i IHE OMAHA olWUAl tie: JA.TAttl io, IMlL A Pimples Removed , Quickly 'The' Calcium Sulphide TnataeBt I' IWtr Wooden to Every KUd V oC Skla Eruptloea, , . Trial Package kit rm to lreve It Toa don't want to watt forevw and a 'day to get rid ot Tour pimples or other skin eruptlaea Toa want to got rid of itbeat rttlit now. Xnt week you may .want to go somewhere where yoa would ot Uko to hero to take tho pimples along. aVisr 111 r 1 1 1 1 rii nasi! 1 Cot of sty sneiuiee is e . ew Beys y WiU Stuart's Celsius Welera" . ? Tou caa let rid of than Just la time by taking Stuart CaMum Wafera. ;Tbey contain ae tbelr mala Ingredient tha moat thorough, quick and effective felood cloansar known, ealetum sulphide 5. Remember this, toa, that moat Bunpta treatments Irak with poison. And they pre miserably alow besides, r Stuart's Calcium Wafers have aot a article of poiaoa ta them. They ara traa trora aMreury. biting dnica or Ttnomoui Opiates. Tola la absolutely guaranteed. J"bey cannot do any ham. but thsy al ara do rood food that yoa can aaa In tha mirror before your awn, eye a few Bays after, Don't be any longer humiliated by hav lnc a splotchy face. Doa't have strangers attars at yoa, or allow your friends to ba tenanted of row baoauao of your face, I Tour blood Bailee you what you are. jVbe aaa as4 women woo forge ahead kra tboea with aura blood aad auto faces, i Btuarra Calcium Wafera will aaaka yoa fcappr because roar faoa will bo a wel eosie sight not only to youraelf when you look Into tho rises, tut to even bod else Irho knowi you and talka to you. Wo want to provo to you that Stuart's Calduni Waters ara beyond soubt the beat and quick eat blood aad akin partner la itka worid-e wa will esnd you a tree loaraple aa aooa aa wa (at roar nana and -Bddraaa. land, tor It- today, "and then I whoa you hae triad tha sample ywa will .not roat aontaatad until yoa ka bought Ma package at your druggist s. C tend aa your nama aad srlrtrsxs oa the heupon below and wa win at onca aand yoa by auui a sample package, free. Ad 'areas T. A. Stuart Ce in Stuart Bldg. Harebell, Mich. COUNTY IS SHORT-WEIGHTED Commissioners to Look Into Charge Against Coal Company. EYIDIHCE IS QIVZH TO BOA&D Cee'vaeteve - TPereseaua Peas eats Wefghlng Ceeks ta gsppoat f His Cewte-attea. that lMtm Aaa ibewt. - Alleged abort weighing of eoal aold to Douglas county for heating too bow and old county bulldlno wlU ba probed by the Board of County Cowimieatoners, Thla waa decided upon by the board after J. A. Murphy, foremen tor Caldwell Drake, general con tract or a oa the sew county building, had produced evi dence that a toad of oeal delivered by the Union Fuel tampan waa abort Bo pound a ilurphy produced bla erldence la de- fenao of Caldwell A ' prake'a protaat agalnat tha eounty'a fit oeal bid charged to tha general contractora for beating of tha new building. Under a contract with Caldwell Drake tha county baa beta beating tba new bonding from the eame plant with which tha preeeat court -bouee la heated. By tba terne of tha contract tho price the general contractora mart pay the county per month ta de termined by deducting from the eounty'a monthly eoal Mil tha amount paid by tba county per month for eoal a year age. wbea anly tha present building waa heated. raMereH'a Ob)srtl 0. Oeorge W. Caldwell, of the contracting firm, oblected ta tha bill aa excessive and said auch a price aught not ta be charged unlea It bad power to aapervlae the heat ing and protect Itaclf agaaaat OTerchargea. Mr. Murphy aald when the Union Fuel company waa about to deltrar a lead of 00a 1, purporttag ta weigh t,aV pounde, be made the driver weigh It aa the city egalaa And the, cheek sbowed It BO pouada abort. lie produced the bllla and tha city ecalee weighing check to prove bla eta te merit. The eonuntaeloaera aaanlmouety decided to thoroughly Investigate the matter aad In tha future to bunet that all eoal cold the county ba weighed on the city acalea Cliete -that the county la loatng money by burning Cherokee nut from the Union Fuel eotnpaay at flat a toa, when under Ita contract with tba Havene Wblta Coal, company It could get Cherokee team tor K M a ton. alee waa naaee by Murphy, Blare tha general contractora muat bear part of any loaa tba county beare. ba declared the eontraetora ateo uffar frem tale. Farther, he declared that eoma of the eoal cold tha county la far from ,-atlefaetory. Tree Pack&ge Coupon f. A. BTHAM 00, 1 vtaart Blag, Manaall, KUa. and me at once by return mall, a trial pacaaare ef miaaifa Calcium Wafera, abaolutaly tree ta prove It eeeie reeuuo. I I Name M mm treat .. City ,,..M,H. Ma. Rtate 4 . Thaw goof ere, rich t of every t- good JL eaih. ba' f payly Of you ArovamenU good k) on no prairie, good eropi nelfbborhood, wa eloaev 6,t ka rent, but loataad to 14' ilal' 4i you'll pay for a farm 1 Other good farmi 10 for quirk aale. Eagene 41T Ohio Street, Be OTTO KNOW H tha) Kldawva Are) Rcwlijr AfYwtcd; i Ala Giree TUa Mmpto rreacrlp. ) Mom Which AayccM Caa Prepare M Baene at Koenimal Oat, Makea I the lUdBeyg Act Satarally, Forc i 1( Thera to Filter Oat Crie Add, ! Oarfaiff Wont Farma of DyapepeJa aad BhetlBVetaBBa, 'There are more caeca .if khutor treubla faere now tbaa aver bofora, while roe oeperta enow that'ntora people anoaumb leach year to aooa fern of kidney dla- laaeea tbaa any ether eauaa. When there la alHmeaa, examine the ,'Vriaa. Khajimatlam la only a aymptom vt etonaaii and kktaey trouble. It t Aothlag gnora aw loaa than aweaetve uric add la the Mood, whtett the aluggleh. laactlve Mdneya have failed ta etrt out. Searing It ta deounpaoa aad aettle about tba otou aad muaelea, causing tntenee eatfertnaV frequently reeulnng ta deforav tty; ottea reaching tha heart and death Albert Law Upheld ' ; in Oma Hotel Case: Injunction Granted I'Pttolding the Albert law. Judge Leslie y eater day morning granted a permanent lnjunetloa agalnat the Oma hotel, reatrala- ing tba proprietor, Loula W. Prentca, aad Charlee K Fannlag, owner of tho building. from conducting tba koatclry aa a dia drderly reeort , la dectdmg tba eaaa Judge LeaOe holds that walla there may be flawe la the Albert law. there are Bene of eatfV-W Ineportaoce ta bmkaata It, aad that tba penalties provided by tba law ara not azoeaalve, aa waa argued by the defense. Judge Leslie's rultog huldj iinmaetiie- tlonal that acetlon of tba Albert taw which BTovUee that tba attorney repre- aentlng the elate whoa a suit Is finished shall motive W per cent of the tW apo dal tax aaiiind agalnat tha owner ot tho pfwparty. It esmflMa WlU a aectloa of the coBStitatioa which providaa for payment of all tana Into ana daBjaitmont or another af tba public treasury. TMs, however, deea aot tavalldate Ue baleens ef tbe Albert Uw, la Judge LoaUo'i opta- iOB. The ruling, however, doea not go fur. ther into the tax natter aad doea Bet consider whether or not tbe provision far a IX asseatment la constitutional. Judge Leslie holds that tbe building if closed only for illegitimate purposes aad may bo opened and need for legitimate purposes if tba owner gives bond to guarantee that H win aot ka Improperly Ure Has Offer of Bis Vans to Helo Collect the Tax City and County Treasurer W. O. Ure baa received offers, from van owners af their trasuporutlea faeuitiaa abould he need aucfc In collecting personal taiaa The treasurer, however, is loth la employ gay etrtageat sneaaarea and while he spree has tntentloa to eoilest all par. eoaal taxes, be win "m warrants." unUt ba la aatlsflot that a taxpayer w seeking to avoid paying his taxes If auch taxpayers eh oar, a willing. ness to pay wbea able to do so or If a part of tbe Ut la paid and tba net la promised wttata a reasonable time bo attempt will be made ta sell household furnishings or other personal property. Tbe defendants ara permanently en tolned from ooaducting disorderly houses anywhere ks the Judicial district. The court bolda the evidence was ample ta prove that Immoral acta war com mitted In tba betel ewd that la all like lihood the proprietor had knowledge of them. ' A. f. JUtchle. attorney for Prenlca, aad I. J. Duns, attorney tor TannUig, gave notice ot appeal ta tba supreme court. and were gtvea the austosnary tarty days In which ta perfect their appeasa CHy ball affloiala ara- trembUng over ae poaslbla osnoosna of a personal feud started yesterday amrnlng when A. JL Aster, A paving promoter, walked lata tba otnoeof GooiseCempon. assistant dty en- ear, aad csumaUy asked tf be was pre paring mors "eog-ua figures." Mr. Cainpea reseated tha charge and went forthwith ta tbe mayor and the dty at torney to see U be bad any legal ledresa. Finding ha had Bona ha requested Arter to retract ta writing want be had said. TMa Arter refused aad threats of gun play followed. Tba trouble began yesterday wbea the dty engineer's office submitted figures oa paving Jobs oa being asked to strike aa average ot tho coat ot paving In the city. Objection waa made ta tba manner In watch tha average cost was secured and tha documents were withdrawn, to be submitted again at tba lares Ug at) en Mon day. City Engineer Craig says tha figures aa submitted Monday wlU prove that his aereurtxnent la right hi tha meaner In which the average has baea struck. Ow ing ts the varying cost at pavement in tbe different districts, owmalaaed la some places by the ncosasnry uee at much per base, and by ether as rues, Mr. Craig says tha average eost Is difficult ta compute. Meningitis Begins to Worry McQraw KBW TOftK, Jan. r. Manager Mo ri raw ot tha New Tort National league club, tods received a letter from hie ground-keeper. Job Murphy, who aaa m la Marlla, Tax, saying there are reral cases of wterdnaitts la Mertte, but that Bona ot tha patients la seriously affected and el have been Isolated. MeOraw baa beta aaatfta at the bmbIb- gills idee, but now has takes a wKTerewt view af tha matter. Be dislikes changing hla training plana at thla lata aate, bat says ha does not propose to expose any of bis men. He baa written ta Murphy to keep hint posted oa the toaal dtuetwa and to (lea Net Immediate aetice of aay bow outbreaks. Befor'Marphy'a letter arrived Users tery CMea had sent tetters ta all I veteraae at last oeaeeaa chess pi easels team to report to Marlla aa later tbaa Mere i. - - , - Guild Makes Fight ; to Protect Shippers Whether to eliminate reduced ratings on empty beer kegs, steel tanks, araeker cans, heavy cement bags aad ether re ceptacles, returned 'empty to Polnt of shipment, was the proposition moat vital to Omaha at the recent snooting at tha western ckuslflieuloa committee at Gal veston, reports Commissioner J. M. Build of tbe Csaiiatrnlal club, who hat returned frem the meetlag- A strong case tor the retention of pres ent sating aa these articles waa made, with expectation of favorable action by the committee, according to Mr, MM. If the rating wore eliminated, the Omaha breweries we sat. be put out of business and tha craoaer oompanlea. Preet-evLlte eeatnany aad wholesale druggists would be seriously effected,. Tbe usual ociecttos was made -byk western -shippers ta the peranlally recurrent proposal' for mixed carload ratines. . ' ' Mr. Ound not only reprissaiil tea Omaha OessaanwaeJ ohia. but the OBsa aaeree cbib af Bt. Joseph, tba 1 easels Commerctel alub and tba Oolorade Maoa facturera association. CITY BEAUTIFUL- EXPERT TO BE HERE NEXT MONTH Charles Matter city planning, who hv retained aa clty beautiful" advise by manlctpallOes. Will he rebruary. M. Free! dent Marten f the Real Bslete ' earhanga wtB ayraage far a eoasavanco with him for tba aey aeaa alog eaweunlUoe of atw eeeheaem Mr. Rpbtneoa aoee aot apeak In public . bat the exchange, hopes as get steas from aim mreugk tba fvineel Paine cross the barx. freqoeat, pala tal and suppressed artnetioa and other aymptoma of weak bladder ara aot the eely sigas ot kidney trouble; many cases af stesaecfc tin as as, bsadarbe, pale la tbe heart. Inactive brer. etc. are but STmptasna: tbe causa of which caa be tenced to feoMe, slogged klooeys. A simple test ot this anna Is ta veld a small auantity la a bottle or glass and let kt stand over night: next avaralng. tf there ss a reOdieh. brtck-dust sediment ea white fleecy substance preeeat, either caasult aosre reputable psrsictaa or take a good prescript tea ereatxeeat. The fot losing preacrtptSoa is reeuiauetoded high- ly m these cases aad the sufferer can sax It at bosae: Field Extract Jumper Brrrlea, oae ounce; Compound riotd Kalmwort, one ounce: Com po sad Syrup at Hyoopsospmtse, four emaeas. Shake VeO sad osa m tcaspexemful deees before esveb meal and at bed tuna, There aay ot tbe s in plume enunser . atrJ above ara present good results are aare to follow bmroed lately tho aea ef aUa simple treaUneM Adr CITY ATTORNEY ENTERS COMMJSSIONERSHIP RACE City Attorney Rlne baa tiled Ms petl- tiea for oommlasloner. C. J. Aaderaoa bss also tiled, lacresslag the riambir af flHngs ta oleewa. Others wba have filed are Oeorge M. Sco field and Louie Berks. Fred fcaroeaer aaa applied tee aad has bora gives a commleeloeiereblp blank. R J. Tompeett and Joaathaa Uwards have aiee aacured baanka, making a total of M Maaks given one . FRESH KEN ASKED TO STAY AWAY FROM H. S. MONDAY rrtscipej MeHugh ef tht Oataba High scboel smussta that ad freahmeo guy away frees tba high school Monday and work Taewday ismliei This deaa to avoid tbe renfmeloa which enly foliow tbe wusearoua ebanges wbieh are asiseseiji la eejaet mg the tli ins at the epeeuag ef the sec- Old Eesident Dies v' of Acute Gastritis Frances Cordelia Jeaklas, widow af Clarence B. Jenkins, who died about etevea years ago, succumbed to acute gastritis last evening at f Jt o'clock. Bbe suffered from tho attack oaly about fif teen hours, Ike wag years old and made her home with her daughter, Mrs. I. A, Medlar, CZ7 Harney street. Mas. Jenkius had bean a resident af Omaha tor many years, having ooras hers la UM. Bar maiden Basse was Witting and aba was married to Clarasos K. Jenkins In 1MT. Of thsf ttrrtoa tha foil ow ing ehl'drea survive! Mrs. Medlar aad Miss Xvelya Jenklrai of thla ' dty a Cbuvnre B. Jankras of lam Angeles. Fu neral arrangements ara deferred pending word front tho cam oral a son. PAYING PROMOTER IS WROTH A. A. Arter and AiiiitAat Eniaier Eare t Xirelj Jfiznp. GUI BSOUGHT UTO TEE FLAT Wire Arter mefasde te stetrect His gtatesseBt Cam pee Calia Cpeat -Mayee end City Attarawy far tlgb e lebsel Boys Osgaalss. M. . L . . W W , I 1 11V imjjm i nm imnivi acnovi nave organised a basket bell ssuad aad started regulsr sftsrnooa practice in tbe gym nasium at tbe Unlverdty of Omaha About fifteen youngsters ara working out for plaeeo oa the regular five, which promises to be one of the foremost of the laoal grade schools at the floor gams this year. Negro is Killed at South Omaha Oyer - Thirty Cents Lost Trouble ever a, crap game endWvs sxur der yesterday afternoon at I'll o'clock In Sovtk Omaha when BUI Uoeley teued Jack xteTBOlds with tba butt aad af Winchester rifle. Both are Begroea, Bey aoid'a skull was crushed aad ha died on the epet where he ten. The murder ooauiiod ta Dooieya bar bar shoe, IS North Twenty-sixth etreot. In the rear of the place Pooler conducts a gambling dsn frequented by negroes. Kayaoids. who has served time in tbe penitentiary for cutting Cluarisa Rober, and who is generally known as a bully engaged la a crap game aad lost W cents, whereupon ho threw oae ot tbe dice la the surra Dooley demand ed pay ment for tho dice and worda followed. Reynolds was put out of the place when ba kicked up a rumpus, but ba rushed back at Dooley wuh a half a, swreedlng In stabbing aad alaahlsg tba barber gambler In tho back. In tha eculfle Dooley grabbed his rlfl aad shot Reynolds In tha right hand. He became so Infuriated that be agala rushed at his opponent, and It was then that Dooley reversed tha ends ef the gun and with a heavy blow crushed Rey nold's skull. Dooley Is la Jail, and the body of Rey nolds at held at Larkln a undertaking establishment pending the Investigation. MAN FOUND UNCONSCIOUS; DIES 0FHEART FAILURE Aa aged man who waa found uneoa soiocs la tba areeway of a store at Twenty-fourth and M streets. South Omaha, at 30 o'clock last night, died forty minutes hater at tha South Omaha polios station. Heart failure hi believed to have baea tbe sense of death. From papers ta his pockets the mas la believed to bava been James McKonna of Platta Center. A certificate of deposit for taot waa found. Ho appeared to ha about ft years old. Hut clothing Is of expensive material. KHiKAID RAPSGRAIN OPTIONS Sixth Diitriet jtepnoentatiTe iBtro - duet Bill to Stop Ojrtrttiotix, W1DZ X3TZKIST 70 TUXXBS eemanrn, Internee te WrOTont (Sea bllag ta rreelwete of Fsursa, Bex f erred to Ceesusettteo on Aawieeltare, (Frem a Staff Correspondent) WASHINGTON. D..C Jan. r.pecsal TelegTaxa.) Representative Kiakald to day Introduced a ball designed to pet a stop to gambling la options oa ootton, grain aad other farm products, Treaamls. aioa of telegraphic m savages to consum mato trades at farm products which can not bo aetuejly delivered oa eontraet ttma ars contraband, and all - persons and parties to aneh contracts or who send sock messages ara made criminally liable and subjected to heavy fine or imprison ment, or both. Mr. Kinkald aaid la dieruaelng tha measure that It was ot wide interest to tha fanners of tho country, and that as a matter of fact It waa becked by an or ganisation of fanners which had many members In Nebraska and la every other state In tba union. The government has dona much," geld Mr. IClnkaid, "in aiding farmers to In crease the yield of their farma through the department of sgricuKuxa, But In the mattrr ot priors no each protection Is afforded at present and they ara often at tha mercy ot apeeulatora who control Prices wUheot having a dollar Invests in actual farm products. It as believed that the preeent bin mere nearly soak as farm producta subject to tho eeoootnis laws of supply and demand, rather than to tha artificial condWioria created by gamblers In margins. Tha bill la to be referred to tha committee of agriculture. A similar measure will bo prevented la tha senate, it Is understood. In the sear future.' Bepraseataiivo Kinks id today reeoro- xoended W. O. Jonas to be postmaster at Bunrell, Garfield county, to succeed P. S, Belgoon, resigned. Eczsma Began Whan Three Weeks Old. Arms, Sltadrs and Breast a Solid Scab. Boils Broke Out During Teething. Used Cuticura Soap and Ointment, and He Was the Picture, of Health. m&Jaoicsmai.Oilseeaooprbirx.Cblo. "My eon was esaut three weeks aad wbea I wjachawaiesubstsflmooasd. Albert Une sraw, bss ersas. snewswrs and at a few days becsase a saad sssh. The Isule faUew waa under nest xesat lor absat three saanlhs By tha sad af stae da-awsd tbe use af Coaisam oesp aad Oiasaawit, and bt a fewdars aoOloed sxearked ekaoge. Tbe emp Bos os ka rtuks was slsxost healed, and bla shouiasw, anas sad breast were deiwleilly better. When ha was about ssvea xesath aid. ad warn af the enema was goaa. "Derkig bis Issihaig period, ha head and face wars broken out it boils wtucb I cured with Caoeura Soap and Owtment. Barely he Bsssi hove bssn a greet saOsrer. Dsrleg Ibeueseef Hsthsng lassd tbe Dilkuis swap sad CQIIasn Oct is est, natbksg aba, sad baa ars years aid ha was tba picture ef health. Bis ssmphivlna waa sort sad beauti ful, sad ba heed e ssssj of snky eurle. I sad bees afraid that ha weabl never be wen, sod I leal una I owes great deal la tba Otrueurs sVsnedMe (rMgaea; Mm. Mary W. Kacaeay, ept, M. Uia I orntnsasl ara sold of each mtSed traa. wtab IVa. beak. Addrfss, "Oasssura," Dept. T, Beaton. Teneee-gued mea shoald akeea with Cigsssui ceiap skjeriog Stiok. THE OMAHA BEE Omaha ' Great Home Paper Ml ! fct litetoni ,. A Tho groateat M0NET-8AV1N0 opportualty of the onUro year; tlmo whoa It boconag saossaary (or no to mako an ' I - abaoluud CUBAN-DP of thousands of dollars' worth ot good, sound, trustworthy, saw stylo furniture, bads, enroots. X I rugs, atovea, eurtajns, dxaportos and other homo f urntkhlng s-tramendotuly laxga quanUtlea-at RXDUCTI0NS OF FROM aC IS TO to rca CENT-aach Brtoo ticket tolls tho talo of profit. If aver there waa an 0PP0BTUN1TY to bur with ovary ft I ka"MBDt la tho punshaaer's favor, that opportaaltr to hero; tho COMJlJsTsUCBaB est variety, tho 8TBitU,NQ CHAR- . - If ACTER of tho goods, tho UNRESTRICTED OFFERING ot absolutely overruling wllhont reserve, combine to giro hotoefur- U f nlahlng aacftera aa sitraordlnary advantage. Our bay em pro si ready ta tha marVots. eoatractlDg tor tho 00m lng aoaaon't gooda; thla merohandlaa will soon be oa tho way, henco It boeomoa aaoaaaary to mala room for their reception hy effacuof a prompt olaaraAoa ox au auraltoro and Iarnlghlo(g jtow oa hand, thercforo tho aala la genarsj throigaani oil LA.HQE BT0RE8. ' - f .1 e (I Phi Rho Sigmas ; Will Give Banquet Members ot the PM Rho Blgma fra ternity af Crssrhtaa Medical college wla sarnirrl tha recent candidates at tho lasyal this evening. Dr. IX C. .Bryant, dean of tho xtedloal department, wul ba bsastmaater and during tba course ot tba basqust several faculty members of tha fraternity., will respond. Among the Initiates for tha present year arm BJ. Maairt r. Ryder H. Murphy CUos Delta w, p. Mursojr . loung A. Barr C O. Moore p. hi Her! J. B. kUeyla UUstater URE WANTS NO OFFICE , SEEKEHS ON HIS FORCE City and County Treasurer Ure baa de cided that employes ta Me. depart ment must sever their eennectloa with the dry or oooary payroll upon entering the race tor dty. offies Clled at the spring eieeoon. Bo has ae objection ta thewsutalag tba aamer oas petloeos ketng eireelated.- bat wui not lalsrata tha office-seeker aa a mem ber of bis atOee ferce, Other deaeu-tsaawte la tbe alty hall are snnsliWrlrt such a policy, but sees beve yet notified eeaplovea that they must stay out af pontics and pay attenhoa strtotly to their business. While heeds at some deaertiacnu have aot prohibited thaw em ployee entering tho rase tor psUtlcal ef Oeo they bars been slsosursglag . tha habit. - -'., Dermatologist Gives ' Complexion Secret Frisk tie I raise . la tba stassach. tea-aid Hver. tanaa back and weak kidneya ars aeon roacvod ay Easctna Bttters. Gsawanteed. tas. For aale by Beaton Drug Co. The key to success ta business la the htdicloua and persistent aaa af asaspapei advertising. The great secret .of hissing the face ysejag at to keep eft tha dead cutlese." said Dr. J, Mortimer Mitchell, tha Beted Bogueh dersaatnsteBat. now vtstUng this country. (t Is wet known (hat tba our. faoa skia la eoastantly dying, failing off la imperceptible partlclee, except hi some Olsnsasd condi tkwa, when the same ap pear ka daadrurt. Bat tha aarucieB da not drop off tmnwdlataly they die, being beat tor awhile by the Ive skis. Ta have tbe aornuuotogkal aaigaua peel eft tbe entire cuticle at aae tuna ss a painful and expeastva opera Uocl The results Is obtained by applying ordi- wax. aa yoa woead seed bt eeffWent. -Tas nra- both pal aires and lii ipeesli s The wax. procurable at your drug stores, bssn as tha aataral akertrllng rr n io It gradually absorbs tho dead and halt-dead akin, jereaang tbe new, healthy, youtk- ta.--Adv. "rany eewa sasnea Sfwte eiliv aweaw euarastMrtw .SBvwwe araa amawaaW eelViiVip Waaf ssWsaAegl ajB ea,ejyaasi Ba4 wM W faasbr amO; awajp s nwa lx As! s A WlbaiVt Our Convenient-Paying Plan Solves the Problem r r Now at J- only Here Is an exceedingly strongly made solid whits oak sable, oxtenda to six feet; tba pedestal la nsusrlvs and tha top la vary large. II Is highly polished and every part eareftuly finished. TharTe worth ls.it. . Bpeclal during thai sale tho price ke only $9V Dining Rooci Furniture Rsgular hit eriee 15j00 8.80 29.50 17.50 33.00 19.63 Parlor Goods Reguuvr Bale . Price, " rrlea, la Dainty S-Flooo 8aitoa 2.0 15.78 14 4-Pleoo MAhogany, - 811k'- Plush, gsnulao . leather 17.10 I7M 11 Maaalvo Ovarwtaffed Rocker 14. 175 tl QmrUnt Oak Rock. ars. Imperial leather 1.1 4M 14 Quartered Oak MorrU Chair w.75 ULSnEL & swa.' ma n I 43 Golden Oak Extension Tables, 6 feet..... $ 9.00 $ 6.75 29 Massive Pedestal Exten sion Tables, 6 feet 14 Quartered Oak Pedestal Tables, 6 feet... 12 Heary Mission Extension , Tables, 6 feet ..j 19 S-t oot Quartered Oak Ex tension Tables . . . , 35.00 23.75 10 Quartered Oak Side-, boards .38.00 2325 U-Solid Oak Sideboards... 22M 13 M 26 Solid Oak Buffetsj..... 280 . 18.75 16 Mission Buffets ........ 18.00 9.85 S-Maiopany Buffets 150JX) 75.00 12 Oak China Cabinets..... 2400 1L95 95 Wood Seat Chairs. 1.75 .87 66-Oak Leather Seat Chain 4,00 210 40-Slip Seat Quartered Oak Chairs..... 7X0 3.75 Bedroom Furniture Kegular frioa, v 43 Coldaa Oak or 11 aho aay FlaUh Dresser.. 1UI 1 1 Goldea Oak or hUhog- any Jlnish Dresser. . JM4 II BeaoUful Blrusara Maclo Dreeaer IS.tv t Ooouine) Matioginy Colonial Driujaer 7S.04 j Magnificent Circas sian Walnut Pressor ,$!. It OoldD Oak Chit. fooler ' l.9 t Quartered Oak Chif fonier 11.44 1UM 4 Naat Iron Beds .... 4.49 JO IT ConUnBong Foot Iron Beds 11.00 iM 14 Iron Bed, t-tach post 14.00 IM 11 Mlsatom Brasa Bads 24.00 14-t9 A7adcrfil Din tl Chiir Vilie A lif aUrpfg a-j j These handsome chain are con structed of 'the best solid .oak with broad quar tered oak panel hack. They are made with box seats and ara upholstered in gen- Tho rocuiar 11 Imperial- leather. Txlna Is 1.0 each. Library Goods II Solid Oak Library ' TMeo ......... .. 14 Mia. Ubrary Tables lt--)tisjtere4 Oak or Oenalno Mahofaar library Tables 1 Mission Fumed Oak Rocker .... ...... 14 4mituoa Laatkar Da vec porta 11 Unlfold Imperial Leather Davx&porU Regular frioa, 110.00 11.40 f 4-05 9M 150 18-tVI 1X80 ' VJSO 14.10 tSJtQ 44.TS MJZS TMa excellent all-etael bed ta saade with 4 deierstsd pauaels at tba head aad feet beard: bee aoavy poets aad wary beau tiful dsaigne: oaa be bad la all colors ef tbe beet enamel; alee Varnia eaartla. It la truly aa a msslng value. Regular price UMi now $4L' 9 4UB 1TJ5 aue da.Be de.eo 4.7a Beautiful Rugs Regular Price, 0x11 Wilton Velvet Rags 114.40 txll SanilasaVelret Ragx J0 S-Sxl0- Wlltoa Vecvat cvusat .... Ixll Heavy Axnttajtor... Ozlt Brneeeai t-xlO- Braaoeht 1x4 ATmlrrator Bags..... 4x0 Keversihle Art Bogs. 44.40 11.40 JI.I4 17.40 S.7I t.iO fiejKi 14VT0 UJB 1S .as ajts ;P?e,l0 IgaTTfJ SPLENDID DRESSER BARGAIN la this dresser we offer a rare barrain- It is made of aolidC oak, vith 3 larre drawers, a plate mirror f and extra large base. They are high ly polished and conntruct- -. ed in a most attractive design. Yon will be rorprised at the Mg vsJno offorod ta this . 7S draaaar. Regular prtca .TS; for that asJ........'FW n 1414-1416-1418 DOUGLAS ST. wsm 1414-1416-1418 DOUGLAS ST.