Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 28, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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    A -
- - i ; xfx-k :
GOOD books go into
good homes, but they
cannot long t imam there
unless they are placed, in
cases that protect them i f roni dust
and. damaging .knocks The 'Jan
uary, clearing . sale finds ; thisstore
selling a large number of the fa
mous Glirin : and M'acey sectional
bookcases at-prices that 'run from
$6 jiri. THe - value' of either; of
these makes-is. iinsurpassje3t-"
Bpceaes:6f-thkindrare:made -by
pnrpoK. ThTla:none of tlie essentials of good ' '
furniture.' Eaohlt expressive 6f 'tJuerActert' high
purpose and artistio design . f ' ' ",;','" : V
The modern hbrne: itibftitutesUhe olfl-faKmed
case for the sectionaJjuilt as kbderji iflduitrjr.'throirs :
aside obsolete equipment for. the more 'progressive
products of the age. In the , sectional 'case there, is a
combination of convenienoe, beauty and service 'that
appeals to every home-lover: . ' '
. ior the home of few books three,of. four sections
will suffice now, and these -may be added to as the
books increase, for - the section purchased ' two ' or
three years hence will, match up in every detail with :
those bought today. We sfidw" period 'styles in .these
cases.' The January. sale prices contiuenntUiit ,
Thursday. :' ' ,.-V . .V
Miller, Stewart & Beaton
Esttblbed 1884 ; 413-15-17; Sooth- Sixteenth St
'.... ; v. i . 1 ? . - . .
Carload of Coiijitry I!orses
All good broke horses at LOWEST i PKICES.
Horses to hire for city work and, livery.
Boarding a Specialty. ' .
2531 Sherman Ave. . -.
Phone Webster 1135.
Most modern equipment
and the best ot serVice
fW!i..i T (fit
. WW i
The man. with . an office
now demands the most
.exacting care and con-
vehiinces. 1 "V " "
TKe Bee
is fitu:ittd in the heart of the commercial . district oi
Omaha and gives tenrfnts'the best office service to be had.
The elevator? are new and their service is faultless. Keen
janitor attention keeps'the rooms scrupulously clean, while
a modern steam plant veoly heats, the building -ii the
coldest weather, offices' which are excellently ventilated.
The man who wants.the greatest conveniences and the
best of attention will find a few choice offices vacant in
this building now. - . '
com tsa-s-Reecption Room. Private Offlca'two lerce closet, larr. work
room with two north window. Ideal otfiee for Engineer, Architect
Doctor or etber professional men. Rentes. pr month H5M
Boca 4 This 1. a long narrow room. 1011 H. having a north light
Beatal. per month j . fl7M
svcom 430 Has m north and seat, exposure. l,stxj5K In site, with a fire,
proof vault in comer of room. This 'apace will Subdivide Into three
good alied officea and make excellent quart era for any on nssdlna
U.Is amount of space. Rental price, pr month ttS.00
Comb 14 Uiht light, plenty of It In this room, three Urge windows
J tie apaca la 15iI- with aa entry way la!. An excepuoeailr low
rental at. per month .....$15.00
Bum M4 Havlnc :2I aqnara feet makea a rerr pleasant office; barlr.e
an east exposure and belnc near Vmra atreet elda of the hulMlr.e.
Kent rery raaiooahla. Per month tSC.OJ
. The Bee. Building Co.,
Be- Basiness Offict, 17th and Fatnam-5ts
. . . .1
Omaha Clrarclrrwple Are Interested
' m CharitiM Conference.
nasi sissiok will be sdttdat
taamaer ( rhleaa; ta Speak
at Trie It y Cathedral la Men.
laaw-Last Servaaa far
, - Haatatea.
Omaha church people -are much tnter
ttttS In the fourteenth annual session of
the Nebraska Conference of Charities and
Correction, which meets here Sunday to
Tuesday, fTCluaWt, and the opening sea.
!en of which will ha he'd Sunday after
noon at t o'clock in' th Boyd theater, to
ne immediately followed by a social asr
vica raQy of the Men' and Helimon Far-
ward morrment The theater will furnish
the orchestra far the Sunday meeting,
following Is th pro tram:
D. B. Jenkins, presldin.
Music ...... Omaha High School Glee club
Prayer Bluhop It U Williams
Welcome to Delegates ... Mavor Dahiman
Addrew'The t'hlid In Industry. The
- Nations Uortgage on Futurity."..
Liean Walter T. Sumner.
Address "Cnprotectrd Children. Boys
and Ulrls, aod Their Rights"....
Miss Julia C. Lalhrop.
Music America
Dean Walter T. Sumner, of the Chicago
cathedral wfll apeaX at Trinity cathedral
6n Sunday morning. The dean Is coming
here to address the Nebraska Conference
of Charltlea and .Corrections, which will
hold Its annual meeting on Sunday. Mon
day and Tuesday. ,
SfJ. K. Huisinon. until lately the
pastor o! the Kountte Memorial Lutheran
church. Will preaoh nsxt Sunday at 10:43
i. m. aVBt. MattheM English Lnthsran
church. Corner Nineteenth and Castellar
tlreeta'It will'llksly be his last sermon
hi Omaha,1 as shortly after that he and
kit family trill 'more to their newly
shoeen-hbme In Lire Oak, Csl.
Special' musical 'nunmers will be ren.
dared, by. Hie-choir, of the First rreeby
tcrlan church Sunday evening, Seven
teenth and bodge streets.
Organ Prelude-y the Sea
.r, t t. r. . iv rans-Khibert
Quartet The Woods and Every Swert
i "Smelling Tree, West
Dun-in the Cross ot Christ I dory..
Offertory Elegy Msssenet
Contralto Solo A Ballad of Trees and
.Th Master...:....... Lhail ICK
- .. Mrs .Miliar
Ouartet Hear, O My People ...Stevenson
ausrtet-CrossIng th liar...;,... Wllleby
Postlud In D Oliver King
Mid. Waltsr Dais, soprano; Mr. Oeorm
S. 1 Johnson, tenor-director; Mrs. Verne
MUler. alto;" Mr. Addison Mould, bass;
Mr. Howard Kennedy, organist.
At the Church of th ffcvenant Wednes
day evening th pastor glee the third
lesson of the twelve on Matthew. "The
Herman on the Mount" Is ran to be con
sidered, chsptera t, and T ot Matthew.
This course Is open to all.
Th Utd anniversary ot the birthday of
Robert Burnt suggests th toplo upon
which 'Dr. Milton B. Williams sneaks on
Suday morning at th First Methodist
church. Bums Influence on the heart of
the people, his democratic spirit snd his
reverence .for religion in the home are
characteristic which appeal to alL ,
Prof. E. U. draff, superintendent of city
schools, will spak before the Omsha
'Philosophical society Sunday afternoon at
1 o'clock in Baright's hall, Nlnstsenth and
Faraant streets. The subject for discus
sion Is -"Education In th Twentieth Cen
tury." -
Doctor Cornelius Patton of Boston will
give an Illustrated . address on "Along.
African Trails,", Sunday evening in the
First' Congregational church. Ir. Pat-
Ion has just returned from. Journey ot
4,001 miles. In the .Interior of Africa. Some
of the trip -wa In absolutely new ter
ritory. He baa a most . wonderful col
lection - ot . personally obtained slides,
beauf'.funy colored. ' "
Th lecture wilt abonnd In picturesque
and native, life, and tha wonderful. In
cluding the great Victoria Falls.
. Marshall. A. Hudson, president of the
"World-Wide 'Baraca-Phllathea union, and
founder -ot -Borers and Phllathee, will
arrive In Omaha today and will be the
guest of the .Trt-Clty Bareca union at
a banquet to be tendered him this even
ing" at tHa Paxton hotel at 7 p. m. His
addresses for Sunday, tha following day,
are "these - - '
t it t.-- m.Mmmsnuel Baptist Twenty
fourth snd Pinkney streets.
, :: a.. in.j-First: Methodist church.
Twentieth sad Davenport street, i
. lO wOeiuyihg pulpit av Diets. Mem
orial, Tetb and Pierce streets.
-11 IS -p.- ni Han scorn Park Methodist
XulscopsJ. Tweaty-nlrab street aud Wool,
worth -avenue. - - -
-il:4e n.-m.r-F1rst Cohgregatlonsl, Ntno
.eenth and Davenport" streets..
4 1 p.' wl-Mass- meeting -of- men and
omen at Couholl Bluffs Auditorium.
0 .p. .ra.-Occupyrnr -pulpit at Cal
vary Bapllet. TweBty-Ofth and Hamilton
streets, and pn- Monday addressing the
Trl-Cltv Baraaa union quarterly rally
at the first frteybterin chufch, this city.
-Mr. Hudson' . addreaa- at the' Dleu
Memorial church Sunday morning, "Winning-
MenOne-by i)ne.'-'-Calvary Baptist
Sunday evening. "Men and th Church."
....... ..-Baptist;' "
iCslvsry Eranch, .. Thirty-fourth, and
Seward, W." H. Owells, Superintendent
Sunday school at 1 30.
Oracc, Tenth and Arbor, P.ev. B. F.
F oilman. Pastor "The 'rragedr of ran"
at ll. '"Whenr H" Ceme to Hsnseir at
!:.- .
. Immanuef..Tweniy-Idurh and-Pinkney.
Rev.,J.,.S. Ebersqle. Pastor-Marshall A.
Hudson, founder or world-wlkt Baraf-a
and Phllathea -movements, will apeak at
:5. Morning worship at 1:to. SunJay
school at noon. Plcasa note change In
Sunday school hour from 9:C to noon.
1 uapust loung. rcopies union at 1:3.
I Evening worship, at 7:3). 'i he pastor will
preach morning and evening.
- First Corner Harney and Park Avenna
Itev. John Matthews, Pastor Preaching
both morning and evening bv F. H. Scein
D. D.. ef Uncoln. 'ob. Mornlns; topic,'
"The Boot of the Matter." Kvrnlng topic
The Different Viewpoints." Her vices ei
1:0o. Sunday school at noon. Voting peo
ple s prayer meeting at :. Lvenins;
services at 7:30. Regular weei:ly prayer
meeting Wednesday evening at 8..
Calvary, Twenty-fifth and Hamilton.
K. R. Curry. Pastor Preaching
boi , n c mi tv w vni i t ue pastor will
conduct th morning service. M. a. Hud-
son, president of the National Baraca
anion, will speak In the evening. Touiis
men and young women Interested In Bible
study are invited to be present Bible
cbool at noon. Toung people s meetlnr
at . Midweek devotional
Wednesday evening at I.
Christ lea.
First. Twenty-sixth and Harney, J if
Kersey. Psstor Preaching at l(r:J0 "and
7S. Bible school at noon. Toung peonle'a
meeting at 1:10. aawuptea
North Side. Twenty-second and T,oth-rop.-
H. J. -KirschstMn. Minister B'ble
school at a. m- Morning worshlD st
I :. Christian endesvor. -.16 n hi.
Svenlnc serv ice st . p. ro. Special
I mne by the chorua chair and a male
quartet .
I" ' Cb.ri.ilaa Se,.BC.
I First, . Twenty-fourth and 61. Mary's
Sunday school at :ti Services at 11 and
S. 8ubject qflesson.-sernjan. ."Truth."...
f Cesuceesratleaal.
.Ssraissra. Tweotr-fifth and Amee Ave
i O. M. llumpaieys, Fasur-Suadaj sctuo(
1 a m.. Drearhinr 11 11 hv Mr I n
Blackmore. Kvenmg service, 7.30, wnh
sermon by the pastor. lTaj-ex meetlns
Thursday evening.
6t. Mary'a Avenue. James Alexander
Jenkins, D. D,. Mmtster Mornlna: wondilp
at N A Sermon by Hev. Cornelius Pat
ton, D. D. Suio by Mies C.onv Duet by'
Mrs. Welly and Mr. Kersey. No
First, Nineteenth snd Davenport. Fred
erick T. Rouse, Pastor Morning worship
st 10:3. Kvemng worship at 7:4. At the
evening service Kev. Cornelius M. Patton
ot boston will give a highly Illustrated
lecture on "African Trails'' He has Just
returned from a i,0tt-mue trip in the 1
heart ot Africa.
K place pel.
All Saints', Twenty-sixth and Dewey
Avenue, T. J. Meekay. Rector Holy com
munion at 7: Church school and kinder
garten at I.Sa. Morning prayer and ser
mon st II.
Church of ths Good Shepherd, Twen
tteih and Ohio, Rev. T. J. Collar. Rector
Holy communion, lam. ejunday school,
9:tS a. m. Morning prayer with sermon,
11 L m. No evening service.
- St. Stephens. Saratoga Hall, Twenty
fourth St aud Ames Ave.. Kev. I.
W. Heaton. Pastor Sunday,
10 a. ni. Morning prayer and sermon,
11 a. m. Continuation clars Sunday
e-enlng at home ot pastor. Mens club
will meet Tuesday evening with W. U.
Maxfleld. "VI Templeton street. Boys'
club on "A ednesdsy at Fort Omaha.
Qrace Preaching at 11 by Rev. Luther
M. Kuhns. Sunday school at 10.
St Paul's. Twenty-eighth and Parker,
Rev. K. T. Otto, Pastor Servk-es at I.
Sunday school in Kngiish at II. JU. liven
ing worsh.p In Kntllih at Theme,
"aplrltual Nutrition.'
St. Mark Enijllsh, Twentieth and
Burdette. U Groli, Pastor "Solemn Awe
in Uod's Presence" st II. "'Plain Religious
Illustrations" at 7:90. Sunday school at
1:4. Young People's Society of Christian
Endeavor at 4i. Caterhlution Wednes
day at J and Friday at 4.
'Kountte Memorial. Farnam St and
S8th Ave., Rev. Oliver 1. Haltaly. Pas
or Services for th fourth Sunday after
(.'niphany. Morning worship and sermon
at 11 o clock. Subject. "A Mldnlsjht Storm
Thnt Illuminates IJfe's Problems." In
the evening at o'clock Mr. Je K. Bar
ton with his large choir will give a
musical service; me pastor will Klve a
short sermon on "The Church ot the
Living Uod." Sunday school at I o'clock,
Mr. Oscar P. Uoodlnan. suiwrintenden.
Dulher lesxue at 7 o'clock. Special
catechetical instruction Sunday afternoon
at eoiock. ins regular classes rn
ay atlernovn at l:li and Friday evening
at 7:15.
St Matthsw'a Enallah. Nineteenth and
Csstellat, Rev. O. W. Snyder, Vastor
Services at W.ii and ?:. At the forenoon
service Rev. J. K. Hummon, pastor until
lately ot the Kountte Memorial i.uineran
ctrarrh, will preach his lait sermon In
Omaha, at he and his family will shortly
move to their new home In lave oak.
Cal. The subject at the evening service
will be "The Supreme Danger Point."
Sunday school at noon. Bible reading and
song service at 7. Catechetical class on
nednesdsv at A and Bova' Athletic cnin
st 7. Moles' Psstor Aid society Thurs
day afternoon at pastor'a resilience, i.
South Fifteenth street, and Bible study I
snd choir rehearsal at tha tarns place in
tne evening.
i Methodist.
Trinity. Twenty-tirst sad Blnney. G. W.
Abbott Pastor Preaching morning and
evening. Morning subject "Truthfulness
In Speech;" evening, "Strayed."
Walnut Hill. Forty-first and Charles,
William Buyera, Pastor Public worship
snd sermon by castor at 10:W and l.M.
Sunday school at nous, lip worth league
at t.3o.
Diet Memorial. J. Franklin Ilaaa. Pas
torMorning service at lo:u with address
by "ililiionslre" Hudson, president of
Baraca movement. Kvemng sermon at
7:N by Pastor. Sunday ecnool at noon, i
Cpworth league at t.M.
German, Eleventh' and Center. Rev. O.
J. Jalser, Pastor Sunday school at 10,
Superintendent Frana Meyer In charge.
Preaching at II by the pastor. Rev.
Charles u Kuemer, district sulivrlatrnd-
snt of Lincoln, wilt preach at-and ad
minister in holy aactament eg the Lord t
upper. . .. ,. 4- V,
First Twentieth and Davenport. P.ev.
Milton B. Williams, pastor Morn ngsorv-
co at ii. suDieri. ins cotters daiur-
day Night or Uod at the Fireside." Kven
Ing ret v lie at 1M. at wlilch a repte
tentative from th charltlea congress will
make the ail dress, Sunday arhool at t ii.
e,pworth leasue ai :3u. slid week meetlns
at 7:4 Wednesday evening.
Hanwom Park, Twenty-ninth and
Woolworth, Rev. K, B. Crawford, I'astor
Morning, service. 10:10, sermon. "The
Miracle of a Holy Ufe." Kvsnlng ser
nce, 74, sermon. "The Best Kiel J for
Service." Kpworth league. :; topic.
"The Heroism ot Pure Devotion to Na
tive Land." Melane Ramsey, leader.
Oak Street. Twentieth and Oak-Sperlal
meetings have been In brosres fur four
weekt with splendid results. Thelricon
tinuance next week a-iil depend on Interest,-
definite announcement ot which
will be niaiie Sunday evening at church,
which will begin at 7:09. HI Me school at
3. Midweek meeting Thursday evening
at a, '
Pearl Memorial. Twenty-fourth and
fArlmor Avenue, Crl 11. Bader. Pastor
Morning worship at 10:10; subject, "Love
The Proof." Sunday School at noon.
Junior league at 3 1. Kpworth league at
O JO. Kvenlng worship st 7:30. Official
board meeting Mon .ay st I. Prayer meet
lns Thursday at at 475K North Twenty
fourth, opposite the church.
First Swedish, corner of North Nine
teenth and Burt Uustav E rick son. Pastor
muioay ecnool, w a. m , led by Frlta K.
isundwall; 11 a. m., preaching aervlce;
subject. "Lesson from a Storm:" S:i it
m., Kpworth Irsgtie service: talk on "The
Soul Winners Qualifications." by the
pastor; cat p. m.. preacr.lng: aubject,
"Lessons from a General's Life." Kxtra
tinging and a hearty welcome to all.
JtfcCahe, Fortieth nnd Famam, the
Rev. John (Irani Shlck, Pastor "undav
school at a. m. Suneilntendent D.
O, Curry In charge. Preaching aervlce
at 11 a. m. and 7:j0 p. m to which all
are Invited. The i:ioiih league ser
vices will be held t:So p. m. Mrs. J. n
Hhick, leader. The prayer meetlns will
be held In the touth looms of the church
on Wednesday night ( I o clock.
Ttie following Sunday school officers
1'ave recently been elected for the year
WIS. Superintendent, D. ). Currv; as
slstanl. turerlnlenucnt C. H. -Chase;
secretary, Mlsa Nellie rtoheatlng; treas
urer. 11. I. Tlioriie: librarian. Miss
Dorothy Shinier: oitinl.t. Miss Msude
Parker; suiierintcndcni cradle roil, Mrs
C. It Chase.
. . Presbyterlaa.
Falnicw, Forty-first snd Pratt. Charles
u. rieming, ra.-tor turns school at I:4.
Afternoon worship at 8; subject, "The
Hub." Tuesday evening ths tuiru ot the
twelve IWHI&3 in Miamie. -
First l.'nlted. Twenty-first and F.inmet,
Aioiuo C. Douglass, Pastor sermon
themes: !: a. m . "Their Jtock and our
Hock "; 7: p. m., "The I lot pel In. at
Nutshell." Bible school at nooa. Young
people's meeting at :.' p. m. N
Central United, Twentv-fourth and
Douse, Hush li. Speer, Pastor Morning
Worship with the observance of the
taersment of the Lord's supper n 1:V
Sabbath school at noon. Young Peoples'
meeting at :.. lA'ening worsnlp at
1 "u JL - "1 v"lu . UVUB
Streets. P.ev. CTwin liart JeilkJ. D. D.,
faster public wo;sr.ip at 1 :Ji. a.lii ser
mon by the pastor. Lvenins worship at
r.M. unnstian inueavor jueettng at :la.
Sunday school at 1J. -
Dundee, Fiftieth and t'ndcrwood Grant
E. Fisher, Minister Morning service. II.
"A Deed-In-Kai neat Seeker After 'lir1tt."
Kvenlng service. 7:'. "The I'Dlifted
Christ." Chrlsiliin Kndcavor. 6-30, vfoe
Foreltn Mlssionajy Whose Life Has Most
Inspired me."
The Church of the Covenant Tsventv-
seventh snd Pratt. Charles 11. Fleming.
raster asorning worsnip si is;; suoject.
"The Hub." Bible school at noon. Kn
dcavor at :4S. Kvenlng worship st 7.3U;
subject "Nsatnsn the Syrisn." Wednes
day evening the third ef the twelve les
sons In Matthew.
North. Cornet Nineteenth and Ohio. M
V. Hlgbee. D. D.. Paitui-Morning wor
ship at MiD, sermon by psstor. Sunday
school at 12. Young le .pie's Society of
Christian Endeavor at :3. Evening serv
ice at 7:10. This Ik the last 8abbath H o ir
old building. Dedication of new building
at Twenty-fourth and Wirt streela Suu
day. February 1 10 30 a. m.
Castei ar Street. Sixteenth and Ca-1-Hsr
Ralph H. Housemsn. Minister Morning
worship at W:30; sermon theme. "Our Con
eeutlons of God Ietern-.inin m tiiii..
Toward Him." Bible s-hool st It Vounr
- iii mi ...t r.vening wor
ship st :4s; suhject " Se-virig Ojr Oe:.
eratlon," the present pastors closing a ,
peal to the youtis peopU- of the nnir,.
galioa. The eitelr is preriariu: s:.:tv
vlcta. -
tsssssssawawawawawawawssssawawawaawasssssss f I sswsssasasssJtaiiasasssstastaBT-t-t'TA atfTftlsMsjist mimtmU '
Your Last Chancel
assihr r'rr '
asBssssCDsstssstSsBgassasssnsa asassssassssasssssssslsml gtTtssaasB tttaassawawawawasawawassasssla.jwsassayss;
Our Great January . Tearing Sale will continue for one week more, ending Saturday. Febnurr S.
It yott ever expert to purchase a piano or player piano jrnu will have aa opportunity during; thev coming
week o obtain the gresuewt bargains which hare been offered daring this most wonoarfnl sale, which
betjaa Janoarj 9 and baa eclipsed all of oar former gales. Below are a few of the ansurpaneeK. values:
Price NOW
Weber Practice Pianos $350 $ 40
Hospe Upright Piano $200 $ 85
Arion Upright Piano $250 $115
Davis & Son Upright Piano. .$225 $125
Voss & Son Upright Piano.. $375 $155
Prlco XOW
Hardman Upright Piano .... $350 $ 150
Steger & Sons Upright Piano..$375 $185
Baldwin Upright Piano . . . . .$400' $175
Knahe Upright Piano . . . . . $450 $210
A number of other values equally aa treat are in onr itore room for your Inspection, llurla-r tho
month of February we will e-ire free eaUnutea on a'l repair work of pianos, player planus and orsana.
We will guarantee all work accepted to be completed promptly and far to 17 charges will be quoted ONLY'.
You caa readily ee what thi means to you In the arlng of dollars, ,
New Pianos for rent $3 per month and i?p.
Free Tuning, Free Insurance and Free Cartage
If piano is rented for 6 months.
We are exclusive represeatatiTe for the match Ires HtHnwajr and Pianola Pianos; also the relo
brated Weber, Hardniau, F.menoa, Steger a Sons, MrPhail, and the sweet toned Srhraoller at Mueller
pianos. Sold from factory to tha home ia every stale of the I'nlon.
Order by mall will receive prompt attention. Write for Illustrated catalogue and price Use
Manufacturers, Wholesaler., Retailers.
1311.1313 rarnam Street . OMAHA, NEBRASKA
Kara Seel Print It.
Otaaha Otaaral sT4spltiL Deaf. aSt.
Oss, Blso. rurtarc, Bamas-ttisnusn.
If aaakl to get Booth's Ousranteeil
Canned Oyster of your dialer, ca l
Dougla l:l for neareat dlrs nsma
Sp Toer Meaer aa Talaaalea In th
American Safe Deposit vaults In Th
Be building. Ilexes rent for 13 per year.
Leap Tear Varty Wsaaeedaj Th
Klk' Dancing club will give a leap year
parly on Wednesday evening, January
11. at th club rooma. Th suffragettes
will have their inning.
Taoaiae Wot a Candidate Theodore
Thomas writes lo Tha Bee that th an
nouncement that he wa to til tor th
office of city commissioner wa tha re
mit of friend' distorted Idea of humor.
jar. nomas ssys no nss no intention ot
running. '
Glee Ols Sings aaday The Omaha
High School Olee club will furnish music
to rth mas meeting of th Kebraaka
Conference of Charltlea and Corrections
at th Boyd theater Cunday sfternooa.
Ths Boyd theater orchestra will play.
Brick Mas doing- te OoaveaUoa Fully
a doten Omaha 'brick manufacturer plan
to attend the annual convention of th
National Association ot Brick Manufac
turers, to be held in Chicago, March t 10
It J. Fred Smith of Omaha I vice presi
dent for Nebraska.
Tilings Cloes Last ef atarsa Filing
for commissioner will close, according to
law, "ten day prior to the ninth of
April.'' Th election will occur th first
Tuesday In May, There are now. ninety
two candidates for commissioner and
other blanka will be taken out befor
tbs time for filing hss elaaped. Karh
petition whan filed must hav th sig
nature of 1(0 outlined elect ore. The
petition filed to date hav been signed
by many more generally, than the law
Tli high school commercial department
I th reciplont ot 161 slightly used pic
ture frames, th gift ef Th Be Publish
ing company, which will be used for ex
hibiting samples of penmanship In tue
writing room at th eohool. Henry Clausen,
th high school penmanship Instructor,
plan to arrange on of th moat exten
sive exhibit of th pen art la the west
nd already baa sufficient materiel to fill
about half of th frame.
Inter In a Fire
or bruised by a fall, apply Bucklen' Ar
nica Salve Cures burns, cuts, wounds.
bolls, sores, acsema. pile. Guaranteed.
Sc. For sal by Beaton Drug. Co.
Key to th Situation Be Advertltln.
Ixiuta Bugarmann, wholesale grocer at
Crete, Is In omeh.
A. A, -fnndee of VI. la. la enjoy.
In a week vacation here with frlenda.
Dr. O. M. Harrington and wife of Ar
lington are vunllng fur a few day will)
friends her.
nupeiintendent John Maslen of the rail,
way mall service hen returned from a
week's visit In Washington.
Ixiula Bsrkwhlst of Mendola. III., la
visiting at the horns ot hi parent at
Hilt North Twenty-fourth street.
K. M. Brass of Grand Island la In
Omsha for a few days on business, air.
Brass la In the Insurance business.
Frank D. Johnston of Ihs railway mall
service hss gone te Wsahlngton on offi
cial bualneea, and ha dnee not expect to
return until th first of next month.
Pastor Himself Relieved of
Bad Case of Catarrh
All Other Efforts
Failed. ;
iter. ueo. a. a. Troutman, zjii wv
rlte: "My wife and I ar atron 3
believer In Peruna. .J
fa , I
! 4 f
with a peculiar apasmodle affastloa ef
th tares. lit would selxe m suddenly
and for a few minute I would be un
able to-speak audibly.' and my breath
v m i E-estly Interfered with. I
would be obliged to gasp for breath.
"J finally concluded that It waa aom
catarrhal aff action ' which probably ex
cited ths spasm, it Interfered with my
vocation' as a preacher, attacking me
occasionally In tbs pulpit.
1 bad heard so much about Peruna
aa a catarrh remedy that I determined
to try It. After taking two bottles, my'
trowels haa disappeared. I feel aura
ai eicatly benefited n.,"
Catarrh of Bowels.
Kev. p. E. Swans trom. Bwediab Bap
tlat Paator. R. B. 4, Granisburg. Wia,
I waa cured of a bad case of catarrbi " '
when nothing else that I tried had any that It la my duty a well aa
effect My wife waa cured from a se- P1'"" to let you know tbst I am per
vere eaee of to grippe, and we feel that;fc"r well," entirely cured of chreaie
the least we can do la to gratefully ac- diarrhea and caurrn. .
knowledge tha merit of Peruna. "I thank you for your directions how
"My wife Joins me In sending best lo use Peru ra. and for your kindness
wishes for your success" ito me. I bare used Peruna according
Throat Trouble. o your personal directions, aod I am
Rev. H. W. Tate. 2 Weal lath StreeVvery glad I found a medicine wh!cn
lndlanapolts, Indisna. writes: ' 'would cure me sfter three year' uuf-
"Kor aevernl years I Lave bean troubled feting." -
South Window
Is filled with bargains in
up to date footwear for
women ' . ,
is the lending price of thia
aggregation of oil leathers
' You may as well be out
of the world ns out of the
fashion so 1
Get a Bargain
ITiey will remain on sale
while they last and sizes
are complete today.
Sorosis Shoe Store
Karbarh Illk. 'M3 8. 13th St.
Treatment for
Nervous Men "
Comln from a aource of unquc
1 1 untrd authority on th allmtniB of
mtmn It Is presumed to b InfBlUlile,
whlU th profrtuloit Knerallr Itt
dora tha ln(rdlnit and prraciilM
them In mmny dlffrnt forma of
vaiioua dliwFKnvii, Tha folio win
formula la highly tffWInt In quick
ly mtoiinc In ncrvoua eithauMlon,
nilanchotta, anvialy, ttmhl.ty In
venturinc, dliiinaM, (Mart palpita
tion, .trembllnc Itmba, insomnia,
thlnnaaa, cold itrmUi9B, tlrM-all-In
fvisilns nnd general Inability to
do thoiro natural and ratioml arts
upon which df-pndi a man's itic
ceaa and hftpptneaa In sHrCjal atnti
very-dy lite.
Tha In at ruction for mixing at
hom aecretly ao that no embar
raaamcnt may ba felt, are aa fol
lows:. First Kl threa ounces of
syrup' sanmpartlla compound and
ona ornira compound fluid baim
wort; mix and let stand two hours.
Than add ona ounce compound es
sence card lot and one ounce tlneturo
cadomene compound Oiot carla-
momt. and'nilx all together. Tho f-
dlrecuona are to take one teairpoon
ful after eaih meal and one when
retiring, until bounding health an4
full strength are restored. Even a
few wrelia will witness moat
wonderful results.
Astonishing nervous forea anl
aqwiibfium folUiw tho treatment,
bo matter how earioua tha case.
This contains no opiate w bat
ever and may also t uat-d by
women who suffVr with their nrr
with absolute or-itainty of prompt
and lastlns uenerUs.-Adv.
Paint Without Oil
Basmarkaala DlsooTsry Tliat Onta XowraT
la Coat of Paint Serant
riTa Per Caatw
A frw Trial Fackaro is Matla4 to BTary-
ea wno wnm. t
A. I. Kce. a pnooilncnt ciftnu-ta turer,
of Adams, N". Y.. Las dbKovervd a. vroaN
of making a arf aind of paint w.ttiout
tha use of o'l. He calls It Podna!nt. ia
comes In Sotm of a dry powtia.- and a
that is renuireu I coid Watt-r to u:a! a,
l.aJnt wcaihrr pro f, lire proof at; J a.-
durable as oil ti rt. It aaheres to oa
surf at e. wood, nf one or trick. npao i,
umI look line oil paint and costs abouX
i ne-fourth as much.
Write to Mr. A. U ?;e. Mannfr.. TT3
North f.. Adams. N. T , and he will aan4
yeu a free trial packac, aiso color car J
and full informatim showing you ho
you can save a good many dollars. WrU
irlrrvraasss sssrs mt 1
mm mmm t. is, eeir
aavie ana reltsle ee
alM7 aeewaw Lars ferttle .
seasae see. mmuu ser ssstMi tree
Josephine Le Fovre Company
miadflpfeia, .,.
ruid bv Peaton lrug i-., the ljr!l Tfrvm
Co.. ed i'otpiiny. -jn:aha
lor these scrvicta.
i Ak Vonr Drnrgist for a Free rernna Almanac for 191i
Best Sporting News
Vh Bee print fall box score
ot all big league games
la ao other Omaha newspaper.