Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 30, 1912, Page 10, Image 10

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Kew Element of Strength Appear
ia Wheat Etrtation. -FOKUGH
Ball Are Vgai Ajrere-arv la Cara
" Trad rtaf to Ceaea-al aad
ttarite Hwvy treae All .
- SUra.'
" OMAHA. Jan. S. I?
Thee ia a t ew element of
, th wheat situation, baaed or. the aoad
biliry of the Srch demand
ul oar choice doiaeatlc wheat. All lor
eiga market, are h.Fher. iLcnir "
1 acuv demand At least abroad houM
I a food muling demand for
I .hw nock. now accumulate ' r
.minal mark! a ' broader navr ould
develop, with lean bet" cPPtto.
Bulla war" age' atoieaaive mi icora
, trade. buying general and heavy
from . VdeV Vr feeling falnlM
ground trat th at-vr5 of U."u
Teed, the .hon cr.p for Ja.f"-.'
' beav y southern dertanvl and the certainty
"hat the art " Hbral ""
i Influerie. that fu.or buying an all
u general and aeautMnt trivrli 1"
i faror of hither vatue. Cash a heat was
I unchanged to o kaer.
Cm ruled 'roi aad higher
la favor of reevr. Urnral
nomlnuea very .. ,Cah, com wu
"wafa.b riP.a'vrer.l.rXCMba
Bed .invent. J""
1 raaalpta last year of i LaSLSW ou. ana
Shipment of lM.eW b . kl,
, Primary corn reran ""'.,,
land .hTpmewU warn tT..W b.. agafc-t
receipts last yaw of ,i..0 bu.
1 shipments of IwAtt bu.
! Clearance, were bu. of corn. .
.. of oata. and wheat and flour equal
I "lirerpooVeioead M higher, an wheat
( tod VI higher on oven,
! Tot. following cali stole were reported:
, WHHAT-No. I hsr.1:- 11 cars. J .
cart, tl.rv No. I karti: 1 car. n.02.
I I car, 11 3H; 1 care, UMS'i. .No. I barn;
! $Ml-Ko. I white: . BV;'
P.. No. 4 whit: I omr. 2V: ' jars.
tSc;.l ear. L No. 4 er: 1 car. sV.
N. I yellow: 4 cart. A.e; I oart. .
1 N. 4 reilow: I oar. 4Je:; 1 car, Co; I
rare. ic; can. 4iv; I ", tie; t car.
,eV: M rare, a-; 14 sra. t. o. .
I miied: 1 ear. We. No. mlied: 4 car.
v;' cara. RHe- o. 4 mlied: J cara,
i 3v: I car. aTkc: 1 car. Cc: S earajllc;
1 4 eara. ,c: 14 rare. aV-; l era, 40n; I
cat, lee; cara. ante. ro ral: 1 car.
' itt-.-t ear. KV; I cam. Be; 1 ea, JAc.
OATH-flandard cara, lr. No. I
whlta; II can. 4v,e; ,r-
!(:. 1 car. rV ; I ra. o; 1 car.
Whe. (ra4i. 1 cara. K.
yellow, 49V; No'. 4 yellow. ilVc; No. i
mixed. 7!c; No. 4 mixed, 41c. aample.
OATS-Wrm; No. : white, aic; stand
ard. Sic; No. I white, mtc
tev york ;eiekal maiiket
Omaha aa fllJea.
I No I hard. fl.n.Ctc; No- '
4M KAe
roRN-No. t while. 'ae!tae; ,.Vo. 4
white. tltjaJHo- N... , color. !ejl)i.c;
Xo. I yellow. V''. "i
4"He: Ho. t. He; . l.eA'i N. .
rTrNo. Tw1t!;".
4Miue; No. I white, v,c; No.
4 white. 4MMtr: ,ello. iVH:
.V. 4 yellow. 4slvtc.
ARLKY-Malllu. '': Ne'
Ifeed. 5&e; rejected, haey feed, aWv
li 40.
' ivIE-Na.' J. mace; No. t,
, , Carlet e;ta.
Wheat. Corn. Oat.
rhUM. i .
Mlnaeapob IA!
Oavaha - V.
Daluih f .
t HtTAOO tiK.l ASO rOVlIOSil
I'rataee. iha Tradlaf aad C la-la a
Priam Board at TrUe,
rmCAOO, 'Jan. m-lncrraalntly kull
i aaeculattM aenllment earned wheat
. ua te le a; buahel. Th ckae was at
r.ln of tB l wSo art.
farotwhout 4ho day there wa lively
man In wht. An early buta (o over for May brouhl a rueh of a.Hmg.
but before iram cam to an end tne
riot. avrlh.ieu, went, almo.1 to II .04.
'4k. airenjith wa dae to neouraln(
W"aCT to Thi a-rea-; In the
1'alted Biata vlilble auppiy. Uerpool
ient worj.of narvouaneea. Advice from
' Buma Area predicted a lera move
ZZTUom iTthiaeaboard. Wmlnl.hlni;
rCialTavlwt of chleaa alle-
laturrta lale aeaded winter wheat and
rlnrm-d report, of fifty bc-tl lc.i of
Manitoba wheat take for oewaa ehlp
S"t.ll eoualed o. the bull aide. Pro .1
takln and e.a on reatlnf ordera at the
."r.",. advance aeemad to be well ab
wrrWt. betwen "i. opening and llij
'laM aong May rangad from 1JS
.iv"wmi "nil eele HV at higher
cTea'ttTr and Inereaaed feeding
raade corn firm. Th caeh market wa.
.TroVg la the fan. of a heavy movement
r tlha crap- May fluctuated between
.Sw5ieoT Cah grae were In good 4e-
,w"7 . It.- are. not ouated.
' JjctT apemlatlva buulng kept any aoft
.ooT. out of th. mai l el for oat. May
edvanc. of o alac
, .;. -.rf.r-A ideareaalon on ae-
otint of huge arrival at the yarda here
la the -net pork we. dowa
'.Me and th. rent of I he lut IWJHc
I ' leading aptlona cloead aa follow
IIriictelOpen.lHlgh.1 txrw. Cloae.) BaTy
' july.lBHaVHl
, ItH.l Mtl
I Com L . I
' Jn.l. ;
Jul V.I Ct!
! n
. SeM
' July.
I Lard
I Jan-
I July.
I Jan..
I May
I July.
i riept.
(1 VI
1 Hi
t 4SI41
1 o'Js.iuivHii trt
Pvv. I
1 1
I ' at'.! Wi
eTttcTkWtl "
40?. tltal
Ik U-IuWvj-vw
IB I I k5Sl
II I lffl
( TTwtaMaicevka
l I IttUv-t
Itaetatlee. of the Day em Tarlaaa
NEW TORK. Jin. SKljOUR-Sprlnf
patent.. tt;i. winter stnughte,
It 34 winter patent., K infMJu: aprtng
clear. MM tS: Kaau etralghta HTStr Rye flour, firm; fair to good. H.Rtr
4.W; choice to tamy. M f . Buckwheat
flour, firm: t'.nunflO per HO pound.
CORNMEAL Steady; fine white and
yellow, U.Sifcvl.av; coarse. I1.4401.W; kiln
dried. C3.&
RYE Finn: No. 3. Mc c I. f. Buffalo
WHEAT Spot market firm; No. red,
PM; elevator export baeta and tl.OMi
afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, tl B f- o. b.
afloat. Futtira market waa atrong and
higher on fir n cabieA light world's ex
pone, the decrease In th visible and buy
ing hy large eonunis aon house, closing
sie net higher. M ay. H itn "7 U-ll
closet 07 -.l; Julv closed il.!1.- Re
ceipts. 4H.M bushel-: shipment. M41
COKN-Spot market firm: export, 71
f. o. b., afloat. Future market was nom
inal. Receipt". bushel; shipments,
lir.nwi huehe",
ATr Spot market firmer; standard
while Kt In elevators; No. 1 Me: Nos. J
and 4. ITvyn: natural vvhlte and white
clipped, i6tje(C4e on trark. Future market
nominal. Rsntfpta. U,lri bushels; ship
ments. 2. WO bushel. '
HAY Firm; prima, V&: No. 1. W.;
No. 1. H.1SJL: No. I. c4tl..
HIDES-ntaaxlT: Usntral America, Sc;
Bogota. SVrtfSVjc
LEATHER Firm: hemlock first.
re; acoods,: SMrMe; third., We: 1-
ROVltvftJNS-Pork. steady; mess, I17.W
I7I0: f.mHv. Iistntejkuu: short clear.
i7till.s. Hef. firm, mesa, IlloneJUSO:
famllv. H4.50rtiVe: beef hams, .SOjaJ.
Cut meats. .rtdy: pk-kled bellies. Id to 14
pounds. rsckle.1 bams. HttllSe-
lrd. es.y: mliWIe west prime, iIa
refined, .steady; continent. ;
douth America.' .; compound, ('ieiie.
TALUIW-SteacJy; prime etly hhd. 4c;
special. Sc: country, HajaHc.
Bl'TTKRFrrm; creamery specials.
3Ivc: extra. tTHc; fret. JMjV; process
aperlals, mtpuV:; axtraa, firsts,
HviESTC-FIrm: skims. 7M14tc.
MMM-FIrm: fresh gsthered extras, 110
4-- eitra firsts. 1i4jc: first. WMfWc:
refrigerator firsts. KW&Xc; western
gsthered whttsa, tletrt'Jc.
Htl TLTRY vPreawe il. quiet and aleedy:
west era chicken.. K"lc; fowls, llVkV
M'rc: turkeys, IBJTSIr.
POl'LTRY Wve dull: western chick
ens. Ueiltc; fowla, livlIrV; turkeys.
U14e. -
St. I. sals Oeaveral Market.
T. 10I;M, Jan. . WH KAT-Caah.
higher: track. No. S red. l.fllLn0't; No.
I hsrd. fl "Wl . , . . .
t'(ill.N-Htru.ig.. track, No, 1, tc; No. 3
ahite, !. ; .....
tiATB-Mlgb'jr; track. No. i, 5lltc; No.
t white. K.'S.
IIY K -irncluinaMvd. M'c.
FLOt'R Firm; red winter patents.
MfM90; ealra fancy and straights.
$31-4 aV ha l winter clear, f). 401 40.
rr,e;i-TlmiMny, sia.wwis.w. .
HHA.S'-rttroiig; sacked, east track, II M
HAv-ivwer timoinyt szi.wn-ss.w; prai
rie. illMIWirJOli 1
I'RUVIMIDNH Pork, unrnangeri; jon-
blng. irt 4 Jrl, unchangra: prime
steam.' l.v.STviris.tCv.. Iiry sail meets. n
uhangd: .boxed estr. shorts. Is uf. clear
rllx. Di.30; short rlrsrs, a.iS. Macon, un
changHl: boned extra ahorts, WU), clear
ribs. KM: ahort' clears, .m.
poi'LTRY nrm; chickens, jnnc:
sprlnga, lie; turkekya. MVjc; ducks, 13vjc;
geeee. li-.
HI XT!; it M'nea ; creamery, ivvagc.
WIGa-illlghW. c.
Receipts Shipments.
Flour, bhla t 7.KO
Wheat, bu. Horn man
Corn, bu ,.. JM.mi IMimo
Oats, on is.vw w.w
Kansas I'lty irala aad Pvravlsleaa.
unchanged to V hlglwr; No. 1 hard, II otv.
SJI.uY; No. x, SL'icvaaai.'ai: no. a rea, li e;
NO. I..ivwc; jsay, ai v--, euiy, a'ije
COHN i ncnangea; no. s rruxsa, sivm
i4c: No. i. tac: no. 1 wnit. aSHC1
Mv a s(ossri. y. - duiy,a.
04JHebld w . . .
OATH unrnauiseo, " . win 1., eivs
Uvc; Nn. 1 niixea, evirsic.
HAY Unchanged: dhole tlmnUty, n.00
tm.01): choice prairie, sivoajia.s.
Ml I 1 rrv . u, 1 ir.,
seconds, sic; packing stock. IIUjo.
KK Extras, nc; iims, sac; seoonos,
jvvecsnpin. cnipimnu.
vx-iieat. hu... 1 on mon
Orn. bu -..Buon 4l.
data, bu U.OU0 13.IM0
VlalU lapplr af (ire La.
V'EW YORK. Jan. M Th vlslbl tup-
ply of grain In the United tjtateo ttatue.
d.y. January il, as oomullad by th Near
yont rroauca exoneng. wee a. ioiiow.:
Wheat, domestic, ll,iiu,0n buaheia: de-
1 l.lw.vo tiusneia w neat in eono.
in. on hu.hei.: daoreaaa. 4U.II00 bushels
Corn, M'MO; Increase. 12.000
bushels. Hats, nomeexia, ousneie;
decrease, .Miit busMla. UaU In bond.
aaiuae nuahe oerreaae. tv wasneia
a. dnmeatlr. l.liauuu kuehela; decreesa.
kM bushels. Barley, i,M0s) bushels: de
cree m, Jbt'.un Dueneie. naney in wnu.
m huahela: Incraaas. ll.Ors) buaheia.
The vlalhl. supply of wheat In Canada
laet Saturday was,w susneis, aa
incraaas of W.0 bushels.
Mlaaeaaalla Urala Market.
u.v cat' July. I144WUI0SS. Cash: No.
I hard, 1C4; No. 1 northern, I.:0
mt: No. I aorthsra. H.v,01.OI; No. ,
H.tHvt01.M. .
TA .!.
CORN-No. i yellow. 44c.
OATS No. t whit. .
RTK-Na 1 Bke.
H RAN In luv-pound sacks, lt.3eM.,
rwillR-Plct nalenta. ttaatvVSaV sec
ond patenta. l4.ltVtM.r0: first clears, 13.1
tjlK, second dears. Itaettiao.
I.leerwsol Grain Market. t
Arm; No. 1 Manitoba, la Id; No. I Man
itoba, la 4Sd; No. Manitoba, ts fed;
future dull; March, 7s IVfcd; May, 7s
Kd: July, is 'd.
COILT4 Ppot, nrm: rtrownaa rai.e.i.
pew, 4 zo: AJnencan misea, new, um
dtisd. 4 Sd: America mixed, eld, 4e
had: future nrm; jsnusry box qveneu;
Quotation Oieillnte in Unoerttin
Xanner During- Day.
Bearish aeatlmeat atlaaalated by
Frapkealea that Bepeirt af Steely
, ( erweratlea Will
NEW YORK, ' Jan. . -Quotations of
stocks oscillated In an uncertain manner
today. At the opening the market was
subjected to severe pressure and price
receded abruptly. There waa a partial
recovery in th first hour, but before
aoon selling wss resumed on a large
seal and the llet showed decsded week
boss. Prices hardened alowly in the
afternoon until looses had been largely
eliminated, but In the laat hour some
Issues fell back to about the lew point
of the day. The movement as a whole
waa erratic and confusing.
Bearl.h sentiment wa. atlmulated by
prophesies thst the quarterly report of
the United State Steel corporation, to
b Issued tomorrow, would be unfavor
able and that I'nlon Pacific's report for
December would dlecloee.a large cut In
earnings. Both were conspicuously weak.
HU Paul fell to 104. the lowest point of
th yesr. and did not recover. The cop
per share doeed at the low point af th
Persistent buying of a few Issues,
among which were New Tork Central,
Reading and l-ehlrh Valley, wa Instru
trenui In steadying the list. New Tork
Central rose 3 points and Reading A
lishigh Valley half aa much. America
ciuger rose 2 points.
Northern Pacific made no response to
an anexpectedly favorable December re
port. An Increase In arroa earnings of
K3.M was converted Into a net gain of
tin.Ons by a reduction of . tlM.OMI In
operating expenses.
liondon largely increase its eeinng in
this market today. About 30,000 share
were disposed of on balance for foreign
account. Foreign exchange rates were
The bond market developed steadiness
after a period of early Irregularity, when
the active hmoee were affected by th
knaea of atorks. Coaorado MMlana
4 old at M, compared with itH at the
preceding sale. Total sale, par value,
H,M.(0. United States 2s. coupon, ad
vanced Per cent on call.
Number or axles ana leaning quotations
on Blocks ware aa foliowa:
aim men. unr vreee.
sixty days iH' per cent, ninetr days. Ki
per cent; six months. St)!1, per cent. .
PK1ME ktra,AM llt rAris-csp
per cent. , ...
actual business In bankers' hilla st 54 Mi
for alxty-day bills and at MTJ04.k.4e
for demand: commercial bills. KKi-
SILVER-Bar. istxc: Mexican dollars.
47c. - .
BONDS Government, firm: raiiraoa.
Closing quotations oa bood today were
as foliowa: '
ret x rag...lW Inter M. M. H-. at
.iea,-upaa avaa
Mlvik. O. So. l U..
ISISU S. deb. 4. int.. K
.114 U N. 4a....
.lit il. K. T. iat 4.M4.
. MV. 4e (ae. 4Sa "
laH,alo. Pam ae. 4
.11 N. ft. R. af M- tVaa K
. SVV T. f. S !.
. to 111". CM eak. la
Anvwar CC. 4aa SS s. T. K. H. ft H.
SteSlaee tea. aa ... staj ev. ta !
Se ev. 4a !"6"N w. m a. w..
4. . ie. iew ao . 4a .'.I
4. C i 1 U M Ne. rsetrie 4S U
Bal. 01. 4..... M as 4. - aeH
Se IV rHO . U rMa ...
... I'aa lltPraa. e. ISa 111.. '
rook. TT. cr. 41... Bt 4e CM. lw
l9akae4iog ta. 4a.... H
Mv,. u a g. r. is 4. a
ISIvt 4. se.. to. -
L. s. w. a. aa.. a'a
, laa tsit 4a.... SI
. g.
V. S. to. rag.
napa. ..
V. a 4.. rag..
i reasM ..
Allla-casi. Iat
Aowr. Ag. 4.
T. A T. e
fi ef Oa. is
Ore. LeaUkar SS....
II . 1. I ta.
w. A Okl. 4Va..latUjtl
AlltoOMlBMC. I4
AaultasuteS Caesar ....
AaMrtos. Atrta.ltar.1 ..
Aarlaaa Beat futar.....
Aiaarkca. as
Aawrlnas ('. A F
Aamlrea tsxto. Oil
Awertaa. II U tt4.
le. Baearlllas.
ARMrtr.. LlnaaeS
AiMCIr.. LeemetlTS ft.
ABMrlra. S. A ft.
Aw. meet FneaSrtaa.,..,
An. Sussr Hnal i
Aaierka. T A T
AmerlvM TntaeN pt4 . . ,
1st tit! lit,
aaa tvvi iivi
. "a
1.1 it
U.Ttt W
ttt Ie4
Ma rati.
IM 111, 1IT4 UtVk
l.aua 13ai iaaj utv,
at m ir, m
l.f M MS, MS
Met utv, l tavt
ttt tuvi ms iH
ate mil was leu.
1 aaa
I Hi
t.ltt im n
. M.nt lMti
;"iit 'Wit
I. ua mm u
,. iat Its, tta.
Ml.leg Ce ...
Atnhlane era
Atlantle (VMat umt
BetSWMai Steal
BriMklr. RattS Tr.
akMSIa. TaitlfUj
Osteal Mather
rveatral lilMe art....,
Casual st Near Jaeaay.
Cheaaewk. aV oala......
rhlaase A Alton. .
Ok-ate. 0. W ,
ilk... . w. ra.
im N.
fkleaaa. M. ft P....
; . c. v. a st. u.
lblorait. F. A I
(Vtlarae A BnutlMrS
ikjeaaitaauw tea.
llaea PeaSaets ,..
lialawara A Huaeia
nearer A Rle Oraate...
O R. O .14
maulers' aasriUas
na Ma.
Brie I f4 tat II
Krt. M s'4 let eat
Ueaeral Klartrla - Mt Itll. lit 1M4
Oraat Nartkva tM f.eeS Has, llatt lttt
Onail Nan Kara Ore etts.. Lest at tt
llnala (vaateal la. laaH laaM, iaa
lu.iWn.rt Hat I M Ua, Vk Uvt
later. Mel. ttt ate. ai-a eat. ae
l.laeMtleasI Itorvaattr.. at. ISTUj let, art ltt Sta, H
IMarriatlaaal rvvtar Its Ma la
lslsraiiaael Fast ...... . .....
Iea. Oatral
K. C. Ba. H4....
Laclat. Oa. .
Uelerllle A NiaVIIK.. l.Mt 111
Miaa. t Bt. laia v
M . St. F, A I t M.. as 111 Ul
MlaaMrt. I. A T ttt . II
M.. K. A T. H
HUaaert Paellia . ...... N 4 Hi
NaUaaal Bleestt
KaUoa.1 U.4 .ate 11 IM.
N n. a at pit.,
mm v... iwhi it as lit lea
T . O. A w l ast lt end
XerMk A
Harts Asiertraa
Naelbar. PvvtUM
Paellu Mall ....
Paonla'a Caa
r . C. C. A
Plttaasrsk rel
Snaaii Btaal Ckf
rullevae ralaoa rkr
Rallear BUM4
Hatubiie eiaai
Uaabila ttael fit ,
t.k laaaM .
fUck lalut Ca art
tt. L. A A F. M M...
St. Leal I W
It U a W a
leastMrneU A A I ..
Sasthera rarlfte
avmitsars Hall war
toalkam Rallvar pel...,
tei Omar
Teas. A Farina
T., M. U A W.
T . M . U A W.
4St M M
Mt S
104 1,
..... lMvi
lai in
II. U.
1 aaa ut im i
... I as rvi ti rs
... 4.SS1 111 lit 114
is Sk n,
,. l aw 1M 1 111
at leav. im leevt
4M Mlt ' MI4 MVa
..... ..... 11
.... .... MM, ..... 1
.........a ....a ..... let
Mt 44 4t
al -
, M
, Let
late. SUIIla
rales FVKIMa .14
t alias Metes Iteallr...
I ana. Mate, llaai ...
V A Meal SI4
l uk CVaeeae
Va -CVaraUaa Caeaalael
Wakaak .14
Waaiara Martlaa4 ....
WaMlataaM. aMacUto
Waaler, t'eiea
WHeailng A L. B
UMib Valtor
Oil.. Casear
Bar aaaeeltaataa .....
Aeiaelcsa Tobaroe
let-, let i, ll
; jj
US tS 4
y Mvt M 11
ret 11 lr u
art ret Mai M n
February. 4s d.
Jr LOLlvV uuti
winter patenta, a M.
I i 'ash quotation were as follows;
1 FCI R firm; winter patenta. 1400)
Int. annter straight a. B Biajl.; spring
patents. Mly4: sprlruj straights, MM
bakers, CaWMJO.
RVE-No. 2. WVW4t'.
! BARLEY Feed or mixing. WcBl.;
ifalr to cOelce maltlag. II BXW.M.
' rJEKUaJ-TUaioUiy, MiOOrUIB, - CMeer,
iioaa .
i PKoVlHIOXS-Perk. maws. Per bb!.,
jflerrrJUV, Lard IB tlerca.1. e.llVi0
tvkart rib liooae), K-ea.
Total clearance of wheat and flour
war equal te rrrs bat. Primary re
Ireipta wer mi., cwmpared with
1 IkUat pa. th carreepondlng day a year
'ago. The vrbnble eugiiiy of wheat In the
't sited Btatee decreaeed 1 41 aval bu for
the week. Th s mount of breadstuff sa
U ean passage aVoreaued M4.0W ba.
' kiimataA reoeiMa for tomorrow :
. t Wheat. M cars; corn. 7M car; oata. 171
imi E tvl head
Chicago Cash I vice-Wheat: No. I
l,.A. ii ssaYl t: Ne I red.'t
..t hard. MMm f: No. hard. BK1B
ill el: Ma t northern. ll.Ilgl.U, N. I
'aerthera. 0 ;irl 11; No. I northern, tl.tu
atl 04: No. t wring, ll.0aaVjl.aV. No. I
I.Wtng. M OreJlM: No 4 spring. Stcttl.C
elea chart. BrU.IC: durum. Mctjll.C
,t ara: No. X, lajtavr: No. 1 white. w
w- So. i yellow, Gifetfar: No. 1 ?
a wlilte. Sla.Sasar: No. 4 vellow.
4i,'lNe. Cms: No. i white. l.tiijc; per. MJ14Se; electralytlc. 14V.0I4S:
'We. I wklt. keVSMISc: N. 4. .. i casting. U-e4jl4c. Tin. quiet; spot. KlTi
v. a wha. ,lc: standard, il . oajc. -u : Januarr. l4Xkut4.1: February.
sive. Ne. t iMe. Barley, tkiial tent).!;; March. t2.4sti2.; April
Mllaaeekee Grata Market.
kill u. Al'kkk:. Jan. ). WHKAT-Xa.
I northern. II IHtAII-UH; No. I northern.
1.M1.12: No. t hrd winter, ilwsji...
Msy. II on,: juiy. wew.
CORN No. J yellow, ran; sao. . wmie,
Mr; No. 2. c. May. tTtc; July, V.
OATS ntamlard, ilc.
UARUSY Mailing. H.Mpl.a
OaaaAa Hay Market.
nuill.v Jan. rs.-HAY Na. I. i&vt;
No I i:.: roeree. 111 va(. packing .tork.
r.tsXr.; lfatla. Il" !traw: vv neat.; ry and oata. i.iOCr.i. Batter Market.
El.GIN. ill., J.n. . BITTER Firm.
at Xc. a drop of lo tram last week. out.
put, ;,( pounds.
Metal Market.
gtaadard copper, weak; spot. tllSil
utTV.: February. March. April and May
tiicuaiiai London market week: apot.
AM M Ad: future 41 11a 2d., Arrivals
riried st New York today. 3M ton
Custom nous return show e t port, of
M.M tone o far Ihla month. Lake tip-
Timothy. UtBeHU-Ot. Clover. I14a,a
Creameries. TMsas: dalrlea, 4
EiKin eVwi: receipts, 1 . cases; at
tnark. casta tarluded. MdWc; ordinary
lirst., F BSOr: ftrats. M0Kc .
(HKEeifc cedy: IJalMaa. MeriC;
Ytaa Maic: Toamg America, iay
17c: Long Homa. lVti7e.
priT ATOE dteady, receipts, ISO ears;
elrRY-eeaarr tarkar. IMUc:
arte ken, UMT-ISc: Prtss, Utaf,
VCAL-ateady: 70Mc
i piKeRIA. Jaa. .-OR!(-Keady; X
A a ails. tArsi Ho. watte. ic. No. 1
..una. M4 Mt ia
i tea uu, tiu.
ltt.) as
I. tat lia lta lia
, ktas MS us as
lea u.
let t
1..M U
, Sao ' IT
, l.Hal 7t
, LMt U
. 14
I a
Cattle Ait Generally Slow to -Ten
Cents lower.
Lais Receipt af She and Lam be
; at All .ratal., aed Price Are .
freaa Fiftrea t Tereaty
Fla e Ceata Latter. , .
. 2.810
Teaal asla Mr Ik. 4sr. 4ta.aM msraa
l.eadea Stark Market.
I nvinnv Jan. American aecorl
tie opened easier today, rirsi pntra
axawed IrreaTular change, nut later the
ntlr ust waa freely offered and values
SeWlned atiariMy. AI awn. ina ''
wsa weak end from H to M point
low Saturday's Now York closing.
London Closing stvc taauunaa.
a 1-MlaeteeUle A Na IMS
,...TT 1-laMa,, Aaa A Tu. M
Caeter 4aS Ne Tark tssnral. .lllw
.. aa
. M
. MS
May. 041-7:4142- Londoa market.
euiet: mot. AIM Ue: futures, AIM as.
Lead, flul I, jvew iotb. aii ra-aw
p, . East ft. Leal. London. AX .a 44.
Aatlmonv. tun; t ooutmi ti.m. iroa.
Cleveland warranta, MM In UalJa
Locally Iron wss quiet. . 1 roundry
northern. IKTiaSuVIO; No. t. 14.M;t.TI;
No. I eoutbera and No. 1 BoutherB soft.
tlt4il4 7i.
I3T. LOCin. jaa. . taa.1 ai- uh.
ateadv MaVfHS'tC. SpeJtar: Uneattled,,
Waal Market.
ST. IvOtJia. Jan. . WOOL Steady:
territory and weetera mediums. 14c4iSo;
tta medlurs. lief, He; Cue, Klcflsc.
TSJterMk A
wr a. aI
IM OeurU, A WaaUM
A oaie..ttt raeaaslrasM ...
Settle ..WeVsa4 Mlsas ....
A Okls. II Heaswut
raat Waaler. II Batlker Mt ...
II. A M- r.MO e set
M lsIalhar Fana
r A kit ... M I'.Ma PaatOa ..
.4 "Sa sea .. e.
gna a V'4
4. 1 et...., ew e" ...............
. 34 tt "eases. f
Bne4 Traa .... M ' -
Dnaale caatau .
SI LV Bar-liar, ,taay at : ara per
MONET-S-tterS ler tra..
Tt,. rate at dleoount In the open mr
kst for shn Mil I I VMrJS Pr cent;
for three months Mil. I t-nvtjlHj par cent.
Beet Stack Market.
BOSTON. Jaa. 2.-tToalng quotations
en stocks wrj a follows:
UMaa Mirt Oataar
u07 Caetse aMas.t H
t . U A t Neea. CS u
ne ISNiMaao-J Mlaat ... 1
A A O. C A A af-. TNaS kwS St
pan. Caeinue .... rUNank Lake : W,
cVl A AHaaa. '4 IMaaUMa 4t
S1 A BWM...... 4U UM .M
Caeuoaal ...:...'... tsalacr - S4
saei . js
b. pau. a.. "-." ............
eTaklia USSaaemt A B. M .. a
Oiraax Oa l-WTsaamel tl
SZw .-k V A A . A M .. tr
QiBaf. . T W101T1 " -ear Brta . afc
ua um iw.. ua - . s
xarr Lei, It " CsCBtsr 4 4
lks tsa-ar ....... wreaa.
Le telle Oaaw 4eWMtaMe M
egaiv. eaaaae- '
! Kew Yaefa Bety MarkeA.
KEW- YORK, Jan. 2-MON.TT-on
rait, ataavly at 2V02 ar cent: railag
rate. Ms per cent: closing bad. I per cean.
ottered st 7 per cL Tim Me easy;
ecklcaeo A A ... tul. A L
a. a u - 4a stsbb. rac. ml m aas
a a. M....v... M'4 4e ee. 4s M
M. A 0 P. 4 4. K a tot rat. to...-. M
R. L A P. t. to 7IS. kallwar to. IM
a rle 4a... ....... Mvl 4. ... tut
Caw. Int. to rSrifte 4a...m
Cel.. MM. to M, 4e ee. to. IM
A t r. A s 414 M 4o Iat A ft. to.. rr
en. A H. er. to.... MV. A Rakear to....MI
I I k I. Is....;, m L. . Steel M to....
aVa--Car. (Asa. to. .let 14
Manners' is tT-aaak Iat to. lei
rle t L to It4 4e Iat A ai. M... M
gas. aa. Tl Waaler. M4. to sr
ev. 4a ear. A. HSWmL Klar ee. to.. M -Bellas
71 Wla. Oaetral 4a..... M
Caa. Bias. ev. la... lit vl Ma. Pee. er. to..... M
III. Cm Mt rat. to MS'Pasasva It 111
later. Mat. 4e..... Ua
eIA ,
Kew Yark Mlataar Staeka.
NKW YORK. Jan S Ooetng qutrlA-
Uena on mining storks wer;
Ilk, ru'Luile Chief . I
ecesv Tease! atsek... HMarken 41S
4 beat. lauatsn. -....!
Oa. CI. A VS...... tWpklr ............-.!
eae Bilrar lurniiansaea H
etMSnn. Ca. 1ST allow Jacket tt
Bank Clrariags.
OMAHA. Jan. 9. Rank clearingt for
today were tl 164. 27. 19 aad for the ctwra-
l ponding dsy last year .11L.7S.41.
BUTTER-No. J, 1-lb carton, aje; Na
IB Blb. tubs. Msc; No. t Mc: psclunt
CHEESE imported Swiss, no: Ameri
can Swiss. 24c; block Swlsa, o, twin
llVkc: dslas. Kq: trlnists. 30c: youag
Americas, 20c; blue labsl brick, IrVto, Um
berger, Mb... lie; l-lb.. Ale. -POULTRY
- Broilers. K 0 per doa;
springs, lie; bene, 14c; cocka, Mc; ducks,
lie; geese, lie: turkeys. 3ftc; pigeons, per
do.. II. . Alive. broUera, USc; henA
lie; aid rootelera and ttaga, ie; old duoka,
full feathered, Nc; gseaa, run lestnerexi.
10a; turkeys, lo; guinea fowls, 2tc sack;
Sigsoes, per dot., 71c; homers, per dog
JO; ajuabs. No. 1. li st). No. 1 Mc.
FISH trreh rroaeni pioaerM. 7c:
whit, 1c; pike, Sc; trout, Ue; larg. crap
pies. !2eJloc; ti Danish macksrsl. 7c; sea.
itc; naaoocK. isc; riounoers, ire; gra
catfish. Ua, roe enad, 1 each; tbad roe,
pen pair, anc, salmon. 14c; halibut, Uo;
yellow perch, eti buffalo, le; bviilhaad.
bEPTF CUT prices-rim: rto. 1.
17c; No. 2, llc; No. 1, ltc. Loin: No.
1, lie; No. 2,.14'e; No. 3. U.. Chuck.:
N. L le; No. 2. 7c; No. I, ic. Rounds;
No. 1, 10o; Ne. 2, 4e: N. t, . Plates:
No. I. One: No, 1 Ic: No. t isc
APPl.RM-cooaing van.ties per bdi.,
12.71; Jonathan tnd Grimes Golden, per
bbl.. kw; Ben Davta, per bbi.. H., fancy
winsaau. per bbi.. KB; fancy Misssun
Pippins, per bbl., O.S0. fancy Uanps, per
bbl., MOO; California Belir.ower. per box.
11. A; Colorado Jonathan, extra fancy.
per box, 12 k; Washington n tutsan oerg,
Kr box, c w. .vv ssinnrton it Beauty, per
x, I2.M; Washing! Stamen Wlneaapa,
per box, X2.SS.-Hananas. fancy select, per
bunch. IS gaff! to; Jumbo, per bunch. 13.71
tpl.Tl. Cranberries. Wisconsin fancy, per
bbl., nt w; per dob. ta w. uaiavt, Anonor
brand, nsw, M 1-lb., pkgs. In boxes, par
box. X3 M, uromectavry ore on. new, m I-id.
pkgV In box. par box. KM. Figs, Call-
torn la, par caa af 12 12-os. pkgs. lac;
per case of M I2-OI pkgs., HI: par caa
of M 4-os plrg... Kv; bulk. In and
W-lb. boxes, per lb., Mc; New Turkish,
e-crowB In 20-lb. boxes, par lb., 14c; 4
crown la M-lb. boxes, per :b., Itc; Trotra
In M-lb. boxes, par IU. 17c Oraps fruit,
Florida, 4-M alss. par Crete, Ik: ta-14-44
aiaes. per crate. B 75. tirspee, Malaga
grape. In bbl.; M 6ti.ot. Lemons, IJmon
slra. selected brand, extra fancy, PjO else.
per box.; lobi i.imoneira, lancy,
fcs-MO slses, per bos. MM; M0 and 42
lite. Mo per box lees. Or ax tea, California
Navels, extra fancy, 5-l-l74-)-liHSt)
tUat. per box, P; extra cholc. all
tlses, per box. 12. 7.
VK01!nABieat a-aooege. -Wisconsin.
nee lb.. 3V.C. Celery, California Jumbo.
psr dot., BV01.O4. encumbers, hot house,
per OoaV, t w ssia viam, iaiR7 riunna,
psr dos., C 40. Oerllc, extra fancy, white,
per lb., lie Lettuce, extra fancy leaf,
par do., 46c. Onion. California, white,
par lb., Ic: Wisconsin, yellow and red. In
sacks, per lb,, e; Spanish,, per crale.
U.ML Parsley, fancy aouthern, per dos .
buncnes. auv.a:. ruim, minneeiua
Early Ohio, per bu.. tl.K: Wlaoonsln white
stock, per bu., H.3; In M-ick lots, so
leee. Sweet potstoes. Kansas, psr ba. bsk.,
L'atl. RutahagsA In sacks., per lb.,la
Tomaloe. r loriue. per e-oas. crate, e tar.
MlSCELLANKOl'8 Almonds. ' Tarra
gons per lb.. lPc: In sack Iota. Vc lee.
t;euoanuia. per sac. s..w. rtiberts. per
lb . 14c; in sac iohb, ic leaa. reanuia,
roasted, per lb., sc: raw, per lb.. kc.
Pecans, Isrge, per lb.. 17c; In sack lota.
Ie leee. Walnuts, new crop. 111. Califor
nia, per lb, 17c; In Back lots, tc Jess. Cider.
New Nehawks. per U-gal. bbl.. 11.40;
per M-gal, bbl., 6: New York Mott's.
per U-gsl. H bM.. par 10-gal. bbl..
MM. Honey, new, M frames. IJ.TI. Kraut,
per U-gal. keg. : per l-gal. kef, ILM;
Wttconsia. pr bbl.. .
Ceffe Market.
turee opened ateady at an advance of lets
20c In response to higher European cable.,
firmer Brstlltsn markets, higher east and
rreleht offer and prediction, of an ad'
vatire In the local apot market before the
rloae. Bu.lneee w. fairly active, and
while there aaa a good deal of realising
by recent buyers on th advance whkn
carried oricee aboat tae above the lo'
levels of a few daya ago. prices Improved
a little during , the day on the report,
of a better apot demand and rumora that
large European abort Interests wer cov
erins. The close wss ateedy at a rret ad
raace of I70S potnta. Bale.. M.7N bag a.
January, 12.!e; February. lUTc; March.
April ancl May, i: esc, June ana juiy,
11 1: August. lVOOc; September, lAOlo;
October and November, 12. Mc; Dcembr.
Hav-re waa lwlvk rranca higher. Ham
burg waa Hr pfg. lowsr. Rio, NO
reis higher at WTTi. Santos, to, 2oB ret
h sher st taasr: is. as reis nigner a itw
Receipts st th twa Brastlhtn port,
tkuxs, against 14.400 bags last year: Jun.
dishy receipt, 4 or bag, against a.)
hag. hist year. - Rain and shower. wtr
reported In a. - Special rablea from San
to, reported a further advane af 200 rei.
for fours at the opening tmt morning,
and 8ao Paalo reoetpta of It 00W baaa,
asainM 11 tta the prasioeje day. Now York
warehouse dellverlee Maturday war 17. M3
ho. agaioat 4 43 last year, on or trie
SOL'TH OaJAHA, Jan. , BU.'
Receipt weie- Ca:ne. liogs. SheeP-
Esimate Mondar .... S.iiO
Same day last week.. 1.371
Same day 2 ke ago. I.K.
Same day 2 w'ka ago. 4. KB
Sara dsy 4-w'ka ago. 2.2
Same day- last week.. e,4ft
ar-he enllowrlne i ti , . iluial
of cattle, bogs and sheep a south Omaha
for the veer to date as compared with
Mat yar: 1M1 Mil. ! DTSr
Cattl-:.-S.SII- ts,ni' ....... KB
Hog ..301,447 lie szi mt;
Sheep 15..01I 140.7 1I.6M
Tna following table shew tk raage of
prices tuud for Bogs at South Omaha for
the. last few days, with comparisons:
eh receipts
Data. mil. !
Zl.l I si tfci tin '-I , M
. l JBi c a ; k
a. I I IVSU 1 Ut '4IM4tAeeaeee
2S. I t I 7 frl Oai I ley laiau e a.
M. I M'4 J 41 J l 0 I
ts. , 7 4i ioit un 4 n
. il 041 I Ml 4 Ml Tl! I
. fit ...
..M4 M 4 4. -. ... t
,.4J ... 4M
..Mt m i
..let-Ut 4M-
.114 ,
S 41 1
2 5
5. 12
5 1
1 ..
r. so
2 t ...
2 ..
i : .. ,
K- ' 7 ,
Jan. 20.1 s J JI I 31t t, 4 17 I
Jan. a.i 1 17 It K S 171 4 a t ttt
i t-!rla mnA ittancitinn Of IlV'B StOCk
at the Union Stock Yarn. South Omaha,
for the twenty-four hour ending at
clock yesterday:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H r-g.
C. M. 4V St. P.
Wabash I
Union Pactflo M
C. N. W., east.. 1
C. N. W., wett..
C. Bt. P.. M. A O.. W
C, B. Q.. eaat.... 2
C.. B. A W.. welt.... M
C.. R. I. A P., east. I
Illinois Central t
Chicago Ut. West.. ..
. .. . Cattle. Hofs. Sheep
Omaha Packing C 41t 1 .007 1.0)1
Swift A Company UM I.MI .ll
Cudahy Packing Co !. " J J
Armour 0 Co m . e,.
Morrell 17
Sinclair 1
Benton, Vansant L.. 44 ...
Hill Son 46t ... ...
F. B. Lewi IU ' -
Huston Co
J. B. Root Co..- 31
1. H. Bulla , If''
U F. Hubs IM
L. 'Wolf 12
MoCreary Keilogr.... al
H. F.-Hamilton I.
Sullivan Hro 74
l KothKhlld .'. l.
Mo. Kan. Calf Co ..." 34
Other buyer M4
Totsi -......::;.:.
rATTi.ra RerMnts of ; ctttlt were , lib
eral-this morning. 215 cars being reported
In. the rua being llgntry tmflltr thgn a
year ago. Unfortunately AflvlOes from
other selling points asra-rtry dlscotitAt
Ing, Chicago eepedalll' reported a Very
heavy run of cattle. , At the ssme tune
reperta from eastern consuming center
were far from reassuring., all of
gave the market at this point A loner
tendency. . ...... .
The market on beef steers opened lW
with buyers acting decidedly., bearish.
Here' and there a aalatrnan that hap
pened to have something thst bUyeri
took a special notion- to- thought that, no
got out at prices not far. from steady,
but the- general (Ituatlon ssfwr
weak to loo lower than laat week's clot,
with th trad slow l ,tht. ' '
Bttysr seemed detrrrVtlfied t ssc.ut
l.Alr mim Brtd Kal fmrA -toweT flgvtrel
this morning . and .without xcpllon
ttArted out Uddlng lower, prlct. The
utMii.Kaiii iha tAeeiasoh was dull
and while here and trier k fw eajtl
thBtweir tplally detlrani ia miyer-
-vAm I..v. henueht eteaiv Brletl IB
g.atral tnarkat. wa. weakrte 10a war
h. um aa waa the caa .with beef
steers. - ' i' '..
B..i.llw faaAer. wk BCArc. Ant
bb thtr waa om. Ilttl Inquiry for that
kind they commarioe ooui
mim. 41m , ik. . nihr hand t here wa
quite a larg Bhowhig of llghMah tua
that were not overly dealrabia and they
were tlow with the tendency lower.
ou.iImi, im e.tlU: (Joed to Choice
bsef altars, 'M fc;.7v. fair to good beef
steers, M onft ; eommon to lair beef
steen. M.IOsjai.00; good to .choice heifers,
26.vaeyt.00-, good to chotc cows, M 6"3t ;
fair to good cows and naif era. M. '-
common to fair oowa and heifers. W.MtJ
. j . .iu,m etneker. and feedert,
li.autt.M: fair t good atocker And feed-
., . .mnn ta fair BtOOksr
and teeners! H WN.I0; ttook heifers. .
tet.M; veal calves, M.uC ; Built, stag a.
Representative eatea:
At. Pr. i
tta I M . It
1-44 IM 1!
... IMS 4 1 4
.....Ill l M.....
:" cowit-
'... M t
... IM I 74 4
131 I M I
...... Ml 4 II I
Ml 4 M I
Ittt 4 t t.
.....M 4 U II
ltet a at r.
... 17'
... 70
... 44
... n
I m
Aa. Pr.
. .1M4 4 M
..lit t M
..ISM I 4t
,.IM I H
..II I M
..Hit I M .
.. Ml 4 25
,.. til 4 M
.11.11 4 M
,..tM4 .4 44
..Irtl 4 le
...IHf 4 4s
........till 4
IM 4 ia
I ee
.. IS 44 Ml M IS -
.. I to. ' a. Ml ' ... t M f
M 4 M . HI ... I 41 '
a Mt ... IM , 41 Ia .... IM ,.
..... U7 IM I M it JM... 114-
......IM ... I M-- 4.. .'....Ml II tit '
M.......M4. 4t 4 MS 42 M4 M 4 M
II 4. MS ; M4 ...
M IM . It in ...till '
;i !.... IS 4 M M 4M
tli ... IS .' . ...
KHEEP Receipts "af sheep and lambs
were rather burdensome, amounting ta
over MOOD' head and th market proved
very dull from the start, with th trend
t values Sharply lowsr. Moat of th
packer buyers were averse to filling
ordera early far the reason that e.afem
points reported runs generally above
expectations, the supply map as a whole
basing a vsry bearish, sppearance. A stow,
draggy .demand for all kind, of killing
stock wa the legica: result and trading
waa not only 'late' In opening, but wore
long to a. tme finkth In th afternoon,
prices ruling 15025c lower. -.
Balk- of -ofrwrtnaw'conslsted of-fed lambs
and ewes. the. sam aav recently, and
choice long-term varieties were the excep
tion. These klnde were In the 'best de
mand, however, and strictly. pHm lambs
wete wanted around M-k, pretty good
klnda bringing M 00 and na Thtre war
no high grade Calerado on salt.
Extra goodwes .landed at the even
money. 24 0(1, medium to poor cFaake aell
mg at big discounts from this figure.
'Trad In wethera and yearlings appeared
stumpy, but Bale war few and scattered,
so that no actual declines an quotable-
There was reMBlnB murn aoing m ne
market far feeder, aa most arrivals car
ried mora er leas finish. The country oe
msnd kd neltletr-llf : nor volum. aa
well, sredadna a Business . tnai naa
nam nolnls In common with laat week's
trad. - The total .purchase of feeders last
week, it will ba rememoerea, amountea to
leee than-. or h-e. .
Quotation, on .hern and lamBt: i-amo..
rood to choice. MOwejaVlO; limbs, fair to
good,' 25 S04 00: yeerling. good to choice,
K.000.25: yearllngt. fair t good, it
IM; wethera, axxal to enok'..;
arMhtra to BtteMT. ewew.
good, to choice,' 23.-7o04.lO; twe. Ilr to
good, xiwep.ik. . ...
No. ' :
J4 fed awes ,
4 fed ewes, culls -
204 fed lambs
244 fsd tombs
14 fed lambs, cu1Isv..a
T4 fed ewe, culls
tin fed ewe
5 fed ewe ...i
347 fed ' lamb
. - t . . .
t " v ! '
Demaad , far ...Cattl Steaay isaa.
. I.Svwei- Xkrea Weak.'
rntrsrtn--TS 'ATTT;Fe-aclnts
estlmtted at Sk,) headl-mArket steady to
shsdeoff;.beves.,M.70iJ,.;JIxas ateera,
M.4O0I w: western tteers. a iri.w, t
ers and feeders, tt.000 W; cows snd blf-
. si mm aa--eel. - la.IMM.2i.'
. . -. . . , : , ... ami
iioiib Hanatoia.-estimjiieu,. at
head: market, sc off: light, m.wb-'.i..
i . . aMM a. . .hMW. . B BaM.BZS
r.vj.h. BJin.B; pigs, SK Kro. w,,
sales. HlMW . -"'.L Li
uurrii inn, i.aMKH-nK, ma, wmi-
..t . te nfta haul market .weak; 10c
. m .i lAatM TO-. weet.rn.. t3.&0S14.7l:
leadings. i4.79 lambs, -native, Htt); western, Hemll
St. Leal Llvra Staek,Marlret.''-i-ee
tYiTta tan -a Reln,
t.Mt'head. Irtcluiiing ' Texsns; market
u I, in- uvSMtr- native .n opina. eia e-
nort ters. i7.MaJ.0; dresaed snd botrlrsr
. a, Miel Aft., atsea tinder 1.000 pounds.
... w. ..ny.kere a nit : f eeders. 21 OTataa-OS;
cow. anei'helferl. 5.Tt W: fanners? .0
04.00; bulls.; calves,
lex .a and Indln steer. 5vT.i 00. cow
and helfer. J.0v)a2s.t .,- , j -
HtxlB Roceiptt, . . ne"
..a..- ,r 11 eh la MiVjrMJI:-niUed
.nd bu'tcher. fi.JMrt.2l: good heavy. M
. . . . .. - . ;- o.ini. am
MMH:e,f - . ni, , . ... ,
head; market, weak. Mo lower: nanve
mutfon. MStifSJ lamha .e(u"
and Wifkt, j0J.a);.itktri, 1.74J10b,
Maaaaa Cltr l.lee. Stack Market,
. . . ,1. , a.r-ear ta Mr rATTI.J Tte
rveinojvri . .. ". , . , ,
eelpta. W0TW heao, inciuaina !
lUl eieailv tA lOc lower: dreaaet
heaf'.nd nnn it ten. MVwdk.00: felr to
.wt' actuasi. waeteen ttesrs. MOntK.S;
itocksr. and feedr. k6tt.J; oi
stesr. HHkk; louthtm "wj, Bi0)4l0,
M.ll: bulls. M Wkirt.SO: halves, ttlW.tJ
nmift-nnBicu, - e.vw : -..- -
tteadv; bulk ot sants. ms-v..
M 1MS4V2TU: 1 packer Arid butchers. M.OOtr
n -w.. aaTkstarSvS: ntss. M.2MIQ.a.
"4' r:.:'f " .'.TV, , . ..fca b t. isomi
MMH:e.f aihlj unep , ......
w..j. .-a. i , tan i tat lie lower; laanna.
av. - .'eilne. kiMAM: - wethers.
st ooSTn; ewe. iiMivV0 .lockers and
teedors, eJ-issB. . - , .-
ai. xaaewk Lie Stack Market
am Jan., S. CATTIJC Re-
tan. kaut- market alow: ateera,
to softiOS: oowt and . hellers, B-WHpxSO.
tmAa uanainta. 1.000 head: ' market weak;, top. M; bulk of aalea.
. . ..xa o I... Sim
BUCKV AtSlt LemD.7-nrvo,n "
htad; market Mo: lambs! .0004, 40.
Btaeb la tgkt. . ' - '
niei. of live' slock at tka.llva.piln-
ClPBl w. maramsir--. -
J,K nm.ha ......... s, mi I 17.W0
St. Joteph......i.....-'2'"
Ktnaat Clt..... .....";
m .j iuio . . ,T. . .&
Totals ...fltr T8-
ua A a
M4 4 t
4T1 IU. ' ,...'..
Mt 4 M . t
SI 4 M I......
... Mt 4 M 11 .. ..
..!..1IM IS
.;...." 4M
..;... is I
lJte 4 M 4.
iiw 4 n i......
1M 4 S-. l.-.V...
IKS 4 M, . I....'.
IIS t M -t .f...
M 4 M 14
I...'.. M II !'...
.till 4 M
-1 - -
IM 4 71
..... 4 14 .
,.!.. M4 4 H
IKO I tt-.
. .
i:it in
1U4 4 H
.....IB 4 M
..... M4 4 M
UM 4 l '
.....llte I it
till I 14
A...Mlt,l II
MM 12k ,
.. ... !
..... IM 1 to
Ill 7 M '
m ik
is ta
Superintendent Graff Talki on Ittti
' em EdueAtionAl Kethfed. - i
Chlldrea , Han Lee Perweaal Mm
Bwrieaea . Taday aad lSaaal
Activity Store Limited Tkaa
la Daya af Tar.
"On of th striking fact in J-odarn
educatloa M the Increasing Immaturity ol
the pupils," said Superintendent . X.
Graff of the public schools ia his address
before th Philosophical society ycterdayt
afternoon at Baright's hall. Compared
with a law generation ago, the ckange
la Indeed marked. John Wtnthrop, th
first governor of Massachusett Bayi
colony, was married at 17. His paremtl
were not only willing, but aiding ami
abetting. They considered him a mas.
Many other men of historical fame were,
married before they wer SO. A study ol
their lives will show that at that aga
they wer mature. Today a man or
woman of 20 Is considered Immature. .
"This prolonged infancy of today la
brought About by the transfer of the pro
ductive Industrie from the hum ts ths
Today as are questioning the vslidilyl
of modes of instruction, the wisdom ot
such broad course of study, and wonder
ing why mora of that which ts taught
does not .tick In th youthful mind ami
become a part of bis mental equipment
Ia It not possible that the fault lies largely!
with his apperception basis, that bis sx
parleno and personal activity hay been
so United that there I little with which)
ts Integrate and tls up tbssa Moras: of
world knowledge?
Chlldrea Malar Older.
"With thl. pottponement of persBaaJ,
maturity, thera Im an sven greater pot '
ponemtnt of What might ba called techni
cal maturity. Th real mastery of a real
tachnlqu take longer and longen, Ths
teacher must not only go to college, but
mutt do graduate work. The young doctor
after b finishes college and medical
school I found as sa Intern In hospitals.
Thl 1 th way wltb all other proteaaloti.
"What I left undone by adenca m keep
ing us lmmatur Is finally accompllsheil
by organisation and system. The world
Is becoming orrsniied. This fact af or, .
ganUaUon still further complicates lint
on ths sld ot conduct. Bo long as tha
relation of men to. on another waa per
sonal, th chief misdeeds ot lit were.
Invasion of personal rights. New wa sra
In an Impersensl aga when w may do at
long rang. Indirectly, what w should)
never think of doing personally. Jacob).
Reis lays, 'Ton may kill a man with at
ratten tenement as surely as with aa axe.
bat many will commit th former crime)
whs would shudder at lbs latter.v
Manx New IMf flcaltlea.
"Th classes of difficulties which ansa
tinder our hrgtily organised stats of so-,
clety are many. . Thar Is ths' abuse ot
commercial reeatlont, watered milk, wa
tered stock and adulterated food. Thera
Is also abuse of th profess! ocsl relation,
tna venal architect, doctor and druggist,
and th professor of political conotny.
W havs th abuaa of th fiduciary re'
ULUon. th banker who invests with
friend, the Iniuraac official and bank
ialner. Thera M alto much tempting
and debauching of those under obliga
tion to tha publis, bribing council. Ice ,
lllslurt. etc.
"This tendency to organisation has af
fected tna borne Ufa. Th horn training: .
la now being turned over to organisation
such AS tha Young Men'1 Chrlttlan aaa-
Sutton, thai Young Women's Christian,
association, pukllo schoaia and Sunder;
schools. '
'This is an ago st wealth, luxury ami
diiplay. Tha Ufa work ot tha mea of,
today Is to spend ths day In chasing tna
almighty do'lar and to havs a good tl ma
tt night.' Th twentieth century Is ths
day of opportunity, when he who ta actu.
atsd by worthy motive can bt of maxi
mum service."
Treaaarea af th Traetlea Magaatr,
Yerke, ta Sa Cad th
w"l .
Cl.aW '
" --a. M'Iig Dried Fralta.
. ST. W -YOrYk.Vh F.VAWrT1ED
APPLB-4JIIIK,: zr.;z tei"
unchanged : i on i irwv. .v, . -
choice i0c;-T(miH0vVc.
0 . ?uTh 1rt ruls unsettled, ow
...... a.ii?hs h holders: fluo-
stVni tsngVfVotn I Pjc.for -or-
nisa up to s-T-nd lwalJ- tor Oregon.
" prlcoVs, quiet: but tMc3 sreysfy stejdy
.a.n varrerrnes: -choice. U-il4sc
o . . . taa-i.iaj.. ftnpt 174I1M-
exua -crion-. . ce'-'1?- T -i 1 ,iai
Peachet. quiet -and - PC: JJ
live?: exit, choice. IlvrtrlJc: faary. Ut
l-'Hc ' RiWrft'. "quitt.-bht flrnv.sioos mus
c'stel's. Ix07c; i;polce ta flirty seeded i
I'.c seedless. titHc; London lsyers. 1 awji
Lai. t ,i Vi,. . - .
IM I to
: im t s
v .... ill 4 M U lit I t
U . ....... 404 4 7 I " .
4 1 M I S , l:.,.....l.. 7J I M -
" est I M M..;.. fM IM
J Ml I IS 4 1"-' 'I I
' t I M M "It I M
i m ; is
H OO Trade In bat -dotal listed
b. beanah condition. ','1 i!?"
drawing M.0S .l'lAr.ZS"
showed a tendency ll.0'f't
keral supply that wss anything but x
rvl Sonta aarry kiMloeol was doMC
chiefly on shipping "' ."fS?
"at nitod ganerally tieady Init tned;
mand from packere proved lecidMly bear
l.h aad kilting drovea were "wathr "
"r a'll.del.lla 'Ptwdaire Market,
eirm awim n . . , 1 . .
ira 10c: nearby Pflhrs.-ettr. tic,
,rSr.f!a srTa.i.i at Mr-ia-hrirher Jenn
...1... la an nth AT netttV fltS. full
rate. 12 Pr o-e: .-lirU receipts full
caeea. Iii o per caaef aeittrtl firsts. 11210
pef cat: current receipts. Ml cases, $lilt)
'.B?StvVF1rra: New York. Till. creams,
fancy, Pi; fair' te 0ond: 1H. 17c .
the decline btlns !
a aiekftl lWeT
.M.MHI lata. Hi. the seatloa
is of seoelpts bad, a appreciable In
fltieaca among buyers .s tta run .was
i.T-.l aa a araat At-hsad. KhIPperS
rrdTn.rca.?.A d fit
quetatton ror spot cotree c per poena.
Spot coffee, eteedv; Rio No. T, MVt:
Ssntoe No. 4. lic. Mild, quiet: Cordova
UH017c nominal.
lry Merit.
The mall contained a good amount of
orders for varvoue klada ot cotton good
and thera are re numerous sign which
pointed ta aa exnaxuaKa of the demand.
A revision was rnaae ia. tne coat ox
thlrtv-etx-tnch cc4ored etrgea for
womea'a wear, fall price. bMng dfvpoed
i per rent. The demand for dree good
waa very rati -rectory m aomo mm
agencies. Cot Via -anrs were ta active
demand for Immediate delivery, but only
comparatively amall lota war waatad.
Prices hei Prm.
Olla asd kla.
TINE Ft i, ease, aalea. :t bbbv: ra-
calpta, U bbla: shipments, KM kbks.:
M ta. 2S.13 bbla
RteSIN Firm; aalea. 1 .Ha bbla: receipts,
M bhto.: sbipmenta, 2.MS bbu.; stocks. 12..
M4 bbkL Quot: B, K XTS: D. M TH. K.
ICa: F. ta. H. L. M47H: K. M.M: M
t7.. n, rs; w. a.. 7.ii, ww, r.o-
1 . . ' .
. 'lta Wark. '
NEW YORK. "Jan. .-CXrTTON Spit
c.loied .qul:a.middllnA. upland, t.lic;
m'.ddlkig Tgulf, Mc; t. 7.100 bale;
future opened ateady: January. .S4c bid;
February. ..2,e kid:. March, r 17c: May,
. . . -t. a.., at s ta- R.M.IM.
at ahaaVsd cost. Bulk ssld ateady to 'fterd al tuc: C'ober, .Ho.
cerrber, y.l&c - M .
Future cloted barely steady, dosing
bids: . January -Sc; FebruarT. f.jsc;
March. tic: Ap.-II. a0c: May. .57c; May.
.l7c: June. .-; Jttry, .5c; Augaat, kite;
September, stile: ociooer.; Novem
ber, .S4c; December, c.
VT--- aarte Twund SRd bOUSTIt Vlttl
afalr Beat re of freedom, htft Inquiry trom
pwaer. sr . -;,ie,r
trda wer nev aie j . , ,
lag an til well awn rowa nmsai. .
The beat heavy hogs oa ssle fcronght
MM. aa cetaparid with Saturday'a top of
MJfc, whll aaytamg. iacutg m -rat
had to men below M.'JO, . good bacea
eUiates sailing trom n aowowara. tmi
tld bsver favored good strong wtiihl
averages aad provided is Outlet tor aboat
M per cenl or to n ipw.. . . ,
iMpreeanWITT saera.
Ma Af.
:.... .
IS ...
s. tn
M. 174 ,
u. tu
ft. Na at. (a. It.
i s a m ... i s
I M 41...... til ... .1 M
IM ft Ill ... IM
IM . It. H ... IM.
I lr tu ... i m
I rl ,rl is I M
IS M... ...... U
I s is ... 4 m
t m s :rM sim
IM M. 1 MB aw
is at in ... a at
s a t is I.
IM 71 MS ... tta
I M H tM S t to
IM : .!ifc....iaa
I C Mt tM t M
m ai ... 1 1.
I a M- ST (Ml
' .'Heflaed Oil Adraeeed
XBW'TortK. Jin. ; a.-h Star.dd
CHI com pa ay or Tew lorx toaav an
BoBnced .an advane. of. 2S points IB re
fined petroleum, meklnc mined In case
let rente per gallon, refined In bulk. 4.1J
cent and standard white In barrel. 1 10
cents. ' - -
lags' Market.
ateady muscovado, B) test, 2Mc; cea
tHfugair M test. 4Mc;i rooissse. B test.
144c. refined, steady. -
POCAHONTAS, I., Jaa. a. - Special.)
Settlag up tk claim that tha sewerage
which ths towa allowed to empty into
that street ctea to bM residence uuaed
bM wife and aaugbtar to sicken and die.
j.. p.. Rea. .waa gtvea a rerdlct of aM la
LBtustrlct 44jrt"br yesterday.
. -a ee - .
' A it ream of wealthy society people
bibliophiles, antique lovers and art con
noisseurs is flowing Into the "House of
Mystery," at No, 440 Park avenue. New
York, to view tha treasures left by
Charlas T. Yerke to his ward. Miss
Emilia Orlgaby, th girl whoee wondrous
beauty and strange personality fascinated
financiers, entranced men ot such ganoua
and ereaUv gift a Henry James and
George Meredith, and sven charmed
royalty;. '....
Tha chatelaine of th "Hou of Mys
tery" ba decided to cut the Ust link that
bind her to America, and, accordingly.'
haa determined to sell practically every
thing la th vast mansion. Th sale,
which will perhaps, surpass la Interest
any disposal ever held In this country,
will probably take place during th last
week In January.
Invited viaitors wander Bt will about tha
Park avenue palace, which M packed from
basement to atUe with draperies, paint
ings, sculptures, tapestries, rare book
and-all aorta of intimate souvenirs. All
books. Jewel. jdes and poroelalna, altar
Cloths, precious rugs, rare Tanagra figur
ine, marvelous furniture of mediaeval
times, will go under ths hammer all ex
cept a few dear, intimate possessions.
Among th thing! Miss Grigsby will
tak to England with her when she leava
to taks up her domicile In that country
la her portrait by Cop pee It's a wonder-
ful atudy, that portrait of a slim and
graceful girl, wltb hair of Titian tint and
yes of softest blue.
Th entrance hall M subdued with only
th dull glow ot the jewelled altar lamp
from sa Italian cathedral to bring forth
a dull glow of tawny yellow from tapeae.'.
try and oriental tanging. Upon th walM
of this Apartment ar panel by Albert -Herter,
depicting the plc movement af
Wagner's he roe. Upon the celling tha
god leap aver th cloud 1b the retreat
to Valhalla. Batting out th legend of -th
panels a great marble group depict--Ing
th Triumph at Brunhild rises from
the middle at th mantel. . .
Paasing through th library la which
ara 11.10 volume of rare edition, first .
editions aad "steel preseex," th library
of Baron Munchasen was pointed euL
Thera M a mas; of ths Von Muaehaasa
family which haa been Initialled by th
head of th family every hundred year .
sine CtB. Thera ar dosena of other silver
and pwtr pMvcea, all with a historical.
Ia tn draartng room Mia Origsby has
what M said to ke th. largest missel ta
the world, containing the whole ot th .
mas aa It was sung In the flftaenta
centary. It Is sa thick vellum aad la
quit as good condlttoa as when at left
th hands of the awdlaeTal monkish
Illuminators. New York American.
Ptrttstant Adverthrng M th Road
Erg Returns.