Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 29, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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-s awe-
Fear Colliiioi wift the Xooserelt
Political Special
Fifty Years Wedded Today
m la fm Stale Saw
An Stow Thersmaly Oi
, te liiH latevwete at
Mr at Tart.
( eaatire
-' (Tren Stiff Correspondent )
UNCDUC. Jan. -.pclBL-jMt at
present dsstnterested spectator ar enjoy
ing th proepei t of a collision bwwtfli the
la Follett and Roosevelt trains. Ever
alma tba boomers of tha former president
scheduled their train many of the pas
sengers and boom of the erew of the 1
Follette Irala have given evidence of un
easiness and at the present time the ma
jority of both classes are down oa the
running boards ready to jump as soon si
there seems to be a prospect of a collision.
. Tba La Falletta train bss never attained
sufficlest speed to occasion alanS over
the. chances of Injury In Jumping, but
what la worrying thoao aboard the la
Follett special la tba prospect that nil
the lower berths roar be taken by Hie
Unas they can get aboard the Roosevelt
limited. This la a mora arrtoua matter
than appears on tha surface for be It
knew, that tba I-a Folletta boomers, that
Is thoaa who are pushing the affair, art
mora Interested In being In on the ground
'doer of any movement that promises sue.
cans than 1 as tho fortune of aay In
dividual. This situation is particularly
tmbsri-assiag Just now when they have
after mock nineverlng. obtained the
promise of tha Wisconsin senator that he
will visit tha stale and alsa that LsmiIs
D. BraadrJa of Boston will coma to Ne
braska to rally tha forces. That the
eatlra enlisted force would Jump ' to
Kooevvelt promptly If they had any as
surance tha former president would enter
tha rasa la generally -eonoeded and the
f Octal would not ha far behind.
Ims fa Taft. '
Encooraglng reports continue to toaia
lata tha; Taft headquarter from the
organisation work over tha stale. Cass,
tie arson. Gaga and Sarpy counties are
now thoroughly organised sad most of the
eounttra have made a good start on the
asms Una. M tha present rata tha entire
stats will bo thoroughly organised long
before tha data for tha primaries. The
work of organising la proving oven easier
than .nUclpated. the sentiment of re
publican voters being found such that sll
that s necessary Is to got some one to
take bold of tha work.
It Is announced there will be at least
two filings for stale offices to, greet tha
secretary of. stale when b opens hi
mail Monday morning.. . W. Kelly of
Bearer City will enter the race for the
democratic, nomination for secretary ef
stats. Ha was sergeant-at-arais 01 m.
last; bouse.' C. & Baasett of Otbboa has
sent lit his filing for tha republican
aomtnatloa for state auditor. e , j
Mies the tJovevteor..
Governor Aldrka and Attorney Oeneral
MarUn got'their wires crossed yestsrdsy.;
Thf attornee- .general want to .Omaha to
coiumH ,wtl County - Attomay .English
and on bis return Intended to have a talk
with ins governor, but on arriving In Lincoln-
ascertained that the governor bad
started an hi Otats trip. .This loaves
tha whole aiMter of taking a band In the
Omaha, altuatisn hung aw nm tha gov
ernor s return.. IneMen tally. It would not
displease tht . attorney general If It
shoold be penmanantly placed to) . lbs
hungup list. -; , , t. ,
, , Threhereea to Meet. " '
Tha state srtanlsatton of thmekensan
will meet In iLUwoIb February a, 1 and t
and a large attandaaos Is expected. After
having disposed of tha season's ere tbsy
have a : large collection of tbelr ows
troubles ts thresh sat.' ; .
CoJBJnini' Fame for President ie-
ceived with EquaiiLmity.
Ill l r 6 v : i
I J 1 - ,J, ' T Jj
rrohahllltlea Are tar solid Sapport
Of laera Seaata by Ewtlre Dele,
alien Vas'l Be Second
Mr. and Mrs. Dsniel A. Shaffer
celebrate their fiftieth anniversary at
thdr home one and one-half miles north
of Ht Kdwsrd, Keb, at 7 o'clock this
evening. Invitation had been sent to a
lane number of relatives snd a few In
timate friends. Daniel A. ghaffrr and
lttlrta Kennedy were married January
. WO. st Mire, Mich., moved to Lexing
ton. 111., where Ihey resided tor seven
years, then moving ta Edwardiburg.
will Mich., where they lived ten years, having
w.m in iu iUarerd. tlaOBa
county, Neb., In 187s, where h purchased
S homestead, and have since resided,
raising eight children (five boys and three
glrlsl and hava twenty-five, grand child-
ren. Mr. Miaffer, who Is now 71 years
of age, and Mrs. Shaffer. M years, ar In
very good health and continue to look
After tha management of their fine farm
of IM sores.
(Continued from First Page.) '
g : ! -ateetsas
UrU ts Hsavtosja la Fifth
' - . Coaaioaelanal Otatrtet.
HABTlNUg. Meb. J0. l-S(nal Tel-
etraaxr-lA Folletta publicans front the
Fifth aoosreestonal dlstrtrt snet hers la
tha court house yesterday for ts pnrposs
of antortssg deles ales fni tha hathmal
cosvsaaHoa and also to aam delegates to
tho etaU meeting. I. Devan Bvealded aa
chsirmaoan 1i H. Popa was serretsry.
Tbara was sa attendance of U peraons,
wet of tbam being attracted to the meat
Ing to boar what Jamaa Vtananaa of Be
Paul, Wtsn., had to say, as ho was sched
uled to speak In tho afternoon snd even
ing. r ' -
Keaolollon endorsing I Follett for
tha praetdenry and Oeorg W. Karris for
the senst wer adopted.
Ambrose Epperson of Ctay county sod
He net or Lues of Harlan county w
named as delegates from the Fifth dis
trict to the national convention.
Deiegatas to tha state convention an:
Oeorgo A. Wheeler. W. li. Browned, I.
W. Plummor, O. B. Shaffer. A. C. Tomp
kins, J. M. Tennsnt, J. A. Qardlner, U. .
Roproer, I. D. Eane. L. TV. Iquli
Georga Ulvens, J. C. Hayward, Root land-,
T. O. Whiting. J unit.
. BRIDGEPORT. Neb.. Jan. IA-(peHal.)
The annual meeting of Bridgeport Com-
! marelal club last night was largely at
tended and eomethtng of tho old time en
: thlislssm was manlfeatod when tha sues.
tlon of maintaining tha organisation was
brought ap.
Tho club will hold regular meetings
oa the second snd fourth Thursday
nights ef each month and ovary member
Is expected to be present to work for the
good and welfare of Bridgeport and
blorrlll county.
Tho following officers were elected for
tha coming year:
rraatnent. F. R. Williams; vice presi
dent. J. l Miller; secrete nr. Wv J. geog
. gin: treasurer, J. U Johnson: man iters.
H M. Willi. V. Anderson. J. K. Teta
nies-, U R. North and t. M Ijrnch.
normal by tha proper Influences and
tar during childhood.
It ts a difficult mstter ts mk little.
empty heads hold the knowledce wo try
io give them when their little bodies are
weak from hunger. How much better It
would ha to take delinquent children and
find why they are delinquent and build
educational Institutions .instead of ad
dttlona to our Jail.". -
' .Child labor I aareeeaarr.
Dean Muraner declared child labor wa
unnecessary, and to prove tus assertion
pointed to the fart that but three children
were found In Chicago whoso wage were
mdlspeneabl to the family and but five i
in tha atate of Illinois. Greed drives them
Into tli factories and keep them there.,
The supply of labor Is bow greater than
tha demand nnd the labor of th child Is
robbing th adult of a fair compensation
for hie tlm and work.
Manufacturers whs sr eager that th
child labor industry shall thrlr because
tha deft fingers of childhood can be
bought for' a less price than those of the
mora mature were denounced a being
principal actors la th child labor tragedy.
Brbeola Are Hasadraa.
As another contributing cause to child
labor Uoaa Sumner said our school ware
too humdrum snd that children wanted
to leave them. He said tho schools bad
been undergoing a gradual Chang for th
batter and that be hoped In time to as s
tranaformatlon. Eight-hour day schools
with hslf of th tlm devoted to study
and half to supervised plsy or a portion
of tho day gives to tha study of some
vocation, including visits to business and
professions! houses where the actual bust
activities eould be studied, were
Pointing to th horors of .child labor.
bean umner drew a picture of th llmp-
lunged, pallid-faced, fever-racked mile
child with Its consumptive cough, longing
for the sunshine, hut doomed aver to be
"shadow child." Ha scored a theologl-
cal seminary wbars examinatioa questions
Included twelve queries about the angels.
but not on about a child. "One child."
be said, "born In th moat awful vtcloua-
ness, la wortb mors In lb sight of Ood
tbaa all tho angels."
Remedies A re Sasscstee,
'Let us establish a federal child's wel
fare bureau, or whatever yon want tl call
It, to confer with tha president aad hi
cabinet; municipal day nurseries; prevent
children n arking Muring vacation, because
they return toe weary to take Interest In
their work: nnd let us bar supervised
play." suggested th dean, referring to
th means for Improving tho child' labor
Frequently during his address Dean
Sumner wa compelled I pause, the
audience of !. noblly endorsing his
Dr. D. K. Jenkins presided during the
meeting. Ts opening number on the
afternoon program waa s song by the
Omaha High school tile club, followed
with a prayer by Bishop H. U Wlllajns
and aa address by ills Juits, C. Lsthrop
en "I'nprotec led Children, . Boys sad
Girls snd Their, Rights." ,
Ing kids or punishing thorn for dclln-
"Many children," h sld. "sr delin
quent because they cannot see the black
board on account of soms other physical
Illness." ' fhe advocated a wider con
sideration of tha child, stud'! It not a
aa nttty, but as a unit in a Uoilly group.
Chicago Divine Fill Trlelty Cathe
dral Palplt.
"Religion can't link In where there
Isn't strength bf body to hold good
thoughts," ssnd Dean Waller T. "umner
of Chlcaso. telling the congregation of
Trinity cathedral yesterday of tha social
snd Institutional as well ss ths religious
work of the church la ths slums of Chi
cago. The Important work of the church is
to go and minister to those m prison and
to 'those who are so distressed that they
are not In a receptive mind to hear th
word of God."
.Tit Episcopal church In Chicago Is now
activs In forty-on social, clvlo and phil
anthropic Institution and movements.
he said, lis described s number of the
activities, telling how the poor were sun.
plied with ooal during tha recent cold
snap, how o men and between M snd
701 women were clothed by ths cathedral
mission last winter, how a lodging houe
maintained, where penniless men are
given tlte opportunity to work tor shelter,
bow rescue work Is carried oa among
ths women of the redllght district. In
hlch ths cathedral I lluatrd. and of
work In the poorhouae, home tor Incura
bles and other Institutions.
"The church should take part In elvte
affairs." said Dean ttumner. "One of
It duties should be Is solve the problem
of honest city administration. The
church ahould be Interested In all Phase
of clvlo life. Wt bear so much of keep
ing ths children , oft ths street1; we
ahould besr more about making ths
street decent enough for th children
to play In." ' '
The church ' must go out and work
among those who Will not come to the
hilar, bean Sumner said, and It must
appeal to them from ths standpoint of
personal good.
Tou may publish all tba pamphlet
and preach all th sermons yon want.'
declared, "but yon will not do good
unless you convince ths man that bis
sins weaken hi body and lessen hi ffl-
(Continued from First Page.)
of war hate been hampered in getting rid
of useless and ezpcnslv posts by local
I political Influence. It Is asserted
that no lee than 30..W hs been spent
on uch poets In Hi last tea year, and
every dollar to expended became an srgu-
moot naalnst their abandonment
DE8 HOINE8. la, Jan. M.-Special.-
Tha new turn hi the Iowa political sit
uation, by bi,h Iowa hi to present sa
Iowa candidal for the presidency at I
the republican national convention, has
been received with equanimity in po
litical circles In the state, and up to tht
t time there does not appear to I
be any danger of a recurrence of bitter
factionalism as a result of the sctlos
taken. In fart, there does not seem to
so any doubt now that th entire state
delegation will be composed of conserva
tive and moderate men and that they
will act as a unit st the convention In
whatever they do. On all sides It la re-1
gsrded as snUrely proper that Iowa
should present the name of Senator Cum
mins, and he hlmeeJt has made It very I
plain that his name is not to be used I
It hi with tho honest expectation
that be will be at least very Important
factor In the game. In other words. It
Is known that Senator Cummins will not
permit the use of Ms nam either to help I
or to hurt anyone etee. nut tne aeiegs-i
Hon must be for him first, but snd all I
th tlm and hava no econd choice, or I
ho does not want R at alL On th other
band, tho Taft people have been fearful
that the delegation waa wanted merely
to be need for Roosevelt or Lb Follette,
snd ths La Follette men hsvs been fear
ful that th delegation was to bo merely I
kept awsy from him and to be finally
used for Taft. But tha present outlooit
Is that a fair and workable understand
ing ts to be srrtved at that th delega
tion Is to be solely tor tho advancement
of th Cummins candidacy and aot to b
used as trading stock or otherwise. In
formal conferences of tho leaders among
th republicans hav already been held
looking to the arrlvsl at Just such an
Dlatrlet C'eaveatleaa separate.
It I anticipated that th republican
district conventions will be held earlier
than tho stats convention. - it Is under
stood that tat tit eiith district a move
ment has already been started to hsvs s
district convention aa early aa possible,
snd when this Is called It Is likely to b
followed by a number of others, all to
be bald at points elsewhere than th io I
cation of th stats convention In April.
It Is planned that a delegation shall be
made up oompostd of both standpatters
and progresslvt, but-all of conservative
tendencies, and this will be necessary
specially In the eastern and southern
part of th state it a fight Is to be I
avoided that will effect tho congressional I
elections. Th fear la that If factional
troubles sr stirred up It will result In
sending tour or five democrats to con
gress th next time.
Dee Malae Repabllraas Organise,
Tha practically unanimous action taken
by tba Polk County Bar association last
week at Its regular meeting In endorsing
ths candidacy of Senator Cummins was
but a preliminary to th meeting to be
held Monday evening at which time the
republican t this city and county will
start organisation work; to give Cummin
big boast for ths presidential nomina
tion. Cetnmlttee will be named ts ascer
tain tho sentiment of ths republican and
to arrange for tke prlmsry that wilt be
held la th county. It at also possible
that committees will bo named for the
purpose of ascertaining what can hs don
In districts of th stats that might be
Induced tor factional reasons to oppose
Senator Cummin. Frank D. Jackson,
president of ths Taft club, which was
formed two years ago to taka th conven
tion awy from Cummin and Dolllver.
ha signified his deslr that th Iowa
delegation be given to Cummins, and
other wader whs have In tha past op
posed th senator will taka part In Ui
movement for him. '
There I not apparent anywhere liny
feeling of antagonism to President Tstt
but many of ths Iowa repubHcsms believe
th program proposed will work out for
Democrats Are) AU at See.
A conference of democratic poUlletana
from all over the ststs was held her to
day for th purpose of considering among
other matters, what Iowa should do as
to presidential preference at the Balti
more convention. Tho widest difference
of opinion pre veiled. It was found that
there ar friend ok Clark. Wilson and
Harmon among the Iowa democrats, sod
s great many who believe that the nomi
nation of Bryan will be th best tiling for
their party. The Clark men bar hern
planning for a coup, and expect to can
tur the Mat for their man and secure
an Instructed delegation. But th Wilson
men ar strong and will maka a fight
bafor I hi la don. Many of th older
leaders of the party ar In favor of an
unlnstructad delegation with an under
standing thst It will veto as a unit and
that no decuaoa will bo made nam tke
meeting of the national convention. But
It bs already become apparent that anv
effort to decide now as between ths dif
ferent democratic candidate wilt nrectpl.
tato a row In Iowa.
( KKARXIT.( Keb.. Jan. at. (pcll.
K. B. MeDormott. county attorney, today
filed papers against Robert E. Irvine, a
years of age, now tn Jail at Grand Island
charged with passing a bogoa check for
ejg aa ths Central National bank In
this atty Aut September. .
Tss--irvhse bad aa oxeenptary record
ta tbe Stat Industrial school, from which
he was aaroled last swats an At the time
io. leaving, be unsusieed having received
'a chock from his fsthec. who Uvea m St.
FnuL bflBsV. snd which was drawn on
Use jaiirneapella KaUonal bank.
' - abwatee Will t
p. ill, Jan. M.-W. Morgan Simitar,
WTtitiy ereanurer genrrat or in i-er-,
stair irevenrnveri. -U1 leave for Loudon
tutDerrvw. la louon he wM be given
a itncer by the Unustj Persiaa com-
Kv lroassrat Mi sr Peteattal.
Environment Was set down by Miss
lsthrop as the principal cqiase of delta
duency and general oraeinea lu boy
1 girls. She said It Was ths duly of
the slate to supedntesMlent the cafe of
the child and that every child has this
right to consideration, whether rich or
poor, sick or well. "The child has t right
to bo studied. Instead of punished." sal
while tracing the history of child, argteja
tlon and .treatment down . through tbe
last few hundred years. , .
As proof that the child waa Influenced
by Its surroundings R referred to th
theft of coal from ths coal yards, saying
in chud often-bettered It had-a right
to tuts coal, vtewlog the rallrd yards
aa ths grea tree common." To offset
thefts of coal Mb Lathrop satd rail
roads shoold fence their yards Instead of
seeking t punish offending children. '
Shs declared In' favor of th parents'
pension law. recently enacted tn Illinois,
the psychopathic Institute which studies
boys snd girls from a phsychological
stanJpornt. and lambasted society for
holding ts tha old castors of Imprison-
Henry 1. Uoll former cashier of th First
National bank of Milwaukee. Wis., left
th federal penitentiary bare lata today
on parol. '
Gull left Immediately for Kansaa City,
where hs took a lata train for Milwaukee,
bis former home, lie will arrive In Mil
waukee tomorrow noon. Coll said bo In
tended to enter boslnees, but declined to
say what 11 wouki be. , ,
A telegram ordering Doll's Immediate
release aaa received by Warden Mc-
C La unary today from Attorney General
tckersham. who said the parole papers
would, be mailed, from Washington.
jaiutvAt. tvea. ean. rienry uoii
was assistant cashier of the Milwaukee
First National bank at the tlm President
Frank O. Blgeiow wa accused of being
a defaulter, and It wa charged that the
two had co-operated in hiding th short.
age in tn bans. lusoa. uigesow was
paroled several month ago. -. -
Dog Show at Fair.
On of th new features of the Iowa
state fair la 1111 will be a doer show.
Tha ex ecu tire cemmlttoe of th ststs
board of agriculture, which la In session
at th Stat bouse, arranging tor the
fall exposition, mads this announcement
Th board of agriculture will .nut tip
ILtx in pi Ice money tor bench doga The
show will hava the aid of tha De Moines
Kennel club, which proposed tb move.
Persistent Advertising
Big Returns - '
Is th Road to
Swteehaaaa Loan Maad.
SHERIDAN, wye., Jasx a. 8pcHs.V
A. P. Gray, a Burlington switchman, fell
under a car while switching a mine train,
his left band being severed at the wrist.
A Tost wf tieJdl
osuld buy nothing better for female
weaknesses, lame back and- kidney
trouble than Electric (Iters. Only toe.
For cals by Beaton Drug Co.
Pala throoFh tha cheat
to tha bac shortness of
braath, tosu-aciieyts, and
eoughliig-ap matter and
phlegm, luncrs art ia tha
riant oosidihoaor
Taka Da. Bull's
OowiaSTiry to soothe
cough, aid expoeto
ratloa and euro tb;
cold. . Most reHablH
remedy sold, tt eta.
r i ff 1 1
ft.!'-- ,-- - '"BxBxBsiaajiB t
29. 1911 ' s i jjl
sIm , J i
I t W I I AWTmTeas. I A II ;l
Mi - M W- H WW -
I I II K W;r 1 I U'.U f ( VH I I i W III
I 1 U 1 f M lli -'I
. vrfA i ' iv w kr-o . l Urri.v i is
VILA W M 1 ftVllMl X lTitt:iM II I,
' UJ M l.kv UULs'larMM l'f! II I
m..iUm i-rr I'MnQUi'.M xrn assswsa II I.
I CTYfC H you are in doubt as to the perfect STYLE of Nemo rsets,
I dllLu: remember that the most fashionable store in PARIS is V
I II 1 1 II I filing. 113 many Nemos as the largest stores in this country; and that 1
I I many of the leading ransian coreeueres are now aoing meir Deei w prwauce ii ii fi
1 1 II 1 1 II I t. a "inol cl triwt o" t)l Tmn. Ill II 1
I I I CUI:u, " J " . II li
I I PHMFnilT I3tikP9 Webbing, an important Nemo invention, insures B
II ,"'''"- a much greater degree of comfort, especially in the stylish
II fonff models, than is possible in any other make. iT
1 1 1 II I Wl? AU lie very '3est mAieriai P,us Nemo special machinery and rigid J A
1 1 1 II I lni'Pection3 Pve Nemos twice the ' 'life" of any other corsets. f; r
I The GREATEST VALUES for STOUT WOMEN are shown above: ' 1 3
. .11111 II .,hwt. fins nvinimatrr rws c npntirtxtrl II II -
I II SElJ'-Kx.aJaJtiniU . tajr-MXllJ,liwW atU-KaVUVaiwu l ll .
I II rr?T M " Wk ..,u klnnbi. hands o WKb essrHnsbaawth sktlt. gerf- III II .1
II II JT.hlehaeniallr drives sway IswUkoce Webbing, wbieb predoeeex- "etiuetse froet, Lssdksps SSM 111 I I 1 1
II II ' the fst end makes year figure tram reduction beio ls waiit. wtu, goners: for wexsea wlwdoaet II 1 1 , 1
I rea.MS-Uwlsrt.aiOrft IK t-U taat ) aa h. tl-U kaat ) At) '
N. IM-xkska fhv JIl-MetDasi . wa. lit Mrttm )
I KOPS BROS Mfrs, Hoane) Offioa aad Asxewicaa Factory, Now York . ',7
I I Csnsse Nesse tssrr-Css.ttl-Stttssrt - . , Hi . aWliab Hess Failiry Bristol, Wssal f , V
IP -.. --' .
A bererage that
should have a part
In the household
IU tonic and food
properties are a
valued domestic
Many In Omaha are now using the
stmbla buckthorn bark and glycerins
mixture known as Adler-i-ka. tbe new
German Arpendlcltis. rrn.edy. A SIN
GLE DOriK relieves constipation, sour
stomarh or cas on th stomach almost
INSTANTLY. This simple mixture antl
eepticlxes the digestive .organs and
draws off the bnpuritias and people sre
euirrlMd how QUICKLY It help. The
therman ft McConnell Prug Co, Cor.
Kth and Dodge. Cor. lth and Harney.
Cor. 54th and txrnaao, 2;- No. lth
street. Umtlttv
Since the Indians
came here to be cured .
the fame of these wonderful waters has broadened until
now more than 150,000 people, each year, go home
iealthier and happier because of their visit here.
Wbetheryouare ill or will, you hava denied youreelf of much mora
than you realize by not going to Hot Springs. Join ni the happy
throngs that are congregating at this delightful winter resort to
enjoy golf, horseback riding on splendid, pine-lined mountain
drivea, the charming hotel iJe. and a climate that doubled the
pleasure of everything. The trip to
Hot Springs, Ark.
via Frisco Lines
it at pleasant tsorrivint there you leave Kansas City at 6: 1 5 pan,
you reach Memphis 8: 1 5 a. tn, and Hot Springs (via Rock Island
Lines) at 3:55 in the afternoon a quick, restful ride in luxurious
Electric lighted through sleepers
Tb Frisco dining car serve delicious Fttd Harvtr meals. Let ma send vara
snora mtonnatioa about Hot Spring, its spleactd hotels and boarding bosweay
its heahng waters ami unportnaities tor ploasar. I will also tail joo coet or a
ticket aod snaka ap a complete srharlnle from toot home town write today.
FmaTkBrtOffico, WaUheisa Wg, Uth st MaTta,
Kaawaa City, Ma.
X C LOVRIEN, Divieioii raeewger Agent
Does'. 44.
tea. A-leS-i.
Bxat. stvery Say ttlS. Xvery sTtswt g:ll
Pat Kooney ni alsrioo Kent; Sarer
"Hevtse W 1W iL,r. r a a e-t MiOgley t, i o.. r.
Btsss tassrtily rawsisst it I , uni. .! li.rle Id vers: Patlv
usreiT i-usey, aae Joa. tat. I-T .J-X. Ki: ,,h.nv
iAMLI SENT sVstwjr LM. .r.-.-.trs. r rices. sTiarht, la.
wtr"S,' MesSsSBthtseeoer. Aeeress . 15, goo, 7(Vi ltattaee, 10c beet seats.
A- fc. ME1U 4 CO, KeU.TUtWK&auXg; wicapt Sataraas aad Bandar.
To Do
It yea loss year pocket book,
umbrella, watt sr sotc otbar
article- sf vslaa, the tfcaog to
do la to follow tha example at
many other people aad adver
tise without delay la tha Lost
aad Found eottima at Tha Boa.
That la what moat people ao
when they lose artlclas ot taloe.
Telephone as and tail yoar loss
to all Omaha la tlagla aflar-aooa.
Put It