Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 28, 1912, Page 7, Image 7

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' x
Odd Fellows Lodge Will Celebrate
luuTemrr lext Friday.
: M Armr aaa WimiI Re
lief Ceraw Betertatsra br lira.
Oeoss; B. Mr-WndMi
Faatawa fattrkluni,
Oman teds. Ke. X, Independent Order
; of Odd reHows will celebrate th ftftv
stats inlramrx ef Ita iastttuttoa next
rr:y evenln-. Thla kxlse m tnstl-
twea on msorasiy L ISM. and Is the
oldest fraternal ersanlxatios la Nebraska.
The eldest Urine aietneer of th lode
I ' Captsla T. Spoor no realdtos la St
! Leids, but who at Tlsltta- la Omaha, thla
' waek. Ha will take part la th program
as will Martin Dunham whe ws Initiated
Into thla lodge fifty-ens year ass.
. Hosier Durbtn returned laat weak ts
his home la Anderson, Ind. H spent five
I weks la Omaha rUltlng friends aad re-
1 lattvea.
Canton Kttar No. It, gave a successful
. hard times social aad daac laat Thurs
1 day evening as Odd Fallows hall. South
. Omaha. .
Omaha lodge No. t will have ork la the
, irdUaterr dear next Friday anoint.
The Home Board reports that there are
; now nineteen guests la the home at York.
The heating; plant m (Ivan a severe
trial daring th recent coM weather, but
the bulkUng was kept at an even tsm
' perature without any trouble.
, Julius Wth. woe has seen alek tor eev
! era! weeks. Is slowly Inpnvtng.
t The new assign for veteran buttona ap-
proved by the BU aesaloa at taw ov
i ereiga grand lodge can now be procured
if rem the grant secretaries sf the state
i Jurisdiction.
, W. O. Torrey apeat th latter part sf
i last week Inspecting oaatons la the east
' era part of the state,
Vetera aa Baler A.rartr.
' V. a Grant Poet andV Women's Relief
Corps wars entertained br Jars. Oearg
i B. Eddy at bar heme, ill swath Twenty
' fifth aretraey Wednesday evening. Th
hostess, aaaldted by her husband and son,
; Kdgar, were Us Ufa sf the entertainment.
; The rooms were decorated with eream
i roses aad Old tJlory. To Young aten'i
1 Cbnatlaa association quartette sang
: "Tasting on the Old Camp O round," -jun
Before th Battle Mother," and "Uncle
Bam," the planiit being Mrs. Havarly
Alien. The Relief Corps furnished a bos
upper for the comrades aad frtaods, cof
fee being served by the huatese.
Comrade Taa Hnssn presented Mrs.
Eddy with a lovely bouquet as a gift
from U. 8. Orant Poet,
Toe following were present!
afesdasne-- Meedames
II. Wilcox. M. Mors,
A. Hough, N. Neeler,
B. Davie. A. Edwards,
A. Loechnsr, M. Bweesy.
I Bromwell, 1 Tlohnor,
A. Dempeter, M. Harrlngtea,
' J. Stearns. H. Palmer.
H. B. Miller, a Howard,
V. Guild, J. Bryant.
K. Kastmaa, U Lundergreaj
A. Sayre, S. Tempi eton.
O. Tolllver. ,
Messrs. lfeeer.-
Major Wilcox. J. Allen.
J. Dempeter, O, Tolllver,
II. Russell, it. Q. Miller,
1. M. Havarly, W. Davis,
C. Van Huaen, O. Guild,
Q. TUedon. M. Morse,
J. Stearns. J. lAiadergren,
It. e. Miller, S. Terosletoa.
A. Loechner, J. Allen.
O. Murphy. , Hi. Otlbert.
H. Bromwell. J. Oameren.
Mioses- Mlsses
Welma Palmer. Cora Stearns,
Minnie Howard, Martha Bryant.
Baal B'rttha WHI Daaee.
William McKlnley lodge No. in. Inde
pendent Order B'nal B'rlth. wlU glvs 1U
thirteenth annual dance at Chambers'
dancing academy Tuesday evening. It Is
the Intention of the coaunttte barring thla
dance la charge to make tt a gathering
of all the B'nal B'rttha. their families
and friends la Omaha, South Omaha
aad Council Bluff a The committee Is
composed of 8. Dansky. k PI elan, C. C.
Kalelman. Dr. M. L Oerdoa and A. Rlpa
Frateraal talon Installs,
Banaer lodge No. 11, Fraternal Union
of America, held Its annual Installation
of efficsrs as follows: Fraternal Maasjsr,
A. LangTeldt; liutiee, Msllis P. Taa Horn,
secretary. J. B. Mason: treasurer, Cera
M. Wegener; Mercy. C. Curtis, Truth,
Mranls Langfeklt; guard. Barry Downs,
guide, Arthur C. Van Horn. Brother Rob
ert Moftett wss the Installing officer. Th
nesting closed with dinner and refresh
ments, Katevtal reetpewea.
On acosuat s laok of time far proper
rehearsal by the Dramatic club of Alpha
camp No I. Woodmen of the World, for
Ita entertainment. January H, the enter
tainment oommlttee has postponed the
entire progress and will give a daaee la
stad oa tbe evening of J an aery 11 for
the member? of Alpha camp and their
Immediate friends.
card Parly and Daeee.
The Fraternal Aid association will give
a card party aad dance Thursday svsnlng
la Berlrnt hall. Nineteenth and Fa roam
ltertainmeiit is
Given Graduates
An entertslnment was given la boner
of the Eighth B grade la the kindergarten
room of the Park school Thursday at
temoon. The following prog raja waa
given. Friday morning Superlatendant
Oraff spoks to lbs graduating si ass and
th combined upper grades,
Games by th tittle children of th
kindergarten. , . .
Mouth Organ le. Beanie Leaf
blelght-of-aland Trtcee ,
...leivsrn Lyckhsua
Out Vive "
...Esther Graff aad Aline Gentleman
fhalk Talk Morrla Leaf
Violin Solo. Mr. A. W. Evan
Those present wr:
Misses Misses
Helea Kleffner. M. K-ans,
Aline Gentleman. a Wlleon.
Ki'her Graf. S. E. Eveleth.
Kliaabeth Johasoa. j. Reynolde.
Klolee Plans. A. W. ens.
Belle Eummrrs. K. Hungerford.
Dorothy Rohrbouga, Dorothy bolomoa.
' MVssrs. Messrs.
Kdwtn Oreevy. Frd Hennlnger.
itokrrt Klllmer. William Ostenberg,
Paul SamuelMn, louis Swaoeon.
Mack Solomon. John Eldrld.
Melvern Urcaholm." Jaoses Va Verba.
Beanls Leaf.
The D. J. O'Brien company has donated
2SS enares of stock In the Auditorium
te the dty to be applied oa the pur
chase price should the dty buy. This In
creases the total donations of stock to
,rar saares. IS stockhoiders having
' givea thaU entire boidlags.
Closing Exercises in Eighth Grade Schools
A most remarkable Benjamin Frank'ifl
program was given by th eighth grade
graduating class of the Lothrop school
when anecdotes of the life of Franklin
were given, Tbe boys gave a practical
dsmoastsarjoa with a kits of the way
Franklin discovered electricity, asd the
young women presented eome Istercxlag
tetk dances under the direction of
Josephine Grant, eighth grade teacher.
The program:
"Ufa of Benmmla Franklin."
Heralds Mas Mun5cn.
Mlismay Ofveen. Howard w right,
Thomas Whyta. Everett Pen ion,
Percy SUImakar,
lm persona tars
Adrian Johnson.
Fred Rohm.
KarmonU PeweH,
Wanl Kel'ev,
Vernon Roulette.
Herman Goldsmith,
Everett Coe.
Raymond H trader.
Harlan Cattln,
John Hanren.
WllHam Busch,
ichn Moms.
piano Beio Ethel Hobbj
Folk Dances Marguerite Marks,
Marguerite Dean,
Haael ClesgH.
Harriet schwerln.
Margaret Rrloksoa,
VtTian Thotnpeca,
Gertrude Rodman,
Lola Foster.
Helen Weeden.
Merle Olmeteul.
Ethel McClur.
Paulls Orosaaisa.
Irene Lyons.
Presentation of gift to school, John
Presentation of dtptotnas.
Sons Desr old Lothrop Th Class
Class yell.
Pauls Wlok.
Doris Baker.
Dorothy Blown,
Mabel Franson,
Kathleen Orveen,
Helen EeUe..
Virginia KstUa,
Kdna Leidy,
Glendera Hlnchey.
Heiga orgaard.
sss easssssjssaasaawsMsssssaessaw "
VrPKH PASEL-LOTMiUjr . v . .i-- ... ium tiu.MM,i.. rtvuUllAM.-Phet by Mrnster.
Twenty -Fonr Tonngsten An Tinder
Arrtit for Stealing:.
eUef Is that Child re a Are Taagdkt
by Parents te Caser Vast Away
Jreaa sUUseed Tards aad
Twenty-four chOdrea have been arrested
for carrying coal from the Union Pacific
yards aad storehouse. They srs In
cbargs of Juvenile court of fleers, who will
net only attempt to dlsotpUas them, but
wlU tnvsetsrat th causes for such an
sfisrscedented bumher of raids oa th
ooal bins.
Mogy Bernstein, probation officer,
thinks that la eome instances ths chil
dren ars Instrtrcted by their parents to
teal ooal. In case this la proven before
the Juvenile court action will be started
against ths parents, er If It I shews
that they are In straitened circumstances
prevision will be mad te sopprf Own
with fuel.
Judge Kennedy of the juvenile court Is
la Louisville attending the national child
labor conference. For this reason no
sees were tried today, about thirty be
ing postponed until next Saturday.
John Janapoulaa was fined SB and easts
Is police jovrt by Judge roster for con
tempt of court. Janapoulaa k alleged t
nave gotten George Dtoneos, en ef but
cosntrynun. out of th city M arses that
he would not appear against kiss.
Janapoulaa at alleged to have assaulted
Dlaeos three week saw. Wcnses filed a
oompealnt against Janaaosias sNargtns
him with assault with latest to km.
Janapoulaa under asm pi sleisis ef ether
got Dlsneos to go to Kansas Chy sad
when th case was areogbt oe la court ft
was continued far a week. Wsea It was
called this morning and ths eoen stain big
witness did not appear City Pnssrutar
Dtektneoa filed a complaint charging
Jaaapoulas with contempt of court and
h waa arraigned lnuaodlataty .
Midway Jointists
to Be Tried Again
Billy Crutohfiald and Jack BreemfleM. '
th a ogre prociietors c th Midway, are
te b tried again aa th oharg of sailing
liquor In vtokattoa of tbe law. Twlo thslr
ease be bsea aired la seboe eourt and
ha both tosaaaoss the Jen disagreed.
Judge Fester has Cited Frlaay, rebruary
t as ths data f th trial, aad a ths
previous day tne jury will be selected.
Cbuasel for th defence tried t pat the
trial sff for twe weeks, but Judge ros
ier refused ts grant a meek grace.
Haw Kbdj Women
Keep Young
"A a
at A"
Ckusetht ta the Act
and arrested by Dr. King's Ksw L4fs
Pills, staous headset) quit aad User,
stneneea and bowels act right. Only Me.
Per sal by Beaton Drag c.
Key ths gltaatloo . Be Advertlstng.
otsaa assy be old at U ss
says strs. Margaret Hotnses Rates,
dub wetnan. "Tsars
don't master. Drda't Ninon de L'Bsrlos
have a aroaeaal at trr
The poath'ef our women la more lasting
kaa R was a generation age, because ws
are beooentag acquainted with aunpls phy-
stologloeJ laws. When th first aging
spipoar wilalilea. baggy rheeks,
sack aad ehta w rsans that the ssass
a loosaalng; of th ants aad seftenlag ef
tbe tissue srdisaiatb. We know the aaasa
tastes d f larinsr os
tbe drugt score for as
sudds ef sasallts aad a half pint of witch
haael. mix them aad bath fas, asoh and
hands la th solution. We know this
tightens th skin, soUdtnee th tissue. In
duos a healthy elroulatlos. We treat
eaua rather rasa effects. Ws us rea
son end stay yoang-Adv.
This Advertisement Tells You How to Find
the One Gar at the Chicago Show in Which
You Will Be Most1 Interested
The New Regal "25" Underslung Touring Car
Underslung was admitted by everyone to be the most advanced
in improved construction and the greatest dollar for dollarvalue
among all cars offered to the public for 1912.
You must see this car at the Regal Exhibit,
Space D-2 Main Floor, First Regiment Armory
Chicago Automobile Show, Jan. 27 to Feb. 10
BECAUSE it will prove to you that you do not have to pay a
fancy price to own a good automobile, and you must see it also
because it is the only Underslung Touring Car in the world
to sell for less than four figures.
REMEMBER Chicago, January 27th to February 10th.
Regal Exhibit Space D-2, Man Floor, First Regiment Armory
An expert factory demon
strator will show the econ
omy of doing your cooking
Aluminum Utensils
l owe ai so bow joa ran rook the most delicate food In
alumlsnm ctsaslls with leas fear of burning than In anr otbar
kit do. '"Wear-hvf -' utensils cannot rust, nor chip, nor form poleon
ons compound wtin (mil arid or foods. They are ti par cent purs
aluminum without seams. Joints or solder.
8Sr Alsmlnum Kettle for 49c When
properlv filled out with nam and ad
dress, this coupon entitles tbm bearer.
If presented before February 10, IS 12,
to purchase) one No. Ill "Wear-Ever"
Aluminum Preeervlnf Kettle, 1Q
3-q.uart alto, for 43C
No orders filled without a coupon.-
The skid problem is not that of
stopping the skid it is prevent
ing its start
Tires never skid on clean dry
pavement The only way to pre
vent skidding on wet muddy,
greasy pavements is to clean the
pavement so that the tire tread
can get a firm grip.
The Diamond Safety Tread
Tire cleans the pavement as
a squeegee cleans a window.
It is the only safety tread that is really
safe, the only one that solves the skid
problem by knowing what it is.
The Diamond Safety Tread Is not
sanphj a matter of buttons, knobs, ridges,
or ornamental designs its cross and
parallel bars are based upon a scientific
They cut through and
clean away the Him of
water, mud, or grease
thai prevent any other
A3 UJ .
nrus gemny a iinu
grip on the pavement ,
The Diamond Safety Tread Tire
is an all-year-round tire. It gives
even Greater Mileage than the
regular Diamond Tire and the
regular Diamond Tire is Greatest
in Mileage among smooth tread
At your Dealer or
ThCwDiainwid lMer (ompainj
215 So. 20th Street, Omaha.
rauaTi-rovsYrm man
Block 218.
Do your customers
live here
7 7??77
)oug. 2823
Nebraska Regal Sales Company, 2129 Farnam St., '
Regal Motor Car Company SS Detroit, Mich.
On 34th Street, between Burt
and Cuming Streets, there are 3 1 1
occupied nouses ana in Z tney
take The Bee.
JJ Advertisers can cover Omalia with one newspaper.
Chilblain Days
j Persons suflXinff with chilblains will
find SletfrmAm's CltllUala Cnrm ft quick
and saffsx-tiVM rriixiv for thlm trouhli.
Stierman & MeGonnel! DrogGo.
rtv Ooea Store la Oasaaa.
vfll rent that nemat boas, fin
tboB Tieut room. r tMear
iMArders tdwrt doUc mt ft vry
mil rotrt to you n eonirv-1