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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 30, 1912)
Looking Backward This Day in Omaha nurtj Twantyv-en Ttui Ag p4h sartorial Txtt of nn ism he Omaha Daily Bee WEATHIS FQJLECAST. Generally Fair VOL. XLI-NO. 194. OMAIIA,. TUESDAY M011XIXG, JANUARY 3), 1'M2-TVELVE .PACKS. SING I J. COPY TWO CENTS. HOUSE TOTES FOB IRON TARIFF BILL Democratic Measure for Berision of Metal Schedule Passes After Underwood Stops Debate. . REPUBLICAN OPPOSITION FAILS Twenty Insurgents Vote with Ma jority in Favor of Act REFUSE TO WATT FOE EEPOBT Payne Loses in Effort to Becosunit Bill to Committee. SENATE FIGHT WILL BE SIOBMT Democrats Han Pre Repaa-' Una Will Ma These raan Bill and I-emv It t" the President.. WASHINGTON. Jan. 2.-The demo cratic maul ttrlff revision bill, to make inductions averaging 35 per cent from the exist nc steel ana iron nun v . Fnyne-Aldrich law. passed the hous to dny by a vote of !l to 1W. Republican effort to amend o'r debate the bill were brought to a sudden end when Democrats Leader Underwood re fused to permit Ihe offering of further amendments and forced the house to a vote upon the final passage e tbe meas ure. Twenty Insurgent republicans voted or the measure, while the democratic del egatien front Colorado, Representatives Martin. Bucker and Taylor, dissatisfied with the great redaction proposed In the lead tariff, voted against the democratic majority. The republicans who supported the bill, all Insurgents, were: representatives Pavls and Lindbergh (illnn). llsughen, Hubbard and wooos Ua.; Helgcsen IN. D.). Jackson. Murdock and Young (Kan.i: Kent and Stephenson (Cel.), Ktnkald. Norrls and Sloan Neb.); Laferty tore.), 1 Folletto and Warbur ton (Wash.), lenroot, Morse and Nelson (Wis). . The Insurgent republicans who voted nsainst Its passage were: 1 Representatives Anderson. Miller, Hoi. stcd and SteencrsDn (Minn.): Cooper, Ksch and Kopp iWls.)- ITench (Idaho). Good, Green, Kendall. Kennedy and Pick ett (la.); rieys (Cel.). " Payee's Molloi Defeated. Pefcated repeatedly In their attempts to force amendments Into the measure, the republicans rallied for the last attack iipon the motion of Representative Payne of New York, former republican chair man of the ways and means committee, to recommit Ihe bill to that committee, with Instructions to hold i until the arlff commission made is report upon its pend ing Investigation of the metal tariff. This motion was defeated, ln to KM. Tbe regular republicans protested to the last against the application of the rules closing the debate. Mr. Underwood we charged tr -Keswbucan leader Mann with the ruthless application ct the force of the democratic majority. Many at -4 tempts to strike out sections of the f re list wsr made, but amendments by Mr. Mann to restrict the democratic free list, which Includes typewriters, printing ma chinery, machine tools, sewing machines and other articles, to countries that da not discriminate against American cot tonseed oil, live cattle, meats and meat products were defeated. Keaate'e Attltad Danbtlal. The bill will face a stormy reception In lh senate. If will reach the senate to morrow and be referred to the financial committee. Both republican and demo- ratio senators have been deferring other legislation with a view to concentrating attention on the tariff measures as they emerge from the house, but ne course of action has been mapped out. The democrats expressed hop today that the progressiva republicans would join with them In the asm coalition that enabled the senate to put through the tariff bills at ths extra session and to leave die Issue squarely up to the presi dent Tbe progressive republicans have not held any conference as to their atti tude. There are differing Individual views among them as to' the steel tariff that may Interfere with a new align ment on this measure when It comes up for a vote. NORTH WOODS CALLING FOR TIMBER CUTTERS DUIX'Tir, Minn.. Jan. 3. Th North woods are ringing with the clatter of rush operations' In getting out timber and an appeal has been sent down for 1.SM to 1W additional men to help oaten up with the work. The last month of extreme cold has had much to do with the conditions of operations having bean restricted. A local lumberman today stated that the lumber cut for- this dis trict will run a little less than kos, 000,000 feet, a few million lea than last season. The supply of low grade la said to be nearly ail sold. PART OF M'NAMARA'S CHECK BOOKS DESTROYED 1XDIANAPOU8. Jan. Jf.-Meny check looks showing to whom J. J. McNamara paid money to carry on dynamiting. It was learned today, have been destroyed, or, st lestt put beyond reach of the federal grand jury which Is Investigating tbe dynamite conspiracy. Leo M. Rappaport, counsel for the International Association of Brldr and Iron Workers, was able to tell tbe jury of tbe whereabouts of only a part of the accounts. The Weather Fur Nebraska Fair; moderate temper. For Iowa Fair, with wanner hi west- portion. Hours. Deg. The National Capital Monday, tansry St), It) IS. The Senate. In session at p. m. 'Resuming Senator Ixrlmer's eross-ex-smlnation. the Investiiratina; committee hoped to conclude testimony this week. The House. Steel tariff revision Mil passed SM to 109 Twenty insurgent republicans voted with the democrats Steel trust hearing resumed with an Inquiry into labor conditions at steel plants. House democrats win caucus tonight on economy program. . DABBOWCHABGED F0BJUBYBB1BING Former Chief Counsel for MeSamara Brothers Charged in Two Counts . with Attempted Corruption. FDBNISHED MONET FOB FUND President Begins . His Ohio Trip with Talks in Cleveland CLEVELAND. O., Jan. S.-Coming into his native state for his first visit since he voted In Cincinnati last fall President Tart spoke this afternoon to the Cleve land Chamber of Commaro of "Peace and Arbitration. It was the president's first speech of a three-day tour of Ohio. His vole waa a bit husky, but apparently he was able to reach every man In the crowd that filled the auditorium of the Chamber of Commerce, and the applause his remarks received were hearty and frequent. One of the surprises of his Cleveland visit came just as the president entered ths . Chamber ' of Commerce building. Former Secretary of the interior James R. Garfield, close friend of Colonel Theo dore Roosevelt and generally conceded to be "antl-Taft," waa there to greet him. "Hello, Jimmy, I'm glad to see you.' said, ths president with a smile as their hands met- Mr. Garfield and former Governor Myron T. Htrrtck sat on the platform while the president spoke. . Ths president in his speech naked sup port for ths proposed arbitration treaties with Great Britain and Franc. . He said he mold see no force in the main objec tion to the proposed pacts which, ha said, seemed to lie In the fact that ail ques tions, even those Including "national honor," are ta be arbitrated. Following bis speech the president was the guest or ' President Adams of th Chamber of Commerce at luncheon. To night he speaks at the banquet of the Tippecanoe club and leave early tomor row for Columbus. ' In addition ' to Clcvelsnd. Columbus, and Akron are promised visits, Mr. Taft spending tomorrow and part of Wednes day in th former and Wednesday after noon and evening in Ihe latter city. Those matching national politic antlcl pate a striking speech from the president st the Tippecanoe banquet. In Its ear lier stsges much of th progressive re publican propaganda emanated ' from Cleveland and th deslr to observ th president's treatment of "insurgency" In his estiva state has been general. f t President Taft --Begins Ohio Trip -- . at Cleveland CLEVELAND, O.. Jan. .-lnvadlnr hotbed of national politics. President Taft crossed the tins Into Ohio early, to day. - V " - The party arrived at 11:19 a. m. and, packed into automobiles, waa taken through slush-covered streets to a down town hotel, A committee of citizens waa on band to greet the president and an es cort consisting of troop A., Ohio Na cort consisting of troop A, Ohio Na tional Guard, and a detail of mounted After being met at th Euolld avenue station by a commutes it waa planned to escort th president to his hotel, whence he later would go to th Cham ber of Commerce for an address to-Us members and to be ths ruest nt a pri vate luncheon given by President Charles E. Adams. - ' Th program thereafter Included con ference of nearly - two hours between the president and former Governor Myron T. Herrlck; a reception to old soldiers and to Tippecanoe club members, this being the only function open to th general pub lic; sn address to students of th Cleve land law school; the Tippecanoe club banquet with an attendance of mors than M sxpected and th president as the last speaker; thence an 11 o'clock trip to a dinner given by Hungarians and another speech, the day to be concluded with drive to the presidential car and depart ure at !: o'clock in th morning for Columbus. Bills Allege Paid Money to Juror Bain and Lockwood, RUMORS LONG FORETELL HOVE Attorney Comes to Los Angeles Pre- fared for Action. HAD BAIL ALREADY ARRANGED Repeats statrsseal that Kaeve Xoth las at Attempts ta Bribe or la. tlaenc Jarar and Experts ' Be Aesjaltted. LCIS ANGKI.BeJ. Cel., Jan. S. -Two in dtctment. each containing counts of brib ery and attempted corruption were re turned today by the county grand Jury against Clarence H. Darrow of Chicago, formerly chief counsel for the McXa mara brothers. Thebills al lege that he furnished the money fo the McNamara defenss fund and bribed Robert Rain, a juror awom to try James B. McNamara. th confessed dynamiter snd murderer, and George N. Lockwood, a venireman. Attorney Lecompta Davis, one af Clar ence narrow's assistsnts In th defense of th McNamara brothers, was called today as a witness, Davis said he had noj. been subpoenaed, but merely re quested to tell what he knew of th op eration of Bert II. Franklin, th detec tive, who Is now awaiting trial on the charge of having bribed Juror Robert Bain and attempting to bribe Venireman Georg N. Lockwood. Indicted Man la Aaajrlea. Darrow arrived her today and went directly to th offic of Karl Rodger, whom be had retained to represent him, "If need be." All rumors of indictments have centered about Darrow, who had supervision over th disbursement of th Cii.000 said to have been raised for th defense of th confessed dynamltera. "I am expecting to be Indicted." said Darrow today, "and I mlgbt as well be prepared for It. All Til say In regard to the indictment Is this: I've repeatedly said that I knew nothing about any at tempt to bribe or Influence a juror. I repeat that steadily. I confidently bops and expect to be acquitted." - Darrow told of having arranged for bail and his decision to remain In Los Angelss until th ran waa finished. Of all those whose name hav beea connected' In any way with th allega tion that th McNamara defena ays. tematloally sought to corrupt jurors and witnesses, only Darrow was omitted from th ilst of witnesses called by the counis'arjuryr '' Spectators Searched for Weapons as They Enter Court Room FQRT WORTH, Tex.. Jan. J.-A spec tators entered th- court room to hear proceedings In the trial of John Beat Sneed. accused of the murder of Captain A. G. Boyct, today they were searched for weapons. There was no disorder and no weapons were found. It was an nounced several day ago that, specta tors would be searched. Bneed'a trial did not proceed today. On a technicality counsel for th pris oner argued that th court lacked Juris diction. Th trial will be delayed at least two days on this. account. Ohio Progressives Against Harmon COLUMBUS. O., Jsn. -The Progres siva Democrat! league of Ohio today is sued a statement. In which It declared Governor Harmon out of harmony with the progressive movement and calls on th democrats to nominate a "progres sive" for the presidency. -We know nougb about the tariff questions." aaya tbe statement, "to re member that It was Champ Clark's lead ership which aroused tit entire country against th Payne-Aldrtcb tariff bill and carried Ohio and nearly all the eastern states for us in the tall of 1910. "If any man Is to be nominated for president on the tariff question that man should be Champ Clark, or some other democrat who was In congress at ths time of the successful fight on tbe Payne- Aid rich tariff bill was made." : '. r tvT la. m 1 O ?iS::::::::::::::Si a. m t f" a. m it I a. m s H m. m ... 3 1-1 12 m A 1 P. m Ci S P. m a INJ J p. m.. ............ as ,A ;" a (j p. m a " " a Pi ? p. m IS I p. ra I Coal Operators . Make Concession INDIANAPOLIS, Jan. Sr-Riturainoua coal operators of Indiana, ' Illinois. Ohio and western Pennsylvania yielded slightly lo the demands of tbe miner today when they submitted a statement to the Joint conference agreeing to "return to the wage scale of IWt-nts. with the right of operators In Indiana to ship mine run or screen lamp regardless of which basis Is used In paying the miners." The scale of not-l" was M c-nts a ton lower than the present scale in Ohio and westers Pennsylvania and ( cents a ton lower than in Illinois and Indiana, white the wages of day labor were 6 per cent lower. Tbe plaa will be rejected by the min er. It was announced. Strike Riots Break Out at Lawrence LAWRENCE, Masa, Jan. .-6ertons rioting accurred today when a crowd of strikers attempted to prevent operatives from entering th vsrlous textile mills to resum work. In many case tlie strikers were successful and the mills that reopened were able to operate only on a greatly reduced scale. Several per sons were seriously Injured during the trouble. Tbe rioters held up some twenty .st more electric cars beaded In the direction of the mills, forced tbe passengers to leave the ears snd then assaulted them In the belief that they were strike breakers. Bottles and lumps of lc were thrown Into the car windows. The rioting began an hour before the time for the opening of the mill gates. The mob wss composed mostly of for eigners and many were woman, who cheered the men on to violence. The police were power lea to end the disorder Entrance to the mill district by ths marchers was prevented by the militia stationed in streets bordering th mills. From Under the "Cocked Hat!" IFOMIVEWOWWHES o7 ' -rr: A : ' t.vV'v : From Ilia Brooklyn Kasle. PALMER BLAKEPASSES OYER Veteran Legislator and Pioneer of State Dies Near Tecumseh. CAME TO NEBRASKA IN 1857 taaaoa Dapparter mt l.ste W. L. lay ward la Kebraaka He no tarial Caasnalna Faarral Be Held The rods y. STKCLMMBH. Neb.. Jsn. . -(Special Tepgram.)-Jfalmer Blake, one of the very esrly settlers of Johnson county, died thlta ftrmoun at' the bom of his daughter. Mia. Cook Lsmb, one mile east of Tecumseh. lie had been In talllns health for a number of years and was aged 7 years. Palmer Blake wss bom at Brnokfield, VI.. June I, Mffi, lis lived In the .yrtssri i"' " ",?Prnmfn,'"'l Mountain' Mat iinfil 1iewas aged It. I,."V t'' sue! i oiVora'tioi Ing acquired a goad common school edu cation. In 1K4 he located at Rock Island, III., and In MM he went te Decatur county, Iowa. There on October IB. ISM. he wss married to Mlas Frances A. Smith, who survive him. In th aprlng of MM Mr. Blake and bis wife made their way overland to Ne braska, coming In an o( team, and lo cated In Helena precliwt. This was In i the day of many hardships, of few set-1 Status Steel corporation. Iron Ore Companies File Answers to the ' Dissolution Suit TKKNTON. N. J.. Jsn. .-hlog ft Kniery, counsel fur the Mtum-sota group of land and Iron mining reinpanle named ta party defendants In the suit of th government for. the dissolution of the l.'nited 'Htatcs Heel corporation, filed tlietr answsrs today lo the government's alle gations. There, are three distinct an swers, cne by the West Miaeabe Land company, limited, and seventeen other lend and Iron mining cutnpaiiita; the second by J. II. O ruber, Individually, and Ihe third by Louis VY. Hill. James N. Hill, Waller J. Hill and Udwaid T. NIcIk olas, trustees. Til anaweis are a general denial, so far 'hoi defendant r concerned. gallons of a plsn ration and the other defendants to certsplis to restraint of competition, Gmber ami the other four Individuals are charged with, bring trustee In Irax from th West Mlssah l.and com pany, limited, and other defendants of or land to th Orrst Wentrrn Mining company, the royalty on Ihe or lo be paid by the Ureal Western company, the latter being guaranteed by the I nlled Kurds and Russians 'Fighting in Persia FT. PETERSBURG, Jan. a.-Sklr-mishes between tbe Kurds and the Rus sians, occupying th northern provinces of Persia, are reported ta a dispatch re ceived her from Knot, sixty-five miles northwest of Tsbriz. Tlw Russian patrols on th fifty-mil stretch between Krurmah and Dtlman have been fired at repeatedly during the last few days. Fev er! Kurds nave been killed by the Rus sians. Armed parties of Kurds and Armenians have been observed In the neighborhood of I'rumlsh, which I occupied by the Turks. OMAHA TRANSFER CASE - SET BY SUPREME COURT WASHINGTON, Jan. U. -(.Special Tele gram.) Chif Justice White today an nounced that the case of the Omaha Council " Bluffs 8treet Railway comiiany agslnst the Interstate Commerce commis sion is assigned for bearing February II. Thla is tbe ear Involving the fare across th Douglas street bridge and th matter of tra safe-s to and ' from- the Council Bluffs line. ... tiers and numerous Indians here. Til deceased was an Important factor in th upbuilding of this section of the slate," He wan a representative In "the twenty-fifth and twenty-sixth sessions of th Nebraska legislature, being from Ihe fourth district. Mr. Blake was a life long republican, having cast his first vole for Lincoln. During th Hayward senatorial cam paign Mr. Blake wss a stsnch Hay wsrd supporter, and when voting for his choice seemed bopeless he was on hand as well as when the victory was cele brated. Twelve children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Blake, six living and being Mrs. E. J. Thompson of White line, Wash.; Mrs. Alva Whitney of Denver; Mi. Henry IJvingstone of Cook, Neb.: Mrs. Charles '.. 1 ismanter of Long Pine, Neb.; Joseph S. Bkvka and Mrs. Cook Lamb of Tecumseli. The funeral will be held at the I-anib home Thursday afternoon, conducted by Rev. Richard Pearson of Auburn, and Interment will be In ihe Tecumseh ceme tery. , ' McFarland on Trial for Murder of Wife NEWARK. X. J.. Jan. B.-.MIieon Mc Farland was placed on trial for bis life here today charged with the murder-of his wife, Evelyn, who drank cyanide of potassium In the darkness at her home on October 17 but. . The stale will at tempt to prove that MacFarland placed the poison In a bottl similar to on con taining medicine used by Mrs. MacKar land for Insomnia. Th motive, the state sllcges, was his love for Florence Brom ley of Philadelphia, his former sten ographer, whom he wanted to marry. A sheaf of letters exchanged between the defendant and Miss Bromley will be Introduced In the evidence. MacFarland fpleaded not guilty. Again Last Week Bee 5.166 Inches Display. Next paper 4,956 inches Dis play. Third paper 4,143 Inches Dis play. The Last Three Weeks Last Month Bc 24,941 inches Local Dis play. X.-'t paper 23,074 inches Local Display. About 1,600 inches "indecent medical" advertising refused by The Bee were run by the "Next paper." The "third paper," aTeo, has surfed taking this class 4 again. In 1 his answer O ruber admits having been named as a trustee, but denies hav ing Joined In th lease. - The other four Individuals admit belnf trustees and having Joined in th leae as such, but they deny that they were a party to the creation of any monopoly In Iron or steel products or In th restric tion of the output of or. The West Mlssab Land company and Ihe other company defendants admit the leases, but ray they were made in good faith for the benefit of th stockholders without any purpose of restricting trade or creating a monopoly. They also deny having at any time combined or conspired In restraint of trade. Iowa Democrats Fix .Convention Dates UK JIOINKd. IsTVai). a.-Th demo cratic state convention to. select dele satis to ttie national convention t Bal timore will be held May 9, the city to be chosen this afternoon. The democratic late committee made tills aunounseinrnt following a morning seiuloh In which an effort lo endorse presidential candidates was defeated. The suggestion of the na tional committee for the primary elec tion of delegate to the convention was turned down, the matter being left to the county organisations. 'The second convention to nominate state officers will be held July S. M. I. Hcaley of Fort Dodge waa chosen tem porary chairman for. the first and V. R MOInols of Leon temporary chairman of the second convention. MAN KILLED IN COLLISION . OF TROLLEY CARS IN ST. PAUL feT. PAl'L. Jan. . -George D. lleaih erlngton, aeslstsnt city assessor, died this afternoon fromr Injuries: received in Ihe collision of a runaway trolley car 1th another car today here. tUchard a. Markgraf was' probably fatally turt and a score of others were less serious y injured, A Kelby avenue car ran away on a grade snd crashed Into another car filled with nasHensers. The vestibule of the runaway ar took fire from tlie stove and Motor mafr gwansoii. whose leg wss eat off a? e'.eanly In the accident as ir It bad beta done by a surgeon's knife, for a time as pinioned In the burning wreckage, but wss rdaed befur the flame touched iini. RATE WRANGLE IN CHICAGO Commissioners of Six States Meet Federal Examiner, ASK SUSPENSION OF ORDER Request af Stales far Tim to la veatlaale Increase) A (lectins Thaasands af Stallone . Is Denied. CHICAtK), Jsn. .- Wraugls marked th meeting 'of railroad commissioner of even slatss and Chief Kaamlnsr George X. Brown of th suspension commutes of the Interstst Commerce com mission tier, todsy when a new tariff schsdvrt created by railroads 'In western stares reme at for dt sou set on. The railroad commission er llnally left the meeting bctiM, sc. eordlnc to a statement they Issued later, the- rain enswiinee he "nisjudltsd the owt" of b shippers. ' w ; i' . , 1 1. Troubles started whn . Coovmlssionsr Clifford Thorn t (J Jvnwa board asked Brown I recommend a lit daf usnm alon of th new freight schedule of th road, which Is to g bit efreel februsry II, pending th preparation of the com misslonsrs' attack on th new rates. In sufficient time had been given th cam mlrsiunera to protest th nsr ratev It was said. Brown firmly refused Id IrSut th re quest. , Th following commissioners tte film ing the freight meeJre: Clifford Thome, Iowa; fleurge A. llenrhsw. Oklahoma l p. c. Robinson, ttiulh Dakota; J. A. Little, North Dsko.a; J. Hedlund, Texss: K. K. Smith. Kansas, and T. N. Bradbury. Mis souri, . Statement af Casasslsslsnera, The statement says: The chief examiner has prejudiced ur ease. We regret lo And this situation and wish, ha could have waited until he had heard our reason for asking th suspen sion of tlie entire classification. "Thla classification th railroads hav proposed lalsea the freight charges on subjects between all polo's In. Amer ica west of Ihe Missouri river. It has been estimated that there are , (owns In this territory. One-half of them probab'y are at minor Importance. That mean more than s.oW.W raises affecting Chicago alone, Tbe same is true of Kau nas City, Dea Moines, St. Ixnils and every other point west of Chicago. Think of th vast territory affected and the millions of rates Involved. "We received notice of this change De cember 3S. They go Into effect February 16. It would be a physical Impossibility for any man or board of men to check this thing over to ascertsia the actual effect on traffic. The reeult is a fsw men will present a few grievances. The great shipping public and tl e cjnsumers of th country will not be heard. .Ml we ask Is a sus pensirn or the whole schedule for IS) dsys as contemplated by the act to reg ulate commerce." Much objection has been made to th now schedule because of the raise oa agrli-ultursl Implements, farm machinery and accessories. . . The commissioners planned to hold an other meeting late today to decide on their future course. . Norris Eevises His ; Postal Service Bill WASHINGTON, Jan. S.-.t ten-year terra for .the postmaster genera', th elimination of the entire Postofflce de partment from polltka and th appoint rment of all postmasters by the head ot I the department Instead of by the presi I dent was proposed In a bill Introduced to I day by Representative Norrls - of Sir I brs-ka. Tlie measure Is s revision - of a previous bill by Mr. .Morris. PAVING INQOMu . HITS POLITICS1 Salph Sonderland Declines to Ex. plain to Council Certain Exprea- , oni Ee TJted. J SrLEST ON C0UKSEL-S ADVICE j Published Words Called in Question I by Council Members. i ABIES MAKES DIRECT CHARGE I Accuses Unnamed City Officials of j Misconduct in Office. WARM DAT IN COUNCIL CHAMBER ' laqalry lata ravine and Other Taw. ! .lie Work Bring On! a Let i r Statements frwsa . . . Caatrnetar. j A placid Investigation Into the letting of i public Improvement contract In Umalia bream charged with ominous political Intent who RMph E. Sunderland of thi Cttlsses' union was brought before the ' city council., convened as a special court of Inquiry yesterday afternoon. Runner-1 land was accompanied by a legal adviser. , no objerted te all Important ustlonq' propounded by counrilmen or city at-1 tornej, Mitch objection were sustained' and nasslv . observers . becam active protestors, Mr. undsrland's (published statement that It Is a significant observation that no public attack has been mad upn th Citlsens' union nor upon Individual connection wtlh It, except by persons In close proximity to th city hall, or by those who fear that corrupt machln coft-l Irol of Omaha la doomed" started the. trouble. Through his attorney be politely! refused lo expltln what li meant, thai lawyer saying It was Irrevelant. Imms terlsl siid didn't matter much, anyway. J A few of th rouncllmen saw it from' th lawyer's standpoint, other took a diametrically opposite view and there after considerable unquiet prevailed. Many j questions w-jre propounded snd all were met by the calm, determined objection of! eeuneel for th witness. ' Canrs af lb Inquiry. "Confine the eaamlnatlon to th paving proposition." said the attorney. His sd vice wa. foilowed, but th witness pro- fetstd ignorance of the business of lb firm, as far as such details a pacing I was concerned. '.' '"If there' any corrupt ofltcal around, , I'd Ilk to find It out," complained City Clerk Butler. "iHv us what- Information I you have." " , " ' ' ' Counsel objetced. . " "Do yon know." queried Joe Butler, a- slstant In In office of th gaa commls rluner, "thai James Jensen has assigned, rights iulr contract to yuT' .Ha ywi twees." waked the witness, ade, drsiilng ill oity attorney, "that warrantgi hav been assigned Is uT ' Mr. Rln said "right under th con tract hsd be i assigned by Jama Jen sen to th Sunderland Bros, firm." ,"Isn't It k tact," continued Mr. Butler,, "that Mi-. Jenssn has aligned omsthtn Ilk l,0 to your Objection wss md by th aliornsy. , "I Just wsniad to show," said Butler,! "that no. man hav beea closer to the ad. ministration nor , bav been larger bene erlrlaries than Bundwlsnd rBoa." Judge jJUirka ruled th roonedlng ul of order snd yanked th Investigation bark Into th paring probe channels, but nothing wss discovered, th wltnaa protesting thst his brother, J. A. Bun-' derland, who Is now ut ( th city, was, th man to xamln. ; Arier Makes a Cbars. Direct charge of misconduct on 111, part of an unnamed city official were1 mad by A. A. Arter. sn employ of C. R. - Fannlnf and s paving district pro-1 moter. "l d'not car te go any further,'"' said-Mr. . Arter, "until I have seen a.' lawyer, I'm not afraid of Incrunlnatlna? myself, but I want to know bow fan, I aught to go." . Although Insistent th council wS unabl to learn who th official wha had Improperly conducted himself wss. Questioned as to whether he waa a member of the city council or a mlnosl employ of th administration Arter) atesdfaally declined to answer until b had consulted ee, attorney. Ha will appear bofcr th committee at X Cclo. Si this afternoon and tell his story, assisted by legal talent Prasaatera Aeeawe One Another. Promoter placed on th stand accused each other very generously with wrong I doing hi securing signature to petitions. T. . Crocker, a "promoter ot public Im.' provements." , cited sn instanc wham a certain promoter whose name he gav had forged a date on a petition subse quent to the date of stgnliuf. lie Is no' certain if tbe contract for th work had. been let on the atrengtb of thla pe-' tltkm. Enul Peterson accused an employ of C. K. "Panning with violating the city, ordinance j In promlilng to pay a prop erty-nolder the difference In cost of two) paving materials It he would attach bi signal ur ta his petition.' Placed oa th) stand th employe denied th charge. C. L. I alining gave a ilst ot th pro! ARMY APPROPRIATION B1LUS REPORTED WASJItNGTOeX, Jan. 2?.Th army a,, r-ropnatiun MH airryln $VV, .. a?: Itw acrirultura! uof OMiiitlon Ml. ;-J a total of !.33fi.jf7S, werr t"Jay ivtortt-i M thr hou?. T!.f prnsl-jii apivroi'-iatlot, bill also nil! bts wnortl It tarrtea about M,m.W0. The army Mil howa a reduc tion t P .0W frum thp Hfrraprlaitort o' last yrar. Tin agricultural bill in HZ-Unr jbfk)? lat rf" aiM'ropriatiOa STUDENTS CHARGED WITH SETTING FIRE TO COLLEGE v, Jan. . Five stu dent ware arrested this afternoon on k .,.n in connectlcsi wuh 'ii.t tntnitlon by fire today of Holy jrtii college near Karnham. It is ; charged that because some of the boys were refused permission to go home for 'a holiday they revenged themselves by I firing the school.' The damage was Results that come from sincere in quirers, who real ly want what you have for sale are the kind you get from the Bee Want ads. t Use them, read tnem, tney pay both ways.