Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 29, 1912, Image 1

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Lookiaf Backward
This Day in Omaha
fains- gt) Tea Tsars a
The Omaha Daily Bee
Snow; Clearing
VOL. XLI-XO. 193.
I . ' Chicago Divine Fires Opening Gun
i at Charities and Correction
. Conference.
Dr. Sumner Offers Suggestion for
Correction of Nation's Evil.
Dean Declares Child Labor is the
Greatest Corse of Want.
I Greed Drives Weaklings, late the
' Factories, HoIiMbk tke Adalt et
a Fair Compensation for '
Uli Effort,
t. E. Jenkins presiding.
A. M. Registration of delegate.
Opening business Begs ion of conference.
President'! address.
"The ttducalional Value of the Tuber
culotls Inspensary," Mis Kan Dorsey,
St. Joseph..
Discussion,- Miss Louts Mcpherson,
president Omaha Visiting Nurse associa
tion. "Some Aspect of Social anal Civic
rm.n.i rwuftn Walter- T. Sumner.
"Social Evil la Nebraska," Rabbi Fred
erlck Cohn.
n. E. Jenkins presiding.
Newer Ideal In Administration
ltillamhronv." Miss Julia A. Lathrop.
"Centralised Administrative Control la
Iowa," George Mogridfce, M. D., superin
tendent Iowa School for Feeble-Minded
'Nebraska's Need of TmDroved Admin.
IMration in Philanthropy," Her. Joseph
RuMlnr WMt Point.
"The Pending Amendment of th Ne-
trake Stat constitution. Hon. g. ju.
Miller. ,
i:mmI rfiaciuialnn Mrs. F. H. Col.
"Philanthropy and Five Per Cant, th
(Solution of the 1 lousing i-rooiem, J. m,
General discussion.
A. I Wealherly presiding.
Music Violin solo. Henry O. Cox.
"t'haracter Building Charity," J.
The Attitude nf Society Towards
Portal Kvll," Dean Walter T. Kumner.
Retired Brigadier ,
General Marries
Colonel's Widow
NEW YORK. Jan. . Brigadier Gen
eral David 8. Gordon, V. 8. A., retired,
who ha just passed his eightieth year,
and Mrs. Bell Fleming, widow of Colonel
Robert I. Fleming, were married her to
night at th horn of th bride's daugh
ter. Mrs. L. a Core.
Th bride Is SI year old and wa at
tended at the wedding by two of her
grandchildren. Th couple will start on
Monday for coastwise trip, and after
wards go to Califoraia-
Before her marriage to Colonel Flem
ing, Mrs. Gordon was Bliss Bell Vedder
aid was counted on of the famous beau
ties In Washington society. Brigadier
General Gordon mad a notable record in
th civil war and for many years
service on the frontier fighting Indians.
President Concedes Faults of Gov
ernment and Value of Agitators,
but Would Halt Extremists,
Receives Great Reception at West
Virginia Dinner,
Normal Weather for
Week is Forecasted
An unqualified, merciless denunciation
of child labor,: the causes leading to It
and Correction at the Boyd theater ye.
Inat It characterised th opening session
of th Nebraska Confereao of Charities
and Corrections at th Boyd theater yes
terday. The arraignment of society tor
suffering the Instltutloa of child labor
was mad by Dean Walter T. Sumner of
th Cathedral of 88. Peter and Paul of
Chicago, superintendent of city missions
and chairman of th Chicago vice com
mission. He pleaded for the passaga of
th bill pending In congress, providing
for th creation of a new cabinet officer
whose business It would be to superintend
- the conservation of children, being
sisted by th president and th other
, member of the cabinet.
. A resolution, drawn by Judge Howard
Kennedy, president of th Nebraska Child
Labor league, wa presented by Mia
Luctlo Eaves of th sociological depart
ment of the University of Nebraska, and
unanimously "approved. - Th resolution
urges the passage of the new law, which
Miss Eaves explained a committee had
been working industriously to promote
for th last five years, and was wired at
eiio to th national child labor commit
tee, which Is meeting In Louisville, Ky.
Jt follows:
Relieving that the conservation of the
children of our country Is a jualter of
quite as mucn national concern as tna
conservation of any material resources,
end cordially approving of th measure
now pending before congress to create
lk the Department of Commerce and La-
hoe a federal children's bureau to gather.
classify and distribute for popular use In
the states and territories accurate iiunr.
matlon on all subjects relating to tna wel
fare of children, be it resolved,
fare of children, be It
Resolved, By the Nebraska Confer
ence of Charities -and Correction,
meeting In the city of Omaha, In its four
teenth annual session, that we hereby
earnestly reouest the senators and repre
sentatives of this state actively to further
tke passge of this bill hv the eon -.
or the united mates ana peronii7 u
vote for tile same, towlt. senate bill 3
mid house roll 4t4: and be It further
Resolved, That a cony of this
resolution be sent to each senator
and representative from Nebraska,
and that information of this action
he telesraohed to the national child
lsbor commute, which has been for five
years unwelNshiy promoting the estab
lishment nf this bureau, and which is now
holding Its annual convention in Jbouu
vllle, Ky.
ays Poverty Is Cars.
"Poverty Is ugly and repellant." began
Dean Sumner, following an introduction
by H. H. Baldrlge tor th Men and Re
ligion Forward movement, which had
rbani of th concluding program, "and
It fall heaviest on th children. The
greatest curs of poverty in child labor."
Endorsing the work of the Psyeopathlc
Institute of Chicago, which. Inquire Into
the ranses.of delinquency and lnbecillty
In children'. Oean Sumner declared there
were aOAMs -persons lying In hospitals,
costmej, the country SA4,,m annually,
who eeuld bav been made healthy and
(Continued on Second Page.)
The Weather.
I Forecast- for Monday:
rolt loWA-Fair.
i TessswTMmrcs mt Osuts Yesterday.
A., i-
,v 1,:::::::::
E. , . a. m.......
' t-'t, iP
p. ra
p. m ,
p. m
P. m
- M
... 17
... M
.. M
... 17
... 1
... 1$
... 1
... tl
... 3
... S
WASHINGTON, Jan. S.-A marked
rise In temperature will overspread th
eastern states tomorrow, according to th
weekly forecast Issued tonight by th
weather bureau, and moderate tempera
ture will prevail over th eastern half
of th country during th greater part
of th coming week.
"Over th middle wast, th northwest
and en th Pacific slope." the bulletin
says, "normal temperatures will prevail
until near th close of th week, when
a chaag to decidedly lower temperatures
will overspread these regions. This cold
wave wilt appear In th northwestern
states on Friday or Saturday, whence it
will advance, eastward and southward
over practically all districts east of th
Rocky mountains.
"A disturbance that now covers th
southwest will advance to th eastern
states on Monday and be attended by
snows In northern and rains In the mid-
dlle and southern states cast of the
Mississippi valley.
"The next general storm to cross th
country will appear In th far west
Tuesday or Wednesday, cross th middle
west about Thursday or Friday and th
eastern states near th close of the
week. It will be attended by general
ws In the northern and rains la th
southern districts. - Frequent rains or
probable the coming week Is th Pacific
Safety Department
Started at McCook
MCOOK, Neb.. Jan. 38. Th McCook
division of th Burlington's new depart
ment of safety was organised her yes
terday afternoon by B. M. Bwitssr, su
perintendent of th department, from Chi
cago, Ther were representative present
from all ever th division. Th following
employes from the several branches of
service constitute th division committee
of safely:
Tynrt,- superintendent,--- McCook?.
chairman ( J. E. Johnson, trainmaster;
ft. A. Hagberg, road master: George Pen
ney, master carpenter; William Wood,
road foreman of engines; J. W. Deere,
locomotive engineer; Worth Humphrey,
conductor! ' C. K. Kmerson, general car
foreman; J. W. Chase, mschtnlst; sll of
MoCook. W. O. Dugan, trainmaster and
roadmastcr, Orleans; A. K Weidenhamer,
general yardmaater: J. D. Jagger, switch
foreman; H. Burkett, track foreman; all
of Denver.
Mr. Swltser plseed emphasis on the
fact that the company In this organisa
tion sought to Improve and Increos the
personal safety of the employes In every
branch of Its service.
SEATTLE. Wash.. Jan. a.-"Lov.
kindness and friendship" were enter
tained by Mrs. Linda Burfield Hassard,
the fasting specialist, toward th girl
he is accused of having murdered by
treatment, according to Miss Nellie Sher
man, a nurse, who testified for th de
fense today. In opening the ease, th de
fense sought to show that th fasting
under which Miss Clair Williamson, the
wealthy English heiress, died was a
professional method and Involved no offense.
Miss Sherman's testimony occupied
nearly the entire day. At no time, she
testified, did Mrs. Haxxard withhold a
proper quantity of nourishment from the
'We felt some limes," the witness said.
'that we were even giving the patient
too much food, considering that all of
which she partook appeared to be In
BRIDGEPORT, Neb., Jan. WSpecial )
J. L. Johnson this week sold to Harry
Porter sV Co, of North Platte a lot
directly opposite th water plant, Th pur
chasers will erect a building thereo and
engag In the manufacture of pop. ginger
ale and other soft drinks to supply the
demand of this, territory.
The advantages of Bridgeport as a
Jibbing center are recognised try all who
are seeking business locations, and the
time la'eanlng when' 4 his city will be
the manufacturing and Jobbing eater of
the North Platte valley, as It Is now the
ccmmerciaP center. 'i
Hoarseness Causes Him to
Doctor on Neglect
YlaM at Big, Kxeeatlve t New York
Marked ky Halt la Traflle Hash
When Maratae Mas Oat
f GauMllae.
v-saratle Lweal Reword.
lligheef yeaterdar - 3 S yi A
Lowest yesterday 17 25 i u
Mean temperature ' S 3! js
a'recipluuion .l ,ol M j
Temperature and pred pi tartan; depar
tures from the normal:
sV'ormal temperature m jl
JVficiency for the day...t.
Teial excess since March 1, 1J1... jy
3So iai precipitation .es'rnca j
1 ti-:wcy for the dav eg ji, !
Total ralntat since March l..Ki4lreea
J"efictency si ace March 1 ll?e f.h l
r. period to..utijt inches ' "
r!od .... tuinchesl with the
CRAWFORD. Neb., Jan. SS.-(Speclal.)-i
Ex-Sergeant Irving Rice, recently die
charged from the Twelfth cavalry, died
yesterday of pneumonia. Deceased was
j the divorced husband of Mrs. Abtrl Rice.
- 21 who was mixed up In the sheotlnaT of Dr.
-2 i rtuttfn ect Omaha torn Mm lis, w.
only recently married to a young womaa
in Ben Feurcbe, S. D.
3Hftrtesi.Tr for
'xcea for cor.
FALLS CITY, Nek. Jan. 3 -August
Horn, weighing S pounds, reputed larg
est man In Nebraska, died here this
evening from what physicians declared te
cerebral meningitis. He was SI year
A little daughter of Horn !s very m
NEW YORK, Jan. B.-OU the ev of
his three days' visit to Ohio, his home
state. President Taft spoke last night at
th Waldorf-Astoria to toe Ohio society
of New York, delivering probably tit
moat Impassioned speech he has mad in
many months, .directed against th
"nostrums of reform," and particularly
aimed at the recall of Judges.
la the efforts that the president said
had been mad to reform legislation In
this country he saw much that was good.
He saw the faults of government in Uie
United States and admitted that in try
ing to aradlcat them much might be
accomplished by reformers. But In th
effort to mak th judiciary responsive
to every "whim" of these people he aaw
He declared that the conservative ele
ment of the nation must eventually get
together to prevent a movement that
would make the courts the creatures of
popular will and might make the declsios
In every cose not accord with the law,
but accord with what a majority of th
people thought the law should be.
The president's speech to the Ohio
society was only one of his many en
gagements here tonight From Ohio h
stepped over into "West Virginia" in
the same hotel and addressed Uie New
York society of that nam and then mo
tored to Sherry's to speak to the Aero
Club of America,
Before retiring at the horn of his
brother, Henry W. Taft, th president
"dropped In" at the ball of th Daugh
ters of Jacob at th Seventy-first Reg
iment armory, to which le.OW Invitations
had been Issued. lie is due to leave Now
York tomorrow for Cleveland. I
Okie raanot Kaeasre Deianceaaes.
President Taft In his first speech paid
a warm tribute to Ohio, Its institutions
and people la opening his address and
"With a population keen, active, alert.
intelligent and reading It is not to' be
expected that any movement can escape
Okie or be without ft supporters la that
state, ri Hence w-aiwssieacfceiy, " ptipullsin.
free silver at It to I, all have held thetr
sway and found a considerable part of
the people who were willing to try the
experiment of each new doctrine which
was to take away from men th necessity
for wealth and labor and- mak - th
deserving rich.
"W bav now reached another period
when another new political nostrum, or
series of them. Is being preached through
out the country and has found some lodg
ment In our dear old state. We are told
thtre I an unrest throughout th country
and In Ohio especially, that th unrest
against th things that or and In
favor of new Ideas which are to
metamorphose pur entire institution and
bring about a condition where only the
Just shall have luxury and only the
undeserving be poor. We ore enjoying
today a greater per capita holding of
property than ever In the history of the
Never before has th equality of oppor
tunity manifested Itself as It does today
la Ohio and all Its sister states."
Raaa Oat at Gasoline.
As the president was being hurried In
his automobile from the Pennsylvania
station to the home of his brother, Henry
w. -ran, tna machine came to a sudden
halt at Fortieth street and Seventh
avenue, In the height of the home-going
traffic rush. The embarrassed chauffeur
reported "out of gasoline."
The president took the annoyance cood
humoredly. He stepped out of the
limousine and found room in the big
open touring car In which the secret
service men were following him. Before
the transfer was completed, a great
crowd gathered, chaffing the absent
minded chauffeur and cheering the smil
ing president
Cardial te Glasse-eek.
President Taft received a great recen-
tlon at the West Virginia society dinner.
The president greeted Governor Glass
cock with a cordiality which aet the
crowd cheering. Governor Glasscock has
openly declared himself on his visit here
as wanting Colonel Roosevelt to run for
president, and he was In conference with
the colonel yesterday.. He told reporters
tonight they might quote him aa saying:
I cam here for Roosevelt and I am
going away for Roosevelt"
There was no lock of warmth, however.
In his greeting to President Taft - 1
The greatest demonstration the presj-1
Sent received .tonight was at the grand
bail of the Daughters of Jacob, where
thousands cheered him for -several mln-
ntea. The president almost had to shout
to make himself heard.
The president returned to bis brother's
home for the night at about midnight and
as he arrived there, his physician. Major
Khoades was about to leave him, when
the president turned and said In a rather
hoarse voice:
"Don't you think you bad better came
In, doctor, and examine my throatT"
T'itgoing Tide
: 1
From the Washington Star.
South Omaha Second and Lincoln is
Third on List
Barllagte aad II. Joseph eV Grand
Is Had Be aorta aaew GsUaJa Feat ,
f the Fearteea harm" CIMee
la the State,
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Jan. tBpedsl.l Tlie;
Burlington and St Joseph Grand Island
roads have filed their reports of business
done In Nebraska In the year 1HL Omaha
leads by a large margin ever all th other
cities In the state. South Omaha come
second and Lincoln third, Lincoln Is sec
ond In passenger business, but th stock)
business at South Omaha brings th grsnfl
total far above the capital city. Four ol
the fourteen larger cities show . aa In4
crease, while the remainder show a losai
Omaha Leads.
Following are the figures In detalli
Ticket Total Total
Sales Revenue Revenue
1911. mt IM.
,40 417 1IM.III t Wl. 3
Hastings ....
Grand Island.
Pelrbury .....
Doniphan ....
E-lrrar ,
South Omaha.
Nebraska City
Grand Island..
Beatrice .......
Broken Row...
MK.'ook ......
Seottabluft ....
York ..
Alliance ........
. m
, KM. Oft 4,7I7,3t
as, 13
Kt. 90s
. SB.9H
4.705, 18
44 1. HIS
Short ef Care.
In view of the general complaint that
the railroads have not been able te supply
the demand for cars since the abatement
of the severe cold weather, the report of
conditions ea the roods Saturday after
noon, made to the railway commission. Is
of interest It shows that the Burlington
la In fair shape on all but the Omaha
division, while the Northwestern I hav
ing difficulty to supply the demand for
boxcars on both the Fremont and Norfolk
divisions. The Omaha Is also consider
ably short the Union Pacific In fact
being the only one which shows ear en
hand at stations exceed utrT the nuraber
ordered for this class ef traffic. In stock
cars ail the roads appear to be well sup
plied, in spite of the fact -the movement
of stock "has been heavy, ' "
BRIDGEPORT. Neb., Jan. St (Special.)
Another large sale of Morrill county
ranch property wa mode this week, Pat
King iisposing of . bis holdings In the
Angora nelghberhood; to his brother.
Thomas, and his stater, Annie, the sale
price being th.. It Is understood the
sale includes all the land and live stock,
except the horses.
When the weather permits. Mr. and Mrs.
King will take an automobile trip to the
Paetflo coast and enjoy life.
Troops in Islands
Will Be Reduced
Detective CJiarged
With Attempting to
Kill President Ryan
that hs aasaultrd and attempted te kill
Frank M, Ryan, president ef the Inter
national Association ef Bridge and
structural Iron Workers, were mad In
warrants Issued tonight against Robert
J. Foster, a detective.
Foster, a former captain of police at
Louisville, Ky., who is employed by Wel
ter Drew, counsel for the National Erect
ors association, In gathering evidence for
th federal grand Jury's Investigation of
the dynamite conspiracy, said he visited
the Iron workers headquarters today te
Inquire about a report that Mr, Draw
was being "shadowed" about th coun
try. Ryan declared that after he refused
to discus th subject and had forced the
detective out the door, he was struck
by Foster with a revolver.
Auto Party Forced to J
Disrobe by Bandits
rUBBLA, Mexico, Jan. SI Lsft In pos
session of a big touring car, but stripped
of nearly every stitch of clothing and
robbed of money. Jewelry and arm, was
th predicament In which Macedonia Ol
vera, his two daughters and two young
men ware placed this morning by Zapa
Olvcra, who with Ms daughters, Re
becca and Louisa, Is visiting friends In
Puebla, Invited th two young men to ac
company them on an automobile rid.
Near th city their car was stopped by
a band of USapatlsta who, with guns
leveled, forced the members of the party
te deliver their personal possessions. One
of the bandits then suggested that their
clothing would make a desirable addition
te the loot and the occupants of the car.
all members of the better class of society.
were forced to disrobe.
At a worklngman's home a few pieces of
clothing were obtained.
Minister Killed
By Dakota Train
GLADBROOK, la.. Jan. .-8pciaJ.)-
Rev. Harvey O. Roes, for six years pas
tor of the United Brethern church of this
place, but more recently a pastor of the
Wall, 8., D.,, church, waa run over and
killed at Murdo, 8. D., according to a
telegram received here. Rev. Mr. Murdo
as killed while trying to board a train
leaving Murdo for Wall.
WASHINGTON, Jan. JS. A speedy re
duction of the number of regiments In
th Philippines by one-half baa been de
cided upon by the government for rea
sons of economy and military adminis
tration. Four regiments of Infantry and
two ef cavalry win take ever the duties
now performed by twelve regiments. t
The reduction of the Philippine- force
will snake possible the stationing ef a
large number of troops In Hawaii a year
or two before plans already formed hove
been consummated. It is proposed to gar
rison Hawaii with about 12,00s 0r 13,000
troops, as those islands are regarded as
the key te the Pacific coast from a mili
tary point of view,.
Dake ef Cenaama;ht at Hesse.
OTTAWA, Orrt. Jan. St. -Their royal
highnesses, the duke and duchess of Con
naught. Princess Patricia. Lieutenant
Colonel Lowther, A. D. C; Captain Riv-ers-Bulkeley,
Miss Pelly, lady in waiting.
I -their retinue, arrived today from
New York.
SHERIDAN, Wo Jan. ja-Spolai
Telegram, r H erm an Ciauasen. wealthy
rancher and stockman, convicted of In
voluntary manslaughter on the grounds of
neglect of his wife who died trader
mysterious circumstances at his ranch on
Wolf creek. July I. IL was today sen
tenced to from twa to six year In the
Wyoming Stat penitentiary. Th court
ever-ruled a motion for a new trial. His
attorneys have tiled notice of appeal.
MASON CITY, la, Jan. JaWSpeeial.)-
Two hundred and nineteen candidates
were confirmed In the St Joseph's and
Holy Family Roman Catholic churches
of this city today, the services being con
ducted by Jame J. Keane. archbishop of
Dubuque. Tonight he delivered a power
ful lecture at tbe Princess theater on the
divinity ef Christ
Nell P. Anderson, Custodian at Sir
erriew Park, Gored to Death.
Wfcile Wevklaaj a tle f ea th
Ball steaks Cae
Beklad Before M
Caa aareaaei
Nl P. Anderson was gored to death
by an Infuriated buffalo bull at River-
view park shortly after It o'clock Sun
day morning. Ha died within an hour
after he wa attacked by the enraged
Anderson, who waa advanced In years,
was th keeper of the soo In th park.
and at the time he waa gored he was
digging a hols In the ground to be filled
with water for the animals. He conceived
the idea of digging the bole because th
watering trough had been fro sen over.
Anderson did not know of th approach
of th buffalo until he heard the bellow
ing bull behind him. Turning a round
quickly he saw the animal coming toward
hint at a furious pace. Dropping hi
tool Anderson started to run for The
nearest part of th fence. He had reached
th southwest corner when he slipped.
Uered Threaah aad Tkrenah.
The aged keeper had hardly recovered
his footing when the buffalo waa upon
him. With lowered bead and a terrific
bellow, the enraged bull sunk Its horns
Into Anderson's thigh. Th horn went
through th legs and came out near the
groins. In some-manner the man extri
cated himself, but the bull was upon him
again. This time the beast's horns did
not enter th fleet, but It' bead was
Jammed Inte th pit of Anderson's stom
ach. For a while Anderson lay as If dead.
and the animal not seeing him stir
slowly moved away. '
When the bull had disappeared over
a small hill Anderson slowly dragged
himself over the fence.
He fell from the top of the fence to the
round. Here he lay awhile and then at
tempted to drag his body to his cottage
some 300 feet a way-
James Shields, HIS Oak street, and
Frank Bowman, 3111 Bouth Sixteen street
aaw the man dragging himself along tbe
ground and ran to see what was the mat
ter. The boys become frightened and ran
to the little house where Anderson lived
ana tola tn girl who was in It that a
man was dying outside.
Running to the spot indicated the girl.
Olga Anderson, aged K years, was horri
fied to find her father, as she supposed.
dead. She told one of the boys to tele
phone to the police and the ether helped
move the dying man te the house.
Assistant Police Surgeon Arrastnlth an
swered the call, but the old man died
from loss of Mood and Internal Injuries
shortly after the doctor arrived. Ills body
was takes la charge of by the coroner.
Prior to his death Anderson regained
consciousness and! la almost Inaudible
whispers told what bad hsppened. An
derson was a yeara of age and had been
la charge of tbe animals In Rlvervlew
park for over fifteen years, or since tbe
so had been established there. He Is
survived by his daughter. Relative of hs
live in Fremont Prior to coming te
Omaha Anderson was with the Barnora
Bailey drcos, where be had chance of
th animals. He was wen known In
Omaha and was considered one of the beat
trainers and keeper ef animals at the
world. Coroner Crosby will probably bold
an Inquest.
POCAHONTAS, la-, Jan. S-tBnertol.)-
Setting up the claim that tbe sewerage
which tbe'town allowed to empty into
the street close to his residence caused
his wtfe and daughter to sicken snd die.
J. F. Ryan was given a verdict ef SMI in
th district court her yesterday.
Secretary of War Will Do Away at!
. unoe witn Sixteen Posts Scat- j
, tered Over Country. i
Seven Out of Eight Kiddle Western j
Barracks Doomed. j
Army Will Be Divided for, Con-1
venience in Case of War. , '
Pert D. A. steeaelt Coats te Date)
Five Mlllleae aad la "et Located
with View t Strategta
WASHINGTON. Jan. xt-decretary et
War Srlmson, acting upon an exhaustive
report from the general staff, has de
cided that no lees than sixteen, and prob
ably eighteen existing army potts shoald
st once be abandoned in order to pat
an nd to th extravagance and Ineffici
ency resulting from Improper distribution
of th mobile army."
The posts condemned ore: Apache, Arl-
seno: Boise boracks, Idaho; Brady, Michi
gan; Clark, Texas; George Wright Wash- .
Ington: Jay. New York; Lincoln, North)
Dakota; Logan H. Roots. Arkansas; Me-1
Intosh. Texas; slacken ale, Wyoming;
Madison bsvaoks. New York; Mead, South
Dakota; Niagara, New Yorkt Ontarle,
Nsw York: Wayne, Ictugan; Whipple
barraoks, Artaona; William Henry Her
ri son. Montana, and Yellowstone, Wyo
ming. t
Of Fort Apech It is said possibility ef
Indian trouble near this post still exists,
and that Kort Jay might be retained aa
headquarter of the eastern division and
as tbe site of the eastern military prison.
Other Peats Desa4.
There la Snot her formidable list of
posts, which, whale not recommended for
Immediate abandonment are declared not
to be located with a view of aeourtag
economy of administration and supply, or
a full measure of military effectiveness.
Consequently their garrisons will not b
Increased and -ultimately wit be with
drawn to suah concentration centers aa
congress may aurrnurise. These snots
re: F.than Alien. Vermont; Plattaburg
b racks. New York; Robinson, Nebraska;
Mlsoula,- Montana: Logan. Colorado;
Douglas, Utah, and D A. Ruassll, Wye.
mlng, ' - . - - '. .
Th latter post to shown to hav cost
to data 14.MS.4SH. it la said sot to be lo
cated with a view to maximum economy
or strategic effectiveness.
Secretary Bttmsoa'e report Is made lit
answer to a boas resolution ky Repre. ,
tentative Bulkier ef Ohio, Ah inquiry
ha developed Irrterestlr.g wforraattoa re
i trading th plans of th mtntary strata.
gist rer the rtur dispeattloa ef the
army and Its movement.
Fetare Ftaaa few Arssy.
Th principal object is to dispose of tlia
present small army with distinct refer.
nos to Ita mission, tn case ef war. This
first Involve adequate fores for for
eign garrison, which cannot be rein
forced from, th United State after the
outbreak of hostilities. With th remain
der nf th army a mobile force is to be
Ortaciael and distributed among about
eight of the great str Lexical points in
th tinted States. Instead of scattered
In forty-nin poet, aa now.
Two or three of thee groups wowld be
en a line between the St Lawrence and
Atlanta, covering tbe Atlantic seaboard:
two or three group would be on a line
between Puget eound and Los Aagelea,
covering the Pacifie eaholard; at least
two groups between the Great lakes and
the Rle Grande, serving a first nreai m
for either seabvard. and for tbe envelop
ment of the national guard and volunteer
force to be organised In the Interior.
By the concentration of the army In
eight post. It I asserted, th annuel ooet
of maintenance of th army weald be
reduced by about le.tao ax) a year.
Tbe following post ore aald to be so
located as to permit of then- being re
tained strategic concentration points:
Fort Porter. Buffalo. N. Y., (Albany is
suggested aa an alternative position):
Fort Oglethorpe. Georgia, (especially de
sirable for a cacalry brigade); Fort Mo
Pheraon, Atlanta. Go., (of great strategic
value with reference to the eouth Atlantis
and gulf coast); Fort Sam Houston, Tsx ,
(The best strategic position for th south
ern frontier): Fort Lawton. near Seattle,
Wash., and Vancouver barracks. Wash,
ington, near Portland; and th presidio
of Ban Francisco and Monterey, Col.,
one or both of which amy be Included In
the California strategic group.
Pate of Port f rook la Ttwakt -
Next comes a process of heavy elimina
tion, for It la held that probably one only
of the following posts should be retained :
Benjamin Harrison, Indiana; Columbus
barracks, Ohio; Fort Sheridan, II Knots.
Fort Des Moines, Iowa; Fort Crook,
Omaha; Leavenworth, Riley, Kansas;
Stoning. Minnesota; Jefferson barracks,
Bneillng and Jefferson barracks might
be retained if It were decided te moke
them stations of sU arms. Riley might
serve a a suitable station for a cas-airy
Four posts recommended for rtenUoe
are Fort Sill. Okl, peculiarly adapted tor
use as a school of artillery and musketry
lire; forts Bliss, Tex., and Huachaoa.
Aria, needed as cavalry outposts for seme
time on the southern border, and Fort
Myer, Va.. where It probably will be
necessary to retain a small garrteoa near
the national capital for escort duty aad
other ceremonial purposes.
The report seye that former secretaries
(Continued on Second Page)
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