
this morning, has boon officially renewed.
The capital and northern China are in
a condition of aeuta suspense, No one
Is able te forecast what will be the out
come of the deadlock.
The people are exporting the abdication
of the throne to be declared tomorrow,
hut discussions between the princes of the
Imperial clan continue, - The meeting be
tween the Manohu and Mongolian prince
lodey wss a stormy one.
Various assassins tluna which have lakes
place recent , Including that of Oeneral
Wu Lo Chang at fill Chwang In Novem
ber, ire now said te have been carried
out under the orders of Premier Tuaa
Mil Kal. The attack on General Liang
PI In the streets of Peking Is lse:to the
credit of the adherents of Tuaa Sh Ktl.
Urntral Usng II le dying.
Imperialists Are Defeated.
LONIXIN. Jen. Sk-The Chinese revo
lution lata have crushlngly defeated the
Imperial force commanded by Oeneral
Chaug-Hauaa at Ku-Chang. In the prov
ince of Anhwst, according to a news
agency dispatch received hery today from
Ttea Trie. Ku-Cheng le a tuition of the
Tit Tsla-Pukow railroad about 1 allies
north of .Nanking,
Republican Victory In tenth.
AN FRANCIItCO, Jan. .-An Imper
ial amy of Many men. under Oeneral
Chang Fan, was decisively defeated by a
Canton republican army under Oeneral
Wong China, near Ka-Cheag yesterday,
according te a cablegram received hers
today by the Chinese Free Press. Four
hundred Msnchus are reported te bsv
been killed.
The Imperial army retreated twenty
miles to Wong Ban Po. aaya the dis
patch. Wenga army, which numbered
l,8fe, captured the city ef Chi Mark, la
Shantung province.
Mae Ueenuns Kx pooled.
TIEN TrilN, jsn. a. -A large body of
rellefa for the time-expired men among
the German troop t tattooed here Is ex
pected to arrive within the next few dare
The time-expired men, who number MS,
will be retained her for the pretest.
jlowa So or bo ni to Meet at Borling
i ton and Cedar Kapids.
Allegation Made Court te Prejudiced
bat Motion te Overrule Pee
Melnra See he to Hold
the Fort.
(From a tSeft Correspondent.)
' DES MOINES. Jan. .-l-pecial Tele
gTsier The democratic state committee
; had a difficult time today oa the loca
! tion a fthe two democratic stats conven-'
tlons fe rthis yeer. In the end It was de
elded to send them to Burlington for the
first one Msy. f and to Cedar Kapids for
the second on Jjly 2m. The decision ss to
time wat made early, but it was en all
afternoon job to decide on the location. At
the outset Burlington received four votes.
Vim Moines tour. Cedar Kapids three end
Council Bluff two. On second ballot
Burlington got three. Des Moines one
an J the ether two four each. On the
feurty-fonrth ballet Burlington won with
even votes. Council Bluffs three and
Ceaar Rapid two. '
A few annates later the committee de
cided on Cedar Rapids for ths second
convention without a ballot. Burlington
puts up gl.eJS bonus for toe first con
vention and paya eonventlo expense. Csdar
Raplda paya convention expenses. Ths
convention wfl nave over l,o delegates
entitled to seats.
Maaaa Palt aa Trial. .
kiasoaa suit brought by ths I'niisd
lets government against E. It. Mason,
formerly clerk ef the federal court, and
lha company wbk-h signed his bond, to
recover a large amount of feea which
are said te have been unaccounted for.
was tskea up In federal court. Judge
T. C. Munger of Lincoln. Neb,, presides
In I he case, and . It. Rush of Omaha,
assistant attorney general, la prosecuting
Mr. Mssen fa representsd by his brother,
WIIMam Mason, formerly I'nlted States
ten lor from llllaote Before the trial
stsrted this morning Mr. Mssoa sttemptat
to secure change of venue, and filed
an affidavit In which he declared that
he believed the court was prejudiced
sgslntt him. Ths court overruled the
motion. -Ore
Molaea le Held Fort.
Strenuous proteeta acalntl ths probable
abandonment of Fort lee Moines, and an
attempt to have Fort rea Molnea mode
one of the right brigade poets contem
plated by the Department of War will be
made by tee Molnea buslneaa men If the
plans of the department are put Into ef
fect. Barking Allleaa Meaameat.
The greater Des Moines committee voted
to get back at the Allison monument pro
)ect and pat It through this ysar. About
),m Is still required Is complete the fund
of which will be spent te build the
monument. Ths state has appropriated
II0.M oa the condition that Mi addi
tional be re reed by public subscription
It is required that the monument be
erected en ground adjacent to the ststs
' Poll at Polk Csaaly.
A poll ef the men and women of Des
Molnea and Polk counly was begun to
day by ths snffrsre women ef the eity
tn ascertain the attitude of the public
mind on the question of equal rights in
political franchise. . . ...
The campaign' t being conducted un
der the lotnt management of the Politi
cal Kquallty club, Ihs Woman's Suffrage
oraanlsatlon, and the Iowa Men's league
for Wesson Suffrage,
The mala purpose of ths campaign Is
to secure funda to forward the work In
Iowa, which hat for Ita primal object
the defeat in primaries of all candidates
for legislative offleee known to be i
fa vert alt te auffrage legislation.
TO Ct'ttlC A III.. i . DDK DAY
Take ljXATIVK BROMO (nilntne Tsb
leia Drunitte refund money if It telle
te cure. a. W. UK-VK elgdaiur Is on
, ach box. t&e .
Two years ago f wsa very elex and
after being treated by a verm! of the beet
physicians la Clinton. I did not stem te
net any better. I was confined te my
.bed. Seeing Dr. Kllmer'a S wars p-Root
advertised, I ressleed to give It a trial.
Aftsr.nslng It for three weeka, I found I
was gaining nicely, so I continued until
1 had taken a number of bottles. I am
new reetored to health and have coa
tinued my tabora. My eyetent wsa full
ef Uric acid but Swamp-Boot cured ms
entirely. I am sixty years old.
Youra eery truly. 1
fcUghlh Ave.. . Clinton. Iowa.
ft ale of Iowa i
Ctiaum County f I
" On thto IHh day of July A. D. ltf,
, TV. c Cook la roe pereonally known ap-
I eared before n.e and In my presence
subscribed and sworn to ths abovs and
lore swing atatement.
, - Notary Public.
la and for Clinton County.
Vein of White Quartz
Worth Cash to Farmer
TKCUM8EH. Neb.. Jan. -Ae offer
of fc&.IOt for the mineral rights in sa
eighty-acre tana In Ihle county has been
made to Carper Barnea by Cripple Creek
and Kansee City capitalists who Intend
to bora for gold. In sinking a well
there several years ago a vela of white
quarta waa uneoeered which Is said to
rich in gold.
David City Beatt t atambaa.
DAVID CITT. Neb, Jan. B.-tSpectel.)
la a claa game bora Saturday evening
the local high school baskst ball team
won from Columbue high by a scors of
SMS. The first half ended U le I It
favor of David City, but Kunntman
went In for Columbus ths second half
and was effective In reducing the lead
that had been gained on them. The girls'
leama of ths same institution played aa
Interesting game which ended In a score
of H to IS In favor of Columbus.
KEARNEY. Neb.. Jan. H.-tSpeclp!
Telegram.V-Raete Snyder, a S-year-old
girl from Coon Rapids. la., attempted
to commit euklde here Sunday li ght by
drinking an ounce of commercial ehtoro
rot m. A quarrel with a young man who
had paid suit to her followed -hle-golng
to a dance Saturday night' with a aeember
of a comte opera troupe. Phyakiani will
be able to save her life. The glri'e
parents hsve not been heard from.
better te
I nr. Kilmer Co,
i atagaaaitea, SI, T.
tim Wkat Swina-Raot WU1 Ds Ur Tag
. aend la Dr. aUuuer Co.. Blnghaia
: luo. N. I. lor a aamplo boula, Jt will
leavtaoo anyone Tow will alas receive
: a booklet of taluable InfonLstloa. tell
ing ell aboat the fctdneya and bladder.
, V. ben writing be tare and meatiea The
Omaha Dally Bee. Begular fifty-cant
and eoe-aelUr alas bsttlas for aale al
nil drug etoTea.
Djzoncriju. Tuochts
Aa afeerlee reeaedy ler Ooaahe aad goaneaeat
lanlaaMe la Sroaehlal aad Laag Tiuatltt and
te aoujart ana at tort wot alaarlaa tat eo
Kaurairfraarras auwawi karatfal he
.av aoidealTtabexei. a mil aiilliHeaa.
JOH I BROW a ao(, tomtom. Heat.
eastern Star Baaqael at Onvte City,
DAVID CITT, Neb, Jan. .-4pclal.)
Alma chapter. Order ' Eastern Star of
Davkl City, Neb., baaqueted Saturday
evening la aa elaborate thres-oourse e
o'clock dinner la the Masonic Temple, car.
era being laid tor shout Km persona The
occaaton of the affair was the eltet ef
Grand Worthy Matron Came B. Wright.
Engineer's Widow to
Sue Illinois Central
FORT DO DOE, Jan. .- Special Tels-
gram)-Mrs. Eva Havllaad. widow of W.
B. Hsvlland, engineer on the llllnott Cen
tral, who waa killed la a wreck near
Logan November SX through Price A
Joyce, attorneys, af this eity, will file
suit for damagea agalnet the rail
d. The rasa will be tried In June be
fore Judge H. T. Trend of the federal
court under I'nlted Ststeo ststuts Impos
ing liability an railroads for Injuries or
desths to employes engaged la Interstate
Senator W. S. Kenyoa will come from
Washington ta leatlfy for the plslntlft
against the railroad btcautt of the warm
personal frtendeiilp existing between hi ill
icit and Havlland.
era Xetea Natea.
ORINN:t-L The First Congrrgatlonal
church or urtnneti haa caned a council
to meet January M, to Install llev. Hrr
rlval f. Mareion as pernor. Rev. Ed
mund March V It turn of Mllleogevllle. Oa.,
wUI eeltver the eermoa: Rev. J. Edward
Klrbye of Dee Moines will offer trie In
lalllng prayer: Rev. Cher lea E. ate Kin-
lev of the Central Church of Oaleebur.
III., will aire the charge to the natlor
and to the people.
PIERRE. S. D-, Jaa. .-(Sprltl.-A
number of trepubttcans ef this county met
at the court heuoe la this eity yesterday
afternoon and organised a Taft-Burke
club, for the shaptug up for the primary
campaign iay thie eounty. After aeeernl
of the local men had sxprssatd their
vlewe in regard to the needs of the cam
paign. T. B. Roberst was selected ss
rim au.y3 q
The Bight of Way."
Bora: -Arenas the Clock."
Braadeie; The Boaad Op."
Owyetyi Barkteqna,
Xragt Barleeque.
Orphenmt Taadaeille.
at tae weyexy, mxm
The Reaad I m" nt the Brnndele.
"The Round Up." a play In four acts by
uimuMi . ueaer oirccuon iviaw
A Erlaneer. ,Ttie cast: I
Slim" Hoover, sheriff of Pinal
county. Anient Rspley Hol.nct
Jack Peyton, owner of Sweetwater j
ranch Mitchell name
Dick Lane, a mining engineer
Harry cowan
Bud Lane, his brother
William H. Buiitvau
Jim Allen, an old cattleman. .M. E. Heisey
daae Hrueh Charlie, foremen for Psy- i
eon wtiusm onxua
Freeno, cowpuncher of the Sweetwater !
outfit Frank Vail
Show Low, cowpuncher of the Sweet-
wettr outfit Jainee Atbura
Parentnesla, cowpuncher of the Sweet-
weter outfit Jacquet Martin
Buck, a quarter-breed Chero-
aee naroia nenici
Peruns. of the "Lsty K ' outfit
W. N. Bs'lcy
Timner Wlgains, deputy therlff of
Plnel county -rexaf cooper
Rev. Samuel Price, 'The Sky Pilot"..
Edward F. Settle
Echo Auea. a girl of the eouthwett..
Oerda Henlus
Joeephine. her mother.... Maine Edwards
Polly Hops, a poor relation
met Macauier
Spanish Muaidane-Joaeph BiondL Al
fred Hiendl and Carloa Anllceri
t'owpunchtirt "Texat t;ooper. t nartea
Aldrldge Htcve Bailey. Jim Atbum. Del
North. Robert Rawlins, Bill Lothrop and
Robert Maeon.
"The Round Up" It Jutt about tbs
biggest and noisiest diams that wat ever
stared for an ordinary theater. The enly
way it could be I nc retted in alt or
volume of sound would be to take It out
of doors or pat It Into a clrcua tent. It
has some very good features, though; It
is remarkable for Its tpectacular effects,
although the verities have been In some
measure sacrificed in order to provide
for the spectacle, especially In the battle
scene A gentleman from Texas, wne
sat through ths plsy hut night, said mors
powder waa burned in Ihla one scene
than was consumed during the satire time
ef the Madera rebellion along the Rio
Grande last spring. Another extremely
realistic picture is the awakening of the
oonboys on ths round up: the early morn
ing rising,, ths hastily matched breakfast,
tbs trip te the remuda en toot with saddle ;
In hand and the return, mounted on a
broncho that vigorously resented the op
eration, affords a very exact picture of
what actually lakes piece In real life on
the range.
But It is not all spectacular, and some
very good acting goes with ths show of
pictures. Rspley Holmes Is Just as
picturesque in the role of "Slim" Hoover
aa Edmund Day or Macklyn Arburklo
ever could be, and rolls bit cigarette with
hand much mora deftly than did
either. Miss Henius It very goon as
Echo Allen, and Mlts Macauley It a
charming soubrette. Mr. llsrris larks
Just a Hills of being convincing In tht
earlier momenta of the play, but gets
better aa It sore oa. And each member
of the company might oe names lor
tpertal commeadatton tor soma bit of ex
cellent acting contributed te make the
whole a good and attractive performance
The Brsndels theater last nlaht hel
more people than had aver paid ta got
within It walla before It was Uteraily
paimea, lipeteird and down, and the enjoy
ment of all was apparent from ths
unstinted applause thst fallowed not enly
the curtains but ths points" made by
ths plsyers.
Burlesque, garbed so as to wsaeniDit
Its rest character. That is "Around the
Clock," a little bit of nothingness which
beaan a two days' stsstun at the Boyd
last evening, presenting Its motley enter
tslnment lo a very falr-slsed houts. which
la many Instanoee seemed ihorouchly te
anjey the harlequin of Blllle Ritchie and
a few ef his mala supporters who were
fully aa funny aa their principal. In ear
ing that Ritchie la funny it should be
ststsd thst there are several degrees of
fun; Jutt how funny Rltchis Is esa not
be recorded here. People last evening
laughed at him sometimes-ao It Is ssid
here that he la funny.
Probably none of the audience went
te the Boyd expecting a thoroughly re
fined entertainment, so none of them
were heard to complain; most of them re
tained their seats to ths conclusion of the
performance, too, which to another bit
of evidence tending to prove that the
audience enjoyed the show. It Is fully
the equal of sny of our burlesque menus.
Indeed, the chorus reschea a higher
plane then most of thoas that come this
way. They are garbed In pretty costumes.
Ths show ttseir Is not poorly stsged.
B'.llle Ritchie is thrown Into ths role of
a "drunk." He attracts attention maluly
through tossing chain about and hurl
ing himself Into the trmt of men and
women. Ritchie's Intoxicetlon seems t,
fed lout, for at one time there wore
three "drunks" upon the stage, one of
there being a yoang society woman whe
came In smoking a clgaret. and thea
wound up by singing that delightfully
refined little song. "Ooh. La La." Let It
be remembered, though, thst "Around the
Clock" Is good burlesque.
Tandeellle nt the Orsheam.
Pat Rooney and a pretty, talented girl.
Marion Bent by name, are chosen by
Martin Beck as the large letter due for
the Orpbeuta program this week. And
the audiences yestsrday let Mr. Beck's
choice suffice, although the pair'e very
clever iketrh. "The Busy Bellboy," did
not greatly transcend two or three ether
aumbart of the entertainment. . Ta be
Mnnt, the entire MS tbla week le better
when the Woodward Stock company
opened a week of The Right of Way"
Sunday afternoon. The approval was
forthcoming. Elliott Dexter "made good."
I Mite Lotus Rebb, a charming young ae
Itresa, who made herself popular In Ju
j venllea in the Woodward company, played
la lead and triumphed. These were the
j featurea af the opening of "The Right of
Way." ...
Sir Gilbert Parker's novel Is one that
waa difficult of dramatisation in the
firat place; tn the second, the character
of Charles Steele ts one that Is extremely
difficult of satisfactory protrayal on the
stage. It Is no easy chore to make a sue
ceta of the role of a man who la so near
and yet so far from a contemptible thing.
It la comparatively easy to play a bad
man and to play a good one, a strong
ur a weak; ta play ana that la weak and
strong nt one time and bad and good,
yet with the strength and ths good
slightly dominant that la work for an
actor. Mr. Dexter is a keener virile actor.
From bis flrxt appearance the auditor
fetls a satisfying knowledge that the man
la strong. He known he will be equal to
the demands of the play. He does not
need to fear nor doubt about what the
evening will develop.
Mist Rebb takes the part of Rosalis
admirably for an actress of her youth
end one moat af whose experience has
been In roles more purely Juvenile. She
Is a thoroughly lovable. Innocent, trust
ing girl, full of faith so strong and love
so strong that they are proof agalast
every power that possibly could attack.
Of the other players John Ellis figures
most prominently. Aa Joe Portugais he
has opportunity to produce a fine piece
of character acting. He makes the rough
riverman, who murdered in righteous
wrath, was saved from the gallows by
Charley Steele, and repaid him with a
life's alaviah devotion, a thoroughly like
able fellow.
Altogether. "Ths Right uf Wsy" Is a
satisfying pity, well stsged and well
Bnrlesqae at the Krng.
For pure burlesque pleasure "Kiss New
Tork. Jr.," offering at the Krug for the
current week, has mors to resommend It
than any company that has been present
at thla playhouse during ths present sea
son. There la much talent la this cast.
Ths Frank slaters, for Instance, present
a song and joke number that msrits mors
thsn the burlesque stage. Most of their
Jokes are entirely new, which Is aa steel
that TS.oromoifs lha act ta any audience.
"The Awakening." a Parlsiea act In
which the Apache hi done. cornet elose
ta being the best Intsrpretatten of Psrls
Apache lite that Omaha has ssen. "The
Watermelon Trust," another number of
the olio, la thoroughly enjoyable. "A
Mother s Last Wish" drew a strong hand.
More than the usual number of songs
are rendered during the Pi oar eat of ths
show. One of the ace net Is laid la a hotel
snd ths other pictures western life at a
place "Fifty Miles from Denver." West
ern characters Introduced Into this last
act tickled Sunday's audiences with thslr
funny doings. A quintet of male votes
produced so many encores that the
matinee performance waa extended fully
fifteen mtautss longer than schedule time.
Bartesqee at the tiayety.
Qua Kay and Al Herman of ths "Big
Oa lsty Company" showed thslr ability to
spring soms local Jests at ths Gaytty yes
terday, which far exceeded the attempts
of any ether burlesque eomedtans seen la
Omaha sa far thla season. Both are
evidently closs readers of the Sunday
papers, for soma vary timely Jokee were
sprung, one oa the new court houts
bringing rounds of applause.
Ths scans of ths fun sketch is lsld at
a Florida health resort In which ths usual
comedians fall In love and are found out
The show, aa the whole, abounda with
plenty of pretty girls, daaallng eeetunast,
catch r musts and well arranged lighting
effscts. Al Herman's peculiar laugh and
his rendlttee of "Ragtlms Violin." ane
of the new song hits, are the featurea,
In the olio, the MaJasUe Musical Four
hold the attention with everything from
folk songs to ragtime oa instruments from
a cornet to a bagpipe. Wllkam West
and Beulah Benton give a eery artistic
slngmg and dancing act as ths seoead
part of the alio.
Slayer of Kuth Wheeler Dies in Elec
tric Chair at Sing Sing.
Tmtae Baara afnt the Careen!
Waa Tamed Oa He Wrote a
. Stanteasea Hearing; Alt
Knowledge af Crime.
OSSINING. N. T, Jan, a-Albert Wol
tar waa put ta death la the electric chair
at Sing Sing prison at m il 'wleck this
morning, for ths mnrder of li year-old
Ruth Wheeler, nearry two years ago.
The girl came to Woltar't fiat in New
Tork la search of employment and fee
killed her after she had been mistreated.
Wolter left a statement with Warden
Kennedy denying that ha had eommltted
the crime.
The ex ecu lion was without feature and
Wolter waa declared dead after one con
tact of IN volts. The state electrician
said that WoHsr shewed less rests tam-e
to the electric current thaa any murderer
put to death by electricity at Slag Sing
prison. 1
The anurdersd spent hit teat night quietly
resting only part of the time At 2 o'clock
thla morning Wolter wrote h!a denial of
the killing. It waa on a single sheet and
so even and clear were the letters formed
that the writing bad the appearance of
copper plate. The statement reads:
Welter's Stateaneat,
"Warden J. S. Kennedy: To be given
ta the public: January 2. S a. nv: Now
that I am departing from thla earth to
go Into the presence at God, I wish to
soak this last stateaswi. The world
refused ate Justice, but our Father la
Heaven, who knows our Innermost
thought, he will give me pure and un
dented justice. I wirh to slate t am
Innveent of the crime I waa convicted
of. I have been a victim of clreum
atandal evidence, I hope that there may
oome a time when the conscience of ths
perpetrator will overpower him and he
will come to ths front and acknowledge
his guilt It Is my honest prayer to God
that be msy bring the person guilty ef
the aims to Justice that my name may
be cleared af thla stain and thxt the
people may sss the injustice dose ms
and that they killed aa Innocent hoy.
Te those who have given mo thslr bind
aasl stance and have trusted In me, I
give my al nearest thaaka. To those whe
have mallciouely persecuted and ktilad
me, for thsm t prey's God'a forgiveness.
Although Welter waa eoavteted on cir
cumstantial evidence the court ef ap
peal reviewing the case after a ssrlaa
of legal delays, declared hs was fairly
tried and Justly esnvtcted.
Ruth Wheeler met her death oa March
24. Wl. In Welter's apartment, en ths
feurta floor at a bouse an East Seventy
fifth street. New Tork City, where the
had no a to seek emxioymeat, aa a
atsnographer. Tar charred body was
diioovered subsequently.
man w ho .waa raised with us and whe1
had gone to Kansae and made a fortune
in fanning came hack ta Sweden and'
married a friend of mine. He tokt the
rest of us giria that there warn a V
of nice young men In Ksnsss who would,
ha glad af aa as port unity to get a wife
from among a crowd of as pretty girs;
aa we were and he teht ta ef tbe Amer
mea leap year. After ha and his hrtdej
came ta Kansas tbe ktes. came ta aa tol
organise the club and study American;
ways aad language and be ready to take1
advantags of leap year when It arrived.
"We agreed that we should marry
American men If they proved to be the
right kind, and I am so happy that we
made that agreement, for my husband I
surely m ths right kind of a man." Kan-1
saa City Star.
Tba Centle Cynic.
Ambition la tire that Is eerily punc
tured. Some girls wear glarses, atl other art
naturally good lookers.
Some bad men. and most bad cigars, are
Even the fortune hunter sometimes has
to pay a guide
A fellow doesn't hare te he hard ea his
clothe to wear out hie welcome.
Money talk and when we give It t
charity It noelthely yelie Itself hoarse
Bom coo Die era so evarlastinaiy cares
able thst their conversation eontlsta en
tirely of saying: "That s se"-Nsw Tork
president of the county organisation, with
Lyla Branch as sscretary. They adopred j thaa usual and well blended aa to entsr
a sat af resoiwtlsaa sndornag the Taft ! taming featurea -'
pourtcc aad the Taft candldsc.v. As msny Isugh are garnered by Paget
. Higgler and company with "Early Mom-
STOLEN FROM BUILDING jlhned. behind burnt cork." .
j Of the numbers offered by Jane Boya-
Sunday night seme thief put a ladder ' tea eo toe piano and Marie Myers e the
egamst the rear door of the Alamlto j violin the audience t could not hear
Dairy eemnaaiya bulldtng at UR2 Per- eneuh. Mies Bornton bubMee with Ju
sia 'Street and stent a suteea-tnek reen- I tsntiscuict.. Her personality a lore ceukt
Seven Waivee killed la Lyase
LYONS, Nee. Jan. A-tSpeetaLr-The
big wolf hunt ended bare Sunday with
the capture of one wolf, which make
erven wolves taken hs tbe last few daya
t harm Banaa I
WASHINGTON. Jsn. .-Clare Rartoa.
who has beta ill of nrrvoua exhaustion
since November. Is much improved and
physicians today declared she would
soon be out.
Da he ml rife ta Dead.
ASSCAJt. fpper Egypt. Jaa. 3. -The
duke of Ptfe. fccorher-tn-law off Wine
Ueorce V of Great Britaia. died here at
o riOCK us cveaini.
tliatlng fan aut of tbe side of the buiid-
The thief evidently waa la a harry
ta get away as he art sixteen-toot Ud
der lying la tbe rear yard.
hold attention, llsrle Myers with her
violin toys with the lighter emotions of
her audience . ,
Fatty and Desperads are the curtain
I raisei e Tbey torn handsprings and
y. headtprings aad lump about on their
your friends j econees until the audience geta a sym
pathetic beadeetm. Brenner. Lea. Manny
and Robert, .comprising what hs called
a the Arlington four, are a gooa singing
Their vrjlcee bar-
Forlorn aad Pareakea Kansas Girls
Lamest the Imxtewtattaa of
Kansas girls don't 11k th idea ef
farmers Importing wives from Europe
William Peyton, editor of the Pea body
Herald, printed a request for husbands
from a club of ettgtbt young women ta
Stoekholra. Sweden. Sine the Stockholm
nottoe waa puMmhed many letters from
Kansane have been received by Mr. Pay
tea And ae a Paabody young womaa
asked that this hs published: -
"Tke uadsrstgned desire ta axtrclas thslr
leap year privilege by protesting against
the men of this country making suoh ef
fort t to get wives from Sweden, a
shown by tba multitude of letter! yon
have received, asking for the addrssa ef
the in em hers af the club la Swedes who
member want husbanda from among the
men In Paabody and vicinity. In this one
nectloa we deslrs to state that right hare
In Paabody there are young ladles who.
in nersonal eppsarence, education, cult-
are refinement and In buttnesa cooking
and housekeeping ability are the peers
of any woman la the world. These young
women have been residents here tor years
and thslr personal worth la matter of
knowledge ta everyone. Aa a matter of
state pride, we arge that Kansas men
look to the glris at horns for wlvee In
stead af seeking women In a foreign
country, about the disposition, character
and temperament of whom they hsve no
The first Swedish hrldt 1 here She
waa Miss Agatha Olsen tn Stockholm,
but now slit ts ths wife of W eaten Lock
rjev, a Chase counly farmer. Loeknoy
had payton cable the Swedish club aad
the result Is his marriags to Mlks Olsen.
th secretary. Mrs. Loekney apeak Eng.
nth fluently snd ssys the other members
of the club do also, with tew exceptlone
"Abcut a year syo," ahe said, " a you:ig
The key ta success tn business la the
fv-dtclous and persist tat us ef newspaper
Attribute Kemaikable Change in '
Hi Condition ts Hew Tonic. ' ;
Typical Case af Seer Debility,!
Saya a Specialist Thoaaaada
at Similar One la
Mr. George U. Barker, of 1&32 Korth
Twsnty-tscond street, prominently known
Justice of the Peace, and a resident of1
Omeha for the last forty-six years, cams
ont with ths following etatemcnt eon-
corning "Tone Vita," tlie new tonlo
that has created much comment on ac-l
count of the great number of reputable
people who have been benefited by tt.1
Mr. Barker said:
"I am averse to publicity In cormec-v
tion with thing of this kind but I
have had what seems to me s great'
experience and I will Mate the facta aa
briefly as possible.
"I euffeied from stomach trouble and,
nervousness and a general run down1
condition. I did aot seem .. have any,
energy. I surf seed from cold feet sc
night. I slept and my sleep did ms little
"I have treated with msny different)
doctors for the last tsn years and have
taken evsrythlng I ever heard of buti
did not get permanent relief. My con
dition became eerleua and I was aboutr
to dose my office when I henrd of Tom
Vita the new remedy which 1 being tn-i
t reduced here. I take g.-wst pleasure In
saying that 'Tone Vita' is the bert
remedy In the world for anyone aufferint
aa I wae It does all that ta claimed'
for It. 1 trust that thla statement will
prove beneficial to many callers."
A praperatloa similar to "Tone Vita"
haa had a tremendous ssls In Iiurope,
aad the specialists who hart charge of
the Introduction of the tonic in Omaha'
are meeting with remarkable success
hsre. a
One of th enscisltsts said: "Mr. Ber
ker's wss a typical caw of nervous de
bility, caused by sedentary habits, and
there are thousands ef people In the1
larger etttea of this country in axactly
the same condition, although they may'
not know what ths trouble le We will
convince any man or woman, young or'
old. suffering from nerreoe debility, who
win call oa u at Brandet Drog re-"
pertinent. 14th and Dougtae Street,'
South Side Msln Frew, between the hour
of e. m. and p. m.. that thkt tonto"
will greatly benefit them In five imAutce'
time. W charge nothing, and they mey;
take the medicine or not. Just as they
choose .... .
"ftothlng like Tona Vita' has been
told In this country before It will prove
a revelation ta thousands of Tinlf sick, :
run down, listless people who dont Ttmrw
exactly what is ths matter with them."
and All Skin Diseases
The tort-rot s itching, ever present day
and night, which attend Eczema and
other Itching Skin Disease, id stopped
with first application of P0SLAM. Phy
sical guff .wig ends; restful sleep may be
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would be invaluable. But the complete
eradication of the disease follows: heal
ing progresses easily, pleasantly and quickly. In accomplishing
these remarkable results, POSLAU stands unequaled. In hos
pital and household it is employed first and at once whenever tbe
skin aiis. Any sufferer frcm IrTl-a,ACTe,Hcrire 8, Tetter,
Itcb, Resit, Pimples. Scaly-Scalp or any skin affection
should send at once for free sample, using coupon below, and know
this certain means to treedom
from distress.
Pi Ma train Par aase by
John Says:
'Howdy Sir'. Fine
ft day. Sir! Trust
V Buster . Clgare Sir?
I Glad you like 'am,
i Sir! Everybody does
a" llks 'em. Sir! Did you
aay you II take a box,
girt Good, Sir! Sc
eech. Sir' even by the
box. Sir! Thank you.
John's Cigar Store
321 So. 16th St.
ra ir
In, g.iese.
aut. Srsry ty :1. Brery mgbt gilS
AsvAuoaa vavxvxia.
Pat Rooney anil Marlon Bent; Sager
Midgley A Ce: Masher, ttsyes A Mosner;
f be Mcnole Sisters; Tbe Arlington Four;
Jan Boynton and Marie Myers; Petty
and leaper4do: Klneioscope; Orpheuni
Concert orvhestre Shrleee Might, las,
IM, SO. 7 V). Mati-ae, Me beet seats,
age, eacept Saturday aad Saadag. .
-Wmlxr-t Usui Wtev, age 1
we, seat, sea to i-oo.
tuw BniutnoEB-S Igeatte
t-J People TO arses
T-nredayrtir-U ZjAMTM.
Mat. Today, Si
Might. iv
Best nest SCe.
Presh front roadway aad th seat
Sr---T sanca.
hrra Ooetee a Orn-dy aad their
i-a-tovs wirxuitLos TBUrr.
MasUcatcel writ Iceland
Beoe-rlal te the Shin Antiseptic
Prevents Dtseete l-x-Meue for
Pace Herds. Bath or Si amoooing.
Ill bw,wt- t s ccttw.
1 a WsflsaaaTI. Srwl prng Cs,
Br-dte Brag Slips, aad an dragr-Ra.
Tou mar not be able te
as sueveewfuliy ae a barkeeper can.
Aa an au'i growe o.oer she doet
have her picture revised so often.
When a rwr-oer acta tn "droo ' on
man he makes money look cheap te the and dancing quartet.
An Atchison youth It turn a sissy there !mow" spend!dty end there la eaeagh
Is n rumor that ha wears lac on his (comedy In the act to bring nearly ap
Unasrte. - iplause Mosner. Hayes and Masher
owrfi w" n n miw m s"ii, i r -y raa
n-ake sitting up with a corpse a Jeyous
A nss't wr wnderwear neually
mode aa eart- snrlag alaasat as arueh as
tr.a dairy fanners.
It down I always follow that th- -Wet-come"
oa lb doormat Is a staadlag tar
vitatiosv Atchison Otobe
bring the MM te a happy ending with a
Mcyeie act -
The Blabt et War" at th Aaser
tnaa. A aew leading stsn was offered for the
approval ef Americaa theater patron
this coupon srd send It to the EMER
Mh Street. Mow fork City.
mtm Camp Tim. 4 m
I .MsjLA-g ptnf CBargB" ,
Ttat Corn fed Dutch Comic,
; iinsrisin abto tacbbtxusi
i Maetic Musical Four; Al Herman, the
i Black langli; West Benton. "Fun la
i Jail ooiety oiris -oru.
Krldajr Evening, February Sid
Aasesica's Craadeat Stager.
Seats Oa Sale at Owl Drag Co,
1300 Kama at Sc
Plates ... ....J0l
Extracting ...... .23c l
IH lings ....
Crowns ... ,
.82.50 1
at Tears kasa
llte-w Doag. 17M.
Missing Teeth supplied
nlthoat Platea or Brtdgav
work. Km nt arnsoeed
witbaatpada. Work gwar-
Offlee aaterd tea years.
TaalgM, SMB. Tassv, Thara- aad Sat.
"Tba Right of Way"
grSXT WBX "Ta Pilaue Chap