Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 28, 1912, Page 9, Image 9

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Little Busy Bees
EAR BCSY BEES: The first prize story today, which is a bird
story, reminds me of my own bird friends, as it probably 4im
many of you. Last summer a family of brae jays
high up In the Cottonwood tree outside my window. I was so
interested in the beautiful, blue birds that I did not give, much
attention to the plain little sparrow. Bat now that the other
birds-are ail in the south lands, I appreciate my plain little
friends. -; A 'ftrmlTy of sparrows is living in iny Cottonwood tree this winter
and other sparrows join them there. All during the coldest: weather, and
when the leafless branches were heavy with snow, the brave little birds have
perched in the Cottonwood and awakened me every morning with 'their
cheery "Cheep, cheep."
Fun on a City Hillside
i TSe Brat prise goes.' today to Priaeilla Calder and the second to 'Walter
Averlll of the Red side. '
; The new Busy Bees today are:
Eileen Dugan, Omaha; Cleo Hatches Qltnwood. la.; Lorena Laraway.
Hamburg, la., and Esther Moore Wester&eld, Dundee.
Red Side Wilms. Crawford, Meeker, Colo., and Forysteen llazey,
Bine SideAlice Slaven, Omaha; Boyd Crawford, Meeker, 'Colo.;
Frieda Zeiesman. Omaha, and Margaret Cleary, Oak Park, lit.
! To the new Bee who wants to know about the doings of the Busy Bees,
read the "Rules for Young Writers" on this page; also read carefully the
prise Gtorlea to find out the kind of letters which interest the other Busy
Bees. Notice,' also, the letter Which the king of the Busy Bees writes today,
telling of the series of letters which he is writing for the Children's page.
Little Stories by Little Folk.
(First Prise.)
Our Bird Nest
By priscllla Csider, Age . Beltevue. Neb.
We have a sleeping porvh on the second
storr. east side. It Is so hugh that It Is
In the tops of the oaks which surround
our house. We call It our Mrd nest, and
sleep out there all year round.
Last spring we put a bird house la the
tree top bealde our neat. Soon two little
wrens began building a nest In tbe little
house. When the nest was finished iennv
Wren laid some utile, pink eggs,' with
reddish brown spots. While she w to
hatch the egg. Papa Wren guarded the
ntt and brought her food. He woke us
every morning with his cheery song.
When the baby blrda came we enjoyed
watching the father and mother feed them
a id teach tbein to fly, . . , .
In the sprtnc time there are orioles,
tanagers, merry thrushes, bluebirds, rob
Ins, Kentucky cardinals, phoebae, roes
brraated grosbeaks and many other kinds
o birds In these Inn about our nest to
make us In the early morning.
One old blueiay often comes on a limb
close to us and calls, "Wake op!" "Wake
us" He Is very persistent.
The birds wake up. Thea sister and 1
lie still and' watch them and .listen to
their song, and' watch1 the .sun. -come up
over the Iowa bluffs and tbe river.
' , (Second Prise.) .
i ' A Happy Day. J' y
Walter Averlllit I71- Central Boulevard.
, Omaha. Neb. Red Side.
One cold rooming I waa awakened by
n" cousin, Harry, with vigorous ler
af pinch. .j.; ,r .; r :
j'Come," he called, "Ernest Draper Is
waiting for us. I've got your skates all
ready and everything Is ready, but you.
J lurry 1
lly this time 1 was up and nearly dreeed.
I (alt and hour later found oa walking
rapidly toward the Three-Miles, as ths
creek was called.
Ernest had brought soma fig bars, two
desrn sweet pickles and some chewing
gum to champ on, Jtarry brought about
three doxen,"weiales" apd a Jelly-roll. 1
took three sandwiches and three boiled
eggs. We had also brought a bottle of
pop apiece to wash the lunch down.
After getting to the creek we put on our
aVstrs and skated up stream to a sort of
little cove and went In It. Here we stored
our dinner.
We then went out on the Ice and ran
races. Krnest beat moat of the time, but
Hatry was a close second. Along about
IV o'clock we began to get hungry. While
the other two were gathering fuel I
hunted sticks to roast the "wetnles" on.,1
We malted all our welnles," but couldn't
est all of them.
After dinner we decided to skate up
stream ss fsr as we could. Accordingly
we set out We went slowly at first, hut
latter on we went at a pretty fast dip.
After we had gone about five miles, I
said, munching a fig-bar, "We had bet
ter turn back or It will be dark before
we get home."
We doubled our tracks and reached the
road Just ss the sun was setting. In a
few minutes hiore we were back home,
begging foe something to eat. This ended
the hsppy day". ' . '
since last fan. when I first Teamed to
read newspapers. I would like to become
a member of the Blue Side. ,
It Is fun ta aee us st borne whrn Papa
brings The Bee. Mamma, wants the adds
of department stores ss she expects going
to Omaha to shop. Papa wants the shop-B-ng
page, and. of course. I want the
best part of the paner-the Busy Bees'
. Papa says. t takes a story ta win a
prise, so I win tell you at my trip to Ex
celsior Springs last summer. i
Mamma and I arrived In Xvcf Islnr
bprlngs. Next day. about It o'ckxst- mr
such a pretty pa.. where peop'tj go to
drink different kinds of water -for their
There were so many nice thlrgs to see
and enjoy; but the beet of all was the
burro ride. Mamma' got a trains for me
and when I got on. It would not go. Bo
the man bad to take all graven of his
ui-ros along to get me one to go. He says
thay are, stubborn and It ccf ts as much
for one kid to take a ride aa (or seven to
go. I guess it did as I only got one ride,
! 'vllayiarlErUu. "
y Wllma Crawford, , Meeker, Colo.
1 Red Side. Aged H Tears.
I have two brothers i and one sister.
We got us some featb aw ud a piece of
cloth for each of us. ' made a narrow
and forai lf aad pui feathers In them
Jorwtr, hats.' Mfcaunvi made us each a
suit of yellow cloth. On the boys' suits
we put leather strip! a.
Aftef ws got oi- eUthes all made and
put.tlarn on., how tu.nj wa looked.
: The boys made , tent and ns girls got
soma buckets and. frying pans to cook
with, The boys made a fire and But uo
stakes to hang oi buckets on. Mamma
let us have somf potatoes, meat and
apples to cook. t had some bread and
butter for dltanen . My sister peeled the
potatoes snd I 'peeled the spples. We
friend the mea'i first and then the pota
toes and apples. Wo had a merry time
with our dinner. After wa had dinner
and had the f .hea done we went out to
The two hi,! snd I had a gun. My
sister waa tts, utile to shoot a gun. We
went out to) hunt tor rabbits. Wa got
tour and to sit. them home. We took our
Indian outl it. with us. too. When ws got
borne e (Bj our work.
My School.
By Mary s ret Cleary. Axed Yean.. 13
-North fenilworth Avenue, Oak Park.
III. Blue Bide.
I go ) Longfellow school. It Is a
pretty tl illdlng with eighteen rooms and a
rest ro n. gymnasium and kitchen. On
entertnig the main entrance la a large
buat of. Henry W. Longfellow and also a
large ) tinting, and this painting has pic
tures ,f stories Longfellow wrote on .It.
There, Is a picture of soma children
arou i Longfellow, suggesting 'The
Chl jnv's Hour." and there la a picture
of fsp tain Standtafa with John Alden and
aw J-'.-s ' -' .'." . , J- i f J.'- 'V
-Vvf-. . ''" " f Cfk '"-' ' U--"WV '. r-"' v..Jv,..ivf '" rv.wsv(f v -v 'di.T Wj
i " ! fw '.'
- w .je"'?,ir"" "-" .--:'"'' '.-.t,... -wim.. ; ., wsa.
... J
N..'.j r'--rr
iyitiMw lilnai man
1. WHSe plalaly oa oae side ef
the paper seUy aae ausabet the
pages. ...
a. Ose pea sad ink, not pea
. athort and potntad artlalss
will be givea prefeieaos. Be at
ase ever SM words.
- Original a tenia er letters
ealy wut ke sswa.
S. Write year name, ags and
address at the tap ef the first
first ana seooad prises of hooka
will be gives for the see two saw
tnbntlons te this page each week. .
Address all eommaatoatt a te
cxuvsMxra ospaanujiT,
Omaha Bee, ' oauha. Bab.
Prlsdlla and ehe of John Alden return
ing from the war and one of the "Village
Blacksmith." and Tales bf a Wayside
Inn," snd "Hiawatha." 'I .went - ta
Omaha to spend Christmas with my
grandma and had a fine time. rl am a
new Bee, .
i in i . -
, Dew Eunfc ,' '
By Boyd Pi Crawford. Meeker, -CaK
Blue Side. Aged It Tears. 1 '
One tltnd' last tail papa' and I went
deer hunting; It was1 tn the deer seaspa.
We got up at t e'eleck 'hnal got eur
breakfast.. -Ite. gat enn guns knd ear
homes snd Went up the creek to himt,
it wss A long time before ws saw any
signs of deeri.'Afief-a Httle while we
saw one deer amqng.t(ie trees, but dldn'
get a shot at it . We went on for w. long
time when papa saw three deer. He shot
five times at them, but didn't nit any of
them. ' 1 'ii' ,' : .:
We, went eu fpr Utile'. way. further
when we saw two big deer up on a little
hill. ' We ran.eur horses up to the hill
and thea got off and walked up ceose to
them. We saw. them running up the
hill and we shot st them several times,
but didn't' get- a- very good shot tor hit
them. ... . ... . .
Ws went oa further and saw five deer
owning up a- hill. We crept ekieer to
them snd took several shots , at , .Intra ,
Pspa killed one of them. We took It and
started for home. .We aaw two mors
deer on our way home.' We didn't get
much thst day, but had lots of fun.
Disobedient Margaret.
By Vsleria Rohr. Aged I Years. 4J
Kraklne Street. Omaha.
Margaret was a little girl about 1
years old. She was the only girl In the
family. It was a dreary .day, becauae
Margaret did not have to go to school.
Manraret waa reading a book, when at
the door there wss heard a knock.
Mother went to the door, and who did
she see but Margaret's Httle friend, Ger
trade. She asked Mrs. Brown if Mar
garet could go out and slide.
Mrs. Brown called Margaret to put on
her wraps and get her sled. After Mar
garet had been gone about twenty min
utes Mrs. Brown discovered tsat Mar
garet had not put oa her ru Doers and
After Margaret cams In she waa cold
and felt chilly all nUlrt. In the. morning
the doctor was called. He aald Margaret
was very sick and would hot be able to
yo to school for a week or two.
After Margaret was .well aha said: "I
will never forget my leggings and rub
bers i again.' -
v A Faithful log-.' ,
By Harry Hart man. Aged It Year", ill
South Twenty-oiath (Street, Omaha;' -
1 have an uncle who .Uvea In Colorado
on a claim. 'He has three children, two
boys sod a girl.' Their ages are 1 4 and L
, Whenever they . go oat to play . my
uncle's faithful old bulldog, Queen, goes
with. them. t . ' :
One summer afternoon the children
went out to play and Queen with them
as; usual. t
While they were playing they heard a
curious nolae In the grass. Looking
around they saw a large rattlesnake
colled dp In the grass Just ready to
atrlke. They .-did hot. know the danger,
for they crowded around to look at ths
strange thing. j '"''
But faithful Queen' knew, the danger
and getting la front of ths children she
poshed them sway nVom th,-aiake, Hunt
ing all tbe whit for. help.'; . i, .
My uncle heard Queen's .bftrtr end rub
bing eut ha saw whit the matter 'was
and kilted.' the .rattlesaakev, And good
old Queen was rewarded with aa extra
gd supper, i ; I '.''' "' 1
t ...'.. . , . . I '
, Fauny.i'tha Squirrel
By Agnee Howard,. Ated If Tears,i Mll-
, , ,, 'ord' ' 1 ' , '
One day there was a little girl wept
out tn'llifc yard to play. While playtag
she ssw, a little squirrel and began to'
play with It. ' After that It came f very
day, and in a few days It would eat out
of her hands. -
The little girl named the squirrel Fanny.
Lets' of times Penny would eome and
get ap en ths tub by the well to get a
drink , of . water. . Fanny loved to play
with the kitty. , Rhe would come down
cloae to It and then climb up In the tree
again when the kilty Jumped at her.
In the' (alt thle little girl s brother
gathered nuts and put- them on top of
the woodahed to use In the winter. When
Fanny found out the aula ware there aha
came each day and carried some away
and hid them In the ground for her win-,
ter food. The little boy and girt did not
care because they liked Panny. "-
A Very Bich Zing.
By Kllrra Dugun. Agrd t Yean. 3 North
Forty-second tftreet, Omaha,
Once upon a time lived a very rich king
wkoss name was Midas. Ho was fonder of
gold than anything else In, the world ex
cent perhaps his little daughter, whose
name was Marigold. Hs wished te have
for -her ths greetest pfle of gold that
had ever been heaped together, tie
spent part of every day In the cellar
of his palace counting ever his golden
1 hope to find my letter In print.
A Dor Hero.
By Kifward nectwrd. Aged 11 Tears,
Omaha. Blue Hide.
One evening, about o'clock, a boy
and bis dog were coming through the
woods. They met a man, who aeked
them Where they were going. Thay did
not answer the man because they did
net knew him. He started to follow them,
after they had staged. ,
The man Went ro grab Prank, which
wag the boy's nam. The dog grabbed
the. man and bit him.
Prank got on the dog's beck and was
halt way heme when thay met some
wood cutters, who asked them what was
the Bietteav -Frank laid the ansa, Tliey
ssked Frank to shew them the man.
they went bank and found the man
all. bit up. They healed hla sores and put
him la prison. ,
, A Kitten, 8tory.
Octa Freunk, ' Agtd T Years. Ii!l North'
: TWswxy-doartk Street
I look a trip out. west and there were
sandhills all around. When I went up on
top at-the kills K seaxacd as If I ooald
touch the sky. My swot where I went had
great, big Maltese cat as tall as a
small fox terrier. Its name wss Kits, and
K huatsjl around the JilUs all day for
rata and mlos. When It got tired It would
oomr tat the house' aad rattle the deor
knob, to set In. I have a Uttle kitten. It
Isn't as bis as Kits, bat I love It Just ths
rame.and I gave It a new bow ef ribbons
tor Chrlstmss. , ,
,. ' i . ;. ,-.
Pe'sr fcdrtor. - I have been reading the
Children's psge every Sunday and have
been 'very Interested. Ttwie eMer time I
have made up my mind to be a Busy Bee.
I will be U years eM February Is. 1
wish ts Join tbe Blue aids, aad hope te
see my letter in print I remsla a Busy
Bee. Frieda Zlessman, Sol Paul St.,
Omaha, Ni b. . .
OMAHA. Neb . Jen. B. Hit-Dear Buay
Bess: This Is ths first time I nave writ
ten te your page. I thought that I would
write a few lines. 1 hare been reading
ths Children's page for a long time and
I like It very much. This convinced me
to write. I wish to Join the Red side. 1
live at 717 South Thirty-third street,
Goodbye. From Forysteen Maxey, aged
II year a
Dear Editor: I want to Join ths Busy
Bees. I am years old and hi the Fourth
A. My teacher a name Is Miss Ray. I
live at tn North Fiftieth avenue, In Dun
dee. Yours truly. Esther Moore W eater
field, aged years, (17 North Fiftieth
avenue, Dundee.
Two staadiwa Tfeowswnd Vomen Hade Bappy With This few Knowledge Throagfc
a Oopr of TJita Benritrkabls Book, WEIOMT BBDUCTIOB WITHOUT
DKUOS." Isat This Convincing Svtdenes As so Its Talus?
' ' Bee Ms Bare! atere I Am After Bsdnctat- ST lbs, ta
I Xaoksd as Tat aa Aa ox Before I Be- five Weeks, WUa My Xarmlesa
BwMsVem sKT afdjVt KsMsM VfVsft wBBBsBsst
TMM 0Y OP UTIJIO is TBB XERXT-' . I have jiniu,-u a bouK ,.t yoa entitled,
Mf or Til uti, I Wit ' Wekjlai Hedurtan Wrti-wt 1-ugs.-
STODT ajnt I XBOW vblcri I am alving away without charge.
My frleeee ware eaariaK and tber perreild to ywk we that ye-i away anew of
sailed It obesity; ethers referred to n.e niv successful method and be able to per
as being STtH'T. but I know. H was lost wianeatly reduce yeur weight ssiy
plain bulky weight. I wss tnlaersble amount up in seventy pownda, without
on tno. mim mi,. 1 1 v -i- tt hanafu or starvation, diet.
ur- too aeeaL drusa ee rwttaiwm. I
Te reduce your aelrht rou muat find
the causa, you must get at the very rea
I rovars mi oatrkii txb msBt
was BABT
Before I sweereura. i trird Svwrythlag
within reason and some tUlngs beyoqd
Bead lor free Copy Tee ay
It waa maddening, dlgutlng.
All I had te ee was t nwnovs the
cause, and I swear under oath, that by
my simple method, without drusa. niedi..
cine, bersawl exouilsoa, lor atarvattoa
diet, I reduced tny Wright 37 pounds In
Ave week, and guarantee that I ean de
the asme for you. i do not use medi
cine at any kind er werthkMS staff te
nib on the body, but a simple home
treatment; even a child can uae It with,
out harm. Thronsh thle marvelous com
bination home treatment I eueceeded be
cause I had found the rlgh wsy. I cam
now climb to the summit of Pike's Pea
with ease. I could net ee that antll I had
taken off tf pusnda of my ponderous
If you are Interested In your own hap
plneaa and health aad figure, yea will
permit me to tell you how to reduce
yeur weight "Nature e Way." . . '
It la astonishing the thouasnde nf
grateful letters 1 am receiving, J. K.
Bolwlle, Box . Oreat Ben. Kansas, , tTUl Bead This Beak Te Tea At Btp
wrltn that he luet fifty pounds with my Bspease
hsrmlees treatment. W. I vchmtts, smt tor my bona. "Weight Reduction,
Montevideo. Minn wots. lost thirty without Uruga.- It Is years for the ask-
Kunds sn thirty davs. Mamie McNeil y, tm, and wlll be glad te send It IP you,
isloge, MlsanOrt, writes thst elM klet nostase Drenatd.
ahtty-flve srainds with this new method. p(Te found that the best
and I can send you thousands ef Mime know happiness Is to give It.
of mUbAmSI miatoaaer who have siven i 4incrlv mtir frWnd.
as permleelon so uae their name. 1 BUBJOKIB BilcnTOg ' t
never publish any name without written Baits ansa Central Beak BalMUng, .
permission. ,,:. Beaver, Oete.
Bvary reader ef this paper, who has the alightee tutareet la anas Bamlltoa'e
reeaarkable new sreaemeav aheaM wrrks her wrossptlf far all aha aaraae as sand
free, tut ss aha has sail, her beok "Weight Bedaettea Without Drusa." In eattre
ly Jreei yea have everythiaa; ws gwta aad Wetaiag as tseei bat the bosk la ex- .
pi salve aad yea away, it post wish, seat a twe-eaal stamp te help pay postage.
asiy M
I g. 1 VaVr.l" Owr reedert are lor the Int rime Uvea aw
i Honorable Mention.)
A Description of Myself. .
By Ardatb Mefirade. south Omaha, Age
My full name Is Ardath Margaret Mc
BfHde. I is I years old. My height is
four feet. I weight sixty-three pounds. My
eyes sre blue and my hair is brown.
I enjoy to play with my dolls. I have
saersl schoolmates who play with me on
Saturday afternoons. I llks to read cf
fairies. I attend the Hawthorne school.
I am going to hs a school teacher whet j-
a .sn a rows j i
Letter from the Kin? Bee.
By Alfred Mayer, an nouth Iwentv-ntsg n
eirert. unwni. eiaw otuv.
Dear hdltor and Busy Bees ..
I hare oalr written yon a short pi I ,-m.
graph In which I, wished tb thank jloa
tor being so kind la electing ma. kit g of
yeur honorabla page- . . .
I Urink that all of us will' do ou'l'uty
ln writing for this page. We all ere uld
like te win prtses no doubt, but wt r we
do hot tt to aoeodya fault. And t e -only
way te win one ts to keep on 'STirlng
tin you have. Rut even then yoi ( most
net stop. ' '
I am writing about, a, srles ef Ixsnli
wfiark we saw In the year. line.
We started from Omaha and -1 ant to
Washington. Philadelphia and Ne f ; York;
tbeo we took the steamer for f ennaay
aad arrived tn Hamburg la eleve i days.
From Hsmburg we went to ; eustadt.
Heidelberg, Kobi. Wiesbaden ar 1 1 rTank
fort. Then we went to Beriln, Potsdam
sed Cartaesd where we stare i for six
weeks. From Carlsbad ere took the train
for Bremen. '
JYe took paesaxe on board the Kron
Prince Wllbelm for New Yoi t aad ar
rived there In seven dsjs si I then we
ttok the train for home. T
What Our School Children Are Doing-XXV
I 3 a
g' I I ,rl k . K , jf 1 B
Oar readers are lor the Int rime givea awl
ooortunity to team, mitktmf ctnt tf Ml, just
tsjisr to aoquire and retain a healthy tealp, ouhi-
veta a luxuriant growth of hsir, aad restore tadea
er gray hair te its aadnral Hon color. This infor-i
assttoa is of vital imoortsnos aad faestraaable
vslos to every saasl ens wosssa.
Tkeae siwai iwsnnea. fear Is somber, see alls last ihs
IsfoneeKoe every wesus wasea sad as wwessa aeoeld
hawilaoat aea taasM far liW sa's sad Sear. Ik slaia.1
fj alaiple. eassiiassilaan seaaaw taey eeTtae the varloesi
Tl sealp dkeraera. tke sesuifall talr treoWaa ss laae araar
I leaausjaisaissawtU knew Jaiteaaaaly what Is wreafwUal
Isariaals aas sair mmm sew wrmmt i r
Siiii.,1 aeals hrlusiass. aad sveM Sflae" e trar awdl
serattly kair. niiiUOBSf pnasM is paaii,-
aesfssaly UliasjaMS
We will asadseasMs eagre aseteasf nmr svssinis
aIhMJ. I -b, ennlleatiM ! mmdm OB the WMteara I
la every pacaate ef u oaa natr "Ta
Hair aeasarsr. ar If Ires part of esnss la waarl i aotlla
pseksS ta eseleaee la rear wner, avssiaw
auuis vauw w aaaauuua, aaaa.
Ths sua er wwaisa who taiay ssBera tse eejssrass-i
ssaalef arayocatreekea kalrdoaf aofroaiekeleeaad sosl
rreai sn mil ear U has Msir haesanr will seaunelyl
Srtagbarktae srlclsal eokw sod aeH, lustieas aesesr-l
aoesotyoela. Iu sot s tnsrsl Sre. aad liaadectial
weeks aiaeir sskw Us aiterssl k be 1 see ka Hartal
Sepmiuoaof celeries naer ay in war -'
Halr BartaesrtoaenaaaeBt. Ulsdaess aseemsl.
la oosaeewoB ant s I
eias awe-
the laksmsl atthasd sUsmai
witlus Uie hair. Teat a why the ef art at tt Baa Maw aeMsrsi
-' .-J si.i.iiMiiM f tk. w ..1 - and whaa I
- " k.k. w. u. Mdul eSnleeel aterv. Mold seder SB lease
b.krrU'e sltowa ywsls kaWH wWeM aori U 11 laua. Aak aw sxssd gaaiaaiss t
sey. rnce,ssesau. .
laaseslpSDSS saw sairremitOTr. fiey e ----j
l kills svari swns.ewM all scalp dleaaiaa aaderavaals laelrl
lietitnesas la Uie May areenae ot aae.
lt ek eaS send, aad Bearcats sakt-l
MM, atoH lallkii bah- sed i sdasw a aragswak.l
Year awoer keck U II Isils. ask tec sstsea aaaraawa wsaa yea ee.
B laliin 1 aB--sSaslesaBasBWSeelsB asaasss aSBSIB IU.
BaenBea B BtoOewaaU trrssr 0, Owl Brag Oa, Bell Brag Oe, Sea tea Brag Co
J. x. Seamudt aad aahasfss Oat Bitsa Brag Btote,
laaasaaaaawaws"--- aaas. lapaaSSvalratDHla
0a9sl sawaJBB)jBBB tawssM
Mt Firat Letterj
By Lereae Laraway, Haanbs f g. la. Age
I ha, e juxt finished readi- f g the sioriex
of the Buay Bees tor thee llek and I ea
I loyed them very much, hsi f it read theau
i5 i3 AjO a (5 W
( ex ST . Xar- m ream - ii a fvv a. m . Sv-vt a., as. X a' ' Itlv an r
!m J TOHall'
sail X t 4' V-.J :;.';, -1 A
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Pi nnrvr ..v iv, . -n: i
aw eVaaaf a t-P M 1 1 sL lilt, . . I
i "irTafi
II l IV-lKtlSvirtraiMMajA I
I swnaaiaiBiiwm awaawasaisisiMl aaiiaiailliaaain siai 1 1 Bill I i 1 1 Uli II ss 1 1 1 aia are llllfj J T
4, mr.
' Si W kh.x4,
& t.'.'M
Sample Free For Relief
To Prove Why It Cures
T")LR A8S 7117 KoadosTs with jar cempBntsets, tor
catarrhal sore throat or coios er say catarrhal
trouble. Pleaaest. pure, cuick to step eistreee
awn apaidlty caree. use t neiay. mou oy evw
IS JOOdnrxiats ur wrlas aa for free lam pie.
Koeduo s its saaltaiy tubes) gfeas eatek eMtet
Beult s bM ef SMe aiewatte. seotlnac. beallag Jell
Horn latemaily. iasvlng Is Che throat ss long ss
tr, res me esreat wen wna cue jeuryoun
IommI InaieMf ratlaf. fiat a &e ar Sal tana ta
day ot your dnuojau sr ssnd assay postal la as tot
Korsdox sVOg. Ca Kuuieapolla, Mbm.
AS-.-r -a-V
Kralest eaulpned dental efflee w,
Omaaa. Mwheet-grade dexostry at
leseonshrs pnoss. Psweataia rUBaga,
lust Uae the Loo'.h. All tnstmsaeais
rarefulty merUlasd aftsr each iifms
l"3 Corase JSth aad Bwraasa Bs.
twtwp rtoot furor blottt
To Do
' it yoa loaa year poeketbook.
nmbTwila. watcA or some other
article of value, the thing to
do is to follow tbe example of
etaay other people aad adver
tise without delay tn the Lost
and Foiiatd eolaaui of The Bee.
That ra what atoot people do
when they loss articles of raise.
Telepboae we aad taU wor kata
u ail Ontaaa t iaB(l auy-
Put It
The Bet